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OECD ECONOMIC SURVEYS IRELAND JANUARY 1981 BASIC STATISTICS OF IRELAND THE LAND Area (thousand sq. km) 70 Population of major cities, Agricultural area, 1978, 1979 census (thousands): as per cent of total area 69 Dublin (County and Co. Borough) 984 Cork, Co. Borough 138 Limerick, Co. Borough 61 THE PEOPLE Population (April 1979) 3368217 Immigration: No. of inhabitants per sq. km 49 Annual average 1971-1979 13617 Increase in population: Annual average per thousand Annual average 1971-1979 48746 of population 4.3 Natural increase in population: Labour force, total, April 1979 1 152000 Annual average 1971-1979 35129 Civilian employment in: Agriculture, forestry and fishing 220000 Industry and construction 335000 Other sectors 496000 THE GOVERNMENT Public current expenditure on goods Composition of Parliament(endNov.1980): and services, 1979 seats (as per cent of GNP) 20 Fianna Fail 83 Genera] government current revenue, Fine Gael 45 1979 (as per cent of GNP) 36 Labour 17 Public debt, 31st December 1978 Others 3 (as per cent of central government current revenue 1978) 259 Last general election: June, 1977 FOREIGN TRADE Exports: Imports: Exports of goods and services, as per Imports of goods and services, as per cent of GNP, 1979 cent of GNP, 1979 71 Main exports, 1979 (per cent oftotal): Main imports, 1979 (per cent of total): Machinery and electrical goods Machinery and electrical goods 20 Meat and meat preparations Petroleum, petroleum products and Dairy products and birds* eggs related materials 12 Textile manufactures Textile manufactures 5 Live animals chiefly for food Iron and steel 3 Articles of apparel and clothing Main suppliers, 1979 (per cent of total): accessories United Kingdom 50 Medicinal and pharmaceutical Other European Economic products Community 22 Metalliferous ores and metal scrap United States 9 Main customers, 1979 (per cent of total) United Kingdom 46 Other European Economic Community United States THE CURRENCY Monetary unit: Irish pound Currency unit per US dollar, average of daily figures: Year 1979 0.49 November 1980 0.51 Note An international comparison of certain basic statistics is given in an annex table. OECD ECONOMIC SURVEYS | A RCH1VES I RÉFÉRENCE DOC PRÊTÉ RETOUR BUREAU 60 IRELAND JANUARY 1981 ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was set up under a Convention signed in Paris on 14th December 1960, which provides that theOECD shall promote policies designed: to achievethe highestsustainableeconomicgrowth and employ¬ ment and a rising standard ofliving in Member countries, while maintainingfinancialstability,andthustocontributetothedeve¬ lopment ofthe world economy; tocontributetosoundeconomicexpansioninMemberaswellas non-membercountriesin theprocess ofeconomic development; to contribute to the expansion ofworld trade on a multilateral, non-discriminatory basis in accordance with international obligations. The Members ofOECD are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, the Federal Republic ofGermany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland,Italy,Japan, Luxembourg, theNetherlands, NewZea¬ land,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Turkey,theUnited Kingdom and the United States. TheSocialistFederalRepublicofYugoslaviaisassociated in certain work oftheOECD,particularlythatoftheEconomic andDevelopment Review Committee. TheannualreviewofIreland by the OECD Economic andDevelopment Review Committee tookplace on 12th December 1980. ©OECD, 1981 Queriesconcerningpermissionsortranslation rightsshouldbeaddressed to: Director ofInformation, OECD 2, rue André-Pascal, 75775 PARIS CEDEX 16, France. CONTENTS Introduction I Recentdevelopments 6 Demand and output 6 Labourmarket 10 Prices and costs 14 Externaltradeand balanceofpayments 17 II Economicpolicy 21 Fiscalpolicy 21 Monetarypolicy 24 Interestandexchangerates 28 Wages policy 30 III Growthandinflationinthemediumterm 31 Thebackgroundofstructural change 32 Theevolution ofprices and costs, 1961 