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Officers and Soldiers of the French Army, 1940 PDF

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OFFICaEnRdSS O LDIoEfR St he OFFICaEnRdSS O LDIoEftR hSe � ThMee tropTorloiotpasn GenerHaela dquarMtielrisat,ca ardye milensf,a nFtorryt,rl ensfsa nAtlrpyi,ln nef anCthrays,s eaup rise Cdh,a sseaulrpsi Anlsp,i Fnoer tress lnfanTtarnyk,Cs u,i rassDireargso,oC nhsa,s seauc rhse vHauls,s aArrsm,o rCeadr Rse,c onnaisGsraonucpAesr ,t ilElnegriyn,e Terrasi,n , GendarmeSreirev,i( cSeusp pAldym,i nistrMaetdiiocCnao,!r psPa)r,Fi isrB er igade. ThMer icaannLd e vaSnpte ctiraolo ps ZouavAelsg,e rTiuanni,s ainadMn o roccTainr ailFloerueriLsge,ng ioAnf,r iLciagnlh ntf ancthrays,s edu'rAsf rique, AlgerainadMn o roccSapna hiSsa,h arcaonm paniLeesv,aS npte citarlo ops. ThCeo lotnrioaolp s Colonlinafla nSternye,g alteirsaei lleurs ThAei Fro rce ThNea vy AndrJéO UINEAU Translaftreodmt heF rencbhy A lanM cKAY HISTOI&R EC OLLECTIONS 1940 MAN sinc1e9 18T.h e1 916M odeiln fanrtirfytl hee,c arbinteh,e Rubyp istaonldt he1 892M oderle volwveerrte h em aini ndi­ Witthh eu psa ndd ownso ft heY ea1r9 14t,h ea rmyo ft he viduwaela ponFso.rt heu niwte apontsh,eF M2 4/2m9a chine BellEep oquew,i tiht msa dder-trreodu seqrusi,c kclhya nged gun wiasng eneruasle a ndp opulwairt h sietrsv anTthse. intao " horizbolnu ea"r myA.f teorn ey eaorf w art hes oldier Hotchkimascsh ingeu n wsats iilnul s e. whoh adg oneo ftfo w arw ithoauc ta rien t hew orlhda dm eta­ 60-and8 1-mmm ortardse,ve lopdeidr ecfrtolmy t het rench morphosed ail netscoso nspicuwoaursr ifoarc itnhgee nemy. artiyll liektreh ea nti-tgaunnksa ,p peariendt heF rencihn fan­ Int hey earfso llowtihneg eonfdt hec onfliitwc ats r ecogni­ trayr senal. sedt hat mtuhset ard-colcoluortuehsd e bdy t heA flictarno ops TheM AS3 6w as the rmeocsetin ntd iviwdeuaaplo ins sued, wasm orep ractiacnadfl a bre ttaedra pttedom eetitngh ef un­ buto nltyo c ertaaicnt iuvnei ts. damentnaele do fm akintgh ei nfantrylmeasvnsi sible. TheM AS3 6-tycpaer tribdegletw se reu seda longstihdee Buta st heh orizbolnu cel othhiandgfi rsttob ew ornu ntil formeLre beoln esT.h el ozenge-shpaopuecdhw asr epla­ altlh es tockwse reu sedu p,t hec olocuhra ngwea so nlcya r­ cedb ya canvabsa ckpactko,g ethweirta h l owepra cka nd rieodu ta mong the rank uannidf orfismlolet yh atth ere a pouchw hiccho ulbde a ttachteodt heb elTth. eA NP3 1 wasn'atm edleoyfk hakain dh orizon ubnliufeo rimnas n y gasm asks heatrhe plactehdeA RSt ypmee tal box. oner egiment. Thicso mplecthea ngoef u nifowrams g eneraelflfye ctivTe heN COsa ndt heO fficers from1 935o nwardbsu tR eservtreo opasn dc ertanionn ­ Fort hee veryduanyi foramn,e ffohratd b eenm ade for combatant nuonniettsh elkeespst horbilzuouenn iformst heN COsd'r esFso.rt her e-engaNgCeOd c orp(sS OR-Sous­ untuiplt ot hee ve'oft hew ar. OfficiReernsg agéasn)a ,t tempt had beetnofi nmdaa d e Unfortunattheiclshy a ngien c olouwra sn ott her esuolft moree legasnetr vidcree sasn da reaolf f-duuntiyf owrhmi ch am odernv isioofnt hec ombataanntd o veratlhles, i lhouetmtoer ec loserleys embltehdeo fifcers'. oft he1 940s oldideirdn otd iffveerr y much fr1o9m1 8h isO n theo thehra ndt heS ergenatnsd'S ergent-Chefs' bat­ predecesCsoomrb.a dtr esasn de quipmewnats d ated. tledrweasssi dentitcota hle r anakn dfi le'Tsh.eA djudants woreo fifcerusn'i forwmist thh eN COss pecificities. Thes oldier Likewitsheel ntendatnrciyte odp reserav cee rtadiengr ee Hew oret hei nevitable grtehaest ycmobaotol,f F rench ofe leganfcoetr