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Preview Ohio Media Spectrum 1997 - 1998: Vol 49 Index

Index to Volume 49 of Ohio Media Spectrum ~ Wanted - nominations for OEL- Case for flexible scheduling and co- MA awards and scholarships. operative planning in the elemen- About those retirees. v.49, no. 3:20 v. 49, 2:39 (Fall 1997). tary school library media center, (Fall 1997). The. Cocklin Betty. v. 49, no. 2:25 ALA in San Francisco. Tope, Barbara. (Summer 1997). vo. 49, no. 3:35 (Fall 1997). x CATALOGS, CARD ALA Councilor's report. Brodie, In loving memory of the purple Carolyn. v. 49, no. 2:35 (Summer Benedum, Sheila. UCAP program card catalog. Pandora, Cherie 1997). moves ahead. v.49, no. 4:17 (Winter Pettit and Naftzger, Karen S. Ambrose, David. Introducing 1998). v. 49, no. 3:32 (Fall 1997). INFOhio-L. v. 49, no. 1:20 (Spring Berkowitz, Robert E. Education for Censor: Do you know one when you 1997). the 21st century: the Big Six Skills® see one, A? Cornette, Linda. v. AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIA- approach to information literacy. v. 49, no. 4:13 (Winter 1998). TION 49, no. 2:30 (Summer 1997). CENSORSHIP see ALA in San Francisco. Tope, Bar- BIG SIX SKILLS® InSIGHT. Cornette, Linda. bara. v. 49, no. 3:35 (Fall 1997). Educatiofnor the 21st century: the CHANGE ALA Councilor's report. Brodie, Big Six Skills® approach to in- Change has no constituency. v.49, Carolyn. v. 49, no. 2:35 (Sum- formation literacy. v. 49, no. no. 3:4 (Winter 1998). Mathies, mer 1997). 2:30 (Summer 1997). Bonnie. v. 49, no. 3:4 (Fall 1997). From ALA's Library Advocacy BOOKS AND READING Changing roles, changing vision. now! v. 49, no. 1:8 (Spring Award winning adult fiction. v. Mathies, Bonnie. v. 49, no. 1:4 1997). 49, no. 1:8 (Spring 1997). (Spring 1997). Another picture of OELMA. Han- Brodie, Carolyn. 1997 notewor- OELMA restructuring and qual- ning, Ann. v. 49, no.2:10 (Sum- thy children’s non-fiction. v. 49, ity improvement. Mathies, mer 1997). no. 4:30 (Winter 1998). Bonnie.v. 49, no. 4:4 (Winter Around Ohio. Tope, Barbara. Recently named award and 1998). Philo High School. v. 49, no. 2:17 honor books. v. 49, no. 4:10 Changes at AECT/DSMT. v. 49, no. (Summer 1997). (Winter 1998). 2:36 (Summer 1997). Northwest High School (Scioto Ward, Peta. Passport to reading. Chellis, Cathryn see County, McDermott, Ohio) vol. v. 49, no. 4:27 (Winter 1998). Just the FAQs 49, no. 3:25 (Fall 1997). What are they reading? v. 49, no. Cocklin, Betty. The case for flexible Greene County Career Center (Xe- 4:10 (Winter 1998). scheduling and ccoperative planning nia , Ohio). v. 49, no. 4:18 (Win- Brodie, Carolyn. in the elementary school library me- ter 1998). ALA Councilor’s report. v. 49, no. dia center. v. 49, no. 2:25 (Summer ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCA- 2:35 (Summer 1997). 1997). TIONAL COMMUNICATIONS 1997 noteworhty children’s non-fic- Computer purchases now tax free for AND TECHNOLOGY tion. v. 49, no. 4:30 (Winter Ohio teachers. Mitchell, Steve. v. Changes at AECT/DSMT. v. 49, 1998). 49, no. 4:7 (Winter 1998). no. 2:36 (Summer 1997). BUCKEYE BOOK FAIR COMPUTERS see 1997 OELMA awards and schol- Buckeye book fair grant applica- Just the FAQs. arship. v. 49, no. 2:31 (Fall tions announcement. v. 49, no. Correlating materials to proficiency 1997). 