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Acta Biol. Univ. Daugavp. 8 (2) 2008 ISSN 1407 - 8953 CHECK-LIST OF THE GROUND BEETLES (COLEOPTERA, CARABIDAE) OF KALININGRAD REGION Vitaly I. Alekseev Alekseev V.I. 2008. Check-list of the ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Kaliningrad region. Acta Biol. Univ. Daugavpil., 8 (2): 153 - 191. A check-list of carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Kaliningrad region (south-eastern Baltic Sea coast) with distribution of the species according to the division of the regions area on landscapes is provided. At present the list includes 283 species. 202 ground beetles species are found in our region in last 30 years (13 species new for the fauna), 81 species of the family are cited by the latest German work (Bercio, Folwaczny 1979) only. Data on 3 new for the Kaliningrad fauna Carabidae species (Agonum duftschmidi Schmidt, Tachyta nana (Gyll.) and Badister meridionalis Puel.) is presented for the first time. Nebria rufescens (Strom) and Agonum munsteri (Hell.) reported from Kaliningrad region (Alekseev 2002) are removed from check-list because erroneous identification. The occurrence of 5 species (Calosoma investigator (Ill.), Callisthenes reticulatum (F.), Amara tricuspidata Dej., Dicheirotrichus gustavii Cr., Brachinus crepitans (L)) in Kaliningrad region at present time is considered doubtful. The literature data for the fauna and distribution of ground beetles in Baltic States, Nord-Eastern Poland and West Byelorussia are analyzed. Key words: Carabidae, check-list, Kaliningrad region, fauna, distribution. Vitaly I. Alekseev, Russia, 236000, Kaliningrad, Sovetsky av., 1., KSTU, Department of Hydrobiology and Ichtiopathology; e-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION 1979) and summarized the before 1945 year collected material only. 275 species of ground The check-list of the family Carabidae of the beetles were known in the area of the North-East Poland includes 285 species contemporary Kaliningrad region (north part of (Aleksandrowicz, Gawronski, Browarski 2003), East Prussia) according to this catalogue. Recent 239 species of this family are known from faunistical and ecological researches about Bialowieża Primeval Forest (Aleksandrovich, ground beetles at the territory of Kaliningrad Wojas 2001), 326 species - from whole Latvia region are not numerous. Three shot reports with (Barševskis 2003, Telnov 2004) and no less than data about total number of ground beetles 309 species of ground beetles lives in whole species only (135 species – Sakhnov, Dryomina, Belarus (Aleksandrowicz et al. 1996). Alekseev 1998; 75 species – Dryomina 2001; 161 species – Dryomina 2002) were published. The The last checklist of Carabidae for our region specific information on the fauna, distribution was published 27 years ago (Bercio, Folwaczny and biology of Carabidae in Kaliningrad region 153 Alekseev V.I. are completely absent in this theses. The cited Holarctic, TP – Transpalearctic, WCP - West- data for present catalogue are scattered among Central Palearctic, WP - West Palearctic six publications (Sharova, Grüntal 1973; Bercio, (European, Euro-Caucasian, Central European Folwaczny 1979; Främbs, Dormann, and other), AA - Amphiatlantic. Mossakowski 2002; Alekseev 2002; Alekseev 2003; Alekseev 2005). b) In section “Distribution in Baltic region” – by the occurence of the species in Baltic States. The information about distribution of the carabid MATERIAL AND METHODS beetles in northern Europe and Baltic region (cited by Silfverberg, 2004), West Byelorussia Our material was collected in whole territory of (Aleksandrowicz et al. 1996), West and Central Kaliningrad region, including the Curonian Spit parts of Lithuania (Barševskis 2001; Monsevičus, in 1989-2008. The most part of the ground beetles Tamutis, unpubl. - regions Nu 1, 2, 4; Ferenca et was gathered in the Sambian peninsula (western al. 2002; Ferenca 2003; Tamutis 2003; Ferenca et part of Kaliningrad region) and in Chernyakhovsk al. 2006; Ferenca et al., 2007) and Nord-Eastern district (central part of the