to 1979 35 Priceand wagerelationships 38 Outputand thebalanceofpayments 40 IV Short-termprospectsandpolicyconclusions 41 Short-termprospects 41 Policy conclusions 43 Annexes I Relationshipsdeterminingwages,pricesandimports 47 II Wagesandprices;theinstitutionalsetting 52 III Calendarofmaineconomicevents 53 Statistical annex 60 TABLES Text 1 ExpenditureonGDP 6 2 Household appropriation account 8 3 Employmentchanges, 1978 and 1979 11 4 Structuralchangesinindustrialemployment 11 5 Recentlabour markettrends 12 6 Recenttrends in costs andprices 14 7 Balanceofpayments 17 OECD Economic Surveys 8 Components ofthetradebalance, 1977 to 1980 18 9 External trade,values 20 10 Public sector revenue and expenditure 22 11 PublicCapitalProgramme 24 12 Associated banks, liabilities and assets 25 13 Money supply formation 27 14 Effecton wagerates ofthebasic termsoftheNational Agreements, 1978 to 1980 31 15 Sectoral trends, 1960 to 1979 33 16 Components ofGDP and externaltransactions, 1955 to 1979 34 17 External trends 35 18 Trends in prices, 1961 to 1979 36 19 Thedevelopmentofincomes, 1961 to 1979 38 20 Short-term prospects 42 Statistical annex A Expenditureon gross national product 60 B Production, employment and othereconomicindicators 61 C Prices and wages 62 D Balanceofpayments 63 E Foreign trade and payments 64 DIAGRAMS Text 1 Short-term indicatorsofdemand 7 2 Indicators ofconsumerdemand 9 3 Employment and unemployment 13 4 Componentsofpricechanges 15 5 Earnings, productivity and unitwagecosts in manufacturing 16 6 Import and exporttrends 19 7 Money supply and private credit 26 8 International interestratedifferentials 29 9 Comparativepriceand exchangeratedevelopments 37 10 Factor shares 39 Annex I A Wholesaleprices 48 B Consumerprices 49 C Hourly earnings 50 D Importvolumes 51 INTRODUCTION Progressin implementingthemedium-term developmentstrategy embarked onin mid-1977 and designed to achieve rapid growth ofoutput and employment consistent with lower inflation and a viable external position has been hampered over the last twoyears by both external and domestic influences. Reflecting the sharp rise in oil prices since the end of 1978, the expansion ofdemand through 1978 and into 1979, and weakening export demand, the current external deficit widened markedly in 1979 to the equivalent of 10per cent ofGDP. Althoughtherewas animprovementin 1980, the current accountdeficitremained substantial. Higheroilpriceswerealso animport¬ ant factor behind the sharp acceleration ofinflation in both years. The impact ofthe oil priceincreaseswascompounded atfirstby adeclinein agricultural output andlater weakening agricultural prices. As a consequence, the growth of real GDP has been sluggish and unemployment rose in 1980 reflecting a significantincreasein the labour force and a slower growth of employment. Monetary conditions were tightened in 1979 and policy has been successful in achieving its principal aims ofprotecting the level of official external reserves and adjusting to membership of the European Monetary System. Fiscal policy to be contractionary has not changed much, the Exchequer borrowing requirement remaining at about its 1978 level of 13 per cent ofGDP; this development reflected partly the effects ofthe weakening of world trade and the need to counter the increase in unemployment. In the absence of further large external shocks, the outlook is for a moderate acceleration in the growth of real GDP in 1981. The terms of the second National Understanding which also covers employment, taxation and social expenditures together with a considerable slowdown in inflation, are expected to allow some in¬ crease in real non-agricultural incomes and a recovery in private consumption. Fixed investment, which fell in 1980, seems likely to berelatively buoyant and the ending of destocking will make apositivecontribution to growth. However, theriseinrealGDP is unlikely to be sufficient to absorb the probable increase in the labour force and at the same timereduceunemployment. The currentexternal