OdonatologicalAbstracts 1977 1992 (13177) DZENDZELIVS’KIY, I.O., 1977. Iz (13180) NOVOKSHONOV, V.G., 1992. Novyy vid sposterezhen’ nad slov’yans’koyu narodnoyu strekozy izpermskihotlozheniySrednegoUrala — [A entomologichnoyuleksikoyu, 2: Nazvi babki (Libel- newdragonflyspeciesfromthePerm depositsofCentral lula)v govorahslov’yans’kihmov. — [Considera- Ural].In:Nasekomye v estestvennyh iantropogennyh tions on Slavic entomologicalfolk vocabulary,2: biogeocenozah Urala. Soveshch. Em. Urala 4: 1OT- Appellationsfordragonfly(Libellula)in Slavic dialects]. IC©. (Russ.). — (Author’saddress unknown). In:F. Jakopin,[Ed.],NahtigalovZbomik,pp.67-108, [Not available forabstracting; reference listed in the Univ. Ljubljana.(Ukrainian,withEngl.&Slovenes’s). paper describedin OA 13203] — Thedescriptionof — (Author’saddressnotstated). Ditaxineurella pritykinaesp. n.(Ditaxineuridae)from Alinguo-geographicaland lexico-etymologicalanalysis Chekarda. ispresentedoftheexpressions for “dragonfly”in Slavic languagesand dialects.Itis basedontheworkpresented 1994 in OA 10771 (where theRussian spellingofAuthor’s nameisapparentlydifferentfromitsUkrainianspelling). (13181) MARSCHINKE, A.,B. WESTERMANN, H. The collected material,coveringderivations from over JAUKER, H.-U. JAHN& F. FURIGO, 1994. Eine 150 roots, shows a complexlinguo-geographical Bestandaufnahme von Vijgeln,Froschen und Libellen picture.Themajorityoftheexpressions aremetaphoric, andenLaunsbacher Seen. Oberhess. naturw.Z.56: 11- metonymicand similar formations. -24. — (FirstAuthor: Inst Allg.u.Spez.Zool.,Justus- -LiebigUniv.,Stephanstr.24,D-35390 Giessen). 1988 Acommentedlistof10odon. spp.,evidenced during 1992-1993 atLaunsbach lakes, Co.Wettenberg,Hessen, (13178) SEDLAG, U., 1988.Ganz Augeund Fliigel.Tier Germany.The occurrenceofCalopteryxsplendensand 88(9):62-65. — (Author’s current address unknown). Gomphuspulchellusisconsidered ofparticularlocal General,on dragonflybiologyand behaviour. interest. 1989 (13182) MIYANO, S., 1994. Insects ofthe northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia, collectedduringthe (13179) LL J., 1989,Alist ofentomic[sic!] specimensin Expedition.Nat. Hist. Res., Chiba (SpecialIssue) 1: DinghuShan,4.Odonata. Trap,subtrvp.Forest Ecosyst. 199-215. — (Nat. Hist.Mus. &Inst., 955-2 Aoba-cho, 5: 103-104. (Chin., with Engl, title & taxon, Chuo-ku, Chiba,260, JA). nomenclature).— (GuangdongInst.Ent.,Guangdong, Theexpeditionwasconducted in 1992by theNat Hist P.R.China). Mus.& Inst.,Chiba. 5 odon. spp., identifiedby Dr S. A checklist of 27 spp., without comments and Asahina,are listedfrom 4islandsin theIzu-Mariana annotations. Archipelago. 124 OdonatologicalAbstracts (13183) RUTTEN, M, 1994. Der Einfluss derSchiffahrt CoryphaeschnaWllmsnandRemartiniaNavas. These auf dasMakrozoobenthos: vergleichendeBetrachtung form a monophyleticgroupwith Castoraeschna Calv. der Uferbiozdnosen des Dortmund-Ems-Kanals in — The objective ofthe present study is todefine the Abschnitten mit und ohne Schiffahrt. Wiss. Milt, phylogeneticrelationships amongthe spp. ofthese niederdsterr.Landesmus. 8: 243-255, (WithEngl.s.). genera, usingcladistic analysis, and to derive a — (Amphi-Bios,Schoneckerstr. 31,D-56283 Gonders- classification from thephylogeneticscheme. Over 100 hausen). adultandlarval externalmorphologicalcharacters are Platycnemispennipesisthe soleodon.sp.considered. It considered. - Separatecladogramsareconstructed does notoccurin the actual Dortmund-Ems Channel foradults and larvae,thoughthe latter is incomplete, (Germany),butitspopulationsintheAlteFahrtenare since the immature stages ofseveraltaxa are still undersevere impactofnavigation. unknown.Even so, the 2 cladogramsarein mutual agreement. — 23 taxa areconsidered and described. (13184) SACHER, P„ 1994.