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Of the Sublime: Presence in Question PDF

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Preview Of the Sublime: Presence in Question

//CC�/C/0 / ...£--0 VO OF THE ·SUBLIME: PRESENCE IN QUESTION @ SUNY SeriIenst,e rsecPthiiolnoss:o apnhdCy r itiTchaelo ry Rodolphe GaansdcM haer kC .T ayloerd,i tors OF THES UBLIME: PRESENCIEN QUESTION @ Essabyys JeaFnr-anc;:oCiosu rtine MicheDle guy EliaEnsec oubas Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe Jeanr-aFnc;:Loyiost ard LouiMsa rin Jean-NLauncc y JacoRbo gozinski translaantdwe idt ahn A fterwobryd JeffreLyiSb.r ett BogazUinciiv eLrisbirtayr y 1111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 � 39001103265438 STATUEN IVERSOIFTN YE w YoRKP RESS originpaulbllyi sinh Ferde nacshD uS ublime PaJre an-FraCno�uoritsiM niceh,De elg uEyl,i aEnsec oubPahsi,l iLpapceo ue-Labarthe, Jean-FraLny�ootiaLsro du,Mi asr iJne,a n-NLauncc Jya,c oRbo gozinski ©EditiBoenlsiP na,r 1i9s8 8 Publisbhye d StaUtnei verosfi tNye w PYroersk © 9193 StnaitveeUyr osf iNtew York Press All rights reserved Printed in the U Anmietreicda States ?of.� Nion paanryt moafn ntehri sw hbaootor;pwos· (rerkoert!P.pmi e;rcftimvo�stdsaeiue;oyrcnhe !d·�·wb;�.ip�.ei�·�.u�9.· t·�\�·n·uh·'�·' .so''?'(($..•eu.':. ." dt .. ..· · exceipntt h cea soefb riqeufo tateimobnosd iiend critairctailac nlder se views. Fori nformaatdidorneS,st saU tnei verosfNi etwyY ork PresSst,aU tnei verPsliatzAyal ,b anNyY,1 2246 ProducbtiyCo hnr isLtynicnhe MarketbiynD ga nEa. Y anulavich LibroafrC yo ngrCeastsa loging-in-DPautbal ication Dus ubliEmneg.l ish. Oft hSeu bliPmree:s einncQ eu estieosns:aI y bsyJ ean -Fran�Cooiusr ti.n.[e.e at!.:]t ranslaantdwe idta hn a fterword byJ effrSe.Ly i brett. p. em-. (SUNsYe riIenst,e ractions) TranslaotfDi:uo s nu blime. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceanlc es. ISBN0 -7914-13(7a9l-pk9a. p e-r).I SBN0 -7914-13(8p0b-k:2. ailep.a per) 1.S ubliTmhee,. I .C otirtJienaen,- FranI'TITo.ii tsl.e . II·Is.e rIinetse:r ac(tAilobnasNn .yY,. ) BH30l.S7D1891933 111.'8 5-dc20 91-9447 CIP 109 8 76 5 4 3 21 CONTE NT S Notoen t hTer anslation vii Preftaoct eh Fer enEcdhi tion 1 Jean-Luc Nancy 1.TheD iscouorfEs xea lta(tJ\1io.n>.re yryoapeLv): Contributtoai R oenr eadoifnPgs eudo-Longinus 5 -·· MichDeelg uy 2.TheS ubliOmffee ring 25 JeanN-aLnucyc 3.Kanotr t hSei mpliocfti htSeyu blime 55 EliEasnceo ubas 4.SubliTmreu th 71 PhilLiapcpoeu e-Labarthe 5. TheI nteroefts htSe u blime 109 Jean-FLryaont�aorids 6.TheG ifto ft hWeo rld 133 JacRoobg ozinski 7. TrageadnydS ublimTihteSy p:e culaItnitveer preotfa tion OediRpeuoxsn t hTeh reshoofGl edr maInd ealism 157 !ean-FCroaunrftoiinse 8.O na T oweorfB abeilna P aintbiynP go ussin 177 LouMiasr in Afterword PosittihnSegu bliRmeea:d iHnegi degRgeeard ing Kant JeffreyLSi.b rett 