OFDM for Broadband Communication Course Reader (EIT 140) (cid:13) 2013 Edited by Thomas Magesacher Department of Electrical and Information Technology Lund University Box 118, S-221 00 LUND SWEDEN ISBN 91-7167-036-X Second Edition (V2.0.6) c authors of individual chapters (cid:13) Contents Contents iii Preface v Chapter I — Multicarrier Modulation 1 Chapter II — Channels and Channel Models 25 Chapter III — Data Detection, Channel Equalisation, Channel Estimation 45 Chapter IV — Bit- and Power-Loading 55 Chapter V — Coding for Multicarrier Modulation 65 Chapter VI — Synchronisation for OFDM(A) 95 Chapter VII — Reduction of PAR 113 Chapter VIII — Spectrum efficiency in OFDM(A) 119 Chapter IX — MIMO OFDM and Multiuser OFDM 141 Problems 147 iv Preface This course reader is a compilation of contributions from several authors. Additionally, the following literature is recommended for broadening and deepening the reader’s view on the subject: J.B. Anderson, Digital Transmission Engineering, IEEE Press, ISBN 0-7803-3457-4, 1999. • E. Biglieri and G. Taricco, Transmission and Reception with Multiple Antennas: Theoretical Foun- • dations, now Publishers Inc., ISBN 1933019018, 2004. J. M. Cioffi, “Advanced Digital Communication,” class reader EE379C, Stanford University, • Available from http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee379c/ R. Johannesson and K. Zigangirov, Fundamentals of Convolutional Coding, IEEE Press, ISBN • 0-7803-3483-3, 1999. S.LinandD.J.Costello, ErrorControlCoding, PrenticeHall,ISBN0-13-042672-5,secondedition, • 2004. J. L. Massey, Applied Digital Information Theory—Lecture Notes, ETH Zurich, Available from • www.isi.ee.ethz.ch/education/public/pdfs/aditI.pdf. A. Paulraj, R. Nabar, and D. Gore, Introduction to Space-Time Wireless Communications, Cam- • bridge, ISBN 0521826152, 2003. J. G. Proakis, Digital Communications, Mc Graw Hill, ISBN 0-07-232111-3, fourth edition, 2001. • T.Starr,J.M.Cioffi,andP.Silverman, UnderstandingDigitalSubscriberLineTechnology, Prentice • Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1998. D.TseandP.Viswanath,FundamentalsofWirelessCommunications,Cambridge,ISBN0521845270, • 2005. R.VanNeeandR.Prasad, OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications, ArtechHouse,ISBN • 0890065306, 2003. Part I The Elegance of OFDM and DMT 1 Sinusoids, multiplexing and... a miracle? Eversincetheearlydaysofradiocommunicationsoneoftheguidingnotionshasbeenthattheamplitude and the phase of a sinusoidal radio wave can carry information from a transmitter to a receiver. Why sinusoids? Sinusoids were easy to generate with existing hardware components, their phase and ampli- tude could be simply modulated and demodulated using available components, and, moreover, collision of signals from different radio transmitters could be simply avoided by a proper choice of the carrier frequencies – by proper frequency planning. Sinusoids have been the key signal components in radio communications ever since. The availability of hardware components that could generate sinusoids has played an important role in the popularity of sinusoids. Another reason for their popularity builds on a key appearance of the radio environment: its linearity. This linearity is quite remarkable; many phenomena in nature appear to be non-linear. Fluid mechanics, for instance, is governed by non-linear differential equations, the weather forecast cannot be made reliably for more than three days ahead because of the chaotic nature of atmospheric mechanics, and mechanics of materials does not follow linear rules. Non-linear systems havebeendifficulttoaddressmathematicallyandconsequentlyhavebeenhardertoexploit. Radiowaves, however,closelyfollowMaxwell’slinearrelationsandcanbeaddressedwithwell-developedmathematical tools from linear algebra. Mathematically, infinitely long sinusoids have a typical relation to linear environments: only the amplitudeandthephaseofasinusoidalradiowaveformareaffectedbytheenvironment,notitsfrequency. In other words, an infinitely long sinusoidal radio wave of a certain frequency will, after propagation through the linear radio channel, be observed at the receiver as an infinitely long sinusoidal radio wave with the same frequency – only its amplitude and its phase are changed. Because of this property, sinusoids are generally being referred to as eigenfunctions of linear systems. A combination of the availabilityofsuitablehardwarecomponents, thewell-developedmathematicalfieldoflinearalgebraand theabove-discussedeigen-propertymakessinusoidsparticularlysuitableforuseinradiocommunications. In today’s digital communication systems, sinusoids play an important role, too. Based on a stream of information bits, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), which is one of the most fundamental modulation schemes, changes the amplitude and/or the phase of a sinusoid every T seconds, which sym we call the symbol period. The information bits are mapped consecutively onto pairs of real numbers x(i),x(q) , referred to as transmit symbols. This mapping, implemented for example by means of a { k k } look-up table, has a strong impact on the performance of the scheme. A QAM modulator generates a continuous-time signal s(t)=p(t kT )(x(i)cos(2πF t) x(q)sin(2πF t)), kT t<(k+1)T , − sym k c − k c sym ≤ sym where F is the so called carrier frequency in Hz—a sinusoidal signal with frequency F carries the c c information we want to transmit. The waveform p(t) shapes each transmit symbol in time domain and ChapterwrittenbyP.O¨dling,J.J.vandeBeek,D.Landstro¨m,P.O.Bo¨rjesson,andT.Magesacher. 