[DerNationalparkHochharz:] The taxon diagnosesarebased onapomorphiesand Insekten. NatSchutz Sachsen-Anhall31 (Sonderh,): 37- plesiomorphies,andarehierarchicallyarranged. The -39. — (Nationalparkverwaltung,Lindenallee 35,D- spp. arekeyedand asystematic catalogue,descriptions, -38855 Wernigerode). biologicaland distributionaldataareprovidedforallof Includes annotations on the status ofsome ofthe them. noteworthyodon. spp. in theHochharz National Park, Sachsen-Anhalt,Germany. (13187) COMPTE,A., 1995.Labiodiversidad enelCodigo de Nomenclaturezoologica.Adas9BienalSoc. esp. 1995 Hist, nat., Jaca[Historic natural ’93;ISBN 84-8127- -031-8],pp. 299-308. (Span.,with Engl.s.). - (Depto (13185) BOCKER,L., 1995.AnalysederBiotopanspruche Biodiv.,Mus. Nac. Cien. Nat.,c/Jose GutierrezAbascal der Larven von Cordulegasterboltoni (Donovan)und 2, ES-28006 Madrid). Cordulegasterbidentatus(Selys) im Giessener Raum Inview ofthe complexevolutionary diversification alsGrundlagefiirdie Bioindikationfiirquellnahe and the subsequent methodologicaldifficultiesin Fliessgewdsser. Inaug.-Diss., Fachbereich Geowiss., taxonomy, some modifications of the Code are Wilhelm-Univ., Munster, xvi+163 pp., App.excl. — suggested.Severalodon. examplesarestated. (Author’saddress notstated). Themain subjects dealtwith are: “Duration oflarval (13188) EVENHUIS, N„ D.POLHEMUS,S.SWIFT,K. development”(pp, 16-26;in theGiessen area, W ARAKAKI& D. PRESTON, 1995. A study onthe Germany:6 yrin bothspp.), — “Age structureofthe biology of theOrangeblack Hawaiian Damselfly larvaealongthestream” (pp. 26-37), — “Ecological (Megalagrionxanthomelas),with special reference to habitat requirements:seasonal variability”(pp.38-113), conservation ofthepopulationatTriplerArmyMedical — and “Threat and conservation” (pp. 142-146). — Center,Oahu. BishopMus. tech. Rep.8:iv+81 pp. — Thesympatricoccurrenceofthe2 spp. inthesmallest (SecondAuthorDeptEnL, BishopMus., 1525Bernice nichesisforthe firsttime documented,and the (rather St.,Honolulu,HI96817-2704,USA). minor)differencesin larvalhabitatchoicearepointed Adetailedstudy ofbiology,inch the populationson out.These mainlyconcernthetoleranceasto therange otherHawaiianislands (Hawaii,Lanai, Molokai), and ofwatertemperature, insolation and bottom structure. recommendations forrelocation ofthe sp.,itsprotection andmonitoring.Itisshownthatthesp.occupies awide (13186) CARVALHO,A.L., 1995. Revisdo deCoryph- rangeofhabitats and hasbroadecologicaltolerances aeschna Williamson,1903 sensuCalvert, 1956 (Odo- (mostlycoastal wetlands,fedby basal springs).Itis nata,Aeshnidae).— Arevisionary studyofCoryph- generallyalowlandsp.,toleratingsalineconcentrations aeschna Williamson, 1903sensuCalvert, 1956(Odo- ofatleast 2ppt, but atplacesashighas8ppt. Itwas nata,Aeshnidae).PhD diss., InstoBiociencias, Univ. found b?eeding atwater temperatures 20-31°C,with Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, x+191 pp. (Port.,withEngl. s.). pHrangingfrom 6.6-9.2. — Seealso OA 11129. — (CaixaPostal68044, Cidade Universitaria, BR- -21944-970RiodeJaneiro, RJ). (13189) FLEISCHER, B„ J. JEBRAM, A. SCHU- The genus, as defined by Calvert, is a paraphyletic MACHER & K.TREMP, 1995.Vegetationskundliche assemblage of 2 distinct monophyletic groups, und faunistische Untersuchungenim einstweilig OdonatologicalAbstracts 125 gesichertenNSG “Harzer Bachtaler”. NatSchutz areknown fromAzerbaijan. Acomprehensivelistis Sachsen-Anhalt 32(2); 3-18. - (First Author: provided. Bomelburgstr. 10,D-30165Hannover). FromtheHar/er Bachtaler Nature Reserve,Wemigerode (13194) HARDERSEN,S.