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Preview Off the Beaten Path: A New Approach to Realistically Model The Orbital Decay of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Formation Simulations

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–8(2015) Printed12June2015 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) Off the Beaten Path: A New Approach to Realistically Model The Orbital Decay of Supermassive Black Holes in Galaxy Formation Simulations 5 M. Tremmel1⋆, F. Governato1, M. Volonteri2,3, T. R. Quinn1 1 1Astronomy Department, Universityof Washington, Box 351580, Seattle, WA, 98195-1580 0 2Institut dÕAstrophysique, UMR 7095 CNRS, Universitńe Pierre etMarie Curie, 98bis Blvd Arago, 75014 Paris, France 2 3 Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA n u J 12June2015 1 1 ABSTRACT ] A We introducea sub-gridforcecorrectiontermtobetter modelthe dynamicalfric- G tion(DF)experiencedbyasupermassiveblackhole(SMBH)asitorbitswithinitshost . galaxy.This new approachaccurately follows a SMBH’s orbital decay and drastically h improves over commonly used ‘advection’ methods. The force correction introduced p here naturally scales with the force resolution of the simulation and converges as - o resolution is increased. In controlled experiments we show how the orbital decay of r the SMBHcloselyfollowsanalyticalpredictionswhenparticlemassesaresignificantly t s smallerthanthatoftheSMBH.Inacosmologicalsimulationoftheassemblyofasmall a galaxy, we show how our method allows for realistic black hole orbits. This approach [ overcomesthe limitations of the advection scheme, where black holes are rapidly and 2 artificiallypushedtowardthehalocenterandthenforcedtomerge,regardlessoftheir v orbits. We find that SMBHs from merging dwarf galaxies can spend significant time 9 awayfromthecenteroftheremnantgalaxy.ImprovingthemodelingofSMBHorbital 0 decay will help in making robust predictions of the growth, detectability, and merger 6 rates of SMBHs, especially at low galaxy masses or at high redshift. 7 0 Keywords: Numericalmethods:Supermassiveblackholes:cosmologicalsimulations: 1. dynamics 0 5 1 : v 1 INTRODUCTION (Feruglio et al. 2010; Alatalo et al. 2011) and are thought i to play a critical role in the quenching of star formation in X Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) represent a crucial, massive galaxies and the exponential cutoff of the galaxy r though still poorly understood, aspect of galaxy evolu- luminosity function at high masses (Springel et al. 2005a; a tion theory. SMBHs with as much as 109 M⊙ in mass Bower et al. 2006; Croton 2009; Teyssier et al. 2011). powerluminousquasars observedat z> 6(Fan et al. 2001; Mortlock et al. 2011), while in the local Universe, SMBHs Numerical simulations haveprovento bea critical tool are ubiquitous in both massive galaxies (e.g. Gehren et al. for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies 1984; Kormendy & Richstone 1995; Kormendy& Ho 2013) and extensive work has already been done to implement and small, bulge-less disk galaxies (Shields et al. 2008; SMBHs into these simulations (e.g. Di Matteo et al. 2003; Filippenko & Ho 2003) as well as dwarfs (Reines et al. Hopkinset al. 2005;Sijacki et al. 2009).Duetothescaleof 2011;Reines & Deller2012;Reines et al.2013;Moran et al. these simulations, which often include a full cosmological 2014). Empirical scaling relations between the mass of environment,theresolutionisnecessarilylimited.Accretion SMBHsandthestellarmassandvelocitydispersionoftheir ontoSMBHsandthefollowingfeedbackprocessesarehence host galaxies are indicative of co-evolution (Häring & Rix implementedviasub-gridprescriptions,underthebroadas- 2004; Gültekin & et al. 2009; Schramm & Silverman 2013; sumptionthatconditionsatthesmallestresolvedscaledrive Kormendy& Ho 2013). Powerful outflows resulting from theBHevolutionatthescaleofjustafewparsecs.Onema- feedback