deficit will remain atahigh level. The sizeable external constraint, the high level ofthe Exchequer borrowing re¬ quirement, and continuing strong inflationary pressures would seem to necessitate tight demand management. Economic performance in 1979 and 1980 is reviewed in Parti ofthis Survey, while PartII analyses the main developments in economic policy over the same per¬ iod. In PartIII, the inflationary mechanism over the medium term is examined together with the interaction of domestic and external sources of inflation, employ¬ ment, output and investment. The prospects for 1981 are discussed in PartIV which also contains the policy conclusions arising out ofboth the short and medium-term issues discussed in the Survey. OECD Economic Surveys I RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Demand and output Thegrowth ofrealGDP hasbeen much slowerduring 1979 and 1980 thanin the two preceding years. Thedeceleration from an annual average ofover 6 per centto about 1 Viper cent' mirrored in largemeasuredevelopmentsintheOECD areaas a whole, particularly the deflationary impact of the oil price rise, but its timing and magnitude were also significantly influenced by domestic developments and particularly so in 1979 by a sharp declinein agricultural output2. Non-farmGDP and industrial production3 which more accurately reflect the underlying development of the economy indicate a similar, if steadier, slackening of the rate of growth. The evolution of output has broadly corresponded with final demand, the changes in stockbuilding having an approximate counterpart in movements in the foreign balance. Although demand developments, the most conspicuous features of which were the weakening ofprivateconsumption and the markedturnaround between 1979 and 1980infixed investment, reflectedlargely adverseterms-of-trademovements, they were also influenced by the adjustment ofpolicy from being strongly expansionary in late 1977 and 1978 to a more neutral stance over the last twoyears. Private consumption has moved broadly in line with household purchasing power over recent years (Table2), but in 1979 and 1980 only because declining farm Table 1 Expenditure on GDP Percentage volume changes (1975 prices), annual rates 1979 £ million Average 1976 1977 1978 1979 19801 current 1970-1976 prices Private consumption 4550 2.2 1.8 4.0 8.8 3.6 -n Public consumption 1 450 6.7 5.8 2.3 4.3 3.5 i Gross fixed capital formation 2 330 4.3 6.6 6.3 17.3 15.6 -10 Final domestic demand 8330 3.4 3.6 4.2 10.0 6.6 -3i Stockbuilding3 +75 -0.3 1.7 2.1 -1.7 0.5 -33 Total domestic demand 8405 3.1 5.3 6.2 8.2 7.0 -6 Exports of goods and services 3 943 5.7 8.1 13.5 12.7 6.7 1\ Imports of goods and services -5 113 4.3 14.4 13.0 15.2 14.7 -61 Foreign balance1 -1 170 0.1 -3.5 -0.9 -2.6 -5.8 83 GDP at market prices 7 235 3.6 2.0 5.8 6.3 1.9 14 Memorandum items: GDP at factor cost 6686 3.5 1.8 5.9 6.4 n.a. n.a. Non-agricultural GDP3 n.a. 3.6 4.6 5.2 7.3 4 1 1 OECDSecretariatestimates. 2 Contribution to growth inGDP. 3 GDP at constant (1975) factor cost, exclusive of agriculture, forestry and fishing. Estimate for 1979 based on changes in GDP at marketprices and volume ofnetagricultural output. Sources: National Income and Expenditure, 1978, Stationery Office, Dublin; Economic Review and Outlook, summer 1980, StationeryOffice, Dublin. 1 Based on Secretariat estimate for 1980. 2 Thevolumeofnet agricultural outputroseby almost 10percentin 1977, declinedby asimilar proportion in 1979, and recorded moderate increases in 1978 and 1980. 3 The rateofgrowth ofmanufacturing production decelerated from almost9percent in 1978 to 2 Viper cent (year-to-year) in the first halfof 1980. Ireland Diagram 1 Short-term indicators ofdemand INDEX 1975 = 100 INDEX 1975 = 100 140 r 140 PRIVATE CONSUMPTION 130 I- 130 120 - 120 RETAILSALES.VOLUME, S.A. 110 110 100 100 90 90 INDEXES 1975 = 100 INDEXES 1975 = JOO 200~T- 200 FIXED INVESTMENT r^\ 180 - 180 V.