THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL O F THE ROMAN EMPIRE BY EDWARD GIBBON EDITED BY J. B. BURY, M.A. WTH AN INTRODUCTION BY THE RT. HON. W. E. H. LECKY VOL. IV NEW YORK FRED DE FAU & COMPANY PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT. x#, FRED DE FAU & COMPANY. CONTENTS OF THE FOURTH VOLUME LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . . . . . . . . . ?Anm CHAPTER XXII Julian- is T &hJea Drecda lEh mopf eCromr btayn thtaew L e-gio Cnisv oilf AGdarunl i-nHisitsr alMh aorf c/hd ainmd S ycuss AD. TFheaer sJ eaanldou Esyn voyf oCf oCnsotnasnttaiunsti uasg ains.t Jul.i an .. . .. ... 31 363 HTTHTiihhsh ee eiypE rL r mpoDertbgoeiisacsocstlnaosaytsinim ototefno nJs tGu Cso laofi uin.nIl sn taEnaronme.ct ipoeurnesdrc oee..rr e d t.o... mar...c h in...t o th...e Eas....t .... 6397 3Q, 361 His fourth and fifth Expeditionbs e &d'the &ne . 1I31 361 Fruitless Treaant yd Declaration of War . . . . 14 HJ+IiSan m aprcrehp farroems ttoh ea tRtahciiknInU te Co y ornicsutamn tius . .. .. .. .. 1197 HHoes jtuilset iPlireesp hairsa tCioanuss e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 361 Death of Constantius . . . . . . . . 24 336611 HIJsui lsai accknGivn oeiolvn wetelrenrsdm gCeeondnt b syta tnhtaienn owdp hplEeor mli ev. ap tiere L .i fe ... ... ... ... ... 924a8785 RCehfaomrmharti oofn Jouf sttihcee Palam. .. . . .. .. .. .. 31 Punishment of the Innocent and the Guity . . . . 3354 Q Clemency of Julian . . . . . . . . 38 His love of Freedom and the Republic . . . . . 39 HHJuiilssi a ccnah,r aea rnaofc Ottehrrae t oGrr aen.c ida na C.J uitdiegse. ... ... ... ... ... ... 444421 CHAPTER XXIII The Religion of Julian - Universal Tohdion - He attempts to restme ad reform the Pagan Worship; to rebuild the Tempk of Jerusdm - His artfd Persecutim of the Christians - MUud Zed and Injnsticc . . . . . . . 351 HTHRheeisle i eg EmAiodlbnuler cagoacfo teriJsoieu ntslh iaaenn Md .A JC&ICoYl.o g y o.f. Pag..a nism.. ... .I. ... ... 45546820 V 'ALMA COLLEGE MONTEITH LIBRARY ALMA, MICHIGAN vi CONTENTS . Aa . . . . . . ? Am TheologicalSystemof Julian . . . . . . 53 Fanaticism of the Philosophers . . . . . Initiationa nd Fanaticism of Julian . . . . . . . His religious Dissimulation . . . . . . He des againsC t hristianity . . 361 UniversaTl oleration 361-363 Zeal and Devotion ofJulian in the R&orak~.o~k Paganism . . . . . . . Reformation of Pag.anisn. . . . . . . . The Philosophers . . . . . . . . . . Conversions The Jews . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Description of .~em.&em. . . . . . . . 74 Pil$rimages L' . . . . . 363 Jullan attempts to rebuild the. Tem.ple . . . . . 7 TheE nterpnse is defeated 80 . . . . . . HPPpaee rrr othihaaiplbistiy ttbsh yoC e f haJr ipusrltieiaatennrs n atur.a l E&ven tt e.achin.g &Is. .. ... ... SI Disgraceand Oppressionof the Christians They are condemned to restore the Pa Temples . . . . . . NThegel eTcetm anpdle Parnodf asnaactrieodn Gof roDvaeo pfh nDe ap.E . ;he 361 Removal of the dead Bodies. and Codaption of T&& . . . . . Juliin shuts the Cathedral of Antioch 93 George of Cappadociao ppressesA lexandria and Egypt . 95 36r HHeei siws morasshsiapcpreedd bays P teha o eSp alein t and && .. .. .. .. 99r6 36, Restoration of Athanasius . . .. .. .. .. 99 He is persecuted andexpelled by Julia n . . . . 