from an active nucleus have been observed jorobstacleisthatitbecomesnecessarytoaccuratelyfollow thedynamicsofasingleobject(theSMBH),somethingthat cosmological simulations with force resolution larger thana ⋆ email:[email protected] few pc are inherently not well equipped to do. These dy- ©2015RAS 2 M. Tremmel et al. namics can have important consequences for the growth of tionsbutaddsanadditionalfreeparameter,thedistancethe SMBHs,particularly duringgalaxymergers. Detailed simu- SMBHispushedeachstep.Evendisregardingtheirindivid- lationsofgalaxymergersshowthatthedynamicsofSMBHs ual drawbacks, noneof thesesolutions are ideal, as they all areintimatelyconnectedwith accretion andviceversa(e.g. require the explicit assumption that SMBHs rapidly decay Callegari et al. 2011). into and remain stable at the center of their host galaxies , Inthispaper,wedescribeourapproachtotakeintoac- which is often not accurate (Bellovary et al. 2010). countunresolveddynamicalfriction(DF)intheorbitalevo- In strongly interacting systems, where SMBHs are lutionofSMBHsandshowthatourprescriptionisapromis- thought to go through much of their growth and pos- ing and realistic alternative to advection that can easily be sibly their formation (Mayer et al. 2007), the inner re- implementedinexistingcodes.Weshowthatthisapproach, gions of a galaxy are likely to experience strong poten- when applied to simulations with the typical resolution of tialfluctuations,affecting thedynamicsof theSMBH. This modern cosmological simulations (∼0.1−0.5 kpc) leads to could be especially evident in dwarf galaxies, where black more realistic dynamics that match well with analytic ap- holes exist (Reineset al. 2013; Moran et al. 2014) within proximationsfor DFtimescales. InSection 2we summarize a shallow potential with a cored density profile (Oh et al. somecurrentmethodsforcorrectingSMBHdynamicsincos- 2011; Teyssier et al. 2013), making perturbations to their mological simulations and why a new method is needed. In orbits more likely. Additionally, SMBHs accreted during section 3 we present our method. In section 4 we present both major and minor mergers, especially dry mergers our results, comparing our method with a popular advec- (Kazantzidis et al. 2005), do not immediately sink to the tionprescriptioninbothanisolateddarkmatter(DM)halo center of the galaxy, creating a population of small ‘wan- and a fully cosmological zoomed-in simulation of a dwarf dering’ SMBHs (Islam et al. 2003; Volonteri & Perna 2005; galaxy. In section 5 we summarize and discuss our results. Bellovary et al. 2010). Advection, by assuming that orbital decaytimescales arealwaysshort,couldthenartificially in- crease themass of central SMBHs, through inflated merger and accretion rates. 2 THE NEED FOR A NEW MODEL Moreadvancedapproacheshavebeenexplored.Forex- Dynamical friction, the force exerted by the gravitational ample, Dubois et al. (2013) include a sub-grid prescription wake caused by a massive object moving in an extended forgasdynamicalfrictionactingontheSMBH.Whilethisis medium (Chandrasekhar 1943; Binney & Tremaine 2008) apromisingmethod,itrequiresassumptionsaboutthemul- causes the orbits of SMBHs to decay towards the center of tiphasenatureandequationofstateofthegasfarbelowthe massive galaxies (Governato et al. 1994; Kazantzidis et al. resolutionlimitofanycosmological simulation(∼1−5pc). 2005). In cosmological simulations, modeling DF is partic- Lupiet al.