FLYING START First game under coach Matt Nagy for Mitch Trubisky and Bears: Packers in prime time AmySchumer MARKSCHAFER/STXFILMS SeethescheduleinChicagoSports ‘I FEEL PRETTY’ ?? MichaelPhillips’ BRIANCASSELLA/CHICAGOTRIBUNE reviewinA+E E XS PU AB NS DC EDSRIBE PR OE RTSXCL CU OSI VEVE R A G E Questions?Call1-800-Tribune Friday,April20,2018 Officer who killed 2 could be fired Police Board to rule on future of Chicago cop plinarycaseagainstRialmo. INSIDE:CPDoutlinesreform Delgado,whoworksingovern- goalsfor2018.Page7 in controversial fatal shooting of teen, bystander mentandcommunityrelationsfor PeoplesGasandwasappointedby ByJeremyGorner ThedecisionbyEva-DinaDel- Mayor Rahm Emanuel to the recommendation to fire Rialmo. andDanHinkel gadocomesafterpoliceSuperin- Police Board in 2016, announced DelgadodeterminedthatJohnson ChicagoTribune tendentEddieJohnsondisagreed her decision shortly after the didnotclearthatbar. with the finding by the city’s board’s regularly scheduled “This finding does not mean A Chicago Police Board mem- police disciplinary agency, the monthlymeetingbeganThursday that the conclusions reached by berhasruledthatOfficerRobert CivilianOfficeofPoliceAccount- nightatpoliceheadquarters. (COPA) are correct and that the Rialmowillfacepotentialfiringby ability, that the shooting was Inkeepingwithcityordinance, superintendent’s conclusions are the full board for the fatal 2015 unjustified and that Rialmo Delgado was the Police Board incorrect,” Delgado said in an- NANCYSTONE/CHICAGOTRIBUNE shootingofateenagercarryinga shouldbefired. member randomly chosen to as- nouncingherdecision. OfficerRobertRialmohasbeen baseball bat and an innocent She could have sided with sess if Johnson had met “his strippedofhispolicepowers bystander. Johnson and ended the disci- burden of overcoming” COPA’s TurntoRialmo,Page7 andplacedonpaiddeskduty. Dorothy Brown set to run for mayor Clerk’s campaign would come amid long federal corruption investigation ByHalDardick ChicagoTribune Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown has been thefocusofalong-runningfederal investigation into an alleged bribes-for-jobs scheme. On Thursday,sheindicatedshe’llask voters to elect her mayor of Chicagonextyear. Eveninaplacewherecountless aldermen and several governors havedoneprisontimeforpolitical corruption, the move’s sheer chutzpahcameasashocker. Ald. Roderick Sawyer said he sawBrownatafuneralThursday JIMLOSCALZO/EPA morningbutthatshesaidnothing U.S.Sen.TammyDuckworth,D-Ill.,carriesher10-day-olddaughter,MailePearlBowlsbey,ontotheSenatefloortocastavoteThursday. tohimaboutherpoliticalplans. “Ifshewouldhaveaskedme,I Newborn in Senate marks new day would have suggested she look longandhardatwhat’sgoingonin her life about making that deci- sion,”saidSawyer,6th,chairman Rule shift lets Duckworth bring baby to chamber, though some wonder about reach of progress of the City Council’s Black Cau- cus.“Butagain,Iwasn’tasked.” ByKateThayer spreadfamily-friendlypolicies. shearrived.“It’sabouttime.” bring their children younger Brown, who repeatedly has ChicagoTribune Duckworthdidn’twasteany “Imayhavetovotetoday,so than 1 year old onto the floor. denied any wrongdoing and has time taking advantage of the Maile’s outfit is prepped,” Duckworth, who became the notbeencharged,didnotreturna Following the birth of Sen. newrule. Duckworth tweeted Thursday firstsenatortogivebirthwhile calloremailseekingcomment.A Tammy Duckworth’s baby last On Thursday, she arrived at morning before the vote. “I in office when her daughter campaignspokeswomandeclined week, the U.S. Senate took a the Senate, with 10-day-old made sure she has a jacket, so wasbornApril9,calledforthe to address how Brown plans to historic step Wednesday by Maile Pearl Bowlsbey on her she doesn’t violate the Senate change.Becausesenatorsmust runformayorwhilenavigatingan votingtoallowitsmembersto lap, to cast a vote against the floor dress code (which re- be present to cast their votes, ongoingcriminalinvestigation. bringbabiesontothechamber appointment of Rep. James quires blazers). I’m not sure the old rules made it virtually “Shewantstoaddressthatallat floor.Whilemanyarecelebrat- Bridenstine as NASA adminis- what the policy is on duckling impossible for a mother on once in front of everyone on ing the move as a positive trator,whichultimatelypassed. onesies, but I think we’re maternityleavetodoherjobas Sunday,” spokeswoman Patricia change for working mothers, “It feels great,” the Illinois ready.” anelectedofficial. Andrews-Keenansaid,areference others say there’s still a long Democrat told reporters gath- Theunanimouslysupported toaschedulednewsconferenceat way to go to achieve wide- ered outside the Capitol when resolution allows senators to TurntoDuckworth,Page8 adowntownhotel.“She’sgoingto layeverythingoutthen.” Despite the pall hanging over her office, Brown so far has Immigration win Downstate Republican launches weatheredthestorm.Thecounty DemocraticPartyabandonedher for Chicago mayor in 2016, and she still won a fifth third-party bid against Rauner Thefederalgovernment TurntoBrown,Page6 cannotwithholdpublicsafe- tygrantsfromcitiesthat refusetocooperatewith ByRickPearson label,andinanopeningvideohe ourstatedownthewrongpath. PresidentDonaldTrump’s ChicagoTribune criticized Rauner for helping Higher taxes, backward morals immigrationenforcement Chicago Democrats control the anddisregardfortheruleoflaw policies,afederalappeals ADownstateRepublicanlaw- state. istheIllinoisthey’vecreated.It’s courtruledonThursday. maker launched a third-party “I’m the only person in this timeforarealtransformationfor Chicagoland,Page4 bid for governor on Thursday, racewhohasconsistentlystood thestateofIllinois,”hesaid. exacerbatingthechallengesfac- up to Rauner and (Democratic The union-allied lawmaker’s ing Gov. Bruce Rauner’s re- House Speaker Michael) Madi- entryintotheracerepresentsa election as he seeks to heal gan and their machine when it form of political payback to Landmark Loop divisionswithinhisparty’sbase cametimetofightfortherights Rauner, who two years ago to take on Democrat J.B. ofworkingpeopleinIllinois.As backedachallengertoMcCann, building to be Pritzker. yourgovernor,Iwillcontinueto after McCann split with the BRIANCASSELLA/CHICAGOTRIBUNE converted to hotel Sen. Sam McCann of central leadthatfight,”McCannsaid. governor over a major labor CookCountyCircuitCourtClerk Illinois announced he’ll run “Theyhavefailedus:Rauner DorothyBrownplanstoannounce Business underanewConservativeParty andChicagoDemocratshaveled TurntoMcCann,Page6 hermayoralcandidacySunday. Tom Skilling’s forecast 57 35 ChicagoWeatherCenter:Complete $2.50cityandsuburbs,$3.00elsewhere High Low forecastonbackpageofA+Esection 170thyearNo.110©ChicagoTribune 2 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 ERINHOOLEY/CHICAGOTRIBUNE2016 CookCountyCircuitCourtClerkDorothyBrown,thesubjectofafederalinquiry,hasindicatedsheplanstorunformayor. John Kass A robot mayor for Chicago? It’s logical. RELIVE THE LOYOLA RAMBLERS’ HISTORIC 2018 SEASON Japanhascomeupwithagreat Chicagowouldpossesshighintelli- thosewhodarecausethemgrief. ideathatcouldruinpoliticsforever: genceandwouldn’tcareaboutflatter- Butarobotmayormadeofsteel Whatastory.Whataride. Robotmayors. ingwiseguys,hedgefundbossesand wouldn’tneedTwitterbots,noteven Fromlargelyunknowntonearly AndChicago,acitywheremayors publicunions. Russianones,ormediabosses. unbeatable,theLoyolaRamblers havehistoricallyruledwithironfists, Arobotmayorwouldneverallow Arobotmayormightconsiderit capturedthenation'simagination. mightbenefitfromleaderswhoare African-Americanbicyclistsonthe supremelylogicaltosimplycrushthe CoachPorterMoser.Chaplain drivenbycoldlogic—ratherthan SouthSidetogethitwithanover- headofabothersomecolumnist, SisterJeanDoloresSchmidt. ambitionandlustforpower. whelmingnumberofbiketraffictick- whosefeetwouldtwitchuponthe Buzzerbeaters.Andplayerswho Astrongrobotmayoralcandidate ets,whileleavingwhiteNorthSide groundashisterrifiededitorswatch competedwithprowessandpoise. mightpushMayorRahmEmanuel littlebikepeopletoslideandcontinue insilenthorror. “RambleOn”—acommemorative outoftownandthenorderhim—in theircocky,bike-scofflawways. Buttheneedsofthemanyout- hardcoverbookfeaturingChicago oneofthosescary,butneutralAI Arobotmayorwouldtreatallbike weightheneedsofthefew,yes? Tribunecolumns,gamestories,featuresandphotogra- voices—tomovetoNewYorkand peopleequally.Andarobotmayor Happily,citizenscouldknowthata phy—chroniclestheRamblers’Cinderellaruntothe becomeStephenColbert’shouseboy. wouldalsobeimpervioustobribes robotmayorwouldneverbecome NCAAmen’sbasketballtournamentFinalFour,aride Or,arobotmayoralcandidatecould andthreats. involvedinameat-relatedsidebusi- thatthrilledChicago.“RambleOn”iscurrentlyavailable saveChicagofromCookCounty Arobotmayorwouldusepurelogic nesslikeDorothyBrowndid. ClerkDorothy“GoatLady”Brown. —notpolitics—toportionoutgov- Anex-employeeattheclerk’sof- $24.95.BookswillbegintoshipApril23. TheethicallytroubledBrown ernmentservicesincludingpolice. fice,SivasubramaniRajaram,has announcedhercampaignformayor Ifitmeantnotallowingcarsinthe beenconvictedoflyingtoafederal HOWTHENEWSPAPERGETSPRINTED justasshefindsherselfhipdeepina city,orabanonalcohol,oreliminat- grandjury.Headmittedpayinga VisittheTribune’sFreedomCenterforatwoandhalf federalbribes-for-jobsinvestigation ingthosefewremainingribjointsthat $15,000bribeforacountyjob.The hourtouroftheprintingpresses,pressplatesandenor- relatingtosketchyloanstohergoat cookwithrealwood,notgas,itwould allegedbribewaslistedasaloanto mouspaperrolls,andgetatasteoftheTribune’shistory. meatcompany. bedone. GoatMasters,agoatmeatsupply 9a.m.May18,ChicagoTribuneFreedomCenter, Yes,goatmeat. Nomoreclasswarfare,nomore companyownedbyBrownandher 777W.ChicagoAve.,Chicago.$25tickets. Robotsdon’teatgoat,Dorothy. pittingoneracialgroupagainstanoth- husband. Freeparking,lotopens20minutesbeforestartoftour. They’reimpervioustoyourcharms. er,nomoremayoraltalkabout“Chi- Awhileback,BrowntoldtheTrib- Fortickets, “Letartificialintelligencedeter- cagovalues”whileplayingtoone unethatgoatsaregoodbusiness. minepoliciesbygatheringcitydata constituencyoveranother. “Theyhavealotofbabies.Soyou CHICAGOTRIBUNEBOOKS andwecancreateclearlydefined Chicagowouldbefreeofsuch canbuyafewgoats,andyoucan “ChicagoFlashback”TheeditorsoftheTribunehave politics,”saidMichihitoMatsuda,the humannonsense.Everythingwould increasethenumber,yourprofit,very carefullycollectedthebestChicagoFlashbackfeatures frontmanforasilver“female”robot finallybelogical.Eventheredlight quickly,”Brownsaid.“Goatmeatis intoasinglecoffee-tablevolume.Eachstoryisaccompa- completewithsteelbreastsanda cameras. actuallyeatenbyalotofdifferent niedbyatleastoneblack-and-whiteimagefromthe neutral,yetpossiblyhomicidalfacial Arobotmayorwouldfinallytreat groupsintheUnitedStates.It’svery paper’ expressioninTamaCity,Japan. allaldermenequally,sincethemajor- profitable.” flashbackbook. “TamaNewTownwasthemost itywhovoteblindlywiththehuman Brown’smayoralgambitcould advancedcityinJapan40yearsago,” mayorarethemselvesknownrobots. simplybeamovetocastherselfasa AllChicagoTribuneprintbooksareavailableonlineat Matsudasaid.“Asitstands,theaging Butnoteverythingwillbegood. championoffellowAfrican-Ameri- populationwillonlycontinuetogrow, Oncerobotmayorsbecomepower- cansasthefedsclosein.Or,assome promptinganeedforchangeinthe fulenough,whentheSingularity non-robotsbelieve,hermayoralcam- CHICAGOTRIBUNEE-BOOKS currentadministration.” happensinacoupleofyearsandAI paigncouldsimplybeacryforhelpto “TheChicagoTribuneGuidetoChicago:Restaurants, Chicagowasanadvancedcityonce, takesover,robotmayorswillruth-,asking,“Justindict Bars,Theaters,Museums,Festivals,Sportsand too.NowChicagoisonitskneesto lesslysquashdissent. mealready.” More.”AcomprehensivedigitalguidetoChicagothat JeffBezosandhisdronearmy. Ifyoutoldarobotmayor,“The Butrobotmayors,aswe’vealready canbeaccessedonsmartphonesanddigitalreaders. Someofyouareprobablythinking needsofthemanyoutweighthe established,aren’tbigongoats.They Thee-bookincludespointersonwhattodo,wheretogo itwouldbeaterribleideatoturna needsofthefew,”therobotmayor don’tgivetwofigsforpoliticsorpub- andhowtogetthere. greatcity,andeventuallyanentire mightsmilewithsilverymetalliclips licrelations. nation,overtoartificialintelligence, andnoditsmetallicheadasyoueata They’rerobots,dammit. AllChicagoTribunee-booksareavailableinsidethePrint- evenifitdidpossessacool,baldfe- copyoftheConstitutionjusttoap- ersRowapp.DownloadtheappintheiTunesorGoogle- male-lookingsilvermetallichead. peaseher.Orhim. Listento“TheChicagoWay”podcast Playstores. Ifso,youareprobablyoneofthose Arerobotsoffendedbypronouns?I withJohnKassandJeffCarlin—at whohatescienceandfavorcash hopenot. transactions.Youreallymustevolve. Historytellsusthathumanpoliti- thechicagoway. Expertssaythereisgoodandbad ciansbecomeemotionalwhencriti- ACCURACY AND ETHICS ineverygreattechnologicaladvance. cized.SomeuseTwitter.Othersmay [email protected] MargaretHolt,standardseditor Thegoodisthatarobotmayorof havedirectedmediaalliestoattack Twitter@John_Kass TheTribune’seditorialcodeofprinciplesgoverns professionalbehaviorandjournalismstandards.Every- oneinournewsroommustagreetoliveuptothiscodeof Correctionsandclarifications:Publishinginformation quicklyandaccuratelyisacentralpartoftheChicago Tribune’snewsresponsibility. ■AstorypublishedNov.29aboutamanwhotriedtohang himselfwhileinChicagopolicecustodymisspelledthe nameoftheman’sgirlfriend.HernameisCaseyTencate. TheTribuneregretstheerror. 