region) in 1997-2008. Poland (Aleksandrowicz, Gawronski, Browarski The material was collected using standard 2003; Leśniak 2005) is given in the checklist. The entomological methods: stone turning, ground countries or regions are indicated with the letters: pitfall trapping, hand-searching, sampling in F - Finland, K - Russian part of Fennoscandia, S winter sheltering under bark of old logs and tree - Sweden, N - Norway, D - Denmark, E - Estonia, stumps as well as in moos on trees and collecting A - Latvia and I - Lithuania (for the cited data in places of occasional accumulation on the from “Enumeratio nova Coleopterorum...”), Lit. – Baltic ńoast. The Demetrias and the smaller West and central parts of Lithuania, N-E Pol. - Dromius were swept from rough herbage. The Nord-Eastern Poland. beetles were identified with the help of the standard (Kryzhanovsky 1965; Freude, Harde, c) In rubric “Kaliningrad region” – by locality Lohse 1976) and the last (Freude, Harde, Lohse, (from literature and own collections) in the Klausnitzer 2004) identification guides. The list Kaliningrad region. Localities and occurense in of carabid species was prepared with use of the the north part of East Prussia are given according nomenclature by Silfverberg (2004) and by the latest German work (Bercio, Folwaczny 1979). German authors (Freude, Harde, Lohse, All German names of settlements of East Prussia Klausnitzer 2004). The material is deposited in are interchanged by contemporary Russian the author’s collection. names (for example all notes “Königsberg” are cited as “Kaliningrad” etc.). Recent information is in the list after the prewar distribution and is RESULTS separated with the semicolon “;”. For the purposes of compactness the main source of During the investigations the list of ground beetle literature data (Bercio, Folwaczny 1979) is referred species of Kaliningrad region was completed. The to as (B., F.). annotation to each species includes data divided into 3 sections: The distribution of the beetles is listed respectively to the division of our region area on a) In rubric “Type of areal” – by zoogeographical landscapes (Geographical atlas of Kaliningrad group. The system of zoogeographical Region, 2002). The abbreviations of the subdivision to 5 groups is agreed with landscapes in the list symbolize: 1. - the Curonian Aleksandrowicz (1991). The following (Courish) Spit; 2. - lowland of the Neman river; 3. abbreviations of the chorotypes - seaside hilly-moraine ridges of the Sambian peninsula block; 4. - Polessk lake-glacial lowland; (zoogeographical elements) are used: H – 154 Check-list of the ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Kaliningrad region 5. - hilly-moraine ridges of Instruch river; 6. - the list. These are: Calosoma investigator (Ill.), lake-glacial plain of Sheshupe-Instruch rivers; 7. Callisthenes reticulatum (F.), Amara - the Baltic Spit and the western shores of tricuspidata Dej., Dicheirotrichus gustavii Cr. Sambian peninsula; 8. - coastal inclined sandy and Brachinus crepitans (L). It is possibly, that plains near of the Kaliningrad gulf; 9. - lake-glacial recent occurrence in the region migth be called lowland of Lava-Pregolya rivers; 10. - lake-glacial in question else for seven species: Calosoma plain of Pissa-Tumannaya rivers; 11. - Varmiya sycophanta (L.), C. auropunctatum (Herbst), moraine hills; 12. - Vishtynets moraine hills. The Amara strenua Zimm., Amara concinna Zimm., exposition of the landscapes is shown in Figure Dromius angustus Brull., Demetrias atricapillus 1. More precise data about finding places are (L.) and Lebia cyanocephala (L.) too, but this given for the remarkable (rare and new for the species were remained in the basic check-list. All Kaliningrad fauna) species. these species have not been taken or recorded in our region during 100-200 years and are now The list of Carabidae includes, along with taxa possibly extinct. The 39 species, distributed in mentioned earlier, species that are know to inhabit adjancent territories, but till present not found in the region from the data contained in literature