&S.D.WRATTEN, 19%.The distr.,Sachsen-Anhalt,Germany 19 odon. spp.arelisted, sensitivityofthenymphsoftwoNewZealanddamselfly andtheirprovincialRedliststatus isstated. species (Odonata:Zygoptera) toazinphos-methyland carbaryl.Australasian J.Ecotoxicol. - (First Author: (13190) KOSTERIN, O.E. & V.V. ZAIKA, 1995. Tiergartenstr. Ill,D-47533 Kieve;- Second Author: Materialypo strekozam (Odonata,Insecta)k Krasnoy DeptEnt, &Anim.Ecol.,LincolnUniv,,P.O. Box 84, knigerespublikiAllay — [Materialsondragonflies Canterbury. NZ). (Odonata, Insecta)for theRedBook ofthe Altai The nominal48hLC50 valuesforazinophos-methyl Republic].In: Materialyk Krasnoyknige respubliki were inXanthocnemis zealandica and Austrolestes Altay(Zhivotnye),pp.71-83. Gorno-AltayskGos. Univ., colensonis 32 and 88 ppb and for carbaryl600 and Gorno-Altaysk.(Russ.). — (FirstAuthor:Inst.Cytol. & 3130 ppb, respectively. Genet.,Siber. Br.,Russ. Acad. Sci.,LavrentievAve 10, RUS-630090 Novosibirsk). (13195) KOSTERIN, O.E. / ZAIKA, V.V., 1996. 8 spp.aredealtwith.Thetreatmentis similartothatin [Odonata]. In: Krasnaya kniga respublikiAltay: thework described in OA 13195,but there are no Zhivotnye,pp. 44-49, 1 pi.excl.,pp. 65-68(cumulative distribution maps, and Nihonogomphusruptus, references), Siber. Br.,Russ. Acad. Sci.,Novosibirsk. SomatochloraalpestrisandS. sahlbergi areincluded. (Russ.). — (c/oFirst Author: Inst. Cytol.& Genet., Siber.Br., Russ. Acad.Sci.,LavrentievAve 10,RUS- (13191) L0FALL, B.P., 1995. Natur iRakkestad, 2. -630090 Novosibirsk). 0enstikkere- [Naturein Rakkestad, 2.Dragonflies]. Red Book of the Altai Republic: treatments of 0stfold-Natur35:9-74,252-270. (Norw.). - (Asliveien Sympetrumcroceolum(pp.44-46,by O.E.Kosterin), 20B,N-1890 Rakkestad). Anaxparthenope (pp.46-47,by V.V. Zaika — O.E. Amonographonthe odon.fauna(36spp.)ofRakkestad, Kosterin), Ischnura pumilio(pp. 47-48,by O.E. 0stfold, Norway,withdistributionmaps, covering204 Kosterin),Nehalenia speciosa (pp.48-49,by O.E. localities. Kosterin)andMacromia sibirica(p.49,by V.V.Zaika). — The treatmentofeach sp. includes abrief general (13192) TAPIA, G„ F. MARTINEZ-LOPEZ & A. introduction,astatementonits status,abriefdescription, PUJANTE, 1995. Macroinvertebrados ycalidad del andparagraphson itsdistribution (withmap), habitat, aguadelcomplejodetees manatialesy susestanques en biology, theexistingand therecommended conservation eltdrmino deRequena(Valencia).Actas 9BienalSoc. measures, etc. — See alsoOA 13190. esp. Hist, nat., Jaca[Historianatural ''93; ISBN 84- -8127-031-8],pp. 479-488. (Span., with Engl,s.). - (13196) KURZFASSUNGEN DER VORTRAGE[und] (DeptoBiol, animal,Fac, Cien.biol„ Univ. Valencia, EXKURSIONSFUHRER: DER LIAS VON Moliner50, ES-46100Buijasot/Valencia). DOBBERTIN, 3.Int. FachgesprdchfossileInsektenin Pyrrhosomanymphula,Anax imperator,A.parthenope, Friedrichsmoor. Jasnitz, 14-16 June 1996. 60pp. - Cordulegasterboltoniiand Orthetrum coerulescens are (doDrW.Zessin,LangeStr.9, D-19230 Jasnitz). listedfrom a numberofhardwater, Mg+andCa*-rich [Odon. papers:] Wedmann,S Neue Funde fossiler springs (pH8.04-9.30)in theRequena area,Valencia, Insekten aus dem Oberoligozan von Enspel Spain. (Westerwald) (p. 19); — Ansorge, J.\ Die fossilen Insekten aus dem Oberen Lias von Grimmen 1996 (Vorpommern/Norddeutschland)(pp. 20-21); — Zessin, W.:DerLias vonDobbertinundseineBedeutung (13193) ALIEV,S.V& A.G.KASYMOV,[Eds], 1996. furdie Palaoentomologie(p. 22, with bibliography); Zhivotnyy mir Azerbaydzhana, Tom 2: Tip Peters, G.:Schwierigkeitenbei derRekonstruktion chlenistonogie.— [AnimalworldofAzerbaijan,Vol. 2: derPhylogenesederAeshniden unter Einschlussihrer Arthropods], Elm,Baku.410 pp. (Russ.). — (Authors’ Fbssilien (Odonata:Anisoptera)(p.23); — Groning,E. addresses notstated). & C. Brauckmann: Fossile Insekten in der Theodon.aredealtwithonpp. 