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TheChicagoTribunereservestherightnottoacceptanadvertiser’sorder. Onlypublicationofanadvertisementshallconstitutefinalacceptance. ChicagoTribune(USPS104-000)ispublisheddaily(7days)atTribune Tower,435N.MichiganAve.,Chicago,IL60611-4041;ChicagoTribune Company,LLC,Publisher;periodicalspostagepaidatChicago,IL,and additionalmailingoffices.Postmaster:SendchangestotheChicago Tribune,MailSubscriptionDivision,777W.ChicagoAve.,Chicago,IL60654. Copyright2018ChicagoTribuneCompany,LLC.Allrightsreservedasto entirecontent. INSIDE Almanac Business 5 Lottery Business 5 Bridge A+E 8 Obituaries Business 5 Comics A+E 8-9 Sudoku A+E 9 Crossword A+E 9 Television A+E 7 Horoscopes A+E 8 Weather A+E 10 3 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 CHICAGO INC. ByKimJanssen,TracySwartzandPhilThompson Kim Foxx draws Old rivals kudos in D.C. but Gingrich, mum on ambitions Dean team Shehasbeeninofficeforonlya little more than a year, but Cook up in Elgin County’s top prosecutor Kim Foxx is already attracting atten- tiononthenationalstage. Former House Speaker FoxxonWednesdaynightwas Newt Gingrich and former fetedbytheDemocrats’Washing- Vermont Gov. Howard Dean ton, D.C., elite at a gala dinner mayhavespentthebetterpart whereshereceivedtheGabrielle of their lives fighting each GiffordsRisingStarAwardfrom other,butinajointappearance Emily’sList,themajorcommittee atElgin’sJudsonUniversityon that works to elect pro-choice Thursday,theymadeapleafor womennationwide. lessuglypolitics. The state’s attorney shared a They’reoldernow,andthey tablewithU.S.Sen.CoryBooker worked together at the same and met with House Minority HIROKOMASUIKE/NEWYORKTIMES law firm, have contracts with LeaderNancyPelosiattheevent. MeganTwohey,left,andJodiKantoraddresstheNewYorkTimesnewsroomafterMonday’sPulitzerwin. competing cable news net- That’s the kind of clout that worksandhavelucrativespots wouldbeveryhelpfulinarunfor Add Time accolade to Pulitzer for onthepublicspeakingcircuit, higheroffice. so they barely registered a ButaskedbyChicagoInc.about disagreement during an on- Evanston native who drove #MeToo her long-term ambitions, Foxx stage debate in which both saidallofthethingsyou’dexpecta men instead heaped oppro- neophyte politician to say about briumontheindustrythatnow focusing on her current job and Evanston native and former namedPulitzerPrizewinnersin forTime. employsthem:themedia. howshehad“somuchtodo.” Chicago Tribune reporter thepublicservicecategory. “Theirphenomenaljournalis- “We live in the age of the Foxx gave a touching, well- MeganTwoheywasnamedone Lastfall,KantorandTwohey, tic diligence, craft, care and, Kardashians,” harrumphed receivedacceptancespeechabout ofTime’smostinfluentialpeople an Evanston Township High perhapsmostsaliently,abilityto Gingrich, 74, who declared her late grandmother, Myrtle of the year for her Pulitzer Schoolgraduate,ledaTimesin- cultivatethetrustandconfidence himselfandDeanthe“giraffes Wilson, who would have turned Prize-winningreportingofsexu- vestigationintodecadesofsexual of their sources have literally atthecountyfair”becausethey 100 earlier this month. Wilson, alharassmentinHollywood. misconduct allegations against transformed our society across areuniqueamongpeoplewho whowasbornthedaughterofan Twohey and Jodi Kantor, Hollywood producer Harvey publicandprivatespaces,”Judd appear on TV “for having Arkansas sharecropper, came to both of The New York Times, Weinstein.Itpropelledanation- wrote for Time. “Their hard actually done something with Chicago in the great migration along with Ronan Farrow, a wide #MeToo movement that workandimpeccablejournalism ourlives.” andhelpedherteenagedaughter contributingwritertoTheNew empoweredwomentospeakout havechangedattitudes,behavior, Dean,69,helduphisendof “guide me through a world that Yorker, were together named aboutsexualharassment. conversations, norms, laws and theStatlerandWaldorfactby challenged our very existence,” amongTime’s100mostinfluen- Actress Ashley Judd was policies,yieldingenormousper- blamingthemediaforoverstat- Foxxsaid. tialpeopleof2018,accordingto amongthosewhospoketoKan- sonalandpublicgood.” ingthedifferencesbetweenhis the magazine’s website. This torandTwoheyaboutWeinstein, Democratic Party and Ging- —KimJanssen week, all three journalists were andJuddwrotetheexplanation —ElviaMalagon rich’s Republicans. “I don’t think there’s that much of a divide,butthepresshasastake inthis…asNewtsaidearlier,if Ice Cube, Big3 officials talk Boozer’s impact, team in Chicago itbleeds,itleads,”hesaid. President Donald Trump’s name was barely mentioned Noplayingsecondfiddletothe Bridgestone Arena, which hadn’t Chicago’s results despite having Big3seemstohavealotriding duringthedebate.ButTrump MusicCitythisyear. started selling tickets. Cube said: littleadvancetimetomarketit. on its Chicago date, June 29, a seemed to be the unnamed Chicago is one of three cities “Atthistimelastyear,theleague “Wedid9,000people,soldout. week after the opener at Hous- target of Dean’s wish that the where Ice Cube’s Big3 league wasinamuchdifferentposition. We turned away a couple thou- ton’sToyotaCenter.Foronething, U.S.infiveyears’time“regains scheduled a return engagement Weweretryingtoconvinceeven sandpeople,”hesaid.“Therewas ithasmovedtoalargervenue,the thestatusofmoralleaderofthe this summer. During the 3-on-3 buildings and venues that they somuchgoodwillanddemandin UnitedCenter,aplacethatwillbe world,”andhiscommentthat basketballleague’sinauguralsea- should host Big3. This year, ven- thatcity.Especiallysomeonelike very familiar to Boozer, who’s in “weneedsomebodyreminding sonlastyear,UICPavilionserved uesareaskingustocome,whichis (former Bull Carlos) Boozer his first season with Big3 and a peoplethatitmattershowwe as an emergency fill-in midway astepintherightdirection.” playing in the league, we know co-captainofGhostBallers. treatpeople.” through the schedule when offi- Co-founderJeffKwatinetzsaid thatChicagoisagoodmarketfor cials decided to drop Nashville’s Big3’s brass was pleased with us.” —PhilThompson —KimJanssen ContactChicagoInc.:KimJanssen([email protected],Twitter@kimjnews);TracySwartz([email protected],Twitter@tracyswartz);PhilThompson([email protected],Twitter@_phil_thompson) SCHOOL SUPPLY DR VE Support Communities In Schools of Chicago by donating new school supplies or gently used learning toys at your local Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana Acura dealership^. ENTER TO WIN Private 2-Hour VIP tour of Chicago in a 2018 MDX with Geoffrey Baer Geoffrey Baer on May 18th from 12:30pm-4pm Acura of Libertyville Ed Napleton Acura McGrath Acura Muller’s Woodfield Acura Libertyville Elmhurst of Morton Grove HoffmanEstates (847)680-7333 (630)941-4300 MortonGrove (847)354-4213 (847)470-2300 Arlington Acura in Palatine Joe Rizza Acura Pauly Acura Palatine OrlandPark McGrath Acura of Westmont HighlandPark (800)862-1484 (708)403-7770 Westmont (847)433-8200 (888)212-8605 Continental Acura McGrath Acura of Naperville of Downtown Chicago Muller Acura of Merrillville Naperville Chicago Merrillville (630)960-2100 (773)336-6300 (888)884-2058 ^MustprovideschoolsuppliesatyourlocalChicagoland Dealerenter;nopurchasenecessary.Mustbe18yearsorolderwithavaliddriver’slicensetoenter.One(1)SweepstakesPrize WinnerwillbeselectedbySponsoronoraboutMay4,2018viaarandomdrawingfromalleligibleentriesreceivedbySponsorduringtheEntryPeriod.Seedealerforcompletedetails. 4 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 CHICAGOLAND Restrooms are Mayor wins legal victory still a battle line in sanctuary city lawsuit for racial equity Emanuel seeking administration from with- thersunderstoodaconcen- The legal fight is largely holdingthemoney. trationofpower“threatens symbolic for Chicago be- federal grant cash Incidents at Starbucks highlight bias “TheTrumpJusticeDe- individual liberty” and es- causetheamountofmoney that was withheld partmentcouldactuallysay tablished the separation of atstakeisasmallfractionof WhyareAmericansstill ‘OK, we’re going to go powers as “a bulwark thepolicebudget.Thecity fightingovertoilets? ByJohnByrne forward with these grants, againstsuchtyranny.” hasappliedfor$1.5million Ioftenwonderhowthat ChicagoTribune andlet’sfightthecaseoutin “Theattorneygeneralin inByrnegrants.Otherlocal littleporcelainreceptaclewe court,’” Emanuel said, thiscaseusedtheswordof municipalities and Cook allusetotakecareofourmost Mayor Rahm Emanuel flankedbyacrowdofalder- federalfundingtoconscript County have requested intimatepersonalbusiness calledonPresidentDonald menandcitylawyers.“But stateandlocalauthoritiesto about $800,000 more as founditswaytothecoreof Trump’s Justice Depart- theyrefusetogivemunici- aidinfederalcivilimmigra- part of the same applica- Dahleen oursocialconsciousness. mentonThursdaytohand palities like Chicago and tion enforcement,” the rul- tion.Thecitywantstouse Glanton Thetoilethasmanagedto over grant money to Chi- other cities around the ingstates.“Butthepowerof the money to expand remainoneofthemostdivi- cago,afterapaneloffederal country the resources to the purse rests with Con- ShotSpotter gunfire detec- siveissuesinourcultureformorethanhalfacentury, judges said the funds can’t fight crime and gun vi- gress,whichauthorizedthe tionsystems. tweakingitselfoccasionallytostayrelevanttothe bewithheldfromso-called olence, because they think federal funds at issue and But a high-profile court times. sanctuarycities. fightingusontheprinciple did not impose any immi- challenge helps Emanuel TheincidentataStarbucksinPhiladelphiawhere The7thCircuitCourtof of being a sanctuary, wel- grationenforcementcondi- bolsterhisanti-Trumpcre- twoAfrican-Americanmenweredeniedaccesstothe AppealsinChicagoupheld comingcity,ismoreimpor- tionsonthereceiptofsuch dentials in a Democratic restroomshowsthatwearefarfromgainingclosure. a nationwide injunction tantthanhelpingthepolice funds.” city with a big immigrant Fiftyyearsago,Americaengagedinanall-outideo- prohibiting Attorney Gen- departments get the Justice Department populationheadingintohis logicalbattleovertoilets.Whilethecivilrightsmove- eral Jeff Sessions from re- technologytheyneedtodo spokesmanDevinO’Malley 2019re-electionbid.Eman- mentcoveredawiderangeofdisparitiesaffecting quiringcitiestogiveimmi- abetterjobinpublicsafety.” said in a statement the uelsuedSessionslastsum- African-Americans,thequestionofwhetherblacks gration agents access to AndDemocraticU.S.Sen. agency “believes it exer- mertostoptheimmigration andwhitesshouldbeabletousethesametoilets immigrants in the U.S. il- DickDurbinapplaudedthe ciseditsauthority,givenby rulesfrombeingappliedto playedakeyroleinthestruggletoendsegregation. legally who are in their court decision, saying Congress, to attach condi- thegrants,andU.S.District Thoughthe“whiteonly”and“coloredonly”signs lockups, in order to get Trump’s policy pressured tions to Byrne JAG grants Judge Harry Leinenweber arenolongervisibleonthedoorsofpublicrestrooms, certainpublicsafetygrants. “local communities to join that promote cooperation granted a nationwide in- thesymbolismbehindthesignagehasnotentirely Emanuel quickly called inthepresident’smassde- with federal immigration junction. The Justice De- disappeared.Thedebateovertoiletscontinuestobea an afternoon news confer- portationagenda.” authorities when the juris- partment appealed, setting politicalmainstayofAmericanculture,affectingevery enceatCityHalltotrumpet The judges’ strongly diction has an illegal alien upThursday’sruling. aspectofourlives,fromracetoclasstosexualorienta- his latest