Kaliningrad region are also marked with “?” and (Bercio, Folwaczny, 1979), and species that added in the list as “possible fauna”. New species inhabit the adjacent territories (West and Central for the Kaliningrad region fauna (absent in the parts of Lithuania, Nord-Eastern Poland). The earlier published reports and presented in this ordinal numbers of the beetle species that were list for the first time) are marked with two asterisks not found after World War II are in oval brackets. (**), the species absent in last German catalogue Species indicated without the round brackets (Bercio, Folwaczny, 1979) and noted in last 30 were registered during the last 30 years. The years from the regions territory are marked with occurrence (Bercio, Folwaczny, 1979) of 5 species an asterisk (*). in Kaliningrad region at present time is considered doubtful (may be extinct), the habitation of this Totally 283 species of the inhabited Kaliningrad species in Kaliningrad region should be region Carabidae and more 44 carabid species confirmed and the species are marked with “?” in of “possible fauna” are listed below. The number 155 Alekseev V.I. of the registered species per subfamily is as Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; follows: Omophroninae – 1, Carabinae - 26, Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Cicindelinae - 6, Loricerinae – 1, Elaphrinae - 5, Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); Scaritinae - 11, Trechinae - 51, Harpalinae - 182, 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); 9: Zehlau Brachininae – 0. The general scheme of bog (Främbs, Dormann and Mossakowski 2002); coleopterogeographic division of the Baltic 3, 6, 8. States could be added with the use of the presented check-list and different comparative 4. L. (s.str.) ferrugineus (Linnaeus, 1758) analysises of the peculiarities of distribution and Type of areal: WP. carabid species’ ranges in the whole Baltic region Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; can be made. This list can be used also for the Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). nature protections programms in Kaliningrad Kaliningrad region: 3: Sambian peninsula, region. Svetlogorsk, 7: Yantarny, 8: Ladushkin, Mamonovo, Kaliningrad, 9: Chernyakhovsk (B., Family Carabidae Latreille, 1802 F.); 1, 3, 6. Subfamily Omophroninae Bonelli, 1810 Genus Omophron Latreille, 1802 5. L. (s.str.) piceus Frolich, 1799 Type of areal: WP. 1. O. limbatum (Fabricius, 1777) Distribution in Baltic region: ——EAI; WB; Lit.; Type of areal: WCP. N-E Pol. Distribution in Baltic region: —S-DEAI; WB; Kaliningrad region: 3: Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad Lit.; N-E Pol. (B., F.); 6: 6 km to the NO of Chernyakhovsk Kaliningrad region: everywhere, but not often (26.04.1996). (B., F.); 1 (Alekseev 2005), 3, 9. Subfamily Carabinae Latreille, 1802 Genus Nebria Latreille, 1802 Tribus Nebriini Laporte de Castelnau, 1834 Genus Leistus Frölich, 1799 6. N. (Paranebria) livida (Linnaeus, 1758) Type of areal: TP. 2. L. (Pogonophorus) rufomarginatus Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; (Duftschmid, 1812) Lit. Type of areal: WP. Kaliningrad region: 3: Kaliningrad, Primorsk, Distribution in Baltic region: —S-D-AI; Lit. Svetlogorsk, 1: Lesnoe (B., F.); 1 (Alekseev 2003, (Barševskis 2001, Ferenca et al. 2002). 2005), 3, 9. Kaliningrad region: 3, 7: Svetlogorsk, Mechnikov (B., F.); 9: Zehlau bog (Främbs, (?). N. (Boreonebria) rufescens (Strom, 1768) Dormann, Mossakowski 2002); 3: N suburb of [=gyllenhali (Schonherr, 1806)] Kaliningrad (30.09.2007, 1 spec.; 24.07-3.08.2008, Type of areal: H. 3 spec.); environs of the settlement Otradnoe Distribution in Baltic region: FKSN-EAI; Lit. near Svetlogorsk, mixed forest (6.07.2005, 3 spec.; Kaliningrad region: this species was noted as 1.07.2008, 1 spec.; 8.08.2008, 4 spec.). The species “Zel.” (Alekseev 2002), but it must be removed was registered on Curonian Spit near Juodkrantė from check-list of Kaliningrad Carabidae because (Barševskis 2001) and the occurrence of the erorneus identification. The localities in species at the Russian part of the peninsula is Kaliningrad region are possible but unknown at very possible. present. 