193 Contributors 221 Notes 223 Index 2$t51 NOTE ON THE TRANSLATOIN I havaet tempitnet dh et ranslabteiloontwso fi nds omem iddlger ound betweaenne xcespsriovxei mtiott hyeF renacnhd a ne xcespsriovxei mtiot y idiomaAtmiecr icEanng liIsfIhh .a veer readsi, sm y owni mpressiinto hne, directoifpo rne sertvoie nxgc etshses y ntaclteitctoaefltr h eo riginIac lasn, onlhyo pteh atth eeff ecotfe strangetmheenrteg beyn eraitsie nsd o men on­ trivwiaayrl e lattoet dh kei nodfd isoriencthaatriaocnt eorfti hssetu ibcl ime. Withr espetcotq uotatifroonms G ermatne xtisng enerIa hla,v e checktehdeF rencthr anslaatgiaoinntssh teG ermaonr igiannadle sx isting Englitsrha nslationst,o t rheeEf negrlrieisdnhig t iionnt sh en otebsu,tfr e­ quentplryo vidmiyno gw nt ranslaotfti hoenpssae s saignte hsae t temtpofit n d somree asonable cobmeptrwoermeeinas dea bifildietltyio,tt yhG ee rmaann,d fideltiott yh Fer enecdhi tiqounost beydt haeu thoorfts h ese essays. Int hcea soefK antw,h eraep plicaanbdul nel eostsh erwiinsdei cattheed , referegnicveepsna r entheitnit chtaeel xlptyr ovitdhseee ctniuomnb e(r) ,f§o l­ lowebdyt hpea gneu mbeorft hFer enecdhi tiaonndt, h ebny t hpea gneu mber oft heE ngliesdhi tiTohneG. e rmaend iticoonn sulwtaestd h eW erkausgabe, edW.i lheWlemi schedel (aFmrM aaniknfuS:ru th rkaVmepr la1g9,7 5T)he. Frencehd iticointseu dn,l eostsh erwiinsdei caatreedC:,r itdieql uare a ison purter,an As.. TremesaayngdBu .Pe asc au(dP arPirse:s usneisv ersidtea ires Franc1e9,8 6C)r;i tdieqI uare a ipsroant tirqaunJe,s,G . i bel(iPna rVirsi:n , 1983C)r;i tdieIq afu aec duejl utgete rra,nAs .P. h ilone(nPkaorV irsi:n1 ,9 86); andP remiere ian ItaCr roidtduiecIq atfu iaeoc ndu elj tuegte rra,nGs u.i llernit (ParVirsi:n1 ,9 75T)h.eE ngliesdhi ticointsae rde C:r itoifPq uureRe e ason (abbreviatetdr aCnNPsoR.r) m,aK ne mpS mit(hN eYwo rkS:tM .a rtiPnr'ess s, 1965C)r;i toiPfqr uaec Rteiacsa(oClPn r Rt)r,a nLse.w iWsh itBee c(kC hicago: UniverosfiC thyi caPgroe s1s9,4 9a)nd;C ritoiJfqu udeg m(eCJnt)tr, a nJs,H. . Berna(rNde Yw orkC:o llMiaecrm ilPluabnl is1he9r5s1I,n)t .h cea soefr efer­ encetsot hfier svte rsiooftn h ien trodutcott ihoeCn r itoiJfqu udeg mtehne t, Engliesdhi trieofne rtroie std h ter anslbaytW ieornn eSr.P luh(aIrn dianapo­ liHsa:c kePtutb lisChoi.n1,g9 8a7n)di sa bbreviCa]tITe.hd e saeb breviations aroem ittwehde nii tcs l efarro tmh ceo ntewxhti cwho riksb eincgi ted. Int hec asoef H eideggerian vIo hcaavbgeue lnaerryat,lr layn slated '"l'e(tGreer"m a"nd:aS se ina"s") B einagn"d' Teta(nGte"r ma"nd:aS se iende") as" thbee ing." vii viii NOTOEN T RANSLATION Thef ewt ranslantootreIh's as vaed deadr ien e accha sfeo rmulaitne d sucahw ayt hatth eayr oeb vioumsylo yw nI.h avteh erefore dwiistphe nsed anyfu rthienrd icatthiatothn e ayr neo tt hoer igianuatlh onrost'e s. Ia m gratetfuotl h ea uthoorfts h