(2015)increase theresolution aroundSMBHsto ulary challenging, as the particle representing a SMBH is attainveryaccuratedynamics,buttheirmethodisapplica- often only a few times the mass of the background par- bleonlyforveryhighresolutionsimulationsmeanttoclosely ticles. In this case SMBH orbits can become dynamically follow BH-BH mergers, not cosmological simulations. heated due to the limited mass resolution and the result- The method we propose in thisLetter is a simple solu- ing spurious collisionality from a noisy gravitational poten- tion to correcting SMBH dynamics in cosmological simula- tial(Hernquist& Barnes1990).Thisnumericalheatingcan tions.Ourapproachistoestimatetheunresolveddynamical cause the black holes to gain/lose energy and be unrealis- frictionfeltbytheSMBHandapplytheappropriateforceto tically perturbed away from the center of its host halo. In the SMBH particle. This is a significant improvement over order to lessen collisionality and improve performance, N- artificial advection,asit makesnoassumption about where body simulations employ a gravitational softening length, the SMBHs should be located in a galaxy at a given time a characteristic scale below which the gravitational force and it has no explicit effect on the SMBH surroundings. In between two particles becomes damped. This mechanism, addition, it requires minimal assumptions about the state while necessary numerically, hinders DF by preventing the ofthesimulationbelowtheresolutionlimitanditnaturally close interactions that are necessary to form a wake in the converges with increasing resolution. vicinity of the SMBH. To account for the unrealistic dynamics of SMBHs in cosmological simulations, many groups employ artifi- 3 METHODOLOGY cial advection schemes that change the motion of SMBHs. Each method comes with its own drawbacks. For exam- 3.1 The Test Simulations ple, placing the SMBH at the position of the lowest po- To test the dynamics of black holes in a realistic DM halo, tential gas particle around it (e.g. Springelet al. 2005b; we generate initial conditions for a collapsing overdensity Booth & Schaye 2009) causes chaotic motions, especially following the procedure of Evrard (1988)1. We begin the when relative velocity constraints are put on the gas par- simulationbyapproximatingthestateofahalobeginningto ticles (Wurster& Thacker 2013). Utilizing a large ‘tracer collapseathighredshift.Wethenallow thehalotocollapse mass’ with which the SMBH gravitationally interacts with before implanting a black hole of mass 106 M⊙. We run a its surroundings (Debuhret al. 2011) affects the morphol- suiteofsimulationsatdifferentmassandspatialresolutions ogy in thegalactic centeras well astheaccretion history of the SMBH (Wurster& Thacker 2013). Pushing the SMBH a certain distance in the direction of either the local stellar 1 Created using the package ICInG created by M. Tremmel. density gradient (Okamoto et al. 2008) or the local center The code is publicly available and can be downloaded at of mass (Wurster& Thacker 2013) can avoid chaotic mo- https://github.com/mtremmel/ICInG.git ©2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 Off The Beaten Path 3 Table 1.Information about theresolution ofeach isolateddark hole. We assume that within ǫg from theblack hole the ve- matterhalotestsimulation. locity distribution is isotropic, giving Chandrasekhar’s Dy- namical Friction Formula(Chandrasekhar 1943). Name Number DarkMatter Softening ofParticles Mass(M∗⊙ length, ǫg (pc)† v vBH OvLeorwsamRpesled 81..3095××110066 19..2728××110055 331111 aDF =−4πG2MmalnΛvB3BHH Z0 dvava2f(va) (2) HighRes 6.71×107 1.53×104 77 This can be furthersimplified by substitutingthe inte- SmallSoft 6.71×107 1.53×104 10 gral for ρ(<vBH), which is the density of particles moving slower than theblack hole. ∗Massofthedarkmatter particlesinthesimulation †splinekernel gravitational softening v aDF =−4πG2Mρ(<vBH)lnΛv3BH (3) BH (seeTable1)withamassive‘blackhole’particleinitially1) at the center while the halo is still actively collapsing or 2) TheCoulomb logarithm dependson themaximumand onaneccentricorbitafter thehalohasmostlyrelaxed.The minimum impact parameters, bmax and bmin, such that resolutionofthe‘LowRes’and‘Oversampled’runsarecom- lnΛ ∼ ln(bbmmainx). Because DF is well resolved at scales parabletocurrentuniformvolumesimulations(Kereš et al. greaterthanthesofteninglength,wesetbmax =ǫg toavoid 2012; Sijacki et al. 2014; Schayeet al. 2015; Dubois et al. doublecountingfrictional forcesthatarealreadyoccurring. 