THEOLOGY AIm TAFsm IN THE I'IAJOR \'10RKS OF FAKER AL-DIN AL-RAZI presented by Yasin Cey1an Thesis presented for the degree of Ph.D. in the Faculty of Arts, University of Edinburgh ... ~--,. 1980 /~ \ '" "" '.t' : , BEST COpy .. , . AVAILABLE , V,ariable print quality ABSTRACT Fakhr aI-Din al-Razi was the most celebrated scholar of the sixth Islamic century, famous throughout the Muslim world as a philosopher, theologian and exegetisto However despite this undisputed eminence his contribution to Islamic thought has not yet been properly evaluated. This thesis aims at exposing some of his ideas by a systematic analysis of his thoughts as presented in his major workso This thesis first presents what little biographical information we have for his life (Chapter I) and proceeds to the study of his major work, his tafsir (Chapter II). Then follows a detailed analysis of five major problems which occupied al-Razi's mind throughout his scholarly life: Creation (Chapter III), God's existence and Divine Attributes (Chapter IV), Free Will and Predestination (Chapter V), Prophethood (Chapter VI) and finally Resurrection (Chapter VII). These topics are also major issues which have concerned Islamic theologians in all ages. . The thesis offers a brief conclusion in which al-Razi's distinctive views on these issues are summed up. ii I would like to acknowledge my debt to my supervisors Professor ",I. IvIontgomery ~'Iatt and Dr. !,I. V. r.:cDonald, ,{ho gave generously of their time and offered valuable advice throughout the preparation of this thesis. I should also like to express my appreciation for the encouragement and help received from Mr. J. R. ~~lalsh. My thanks also go to the Turkish Hinistry of Education for providing a scholarship which allowed me to pursue my studies in Edinburgh University. This thesis has been possible through the help and encouragement of many of my colleagues and friends, in r·1r. particular I would like to mention I:Iuhammad al-Tasan • • who provided many of the microfilms of the manuscripts used in this study, Dr. C. Ferrard and P. Sadgrove who advised me on the English style of some portions of this thesis and Dr. D. Straley who typed ito I would also like to thank Miss I. Crawford, secretary of the Dept. of Arabic, for the kindness and help she has given me throughout my stay in Edinburgh. iii a-l_-:"~7:; -~-~~, 3id2ya 3u.rhan al-Zarkashi, al-3urhan fi 'UIUm :?isal Ibn al-Fisal f! l-:·:ilal ~az:::J., • • • wa-l-A.h";-la:) wa-l-:Ti.h al • Ibana al-Ash'ari, al-Ibana 'an usUl al-Diya~a. e Iqtis.a d al-Razi, I' tiqadat :?iraq al-:·:uslimin Ha-l-i:'Iushrikin. Itqan Jam' Jami' al-~~ukhtasar e --- Ibn ~__ l -_~ ... ~v hl·r ,~-a-~-- --V__-~ c...o-..~ ...-. -~.-J..l.-.-.. -. -T-.-, ------------ }ha'tvamd • iv v lei tab al-:Tafs K. Luma' al-~sh'ari, Kitab al-Luma' fi I-Radd 'ala Ahl al-Zaygh wa-1-3ida' IavTami ' al-Razi, LaIT2l:U' al-3ayyinat fi T Sharh Asma) Allah Ta' ala 1'Ta-l-Sifat 9 9 Lisan al- 'Asqalani, Lisan al-=·=izan Lubab al-Razi, al-Ha'alim fi Usul aI-Din 9 al-Razi, al-Ea bahi th al-l'·:ashriqiyya B !IIafatih al-Razi, r·1afatih al-Ghayb • • Tvlanaqib al-Razi, r:anaqi b aI-Imam al-Shafi' i Ea.t alib al-Razi, al-natalib al-'Aliya • 1ashkUbrizada, Mifta~ al-Sa'ada 1va-l-l·Tisbal1 al-Siyada fi at =~awg.u« al-'Uliim al-Shahrastam, al-I =ilal 1·ra-l-~Tihal e ...... Il '=11-':' '~ra-'" ......... ....