ees satyrsa nslhaetrefedo t rh et ime thetyo otkod isctuhsesei srs awyistm he i nt hseu mmeorf1 98I9a .mg rateful alstoo L oyolUan iverCshiitcya fgooar SummeRre searAcwha ridn 1 989 whichhe lpfienda ncteh iwso rkI.a mi ndebfutretdh teorD aviWdi llifaomrs hiass sistiantn hcpeer eparaotfti horene feretnocG eese,rV ta nC leemput for hiass sistwainttchhe qe u otatfrioomnt sh Ger eeakn,dt ot hpea tieonfCc aer ­ olSaa utotfeS rU NY Preasnsd t heed itoofrt sh isse riTehset. r anslaatrieo ns dedicattoPe adu lLai braentdtt o t hmee moroyfI rviLnigb rett. PREFACET O THE FRENCH EDITION JaenL-uNcan cy A Beinbge yonadlb le au.t.ty.h s eu blime. -Bejnamin O nem ayb et emptteodi magitnheao tu re pocihsr ediscovtehresi unbg ­ limie,tns a mec,o nceoprtq ,u estiBountcs l.e atrhliyis,sb yn om eantsh cea se, foorn en everre turntsoa nyp rimoorm enitn h istoThrey s.u bliimsne o ts o much whwaet' rgeo inbga ctko a sw herwee 'rceo minfrgo m. Esveirn ce Boileatur'asn sloaftai nodcn o mmentuaproyn L onginauess,t heotrit chse, thougohfta rt-baults toh ougihnts ofaasir ti sp rovokbeyda rt-hnaost ceasteodp ursueei,t heexrp licoirit mlpyl ictihtqelu ye,s toifot nh seu blime. Onec ouldde monsttrhaiwtsie t hoduitffi cutlhtryo ughtohueetn timroed ern andc ontempohriasrtyoo rfay r ta,e stheatnidcp sh,i losoTphheys .u blime propecrolnys tiotuurtt ersa d(iitanie sotnh eattti hcvese rlye absuttt, h etnh is restriacltrieoaendn yt angluesis ns omoe ft hqeu estiwohnisca hr teo datyi ed tot hes ublimTeh)et. r aditpiaosnso ens[ Ltar adtirtainosnmWe hta]t.i t passoenst ous int hnea meo ft hseu bliimsne o ta na estheIttii sac bso.v ael l nota na estheotfit chse grandiose, theo rt mhoeen cusmteanwttiiatclh,, whicthh seu bliimse oftceonn fused-admintottwe idtlhyo cuetr thaiisnt ori­ carle asownhsi,c h mbuehs atn dlweidt dhi screetvieoannst , h iasl l-too-heavy words ublmiumsptee rhagprsa duableel ffya ceTdh.et radiptaisosnoe nst he aesthaestq iuce stiWohni.cm he annso thiontgh etrh asne:n sipbrlees entation asq uestion. Sensipbrlees entiasatq iuoens t(iaonnid tr equitrheipssh ra"ssee,n sible presentatthiueon np,e"r ceived otfwa huitcoahll orgeyca odnyt aiinna ss e,n se, thweh olper obletmot) h eex tetnhtat th ougihsot r ganiazreodu ntdh meo tif ofr epresewnhitciahsbt y id eofinn,i tnioonns ens(iabltle eaa sslt o nagsi itss till necesstaosr pye aiknt hetseer msR)e.p resentcaotnisotnit thuietn esst aonfc e th"eo bjefcottr"h at thwohuigchihtsfu ndamenttahltelh yo ugohftt h "es ub­ ject"-tihsfa,ot pr h ilosocpohnyc eiavste hdde o minasnttr ucatnudrm ea trix throuwghhi cthh e Weassst u,c uhn,d erstands itself. 