2014a), while the ‘High Res’ simulation is representative For the minimum impact parameter, we take it to be the ofhighresolution ‘zoomed-in’simulations(Governato et al. minimum90◦ deflectionradius,withalowerlimitsettothe 2012; Christensen et al. 2014; Hopkinset al. 2014). The Schwarzschild Radius,RSch. force softening lengths adopted are typical of cosmological rtuionnss,,wthheilefoirnce‘SrmesaollluStoioftn’,isaovnalryia1n0tpocf,tthyep‘iHcaiglhofRsiems’usliamtiuolnas- bmin =max(b90,RSch);b90 = GvM2BH (4) ofisolatedbinarymergers(Capelo et al.2015)orveryhigh- BH res cosmological zoomed-in simulations (e.g. Dubois et al. Forthecalculation,weuse64collisionlessparticles(i.e. 2014b). darkmatterandstarparticles,ifpresent)closesttotheblack We verified that the halo formed in the collapse has a hole.Wecalculatethevelocityofeachparticlerelativetothe density profile typical of CDM halos (Navarroet al. 1996). COMvelocityofthose64particles. Weverifiedthatourre- Thehaloweuseherehas(afteratimeconsistentwithz∼0) sults do not depend strongly on the number of neighbors Mvir ∼ 2×1011 M⊙, Rvir ∼ 115 kpc, and a concentration used, although using too few particles could result in nu- c∼4.5.Ananalyticexpressionoftheapproximatetimescale merical noise in the calculation of this force. Since we are forarigidobjecttosinktothecenterofaDMhalowascal- explicitlyassumingthevelocitydistributionisisotropic,the culatedbyTaffoni et al. (2003).Giventheseconditionsand following must be true. themass ofthetest black hole, theestimated DFtimescale (tτaDncFe)ofofr2ankpecccfernomtricth(ev=ha0l.o1vcceinrct)erorisbitapaptroaxniminaittiealyl d1i.s8- ρ(<vBH)= M(<vBH)ρ (5) Mtotal Gyr. This initial orbit was chosen as typical of a SMBH af- ter its parent satellite has been tidally disrupted. It has a Where ρ, the total density around the black hole, is non-negligible τDF, but still much less than a Hubbletime. calculated by smoothing over the chosen 64 particles, i.e. ρ= 6i4miW(rBH −ri,h). M(<vBH) is the total mass of the cPhosen particles that are moving slower than the black 3.2 The Dynamical Friction Prescription hole relative to the local center of mass velocity and Mtotal Dynamical friction occurs due to both large (Colpi et al. is thesummed mass of all 64 particles. 1999) and small scale perturbations tothe black hole’s sur- The resulting acceleration (from eq. 3) is added to the roundings. We consider perturbations on scales larger than blackhole’scurrentacceleration,tobeintegratedthefollow- the gravitational softening length, ǫg, to be well resolved. ing time step. As the spatial resolution or black hole mass On these scales the potential should be smooth, so long as increases (or the velocity of the black hole decreases) bmin enoughparticlesareusedsothatdynamicalheatingismin- will become greater than bmax, in which case we claim DF imized. is being fully resolved and therefore the correction is not The acceleration a black hole of mass MBH feels from needed. DF due to particles of mass ma ≪ MBH is given by the This method is not accounting for DF from gas, which following formula: can have important effects for supersonic black holes in re- gions where gas density dominates stars and dark matter (Ostriker 1999; Chapon et al. 2013). This should not occur aDF =−4πG2MBHmalnΛZ d3vaf(va)|vvBBHH−−vvaa|3 (1) oofftleanrgoenrtghaelasxciaelsesarreeldeovmanitnaintetdhebsyesstiamruslaantidonsms.aTllheercgeanlatxer- Where f() is the velocity distribution function, lnΛ is ies have significant star and dark matter fractions within the Coulomb logarithm, va is the velocity of the surround- thecentral regions (Oh et al. 2008,2011),so thiseffect will ing background objects relative to the local center of mass only be a minor correction in most cases. DF may be over- (COM)velocity,andvBH istherelativevelocityoftheblack