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Oecologia 1992: Vol 92 Table of Contents PDF

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Contents Aber JD, Federer CA: A generalized, Chapman PL — Milchunas DG Green TGA — Schroeter B lumped-parameter model of photosyn- Chazdon RL: Photosynthetic plasticity of Greenberg R: Responses to a simple habi- thesis, evapotranspiration and net prima- two rain forest shrubs across natural gap tat cue in naive swamp and song spar- ry production in temperate and boreal transects 586 rows 299 _ forest ecosystems 463 Cheng W — Oberbauer SF Grevstad FS, Klepetka BW: The influence Agren J, Willson MF: Determinants of Colombo SJ, Teng Y: Seasonal variation in of plant architecture on the foraging effi- seed production in Geranium maculatum the tissue water relations of Picea glau- ciencies of a suite of ladybird beetles 177 ca 410 feeding on aphids 399 Andrews RM — Stamps JA Connor EF > Beck MW Arizaga S — Ezcurra E Cornell HV — Marino PC Hanscom Z + Newman RM Armstrong TP > Krebs RA Craig TP, Price PW, Itami JK: Facultative Harmatha J — Speiser B Ashman T-L: Indirect costs of seed pro- sex ratio shifts by a herbivorous insect Harrison JF — Fewell JH duction within and between seasons in a in response to variation in host plant Hestmark G: Sex, size, competition and es- gynodioecious species 266 quality 153 cape — strategies of reproduction and dis- Assmann SM: Effects of light quantity and persal in Lasallia pustulata (Umbilicaria- quality during development on the mor- Day TA, Vogelmann TC, DeLucia EH: ceae, Ascomycetes) 305 phology and stomatal physiology of Are some plant life forms more effective Hilker M: Protective devices of eariy devel- Commelina cummunis 188 than others in screening out ultraviolet-B opmental stages in Pyrrhalta viburni (Co- Ataroff M, Schwarzkopf T: Leaf produc- radiation? 513 leoptera, Chrysomelidae) 71 tion, reproductive patterns, field germi- DeLucia EH > Day TA Holbrook NM — Lerdau MT nation and seedling survival in Chamae- Drost CA, McCluskey RC: Extirpation of Hurd LE, Fagan WF: Cursorial spiders dorea bartlingiana, a dioecious under- alternative prey during a small rodent and succession: age or habitat struc- story palm 250 crash 301 ture? 215 Balment RJ — Shore RF Edwards PJ — Benech Arnold RL Ish-Shalom N, Silveira Lobo Sternberg L Barbehenn RV, Bernays EA: Relative nu- Englund G, Johansson F, Olsson TI: da, Ross M, O’Brien J, Flynn L: Water tritional quality of C; and Cy, grasses for Asymmetric competition between distant utilization of tropical hardwood ham- a graminivorous lepidopteran, Paratry- taxa: poecilid fishes and water striders mocks of the Lower Florida Keys 108 tone melane (Hesperiidae) 97 498 Itami JK > Craig TP Barker JSF > Krebs RA Ezcurra E, Arizaga S, Valverde PL, Mour- Baus Picard J + Wacquant JP elle C, Flores-Martinez A: Foliole move- Jaeger CH, Monson RK: Adaptive signifi- Beck MW, Connor EF: Factors affecting ment and canopy architecture of Larrea cance of nitrogen storage in Bistorta the reproductive success of the crab tridentate (D.C.) Cov. in Mexican des- bistortoides, an alpine herb 578 spider. Misumenoides formosipes: the co- erts 83 Jain SK — Molina-Freaner F variance between juvenile and adult Johannsson OE > Maclsaac HJ traits 287 Fagan WF > Hurd LE Johansson F > Englund G Benech Arnold RL, Fenner M, Edwards Federer CA > Aber JD Johnston AM, Maberly SC, Raven JA: The PJ: Mineral allocation to reproduction in Fenner M - Benech Arnold RL acquisition of inorganic carbon by four Sorghum bicolor and Sorghum halepense Ferreira MI, Katerji N: Is stomatal con- red macroalgae 317 in relation to parental nutrient supply 138 ductance in a tomato crop controlled by Bernays EA > Barbehenn RV soil or atmosphere? 