1:8 (Spring 1997). tests. Minier, Roger. v. 49, no. 2:15 AWARDS (Summer 1997). Award winning adult fiction. v. Cornette, Linda. see 49, no. 1:8 (Spring 1997). InSIGHT ~ = Buckeye Book Fair grant applica- CURRICULUM PLANNING tions announcement. v.49, no. Case for flexible scheduling and 1:8 (Spring 1997). C.A.T.: a workable instructional de- cooperative planning in the el- 1997 OELMA awards and schol- sign model for media specialists, ementary school library media arship. v. 49, no. 2:31 (Fall The. Lee, Judy Raven. v. 49, no. center, The. Cocklin, Betty. v. 1997). 2:20 (Summer 1997). 49, no. 2:25 (Summer 1997). Recently named award and honor Capital City Column. Carter, Carl. CURRICULUM PLANNING - books. v. 49, no. 4:10 (Winter v. 49, no. 1:9 (Spring 1997). MODELS 1998). v. 49, no. 2:6 (Summer 1997). C.A.T.: a workable instructional Research award: The Ohio Library v. 49, no. 3:7 (Fall 1997). design model for media special- Foundation. v. 49, no. 4:25 (Win- What is a good school? v. 49, no. ists, The. Lee, Judy Raven. v. ter 1998). 4:11 Winter 1998). 49, no. 2:20 (Summer 1997). Vol. 49, No. 4 35 Integrating technology into the mer 1997). 1997-98 Governance Advisory curriculum. Gill, Suzanne L. v. Financial report to the OELMA mem- Board, The. v. 49, no. 3:18 (Fall 49, no. 3:28 (Fall 1997). bership from the Treasurer. Hinkle, 1997). Pat. v. 49, no. 4:8 (Winter 1998). INFOhio K-12 curriculum & in- FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING struction, MARC enhancement «®- Case for flexible scheduling and and information literacy skills. cooperative planning in the Lequeya, Lois. v. 49, no. 2:14 Davidson, Barbara. The media/tech- elementary school library me- (Summer 1997). nology specialist in the K-12 school. dia center, The. Cocklin, Betty. Introducing INFOhio-L. Am- v. 49, no. 1:23 (Spring 1997). v. 49, no. 2:25 (Summer 1997). brose, David. v. 49, no. 1:20 DeFrange, Tim. A process for choos- Fredericka, Terri. see (Spring 1997). ing among Pro lectronic Li- INFOhio news and notes Report on the INFOhio Union brary, SearchBank, or EBSCO - one Catalog Quality records librarian 's experience. v.49, no. 3:20 Project - 1997. v. 49, no. 2:13 (Fall 1997). ais (Summer 1997). Digest this! An annotated list of tech- UCAP program moves ahead. nology resources. Chellis, Cathryn. Benedum, Sheila. v. 49, no. 4:17 Get involved! Become a dragon- v. 49, no. 416 (Winter 1998). (Winter 1998). slayer. Mathies, Bonnie. v. 49, INFOhio news and notes. Fredericka, no. 2:4 (Summer 1997). Terri. - - Gilded Age in America, The. Sawhan, Case studies of INFOhio schools. v. Joanne Parnes. v. 49, no. 3:14 (Fall 49, no. 1:9 (Spring 1997). EAST CLEVELAND CITY (OHIO) 1997). v. 49, no. 2:12 (Summer 1997). SCHOOLS Gill, Suzanne L. Integrating technol- v. 49, no. 3:17 (Fall 1997). INFOHio news and notes. v. 49, ogy into the curriculum. v. 49, no. Statewide library initiatives an- no. 1:14 (Spring 1997). 3:28 (Fall 1997). nounce increased cooperation with Education for the 21st century: the GREENE COUNTY (OHIO) VOCA- “Libraries Connect.” v. 49, no. Big Six Skills® approach to infor- TIONAL CENTER 4:15 (Winter 1998). mation literacy. Berkowitz, Rob- Around Ohio. Tope, Barbara. v. Inglis, Kari. see also ert E. v. 49, no. 2:30 (Summer 1997). 49, no. 4:18 (Winter 1998). Observations . . . the Editor EDUCATION - OHIO Good news from EDLINC. v. 49, no. seealso Capital City Column 2:15 (Summer 1997). Correlating materials to profi- -H- Some final thoughts from the editor. ciency tests. Minier, Roger. v. v. 49, no. 2:37 (Summer 1997). 