2 Part I The Elegance of OFDM and DMT thus determines the frequency characteristic of the s(t). Using Euler’s formula, the modulator output s(t) can also be written as s(t)=Re p(t kT ) x(i)+jx(q) ej2πFct , kT t<(k+1)T , (1) − sym k k sym ≤ sym n (cid:16) (cid:17) o which is a frequently used description. The complex notation is a mathematical convenience and serves as a means to describe two orthogonal real-valued dimensions. Amplitude and phase of s(t) are two independent parameters, which are implicitly controlled by the two independent symbols x(i),x(q) . { k k } The left plot of Figure 1 shows an exemplary waveform s(t) of three transmitted symbols. For the sakeofsimplicity,wechoosearectangularpulsep(t)=1,0 t T . Introducingthecomplexnotation sym ≤ ≤ x(i)+jx(q), each symbol can be interpreted as a point in the complex plane. The right plot illustrates k k the set of valid transmission symbols x(i),x(q) as points in the complex plane, which is commonly { k k } referred to as constellation plot. The three symbols modulated onto the waveform are marked by plus signs (+). The term ej2πFct represents a pointer rotating counter-clockwise in the complex plane and changing its length and its phase (angle between the pointer and the real axis) every T seconds to sym (x(i))2+(x(q))2 andarctan(x(q)/x(i)),respectively. TheoperationRe in(1),i.e.,extractingthereal k k k k {·} pqartofthisrotatingpointer,correspondstotheprojectionofthepointerontotherealaxisofthecomplex plane. A receiver tunes its local oscillator to the same radio frequency and tracks the phase/amplitude of the received sinusoid, an operation commonly referred to as demodulation. Since amplitude and phase of the modulated sine wave now change with the symbol period, the resulting signal is not mathematically an eigenfunction of the linear channel. After all, only infinitely long sinusoids with constant amplitude and phase have the above described invariance property. The fact that the practically used signals are not eigenfunctions of the linear channel has some important practicalimplications. Toillustratethis,wefocusnowononeoftheimmediatelymeasurableconsequences appearing when we transmit two modulated sinusoids in parallel. This concept, known as frequency- divisionmultiplexing inthecontextofaccommodatingseveraluserscommunicatingoverthesamechannel, isameanstoincreasethedataratewithouthavingtoshortenthesymbolperiod—atthecostofincreasing bandwidth. Opposite to how true infinitely long sinusoids would behave, any two such modulated sinusoids now generally interfere with each other. In other words, both before and after passing through the linear channel, one sinusoid can actually be measured at other frequencies. This undesirable interference limits the reliable detection of the amplitudes/phases and needs to be avoided. One effective way to avoid this interferenceistochoosethefrequenciesofthesinusoidssufficientlyfarapart. Theinterferenceontoother frequencies is generally largest on frequencies close to that of the transmitted carrier and smaller when the two frequencies are chosen far from each other. We now describe an experiment in order to investigate how much interference occurs and answer the question how far apart the frequencies need to be chosen. We modulate five sinusoids of different (but equally spaced) frequencies and transmit them in parallel over a linear radio channel. The amplitude in eachsymbolintervalcantaketwovalues,thefirstamplitudelevelrepresentinga‘one’andtheotherlevel a ‘zero’. Thus we transmit 5 bits per symbol interval. At the receiver, we demodulate the sinusoids (we 5 x(i),x(q) 3 { 1 1 } x(i),x(q) 1 { 0 0 } 0 1 − x(i),x(q) 3 { 2 2 } − 5 − 0 T 2T 3T 3 1 1 3 sym sym sym − − Figure 1: Amplitude/phase modulation of a sinusoid. Part I The Elegance of OFDM and DMT 3 0 2 0 2 4 6 8 − 0 2 0 2 4 6 8 − 0 2 0 2 4 6 8 − 0 2 0 2 4 6 8 − 0 2 0 2 4 6 8 − 0 2 0 2 4 6 8 − Figure 2: Multicarrier transmission. extracttheamplitudeineachofthesymbolintervals)andwemakedecisionsforeachsymbolintervaland foreachofthemodulatedsinusoidsastowhethertheamplituderepresenteda‘zero’ora‘one’. Theheart of the experiment is that we vary the frequency-spacing of the sinusoids. We expect the bit-decisions at the receiver to become more and more erroneous as the frequencies are chosen closer together, because we expect the interference to increase. Figure 