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dd ee zz riri oo hh DRAFT FINAL REPORT utut AA e e rr uu ss oo clcl ss DiDi c c blibli uu PP dd ee zz riri oo hh utut AA e e rr uu ss oo clcl ss DiDi c c blibli uu PP dd ee zz riri oo hh utut AA e e rr uu ss oo clcl ss DiDi c c blibli uu PP dd ee zz riri oo hh utut AA e e rr uu ss oo clcl ss DiDi c c blibli uu PP NOVEMBER 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Project Background 1 1.1.1 Need for the Project 2 1.2 Introduction to overall project & components 4 1.2.1 National level component 5 1.2.2 State level component 6 1.3 Objectives of the Environmental and Social Assessment 10 1.4 Scope of the present study 10 1.4.1 Inception Report 10 1.4.2 Overall Context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in India 11 1.4.3 Hazard Mapping and Mapping of ESAs 11 1.4.4 National Level Capacity Building & National Institute for 11 Sustainable Coastal Zone Management 1.4.5 Preparation of ICZM Plans in Participating States 12 1.4.6 Priority Investments in Orissa, Gujarat and West Bengal 12 1.4,7 Final Documentation 13 1.5 Methodology Adopted for Achieving Study Objectives 13 1.5.1 Overall context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in India 14 1.5.2 Hazard Mapping and Mapping of Environmentally Sensitive Areas 15 1.5.3 National Level Capacity Building and National Institute for Sustainable 15 Coastal Zone Management 1.5.4 Preparation of ICZM plans 15 1.5.5 Priority Investments in Orissa, Gujarat and West Bengal 15 1.6 Report Structure 16 CHAPTER 2: POLICY, REGULATION AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 17 2.1 Constitutional provisions 17 2.2 International conventions and treaties signed by India 18 2.3 National Policies related to Coastal Areas and Marine Areas 22 2.4 Legal and Regulatory Framework 26 2.5 Enforcement of Environmental Laws 31 2.6 Strength and Weakness of the current CRZ regulation in relation to coastal zone 33 management 2.6.1 Suggested Improvements in Coastal Zone Governance 37 2.7 State Specific Acts / Regulations 42 2.8 Regulatory Clearance Requirements for Project Activities 46 2,9 Current Institutional arrangements for implementation of Coastal Zone 49 2.9.1 National Coastal Management Authority (NCZMA) 50 2.9.2 State Coastal Management Authority (SCZMA) 51 2.9.3 District Coastal Management Authority (DCZMA) 51 2.10 Applicable World Bank Policies 51 2.10.1 Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01) 52 2.10.2 Involuntary Resettlement (OP 4.12) 54 2.10.3 Indigenous Peoples (OP 4.10) 56 2.10.4 Cultural Property (OP 4.11) 56 2.10.5 Natural Habitat (OP 4.04) 57 2.10.6 Forest Policy (OP 4.36) 57 2.10.7 Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) 58 2.10.8 Pest Management (OP 4.09) 58 2.10.9 Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP 7.50) 58 2.10.10 Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP 7.60) 58 CHAPTER 3: Environmental Baseline Status 59 3.1 Coastal & Marine Resources 59 3.1.1 Coastal Areas in India 59 3.1.2 Coastal Eco Systems / Habitats 64 3.1.3 Species Richness in various Bio-geographic Zones 75 3.1.4 Important Marine Protected Areas (National parks and Sanctuaries) in 77 India 3.2 Coastal Hazards 82 3.2.1 Cyclones and Storm Surge 83 3.2.2 Tsunami 86 3.2.3 Algal Blooms 86 3.2.4 Erosion 87 3.2.5 Oil Spills 87 3.3 Climate Change Impacts 87 3.4 Water/Hydrological 89 3.4.1 Coastal Areas in India 89 3.5 Coastal Land Regions and Land Utilizations 93 3.6 Marine Pollution 99 3.7 Air and Metrological Environment 101 3.8 Priority Investment States 104 3.8.1 Gujarat State and Priority Stretches 104 3.8.2 Orissa and Priority Stretches 111 3.8.3 West Bengal and Priority Stretches 114 CHAPTER 4: SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC BASELINE 119 4.1 Coastal Areas of India and Three Pilot States 119 4.1.1 The West Coast 119 4.1.2 East Coast 120 4.1.3 The islands 120 4.2 Socio-economic Status 121 4.2.1 Coastal areas in India 121 4.2.2 Gujarat Coastal Areas 122 4.2.3 Orissa Coastal Areas 123 4.2.4 West Bengal Coastal Areas 124 4.3 Tribal population in Coastal Areas 125 4.3.1 Coastal areas in India 125 4.3.2 Gujarat and stretches 127 4.3.3 Orissa and stretches 129 4.3.4 West Bengal and stretches 131 4.4 Poverty in the Coastal Areas – A profile and Analysis 133 4.4.1 The Coastal Dividend 134 4.4.2 Method used for poverty analysis 138 4.4.3 Findings of Poverty Analysis 140 4.5 Gender Issues in the Coastal Areas 147 4.6 Coast Based Economic Activities 149 4.6.1 Coastal Areas in India 149 4.6.2 The Gujarat Coast 149 4.6.3 The Orissa Coast 150 4.6.4 The West Bengal Coast 151 CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY OF STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION 152 5.1 Consultations undertaken for revision of CRZ and formulation of CMZ 152 Policy – Swaminathan Committee 5.2 Consultations undertaken on draft CMZ notification & Hazard Line 152 5.2.1 Consultations conducted by MoEF 153 5.2.2 Consultations with the States 155 5.2.3 Consultations Undertaken BY CEE on behalf of MoEF 174 5.2.4 Consultations by other organizations 181 5.2.5 Comments received on the draft Notification, 2008 182 5.2.6 Parliamentary committee findings 190 5.2.7 Review Committee appointed by MoEF 190 5.3 Consultations undertaken for project design – National Component 191 5.3.1 Consultations undertaken for setting up of a national Institute 191 5.3.2 Consultations undertaken for Hazard mapping 192 5.3.3 Consultations undertaken for Mapping and Delineation of Ecological 195 Sensitive Areas 5.3.4 Consultations undertaken for the National Institute 203 5.4 Consultations Undertaken During project Design – Gujarat 204 5.5 Consultations Undertaken During project Design – Orissa 204 5.6 Consultations Undertaken During project Design – West Bengal 204 5.7 Consultations undertaken by Communication Consultant 204 5.8 Consultations during Environmental and Social Assessment Study 206 5.8.1 Gujarat State 207 5.8.2 Orissa State 209 5.8.3 West Bengal State 210 CHAPTER 6: ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES 213 6.1 Alternatives Considered for Hazard Line identification 213 6.2 Alternatives Considered in ESA’s mapping 216 6.2.1 Definition 216 6.2.2 Indicative list of ESAs 216 6.2.3 Criteria for Identification and Mapping of ESAs 217 6.3 Selection of states and priority Investments 218 6.3.1 Analysis of DPRs on Alternatives Considered 221 CHAPTER 7: ISSUES, IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 223 7.1 Key Issues – Coastal Areas in India 223 7.2 National component – Environmental, social issues and mitigation 227 7.2.1 Hazard line Identification and demarcation 227 7.2.2 Ecologically sensitive area (ESA) mapping 228 7.2.3 National Level Institution 229 7.3 Environment and social issues – state level 229 7.3.1 Gujarat State Components 230 7.3.2 Orissa State Components 235 7.3.3 West Bengal State Components 240 7.4 Resettlement and Rehabilitation Aspects 246 7.5 The Entitlement Framework 246 7.6 Tribal Population impacts and mitigation 248 7.6.1 Gujarat 248 7.6.2 Orissa 248 7.6.3 West Bengal 251 CHAPTER 8: ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 252 8.1 Environmental and Social Mitigation Plan 253 8.2 Monitoring Plan and Budget Estimates 262 8.2.1 Monitoring plan and reporting 262 8.2.2 Institutional arrangement for implementation 263 8.2.3 Monitoring details of state components 263 8.2.4 Cost estimate for implementation 263 List of Tables 2.1 Land Acquisition Process as per the Land Acquisition Act 27 2.2 Acts and Enforcing Agencies at various levels 32 2.3 Summary of the recommendations by various Committees 34 2.4 Regulatory clearance requirements for project activities 46 2.5 Roles and Responsibilities of various agencies for enforcement of regulation and 49 legislation related to coastal zone management 2.6 World Bank Policies applicable to coastal management 52 3.1 Coastal Statistics of India and World 59 3.2 Relative significance of goods and services across Coastal & Marine Ecosystem 64 3.3 State/UT wise Mangrove area (sq.km) 66 3.4 Goods and services provided by coral reefs 69 3.5 Indicative Data on Land Region wise Species Richness of selected Coastal 76 Habitats 3.6 List of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in India 79 3.7 Landuse in MNPs in GoK 81 3.8 Frequency of cyclones crossing the various districts of east and west coastal areas 84 of India from 1891 – 1989 3.9 Major cyclones that have occurred in the past in the states of Gujarat, Orissa and 84 West Bengal 3.10 Major Algal Bloom areas of India 86 3.11 Coastal Land Regions of India 93 3.12 Geo-physical parameters of GoK 106 3.13 Tidal amplitude at different locations of GoK 108 3.14 Sedimentation in different sites of Indian Coast 108 3.15 Mangrove AREA (km2) in GoK 110 4.1 Poverty Headcount Index in Regions of Orissa, by Social Group, 1999–2000 127 4.2 District Wise ST Population (Census 2001) 127 4.3 Literacy Rate (7 years and above) among major STs (Census 2001) 128 4.4 District Wise ST Population (Census 2001) 130 4.5 District Wise ST Population (Census 2001) 131 4.6 Coastal and non-coastal districts data on human development indicators 140 4.7 District level data on poverty for six indicators 141 4.8 Pockets of Poverty in Coastal districts in Gujarat 142 4.9 Poverty Headcount Index in Regions of Orissa, by Social Group, 1999–2000 143 4.10 District level