49, no. 2:15 (Summer 1997) Hannah Online. v. 49, no. 2:19 (Sum- Worthy of your attention. v. 49, no. Some statistics of interest... v. mer 1997). 3:37 (Fall 1997). 49, no. 2:38 (Fall 1997). Hanning, Ann. InSIGHT. Cornette, Linda. EDUCATIONAL TESTS & MEA- Another picture of OELMA. v. 49, v. 49, no. 1:9 (Spring 1997). SUREMENTS no. 2:10 (Summer 1997). Responsible users vs. filtering or Correlating materials to profi- OELMA’s Executive Director. v. blocking software. v. 49, no. 2:8 ciency tests. Minier, Roger. v. 49, no. 1:6 (Spring 1997). (Summer 1997). 49, no. 2:15 (Summer 1997). Higgs-Horwell, Melissa. S.O.A.R. Who do you call? v.49, no. 310 (Fall EHOVE JOINT VOCATIONAL web list . With Joseph, Gary. v. 49, 1997). SCHOOL (MILAN, OHIO) no. 3:12 (Fall 1997). A censor: Do you know one when INFOHio news and notes. v. 49, Hinkle, Pat. Financial report to the you see one? v. 49, no. 4:13 (Win- no. 1:16 (Spring 1997). OELMA membership from the Trea- ter 1998). ELECTRONIC MAIL SYSTEMS surer. v. 49, no. 4:8 (Winter 1998). INTERNET Introducing INFOhio-L. Ambrose, HUBER HEIGHTS (OHIO) CITY Gilded Age in America, The. David. v. 49, no. 1:20 (Spring SCHOOLS Shawhan, Joanne Parnes. v. 49, 1997). INFOhio news and notes. v. 49, no. 3:14 (Fall 1997). OELMA On-line with Gary Jo- no. 1:16 (Spring 1997) Hannah online. v. 49, no. 2:19 seph. v.49, no. 1: 13(Spring 1997). (Summer 1997). Experiences of a school library media Media center home page: essen- specialist in Kwazulu, South Af- ole tial design considerations, The. rica. Rosario, Joy. v. 49, no. 4:23 MacDonald, Randall, M. v. 49, (Winter 1998). In loving memory of the purple card no. 1:29 (Spring 1997). catalog. Pandora, Cherie Pettit S.0.A.R. web list. Joseph, Gary and Naftzger, Karen S. v. 49, no. E. and Higgs-Horwell, Melissa. alte 3:32 (Fall 1997). v. 49, no. 3:12 (Fall 1997). INFOHIO Introducing INFOhio-L.Ambrose, FILTERING SOFTWARE see also INFOhio news and David. v. 49, no. 1:20 (Spring 1997). see InSight. v. 49, no. 2:8 (Sum- notes 36 Ohio Media Spectrum -J- ent if Microsoft started build- v. 49, no. 4:4 (Winter 1998). ing cars. v. 49, no. 1:27 (Spring Overview of the 1997 Concurrent Joseph, Gary. 1997). Conference, An. v. 49, no. 2:38 see also President's Message Minier, Roger. Correlating materials to (Summer 1997). S.0.A.R. web list. Joseph, Gary E. proficiency tests. v. 49, no. 2:15 Photo highlights of the 1997 and Higgs-Horwell, Melissa. v. (Summer 1997). MidWinter Conference. v. 49, 49, no. 3:12 (Fall 1997). Mitchell, Steve. no. 1:18 (Spring 1997). OELMA on line with Gary Joseph. Computer purchases now tax free for Photo highlights of the 1997 an- v. 49, no. 1:13 (Sprin g 1997). Ohio teachers. v.49, no. 4:7 (Win- nual conference. v. 49, no. 4:x Just the FAQs. Chellis, Cathryn. ter 1998). (Winter 1998). v. 49, no. 1:9 (Spring 1997). Technology helps me enjoy learning. OELMA - FINANCES v. 49, no. 2:16 (Summer 1997). v. 49, no. 4:21 (Winter 1998). Financial report to the OELMA "R” is for RAM. v. 49, no. 3:23 MULTILIS membership from the Trea- (Fall 1997). INFOhio news and notes: Why surer. Hinkle, Pat. v. 49, no. Digest this! An annotated list of MultiLIS? v. 49, no. 2:12 (Sum- 4:8 (Winter 1998). technology resources. v. 49, no. mer 1997). ORCLISH, COLUMBUS, OHIO 416 (Winter 1998). INFOhio news and notes. v. 49, no. 1:17 (Spring 1997). -N- lis oBe Naftzger, Karen S. In loving memory Lee, Judy Raven. The C.A.T.: a work- of the purple card catalog. With able instructional design model for Pandora, Cherie Pettit. v. 49, no. Pandora, Cherie Pettit. In loving media specialists. v. 49, no. 2:20 3:32 (Fall 1997). memory of the purple card catalog. (Summer 1997). 