2illustrateswhathappenstothereceptionofthebits(hereassociatedwithablackorawhite pixel) for various choices of the frequency spacing. The plots on the left show the Fourier transforms, which reveal the frequency characteristics, of the transmitted signals; in the plots on the right, black pixels illustrate erroneous detections at the receiver. As we anticipated, when we choose the frequencies of the two modulated sinusoids far apart, very little interference occurs, and, consequently, the receiver’s detector hardly makes any errors (topmost figures). When we choose other frequencies, closer together, the receiver decisions become less reliable. The number of erroneous decisions gradually increases, again in line with our expectations. We again decrease the frequency spacing of the carriers and suddenly... a miracle occurs! Just when the level of interference seems to prevent any reliable decisions at the receiver we obtain error-free transmission! Is this possible? Is something wrong with experimental set-up? With 4 Part I The Elegance of OFDM and DMT the equipment? We immediately choose an even smaller frequency difference and see: the interference and the associated bit-errors are back again (lowermost figures). Changing back to the previous setting confirms what we just observed: no bit-errors. Something very special is happening for this particular choice of carrier frequencies. The reason for this seemingly miraculous behaviour will be revealed at the end of this chapter. OuraboveexperimentillustratestheeleganceofOrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplex(OFDM)and Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) as it was first experienced and recognised in the sixties. In OFDM and DMT the transmitted sinusoids are packed together to such a degree that our intuition does not allow the thought of interference-free transmission. Yet this is exactly what is happening as the result of a subtle choice of the sinusoid frequencies. The way in which OFDM and DMT avoid the inter-sinusoidal interference is both ingenious and extremely efficient. 2 A desirable channel partitioning One of the key aspects of digital communications is that there is no relation between the transmitted waveforms and the signal representing the message to be transmitted. The message is assumed to be a sequence of zeros and ones. How these bits represent the message is not relevant in the context of this book. If we are not limited to any of the characteristics of the message signal, how should we choose the transmitted waveforms? We could, for instance, choose waveforms that are simple to transmit, simple to receive, or waveforms that have neat properties in the sense that they do not disturb other users. The choice is enormous. By carefully adapting the waveforms to characteristics of the communications channel, we can accomplish features that are desirable in a certain situation. In this book, we choose a set of waveforms that, on one hand, is particularly simple to receive in linear channels, and, on the other hand, uses the frequency spectrum in an efficient way. Wewanttotransmitinformation-carryingreal-valuednumbersx ,representingthemessage. Forthis k purpose, we let each number x modulate one finite-length real-valued transmit signal component s (n). k k The word ‘modulate’ means that x scales the amplitude of s (n). We then transmit the sum of these k k modulated signal components, the multiplex s(n)= x s (n). (2) k k k X Now we pass the signal multiplex s(n) through a linear time-invariant dispersive channel, characterised by its impulse response h(n) = 0,n = 0,...,M, as schematically depicted in Figure 3. The length of 6 the channel impulse response is M +1. An input sample s(n ) fed into the channel at an arbitrary 0 time instant n does not just affect the output sample r˜(n ) but also influences M subsequent samples 0 0 r˜(n),n=n +1...n +M. Hence, we refer to M as the dispersion of the channel. Each transmit signal 0 0 components (n)producesbyitself, afterpassingthroughthechannel, areceivesignalcomponentr˜ (n). k k Due to the linearity property of the channel, we observe that the received signal r˜(n) is a multiplex of the receive signal components r˜ (n), k r˜(n)=h(n) s(n)= x (h(n) s (n))= x r˜ (n), (3) k k k k ∗ ∗ k k X X where denotes linear convolution. ∗ Thisequationsuggeststhatthetransmitandreceivesignalcomponentsappearinfixedpairs s (n),r˜ (n) . k k { } However, there are two problems that equation (3) does not immediately reveal. The first is that we somehowneedtoseparatethesumofthereceivedwaveformsatthereceiverinordertoretrievethedata. We will return to this problem in a moment. The second problem appears if we transmit subsequent blocks of length N, one after another, which is necessary in order to convey information. Due to the dispersive channel, a fixed relation between s (n) and r˜ (n) is not quite obvious. After passing through k k s(n) r˜(n) h(n) Figure 3: The discrete-time linear channel.