1 2 ]EAN-NLAuNcC Y Represenitasar ttiiocnui lnta etreomdfsc onforamnisdti yg nification. Buptr esenptuattisin otpnol atyhe ev eanntdt heex ploosfai noa np pearing anddi sappwehaircichno,gn sidientr heedm seclavnencsoo,tn fotroom rs ig­ niafyn ythTihniegsx. p loesvieivnwseth atth ter adiptaisosnet sou sio ntn h .e nameosfb eauatnyd /sourb liFmriottmyh .me o menwth erne presentation cometsok noiwt steobl esf u cahn cdo metosp resietnsatess lfu c(ht·hi asat,l so toc ritidciisztead,ne cceo,n sotrrd uecstti,rt osyea ml ofm)e,nw th iccho nsti­ tuttehshe i stoofmry o dearrnat n dt hougihttta ,ku epsa tu nknocwonsa t questioonnc-teart a diatniudon nhaeloa fr-do f presentation. Thqeu estoifto hsneu bliipsma es soenad n ddo wtnou sa st hqeu estion ofp resenItnta htciiosol nl.e tchtreie oandw,ei rel nlc oudnitveersr tsaeot re s ordeorfps r esent(adtiisocnot uhrsesu em,m oonfsa ppearoafnfceer,i ng, trultihm,ci otm,m unicfaeteilowinon,rg lt,dh ,u ndere-tbcoI.sl )ht.a,n l olt attetmo(p rte )estthaeubinlrii Ttshyhe .ay r neo dti vefirgsuero erds e nomina­ tioonfas s inegslsee Intwc ienl.ol d oubbte cocmlee tahrat thq eu estoifo n presenittsah tqeiu oens toifwo hnai tas t p laaytt hlei moiftt h ees setnhcues:, att hlei moifwt h aitms o r"ee ssetnota irtathl ai"nte ss seans"c aeri tt"s jeulsft, ast hseu bliimsmo er "ee ssetnotb ieaalut"th yat nhv ee reys seonfc ebt ehaeu ­ tifuIlti.a s l stoh ereafm oarteto efsr o metthhianotgv erfloiwnas ri tta sretl f, oro fs ometthhioanvtge rflfroowmos u otfa ratn,pd u tisn tcoo mmunication orc ontacitn staalonlfpc reess ent(aftoeirxo anm phlies,t coormym,u nity, senpsoel,i tthiocusg,ahn tde, v erne presenwthaitciihsio tnsa,el lsofon eof theisnes tances). Weh avneoi ntenotfgi roand uaaelsltyh etailoclfei xziisntgQe unictee. thceo ntrIaftrh yee.s sianyt sh ciosl lehcatvoieno ceno mmotnr aiiittts ,h at thecyo ncneodteh tioan egs theBtiutcthi qesu me.s toifpo rne senitsai,tn i on facnto,t hoitnhgte hra tnh qeu estoifeo xni st(esnhcoeou nlesd a ys:e nsible existeanssc uecI?hyf).o lui ktehq:eu estoifbo eni ng-in-the-world. Isit th qiuse sttihoawntep urstuher ocuognhs ideornat th"ieso unbs­ limeN"ou?tn likAetll eyai.sit wts o rptuht tsiuncagqh u esttioto htnee st-by attempttoidnsagoy m,te h ougohft sstu hbel ime. Thicso lleacrtiiosouenots f t hsee r"iAensa loyftt hiSecu blipmueb"­ lishient dh jeo urPnoa&ls,bi eet we1e9n8a 4n d1 896t,ow hicfho uort her esshaayvsbe e eand ded. Theo rdaedro phteerdae t temtpoct osr restpoao c nedr ttahienm atic distriobftu htteie oxnfit rss:Mt i,c hDeelg usyt'usod fyL ongi(nPuose tique, vol5.8 t)h;e tnh ees stahyast ta kaest heoibrj escutb lpirmees enittasteilofn (JeanN-aLnuccEy l,i aEnsec ouPbhaisl,iL papceo ue-Labartvhoel-.P o&sie, 30, a3n3d28 ,N) e.x tth,te e xtthssa pte ctihsfyeu bliinam cec ordwaintachne objoecret n dt:h oosfJe e an-FrLayno'rto(aihrsedd r ief fefrreohnmit as r ticle inP o&svioe3l,4. a) n Jda cRoobg ozi(naslaksp ior eviuonupsulbyl airsthie­d clew)h,i ecxhp relsisnulkpyws i tLhy otaJreda'ns-;F rCaonuyrotisistn ued'ys

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