1997 noteworthy children's nonfiction. With Naftzger, Karen S. v. 49, no. LEARNING DISABILITIES - PER- Brodie, Carolyn S. v. 49, no. 4:30 3:32 (Fall 1997). SONAL NARRATIVES (Winter 1998). Passport to reading. Ward, Peta. v. Mitchell, Steve. Technology helps 1997 OELMA Award & Scholarships. 49, no. 4:28 (Winter 1998). me enjoy learning. v. 49, no. 4:21 v. 49, no. 3:31 (Fall 1997). PERIODICALS-INDEXES- (Winter 1998). NORTHWEST HIGH SCHOOL, EVALUATION Lequyea, Lois. McDERMOTT, SCIOTO COUN- Process for choosing among INFOhio news and notes: Why TY, OHIO MultiLIS? v. 49, no. 2:12 (Sum- Around Ohio. Tope, Barbara. v. Library. SearchBank, or mer 1997). 49, no. 3:25 (Fall 1997). EBSCO, one librarian's expe- INFOhio K-12 curriculum & in- rience, A. DeFrange, Tim. v. struction: MARC enhancement 49, no. 3:20 (Fall 1997). and information literacy skills. v. -O- PHILO (OHIO) HIGH SCHOOL 49, no. 2:14 (Summer 1997). Around Ohio. Tope, Barbara. v. "LIBRARIES CONNECT’ 49, no. 2:17 (Summer 1997). Statewide library initiatives an- Observations .. . the Editor. Kari Inglis. President's message. nounce increased cooperation v. 49, no. 1:7 (Spring 1997). Joseph, Gary with "Libraries Connect.” Collection, A. v.49, no. 4:6 (Winter The OELMA pasture. v. 49, no. Fredericka, Terri. v. 49, no. 4:15 1998). 4:5 (Winter 1998). (Winter 1998). Mom’s going to her books again. v. Mathies, Bonnie 49, no. 3:5 (Fall 1997) Changing roles, changing visions. New Year's Resolutions. v. 49, no. v. 49, no. 1:4 (Spring 1997). a 2:5 (Summer 1997). Get involved! Become a dragon- OELMA slayer. v. 49, no. 2:4 (Sum- MacDonald, Randall M. The media see also President's Message mer 1997). center home page: essential design About those retirees. v.49, no. 3:20 Change has no constituency. v. considerations. v. 49, no. 1:28 (Fall 1997). 49, no. 3:4 (Spring 1997). (Spring 1997). Another picture of OEL- OELMA restructuring and qual- Media center home page: essential MA. Hanning, Ann. v.49,no. ity improvement. v. 49, no. design considerations, The. 2:10 (Summer 1997). 4:5 (Winter 1998). MacDonald, Randall. v. 49, no. Election results. v. 49, no. 2:19 Process for choosing among 1:28 (Spring 1997). (Summer 1997). Media/technology specialist in the K- 1997 OELMA Award & Scholar- or EBSCO, 12 school, The. Davidson, Bar- ships. v.49, no. 3:31 (Fall 1997). one librarian's experience. bara. v. 49, no. 1:23 (Spring 1997). OELMA pasture, The. joseph, Gary. DeFrange, Tim. v. 49, no. 3:20 MICROSOFT CORPORATION - v. 49, no. 4:5 (Winter 1998). (Fall 1997). HUMOR OELMA restructuring and quality Ten things that would be differ- improvement. Mathies, Bonnie. Vol. 49, No. 4 alls Kwazulu, South Africa. v. 49, Integrating technology into the no. 4:23 (Winter 1998). curriculum. Gill, Suzanne L. "R" is for RAM. Chellis, Cathryn. SEARCH STRATEGIES v. 49, no. 3:28 (Fall 1997). v. 49, no. 3:23 (Fall 1997). Education for the 21st century: Just the FAQ's. Chellis, Cathryn. Recently named award and honor the Big Six Skills® approach vo. 49, no. 4:16 (Winter 1998). books. v. 49, no. 4:10 (Winter 1998). to information literacy. Technology helps me enjoy Rosario, Joy. Experiences of a school Berkowitz, Robert E. v. 49, no. learning. Mitchell, Steve. v. library media specialist in Kwazulu, 2:30 (Summer 1997). 