win in the city’s worded ruling stated that whohascommittedacrime tiontogenderidentity. lawsuit to stop the Trump America’s Founding Fa- intheircustody.” [email protected] Liketheracialdebateofthe1960s,thefightover whethertransgenderpeopleshouldhaveaccessto publictoiletshasbeenloudandovert.Buttheracial undertonesinmorerecentdiscussionsabouttheuseof toiletsinprivatebusinesseshaveforthemostpart stayedundertheradar. Federallawspreventpeoplefrombeingdeniedthe useofpublicrestroomfacilities,butwhenitcomesto toiletsinprivatebusinessessuchasrestaurantsand coffeeshops,everybodyisprettymuchontheirown. InahandfulofstateslikeIllinois,though,anexcep- tionismadeforpeoplewithmedicalconditionssuch asinflammatoryboweldisease.Aslongastheyhavea notesignedbyaphysician,businesseshavetoallow themintotherestroom. Fortherestofus,itbasicallycomesdowntothis:A baristaworkingbehindacoffeecounterhasthepower tomakeusholdituntilourbladdernearlybursts. Inthisnewculturalwarovertoilets,wearepitted againsteachotherinbattleswesometimesdon’teven realizewearefighting.Employeesgettodecideona whimwhethersomeoneissuitabletobehandedover thekeystothetoilet.Often,theirreasoningisentirely arbitrary. Perhapstheydon’tlikeyoursweatpantsandgym shoes.Perhapstheyareintimidatedbyyourdarkskin andfullbeard.Perhapstheythinkyourdreadlocks makeyoulooklikeyoujustgotoutofjail.Perhapsthey simplydon’tlikethewayyouspeak. Whateverthereason,you’reoutofluck. Beforepoliceofficersescortedthetwoblackmen outofthePhiladelphiaStarbucksinhandcuffs,atleast oneofthemhadaskedtousetherestroom.Theman- agersaidno,reportedlybecausethemenhadnotor- deredanything.Andiftheystayedwithoutatleasta cupontheirtable,itwasconsideredtrespassing. Accordingtothecompany,thereisnobroadpolicy prohibitingpeoplefromusingrestroomsinitsstores. Andinthestoresthatdohavesucharule,questions sometimesareraisedaboutwhetheritisappliedcon- sistently. InthecaseofthePhiladelphiaStarbucks,itcreated apublicperceptionofdiscrimination.Asaresult,Star- buckslearnedthatleavingsuchjudgmentsuptoindi- NANCYSTONE/CHICAGOTRIBUNE vidualemployeesisproblematic.Thecompanyseems torealizenowthatpeopleoftenmakesuchdecisions SPRING REVIVING basedonpreconceivednotionsthatareneitherfairnor accurate. SoonMay29,Starbuckswillclosemorethan8,000 ThesunreflectsoffLakeMichigannearFosterAvenueinChicagoonThursday,whentemperaturesstayedinthe40satthe storesacrossthecountryforanafternoonwhileits lakeandreached55atO’HareandMidwayairports.Highsareforecasttohit55to60degreesinlandFridayandthrough nearly175,000employeesundergo“racial-biaseduca- tion”training.Theseminarswilladdresswhatdiver- theweekend.Thethermometerwillkeeprisingintotheworkweek.SeemoreoftheforecastonthebackpageofA+E. sityexpertsrefertoas“unconsciousbias,”thoselittle thoughtsthatpopintoourheadswhenwearesizing peopleup. Whilethesepredisposedattitudesaffectmostofthe decisionswemakeeveryday,fromtheworkplaceto Student walkouts have choice of issues ourpersonalinteractions,theycomeintoplaymore oftenthanyoumightthinkoveraccesstotoilets. Inanothervideothatsurfacedthisweekfroma Anniversary of pervision and oversight in tion to function of the Ben Russell, a senior at StarbucksintheLosAngelesarea,anAfrican-Ameri- allschools,”andnotedthat school,anditneedstobefor Naperville Central High Columbine attack canmanaccusedanemployeeofgivingawhiteman the school staff was work- alegitimatereasonthathas School,saidthatsoonafter theaccesscodetothetoiletandrefusingtogiveitto falls on ‘Weed Day’ ing with students still pas- somemerittoit—andthat the Parkland shooting, he himbecausehehadnotboughtanything. sionateaboutgunreformto does not include smoking and other student organ- Ontherecording,thewhitemanacknowledgesthat ByVikkiOrtiz choose alternative ways to marijuana.” izers intended their April hewasnotrequiredtomakeapurchasebeforegoing ChicagoTribune communicate their posi- The added level of con- 20walkouttobeanotable intotherestroom.Theblackmanquestionedwhether tion. Those who walk out cerncomesasstudentscon- event. When schools hewasdenieduseofthefacilitybecauseofhisrace. Following widespread would face disciplinary tinue a movement to pro- around the area began an- Thiskindoftreatmentisn’tuncommonforAfrican- high school walkouts last consequences,itsaid. mote gun control in the nouncingplansfortheear- Americans,andnotjustatStarbucks. month in support of gun At Oak Park and River wake of the massacre that lierwalkout,Russellandhis AColumbia,S.C.,manfiledadiscriminationlawsuit reform, some students Forest High School in Oak left 17 dead in February at peersfollowedsuitbuthan- lastyearalleginghewenttofiveconveniencestores across the Chicago area Park, Principal Nathaniel MarjoryStonemanDouglas dedoutstickersandnotices andgasstationsinthecityandwasdeniedaccessto plan to walk out of class Rouse sent parents of the High School in Parkland, to remind students that a therestroomsbecauseheisAfrican-American. Friday,the19thanniversary school’s 3,400 students an Fla. Tens of thousands of biggereventwouldhappen Priortofilingthelawsuit,theman’sattorneyscon- of the Columbine High emailencouraging them to studentsinChicagoandthe attheirschoolApril20,he ductedaprivateinvestigationthat“revealedthede- Schoolshooting. “reclaimthisdaybytalking suburbs joined the nation- said. fendantsallowedwhitecustomerstousetherestroom Buttheirmessageisget- openly with your teens wide #NeverAgain move- Despite some snarky facilitieswhenrequestedononeormoreoccasions,” tingalittlelostintheweeds: about the harmful risks of mentbywalkingoutofclass marijuana-related com- thelawsuitsaid. April 20 also is known as youth marijuana use.” The Feb.21andMarch14andby ments on Twitter, where Inmostofthesecases,wemayneverknowthe NationalGetHighDay. message included several joining a March For Our Russell and other students truth.Howcananyonedeterminewhatthoughtslive “April 20 is traditionally linkstopageswithtipsfor LivesrallyheldinChicago’s promotedtheirwalkout,he intherecessesofsomeoneelse’smind? an extra security day to conversations with teens UnionParkonMarch24. still is expecting a large Nodoubt,thefolksatStarbucksknowthatchanging begin with,” said Kim aboutmarijuana. For the April 20 walk- turnout Friday. He and racialattitudesisn’tgoingtobeeasy.ButAmerica’s Brehm, spokesman for And in Arlington outs, planned to coincide otherorganizershavemade brokentoiletculturewillneverbefixedunlesssome- Lockport Township High Heights, Hersey High withtheanniversaryofthe signs, planned voter regis- onegivesitatry. School District 205. “We’ll SchoolPrincipalGordySis- schoolshootinginLittleton, trationtablesandhavestu- just have extra eyes, have son said he and other ad- Colo.,in1999,studentsfrom dent speeches ready, he [email protected] facultyremindthemofthe ministratorswereprepared NapervilletoChicagohave said. Twitter@dahleeng date, and keep their eyes to dole out truancy conse- plannedtoleaveclassat10 “It’s annoying,” Russell open.” quencestoanystudentab- a.m. for a full day of civic said of the “Weed Day” This week, parents of sent from class for more activity.Somehaveworked association. “But we ex- students at both Lockport than20minutesFriday. with local politicians to pectedit,andwe’lljustkeep High School campuses re- “I’machildfromthe’60s; holdlisteningsessions.Oth- pushing on. It’s all we can ceived a letter that ex- I’vebeenthere,”Sissonsaid. ersarehosting“getoutthe do.” MarySchmich plained April 20 annually “From an administrative vote” drives, helping stu- hasthedayoff. raised “elevated concern viewpoint, (a walkout) dentsregisteronlinetovote [email protected] that requires increased su- needstobeashortdisrup- iftheyareofage. Twitter@vikkiortiztrib 5 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 Parkland survivor: Be a force for change Florida teen tells the heightened security at her daughter’s school suburban students hasn’t made her feel safer, to be vocal about noting that Cruz “came in as a chameleon” that day, gun violence dressedlikeanyotherstu- dentattheschool. ByMikeNolan “What I do feel better DailySouthtown aboutisthewholenationis looking at security at Standing Thursday be- schools,”shesaid. forearoomfullofstudents Ho-Shing’s mother said at Thornwood High thatsheis“veryproud”of School,Mei-LingHo-Shing her daughter’s decision to asks how many of them beanadvocateforchange. have been affected by gun Insteadofspeakingout,her violence. Several raised a experience “could have hand. turned to anger, it could Ho-Shing, a junior at have turned to rage,” she MarjoryStonemanDouglas said. High School in Parkland, Oneofthestudentswho Fla.,where17peoplewere raised a hand when asked killed Feb. 14 in a mass by Ho-Shing if they had shooting, said she lost her beenpersonallyaffectedby friends that day — and gunviolencewasNicolette might also have become a Sales,whohadbeeninstru- victim if not for one small mentalinaschoolwalkout thing. atThornwoodinMarchin “A lock on the door (to support of the Parkland her classroom) saved my KEVINTANAKA/DAILYSOUTHTOWN students. Sales, one of the life,” said the 17-year-old, MarjoryStonemanDouglasHighSchooljuniorMei-LingHo-ShingspeaksaboutgunviolenceThursday. students Ho-Shing shad- who wants to one day owed Thursday, said she become a computer scien- wasvisitingtheschool. cers. mann’s class that she’s Her day at Thornwood hadlostacousininChicago tist. Ho-Shing told students, “If anything, we’ll be “been in some trenches wasarrangedbytheIllinois togunviolence. Ho-Shing spent the day “We can’t keep holding walking around scared,” since this all started, and Education Association, Sales, the president of a at the South Holland stuffinside. senior Trevon Smith told I’m fine with that,” but which represents teachers youthleadershiporganiza- school,visitingclassrooms, “It’s your story, it’s your Ho-Shing. “Being a black acknowledgedshe’smissed outsidethecityofChicago. tionattheschool,saidthere talking about her experi- reality,” she said. “Talk male,I’malreadyatriskjust a lot of school as a result Friday,Ho-Shingwillspeak was a definite connection enceandfieldingquestions aboutit.” walkingoutsidetheschool andit’snotunusualforher at the IEA’s annual Repre- betweenHo-Shingandstu- fromstudents,tellingthem Shetoldthemthatyoung orwalkinganywhere.” tostillbedoinghomework sentative Assembly in dents, and that the Park- theyneedtobevocalabout people, “need to put the WearingamaroonMar- at4or5a.m. Rosemont. landstudent“didn’tactlike gunviolenceandbeaforce focus on the people in jory Stoneman Douglas T- “I’ve been balancing,” After the afternoon Q & shewasherejusttotellher forchange. charge,” which might start shirtwiththewords“#MS- she said. “I call myself a A session with the large storyandgohome.” “We’re tired, I’m tired,” at the local level with ap- Dstrong”onthefront,Ho- part-timeactivist,becauseI group of students, Ho- she said. “We shouldn’t be proaching school board Shing told students in Alt- stillhaveworktodo.” Shing’s mother, Vikki, said [email protected] buryingourfriends.” membersaswellaswriting Whengunfireeruptedat to their representatives in her school, allegedly Congress. carriedoutbyformerPark- “Make them sick and landstudentNikolasCruz, tiredofyourface,”shesaid Ho-Shing said she and of those in authority. other students hid in their “They’re not going to take second-floor classroom, you seriously at first, but “holding their hands in a makethem.” corner, praying we would Ho-Shingsaidsheisnot beOK.” anti-Second Amendment, The locked door pre- butthatthere“needstobe vented the shooter from restrictions”whenitcomes entering the room, al- toaccesstoguns. LAST DAYS! thoughinotherclassrooms “We need to close the he sprayed bullets after loopholes,” she said. “Peo- firing through glass in plefallthroughthoseloop- doors,shesaid. holesandpeopledie.” F R I E N D S & FA M I LY Askedbyastudentabout Following the mass her feelings toward Cruz, shootingatherschool,Ho- Ho-Shing said, “May God Shingsaidthatsecurityhas 3 0 have mercy, that’s all I’m been“beefedupliketimes goingtosay.” 