estimated within resonant DMcores where DFcan become ©2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 4 M. Tremmel et al. No Added Correction With DF Correction Low Res Oversampled ) c p2000 High Res ( Small Soft r e t n e C1500 o al H m o1000 r f e c n a t 500 s i D 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time (Gyr) Figure 1.Effects of the DF correction: Distanceofatest106 M⊙ blackholefromhalocenter asafunctionoftimeatdifferent resolutions.Dashed-dotanddashedlinesindicateǫg and2ǫg respectivelyforboththeLowResandOversampledmodels.Theblackhole starts onan eccentric (v=0.1 vcirc)orbit withapocenter of 2kpc. The vertical solidline represents the analytically derived timescale for orbital decay. When the DF correction is applied, marked improvement is seen for all models except ‘Low Res’, which experiences too muchdynamical heating due tothe lowermass resolution. The orbits of ‘HighRes’ and‘SmallSoft’ arevery nearly the sameonce thecorrection isimplemented,indicatingnumericalconvergence whentheDMparticlemassis∼104 M⊙. much less efficient (Read et al. 2006). This effect is sec- 2kpc,placedinthehaloafterithasfinishedmostofitscol- ondary and mainly important when the gravitational soft- lapse.Thecenterofthehaloisdefinedateachstepusingthe eninglength isappreciable compared tothesize ofthecore shrinking spheres method (Power et al. 2003). We verified structure. Often the orbital differences should be smaller thatthedensitymaximumandpotentialminimumcoincide than or similar to the resolution limit and therefore unim- withinmuchlessthantheforceresolution.Theverticalline portant.Additionally,interactionswithclumpygashasbeen representsthedynamicalfriction timescale fortheorbit de- shown to significantly increase the timescale for the or- rived from the analytic model of Taffoni et al. (2003) and bitaldecayofSMBHbinariesbelow∼100pc(Fiacconi et al. the horizontal lines represent ǫg and 2ǫg. Without the DF 2013;Roškaret al.2015).However,thiseffectwould notbe correction, only the ‘Small Soft’ model, with 10 pc spatial well resolved byevenhigh resolution ‘zoomed-in’ cosmolog- resolution and DM particle mass almost 100 times smaller ical simulations. thantheBH,isabletoshowsubstantialorbitaldecaywithin 2τDF. Implementing our DF correction results in a notice- ableimprovementfortheorbitaldecay,evenattherelatively modest resolution of the Oversampled model, where it falls 4 RESULTS towithin2ǫgofthecenterbefore2τDF.Athigherresolution, 4.1 Isolated Dark Matter Halo thedynamics converge to closely match with the analytical approximation. Note that even for our highest resolution We find that, for SMBHs placed in the center of a collaps- simulation,SmallSoft,theDFcorrection causestheSMBH inghalo,onlytheLowRessimulationexperiencessignificant tosinkalmost1Gyrsooner.Theseareveryencouragingre- dynamicalheating,causingtheBHtobeunrealisticallyper- sults,astheyindicatethatthiscorrectionresultsinrealistic turbedawayfarfromhalocenter.Intherestoftherunsthe blackholeorbitalevolutionevenatresolutionsattainablein BH remains within one softening length from halo center largevolumesimulationsandithasimportantconsequences for 6 Gyrs and shows no sign of heating. This is due to the even at the highest resolutions tested here. highermassresolutionpresentinthoseruns.Simulationsin- cludingeither ourDFcorrection or an advection correction Figure2comparestheperformanceofourDFprescrip- (see below) have the same results, showing little difference tion to that of a commonly used advection scheme used in from simulations with no correction at all for this scenario. Sijacki et al.(2007) andvariousothersimulations. Thetest Figure1showstheorbitalevolutionofablackholeini- is done using the Oversampled run, as this most closely re- tially on an eccentric (v=0.1 vcirc) orbit with apocenter of semblestheresolution of acosmological volumesimulation. ©2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 Off The Beaten Path 5 z 5.04.