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Of mice and men: Factors abrogating the antiobesity effect of omega-3 fatty acids. PDF

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by  MadsenLise
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Preview Of mice and men: Factors abrogating the antiobesity effect of omega-3 fatty acids.

COMMENTARY Adipocyte1:3,173–176;July/August/September2012;G2012LandesBioscience Of mice and men Factors abrogating the antiobesity effect of omega-3 fatty acids Lise Madsen1,2 and Karsten Kristiansen1 1DepartmentofBiology;UniversityofCopenhagen;Copenhagen,Denmark;2NationalInstituteofNutritionandSeafoodResearch;Bergen,Norway The ability of n-3 long chain poly- a large prospective cohort study, Nurses’ unsaturatedfattyacids(PUFAs)to Health Study cohort,12 reported that prevent high fat diet-induced obesity in higher intake of fish and n-3 PUFAs rodentsis welldocumented.Evidence for was associated with higher prevalence of a similar effect in humans is, however, obesity, another US prospective cohort limited. Intervention studies in humans study, The Health Professional Follow-up are inconclusive and epidemiological study, showed that men who consumed studies are dichotomous. Our recent fish were less likely to be obese.13 The finding that sucrose and other high latterfindingissupportedbysmallercross- glycemic index carbohydrates abrogate sectional studies where the level of plasma the antiobesity effect of n-3 PUFAs n-3 fatty acids, used as a biomarker for might, at least in part, provide an intakeoffish,wasinverselycorrelatedwith explanation to the apparent discrepancy bodymassindex(BMI)andwaistcircum- between human and rodent intervention fences.14 Similarly, an inverse relationship studies, and the lack of effect in some has been reported in obese patients human trials. In addition to the amount between abdominal obesity and amount and type of carbohydrates, the levels of of n-3 PUFA in adipose tissue samples15 n-6 PUFAs, linoleic acid in particular, in andbetweentheamountofn-3PUFAsin Keywords: obesity, fish oil, PUFA, the background diet might influence the subcutaneous adipose tissue and reduced carbohydrates, linoleic acid, antiobesogenic effect of n-3 PUFAs. adipocyte size.16 persistent organic pollutants Lastly, it is plausible that the quantity Although a few human intervention Submitted: 04/09/12 ofpersistentorganicpollutantsinfishoil, trials, where weight loss, BMI and/or and seafood rich in n-3 PUFAs, might waist circumstances were reported end- Revised: 05/07/12 have an influence on the outcome of points, have shown promising results, Accepted: 05/08/12 the trials. other similar trials have failed, and taken http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/adip.20689 together the human intervention trials are Correspondenceto:LiseMadsen inconclusive. A systematic review of the orKarstenKristiansen; Alargenumberofstudieshavedocumented subject was published fairly recently by Email:[email protected]@bio.ku.dk theability offishoil toattenuate,1-9 and in Buckley andHowe,17and therefore onlya at least one case, totally prevent10 high fat few studies will be mentioned here. The Commentaryto:HaoQ,LillefosseHH,FjæreE, diet-induced obesity in rodents. Moreover, positive and quite convincing results from MyrmelLS,MidtbøLK,JarlsbyRH,etal.High- atleastonestudyhasdemonstratedthatn-3 at least two trials published in 2007 glycemicindexcarbohydratesabrogatethe PUFAs are able to reduce the amount of are worth mentioning though. First, antiobesityeffectoffishoilinmice.AmJPhysiol EndocrinolMetab2012;302:E1097–112;PMID: body fat in mice already made obese by a Thorsdottir et al.18 demonstrated that 22338077;http://dx.doi.org/10.1152/ajpendo. high fat diet.11 In view of the promising 1.5 g of n-3 PUFA per day during 00524.2011 rodent studies one would expect fish oil eight weeks of caloric restriction signific- and andseafoodenrichedinn-3PUFAstobea antly increased weight loss in young AlvheimAR,MaldeMK,Osei-HyiamanD,Hong useful, effective and safe tool to reduce overweight men. This was, however, not LinY,PawloskyRJ,MadsenL,etal.Dietary linoleicacidelevatesendogenous2-AGand obesityalsoinhumans. seen in women. Second, Kabir et al. anandamideandinducesobesity.Obesity(Silver Epidemiological associations between reported that 3 g of n-3 PUFA per day Spring)2012;Inpress;PMID:22334255;http://dx. intake of n-3 PUFAs and obesity develop- reduced total fat mass and the diameterof doi.org/10.1038/oby.2012.38 ment are, however, inconclusive. Whereas subcutaneous