10,” with heavily armed NotlongaftertheFebru- securitypersonnelroaming % ary shooting, seeing class- the schools and students mates, primarily white, requiredtototeclearback- speaking through the me- packs. dia about what had hap- Shesaidthatsomeofher pened,Ho-Shing,ofJamai- peersfeelsafer,butthat“I can-Chinese descent, said didn’tfeelgoodaboutit.” she thought they were “There are just more “talking on behalf of black guns on campus than ever E X T R AO F F and brown communities,” before,”shesaid. but that students of color Earlier Thursday, Ho- were not having their Shingtalkedwithstudents voicesheard. inWalterAltmann’scareer Many of the students — prepclass,wheretheissue Thornwood’s student of armed security in population is 85 percent schoolswasdiscussed. African-American — ac- While Thornwood has knowledged to Ho-Shing staff posted in hallways to ALMOST EVERYTHING that based on their expo- monitor student behavior sure to media coverage of and there is a school re- the Parkland aftermath, sourceofficer,studentssaid S T O R E W I D E * they assumed she was they couldn’t envision the 1 5 whitewhentheyheardshe idea of several armed offi- % Activists ejected from city meeting OFF They see benefits, used when developers will profitfromaproject.Inthis protections from case, the foundation is a Obama center nonprofit, and it believes thecenterisaninvestment ALMOST ALL BEAUTY ByLollyBowean intothecommunity. ChicagoTribune On Thursday, activists said they are now pushing SouthSideactivistswho for a city ordinance that are pushing for a contract would essentially require a guaranteeing certain ame- property tax freeze for nities when the Obama homeowners who live in AWARDS MEMBER PERK Presidential Center is built communities closest to the disruptedtheChicagoPlan site. They also want 30 TOTAL SAVINGS Commission meeting percentofallnewresiden- Lord&TaylorAwardsCreditCardholders: Thursday morning and tial housing to be ear- UP TO 50% GETA $30 BONUS CARD† wereescortedoutbysecuri- marked for lower-income FOR EVERY$100 YOU SPEND ty. residents. Nearlytwodozenpeople The group held a rally IN STORE OR ONLINE were removed after they and news conference. Or- ON EXCLUDED ITEMS.** interrupted the proceed- ganizerssaidtheyheldthe SaveANADDITIONAL15%onyourfirstday’spurchases ingsandbeganchanting. action a month before the whenyouopenaLord&TaylorAwardsCreditCard. “Do not vote to approve Obama presentation to as- SimplytextAPPLYto81366††orapplynowat the Obama center,” they sert their voices and influ- yelled, repeating the state- encetheboard. ment of their coordinating Linda Tinsley said she SHOP EXTRA HOURS IN STORE leaderParrishBrown,who hassidedwiththepushfor isco-chairofthelocalBlack a benefits agreement be- Go online to find your store’s hours YouthProject100chapter. cause she fears the presi- The Obama Foundation dentialcenterwillincrease is scheduled to appear be- housingcostsinWoodlawn, SHOP CONFIDENTLY. WE PRICE MATCH! fore the Plan Commission South Shore and Washing- next month to present its tonPark. Ifyoufinditforless,we’llmatchit…andsayThankYouwitharose! visiontotransformJackson “Woodlawn has a lot of Park.Thepresidentialcen- older residents. We have a terwillcostmorethan$300 lot of older stakeholders million, and officials want andolderrenters,”shesaid. FortheLord&Taylornearestyou,visitlocations.lordandtaylor.comorcall1-800-223-7440. *15%offcosmetics,fragrances,beautyaccessories&kitchen;10%offgourmet;25%offwatches&RobertoCoinfinejewelry.NotvalidonSmartValueitems;alsoexcludes: to break ground later this “Peoplehavebeentherefor ALLITEMSFROM:Adidas,APL,Brika,ChanelSublimage,Coach1941,Dansko,Dyson,Earth,EileenFisherTheSystem,Guccisunglasses&watches,Hammitt,HankyPanky, year. decades.…Peopleareused Johnston&Murphy,JSlides,KateSpadeNewYorkwatches&home,LXR&Co.,MichaelMichaelKorsSportswear,shoes,handbags,Fashionjewelry,MichaelKorsaccessories &watches,MovadoBold,NewBalance,Nike,Oakley,OliviaBurtonwatches,Olsen,ProjectGravitas,Ray-Ban,Smeg,S’well,Toms,ToryBurchwatches,Tumi,Ugg,Under FormerPresidentBarack tolivingwheretheyareat.” Armour,VintageAccessories,Vitamix&YumiKim,techwatches;Women’sPuma;Men’sBarbour,ColeHaanshoes,Levi’s&MichaelKors;Kid’sPuma;REGULARPRICEITEMS FROM:ArmaniCollezioni,Aquatalia,Barbourcoats,Commando,DianeVonFurstenbergsportswear&shoes,EileenFisherTheSystem,Eleventy,EricJavits,FitFlop,Fjällräven, Obamahassaidhewillnot Tinsley worries that if FreePeopleshoes&sportswear,Hanro,HardyAmies,HelenKaminski,JackSpade,KateSpadeNewYork,LaPerla,LeMystère,LouiseetCiehandbags,Mantu,MarcJacobs, sign a community benefits housingcostsincrease,resi- Nadri,Natori,Parfait,RebeccaMinkoff,Spanx,St.John,StuartWeitzman,Swarovski,Unode50,Wacoal,Vince,Kid’sKateSpadeNewYork;FinewatchesfromLongines, Michele,TagHeuer,WLXTpre-ownedCartier&Rolex.SpecialeventpromotionsinFineJewelry;TheGalleryandTheDressEdit;JustBobbi;charity-relatedmerchandise; agreement because it’s not dents will be forced to restaurants,giftcards,beautysalons&storeservices.Onlineexclusionsmaydiffer;seewebsitefordetails.†PurchasesmustbemadewithyourLord&TaylorAwardsCredit Card.YourBonusCardwillarriveinthemailwithin60days.Earnuptoamaximumof$300.NotvalidonSmartValueItems,cosmetics,fragrances&beautyaccessories;charity- thebesttoolforthistypeof move. relatedmerchandise,candyandgourmet,giftcards,restaurants,BeautySalon,storeservices,priorpurchasesorasaccountpayment;subjecttochange.Cannotbe development. Foundation combinedwithFriends&Familyoffer.**Offerfornewaccountsonly.Giftcardsandstoreservicesareexcluded.Certainbrandexclusionsmayapply.Seewebsiteorstoreassociate fordetails.††Creditapprovalrequired.Termsandconditionsapply.TheLord&TaylorAwardsCreditCardisissuedbyCapitalOne,N.A.TextAPPLYto81366toreceiveaone- officials have said such [email protected] tciomme/ttexxttamppelsystaegrme.sTlet.xFtoSrTOthPetLoosrtdop&.TTeaxytloHrEnLePafroershteylopu.,Mceaslsla1g-8e0&0d-2a2ta3-r7a4t4e0s,maanyyatpimpley,.Taenrymdsaayn,doCrvoinsdititloiorndsaannddtaPyrliovra.ccyomPo.liScaylemeanydbseMvioenwdeadya,tAwprwilw2.3d,m2c0c1b8.. agreements are typically Twitter@lollybowean 6 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 Brown to run for mayor despite federal probe Brown,fromPage1 termbymorethan14percentage points. The Chicago Tribune first re- portedinMay2014thatthestate’s attorney was looking into a land deal that netted Brown and hus- band Benton Cook III tens of thousands of dollars with no moneydown.Thehusbandgota NorthLawndalebuildingforfree fromalongtimeBrowncampaign donor. Brown quickly became a co-owner,andhercompanysold the parcel for $100,000 to a Frankfort real estate developer who'dlonghadhiseyeonit. Thatcountyprobegrewintoa federalinvestigation,sourcestold theTribune.InOctober2015,the FBIseizedBrown’scellphone. The federal investigation evolved into more widespread pay-to-playallegations,leadingto theindictmentandeventualcon- viction of former circuit court employeeSivasubramaniRajaram forlyingtoagrandjuryinvestigat- ing“possiblecriminalviolationsin connectionwiththepurchasingof jobsandpromotions”inBrown’s office. Brown’sofficerehiredRajaram, who had worked for the clerk's officeyearsearlier,inSeptember 2014 — just weeks after he pur- portedly lent $15,000 to a com- panycontrolledbyCook.Rajaram, whopleadedguiltyinApril2016, admittedtofalselytellingagrand NANCYSTONE/CHICAGOTRIBUNE2015 juryhehadnotspokentoBrown CircuitCourtClerkDorothyBrown,shownataprotestofthepoliceshootingofLaquanMcDonald,hasalargefollowingatSouthSidechurches. afterhisrehiringeventhoughtext messages on Brown’s cellphone cism about accepting cash gifts churches, a constituency that indicatedotherwise. andcampaigncontributionsfrom helpedherfirstcapturetheoffice Before Rajaram’s sentencing, heremployeesandtheirrelatives. 18 years ago. She defeated the federal prosecutors alleged in In December 2012, shortly after party’s endorsed candidate, in February 2017 that the $15,000 winning a fourth term, Brown part on a vow to improve the businessloanwasactuallyabribe, declared that she would stop office’stechnology. whileBrownmaintaineditwasa acceptingcampaigncontributions Ifsherunsformayor,itwould legitimate loan. Although prose- fromheremployees.Monthsear- be Brown’s second bid for the cutorsrecommendeda15-month lier,theTribunedocumentedhow office. In 2007, she got about 20 prison term, Rajaram was sen- she had received more than percentofthevote,losingbadlyto tencedtothreeyearsofprobation. $315,000 in political donations Richard M. Daley even as the TheninMay2017,BeenaPatel, fromworkersinherofficeandat mayor was viewed as potentially aonetimetopaidetoBrownand least $75,000 in contributions vulnerable because of the Hired sisterofthepoliticaldonorinthe fromtheirrelatives. Truckscandal. land deal that started the probe, Until 2009, Brown also ac- In2010,Brownfinishedthirdin wasindictedonchargessheliedto ceptedannualcashChristmasand afour-wayraceforCountyBoard a grand jury when asked in two birthday gifts from employees. president as Toni Preckwinkle separate appearances about pay- Sheendedthatpracticeafterthe won her first term. In the city, to-play allegations in the clerk’s Tribune asked her about it. The Brownwaslast,capturingonly16 office. following year, Brown stopped percent of the Chicago vote — Acourtfilinginthecaseagainst chargingemployeestowearden- evenlessthanunpopularincum- PatelstatedthataBrownemploy- im on “jeans days” after the bentStroger. ee told federal investigators that ANTONIOPEREZ/CHICAGOTRIBUNE county inspector general deter- Brown would join a crowded $10,000wasthe“goingrate”toa BrownunsuccessfullylobbiesHouseSpeakerMichaelMadiganforCook minedtheprogramneededbetter field of challengers seeking to buy a job in the circuit clerk’s CountyDemocraticPartyleaders’endorsementforclerkin2015. money-handling and record- unseat Mayor Rahm Emanuel. office. Another employee said in keepingprocedures. Others who have said they’re an FBI interview that it was Illinois Govs. George Ryan and treatedunfairly. Brown has not been a big running are businessman Willie well-known that showering gifts RodBlagojevich. “The way that she’s gotten so fundraiserinrecentmonths,and Wilson, former Chicago Public on Brown could earn you a Blagojevichwonre-electionto much attention, and nothing’s she could have a tough time Schools CEO and gubernatorial promotion. a second term in 2006, even come of it, in some cases that raisingenoughtogethermessage candidatePaulVallas,formerChi- Patel continues to fight the thoughoneofhistopadvisersand mightbeabenefittoher,”Stroger outinamayoralrace.Shehasjust cagopoliceSuperintendentGarry charge, and there’s no public fundraisershadbeenindictedon said. “Some people would think $4,094 in her campaign account. McCarthy,Chicagoprincipalsas- indicationsheiscooperatingwith sweeping political corruption theyaretryingtorunherout,and Since March 2017, Friends of sociation President Troy LaR- prosecutors in their broader in- chargeslessthanamonthearlier. itmighthavetheoppositeeffect. DorothyBrownhasreceivedonly aviere, tech entrepreneur Neal vestigation. Rajaram refused to Blagojevichwasnotchargeduntil “When you are black and an $23,420incontributions. Sales-Griffin and community ac- cooperate. much later, and voters gave him elected official, you have to be Brown also has been widely tivistJa’MalGreen.CountyCom- It’s common practice for fed- thebenefitofthedoubt. twiceasgood,mindyourp’sand criticized for being too slow to missionerBridgetGainerandChi- eralprosecutorstostartbybring- On Thursday, former Cook q’s, because they will try to send automate an office that oversees cagoPoliceBoardPresidentLori ing charges against lower-level County Board President Todd youtojail,”hesaid. court records. In February, the Lightfootalsoaremullingbids. employees and then work their StrogersaidthatgiventheBrown The federal probe hasn’t been Tribunereportedthatcarbonpa- way up when pursuing a case investigationhasstretchedonfor the only controversy that has perisstillusedtomakecopiesof Chicago Tribune’s Bill Ruthhart againstahigh-levelpublicofficial. several years with no charges surroundedBrown,whohasbeen paperfilings. andJasonMeisnercontributed. That’s what happened in the against her, African-American inofficesincelate2000. Still, Brown has developed a corruption convictions of former voters could view her as being For years, Brown faced criti- large following at South Side [email protected] Conservative seeks to challenge Rauner McCann,fromPage1 McCannhasenjoyedunionback- ing in past contests. He has issue. McCann survived and re- receivedmorethan$105,000from mainedintheSenate. organizedlaboralreadythisyear. His candidacy also comes as Earlier this week, he received Rauner tries to mollify social $50,000 from the International conservatives in the Republican Union of Operating Engineers base, particularly Downstate, fol- Local 150, a politically active lowinghisnarrowprimaryvictory union that has fought against over state Rep. Jeanne Ives of Rauner’seffortstoweakencollec- Wheatonlastmonth. tive bargaining and prevailing It isn’t yet clear, though, that wage rights. The union backed McCann’s name will appear on