104 Kadmon R: Dynamics of forager arrivals Bertness MD > Shumway SW Fewell JH, Harrison JF, Stiller TM, Breed and nectar renewal in flowers of Anchusa Blua MJ, Perring TM: Alatae production MD: Distance effects on resource profit- strigosa 552 and population increase of aphid vectors ability and recruitment in the giant tropi- Kappen L — Schroeter B on virus-infected host plants 65 cal ant, Paraponera clavata 542 Karban R, Lowenberg G: Feeding by seed Bowers MA, Brown JH: Structure in a des- Fichtner K, Schulze E-D: The effect of ni- bugs and weevils enhances germination ert rodent community: use of space trogen nutrition on growth and biomass of wild Gossypium species 196 around Dipodomys spectabilis mounds partitioning of annual plants originating Karlsson PS, Pate JS: Contrasting effects 242 from habitats of different nitrogen avail- of supplementary feeding of insects or Bowers MD — Stamp NE ability 236 mineral nutrients on the growth and ni- Breed MD — Fewell JH Field CB > Fredeen AL trogen and phosphorous economy of Brown JH — Bowers MA Flores-Martinez A > Ezcurra E pygmy species of Drosera 8 Flynn L — Ish-Shalom N Katerji N — Ferreira MI Campbell DJ: Nearest-neighbour graphical Fredeen AL, Field CB: Ammonium and ni- Kearsley MJC, Whitham TG: Guns and analysis of spatial pattern and a test for trate uptake in gap, generalist and under- butter: a no cost defense against preda- competition in populations of singing story species of the genus Piper 207 tion for Chrysomela confluens 556 crickets (Teleogryllus commodus) 548 Keller L > Sartori M Camus PA: Size-specific reproductive pa- Gebauer R > Oberbauer SF Kent M > Warr SJ rameters in red algae: a comparaitive Gehrke C > Sonesson M Kerfoot WC — Newman RM analysis for two sympatric species from Gillespie CT — Oberbauer SF Klarenberg AJ — Offenberger M Central Chile 450 Graham EA — Nobel PS Klepetka BW — Grevstad FS Cano-Santana Z, Oyama K: Variation in Gravatt DA, Martin CE: Comparative Krebs RA, Barker JSF, Armstrong TP: leaf trichomes and nutrients of Wigandia ecophysiology of five species of Sedum Coexistence of ecologically similar colon- urens (Hydrophyllaceae) and its implica- (Crassulaceae) under well-watered and ising species. III. Drosophila aldrichi and tions of herbivory 405 drought-stressed conditions 532 D. buzzatii: larval performance on, and IV adult preference for, three Opuntia cactus Monson RK — Jaeger CH Schwarzkopf T — Ataroff M species 362 Mooney HA > Lerdau MT Seppelt RD — Schroeter B Moreno-Casasola P > Martinez ML Shine R + Madsen T Lampert W > Vanni MJ Mourelle C — Ezcurra E Shore RF, Yalden DW, Balment RJ, Lauenroth WK — Milchunas DG Nentwig W — Lys J-A Sparks TH: The effect of variation in Leach JH + Maclsaac HJ calcium intake on the growth of wood Lerdau MT, Holbrook NM, Mooney HA, Newman RM, Hanscom Z, Kerfoot WC: mice and bank voles 130 Rich PM, Whitbeck JL: Seasonal pat- The watercress glucosinolate-myrosinase Shumway SW, Bertness MD: Salt stress terns of acid fluctuations and resource system: a feeding deterrent to caddisflies, limitation of seedling recruitment in a storage in the arborescent cactus Opuntia snails and amphipods 1 salt marsh plant community 490 excelsa in relation to light availability Nobel PS, Miller PM, Graham EA: Influ- Silveira Lobo Sternberg L da > Ish-Sha- and size 166 ence of rocks on soil temperature, soil lom N Lowenberg G > Karban R water potential, and rooting patterns for Smith VR, Steenkamp M: Soil macrofauna Lining J: Phenotypic plasticity of Daphnia desert succulents 90 and nitrogen on a sub-Antarctic island pulex in the presence of invertebrate pre- 201 dators: morphological and life history Oberbauer SF, Gillespie CT, Cheng W, Ge- Sonesson M, Gehrke C, Tjus M: CO, envi- responses 383 bauer R, Sala Serra A, Tenhunen JD: ronment, microclimate and photosyn- Lys J-A, Nentwig W: Augmentation of Environmental effects on CO, efflux thetic characteristics of the moss Hyloco- beneficial arthropods by strip-manage- from riparian tundra in the northern mium splendens in a subarctic habitat 23 ment. 4. Surface activity, movements and foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska, Sparks TH — Shore RF activity density of abundant carabid bee- USA 568 Speiser B, Harmatha J, Rowell-Rahier M: tles in a cereal field 373 O’Brien J — Ish-Shalom N Effects of pyrrolizidine alkaloids and ses- Oesterheld M: Effect of defoliation intensi- quiterpenes on snail feeding 257 Maberly SC — Johnston AM ty on aboveground and belowground rel- Sprules WG — Maclsaac HJ Maclsaac HJ, Sprules WG, Johannsson ative growth rates 313 Stamp NE: Relative susceptibility to preda- OE, Leach JH: Filtering impacts of lar- Offenberger M, Klarenberg AJ: Attractive- tion of two species of caterpillar on plan- val and sessile zebra mussels (Dreissena ness and exploitation of decaying her- tain 124 polymorphia) in western Lake Erie 30 bage by Drosophila in temperate wood- Stamp NE, Bowers MD: Foraging behav- Madsen T, Shine R: Determinants of re- land 183 ior of specialist and generalist caterpillars productive success in female adders, Vi- Olsson TI — Englund G on plantain (Plantago lanceolata) altered pera berus 40 Oyama K — Cano-Santana Z by predatory stinkbugs 596 Malmquist HJ: Phenotype-specific feeding Stamps JA, Andrews RM: Estimating behaviour of two arctic charr Salvelinus Paige KN: The effects of fire on scarlet gi- asymptotic size using the largest individ- alpinus morphs 354 lia: an alternative selection pressure to uals per sample 503 Marino PC, Cornell HV: Adult movement herbivory? 229 Steenkamp M — Smith VR of the native holly leafminer, Phytomyza Passera L — Sartori M Stibor H: Predator induced life-history ilicicola Loew (Diptera: Agromyzidae): Pate JS > Karlsson PS shifts in a freshwater cladoceran 162 consequences for host choice within and Pearcy RW — Tinoco-Ojanguren C Stiller TM — Fewell JH between habitats 76 Perring TM — Blua MJ Martin CE > Gravatt DA Poiani A: Ectoparasitism as a possible cost Teng Y — Colombo SJ Martinez ML, Valverde T, Moreno-Casaso- of social life: a comparative analysis us- Tenhunen JD — Oberbauer SF la P: Germination response to tempera- ing Australian passerines (Passeri- Thomas AGB = Sartori M ture, salinity, light and depth of sowing formes) 429 Thomas CD, Thomas JA, Warren MS: of ten tropical dune species 343 Price PW — Craig TP Distributions of occupied and vacant McCluskey RC — Drost CA butterfly habitats in fragmented land- McLetchie DN: Sex ratio from germina- Raven JA — Johnston AM scapes 563 tion through maturity and its reproduc- Reeves JH — Wright DH Thomas JA — Thomas CD tive consequences in the liverwort Retuerto R, Woodward FI: Effects of Thompson K — Warr SJ Sphaerocarpus texanus 273 windspeed on the growth and biomass Tinoco-Ojanguren C, Pearcy RW: Dynam- Meerts P: An experimental investigation of allocation of white mustard Sinapis alba ic stomatal behavior and its role in car- life history and plasticity in two cyto- i. 053 bon gain during lightflecks of a gap types of Polygonum aviculare L. subsp. Rich PM — Lerdau MT phase and an understory Piper species aviculare that coexist in an abandoned Ross M — Ish-Shalom N acclimated to high and low light 222 arable field 442 Rowell-Rahier M — Speiser B Titus JE: Submersed macrophyte growth at Meyer GA, Whitlow TH: Effects of leaf low pH. II. CO, x sediment interactions and sap feeding insects on photosynthet- Sala Serra A — Oberbauer SF 391 ic rates of goldenrod 480 Sartori M, Keller L, Thomas AGB, Passera Tjus M — Sonesson M Milchunas DG, Lauenroth WK, Chapman L: Flight energetics in relation to sexual PL: Plant competition, abiotic, and long- differences in the mating behaviour of a Valverde PL > Ezcurra E and short-term effects of large herbivores mayfly, Siphlonurus aestivalis 172 Valverde T + Martinez ML on demography of opportunistic species Schall JJ: Parasite-mediated competition in Vanni MJ, Lampert W: Food quality ef- in a semiarid grassland 520 Anolis lizards 58 fects on life history traits and fitness in Miller PM — Nobel PS Schmid-Araya JM: The biochemical com- the generalist herbivore Daphnia 48 Miyashita T: Feeding rate may affect dis- position and calorific content of a rotifer Vogelmann TC > Day TA persal in the orb-web spider Nephila cla- and its algal food: comparison of a two vata 339 stage chemostat and batch culture 327 Wacquant JP, Baus Picard J: Nutritional Molina-Freaner F, Jain SK: Female fre- Schroeter B, Green TGA, Seppelt RD, differentiation among populations of the quencies and fitness components between Kappen L: Monitoring photosynthetic mediterranean shrub Dittrichia viscosa sex phenotypes among gynodioecious activity of crustose lichens using a PAM- (Asteraceae) in siliceous and calcareous populations of the colonizing species Tri- 2000 fluorescence system 457 habitats 14 folium hirtum All. in California 279 Schulze E-D — Fichtner K Warr SJ, Thompson K, Kent M: Antifun- gal activity in seed coat extracts of wood- of mortality in free-living lizards (Uta Wright DH, Reeves JH: On the meaning land plants 296 stansburiana) 145 and measurement of nestedness of spe- Warren MS > Thomas CD Winter K, Ziegler H: Induction of crassula- cies assemblages 416 Whitbeck JL + Lerdau MT cean acid metabolism in Mesembryanthe- Yalden DW — Shore RF Whitham TG — Kearsley MJC mum crystallinum increases reproductive Whitlow TH — Meyer GA success under conditions of drought and Ziegler H + Winter K Willson MF — AgrenJ salinity stress 475 Wilson BS: Tail injuries increase the risk Woodward FI — Retuerto R Indexed in Current Contents Index of key words Activity 373 CAM-cycling 532 Defoliation 480 Foliar nitrogen 463 Activity density 373 Canopy architecture 83 Depth of thaw 568 Foliole movement 83 Adenostyles 257 Canopy gaps 586 Desert rodents 242 Food quality 48 Agave 90 Carabidae 373 Deserts 83 Foraging 498, 542 Aggression 242 Carbohydrates 172 Diffusion 317 Foraging behavior 399 Air vapour pressure deficit 104 Carbon gain 222 Dioecy 250 Foraging behaviour 354 Alatae formation 65 Carbon isotope ratios 532 Dispersal 305, 339 Foraging movement 76 Algal life history 450 Caribbean 58 Distantly related taxa 498 Foraging patterns 596 Allocation 313, 578 Carnivorous plants 8 Distribution 416 Freshwater 1 Alternative prey 301 Cation balance in plant 14 Disturbance 520 Furanoeremophilane sesquiter- Ammonium uptake 207 Caudal autotomy 145 Dreissena 30 penes 257 Annual plants 236 Cell elasticity 410 Drift feeders 498 Annual weeds 442 Chamaedorea bartlingiana Drosera 8 Gas exchange 188, 532 Anolis 58, 503 Chaoborus 383 Drosophila 183 Genetic differentiation 442 Antarctica 457 Chemical defense 1, 556 Dunes 343 Geranium maculatum 177 Anthophora 552 Chemostat 327 Dynamic response 222 Germination 196, 273, 343 Anthraquinones 71 Chrysomelidae 71, 556 Graphical analysis 548 Ants 542 Clearance rate 30 Ecological genetics 279 Grazing 313 Aphid 480 Clonally derived offspring Ecological impact 30 Groundwater 108 Aphis gossypii 65 Coccinellidae 399 Ecological scales 242 Growth 8, 40, 130, 287, 313, Arctic tundra 568 Coleoptera 556 Ecology of sex 305 391, 503, 578 Arianta 257 Colonization 563 Ecophysiology 343 Growth analysis 113 Asymmetric competition 498 Colonizing species 279 Ecosystem carbon exchange Guard cell 188 Asymptotic size 503 Community structure 215, 242 568 Gynodioecy 266, 279 Australian birds 429 Compensatory growth 313, 520 Ectoparasites 429 Competition 58, 242 Eggs 71 Habitat management 373 Bank vole 130 Conductance 463 Encentrum linnhei 327 Halophytes 490 Batch culture 327 Conifer 513 Epidermis 513 Herbivory 196, 229, 405, 480, Bees 552 Cooperative breeding 429 Establishment 520 520, 556 Bicarbonate 317 Cost of reproduction 266 Euura lasiolepis 153 Hesperiidae 97 Biochemical composition 327 CO, enrichment 391 Extinction 416, 563 Heterocarpy 305 Biogeography 563 CO, environment 23 Extirpation 301 Host choice 76, 183 Biological invasion 30 Crab spider 287 Host plant preference 362 Biomass allocation 113 Crassulacean acid metabolism Fecundity 40, 287, 450 Hylocomium splendens 23 Biomass partitioning 236 166, 475, 532 Feeding condition 339 Bistorta bistortoides 578 Crucifer 1 Feeding deterrency 257 Immigration 416 Blue light 188 Crucifers 399 Feeding deterrent 1 Incidence 416 Body weight 130 Cucurbita pepo 65 Fertilizing 8 Incidence