3. L. (s.str.) terminatus (Panzer, 1793) 7. N. (s.str.) brevicollis (Fabricius, 1792) [=rufescens (Fabricius, 1775) nec (Strom, 1768)] Type of areal: WP. Type of areal: WCP. Distribution in Baltic region: F-SNDEAI; WB; Lit. 156 Check-list of the ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Kaliningrad region Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., Distribution in Baltic region: —S-D—; N-E Pol. F.); omnipresent: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. (Wigierski NP). Kaliningrad region: the species was never found Tribus Notiophilini Motschulsky, 1850 in the past and during research time at our Genus Notiophilus Dumeril, 1806 territory, but the findings should be possible. Because the species distribution is closely 8. N. aestuans Dejean, 1826 [=pusillus connected with the warm beech forests (Freude, Waterhouse, 1833 nec (Schreber, 1759)] Harde, Lohse, Klausnitzer 2004), probably the Type of areal: WP. northern margin of the species in southeastern Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; Lit. Baltic region runs over the territoty of the south- Kaliningrad region: 7: Yantarny, Primorsk, Baltic western part of Kaliningrad region. Spit, 3: Kaliningrad, 9: Pravdinsk, Zehlau bog (B., F.); 7: Yantarny (5.05.2008, 1 spec., 6.07.2008, 1 11. N. biguttatus (Fabricius, 1779) spec.). The species was registered on Curonian Type of areal: WCP. Spit near Juodkrantė (Barševskis 2001) and the Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; occurrence of the species at the Russian part of Lit. the peninsula is very possible. Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); 9: Zehlau 9. N. aquaticus (Linnaeus, 1758) bog (Främbs, Dormann and Mossakowski 2002); Type of areal: H. 3, 6, 8, 9. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Tribus Carabini Latreille, 1802 Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., Genus Calosoma Weber, 1801 F.); 1, 3, 8, 9. (12). C. (s.str.) sycophanta (Linnaeus, 1758) 10. N. palustris (Duftschmid, 1812) Type of areal: WP. Type of areal: WCP. Distribution in Baltic region: —S-DE-I; WB; Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Lit. (1977 year) (Pileckis, Monsevičius 1982). Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Kaliningrad region: 3: Svetlogorsk, Sambian Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); peninsula, 9: Znamensk (XIX century), 7: 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); Yantarny (1938 – 1 exp., 1942 – 1 exp.) (B., F.). omnipresent in wetlands: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9. This species has not been recorded since 1942 and is now possibly extinct in the region. The (?). N. germinyi Fauvel in Grenier, 1863 species is probably extinct in Lithuania (Tamutis [=hypocrita auct. nec Putzeys, 1866] 2005) and in the whole Baltic region. Type of areal: WP. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI 13. C. (s.str.) inquisitor (Linnaeus, 1758) Kaliningrad region: in East Prussia was found Type of areal: WP. only on the contemporaneus Polish territory (B., Distribution in Baltic region: F-SNDEAI; WB; F.); some specimens of this species were collected Lit.; N-E Pol. by author in pine forest in Lithuanian part of Kaliningrad region: 3: Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad, Curonian Spit near the settlement of Nida 1: Curonian Spit, 7: Yantarny, Primorsk, 8: (27.07.2007 – 1 exp., 29.07.2007 – 2 exp.). It is the Mamonovo, 9: Chernyakhovsk, 12 (B., F.); 3: nearest locality to the Kaliningrad region. The Ryabnovka (22.05.2002, 18-19.06.2002), findings in Kaliningrad region are very possibly, Svetlogorsk (2.06.2003, 15 spec.), Kaliningrad but formally absent. (10.06.2003, 1 exp.). The species is characterized by the sharply fluctuation of number in our (?). N. rufipes Curtis, 1829 region. Type of areal: WP. 157 Alekseev V.I. (14). C. (Campalita) auropunctatum (Herbst, 2002); omnipresent and numerous: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1784) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Type