Pritzker’sDemocraticbidforgov- the November ballot because he ernor in May 2017, less than a first needs to collect tens of month after he announced his thousands of petition signatures candidacy. on a tight deadline. Still, the To get on the ballot, McCann political impact of his nascent has until June 25 to obtain the campaign immediately was re- validsignaturesof25,000voters. flected in the words of both Candidates typically try to file RaunerandPritzker. twice the number of signatures Rauner’s campaign called Mc- just to be safe from a petition Cannthe“worstkindofpolitical challenge — which he would be opportunist,”andtheIllinoisRe- expectedtoface. publican Party that the governor Whether he succeeds or not, hasheavilysubsidizedcalledMc- McCann’sneweffortdisparaging DAVIDSPENCER/THESTATEJOURNAL-REGISTER2016 Canna“crook”anda“spoiler.” Rauner keeps open the wounds DownstateRepublicanstateSen.SamMcCannsayshe’srunningforgovernorasathird-partycandidate. PritzkersaidhewelcomedMc- created by Ives’ primary chal- Cann to the race as “another lenge. governor has said the legislation versies in the past over tax liens McCann has said the miles he voice”forvoterstoconsider. Last month Rauner defeated was backed by law enforcement owed by his firms, his military drivesforpoliticsmakeleasinga McCann responded to Pritzk- Ives by less than 3 percentage and did not grant “sanctuary” recordanduseofcampaignmon- vehiclecost-prohibitive. er’s statement on Twitter, thank- points, after she attacked the status.McCann’svideoshoweda ey. Rauner’s campaign sought to ing him and saying he looks governorforexpandingabortion, clip of Rauner saying, “buenos Hehasblamedthetaxlienson mark the launch of McCann’s “forwardtohavingseriousdebate immigration and transgender dias,”or“goodmorning”inSpan- confusionover“variousemployer campaign with those controver- abouttheissuesfacingIllinois.” rights and for supporting an ish. identification numbers” used at sies. McCann,ofPlainview,firstwon agendathathelpsChicagoagainst “Lawandorderhavevanished his businesses. Former political “SamMcCannistheworstkind hisSenateseatin2010andopted therestofthestate. in the last four years under opponents also have taken issue of political opportunist who is againstare-electionbidthisyear. McCann renewed attacks on Rauner. Sanctuary for illegal im- with how he described his mili- onlyrunningforgovernortoline He toyed with a similar bid for severalofthosefrontsThursday. migrantsandattacksonourSec- tary record. He was injured in a hisownpockets,”Raunerspokes- governor in 2014 when Rauner “Iwillbeagovernorwhofights ondAmendmentrightsiswhatwe construction accident before go- man Will Allison said in a state- wasfirstelected.OnThursday,he forthemillionsofIllinoisanswho have now thanks to Rauner and ingtoMarinebootcampandsaid ment.“McCann’sunethicalrecord said,“TheRepublicanPartyunder believe in traditional values and ChicagoDemocrats,”hesaid.“We hehadbeendischarged. speaksforitself:Hefailedtopay Rauner was unrecognizable to the sanctity of life and that hard needagovernorwhowillsupport Healsoacknowledgedlastyear histaxes,rackedupmassivedebts, me.” work should be rewarded,” he ourfederalgovernmenttodeport usingcampaignfundstopurchase lied about serving in the Marine Rauner and McCann previ- said. illegal immigrants, stand up for a $61,000 SUV, as well as an Corps, and used his campaign ously have clashed over issues He also criticized Rauner for the police who protect our fam- engine for a personally owned accountasapersonalpiggybank, involvingorganizedlabor.Repre- signing legislation that prohibits ilies and defend our Second Jeep, and spending more than evenbuyinghimselfanSUV.” senting a largely rural legislative law enforcement from holding Amendmentrights.” $19,000foratruckandtrailerfor district south of Springfield with someonebasedsolelyontheissue A construction company parades. Campaign money can’t [email protected] many state and union workers, of his or her residency. The owner,McCannhasfacedcontro- be spent for personal use, and Twitter@rap30 7 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 CPD report to give reform goals for 2018 ByJeremyGorner lawenforcementisthatwe A scathing U.S. Depart- based training for the de- 2020and40in2021.After the skill base provided to ChicagoTribune areamachoprofession,and ment of Justice report last partment’s revamped use- that, officers will continue frontlineofficersaswellas Ithinkthatthatgetsinthe year described the Police of-force policy as well as to undergo 40 hours of ensuring proper supervi- A report to be released way of even law enforce- Department as a broken training that emphasizes training each year, depart- sion of these complex and Friday by the Chicago Po- ment looking at the fact institution and singled out the use of de-escalation mentofficialshavesaid. critical events,” the report liceDepartmentoutlinesits that the people that wear negligenttrainingasamong techniques to reduce po- Thedepartmentisalsoin said. goalsforreformfortherest thisuniform(who)putthis itsmanydeficiencies. tentiallyviolentconfronta- the midst of revamping its The department also of the year, including a badge on, they’re people,” Aside from checking tions without resorting to Crisis Intervention Train- saidinthereportthatithas pledgeofstepped-uptrain- police Superintendent Ed- each year on officers’ force, according to the re- ing program, a cadre of increased its budgeted ingandsupervisionofoffi- die Johnsontoldreporters properuseofweapons,the port. officersspeciallytrainedto number of field training cers. Thursday at police head- department generally did By the end of the year, respond to calls involving officersto322,butitplans Among other goals, ac- quarters.“AndIthinkfora not require cops to return some12,000to13,000offi- peopleexperiencingamen- to train regular rank-and- cording to a draft of the longtimethat’sescapednot totheacademyforretrain- cers of all ranks will have talhealthcrisis.Since2016, file officers to temporarily 36-page report reviewed justthepeopleweservebut ing,theJusticeDepartment completed the de-escala- about2,500Chicagopolice serve as field training offi- Thursday by the Tribune, lawenforcementofficials.” noted. Instead the depart- tion training, the report officershavetakenthe40- cers because of the high are better helping officers The department has mentprovidedsporadicin- said. Officers will also be hourcourse. number of recruits set to inhowtorespondtoemer- movedtobeefupitstrain- service training, refresher able to take refresher fire- This year, field training graduate from the police gencycallsofresidentssuf- ingeffortsintheaftermath training through videos or arms training and learn officers—whotrainnewly academythisyear. feringmentalhealthcrises of the court-ordered re- new directives for officers basicfirst-aidtechniquesto mintedcopsfreshoutofthe Thedepartmenthasseta and making sure cops lease in late 2015 of police to learn about during roll help shooting or stabbing police academy — and goalofaddingnearly1,000 themselves are mentally dashboard camera video calls. victimswhileonpatrol. sergeantsarerequiredtogo officers to the department and emotionally equipped showing a Chicago police Officers this year are Thehoursofmandatory through the specialized rollsbytheendoftheyear. tocarryouttheirduties. officershooting17-year-old required to undergo 16 training will increase in training, according to the “Theperceptionandthe Laquan McDonald 16 hours of mandatory train- eachofthefollowingthree report. [email protected] reality a lot of times with times. ing, including scenario- years—to24in2019,32in “The goal is to broaden Twitter@JeremyGorner Cop who shot 2 fatally faces possible firing Rialmo,fromPage1 entJohnsondidisnodiffer- ent than what we’ve seen” Her ruling means that before. thePoliceBoard—anine- Afterthemeeting,LeGri- memberpanelthatincludes er’smother,JanetCooksey, eight Emanuel appointees told reporters that Jones —willtakeonadivisivecase wasn’t the only innocent thathasstirredstrongemo- personshotbyRialmo. tions among both police “Mysoncalledthepolice reform advocates and the threetimes!”shesaid.“You department’s rank-and-file. don’t call somebody three Activists have called for timestotrytoattackthem!” Rialmo’s firing, while his Cooksey said she felt defenders, including police relieved by Delgado’s deci- unionleaders,havesaidhe siontosendthecasetothe wasjustifiedinshootingan fullboard. armedassailant. “Rialmohastobefired,” After the Police Board she said. “I don’t have a meeting Thursday night, child.I’llneverbeagrand- Johnsonspokeoftheemo- mother. I haveto live with tionsthatthefatalshootings thiseveryday.” of Quintonio LeGrier, 19, Neither Rialmo nor his ARMANDOL.SANCHEZ/CHICAGOTRIBUNEPHOTOS andbystanderBettieJones, lawyer attended the meet- JanetCooksey,left,motherofQuintonioLeGrier,iscomfortedbyPamelaHuntataPoliceBoardmeetingThursday. 55,havestirred. ing. “You know that doesn’t The shooting of LeGrier escape me,” the superin- and Jones on the day after tendenttoldreporters.“I’m Christmas 2015 has at- ablackman(who)grewup tracted intense attention. in this city. I raised my Not only was a bystander familyhere.…Butattheend killed, but it also marked of the day, I have to leave Chicago’s first fatal police emotions from myself, the shooting since the court- communityandelectedof- ordered release a month ficialsoutofit.” earlier of video of a white Johnson said he re- officer shooting black teen spected the city’s disci- LaquanMcDonald16times. plinary process and ac- The video, released in No- knowledged that he and vember 2015, outraged COPA sometimes disagree black and Latino Chi- overindividualcases. cagoans who aired long- “Buttheimportantthing standing objections about isthere’saprocessinplace their treatment by police. to resolve disagreements,” Efforts to overhaul the de- he told reporters. “I honor partment and curb uses of theprocess.” force continue more than MartinPreib,secondvice twoyearslater. president of the Chicago Rialmo,whoalsofacesa Fraternal Order of Police, separatedisciplinaryinves- addressedtheboardfollow- tigation and misdemeanor ing Delgado’s announce- criminalchargesoveraDe- MembersoftheChicagoPoliceBoardlistentothoseintheaudienceduringameetingatpoliceheadquartersThursday. ment,blastingherrulingas cember2017barfightcap- “despicableandfalse.” tured on security cameras, problems, had behaved which declined to bring shooting, determining that about witness accounts “What you have done has been stripped of his strangely as a student at criminalchargesagainstRi- the evidence suggested placingtheofficerasignifi- tonight has paralyzed the police powers and placed NorthernIllinoisUniversity almo. LeGrierlikelydidnotswing cantdistancefromtheteen police,”Preibsaid. onpaiddeskduty. andhadrun-inswithpolice As Rialmo backed down the bat at Rialmo, as the andrejectedotherpotential LarryRogersJr.,alawyer About 4:30 a.m. on Dec. andotherstudents,records the stairs, he fired eight officer contended. COPA’s evidence as irrelevant. representing Jones’ family 26, 2015, Rialmo and his show. times, hitting LeGrier six ruling also found that Ri- JohnsonconcludedthatRi- in a pending lawsuit, partner responded to 911 Jones, who lived down- times, prosecutors found. almo was probably farther almofacedimmediatedan- praised Delgado’s decision calls about a domestic dis- stairs,pointedpolicetothe Jones, who stood behind fromLeGrierwhenhefired ger and that his actions while slamming Johnson turbanceatanapartmentin secondfloor.ThenLeGrier the teen during the inci- the shots than the officer werereasonable. forhisrecommendation. the4700blockofWestErie camedownthestairswitha dent, was shot once in the contended. “COPA was created be- Street, where LeGrier was baseballbat,accordingtoan chest. But Johnson sided with [email protected] cause officers protect offi- staying with his father. analysis released last year COPA investigators Rialmo’s contention that [email protected] cers,”RogerstoldthePolice LeGrier, apparently suffer- byCookCountyState’sAt- raised doubts about Ri- LeGrier swung the bat at Twitter@JeremyGorner Twitter@dhinkel Board.