adipocytes in a two month www.landesbioscience.com Adipocyte 173 randomized controlled trial with type 2 is also highly variable. For instance, the PUFAs. The levels of LA and high diabetic women.19 However, Krebs et al. average amount to meet this 50% in the glycemic index carbohydrates might be of did not observe an increased weight loss Philippines,DenmarkandUS,is133,578 particular importance, as the background when5goffishoilwascombinedwithan and 2,178 mg per day, respectively.23 In levels of LA will determine the amount of energyrestricteddietinoverweighthyper- this respect it is worth noting that we n-3 PUFAs required replacing AA in PL, insulinemic women.20 Moreover, a meta- found a strong positive correlation and high glycemic index carbohydrates analysis from 2009, aimed to investigate between obesity development and con- may reduce the antiobesogenic effect. It is the effect of n-3 PUFAs on glycemic sumption of LA and soybean oil.6 Also, likely that the success and failure of control in type 2 diabetic patients, con- intake of sugar was positively correlated different clinical trials using similar doses cluded that there was no significant effect with obesity, whereas changes in total of n-3 PUFAs have been influenced by on body weight.21 Several possible expla- energy consumptionwerenot.6Moreover, different background diets. The dose of nations for the apparent discrepancy intake of calories from poultry, a major n-3 PUFAs used in clinical trials is between rodent and humans trials and source of LA in the US diet,22 correlated generally relatively low, less than 3 g per the lack of consensus in human interven- withobesitydevelopment,unlikeintakeof day, and this might be far too low if tion studies, mostly related to study grains, beef, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy the background diet contains high levels design, exist and these are discussed in or vegetables.6 In this context, it is worth of LA.26 the previously mentioned review by mentioningthatthewomenintheNurses’ A third aspect for consideration is the Buckley and Howe.17 Here, we discuss Health Study cohort, who frequently source of n-3 PUFAs and the levels of the findings in three recent rodent studies consumedfishandwerelikelytobeobese, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in that provide insight into how interaction also had a high intake of poultry.12 these.IncollaborationwithDr.Ruzzinwe between nutrients may, at least in part, A second aspect regarding background have recently demonstrated that whereas explain the discrepancies and inconsist- diets, when studying the effect of n-3 inclusionofpurifiedsalmonoilattenuated encies observed in human studies. PUFAs, is the amount and type of obesity in Wistar rats, inclusion of crude An important aspect concerning the carbohydrates. Our recent finding that salmon oil exaggerated obesity develop- outcome of human trials concerns the sucrose24 and other high glycemic index ment.27 Moreover, we have shown that levels of dietary n-6 PUFAs, linoleic acid carbohydrates25 abrogate the antiobesity chronic consumption of Atlantic salmon (LA)inparticular,inthebackgrounddiet. effect of n-3 PUFAs in mice, demonstrate withahighlevelofPOPscausedobesityin The estimated per capita consumption of that the antiobesogenic potential of n-3 mice.28 When the levels of POPs in the soybean oil, containing about 50% LA, PUFAsisdependentonthemacronutrient salmonwerereduced,obesitydevelopment has increased more than 1,000-fold from composition of the background diet. We in the mice decreased concomitantly.28 1909 to 1999 in the US; today represent- demonstrated that increasing the sucrose: POP exposure has been associated to ing7.21energypercent(e%)ofthediet.22 proteinratiointhebackgrounddiet,dose- development of type 2 diabetes,29-33 A recent study performed in collaboration dependently abrogated the antiobesity whereas the correlation between POP withDrAlvheimandDrHibbelndemon- effect of fish oil.25 In fact, when the exposureandobesitypersehasbeenmore strated that increasing the dietary levels of sucrose amount was high, a diet enriched difficult to establish. However, a recent LA from 1 to 8 e%, thereby reflecting the in n-3 PUFAs was as obesogenic as a diet Danish cohort study demonstrated a increase during the 20th century, elevated enriched in n-6 PUFAs.24 A diet contain- positive correlation between BMI and the the level of arachidonic acid (AA)-phos- ing35e%sucrosemightsurelybeoflittle concentration of certain POPs, such as pholipids and promoted obesity in mice.6 