of areal: WP. Distribution in Baltic region: —SNDEAI; WB; (17). C. (s.str.) menetriesi Hummel, 1827 Lit. Type of areal: WP. Kaliningrad region: 3: Sambian peninsula, 7: Distribution in Baltic region: -K—EAI; WB. Mechnikov (XIX century), Yantarny (origin of Kaliningrad region: the species is known from XX century) (B., F.); This species is now possibly Masurian Lake Region in Northern Poland, where extinct in Kaliningrad region. it is distributed very local and its populations are isolated; in East Prussia some specimens (to all (?) C. investigator (Illiger, 1798) appearance imported with wood from Russian Type of areal: TP. Empire) were recorded only in spring 1886 from Distribution in Baltic region: —S—— Königsberg (B., F.); The findings in Kaliningrad Kaliningrad region: Kaliningrad (XVIII century), region should be possible in Pollesky and Sovetsk (XIX century) (B., F.); the findings of Slavsky districts. this species in Kaliningrad region should be doubtful, the species is extinct in the region. (18). C. (Limnocarabus) clathratus ssp. clathratus Linnaeus, 1761 Genus Callisthenes Fischer von Waldheim, 1820 Type of areal: WCP. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; (?). C. reticulatus (Fabricius, 1787) Lit. (the Curonian Spit). Type of areal: WCP. Kaliningrad region: everywhere, but not often Distribution in Baltic region: —S-D—; WB. (B., F.); in research time was not found, but the Kaliningrad region: 7: near the settlement of findings in Kaliningrad region should be very Russkoe (district Primorsk, medium of XIX possible. century) (B., F.); new findings of the species on our territory are very doubtful, the species is 19. C. (Autocarabus) cancellatus ssp. extinct in the region. cancellatus Illiger, 1798 Type of areal: WCP. Genus Carabus Linnaeus, 1758 Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Lit. 15. C. (Eucarabus) arvensis ssp. arvensis Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); Herbst, 1784 3, 6, 9, 11, 12. Type of areal: TP. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; 20. C. (Archicarabus) nemoralis ssp. nemoralis Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). O.F. Müller, 1764 Kaliningrad region: very often in south of the Type of areal: WP. region (B., F.); 9: Zehlau bog (Främbs, Dormann Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; and Mossakowski 2002); 3, 6, 8, 9, 11. Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., 16. C. (s.str.) granulatus ssp. granulatus F.); 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); 9: Linnaeus, 1758 Zehlau bog (Främbs, Dormann, Mossakowski Type of areal: TP. 2002); omnipresent: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; 21. C. (Oreocarabus) hortensis ssp. hortensis Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Linnaeus, 1758 Kaliningrad region: everywhere the most Type of areal: WP. common species except Baltic Spit (B., F.); 9: Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Zehlau bog (Främbs, Dormann and Mossakowski Lit. 158 Check-list of the ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Kaliningrad region Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., F.); 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); 9: F.); 3, 7, 8: the stable, but not numerous Zehlau bog (Främbs, Dormann, Mossakowski population of this species have been observed 2002); omnipresent: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. (1989-2008) in the deciduous and mixed forests of the Sambian peninsula and of the shores of 22. C. (Oreocarabus) glabratus ssp. glabratus Kaliningrad gulf. The highes population density Paykull, 1790 is noted for coastal parks of Yantarny (08.1986) Type of areal: WP. and Otradnoe (08.2008), 11: myxed forest near Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Strelnya in the Bagrationovsk district (30.03.1999, Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). 1 spec.). Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., F.); 9: Zehlau bog (Främbs, Dormann, (?) C. (Chaetocarabus) intricatus Linnaeus, Mossakowski 2002); 3, 6. 