(cid:9) 160 - ^J 160 IMPORTS OF CAPITAL GOODS, / VOLUME,S.A.' / 140 I- r~Xo' \\ 140 120 / '^/ 120 ^s DOMESTIC SALLS OF CEMENT, S.A. 100 100 80 80 i MILLION, 7975 PRICES IMILLION. 1975 PRICES -50~F -50 TRADE BALANCE -100 -100 -150 _ -150 MERCHANDISE TRADE BALANCE, S.A. -200 -250 _ -250 STOCK-BUILDING2 40 - 40 EXCESS STOCKS OF FINISHED PRODUCTS MATERIAL SUPPLY CONSTRAINT - 20 0 h - 0 -20 Li J -20 1976 19.7 1978 1979 1980 1 Deflated by import unit value index for manufactures. 2 Three-month moving average ofsurvey responses: /') Balance reporting excessive stocks offinished products; ii) Percentage reporting raw material supply as a constraint in production. Sources: EconomicSeries and TradeStatistics ofIreland, CSO;MonthlyIndustrialSurvey, CII/ESRI. OECD Economic Surveys Table 2 Household appropriation account Percentage changes on previous year 1976 1977 1978 1979= 1980* Nominal terms Agricultural income 12.7 35.8 13.2 -9.6 ] Non-agricultural wages, salaries I and pensions 19.0 16.8 17.4 20.0 > m Transfer income 17.9 15.0 14.9 18.9 \ Other personal income 24.3 13.2 25.6 26.2 ; Real terms' Personal income -0.1 5.4 9.5 3.6 j Disposable income -2.4 5.0 10.3 3.1 -3~ Private consumption 1.8 4.0 8.8 3.6 -H Ratios Average tax ratio 15.3 15.7 15.1 15.5 m Average savings ratio 21.7 22.4 23.4 23.1 2H 1 Deflated by increase in consumption deflator. 2 DirectcommunicationfromDepartmentofFinance, Dublin. 3 OECDSecretariatestimates. Sources: National Income and Expenditure, 11978; Economic Review and Outlook, summer 1980. incomes, higher inflation and fiscal drag4 were offset by reductions in the saving ratio5. These successive declines in saving propensities may have been influenced by the high level ofaccumulated savings from preceding years6 as well as aconsiderable shift in incomedistribution towards employees. Theretail salesindexindicatesthatthe intra-year pattern ofconsumer spendinghasbeen somewhaterratic,chieflybecauseof fluctuations in purchases ofdurables (Diagram 1). Theimpactofanticipatory buying, related to taxation measures in theFebruary 1980 Budget, was particularly markedin the motor trade and contributed substantially to the buoyancy ofretail sales which in thefirst quarter of 1980 were over 3 per cent above the average ofthe previous year. The expected subsequent reaction, which occurred in the second quarter, is confirmed by the4 per cent year-to-year decline in thevolume ofretail sales inJuly and August. Following the strong rise in 1978, gross fixed investment was again buoyant in 1979 when it amounted to over 32 per cent ofGDP, the highest ratio recorded. In¬ dustrial investment was a major factor in the investment boom7, but residential con¬ struction and agricultural investment also contributed. The strongest component was again plant and equipment, increasing by 19 per cent, though a bunching ofdeliveries of ships and aircraft accounted for about 3 percentage points. Building construction grew by some 12 Viper cent. Underpinning this increasewas a high level ofmortgage lending, facilitated by the strength ofbuilding society inflows in the early part ofthe 4 The picture given by the tax ratios in Table2 is distorted to the extent that delays in revenue collection, dueto thePostOfficedispute, shifted taxpaymentsfrom 1979 to 1980. Ifaccountistakenof these deferred tax payments, fiscal drag may have been broadly similar in both years. 5 Since a portion ofthe recorded savings in 1979 may, in fact, have related to outstanding tax liabilities(secpreviousfootnote),theunderlyingratiointhatyearwasbelow23 percent.Withreciprocal consequences probable in 1980, the underlying ratio is likely to have declined moregradually than the crude data suggest. 6 From 1975 to 1978 thepersonal savingratioaveraged over23percent, compared with alevel of 16 Viper cent in the preceding fouryears. 7 The total capital expenditure involved in projects approved by the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) in 1977/78 represented a value increase of about 110per cent on the level of the previous twoyears.

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