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Of Grammar, Words, and Verses: In Honor of Carlos Piera PDF

285 Pages·2012·3.296 MB·Language Faculty and Beyond 8
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Of Grammar, Words, and Verses Language Faculty and Beyond Internal and External Variation in Linguistics Language Faculty and Beyond (LFAB) focuses on research that contributes to a deeper understanding of the properties of languages as a result of the Language Faculty and its interface with other domains of the mind/brain. While the series will pay particular attention to the traditional tension between descriptive and explanatory adequacy, the series will also address issues such as the level of linguistic design, through new lines of inquiry often referred to as ‘physiological linguistics’ or ‘biolinguistics’. LFAB aims to publish studies from the point of view of internal and external factors which bear on the nature of micro- and macro-variation as, for example, understood in the minimalist approach to language. For an overview of all books published in this series, please see http://benjamins.com/catalog/lfab Editors Kleanthes K. Grohmann Pierre Pica University of Cyprus CNRS, Paris Advisory Board Paola Benincà Anders Holmberg University of Padova, Italy University of Newcastle, UK Cedric Boeckx Lyle Jenkins ICREA/UB Biolinguistics Institute, Cambridge, USA Guglielmo Cinque Richard K. Larson University of Venice, Italy Stony Brook University, USA Noam Chomsky Andrew Ira Nevins Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University College London, UK Cambridge, USA Alain Rouveret Stephen Crain University of Paris VII, France Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia Esther Torrego Marcel den Dikken University of Massachusetts, Boston USA CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA Anna Papafragou Naama Friedmann University of Delaware, Newark, USA Tel Aviv University, Israel Akira Watanabe University of Tokyo, Japan Volume 8 Of Grammar, Words, and Verses. In honor of Carlos Piera Edited by Esther Torrego Of Grammar, Words, and Verses In honor of Carlos Piera Edited by Esther Torrego University of Massachusetts John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam / Philadelphia TM The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of 8 the American National Standard for Information Sciences – Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1984. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Of grammar, words, and verses : in honor of Carlos Piera / edited by Esther Torrego. p. cm. (Language Faculty and Beyond, issn 1877-6531 ; v. 8) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Versification. 2. Linguistics. I. Torrego, Esther. II. Piera, Carlos, 1942- P311.O4 2012 808.1--dc23 2012004427 isbn 978 90 272 0825 5 (Hb ; alk. paper) isbn 978 90 272 7456 4 (Eb) © 2012 – John Benjamins B.V. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher. John Benjamins Publishing Co. · P.O. Box 36224 · 1020 me Amsterdam · The Netherlands John Benjamins North America · P.O. Box 27519 · Philadelphia pa 19118-0519 · usa Table of contents Acknowledgments vii Contributors ix Introduction 1 Esther Torrego chapter1 Structure at the bottom 5 Howard Lasnik and Juan Uriagereka chapter2 The absent, the silent, and the audible: Some thoughts on the morphology of silent verbs 19 Henk van Riemsdijk chapter3 Lexical change and the architecture of the Lexicon 41 Jamal Ouhalla chapter4 Dylan Thomas’s meters 67 Nigel Fabb and Morris Halle chapter5 The metrical system of William Carlos Williams 87 John Bowers chapter6 Linearization preferences given “Free Word Order”; subject preferences given ergativity: A look at Basque 115 Itziar Laka and Kepa Erdocia vi OfGrammar,Words,andVerses chapter7 On the fronting of non-contrastive topics in Germanic 143 Gema Chocano chapter8 Blackjack! 21 arguments that agreeing adjectives are derived nominals 171 Joseph E. Emonds chapter9 Connectivity and definiteness in an English equative construction 201 Randall Hendrick chapter10 On certain distributional gaps of Spanish possessives: A “Phrasal Spell-Out” account 217 Luis Sáez chapter11 Variability in the case patterns of causative formation in Romance and its implications 237 Esther Torrego Index 269 Acknowledgments Theeditorofthisvolumewishestothankthethirteencontributors,whosework appearshere.Additionally,manythanksgoouttooneoftheanonymousreview- ers,whosekeeninsightandknowledgehelpedtopullthisvolumetogether.Spe- cialthankstoJoeEmonds,whohelpedtotrackdownandcontactafew“missing links.”ThanksalsotoCarlosOteroforhissupportandenthusiasmwiththeproject. Finally,muchgratitudetoGemaChocanoforherguidanceandproductionhelp. Contributors John Bowers,[email protected] JohnBowersisProfessorofLinguisticsatCornellUniversity.Hehaspublished manyarticlesandseveralbooksintheareaofsyntaxandmorphology.Amongthe topicsthathavebeenofparticularconcerntohiminrecentyearsarepredication, argumentstructure,andobligatorycontrol.HismostrecentbookisArguments as Relations,publishedin2010byMITPressintheLinguisticInquiryMonograph series. Gema Chocano,[email protected] GemaChocanoisAssistantProfessorattheUniversidadAutónomadeMadrid. SheisauthorofthemonographNarrow Syntax and Phonological Form: Scram- bling in the Germanic languages,arevisionofherPhDdissertationsupervisedby CarlosPiera. Joseph E. Emonds,[email protected] JosephE.Emonds,DepartmentofBritishandAmericanStudies,PalackýUni- versity,Olomouc,CzechRepublic,haspublishedfourbooksonsyntacticand morphologicalanalysis:Transformational Approach to English Syntax, Unified Theory of Syntactic Categories, Lexicon and Grammar: The English Syntacticon, andDiscovering Syntax.HeisAmericanbutmovedtoEnglandin1992.Hehas alsotaughtinFrance,Holland,Japan,Austria,SpainandtheCzechRepublic. Kepa Erdozia,[email protected] KepaErdociaisaRamónyCajalresearcherattheUniversityoftheBasqueCoun- try.HeobtainedthePhDinLinguisticsin2006.Heusesmethodsfromtheneuro- cognitiveexperimentationsuchasEventRelatedBrainPotentialsandfunctional MagneticResonanceImaginginordertoinvestigatehowthebrainprocesses complexsyntacticstructures. Nigel Fabb,[email protected] NigelFabbisProfessorofLiteraryLinguisticsattheUniversityofStrathclyde (Scotland),aneditorofJournal of Linguisticsandanauthorofninebookson linguistics,literature,andliterarylinguistics,mostrecentlyMeter in Poetry(with MorrisHalleandwithachapterbyCarlosPiera).

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