data on poverty for six indicators 144 4.11 Pockets of Poverty in Coastal districts in Orissa 145 4.12 District level data on poverty for six indicators 147 4.13 Pockets of Poverty in Coastal districts in West Bengal 147 5.1 Generic questions raised by the participants in the interaction meeting on the 153 hazard line mapping 5.2 Summary of the concerns raised 154 5.3 Details of Interaction Meetings with the senior representatives of eight State 155 Governments and Union Territories 5.4 Reflections of the Gujarat state government on the hazard mapping 155 5.5 Reflection of the state officials from Gujarat state on the draft CMZ notification 156 5.6 Reflections of the Government of Maharashtra on the Hazard Line 156 5.7 Reflections of the Government of Maharashtra on the Drfat CMZ 157 5.8 Reflections of the Government of Goa on the Hazard Line 158 5.9 Reflections of the Government of Goa on the Draft CMZ 159 5.10 Reflections of the Government of Kerala on the Hazard line 160 5.11 Reflections of the Government of Kerala on the Draft CMZ 161 5.12 Reflections of the Government of West Bengal on the Hazard line 162 5.13 Reflections of the Government of West Bengal on the Draft CMZ 164 5.14 Reflections of the Government of Andhra Pradesh on the Hazard line 166 5.15 Reflections of the Government of West Andhra Pradesh on the Draft CMZ 166 5.16 Reflections of the Government of West Bengal on the Hazard line 168 5.17 Reflections of the Government of Karnataka on the Draft CMZ 169 5.18 Reflections of the Governments of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry West Bengal on 170 the Hazard line 5.19 Specific concerns on CMZ were also raised by the Governments of Tamil Nadu 172 and Puducherry 5.20 Matrix showing participation and issues raised during consultation meetings by 176 CEE 5.21 Suggestions / concerns raised on the draft Notification, 2008 by the state 182 governments and UTs 5.22 Suggestions / concerns raised on the draft Notification, 2008 by various central 185 government ministries/departments 5.23 Suggestions / concerns raised on the draft Notification, 2008 by the Fishermen’s 189 forum 5.24 Participants of the technical meeting organized by the MoEF in New Delhi on 193 March 2008 5.25 Participants of consultation Workshop, Thiruvananthapuram 195 5.26 Participants of Regional Workshop 1, Thiruvananthapuram 197 5.27 Participants of Regional Workshop 2, Chennai 198 5.28 Participants of Regional Workshop 3, Ahmedabad 201 5.29 Participants of National Workshop 2, New Delhi 203 6.1 Readiness Criteria to Determine Scope and need for State Level Pilot Investments 219 7.1 Potential impacts and mitigation measures for hazard line mapping and 227 demarcation 7.2 Potential impacts and mitigation measures for ESA mapping 228 7.3 Potential impacts and mitigation measures for priority investments in Gujarat 232 7.4 Potential impacts and mitigation measures for priority investments in Orissa 236 7.5 Potential impacts and mitigation measures for priority investments in West Bengal 241 7.6 The Entitlement Framework 246 8.1 Environmental Mitigation Plan 254 8.2 Social Mitigation Plan 259 8.3 Monitoring details of national component 262 8.4 Reporting frequency and responsibility 262 8.5 Monitoring details of state components - Gujarat 265 8.6 Monitoring details of state components - Orissa 267 8.7 Monitoring details of state components – West Bengal 272 8.8 Cost estimate for implementation of EMP 277 8.9 Cost Estimate for Implementation of Social Mitigation Plan 278 List of Figures 1.1 States selected for preparation ICZM plan and implementation of pilot projects 6 2.1 Legislative provisions under various Ministries (Applicable to coastal areas) 33 3.1 Map showing study area 61 3.2 Distribution of Coral Reefs in India 68 3.3 Marine Protected Areas of India 78 3.4 Location of MNPS in Gulf of Kachchh 80 3.5 Spatial representation of the scenario 89 3.6 Major river basins and the coastal water quality monitoring (Source: Water Quality 92 Atlas of India, CPCB). 3.7 Biogeographic Zones of India 93 3.8 Climatic Zones of India 103 3.9 Priority investment areas in Gujarat state 104 3.10 Location of Gulf of Kachchh 106 3.11 Priority investment areas in Orissa state 111 3.12 Administrative map of Orissa state 112 3.13 Mangrove plantation in Orissa state 113 3.14 Tidal Rivers of Orissa Coast 114 3.15 Priority Areas in West Bengal Coast 116 3.16 Sunderban Biosphere Reserve 117

India has a coastline of about 7500 kms of which the mainland accounts for 5,400 kms, .. o A marine aquarium at Dwarka, through a private-public-partnership model . o Rehabilitation of the marine aquarium at Digha.
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