1761 Type of areal: WP. 23. C. (Hemicarabus) nitens Linnaeus, 1758 Distribution in Baltic region: —S-DEA-; WB; Type of areal: WP. Lit. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Kaliningrad region: this species was found in Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Poland in thirty kilometers from border with Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., Kaliningrad region (B., F.). It is very rare in F.); 9: the species was noted on Zehlau bog in Lithuania, where are known only two localities, 1989 only (N.I. Sakhnov). The further findings in one of them is situated in the mixed forest in the Kaliningrad region should be very possible. right side of valley of river Nemunas in Central Lithuania (Lietuvos Raudonoji Knyga, 2007). 24. C. (Tomocarabus) convexus ssp. convexus The occurence in Kaliningrad region is probably, Fabricius, 1775 but till now any localities are unknown. Type of areal: WP. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Tribus Cychrini Laporte de Castelnau, 1834 Lit. (Ferenca et al. 2002) Genus Cychrus Fabricius, 1794 Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., F.); 1, 3, 8, 11. 27. C. caraboides (Linnaeus, 1758) Type of areal: WP. 25. C. (Megodontus) violaceus ssp. violaceus Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Linnaeus, 1758 Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Type of areal: WCP. Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; F.); 9: Zehlau bog (Främbs, Dormann and Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Mossakowski, 2002); omnipresent in the Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., deciduous and mixed forests: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, F.); 3: the stable, but not numerous population 10, 11, 12. of this species have been observed (1998-2008) in the mixed forests in the central and northern Subfamily Cicindelinae Latreille, 1802 parts of the Sambian peninsula. Genus Cicindela Linnaeus, 1758 26. C. (Procrustes) coriaceus ssp. coriaceus (28). C. sylvatica Linnaeus, 1758 Linnaeus, 1758 Type of areal: TP. Type of areal: WP. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Distribution in Baltic region: —SNDEAI; WB; Lit. Lit. Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., F.); the stable population of this species was 159 Alekseev V.I. observed by author in pine forest in Lithuanian 34. L. pilicornis (Fabricius, 1775) part of Curonian Spit near the settlement of Type of areal: H. Smiltinė (07-08.2002). It is the nearest locality to Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; the Kaliningrad region (Alekseev, 2003). The Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). findings in Kaliningrad region are very possibly, Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); but it was not made in research time. 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); omnipresent in the forests and parks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 29. C. hybrida Linnaeus, 1758 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Type of areal: WCP. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Subfamily Elaphrinae Latreille, 1802 Lit. Genus Blethisa Bonelli, 1810 Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); omnipresent: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12. 35. B. multipunctata (Linnaeus, 1758) Type of areal: H. 30. C. maritima Latreille & Dejean, 1822 Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Type of areal: TP. Lit. (the Curonian Spit). Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; Lit. Kaliningrad region: everywhere not often (B., Kaliningrad region: often (B., F.); 1 - this species F.); 1 (Alekseev, 2005): near the settlement of was caught in the region repeatedly at the coast Rybatchiy (5.05.1989, 1 spec.), 3: near the of the Baltic Sea on the Curonian Spit only settlement of Sosnovka in Zelenogradsk district (Alekseev, 2003). (25.05.2003, 1 spec.). 31. C. campestris Linnaeus, 1758 Genus Elaphrus Fabricius, 1775 Type of areal: WCP. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; (36). E. (s.str.) uliginosus Fabricius, 1792 Lit.; N-E Pol. Type of areal: WCP. Kaliningrad region: everywhere not seldom (B., Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; F.); 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12. Lit. Kaliningrad region: 9: Znamensk, 3, 7, 8: Genus Cylindera Westwood, 1831 seasides (B., F.); the species was not found in research time. (32). C. (s.str.) germanica (Linnaeus, 1758) Type of areal: WCP. 37. E. (s.str.) cupreus Duftschmid, 1812 Distribution in Baltic region: ——EAI; Lit. Type of areal: WCP. Kaliningrad region: 7: Yantarny, Baltiysk, 3: Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Kaliningrad, 9: Komsomolsk, Chernyakhovsk, Lit. Znamensk (B., F.); in research time was not found. Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); 1 (33). C. (Eugrapha) arenaria (Fuessly, 1775) (Alekseev, 2005), 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12. ssp. viennensis (Schrank, 1781) Type of areal: WP. 38. E. (Trichelaphrus) riparius (Linnaeus, 1758) Distribution in Baltic region: ———A-; Lit. Type of areal: H. Kaliningrad region: 1: Zelenogradsk, 3: Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Svetlogorsk, 7: Baltiysk (B., F.); the species was Lit. not found in research time. Kaliningrad region: everywhere common (B., F.); 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); Subfamily Loricerinae Bonelli, 1810 omnipresent and numerous on the shores of Genus Loricera Latreille, 1802 different waterbodies: 1 (Alekseev, 2005), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 160 Check-list of the ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Kaliningrad region (39). E. (Elaphroterus) aureus P. W. J. Müller, Kaliningrad region: 9: Pravdinsk, 1821 Chernyakhovsk (B., F.); 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Type of areal: WP. Grüntal 1973); omnipresent and numerous on the Distribution in Baltic region: ——EAI; Lit. shores of rivers, lakes and gulfs: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9. (Ferenca et al. 2002); N-E Pol. Kaliningrad region: 8: Mamonovo (1908), 11: 43. D. (s.str.) obscurus (Gyllenhal, 1827) Kornevo (B., F.); it was not found in research Type of areal: WP. time. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Lit.; N-E Pol. Subfamily Scaritinae Bonelli, 1810 Kaliningrad region: 9: Chernyakhovsk (B., F.); Tribus Clivinini Rafinesque, 1815 1: Morskoe - on sandy shore of Curonian gulf Genus Clivina Latreille, 1802 (11.05.2008, 1 spec.). This species was found by author also in Lithuanian part of Curonian Spit 40. C. fossor (Linnaeus, 1758) [=arenaria near the settlement of Nida (27.07.2007, 2 spec.), Fabricius, 1792] 7: Yantarny - Baltic seaside (6.07.2008, 1 spec.). Type of areal: H. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; (44). D. (s.str.) angustatus (Ahrens, 1830) Lit. Type of areal: WP. Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; N-E 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); 9: Zehlau Pol. bog (Främbs, Dormann, Mossakowski 2002); Kaliningrad region: 3: Svetlogorsk, 7: Primorsk omnipresent on meadows and different shores: (B., F.); the species was not found in research 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. time, the findings are very possible. 41. C. collaris (Herbst, 1784) [=contracta (45). D. (Dyschiriodes) nitidus (Dejean, 1825) Geoffroy, 1785] Type of areal: WCP. Type of areal: WCP. Distribution in Baltic region: FK—EAI; WB; Distribution in Baltic region: —S-DEAI; WB; Lit.; N-E Pol. Lit. Kaliningrad region: 3: Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad region: more seldom, but Sambian peninsula (B., F.); the species was not everywhere (B., F.); 8 (not rare, but only near the found in research time, the findings are very Kaliningrad gulf). possible. Genus Dyschirius Bonelli, 1810 (?). D. neresheimeri Wagner, 1915 Type of areal: WP. (?) D. (s.str.) digitatus (Dejean, 1825) Distribution in Baltic region: —S—EAI; WB; Type of areal: WP. Lit.; N-E Pol. Distribution in Baltic region: ———AI; WB; Kaliningrad region: the species was not found Lit. in the past and during research time, but the Kaliningrad region: only south (Polish) part of findings should be very possible. East Prussia (B., F.); the species was not found in research time, but the occurrence is very (46). D. politus (Dejean, 1825) possible. Type of areal: H. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; 42. D. (s.str.) thoracicus (Rossi, 1790) Lit.; N-E Pol. [=arenosus Stephens, 1827] Kaliningrad region: 3: Svetlogorsk, Kaliningrad, Type of areal: WP. 7: Baltiysk, Primorsk, Baltic Spit (B., F.); the Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; species was not found in research time, the Lit. findings are very possible. 161 Alekseev V.I. (47). D. impunctipennis Dawson, 1854 Subfamily Trechinae Bonelli, 1810 Type of areal: WP. [=Psydrinae LeConte, 1853] Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; Lit. Tribus Broscini Hope, 1838 Kaliningrad region: 1: Curonian Spit (B., F.); the Genus Broscus Panzer, 1813 species was not found in research time. 48. D. aeneus (Dejean, 1825) 51. B. cephalotes (Linnaeus, 1758) Type of areal: TP. Type of areal: WCP. Distribution in Baltic region: F-SNDEAI; WB; Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Lit. Lit.; N-E Pol. (Wigierski NP). Kaliningrad region: 3: Svetlogorsk (B., F.); 1: Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal, 1973); 1, 2, 5. 3: in collections of KSTU is one specimen from 49. D. tristis Stephens, 1827 [=luedersi Wagner, Kaliningrad (Lesnoe lake, 11.07.1978); 12: verbal 1915] communication (Sakhnov N.I.) about occurense Type of areal: TP. of this species in the Ozersk district. This species Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; is typical in Latvia (Bukejs, 2007) and Lithuania Lit. for agrocenosis with sandy soil, but in recent Kaliningrad region: 3 or 8: Kaliningrad, 9: Kaliningrad region it occurs quite rare. The further Chernyakhovsk (B., F.); 3: Kaliningrad findings in suitable habitats in the western and (24.05.1997, 2 spec.). southern parts of Kaliningrad region should be (?). D. intermedius Putzeys, 1846 very possible. Type of areal: WP. Distribution in Baltic region: -KS-D-AI; WB; Genus Miscodera Eschscholtz, 1830 Juodkrante (B., F.); Lit. Kaliningrad region: the species was not (52). M. arctica (Paykull, 1798) recorded from northern East Prussia (except the Type of areal: H. Curonian Spit) and during research time, but the Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; findings should be very possible. Lit. (?). D. laeviusculus Putzeys, 1846 Kaliningrad region: 3: Svetlogorsk, 8: Type of areal: WP. Ladushkin, Kaliningrad (B., F.); the species was Distribution in Baltic region: —S-DEAI; Lit. not found during research time, but the findings Kaliningrad region: the species was not found should be possible. in the past and during research time, but the findings should be very possible. Tribus Patrobini Kirby, 1837 (?) D. rufipes (Dejean, 1825) Genus Patrobus Dejean, 1821 Type of areal: WP. Distribution in Baltic region: Finnland, Polen (?). P. septentrionis Dejean, 1828 [=australis (Freude, Harde, Lohse, Klausnitzer 2004). J.Sahlberg, 1875] Kaliningrad region: the species was not found Type of areal: WP. in the past and during research time, but the Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI findings should be possible. Kaliningrad region: the species was not found 50. D. globosus (Herbst, 1784) in the past and during research time, but the Type of areal: H. findings should be possible. Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; Lit. (?). P. assimilis Chaudoir, 1844 Kaliningrad region: everywhere often (B., F.); Type of areal: WP. 1: Rybatchiy (Sharova, Grüntal 1973); 9: Zehlau Distribution in Baltic region: FKSNDEAI; WB; bog (Främbs, Dormann, Mossakowski 2002); 1, Lit. 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. 162

A check-list of carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Kaliningrad region (south-eastern. Baltic Sea data for present catalogue are scattered among West and central parts of Lithuania, N-E Pol. - Lithuania insect species.
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