function 563 Bryophytes 273 Cursorial spiders 215 Fiber-optic 513 Inducible defence 383 Bud development 410 6'3C value 475 Fire 229 Injuries 145 Buellia frigida 457 C, and C, grasses 97 Fitness 48 Inorganic carbon 317 Flight energetics 172 Insects diversity 405 Cactus 90 Daphnia 48, 162 Floral allocation 266 Interference competition 498 Calcicoly/calcifugy 14 Daphnia pulex 383 Floral display 266 Intraspecific variation 405 Calcium 130 Decaying-herbage breeding 183 Fluorescence yield 457 Ipomopsis aggregata 229 VI Junonia coenia 124, 596 Nestedness 416 Predation 301 Sorghum halepense 138 Net photosynthesis 457 Predation efficiency 399 Spatial competition 548 K/Ca interactions 14 Nitrate reductase 207 Predator assemblages 215 Species diversity 215 Nitrate uptake 207 Predator avoidance 145 Sphaerocarpos texanus 273 LAI 463 Nitrogen 578 Predator induction 162 Spider 339 Lake Erie 30 Nitrogen mineralization 201 Predator-prey interaction 596 Spilosoma congrua 124 Landscape topography 520 Nitrogen nutrition 236 Pyrrharctia isabella 596 Spittlebug 480 Largest individual 503 Notonecta 383 Pyrrolizidine alkaloids 257 Stable isotope ratio 108 Larrea tridentata 83 Nutrient cycling 201 Stomatal conductance 104, 222 Larvae 71 Nutrients 97 Reaction norms 442 Storage 578 Larval competition 362 Nutritional ecotypes 14 Recruitment 542 Streams 1 Lasallia pustulata 305 Red/far-red ratio 188 Sub-antarctic 201 Leaf trichomes 405 Olfactometer 362 Relative growth rate 236 Submersed macrophyte 391 Lepidoptera 97 Oocystis 48 Relative growth rates 113 Succession 215 Life history 48 Optical properties 513 Reproduction 40, 138, 475 Supplementary feeding 8 Life-history strategy 162 Opuntia excelsa 166 Reproductive phenology 250 Survival 145 Light 317 Osmotic potential 410 Reproductive success 273 Survival rate 339 Light acclimation 222, 586 Overcompensation 229 Resource allocation 162 Systematic foraging 552 Light availability Owls 301 Resource concentration 76 Light-flecks 222 Ozone depletion 513 Resource expioitation 183 Tangled bank 305 Lipids 172 Resource limitation 177 Temporal variability 177 Lizard 503 Paraponera clavata 542 Resource storage 166 Trade-off 450 Lizard tails 145 Parasite 58 Rhodophytes 317 Trifolium hirtum 279 Lizards 58 Parasitism 76 Root morphology 90 Triterpenes 71 Low pH 391 Paratrytone melane 97 Trophic specialization 354 Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. Passeriformes 429 Salinity 108 Tropical deciduous forest 166 104 Peat 201 Salt marsh ecology 490 Tropical hardwood hammock Permafrost 568 Sawfly 153 108 Malaria 58 Phenotypic plasticity 162, 383, Secondary succession 490 Turgor 410 Mating behaviour 172 586 Sediment 391 Maximization 450 Photosynthesis 23 Seed bank 490 Vegetative phenology 250 Mesembryanthemum 475 Photosynthetic capacity 586 Seed predation 196 Virus/vector interactions 65 Metapopulation 563 Phytochrome 188 Seed production 177, 266 Mexico 83, 343 Phytomyza 76 Seedling recruitment 490 Microbial ecology 362 Piper 207, 586 Seedlings 250 Water balance 463 Microclimate 23 Plant architecture 399 Sequestration 556 Water content 457 Mineral allocation 138 Plant quality hypothesis 153 Sex differences 172 Water potential 90 Morphological adaptation 354 Plantago lanceolata 124 Sex ratio 153, 273, 279 Water relations 108 Moss 23 Plant-insect interactions 196 Sinapis alba L. 113 Water stress 475 Movements 373 Podisus maculiventris 124, 596 Size 287, 450 Water-use efficiency 532 Polistes fuscatus 124 Snake 40 Wigandia urens 405 Natural selection 40 Pollinator limitation 177 Soil fauna 201 Willow 153 Nearest neighbours 548 Polygonum aviculare 442 Soil respiration 568 Wind effects 113 Nectar renewal 552 Polymorphic arctic charr 354 Soil water deficit 104 Wood mouse 130 Nectar standing crop 552 Polyploidy 442 Solidago 480 Neotropic 343 Population cycles 301 Sonoran Desert 90 Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Neotropics 207 Population parameters 339 Sorghum bicolor 138 65

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