107-109.Sofar 60spp. PalaontologischenSammlungderTU Clausthal(p. 26); 126 OdonatologicalAbstracts — Zessin, W.:Der Lias vonDobbertin (pp. 29-59). predation. Theirabilityto find tree-hole oviposition sitesmay bemorelimitingthan theircapacitytoproduce (13197) WILSON, K.D.P., 1996,Threenew damselflies excess eggs. However,in seasonal forests,persistence forHongKong and Macao. Porcupine 15: 18. - (6F, ofMegaloprepusdependson adults survivingthe dry 25 BorrettRd, Mid Levels, Hong Kong). season.Adults are also the dispersal stage. Because Aconcisereview ofthe 1995-1996 literaturepertaining Megaloprepusavoidslatge,man-madeclearings, itmay to theodon. faunaofHongKong ispresented,and beparticularly vulnerable tohabitat fragmentation. Cercion sexlineatum isrecorded fromMacao forthe first time(severalindividuals, 1-IX-1996,attracted toa (13200) HAmALAINEN,M„ 1998. Sudenkorennot - brightlightsource). [Dragonflies], In:K.Heliovaara,[Ed.],Suomen Luonlo: Selkdrangattomat,pp. 72-75,Weilin & Gods, Porvoo, 1998 ISBN951-35-6373-1. (Finn.). - (Sunankalliontie13, FIN-02760 Espoo). (13198) BERNABEl, S„ I. DI GIROLAMO, I. Abook chapter,presentinggeneralnotes ondragonflies IAVARONE&L. MANCINI, 1998. Alcune notesul and commentsonFinnishspp.Coverphotographshows popolamentomacrobentonico delflumeArone(Lazio, ateneral Sympetrumdanae 9,by S. Kaijalainen. Italia).Riv. Idrvbiol. 37(1/3): 203-209. (WithEngl. s.). —(Lab.IgjeneAbientale, InstSuperSarnia,VialeRegina (13201) HUGHES,S.J.,M.T.PURSE,J.H.BLACKBURN Elena299, 1-00191 Roma). &P.H. LANGTON, 1998. A checklist ofMadeiran 11 odon. spp. arelisted,recorded in 1991at7sampling freshwater macroinvertebrates. Bolm Mus. munic. stationson theAroneR.,Lazio, Italy. Funchal50(284):5-41.(With Port.s.). — (FirstAuthor: Cent. Cien. Biol.,Univ. Madeira,EdificiodePenteada, (13199) FINCKE, O.M., 1998.Thepopulationecology PT-9000-399 Funchal,Madeira). ofMegaloprepuscoerulatus and its effecton species Includesanannotatedlistof6odon.spp.,with acomplete assemblagesinwater-filled treeholes. In: J.P.Dempster bibliography. — See also OA 10777 and 11362. & LEG.McLean, [Eds],Insectpopulationin theory andpractice, pp.391-416, cumulative References excl., (13202) LOPEZ-R., D„ P.ESPINOZA,M.M. LOPEZ- Kluwer, Dordrecht-Boston-London. ISBN 0-412- -Q„ S.VALLE, P. RIVERA& I.GARCIA, 1998. Las -83260-7. — (Dept. Zool.,Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, libelulas (Insecta:Odonata) comebiorreguladoresde OK73019, USA). larvas demosquitosenNicaragua.Revlanicarag.Em. Althoughits larvae arerestricted totree holes, the 45: 1-6. (WithEngl. s.). — (FirstAuthor: CentroNac. influence of M. coerulatus extends beyond that deDiagndsticoy Referenda,Ministerio daSalud,A.P. microhabitatvia itseffectsonintraguildpredators,such 2900, Managua,Nicaragua). asDendrobates andToxorhynchites,that also breed in During 1996, themosquito-regulationcapacitiesof otherphytotelmata.The evidenceto datesuggests that larval Ischnura ramburii, Anaxamaziliiand Pantala the abundance ofM.coerulatus isprimarilyaffectedby flavescens were examined in thelaboratory.All3spp. biotic factors duringthelarval stage,specificallyobligate canbe successfully used inmosquitocontrol,but Anax siblicideand cannibalism followedby intraguild is the mosteffective. The numbers ofthe consumed predation. Within thiscompetitiveframework, atalocal mosquito larvae per dayare stated forhabitats with level,populationsize should be affected by abiotic vegetationandfor thosewithout it. factors. The number ofgenerationsa tree hole can support annuallyreflects rainfallpatternsaswell as (13203) NOVOKSHONOV, V.G., 1998. Iskopaemye nutrient input (e.g.leaf and fruit detritus), which nasekornyeChekardy. — The fossilinsects ofChekarda. influences growthrate and adult body size viaincreased In: G.Yu. Ponomaryova,V.G, Novokshonov & S.V. prey productivity. Amongforests,body sizeprobably Naugolnyh, [Eds], Chekarda: mestonahozhdenie