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 c) kp101 Dynamical Friction er (pc)2000 NDAdoyv nCe. ocFrtrrii.ocnt. alo Center (1100-10 ent m H10-2 alo C1500 ce fro10-3 m H stan10-4 o1000 Di10-5 r 2 4 6 8 10 e f nc c) 5.04.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 Dista 500 nter (kp110001 Advection e 0 o C10-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 al Time (Gyr) m H10-2 o Figure 2. DF correction vs Advection: Results from e fr10-3 the‘Oversampled/modelwhenimplementingourDFcorrection anc10-4 (blue) compared with a commonly used advection routine (red) st and no correction to dynamics (cyan). Dashed-dot and dashed Di10-5 2 4 6 8 10 linesindicateǫg and2ǫg respectively.The blackholestarts onan Time (Gyr) eccentric(v=0.1vcirc)orbitwithapocenterof2kpc.Advection immediatelypushes theoff-center blackholetothecenter, miss- ingtheorbitaldecaythatourmethodcaptureswell.Withoutany Figure 3. DF correction in a cosmological dwarf sim- correction, theorbitdecays fartooslowly,remainingfar(>2ǫg) ulation:The dynamics of four black holes in the cosmological fromhalocenter evenafter6Gyr. zoomed-indwarfgalaxysimulationwithDF(top)andadvection (bottom).Thesearetheblackholesthatendupinthemostmas- sivesystembytheendofthesimulation.Eachcoloredlinetraces The BH is placed on an eccentric orbit, as in Figure 1. The the distance of a black hole from the center of the most mas- advection scheme adopted repositions the black hole each sive halo. Black dots mark merger events and the dashed lines time step to the position of the lowest potential particle markthegravitationalsofteninglengthofthesimulation(87pc). within its 32 nearest neighbors while keeping the velocity Which of the two black holes emerges from a merger event and whichis‘eaten’isunimportant.DFisabletosustainalong-lived unchanged. Not surprisingly, this results in the black hole dualblackholesystem(blueandred)whiletheadvectionscheme staying very close to the center of the halo even when ini- causesthemtoquicklymerge.Thegreenblackholeremainsona tiallysetonanoff-centerorbit.TheDFcorrectioncaptures very wideorbit inthe DFrun, but isquicklyand unrealistically the more gradual orbital decay that the advection scheme pulledtothecenter withadvection. completely misses. The run with no dynamical correction fails to havetheBH sink within 2ǫg evenafter 6 Gyr. Thisisan importantconclusion becausethesedifferent galaxy for this test because SMBHs are more likely to be- orbital evolutions would result in drastically different ac- comeperturbedaway from galactic center,given theirshal- cretion histories for the black hole. Off center BHs should lowgravitationalpotentialandactivelyevolving,coredDM accrete less due to lower gas densities. Additionally, simu- profile(Governato et al. 2012;Pontzen & Governato 2012). lations that utilize advection would have black holes merge This will guarantee a useful test environment for exploring much sooner than what is predicted by their orbital decay thedifferences between out method and advection. timescale. Our improved method should then have impor- This test is also topical, as there is a growing sam- tantimplications forthegrowth andmergerrateofSMBHs ple of dwarf galaxies with detected SMBHs (Reines et al. in cosmological simulations of galaxy formation. 2013; Moran et al. 2014). Realistic numerical studies of BH formation and growth in these small galaxies, focusing on theiroccupationfractionandhowtheyandtheirhostgalax- 4.2 Cosmological Dwarf Galaxy Simulation ies evolve toward the correlation with the stellar veloc- As a first test of the dynamics of SMBHs in a fully cosmo- ity dispersion, would provide vital constraints on BH seed logical setting,werunahighresolution‘zoomed-in’simula- massesandearlygrowthmechanisms(Volonteri et al.2008; tion that results in two dwarf galaxies with masses ∼ 1010 Volonteri& Gnedin 2009; Volonteri2010). M⊙ at z = 0. The simulation has a resolution similar to We use the new N-body + SPH code ChaNGa our High Res isolated halo model, with dark matter par- (Menon et al. 2015), which includes all of the physicsmod- ticle mass 1.6×104 M⊙, gas particle mass 3.3×103 M⊙, ules previously implemented in Gasoline (Wadsley et al. andgravitational softeningofonly 87pc.Weshowed inthe 2004) such as hydrodynamics, gas cooling, a cosmic UV previoussection that at thisresolution ourDFprescription background,starformationandSNefeedback.The‘zoomed- gives results that match analytic models. Wechose a dwarf in’approachpreservesthelargescaletidalfieldwhileallow- ©2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 6 M. Tremmel et al. 10 Dynamical Friction Advection 5 ] c p k 0 [ y −5 −10 −10 −5 0 5 10−10 −5 0 5 10 x [kpc] x [kpc] Figure 4. BHs in a Cosmological Dwarf: A snapshot of a zoomed-in cosmological simulation of a forming dwarf galaxy at z = 0.846. The gas density integrated along the line of sight is shown with darker colors indicating higher densities. In the dynamical friction simulation, aprevious merger has created acentral binary BH system (red and blue, see Figure 3). The separation of ∼1kpc iswellresolved bythesimulation,whichhas aforce resolutionof 87pc.A morerecent merger has setathirdBH(ingreen) onawide orbit (see Figure 3). In the image, the green BH is at its closest approach to galactic center. In the advection simulation, all BHs are quicklypushedtothecenter, wheretheymerge, causingthesimulationtomissthesemorerealisticBHorbits. ingustomodelasmallregionathighresolution.Thisissim- enoughtobegravitationally bound.Thedashed blacklines ilar to the simulation described in Governato et al. (2010) indicate thegravitational softening length of 87 pc. andinShenet al.(2014).Inthisparticularsimulation,stars Theblackholesbecomeperturbedasthered,cyan,and and DMdensities dominatethat of gas within theinnerre- blue host galaxies interact between z = 3 and 4. In the gions by more than a factor of 10. Examining other dwarf advectioncasetheblackholesaredrivenquicklytowardthe galaxysimulations(e.g.Governato et al.2010),wefindthat center where they all merge, leaving only one black hole gasdensitiescanoftenreachsimilarvaluestoDMandstars. (labeledasred).WiththeDFcorrection,onlythecyanand Ineithercasethecontributionfrom gastoDFisonlyami- blueBHsmerge.Aftertheredandbluegalaxy hostsmerge nor correction, at most a factor of a few, and negligible in with DF,the blueand red BHs remain orbiting around the our current example. center of the merger remnant. The blue BH comes back to thecenteronlyafter4GyrandtheredBHremainsorbiting Byz<1thesesystemsareagoodrepresentationofreal at around 1 kpc (11 times the force resolution) for another dwarf galaxies, with an extended stellar disk, no bulge, a 4 Gyrbefore sinkingand merging with theblue BH. high gas fraction and a cored DM profile. We first run the The more striking difference between the DF and the simulation until z = 6, when we insert five black holes of mass 5×105 M⊙ in the centers of the five most massive advectionruninvolvesthegreenblackhole.Whenthemuch halos at the time, which all have a mass of 2× 108 M⊙ smaller green host galaxy merges with theblue/red host at z ∼ 1, it is initially far from halo center (∼ 30 kpc) and orhigher.Inthesesimulationsblackholesdonotaccreteor is quickly disrupted by the main galaxy. With DF, the BH producefeedback,asweareonlyinterestedinfollowingtheir stayson awide orbit, nevercoming muchcloser than afew dynamics. From z=6 we run two simulations to z < 1, one kpc from halo center. In the advection case, however, the with our DF routine and the other with advection. By the green black hole is quickly pushed to the center where it endofthesimulation,thereareonlytwomajorstarforming galaxies with masses ∼1010 M⊙. misearngesunwrietahlitshtieccreensturlatl,raesdtBhHe D(sFeetFimigeusrceasle3oafnda 45).