101 361363 Zeal and Imprudence of the Christians 103 CHAPTER XXIV RGsideAcc of Julian d Anhh. His mustjul E~peddiom &he Pcrsiaru .Pass age of the Tigris .The Rektmi and Death oj Juliam . eLE& of Jovian .He saws the h uArm y by a disgraafd TrW . . . . . . . . 362r esoT Hlhve ees Csesars toof PmJaeugatr hrals iciieaanh nns ts . . . . 11 0086 Juliin p dCfroo nmst antinople to Antioch . . . 109 LicenMtioa unsn ers oPf eto hpel e of Antioch . . . IIO TSchaericri tAy voef rsCioonr nto, a Jnddi paunb lDic is.conte.nt . .. .. .. ., 111111 314L-3ibJ9au0nl iiauTns h c eo mSoppohseisst a Satire again.As tn . .. .. .. . , 111154 363 March of Julian to the Euphrates . . . . . . r rp His Design of invading Persia . .. .. .. .. .. 1 19 Disaffection of the King .of Ar.meni.a . . . . . x 10 , Military Preparations 111 Jutlhiaen e nters Persian Territories . .. .. .. .. 1 23 His March over the Desert of Mesopotamia DHeiss csruipcctieosns of .A ssy;ia .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 1'222537 CONTENTS ... Vii .. AD. . .. . . . . . . . . Inwsianof Assyria . . . . . ... . . . Siege Perisabor siege .M.a ogamalchr . . ... . . . . . Personal viour of He transports his Fleet from the Eupadten the'Tigr& Pa=ge the Tigris and Victory . the. Rom.ans .. .. .. Situation Obstinacy Juhn ... ....... . . . . . . . He burns his Fleet . . . . . . . . Marches against Sapor . . . . Retreat ress Arm.y . . . . 363 DJuelaiathn oisf. .mJ.uo y w.o u.nd..e..d . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Election Emperor ' Danger DifEiculty .. .. .. .. .. .. TNheeg oWtiaetiaoknn essanTdr eDatiysg racP.Je o.e aen ... . . . . . . . . . HUen din uCelsa mhios uRra egtraeinats t. .N isTibriesa ty Peace . . . .. Joviane vacuates Nisibi.s. an.d res.tores. the .five .Prov.inces. the Persians . . . . . Refctions the Death J d i . . . . . . . . . On his Funeral CHAPTER XXV Thc GovmnmnJ and Dcdh of Jovian- Election of Valmtiniaion. who asso- ciaks his Brother Vdenr. and mkcs tke final Division of thc Easlenr and Westem Empires- Revoll of Prompius-Civil and E&siastical Admm~slrocion-G-ny-B~~~n-AAfrica-TThcEast-TTkcD~ de-Death of Valdinian- His two Sons. GraJian and VderJinian II., succeed to the We'cslmr Empire . . . . . . . . 363 State of the Church 173 . . . . . Jovian proclaims universal Toleration 176 . . . . . . . His progress from Antioch 171 364 Jovian. with hi infant Son. assumes the Name and Ensigns . . . . . . . . of the Consulship j6q Death of Jovian . . . . . . . . . =1 7789 Vacancy of the Throne . . . . . . . . I& 3f54 Election and Character of Valentinian . . . . . 181 He is acknowledged by the Army . . . . . . 182 hssoVciaatleesn sh is Brother . . . . . . 1 84 364 The h a 1D ivision of the Eastern and Western Empires . % . . . . . . . . 365 Revolt of Pmcopius 366 His Defeat and Death . . . . . . . . 190 373 Severe Inquisition into the Crime of Magic at Rome and Antioch 192 364-375 The Cruelty of Valentinian and Valens . . . . 196 Their Laws and Government . . . . . . 9 '8 Valentinian maintainsA trhiea nRisemli.g ious Toleration . . 201 367378 Valensp rofesses and persecutes the Catholics 203 . . . . . . . . 373 Death of Athanasius zog Just Ideaof the Persecution of Valens . . . . . 2 05 370 Valentirneisa tnra ins the Avarice of the Clergy . . . 2 07 366-304 Ambition and Luxury of Damasus. Bishop of Rome . 209 ... CONTENTS vlll 3A6D4. -375 Foreign Wars . . . . . . 