reflects evolutionaryresponses to differences in tree- permskih iskopaemyhrasteniy inasekomyh, pp.25-54, holenutrientlevels.Finally,changesinforestcomposition Perm Univ., Perm, ISBN 5-8241-0165-5. (Russ., with wouldaffectthe abundance ofMegaloprepusbecause Engl, title). — (Authors’ addresses notstated). treeholesarenon-randomlydistributedwithrespect to Arctotypus sylvaensis Martynov (Meganeuridae), treespecies.ThereisnoevidencethatadultMegaloprepus Ditaxineurella pritykinaeNovokshonovand D. stigmalis arelimitedby theavailabilityofprey (i.e.spiders)orby Martynov(Ditaxineuridae)arelisted from theoutcrops OdonatologicalAbstracts 127 nr the villageofChekarda, Permregion,Ural, Russia. flaveolum areamong the locallyinteresting spp. The communities ofdifferenthabitattypes areassessed, and (13204) USUI,X,M.SUZUKI& Y,SAITOU, 1998. the conservationoftheseis advocated. [OdonatefaunaofSaitamaprefecture].In: Insects of Saitama, Japan,Vol. 1,Pt 1,pp,21-50,SaitamaKontyu (13209) BRACHYTRON, Vol. 3,No. 2.(datedDec. 1999, Danwakai, Omiya.ISBN 4-916213-01-7. (Jap.,with mailed27Apr.2000).ISSNnone.(Dutch,largerpapers taxonomic nomenclature). — (FirstAuthor:454-3, with Engl.s’s). — (doWJ.A. Hoefihagel,Krekehneent Itchome,Ageo, Saitama,362-0046,JA). 72, NL-1218 ED Hilversum). A comprehensivetreatment ofthe fauna ofSaitama Witte, R.H. & D. Groenendijk: The occurrenceof pref., Japan(90spp.), withan exhaustive regional dragonflylarvaeintheDutchDeltainrelationtosalinity bibliograhy(567 numbered titles). (pp.3-10); - de Jong, T.H.: Aeshna viridis in the province ofUtrecht (NL)(pp, 11-17); — deGroot, T. (13205) ZESSIN, W., 1998. Beobachtungen an &M. Wasscher. HasLeucorrhiniapectoralisshiftedits Baumfalken undVierflecklibellenimDonau-Delta, habitatin theNetherlands? (pp. 18-25); — de Jong, Rumanien. Virgo2(1): 36-38. - (LangeStr. 9, D- T.H.: Variation in the number ofcells behind the -19230 Jasnitz). pterostigmain Lestes viridis(pp.26-27); — Eigenhuis, Casual observations on hobbies,Falco subbuteo, K.J. & D. Groenendijk'.The meaningofthe Dutch predation onLibellula quadrimaculata,inthe Danube insect appellation“Rombout” (pp.28-30); — Kalkman, Delta,Romania (May 1979). V, [bookreview ofthe volume described in OA 122%] (p.30;author’snamenotstated). (13206) ZESSIN,W., 1998.Gartenteiche und Libellen. Virgo 2(1):43-49. — (LangeStr.9, D-19230 Jasnitz). (13210) BROCKHAUS,T., 1999.Populationsdkologische Adescriptionand comparison ofodon. assemblages Untersuchungenan derFederlibellePlaycnemispenni- andtheir succession in3 gardenponds in Jasnitz pes {Pallas, 1771) aneinerregionalenVerbreitungs- (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern),Germany with those grenze (Odonata:Platycnemididae).Diss. Dr.rer. naL, described in the papers listed in OA5501 (Luckau)and Fak. Biowiss.,Univ. Leipzig,xvi+134pp. ISBN3-00- 7684 (Bonn).Itis ofparticularinterest thatin Jasnitz, -004013-7. — Price: DEM30.- net. — (Author:An Chalcolestes viridis and Sympecma fusca (both der Morgensonne5, D-09387 Jahnsdorf/Erzgebirge). regionallypotentiallyendangeredspp.)have oviposited The fieldwork wascarried outat theZschopauR., inman-madeponds. Saxonia, Germany.Dependingon theovipositiontime andsite,the sp. iseither univoltine orsemivoltine. The 1999 semivoltine individualsemergesynchronously,late in May, theemergence ofthe univoltine larvae occurs (13207) BAE,Y.J.,J.H.YUM,J.Y. CHA & LB. YOON, during several weeks, commencing in June. At 1999. Morphology,habitatand distributional records emergence,sexratiois 1:1,duringadultlifethenumber of Nannophya pygmaea Rambur (Libellulidae, of 52 decreases significantly. Formaturation, the cJ Odonata).Korean J. Ent. 29(4): 287-290. (Korean, require8.9 d, and the 2 2 5.0 d. In 1994 and 1995, with Engl. s.). — (FirstAuthor: Dept Biol., Seoul meanlongevity amountedto 15.7-5.8 din S3, and Women’s Univ.,Seoul 139-774,Korea). 