heo fficeurnsi'f orSmisn.c teh epya id for militbaartyt lederveessrsi ncteh eS econEdm pirlen.d eed, theiorw nc lothesso,rn ec outuriseurpsp liaecdc essories whetheirtw asb luimseht alglriecy o,rh orizbolnu ew,i tah fromth et opo ft her angteot hose offwihcoce orusl adf ford straicgohltlo arraf old-doonweno, n er owo fb uttoonrst wo, themO.f fictehresr efhoardea veritawbalred roabtet heir itw ast hes ingblaet tledirteesumss edw hatevtehres eason dispossaulp,p lemenbtyet dh ef arnou1s9 31M odeuln iform ort het heatorfoe p eratiIonnw si.n ttehre i nfantrymen wore which reneweldl lwRriedtp hu bltirca ditbiybo lni gninbga ck aj ersey uintdi;en sr u mmert hewyo rei to vetrh eisrh irt intfoa shitohnet raditicoonlaoluo rfse achs ub-diviosfi on togethweirta ht i-e aq uitues eletsosu cohfe leganicnce o m­ thed ifferent arms. bat . Thek haktir ousers cwuettr ote h es ames tylei na1 s9 18 TheAir Forcaen dt heN avy andw ornw itphu tteeIsn1. 9 39,g olfibnrge echweesr e Havinbge comea ni ndependseenrtv iicn1e 9 33t,h eA ir brougihntt; h ey wveerrefy a shionaabrnloen gt hey ounogf Forcaed opteadm oderunn ifowrhmi cwha si nt unwei tiht s thed ayT.h inso velwtays a ccompanibeyfd awnl eathoerr epocha ndi ss tiilnul s en owadaywsi tthh eo fficeFrlsy.i ng canvagsa itebrustt hewye reo nliys suetdoa f ewu nitwsi;t h suitwse rec onstanbteliyn sgt uditeods alvper oblems lin­ usei tw asn otictehda tth et rousewresr en otv eyrp ractickae]d t oh igahl titfuldyei ng. becausteh ewye ret oob aggya nds naggeodn e verythingT.h eN avyh ada lwaytsa kecna rwei tiht csr ewsu'n iforms Thef awonr b lack boweorttes h osues edd uritnhge G reat ando nlay f ewm odificatihoandbs e enm adet oi nt heu ni­ WarT.h ef arnous1 915A dliahne lmehta du ndergosnoern e forms icne 1 914e,x cepftot rh ec uto ft hec apa ndt hew idth changeTsh.e o ne-pie1c9e2 6M odehla da cresatn dw as oft heo ff-duuntiyf otrrmo users. madeo fs teealn dm anganesaen di tvso lumhea db een Ont heo thehra ndt,h es hipboasredr vidcree skse,e ping increassleidg htly. int unew itthe chnologdiecvaell opmehnatdsb, e enc onsi­ 4 Thei nfantrymaarnm'asrn enhta dh ardbleye nd evelopedd erabilmyp roved. the 1di­ Generals wtehae1r 9i3n0Mg o deuln iform ine rhe 1Ch 'an- .. ed, the )la­ md 31 for 1U5- da ich )at­ nts ree for 'ies Jrd 1eir K• rkm .h.aJhaltJ b od1efe9F F3r r0aaJl nonlccdeee )l Jlala 1r9swh3eJlaa0oollrf dlFi e rnlNag n 'c2e weLairNeiu'n1tt guh e nen1i a9fno3trJl-0molG .de enle ral 1o f 1 ...Worm .A tt het ime uniform. .� Franc het­ <.pert)' (1 856-1942) as tbe onlpyer son 'l.o •ear this uniform t "tarédlaJ Pétain, Air cas tbFer ench �or toS paisnt ill its ..-con lhe 1922Jl lodel ing IMirizoo bluuen iform. lin- Brigadier-Gewneearrailn g ms the1 93Jl1ol delN '2 uniform. mi­ jth Jllajor-GenbeerlaoJn ging ing tot heJl lilitHaoruys ehold oft heP resideonftt h eR epublic. 1Si- 5 Generalisns ervidcree ss Brigadier-General Brigadier-General Brigadier-General wearindga ytime wearindga ytime wearinsge rvice dres1'1s' 3. dres1'1s' 3.a nd dres1'1s' 4. a greatcoat. Brigadier-General wearinbga ttledress andr aincoat. Brigadier-General wearinsge rvidcree ss 1'1'4.v ariawnitt h simplifikeedp i. 6 StaOffffi cers Armbandf ort heM inistry e rn:=J of\\l arH eadquarteSrtsa ff. " Armbandf ort heP resident oft heR epublicH'esa dquarters Staff. ArmyC orpsH Q Staffa rmband. Headquartearrsm bando ft he Generaclo mmandintgh e Artillery ofanA rmy. CavalrDyi visiHoQn S tafafr mband. CavalrByr igadHeQ Stafafr mband. BreveCto loneble longing toG eneraGla melin's staffa,f tear p eriod photograph. Non-brevetCtaepdt ain 'oo·brevettCeadp tain wearinbga ttledress, earinsge rvidcree ss. attachetdoa cavalry :t.a<.bed tot heA rtillery brigades'tsa fafc,c ording HQ Staff. toM auricTeo ussaint. 