×T1h0i5s We then run the Amiga Halo Finder (AHF) M⊙ blackholethatfarawayfromthecenterofsuchasmall (Knollmann & Knebe2009) forallthesavedsnapshotsand galaxy would belonger than a Hubbletime. calculate thecenterof themain halo at each step using the With this simulation we can clearly see how the choice shrinking spheres approach. In Figure 3 we follow the tra- of dynamical correction can affect the ability of SMBHs to jectoriesoffourblackholeswithrespecttothecenterofthis become perturbed during mergers. In the DF simulation, halo (which originally just has the blue BH at its center). BHs are able to remain off-center for many Gyr while with Each color represents a different black hole. Black dots in- advectiontheyarequicklydriventothecenter.Additionally, dicate a black hole merger, which happens when two BHs theDFsimulation allowsforsustainedwideorbitsresulting come within two ǫg of one another at relative speeds low from minor mergers. Suchdynamicscan havean important ©2015RAS,MNRAS000,1–8 Off The Beaten Path 7 impactoninterpretingtheconnectionbetweentheinitialoc- all phases of galaxy evolution, including merger events. cupationprobabilityofSMBHseedsindwarfgalaxyprogen- Implementation of DF routines such as the one presented itors and the observed occupation at low redshift. Methods here will improve the ability of cosmological simulations suchastheadvectionschemepresentedherewouldpredicta to accurately model SMBH accretion, growth and energy more direct connection, while the simulation with DF indi- depositionintheIGMand,therefore,increasetheabilityof catesthatthenatureofthemergers(i.e.massratioandori- simulations to interpret and predict observational results. entation) can havean impact on which dwarf galaxies have The implementation of this approach in our future cosmo- observable SMBH activity and when that activity occurs. logical volume and zoom simulations represents an exciting The DF correction could also have important implications chance to realistically study the growth and merger rate of for BH merger rates, allowing them tobecome more decou- SMBHs across cosmic time. pled from galaxy merger rates than advection simulations. This will affect predictions of gravitational wave detections as well as estimates for recoiling BHs, which can have an FG and TQ were funded by NSF grant AST-0908499. important effect on observability (e.g. Madau & Quataert FG acknowledges support from NSF grant AST-0607819 2004). andNASAATPNNX08AG84G.MVacknowledgessupport This simulation is a useful illustration of the variety of from SAO award TM1-12007X, from NSF award AST different,realisticBHorbitsourmethodallowscomparedto 1107675, and from a Marie Curie FP7- Reintegration- commonly used advection schemes. In future work, we will Grant within the 7th European Community Framework explorethedynamicsofBHsinavarietyofdifferentmerger Programme (PCIG10-GA-2011-303609). Some results eventswithin a cosmological context. were obtained using the analysis software pynbody (Pontzen et al.2013).ChaNGawasdevelopedwithsupport from NationalScienceFoundationITRgrant PHY-0205413 to the University of Washington, and NSF ITR grant 5 DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY NSF-0205611 to the University of Illinois. Simulations We have introduced a sub-grid force correction term for were run using NCSA Bluewaters and NASA Pleiades SMBH motion based on dynamicalfriction. Thiscorrection computers. Resources supporting this work were provided allows us to better model the orbital decay of SMBHs in by NSF PRAC Award 1144357 and the NASA High-End numerical simulations. We have shown using controlled ex- Computing (HEC) Program through the NASA Advanced periments of isolated DM halos that this addition matches Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research Cen- analytic predictions of the orbital decay in DM halos with ter. 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