10.9-11.4 d in 2 2.Populationdensityvariesduring The S and 5 adults andlarva fromSW Korea are the season; survivalrate decreases from the second described. The information on habitat, ecology, emergence onwards, itis stable duringthe non-repro- distribution and conservation requirementsofthe sp.in duction periods.Theindividuals thatemergelaterinthe Korea areprovided. seasonandthosefrom theupper section oftheriverare smaller. The mobilityis low, only few 33 covera (13208) BOLZERN-TONZ, H.& P.WIPRACHTIGER, distance ofmax. 1000m from theemergencesite.The 1999.ZurLibellenfauna in derWauwiler Ebene.Mitt, adultdistributionis conditionedby terrain configuration naturf.Ges. Luzern 36: 139-144. (WithFr.&Engl.s.’s). ratherthan by the presence ofastream. — (SecondAuthor: Schiitzenweg8,CH-6247 Schotz). Acommented review of36 spp.,recorded 1986-1998 (13211) CALIL,E.R. & A.do L. CARVALHO, 1999, in the Wauwil Plain, cantonLuzern, Switzerland. Describees dalarva deultimo estddioedoadultode Anaciaeschnaisosceles,LibellulatulvaandSympetrum Triacanthagynaseptima (Selys, 1857)(Odonata, 128 OdonatologicalAbstracts Aeshnidae),comnotas sobre a biologiadaespdcie. Chinese congeners. Holotype 6: LushanCo.,Sichuan Revta brasil. Ent. 43(1/2):73-83. (Port.,withEngl.s.). prov.,mid-V/mid-VIII-1997;depositedat Author’s — (SecondAuthor: Caixa Postal 68044, Cidade institution. Universitaria, BR-21944-970,Rio de Janeiro,RJ). Lastinstarlarvaandtheadultaredescribed andillustrated. (13215) CHAO, H.-f.& H.ZHU, 1999.Anewspeciesof Thelarvaebreed in temporary and unstablepondsand Nihonogomphusfrom Guangxi, China (Odonata: marshes. The 4hitherto described Triacanthagynalarvae Gomphidae).WuyiSci. J. 15: 17-18.(With Chin. s.). - arekeyed.The adultsT. septimaarecrepuscular,in SE (First Author: Biol. Control Res. Inst., FujianAgric. Braziltheyareonthewingthroughoutthe yr, but are Univ., Fuzhou-350002, Fujian,P.R. China). morecommoninthewinter. Occasionallytheyaggregate N. huangshaensissp. n. is described, illustratedand and aremigratory. comparedwith N.lieftincki. Holotype $; Huangsha, Guangxiprov., nodate; depositedat theinstitution of (13212) CARVALHO, A.L., 1999.Ordem Odonata. In: thefirst Author. D. Ismael et al.,[Eds],Invertebrados deaqua doce, Vol.4:Biodiversidade doEstado deSao Paulo, Brasil: (13216) CORDOBA-AGUILAR, A., 1999. Male sintese doconhecimento aofinaldoseculoXX, pp. copulatory sensory stimulationinduces femaleejection 149-155. FAPESP,Sao Paulo. (Port). — (CaixaPostal ofrival sperm in adamselfly.Proc. R. Soc. Land. (B) 68044, Cidade Universitaria, BR-21944-970 Rio de 266: 779-784. — (DeptoQuimicayBiol.,Univ.delas Janeiro,RJ). Americas, Sta CatarinaMartir,Cholula,MX-72820 A brief generaloutline ofodon. morphologyand Puebla). biology, and abrief review ofexplorationhistory and The Zygopt, 99 matemultiplyand store sperm in 2 ofthepresent stateofknowledgeontheodon.fauna of storageorgans, thebursacopulatrixandthespennatheca. Sao Paulo, Brazil, withacomprehensivebibliography. Duringcopulation,33physically removethe sperm - See also 04 12807. storedinthese organs usingtheirgenitaliaHere,anovel mechanismis documented,by which 33 gainaccess (13213) CHAO,H.-f. 1999.Astudy ofChinese dragonflies to thespermathecainCalopteryx haemorrhoidalis ofthe familyChlorogomphidae,with descriptionsof asturica.The mechanism is basedon 3 stimulation of twonewspeciesandfirst descriptionofthemalesexof the 9 sensory systemthatcontrols eggfertilization and aknown species (Anisoptera: Chlorogomphidae).Wuyi laying.Duringcopulation,theaedeagus(a<3 genitalic Sci. J. 15: 1-11.