human relevance. However, we recently dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), By adding 1 e% n-3 PUFAs to the 8 e% demonstrated that inclusion of high in adipose tissue.34 A major problem LA diet, EPA and DHA replaced AA in glycemic index carbohydrates, such as linking POPs with obesity development tissue phospholipids, and obesity devel- amylopectin, also abrogated the antiobe- is that plasma levels of POPs are not opment was attenuated.6 The conversion sity effect of fish oil.25 Today, grains and reliable predictors of POP exposure.34 of LA to AA, allows competition between sugarrepresentthemajorenergysourcesin Further,sincePOPsaccumulateinadipose AA and the n-3 PUFAs, EPA and DHA, the US diet, representing approximately tissue, measurements of POP concentra- for incorporation into the phospholipids. 22 and 17 e%, respectively.22 If the tions in plasma and adipose tissue are Thus, intake of LA will influence the sucrose:protein ratio, and/or the amount strongly affected by the increased mass of omega-3 index (red blood cell EPA + of high glycemic index carbohydrates adipose tissue in obese individuals result- DHA as a percentage of total red blood influence on the antiobesogenic effect of ing in a “dilution” of POPs. Thus, a cell lipids).23 It is important to note that n-3 PUFAs also in humans, both the type negative correlation between concentra- there is a large variability not only in and level of carbohydrates in the back- tionsof polychloridinated biphenyl(PCB) intake of n-3 PUFAs but also in LA ground diets will affect the outcome of congeners in plasma and BMI has been between different countries, and thus, the the trials. reported in two separate studies.35,36 In omega-3 index is highly variable.23 Together, these two reports illustrate one of these studies,35 intake of fish, fatty Accordingly, the amount of n-3 PUFAs theimportanceofacontrolledbackground fish in particular, was associated with the requiredtomeet50%n-3PUFAsintissue diet when studying the effect of n-3 measured levels of adipose tissue POP 174 Adipocyte Volume1Issue3 concentrations.POPsaccumulateinlipid- tissue weights without a concomitant oil, whereas an increased adipose tissue rich food, and fatty fish thus represent a reduction on body weight.1,5,7,37,38 Thus, mass was still observed in the female sourceofbothPOPsandn-3PUFAs.The a decrease in body weight in humans mice.41 This points to a role of the LDL levels of POPs in farmed fish depend on might not necessarily be expected. receptor for an intriguing gender depend- the composition of the fish feed, whereas Moreover, two often ignored rodent ent difference in fat partitioning and contamination in feral fish is determined studies have reported an increased adipose collectively these studies also point to by factors including fat content, prey and tissuemassinrodentsfedn-3PUFAs.Fish leptin as a key player in the action of n-3 geographic location. Thus, even though a oil is actually reported to increase adipose PUFAs. Thus, reduced leptin sensitivity, direct causal link between human obesity tissue mass in db/db mice when included as often observed in obese subjects, might and POP exposure remains to be estab- in a high fat diet39 and inclusion of 6% reduce n-3 PUFA action. lished, it seems warranted to consider menhaden fish oil doubled the amount of Collectively, the levels of LA as well as possible exposure to POPs in human adipose tissue mass in female LDL the amount and type of carbohydrates in intervention trials where fish or seafood receptor deficient mice, while still pre- the background diet might influence the is used as a source of n-3 PUFAs. venting hepatic steatosis.40 Interestingly, antiobesogeniceffectofn-3PUFAsalsoin Concerning the apparent discrepancy nooveralleffectonadiposetissuemasswas humans. Furthermore, the actual content betweenrodentsandhumansontheeffect observed in a study where both male and of EPA and DHA varies in different of n-3 PUFAs in body weight and obesity female mice were fed a high fat diet studies, and in combination this may itshouldbementionedthatseveralrodent supplemented with fish oil in comparison provide an explanation for the apparent studies have reported an effect on adipose to a high fat diet supplemented with olive lack of effect in some human trials. References 9. ItohM,SuganamiT,SatohN,Tanimoto-KoyamaK, 17. Buckley JD, Howe PR. Long-chain omega-3 poly- Yuan X, Tanaka M, et al. Increased adiponectin unsaturatedfattyacidsmaybebeneficialforreducing 1. 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