365 I. G-FJWMY. The Alemamii n vadeG aul . 366 DTheef ema t . . . . . .. 336781 VTThhaleee nSBtauixnroiginunsn nstss , ..a nd f..o rtifi..e s, th..e R hin..e .. 11. BRITAIN. The Scots and Pias . . 343-366 Their Invasion of Britain . . .. 336676- 371011 . RAFeRsItCoAra. tioTny orf anBnryit aoifn Rbyo mTahneucsd osiu. s . 372 Revolt of Firmus . . . . . 373 Theodosius recovers Afria . . . . 376 He is executed at Carthage . . . . State of Africa . . . . . . 365-378 IV. THE EAST. The Persian War 384 ATThdr eeva etnyt ures ooff PPaeraac,e King. of A. rmen. ia .. .. 336676, 3 6VT8.h,3 eT6 9Hc auEsD eH AooNf sUtthGiBl eioEt WsiC caa onrnd q Pueeastcse o f H..e rma..n ric ... i;i War of thQe uada in d Sarmatians . . The Expedition of Valentinian . . . His Death . . . The Emperors Gratian and Valentkian'II. CHAPTER XXYI Manws of the Pasknd Nations - Progress of the Huns, from Chim lo Ewopc - Flighi of the Goths - They pass the Danube - Gothic War - Defeat and Death of Vahs- Gatian invests Theodon'ur with the Eastern Empire - His Char& and Svccess - Peace and SetUemcd of thG dks 365 Earthquakes . . . . . . . . . 376 THhau enn ds Goths . . . . . . . . THEDxhaieebetri ctPaisateisosto. n rsa l M... ann...e rs of... the ...S cyth...i ans,... o r T...a rtan... .... .... Government . . . . . . . . . . a110o40r1 -8TTTTTS07-1ihh hhh teeeueeDiii a rrrHWet icWECouhlinmnoinaa tS sneenri egsq odaHa Eru f wna tFexu ttdoi sahitntCf otehl esslnn ht ithtoV snih nf oe e.leS H Sogcsofoyeafu t g. t e icaa y nHtahu ....i n a s, or....... T art.......a ry ........ ........ ........ ........ 375 TThheeiirr VCiocntdaruieesst o ovf erth teh eA Glaontih s. .. .. ... ... ... ... 376 The Goths implore the Protection of Valens TThheeiyr aDrei sttrraenasspaonrdte dD oisvceor nthteen Dt anu.b e int.o the. R om.a n Em. piFe. . Ass Mreda. . Revolt of the Goths in .and. their. 6rst. Victo.ries . . 377 TOhpeeyr aptieonnestroaft et hien tGo oTthhricaWce ar . . .. .. .. Union of the Goths with the Huns. Alan.i. &c. . . . 37 8 Viory of Gratian over the Alema.mi . . . . . Valens marches against t.he G.oths . . . . . . Battle of Hadrianople . . . . . . . The Defeat of the Romans . . . . . Death of the Emperor Valens . . . . Funeral Oration of Valens and his'Army . . . . . . The Goths besiege Hadrianople . . . . 37% 379 They ravagteh e Roman Provinces . . . . 37 8 Massacre of the GothiYc outh in Asia 379 The Emperor Grat.ian i.nwsts. w.ith th.e Em.pire. of the East . . . . . Birth and Character of Theodosius . 379382 His prudent and successfulC onduct of the Go.thic .War . 3 26 DivisionsD. efeat. and Submission o.f the. Goth.s . . . s ag 381 Deatha nd Funeral of Athauric . . 33' 386 Invasion and Defeat of thGe ruthungi. or Ostrogo.ths . . 333 383-395 Settlement of the Goths i.n Th.race a.nd A.sia . . . 335 Their hostile Sentiments 337 . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX 441 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS A ROMAN F m . . . . . . . F Ianaipsirr From a drawing by Jan Styka. . . . . . . . . FAG. JULIAN THE APOSTATE 20 From a bust in the Capitoline Museum. . . . . . . . . MAP OF MESOPOTAMIA 1% . . . . . . JOVUNWITHAH~GPARTY 174 From a bas-relief on the Tomb of Jovian. . . . . . BATTLEB ETWEEN ROMANASN D GAULS 21s From a bas-relief. . . . . . . . Aac~O F CONST~INER,O ME 290 From a photograph.