(Chin.,with Engl.s.). — (Biol.Control structureindirectly involved in sperm transfer)distorts Res. Inst.,FujianAgric. Univ.,Fuzhou-350002, Fujian, thecuticular plates inthe 9 genitaltract thatbear P.R. China). mechanoreceptivesensilla.This stimulationresultsin A checklist (with bibliographicannotations) ofthe spermejectionfrom thespermatheca.Aedeaguswidth Chinese spp. isprovided.Sinurogomphusmontanus ispositivelycorrelated withtheamountofspermejected. sp.n,,Chloropetaliausignatasp.n.,and S allotypeof Itisproposedthat 3 3 haveexploitedapre-existing 9 Sinurogomphusurolobatus Chen aredescribed and sensory bias to gainaccessto otherwise physically illustrated.The dataontype materialarenotstatedinthe unreachable sperm.These results shed lightonthe issue Engl.text. oftheorigin of 9 preferencesin current modelsof sexual selection andon theevolution ofgenitaliavia (13214) CHAO,H.-f., 1999.Neworlittle-knowngomphid sexual selection. Itispostulatedthat 99 mightuse this dragonflies from China, 1 [rede: 2] (Odonata: process asaform ofpost-copulatorysexual selection Gomphidae).WuyiSci. J. 15:12-16.(WithChin.s.). - onthebasis of 3 genitalia. (Biol.Control Res. Inst.,FujianAgric. Univ.,Fuzhou- -350002,Fujian,P.R.China). (13217) CZACHOROWSK1,S.&P.BUCZYNSK1, 1999. This is the 2nd paper bringingcorrections on, and Wskazniknaturalnosci biocenoz,potencjalnenarzedzie additionstothework describedin OA7911 (forthe 1st w monotirowaniu stanuekologicznegotorfowisk Polski, paperinthis seriesseeOA11054).— Here,Paradavidius naprzykladzie OdonataiTrichoptera — Biocenosis sgen. n.isproposedinDavidius(typesp.:D.fruhstorferi naturality index, a prospective instrument in the Martin);the 9 subgenericdistinctions inNihono- evaluationoftheecologicalstateofPolish peat-bogs,as gomphusarestated; and Merogomphusvespertinussp. exemplifiedby Odonata and TrichopteraIn: S.Radwan n. is described, illustrated and comparedwith the 2 & R. Komijow, [Eds], Problemyaktiwnejochrony Odonatological Abstracts 129 ekosystemdw wodnych itorfowiskowych wpolskich RefugioBartolanr theReserva Indio-Maiz,RioSan parkachnamdowych,pp. 153-158. Univ. MariaCurie- Juandistr.,Nicaragua,isexamined, 8 odon. genera are -Skladowska,Lublin. (Polish,with Engl.s.). — Second locality-wiselisted. Author: DeptZool., Univ. Maria Curie-Skladowska, Akademicka 19,PO-20-033 Lublin). (13221) GEISTER, I., 1999.Izbrana zivljenjskaokolja A modified J.Fischer’s Biocenosis Naturality Index rastlinin zivalivSloveniji — [Selectedplantandanimal (1996, Crunoecia 5:227-240) isproposedfor peat- habitats in Slovenia], Modrijan,Ljubljana.286pp. bogbiomonitoring.As anexample, the Odon, and (hardcover,20.0x26.5 cm. ISBN 961-6183-95-8. Price: Trichopt.values arecalculatedfor 26Polish mountain SIT6000.- net(Slovene). — (Author: KocjanCici 18, and lowland peat bogs. The deviationsbetween the 2 SI-6276 Pobegi). insect order valuesarediscussed. — For anadvance Since 1977,thisisthe 14thAuthor’smajorbook related abstract seeOA 12935. to various aspects ofnatural history and nature conservationin Slovenia. Likehis previousworks,itis (13218) DUKHUIZEN, J.A., 1999.Platbuik in duinpoel characterised by profoundfactual knowledge,deep — [Libelluladepressainadune puddle].Zuidhollands personal involvement,exceptionallyrich expression, Landschap 1999(3): 18-19. (Dutch). — (Bezoekers- anelegantand concise style, andbyasuperbfeelingfor centrumTenellaplas,Duinstraat 12a,NL-3235 NK photographic illustration. Aquatic habitats are Rockanje). thoroughlydescribed and theircharacteristicodon, spp. A noteonthe emergence in the dunes ofOostvoome, arepresented.Thebook isthefirstofitskindinSlovenia, Zuid Holland prov., the Netherlands (2-V-1999),to anditwillundoubtedlyserve asa“handbook” onthe which the subsequentappearance ofhobbies, Falco subject forquitesometimetocome.TheAuthor(bom subbuteo, waspossiblyrelated. 