49, no. 4:21 (Winter 1998). South Africa. v. 49, no. 4:23 (Win- Shawhan, Joanne Parnes. The Ten things that would be different if ter 1998). Gilded Age in America. v. 49, no. Microsoft started building cars. 3:14 (Fall 1997). v. 49, no. 1:27 (Spring 1997). S.0.A.R. web list. Joseph, Gary E. Tope, Barbara. i. and Higgs-Horwell, Melissa. v. see also Around Ohio 49, no. 3:12 (Fall 1997). ALA in San Francisco. v. 49, no. SCHOOL LIBRARIES - OHIO Statewide library initiatives announce 3:35 (Fall 1997). see Around Ohio increased cooperation with" Librar- Capital City Column ies Connect." Fredericka, Terri. v.49, Integrating technology into the no. 4:15 (Winter 1998). <<, curriculum, Gill, Suzanne L. STRONGSVILLE (OHIO) v. 49, no. 3:28 (Fall 1997). SCHOOL DISTRICT UCAP program moves ahead. SCHOOL LIBRARIES - OHIO - INFOhio news and notes. v. 49, Benedum, Sheila. v. 49, no. 4:17 STANDARDS no. 1:14 (Spring 1997). (Winter 1998). Capital City column. Carter, Carl. v.49, no.2:6 (Summer 1997). -W- Case studies of INFOhio schools. -T- Fredericka, Terri. v. 49, no. 1:14 Ward, Peta. Passport to reading. (Spring 1997). Technology helps me enjoy learning. v. 49, no. 4:28 (Winter 1998). SCHOOL LIBRARIES - SOUTH Mitchell, Steve. v. 49, no. 4:21 What are they reading? v. 49, no. 4:10 AFRICA (Winter 1998). (Winter 1998). Rosario, Joy. Experiences of a TECHNOLOGY .-.AND EDUCA- What is a good school? Carter, Carl. school library media specialist in TION v. 49, no. 4:11 (Winter 1998). OELMA Officers and Board SLATE OF CANDIDATES for 1998 FOR 1999 President Gary Joseph (Grove City) Vice-President SarahJane Holzhauer Vice-President Barbara Tope (Mt. Sterling) Kathy Halsey Secretary Jan Kiikka (Zanesville) Central Linda Cornette Treasurer Suellyn Stotts (Dublin) East Gail Walker Past President Bonnie Mathies (Dayton) Northeast Joanna Hart Executive Dir. Ann Hanning (Delaware) Northwest Charlene Gensen Directors South Linda Miltner Central Liz Deskins (Columbus) West Nancy Kowalski Janice MacDonald(Columbus) Your ballot will be sent to you later this spring. East Toniann Mastroine (North Canton) Please be sure to fill it out and send it in. The leader- Alice Tope (Bolivar) ship of this Association depends on your participa- Northeast Jennifer Schwelik (Lakewood) tion to ensure that the Association be an organization Elizabeth Borod (Shaker Heights) vital to our profession and to our professional devel- Northwest SarahJane Holzhauer (Oregon) opment. Charlene Gensen (Haskins) The Board has also approved a motion to make South Linda Locker(Pickerington) the Secretary position a two-year one, to be elected in Melanie Felts (Wheelersburg) years alternating with the Treasurer. It is a sensible West Antoinette Harris (Englewood) change that will add to the continuity of Board lead- ership. The Membership wil be asked to vote on this Larry Kalmus (Middletown) Bylaws change at the annual membership meeting at the Conference. Make plans now to attend this most important meeting in November. Ohio Media Spectrum

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