7 TheM ilitAacrya demies Cadeta tt heE SM Officeart t heE SM (EcolSep éciale atS tC yrw,e arinfgu ll Cadeta tt heE SM MilitaiartSe t)Cy r, dresusn iform. atS tC yrw earing inf uldlr essc,a lled manoeuvredsr ess. the" BigU "i n thes choolj'asr gon. Cadeta tt heE cole d'ApplicataitSo anu mur, wearinbga ttledress. aftear p eriopdh otograph. Officera tt heE cole d'ApplicataitSo anu mur, wearinbga ttledress. 8 TheI nfantry ® :: t t t t t ' t t t Corporfraolm the4 1st Drummerfr om the1 52nd InfanRtegirmye nt itnfanpn atrrya dRdresees gi maeltnetr Thei nmw eitnatileon rffs ·idgunisdresti wysao m. a periopdh otograph. ont hea iguillwehtitceish Nicknametdh eD iables thec olouorft he1 41·8 Rouge(st hRee dD evils), Croidxe G uerre. ther egimenwta s awardetdh er edLé gion Capot.ber a1l5-0cthIhen frffo amn try d'Honneauirg uillette. Kegiment wearing parade dress . alter � period photgroaph. Caporal-icnhte hfe4 3rd l1r is presentianngo s lnfantRreyg imenitnw inter ,itba nJIJA S 36 off-dudtrye ssT.h em etal .md is wearingt he1 4·18 insigniiswa o rnn ext Croix deG uerrseh oulder tot he1 4·1C8r oix .;guill ette/cordon. deG uerre aigu• illette ThiCsa poral-Cihswe efa ring \bove. Soldiienrs hirtsleeves, ther adio-telegrapher's Tbe fulld resmse tal wearinbgi llderte ss. insignoinat ,h el efstl eeve �ental insignia abovte her anks tripe. .md thec oUapra tch. 9 TheI nfantry Tofi ndo uta boutt hec ollectdiivset inctions ora iguilleattttersi buttoet dh ed ifferent regimenltesa diunpg t ot he1 940F rench Campaigwne consultwewdw .pages/4- lB .como rt he" Répertodiersce o rpdse troupdee l 'armférea n<;:apiesned anlta GrandGeu erreb"yt: riLca baylaen dM ichel Bonnaudp,u blishbeydC laudBeo nnaud. Soldiewera ring a 1936M odelj ersey ands o-call1e9d3 8 "golft"r ousers. Soldioenr l eave 1938M odetlu ni-c wearinag 1 938 thefi rsvte rsion, Modetlu nic witshi xb uttons. (vareuse) witfhl aphsi ding thec ollapra tches. Soldiweera rinbga ttledress. 1926M odeh1e lmet 1920M odelG reatcowaitt h camouflageb uttons Golfingb reeches t'uttees 1917M odelb uskins 1935M odecla rtridpgoeu ch ANP 31g asm aska ndi tsb ag FM 24/29m achine-gunner attachetdot heb elt Thef unctiionns igniisaw om 1935M odefll ask on his1 efatr m. 1934M odetlo pb ag 07/15M oderli falned i tsb ayonet. 10 TheI nfantry Soldiweera ring battledress. Hei sw earinag 1 938 Modegl reatcoat witoh ner ow " ofb uttons andi se quippewdi th the1 916M odel suspendherra ces andc artridpgoeu ches. Soldiienrt he5 1stI R wearinbga ttledress int hes prinogf 1 940, accorditnog thel atest regulations. MAS3 6 Rifle. ldiefrro m the8 5th The5 1stI Rw ore antrRy egiment ana iguillette-cord battledress. thec olour hast iebdi s oft heM édaille lann elb ellti ke Milit.a ire .a sc.arf round neck,l ike Africant roops. Tbe 85thIR wore .a 1+-18C roix Loade(rt hFMe Soldiweera ring Guerraei guillette. gunnert'esa mm ate) battledroenst sh,e fr ont wearinbga ttledress, lindeu rintgh ew inter int hes prinogf 1 940 of1 939-4T0h.e h elmet accorditnog isp rotectweidt ha them ostr ecent cachou-colocuarnevda s regulatiTohnes . covera: b alaclava helmet, gaitewresr em adeo f a paiorf w oollemni ttens canvasH.e w asa rmed anda sheepskijne rkin witha Rubyp istol completbei sw inter andw ast hel east uniform. well-armmeadn in thec ombatg roup. 11

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