“WhatSuperintend- ing from mental health torney Kim Foxx’s office, almo’s accounts of the him.Healsovoiceddoubts 2nd lawsuit seeks to halt Deerfield’s ban on assault weapons ByKarenBerkowitz nearly five years after the responsetothefirstlawsuit. PioneerPress state pre-empted any new “The lawsuit admits the municipal bans on assault lawfulness of the Village’s Asecondlawsuitischal- weapons. ban on the sale of assault lengingthevillageofDeer- Asuitfiledtwoweeksago weapons. And the lawsuit field’sassaultweaponsban by the Illinois State Rifle effectively concedes the that is scheduled to take Association, the Second lawfulness of the Village’s effectJune13. Amendment Foundation assaultweaponsbanunder The suit filed Thursday andDeerfieldresidentDan- the Second Amendment to bytheadvocacygroupGuns iel Easterday also claims theU.S.Constitution.” SaveLifeandDeerfieldresi- thatDeerfieldtrusteeslack- Deerfield officials have dent John William Wom- ed the authority to outlaw said the ordinance is mod- bacher III challenges the the possession of assault eledafteronepassedbythe Deerfield ordinance that weapons because regula- neighboring city of High- was approved April 2 on tion became the exclusive land Park in 2013 that was numerousgrounds. powerofthestatein2013. upheldina2-1rulingbythe TheNationalRifleAsso- RICHPEDRONCELLI/AP2012 Deerfield officials have 7th U.S. Circuit Court of ciation’sInstituteforLegis- TheAR-15isamongthegunsbannedbytheordinance. characterized their ban as Appeals. lativeActionissuedanews an amendment to a 2013 ThoughtheNationalRi- release Thursday saying it assaultweapons”and“large merelyoncosmeticappear- bear firearms is protected ordinance that defined as- fleAssociationappealedthe was supporting the Guns capacity magazines” in the ance,”saidJohnBoch,exe- bytheSecondAmendment saultweaponsandrequired 7th Circuit Court ruling to SaveLifelawsuit. ordinance, noting the ban cutivedirectorofGunsSave oftheU.S.Constitution. safestorageandtransporta- theU.S.SupremeCourt,the The suit contends, covers prevalent firearms Life. “That is why we are in tion of those weapons highcourtdeclinedtotake among other things, that a that are overwhelmingly Boch said the Deerfield courttochallengethisordi- withinthevillage. upthecasein2015,allowing provision instructing the usedforself-defense.Those ordinancebanningfirearms nance to ultimately allow They contend the ordi- theappellatecourtrulingto Deerfieldchiefofpoliceto include the AR-15, de- “based on appearances theresidentsofDeerfieldto nance, passed before the stand. confiscate and destroy as- scribed in the suit as makes no more sense than buy,useandpossessAmeri- state’s deadline, preserved Deerfield Mayor Harriet sault weapons and large- “America's most popular banningbrownM&M’sjust ca’s favorite rifle and the their right to amend the Rosenthal has previously capacitymagazinesviolates semiautomaticrifle.” because the village doesn’t many other firearms that ordinanceinthefuture. stated that she decided to a guarantee under the Illi- “Whatwearelookingto likethecoloroftheparticu- are very similar to it,” he “Thelawsuitadmitsthat take up the ban after the nois Constitution that pri- do is block the village of larM&M.” said. the State Legislature ex- Feb. 14 school shooting in vate property shall not be Deerfield’sunconstitutional Deerfield officials could The suit filed in Lake presslygrantsthepowerto Parkland,Fla. takenforpublicusewithout efforts, in our opinion, to not be reached Thursday CountyCircuitCourtalsois amend such an assault justcompensation. deny residents, passers for comment on the latest asking for a permanent in- weapons ordinance in the The suit also challenges throughandpeoplevisiting lawsuit. junctiononthepremisethe future,”readsthestatement [email protected] the definition of “so-called the right to firearms based Boch said the right to ordinance was passed posted by the village in 8 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 BBeenneefifittiinngg MMaakkee--AA--WWiisshh®® IIlllliinnooiiss DDOONNAATTEE YYOOUURR CCAARR FreeVehicle WeAccept Wealsoaccept Pickup AllVehicles Trucks,RVs, ANYWHERE RunningorNot SUVs&Boats Call:(312)651-4254| *CarDonationFoundationd/b/aWheelsForWishes.Tolearnmoreaboutour programsorfinancialinformation, Join Us In J.SCOTTAPPLEWHITE/AP Celebration Of Our Sen.TammyDuckwortharriveswithhernewbornattheCapitolonThursdayafterlawmakersvotedtochangetheirrule. Duckworth brings 10-day-old 88th Anniversary to Senate floor, makes history Full Slab of Tender Meaty Babyy Back Ribs OffervalidMon-Fri.$$11774499 Includes Duckworth,fromPage1 But while the change When news of Duck- senators — mostly men — ExcludesHolidays. demonstrates that profes- worth’s pregnancy spread did express reservations, Expires5/30/18 2 Sides “Iwouldliketothankmy sional women have oppor- earlier this year, other according to Minnesota colleaguesonbothsidesof tunities, it does little for workingwomenunitedbe- Sen. Amy Klobuchar, the Smoked Brisket theaisle…forhelpingbring working-classwomen,said hind her cause. Some cre- ranking Democrat on the the Senate into the 21st ChristinePercheski,assist- ated petitions calling for Rules Committee. Some Sandwich centurybyrecognizingthat antprofessorofsociologyat the rule change, so Duck- questioned if the change OffervalidMon-Fri. $$992255 Includes sometimes new parents NorthwesternUniversity. worth could vote during wouldbringmanybabiesto ExcludesHolidays. alsohaveresponsibilitiesat While the Senate rule maternityleave,whileoth- the Senate floor, and ex- Expires5/30/18 2 Sides work,”Duckworth,anIraq change is “wonderful,” it’s erssentbottlesandonesies pressed concern over War veteran who was in- “anothersmallsteptoward toDuckworth’soffice. whether there would be jured in combat, said in a moreinclusiveworkspaces Rachel Pike-Norton, of diaper changes and nurs- Home of the World’s Best BBQ! statement. that value professional Oak Park, who once ing. $5 FREE PLAY “Byensuringthatnosen- women,” she said. “Unfor- workedasaSenatestaffer, In Illinois’ statehouse, atorwillbepreventedfrom tunately, I don’t see this … started a petition support- neither chamber has spe- performing their constitu- trickling down to more ing the rule change. As of cific rules about bringing BringthisadintoRussell’storeceiveyourfree$5 tional responsibilities sim- (beneficial policies) for Wednesday, it had more kidsonthefloor,andlead- ingameplaytouseinourlivegamingmachines. ply because they have a more working-class wom- than20,000signatures. erssaidtheywelcomechil- Onepercustomer. Noduplicatesallowed.Offervalidthrough young child, the Senate is eninservice-sectorjobs.” The32-year-oldworking drenandfamilymembers. 5/30/18 leading by example and Policies in the U.S. for mother of two said she It’snotunusualforlaw- sendingtheimportantmes- workingwomenlagbehind identified with Duck- makerstobeaccompanied ELMWOOD PARK sage that working parents theattitudesofmostinthe worth’s plight and recog- bytheirkids,particularlyif everywheredeservefamily- U.S.,wherethemajorityof nized the unique chal- the legislature is working 1621 N. Thatcher Ave. friendly workplace poli- mothers work, Percheski lenges she had in the Sen- on weekends or over the (Thatcher Ave. at North Ave.) cies,”shesaid.“Thesepoli- said. ate, as well as that she summer when school isn’t 708-453-7065 cies aren’t just a women’s “IntheU.S.,there’svery representsalargerissuefor in session. In the Senate, issue.Theyareacommon- much the feeling that workingmothersinallsec- where many of President senseeconomicissue.” motherhood shouldn’t be tors. John Cullerton’s top staff an impediment to a wom- “Thisbringstolighthow membersarewomen,there an’s career,” she said. “But hard it actually is,” said are designated nursing that doesn’t mean policies Pike-Norton, who now roomsfornewmothers. havekeptup.” worksinalumnirelationsat State Rep. Jehan Gor- In 2016, more than 70 the University of Chicago don-Booth, D-Peoria, said percent of mothers with andisfinishingupherown sheinitiallywasconcerned children younger than 18 maternityleaveaftergiving her professionalism would worked, according to U.S. birth to her son about 13 be questioned when she DepartmentofLabordata. weeks ago. She also has a brought her 3-year-old For mothers with children 2-year-olddaughter. daughter to work at the under 3, that number was Pike-Norton said she’s Capitol. But she said she morethan61percent. been able to work from quickly found a “doting” “As a whole, our work- homeinthepastfewweeks village. That included an familypoliciesleavealotto —aluxurymanymomsdo unofficial network of baby be desired in the U.S.,” nothave.Sheaddedthatfor sitters,includingsomelaw- Percheskisaid. senatorslikeDuckworth,it makers who set up would be impossible to playpensintheirofficesto aren’tasgenerousasthose breastfeed an infant in an watchherdaughterduring in many other countries, off-siteofficeorinthecloak meetings and committee where mothers often can room, which is not wheel- hearings. take more paid time off chair-accessible, and then Gordon-Booth noted aftergivingbirth,shesaid. hurry back to the Senate strict decorum rules that And many U.S. sector jobs floorforavote. prohibit lawmakers from have been slow to accom- “It just makes sense to havingcertainfoodsonthe modate working moms. have that change,” Pike- floor don’t apply to chil- Whiletherehasbeenprog- Nortonsaid.“Ithinkthings dren. ress in some professional are changing, but I think “No gum, no sand- sectors—namelymedicine it’ll take more women (in wiches,” Gordon-Booth andacademia—itremains leadershiproles).Momsar- said. “But you can bring difficultforwomeninother en’taskingforspecialtreat- babies.” industries to have families ment;we’rejustaskingfor and advance their careers, things to be a little bit Chicago Tribune’s Monique Percheski said. Consulting easier.” Garcia and The Associated andfinance,aswellasmost WhiletheSenateresolu- Presscontributed. working-class jobs, remain tion was ultimately passed behindthetimes,shesaid. without objections, some [email protected] Father charged after 3-year-old shoots mom in Indiana parking lot ByBeckyJacobs the store to try on clothes, through the back of the Post-Tribune according to Rice. The driver’sseat,goingthrough woman,whoissevenweeks the woman’s upper right A Michigan City man is pregnant, said she was chestbeforegoingthrough facing charges after his 3- “feelingill”andwashungry thewindshield,policesaid. year-olddaughterfoundhis with a “severe headache,” “While speaking with gunintheircarandshother Ricesaid. (themother),sheexpressed pregnantmotherinaMer- Brazier left his loaded great concern for her chil- rillville parking lot earlier handgun between a center dren’s well being,” the re- thisweek,policesaid. armrest and the front pas- leasestates. Menzo Brazier, 21, was senger seat and got out of Themotherwastakento chargedThursdaywithtwo the car, police said. The MethodistHospitalsSouth- counts each of criminal mother “was unaware lake in Merrillville before recklessnessandneglectof Menzohadagunwiththem beingflowntoahospitalin a dependent, all felonies, whentheyleft”theirhome Chicago,Ricesaid.Shehad LakeCountycourtrecords inMichiganCity,Ricesaid. surgeryforherinjuriesand show. The woman was sitting “suffered nerve damage,” Merrillville police were in the driver’s seat when, policesaid. calledtotheshootingTues- “shesuddenlyheardaloud “It was an unfortunate, day afternoon in the park- poplikeaballoon,”accord- careless incident that ing lot of Plato’s Closet in ingtotherelease.Shethen should’ve been prevented the 300 block of East 81st realized that, “a large anditshould’veneverhap- Avenue, Cmdr. Jeff Rice amountofbloodwascom- pened,” Merrillville Police saidinanewsrelease. ingoutofher,”policesaid. Chief Joseph Petruch said ThecouplewereinMer- Themothergotoutofthe Wednesday. rillville for a medical ap- carandopenedareardoor Brazier’sfirstcourthear- pointment when they to check on the 3-year-old inghadnotbeenscheduled stopped at the store, Rice and her 1-year-old son as of Thursday afternoon, said. when she found the gun accordingtocourtrecords. Brazier asked the sittingonthebackseat,Rice mother,whoisalso21,ifshe said. [email protected] wantedtogowithhiminto One shot was fired Twitter@ruthyjacobs 9 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 NATION &WORLD Cuba successor touts Castro ‘legacy’ Diaz-Canel pledges lionvisitorsayear,despitea plunge in relations under outgoing president theTrumpadministration. ‘will lead’ decisions TheelectionofPresident Donald Trump dashed ByMichael dreamsofdetentewiththe Weissensteinand U.S.,andwhereitoncegot AndreaRodriguez Venezuelansubsidiestotal- AssociatedPress ing more than $6 billion a yearfortwodecades,Cuba HAVANA—RaulCastro hasseenitspatroncollapse stepped down as president economically. ofCubaonThursday,hand- With Castro watching ing power to a 57-year-old from the audience, Diaz- successor he said would Canel made clear that for hold power until 2031, a themomenthewoulddefer plan that would place the toCastro.