- J J. .. vi TIu. ha.s.s al al-Razi, r.1u:tJ.a¥~al .;'. . f1dlr al-~,=utaqa::ldicin vTa-1-==uta akhkhirin min 8.1- 'l'lar:a ~ a wa-I-H. ukama 1 1'1unazarat al-Razi, Hunazarat Fakhr aI-Din • 9 al-Razi fi 3ilad ma ':fara al-Nahr a - :Tihayat al-Ijaz al-Razi, Nihayat al-Ijaz fi Jirayat aI-I' jaz N. Iqdam al-Shahrastani, Kitab Nihayat al-Iqdam fi 'Ilm al-Kalam iT. 'Uqill al-Razi, :Tihayat 2.1- 'Uqul fi Dirayat al-Usul • Nujiim Ibn Taghri-Birdi, al-Nujum al-Zahira fi Nulilk I-Tisr vTa-I-Qahira e al-Qurtubi, al-Jami' Ii-Ahkan al-0.uraan ~urtubi • • • Rawdat al-Khansari, Ra' al-Jannat fi • pJhwal al-'Ulama a wa-l-Sadat e al-Razi, al-Risala al-Kamaliyya fi Sharh. al-Razi, Shar~ al-Isharat T. abaqat al-Subki, ~abaqat al-Shafi'iyya al-Kubra al-ra bari, jami' al-32yan 'an =:a ~abari ~ ~lil • al-Quraan vii ..... a h...... a- fu t al-Ghazali, 'rahafu t al-?2.1asifa ~ Tamhid al-Baqill~ni, T~d fi rtadd 'ala • . al-Ilu' a ttila 1'Ta-l-:::?'2fida l-~:~ulhida . . wa-l-Kha-';'Tarij wa-I-Eu'tazila Tarajim al-Sadis wa l-Sabi' Tarikh al-Qif~i, Tarikh al-Fukama) Tawhid al-Razi, Risala fi I-Taw~d • al-Jurjani al-IL1.a t ta bi o 0 Rummani 'Uyiln Ibn Abi Usaybi'a, 'UyITn al-Anba~ o ltTafayat Ibn Khallikan, i:Tafayat al-;" 'yan wa-PJlba~ Abna) aI-Zaman al-Safadi, al-l:lafi bi-l-\:Tafayat o TA3LE OF CO~TT31TTS Abstract ii Acknowledgements i~i Abbreviations iv Introduction 1 Chapter I: Fakhr al-Din al-Razi's Life and His orks i,'[ 3 Fis Travels 9 His Scholarship and His Critics 12 His Students and Contemporaries 21 His Death 22 His vlorks 24 Chapter II: Fakhr aI-Din al-Razi's Approach to the Qur'an 25 Al-Razi's Interpretation of Particular i,'lords 28 Al-Razi's Skill in Reconciling Qur)anic Verses 37 Al-Razi's Views on the Style of the Qur) an 44 Al-Razi's Views on the Verses 53 .~biguous Al-Razi's Views on Abrogation in the Quraan 62 Chapter III: AI-Razi's Viewpoint on Creation and His Arguments for Creation ex nihilo 70 AI-Razi's Refutation of the Philosophers 73 AI-Razi's Arguments for the Temporality of the lorld 87 if AI-Razi's Arguments against the Mu'tazilite Theory that the non-existent is something 91 Chapter IV: God's 3xistence and Jivine Attributes 104 AI-Razi's Arguments for the Existence of God 109 Ji vine At tri butes 119 A1-Razi's treatement of the ::'hi1osophic against the validity of Argume~ts Positive Attributes 123 viii ix Al-Razi's Classification of Attributes 133 Positive Attributes 138 Divine Power 140 Divine Attribute of Know'ledge and the Controversy on God's Knowledge of Particulars 151 Divine 164 ~Ilill Divine Attributes of Eearing and Seeing 171 Divine Living 178 Divine Attribute of Speech and the Controversy on the Nature of the Qur·an 182 The Visibility of God 194 Chapter V: Free \tlill and Predestination 205 Chapter VI: Prophethood 220 The Infallibility of the Prophets 22h Chapter VII: Resurrection 232 The Immortality of the Soul 239 Resurrection of the body 241 Conclusion 246 Bibliography 251 )