“Iconfirmtothis state the Castro brothers assembly that Raul Castro, founded and ruled for six as first secretary of the decades in the hands of a CommunistParty,willlead Communist Party official the decisions about the fu- whoremainslittleknownto ture of the country,” Diaz- mostpeopleontheisland. Canel said. “Cuba needs Castro’s 90-minute vale- him, providing ideas and dictory speech offered his proposals for the revolu- first clear vision for the tionarycause,orientingand nation’sfuturepowerstruc- alerting us about any error ture under new President or deficiency, teaching us, Miguel Mario Diaz-Canel and always ready to con- Bermudez. Castro said he frontimperialism.” foresees the white-haired Diaz-Canelgainedprom- electronicsengineerserving inence in Villa Clara prov- two five-year terms as inceasthetopCommunist leaderoftheCubangovern- Party official. People there ment, and taking the helm ALEXANDREMENEGHINI/REUTERS describe him as a modest- oftheCommunistParty,the NewPresidentMiguelDiaz-Canel,left,andRaulCastropresentagestureofunityThursdaytoCuba’sNationalAssembly. livingtechnocratdedicated country’s ultimate author- to improving public serv- ity, when Castro leaves the foratransitionthatignores handsofthestate. $30amonth,forcingmany Castroisstillcontrollingthe ices.Hebecamehigheredu- powerfulpositionin2021. ordestroysthelegacyofso “The people have given to depend on remittances Communist Party. We are cationministerin2009be- “From that point on, I many years of struggle,” this assembly the mandate fromrelativesabroad. very far from having a fore moving into the vice willbejustanothersoldier Diaz-Canelsaid.“Forus,it’s toprovidecontinuitytothe “I hope that Diaz-Canel democraticCuba.” presidency. defending this revolution,” totally clear that only the CubanRevolutionduringa brings prosperity,” said After formally taking In a video of a Commu- Castro said. Castro, 86, Communist Party of Cuba, crucial, historic moment Richard Perez, a souvenir overfromhisbrother,Fidel nistPartymeetingthatinex- broke frequently from his theguidingforceofsociety that will be defined by all salesmaninOldHavana.“I Castro,in2008,RaulCastro plicablyleakedtothepublic prepared remarks to joke andthestate,guaranteesthe that we achieve in the ad- wanttoseechanges,above launchedaseriesofreforms last year, Diaz-Canel ex- andbanterwithofficialson unityofthenationofCuba.” vanceofthemodernization alleconomicchangesallow- thatledtorapidexpansion pressedaseriesofpositions the dais in the National Hesaidhewouldworkto ofoursocialandeconomic ingpeopletohavetheirown ofCuba’sprivatesectorand that included somberly Assembly,sayinghelooked implementalong-termplan model,”Diaz-Canelsaid. businesses, without the burgeoning use of cell- pledging to shutter some forward to having more laid out by the National Cubans said they ex- state in charge of so many phones and internet. Cuba independent media and la- timetotravelthecountry. Assembly and Communist pectedtheirnewpresident things.” today has a vibrant real beling some European em- In his own half-hour Party to permit moderate todeliverimprovementsto But in Miami, Cuban- estatemarketandoneofthe bassies as outposts of for- speechtothenation,Diaz- growth of private enter- theisland’seconomy,which Americans said they didn’t world’sfastest-growingair- eignsubversion. Canel pledged to preserve prises such as restaurants remains stagnant, domi- expect much from Diaz- ports. Tourism numbers Buthehasalsodefended Cuba’s communist system andtaxis,whileleavingthe nated by state-run enter- Canel. have more than doubled academics and bloggers while gradually reforming economy’s most important prises that are unable to “It’s a cosmetic change,” since Castro and President who became targets of the economy and making sectors — energy, mining, provide salaries high said Wilfriedo Allen, 66, a Barack Obama re-estab- hard-liners,leadingsometo the government more re- telecommunications, medi- enoughtocoverbasicneeds. lawyer in Miami who emi- lished diplomatic relations describe him a potential sponsive. cal services and rum- and The average monthly pay grated from Cuba in 1961. in 2015, making Cuba a advocate for greater open- “There’s no space here cigar-production — in the forstateworkersisroughly “The reality is that Raul destinationfornearly5mil- ness. To land a personal lawyer, Trump turns to Giuliani Ex-NYC mayor ecutor in New York in the downthepresident’sdesire 1980slaunchedhispolitical to remove Rosenstein or praises president, career, and he served two Mueller,thepeoplesaid. special counsel terms as mayor before he Thechangeinattitudeby made an unsuccessful bid the president comes after ByChrisMegerian for the White House in weeks of attacks on the WashingtonBureau 2008.Hewilltakealeaveof specialcounselandtheJus- absence from the law firm tice Department, raising WASHINGTON—Presi- GreenbergTraurig. questionsaboutwhetherhe dent Donald Trump hired Trumpalsohiredformer might take drastic steps to formerNewYorkCityMay- prosecutors Jane Serene shutdowntheprobe. orRudyGiulianiashisnew Raskin and Marty Raskin. The shift gives some lawyer on Thursday, turn- JaySekulow,thepresident’s breathingroomtoMueller, ing to one of his oldest only personal lawyer since as well as Rosenstein, who politicalalliesastwofederal John Dowd resigned in hadbeencriticizedstrongly investigationsreacheddeep March, said the married by House Republicans for intohisinnercircle. couple have “a nationwide being slow to comply with Trump said Giuliani practiceandreputationfor requestsforclassifieddocu- EVANVUCCI/AP2016 would help him lift the excellenceandintegrity.” ments.Lastweek’smeeting FormerNewYorkCityMayorRudyGiuliani,whoearnedareputationasahard-charging cloudofinvestigationsthat ThedecisiontohireGiu- wassetupinparttoallow federalprosecutorinthe1980s,aimstohelpsolvethepresident’smultiplyinglegalissues. has hung over the White liani represents a potential Rosenstein to assuage Housealmostsincehetook turning point in the presi- Trump’s frustration with Trump,wholaterfiredhim. election, including “any Feed and the political re- officelastyear. dent’slegaldefense,placing hisdecisions. DuringahearingThurs- links” or coordination be- search firm Fusion GPS “Rudy is great,” Trump ahigh-profilelawyeratthe OnThursday,theJustice day in federal court in tweenTrumpcampaignas- related to a dossier that saidinastatement.“Hehas centerofTrump’smultiply- Departmentagreedtopro- Washington, prosecutors sociates and the Russian included claims Cohen been my friend for a long inglegaldilemmas. vide three House commit- with Mueller’s office de- government. helpedorganizeRussianin- time and wants to get this Meanwhile, Deputy At- tees with copies of several fended their investigation Seekingtohavecriminal terference into the 2016 matterquicklyresolvedfor torneyGeneralRodRosen- memos written by former into former Trump cam- charges against Manafort presidentialelection. thegoodofthecountry.” steintoldTrumplastweek FBIDirectorJamesComey, paignchairmanPaulMana- dismissed,hisattorneysar- Thelawsuits,withdrawn Giuliani told The Wash- thatheisn’tatargetofany accordingtoapersonfamil- fort by saying his long- guedthatMuellerexceeded lateWednesday,wouldhave ington Post on Thursday partofMueller’sinvestiga- iarwiththeagreement. standing ties to Russian- his authority by charging requiredCohentosubmitto that he was joining the tion or the probe into his Justice officials had al- backed politicians, finan- theirclientwithnumerous anevidencediscoveryproc- president’s legal team be- longtime lawyer, Michael lowed some lawmakers to ciersandotherswarranted felonies,includingconspir- ess,forcinghimtoproduce cause“Ihopewecannego- Cohen,accordingtoseveral view the memos but had a probe into whether any acy,bankandtaxfraud,and documentation and sworn tiate an end to this for the people familiar with the never provided copies to servedas“backchannelsto money laundering, related testimony about his activ- good of the country and matter. Rosenstein, who theHousecommittees. Russia.” to work before 2014 on itiesbeforethecloselycon- becauseIhavehighregard brought up the investiga- Comey is on a publicity DeputySolicitorGeneral behalf of Ukraine’s pro- testedelection. for the president and for tions himself, offered the tour to promote his new Michael Dreeben said the Russian president at the (special counsel) Bob assuranceduringameeting book, “A Higher Loyalty.” focusonManafortfellwell time,ViktorYanukovych. Associated Press and Mueller.” with Trump at the White Herevealedlastyearthathe withinMueller’sauthoriza- Also, lawyers for Cohen Bloombergcontributed. Giuliani’sreputationasa HouseonApril12,adevel- had written the memos tion to investigate Russian have withdrawn defama- hard-chargingfederalpros- opment that helped tamp after conversations with interferenceinthe2016U.S. tion lawsuits against Buzz- [email protected] Comey memo: Trump complained about Flynn judgment ByMaryClare os maintained by Comey Comey said he found so eagerly anticipated since already interviewed Flynn Jalonick,EricTucker andobtainedbyTheAsso- unnerving that he docu- their existence was first abouthiscontactswiththe andChadDay ciatedPress. mented them in writing. revealedlastyear,especially Russianambassador,Sergey AssociatedPress Trump also told Comey Those encounters in the since Comey’s interactions Kislyak, and the Justice that Russian President weeksbeforeComey’sMay with Trump are part of Department had already WASHINGTON—Presi- Vladimir Putin told him 2017firingincludeaTrump special counsel Robert warned White House offi- dent Donald Trump told thatRussiahad“someofthe Tower discussion about a Mueller’sinvestigationinto cials that they were con- formerFBIDirectorJames most beautiful hookers in possibleencounterbetween whether the president cerned Flynn was vulnera- Comeythathehadserious theworld”evenasheada- Trump and prostitutes in sought to obstruct justice. bletoblackmail. concerns about the judg- mantly,andrepeatedly,dis- Moscow; a White House The memos have been FlynnwasfiredinFebru- ment of his first national tancedhimselffromasala- dinneratwhichComeysays turnedovertoMueller. ary2017,afterWhiteHouse security adviser, Michael cious allegation involving Trump asked him for his Accordingtoonememo, officialssaidhehadmisled Flynn,andTrump’schiefof prostitutes in Moscow, the loyalty; and a private Oval Trump complained about themabouthisRussiancon- MANDELNGAN/GETTY-AFP2017 staff asked days later if documentsstate. Officediscussionwherethe Flynn at a private January tacts during the transition JamesComey’sinteractions Flynn’s communications The 15 pages of docu- ex-FBIheadsaysthepresi- 2017 dinner with Comey, period. withthepresidentarepart were being monitored ments contain new details dent asked him to end an saying“theguyhasserious The memos were pro- ofspecialcounselRobert under a secret surveillance about a series of interac- investigationintoFlynn. judgmentissues.” vided to Congress on Mueller’sinvestigation. warrant,accordingtomem- tions with Trump that Thedocumentshadbeen Atthatpoint,theFBIhad Thursday. 10 ChicagoTribune | Section1 | Friday,April20,2018 Jones’ flights of fancy fuel legal fight Sandy Hook Jones said in one video that Gilmore “worked for parents, others file John Podesta.” His defamation actions YouTube channel showed videos of Gilmore on the against radio host news,asJonesaccusedhim of being a “State Depart- ByAbbyOhlheiser ment insider with a long TheWashingtonPost history of involvement in psy-ops.” These days, violent Gilmore and his attor- events like mass shootings neys at the Georgetown become breeding grounds LawCivilRightsClinicare forconspiracytheories.Re- specifically seeking a jury cent lawsuits are trying to trial in a federal court in change that, by targeting Virginia in order to “set a oneofthemainreasonsfor precedent,”Gilmoresaid. thistrend:AlexJones. The hope is that their On Tuesday, three par- casewill“blunttheirability entswholostchildreninthe to do to others what they Sandy Hook Elementary didtome,”Gilmoresaid. schoolshootingsuedJones fordefamation.Jonesonce Falsely accused Park- said that Sandy Hook was landshooter “completely fake with ac- Ifyouspentanytimeon tors,” and his voice has the conspiracy fringes the grownloudersince. hours after the Parkland HismainYouTubechan- schoolshooting,youmight nel now has 2.3 million haveseenMarcelFontaine’s subscribers,doublewhatit photograph.He’swearinga wasthreeyearsago.Partof red shirt with a hammer thatgrowthcomesfromhis andsickle,hisfistraisedin connection to Donald the air. There are several Trump,whohaspreviously figures on the shirt: Lenin, praisedwhathebelievesis BRIANBLANCO/EPA2016 and Stalin, for instance. Jones’ “amazing” reputa- InfowarshostAlexJoneshasinsistedthatthemassshootingatSandyHookElementarySchoolwasahoax. They’re holding red Solo tion. Cups, as if they are at a Twootherlawsuits,from neys. The complaints say on incomplete information of last year, “Sandy Hook Themanwhofilmedthe party. targets of other conspiracy that Jones and other In- abouthowthemedicalex- Vampires Exposed,” in deadly Charlottesville Tweetsfalselysayingthe theoriesamplifiedbyJones, fowarshostswerepartofa aminer’s office processed which Jones commented protests photo depicted Nicholas were filed over the past “continuation and elabora- the bodies of the victims on a CNN interview be- BrennanGilmorewasin Cruz got thousands of month. tion of a yearslong cam- aftertheshooting. tween De La Rosa and Charlottesville,Va.,onAug. retweetsonsocialmedia.As “It’s clearly a moment paign to falsely attack the Jones re-aired Shroyer’s Anderson Cooper. Watch- 12,2017,whenacarplowed Snopes noted, 4chan had where people are saying honestyoftheSandyHook disproven accusation days ingthevideo,Jonessaid: throughagroupofcounter- first posted and mocked ‘enough is enough,’” said parents, casting them as later,saying,“Quitefrankly, “Soherearetheseholier protesters who opposed a Fontaine’sphotoafewdays Danielle Citron, a law pro- participants in a ghastly the father needs to clarify, thanthoupeople,whenwe white nationalist rally. His beforetheshooting. fessor at the University of conspiracyandcover-up.” NBC needs to clarify.” In questionCNN,whoissup- cameracapturedthecaras Asthephotospread,the Maryland who specializes Neil Heslin lost his son that same segment, Jones posedlyatthesiteofSandy it approached the group, conspiracy internet picked in online privacy, in an JesseLewis,6,intheSandy said “you can’t blame peo- Hook, and they got in one and then as it sped, itupasanauthenticimage interviewlastmonth. Hook shooting. Heslin is ple for asking” whether shotleavesblowing,andthe backwards, away from the of the shooter, citing it as Still,suchcasesarerela- suing Jones and Infowars SandyHookwasahoaxor flowers that are around it, scene. proof of his political lean- tively untested legal terri- hostOwenShroyer. not. and you see the leaves Itwasthedeadlyincident ings. Infowars used the tory. And Citron said that In 2017, Megyn Kelly The other parents suing blowing, and they go (ges- that left 32-year-old headline“ReportedFlorida “bringingthesesortsoflaw- interviewed some of the Jones are Leonard Pozner tures).Theyglitch.They’re HeatherHeyerdead.James Shooter Dressed as Com- suits...comeswithrisk”of victimsofSandyHookcon- andVeroniqueDeLaRosa, recyclingagreen-screenbe- Fields, who has identified munist, Supported ISIS.” furtherharassment.Butin- spiracytheorists,aspartofa who lost their son Noah hindthem.” himselfasaneo-Nazi,now That article now has a creasingly, that’s a risk the storyonAlexJones.Heslin Pozner in the mass shoot- Eachsuit,filedinTravis facesafirst-degreemurder “retraction, clarification, victimsofconspiracytheo- spokeabouthisexperience ing. Leonard Pozner has County District Court in charge. andcorrection”atthetopof riesaretaking. oftheshooting’saftermath: become one of the more Texas (where Jones and Gilmore tweeted the vi- thestory. Here is a breakdown of “Ilostmyson.Iburiedmy visible victims of attacks Infowarsisbased),asksfor deoanditwentviral. Although the image was the three groups that have son. I held my son with a fromSandyHookconspira- more than $1 million in When The Post spoke onlyonInfowarsforafew casesagainstJones: bullet hole through his cytheorists,afterheandhis damages. withGilmoreandhisattor- hours, the lawsuit says head,”hesaid. family were intensely tar- Jones and Shroyer have ney Andrew Mendrala in Fontaine still faces “ridi- TheSandyHookparents Shroyer responded to geted for harassment. In not yet commented on the March, he was still getting cule, harassment, and Three parents who lost Heslininavideoafewdays July of last year, a Sandy lawsuits.Jonesnowsayshe threats related to the con- threats ” from those who childrenintheSandyHook laterbyclaimingitwas“not Hook conspiracy believer believes children died at spiracy theory that devel- believe that he is part of a shootings are suing Jones possible”forHeslintohave was sent to prison for SandyHook,butstillsayshe oped around him, falsely “falseflag”operation. fordefamationintwosepa- heldhissonasheclaimed. threateningPozner. still believes there are accusinghimofbeingaCIA Infowarsdidnotreturna rate lawsuits, filed by the Accordingtothecomplaint, Thesuitprimarilyhasto “anomalies.” operative who helped to request for comment on same Texas-based attor- Shroyer’s claim was based dowithavideofromApril stagetheattack. theselawsuits. Fired FBI deputy chief faces 2 arrested at Starbucks seek criminal referral, lawyer says lasting results on racial bias ByEricTucker ByErrinHaines TheAssociatedPress AssociatedPress WASHINGTON — The PHILADELPHIA — Justice Department’s in- Rashon Nelson initially spector general has sent a brushed it off when the criminal referral about Starbucks manager told fired FBI deputy director him he couldn’t use the AndrewMcCabetofederal restroom because he prosecutorsinWashington, wasn’tapayingcustomer. hislawyersaidThursday. Hethoughtnothingofit The referral to the U.S. whenheandhischildhood attorney’s office for the friend and business part- District of Columbia does ner,DonteRobinson,were not mean McCabe will be approached at their table charged, but it does raise and were asked if they theprospectthatthelong- ALEXBRANDON/AP2017 needed help. The 23-year- JACQUELINELARMA/AP timelawenforcementoffi- FormerFBIdeputydirectorAndrewMcCabewasfiredlast old entrepreneurs de- EntrepreneursRashonNelson,left,andDonteRobinson cial could face a criminal month,twodaysbeforehisscheduledretirement. clined, explaining they werearrestedfortrespassingataPhiladelphiaStarbucks. investigation into whether were just waiting for a heillegallymisledofficials hassaidhenevermeantto general’sfindingsthatMc- businessmeeting. black man who at first night, when the district abouthisauthorizationofa misleadanyone. Cabehadlied. Afewminuteslater,they staunchlydefendedhisof- attorneydeclinedtoprose- news media disclosure. He said that as FBI “Ilikehimverymuchas hardly noticed when the ficers’handlingoftheinci- cutethem. Prosecutors could decide deputydirector,hehadthe a person, but sometimes policecameintothecoffee dent. Nelson said he won- to charge him if they con- authoritytoshareinforma- evengoodpeopledothings shop — until officers At a news conference, deredifhe’dmakeithome cludeheintentionallylied. tion with the media and theyshouldn’tdo,” Comey started walking in their Rosssaidhe“failedmisera- alive. McCabe’s lawyer, thathepermittedsubordi- said. direction. bly” in addressing the ar- “Any time I’m encoun- Michael Bromwich, said natestodosointhiscaseto Lying to federal investi- “That’s when we knew rests.Hesaidthattheissue tered by cops, I can hon- thestandardforaninspec- correct a false narrative gatorsisacrimepunishable shecalledthepoliceonus,” of race is not lost on him estlysayit’sathoughtthat tor general referral is low thathehadtriedtostymie byuptofiveyearsinprison, NelsontoldTheAssociated and that he shouldn’t be runs through my mind,” andheexpectedMcCabeto an FBI probe into the and some legal analysts Pressinthefirstinterview making things worse. Nelson said. “You never avoidprosecution.“Weare ClintonFoundation. speculated in the wake of bythetwoblackmensince “Shame on me if, in any knowwhat’sgoingtohap- confidentthat,unlessthere McCabe said that when thereportthattheinspec- videooftheirarrestsApril way, I’ve done that,” he pen.” is inappropriate pressure hethoughthisanswershad tor general seemed to be 12,ostensiblyfortresspass- said. The men’s attorney, from high levels of the been misunderstood, he layingoutacaseforaccus- ing, touched off a furor He also said the police Stewart Cohen, said they administration,theU.S.At- went back and tried to ing McCabe of such con- aroundtheU.S.overracial departmentdidnothavea wereillegallyprofiled. torney’s Office will con- correctthem. duct. The report alleged profiling. policy for dealing with Kevin Johnson, CEO of cludethatitshoulddecline McCabetoldtheinspec- that one of McCabe’s lies Nelson and Robinson such situations but does theSeattle-basedcompany, to prosecute,” Bromwich tor general’s office that he “was done knowingly and wereledawayinhandcuffs now,anditwillbereleased met with the men, called saidinastatement. toldComeyafterthearticle intentionally” — a key as- fromtheshopinthecity’s soon. thearrests“reprehensible” Last week, Inspector waspublishedthathehad pectofthefederalcrime. well-to-do Rittenhouse Nelson and Robinson and ordered more than GeneralMichaelHorowitz allowed the officials to Attorney General Jeff Squareneighborhoodinan saidtheywenttotheStar- 8,000 Starbucks stores sent to Congress a report share the information and SessionsfiredMcCabelast incidentrecordedonacus- bucks to meet Andrew closedontheafternoonof blastingMcCabe.Itsaidhe thatComeythoughtitwas month,twodaysbeforehis tomer’scellphone. Yaffe, a white local May 29 so that employees inappropriatelyauthorized a “good” idea to rebut a scheduled retirement, on In the week since, the businessman,overapoten- can receive training on the disclosure of sensitive one-sidednarrative. the recommendation of men have met with Star- tialrealestateopportunity. unconsciousbias. information to the media, But Comey is quoted in FBI disciplinary officials bucks’ CEO, who has Three officers showed up The men said they are then lied repeatedly to in- the report as saying Mc- whosaidMcCabehadbeen apologized, and they have notlongafter. Nelson said looking for more lasting vestigators examining the Cabenevertoldhimhehad dishonest in interviews started pushing for lasting they weren’t questioned results and are in media- matter.Thereportdetailed approvedsharingdetailsof withinvestigators. change at the coffee-shop but were told to leave tion with Starbucks to allegations that McCabe the call and had left him JusticeDepartmentoffi- chain, including new poli- immediately. make changes, including had deceived investigators with the opposite impres- cials declined to comment ciesondiscriminationand Yaffe showed up as the new policies on customer abouthisroleinapproving sion. Thursday. ejectingcustomers. men were being hand- ejections and racial dis- the disclosure, even as he “I don’t remember ex- President Donald “We do want to make cuffed. Nelson and Rob- crimination. lashedoutatothersinthe actlyhow,butIremember Trump,whohasrepeatedly sure it doesn’t happen to insoncalmlycooperated. “You go from being FBIforleaks. someformorfashionandit attacked McCabe and anybody again,” Robinson “When you know that someone who’s just trying The report concluded could have been like ‘Can Comey,tweetedThursday: said. “What if it wasn’t us you did nothing wrong, tobeanentrepreneur,hav- that McCabe had misled youbelievethiscrap?How “James Comey just threw sittingthere?Whatifitwas howdoyoureallyreactto ing your own dreams and investigators and his own doesthisstuffgetout’kind Andrew McCabe ‘under the kid that didn’t know it?” Nelson said. “You can aspirations, and then this boss, then-Director James ofthing?”Comeyisquoted the bus.’ Inspector Gener- somebodythatknewsome- either be ignorant or you happens,” Nelson said. Comey,abouthisroleinan assayinginthereport.“But al’sReportonMcCabeisa body? Do they make it to can show some type of “Howdoyouhandleit?Do October 2016 Wall Street Itookfromwhatevercom- disaster for both of them! jail? Do they die? What sophistication and act like youstandup?Doyoufight? Journal article on an FBI municationwehadthathe Gettingalittle(lot)oftheir happens?” you have class. That was Do you sit down and just investigationintotheClin- wasn’tinvolvedinit.” ownmedicine?” On Thursday, they also thechoicewehad.” watch everyone else fight tonFoundation. ComeysaidThursdayon gotanapologyfromPhila- Nelson and Robinson foryou?Doyouletitslide, McCabe disputes many CNN that he felt “con- The Washington Post con- delphia Police Commis- spenthoursinajailcelland like we let everything else ofthereport’sfindingsand flicted”abouttheinspector tributed. sioner Richard Ross, a were released after mid- slidewithinjustice?”