1945)is alawyer,afree writer (mostlyliteraryworks, poetry, andessays relatedtonatureanditsconservation), (13219) EXUVIAE.JournaloftheSloveneOdonatological Director ofthe (Slovene) Foundation forFaunistic Society,Vol.5,No, 2 (notpublished);Vol.6,issue No. Research, oneofthe leadingornithologistsinSlovenia, notstated (datedDec. 1999;published March2000). theinitiator oftheSloveneOdonatologicalSociety and ISSN 1218-3664. (Engl.& Germ.). — (Ordersoutside its journal.Exuviae, etc. He is also the author ofthe Slovenia: c/oOdonatologica, P.O.Box256,NL-3720 Slovene “common” dragonfly names and of an AGBilthoven). appreciablenumberofodonatol. research papers. Trilar, T.& M. Bedjanic.Contributiontotheknowledge ofthe dragonflyfauna ofLastovo island,Dalmatia, (13222) HOCHKIRCH,A., 1999.DieLibeller)(Odonata) southern Croatia (pp. 1-6); - Bedjanic,M.\Aeshna und Heuschrecken (Orthoptera: Saltatoria) des subarctica elisabethae Djakonov, 1922,new for the Tanklagers Bremen-Farge,Abh. naturw. Ver.Bremen odonate fauna ofSlovenia(Anisoptera;Aeshnidae)(pp. 44(2/3): 803-818. (With Engl. s.). - (Abt, 7-10); - Brockhaus, T: Ein Nachweis von Aeshna Evolutionsbiol.,Inst.Okol. & Evolutionsbiol.,FB-2, subarctica elisabethae Djakonov, 1922 und Univ. Bremen,D-28334 Bremen). Somatochlora alpestris(Selys, 1840)im Hochmoor 30odon. spp.arelistedfrom themilitarytrainingarea, Sijec aufder Pokljuka, NW Slowenien (Anisoptera; “Farge”,inBremen, Germany,inch 10spp. that are Aeshnidae,Corduliidae)(pp. 11-13); — Bedjanid,M.: redlisted in Lower Saxony.The habitats aredescribed Newrecords ofHemianaxephippiger(Burmeister, andthefauna iscommented upon. 1839)in Slovenia(Anisoptera:Aeshnidae) (pp. 14- -18); - Kotarac, M.\ Additional note about (13223) [1SSA,K,]MACKENZIE,L„ 1999,Autumnwind androchrome females in Crocothemiserythraea(Brulle, haiku: selectedpoemsbyKohayashiIssa. Kodansha 1832) (pp. 19-20). International,Tokyo-New York-London. viii+137pp. Paperback.ISBN4-7700-2473-8. Price:US$ 10.-net. (13220) FENOGLIO, S., 1999. Entomofaunaacuatica de — (KodanshaEurope,95Aldwych,London,WC2B ambientesloticos: observaciones ecologicasen el 4JF, UK), Refugio Bartolay nuevostaxa para Nicaragua. Revta An anthologyofK.Issa’shaiku (1763-1827),inEngl, nicarag. Ent.49: 1-7.(WithEngl.s.). - (ViaBaige88, and Jap.,with acomprehensiveessay onhis poetry.It 1-12031 Bagnolo). includes 2 dragonflyhaiku. The fauna of4loticlocalities in theprotected area. 130 OdonatologicalAbstracts (13224) JOST, W„ 1999. Libellenfauna rund um 8 spp. arelistedfrom floodgrasslandsalongtheSora R. Wiesbaden.Jb.nassau. Ver. Naturk. 120: 75-81. - in theReteCe areanr Skotja Loka, SloveniaThefauna (Dr.-Jakob-WittemannStr.20,D-65527 Niedenhausen). ispoorand thenumberofindividuals is small.Aeshna 25 spp.arelistedfrom thesurroundingsofWiesbaden, cyanea is the sole breedingsp. Hessen,Germany. Habitat requirementsandthe local statusofsomeofthem arestated and discussed. (13230) KOTARAC, M„ 1999.KaCjipastiiji(Odonata) — [Dragonflies(Odonata)].In:KPoboIjSajetal..Presoja (13225) KENNER, R„ 1999.The'real’ lifeofdragonflies. vplivovnaokoljezpACodsek Hrastje-Kronovozpfloro Brit. ColumbiaNaturalist 37(4): 15. - (5560Linscott in vegetatijo,favnoterbiotope, 5pp. Mus. Nat. Hist,, Court,Richmond,BC,V7C 2W9,CA). Ljubljana, (Slovene, with general Engl. s.). - A briefgeneraloutline ofdragonflybiology, by the (AntoliCiCeva 1, SI-2204 Miklavz-na-Dravskem- British Columbia (Canada) coordinator of odon. polju). recordingnetwork. 14spp.are listedfrom7 localitiesin the areaofthe highway section,Hrastje-Kronovo,Slovenia,and some (13226) [KENNER, R.& K.NEEDHAM] PYNN, L., protectivemeasuresaresuggested. 1999.Bog yieldsrare species. Vancouver Sun,issue of 22Sept,pp.B1&B6. — (c/oR.Kenner, 5560Lincott (13231) KOTARAC, M. & A. SALAMUN, 1999. Court,Richmond,BC,V7C 2W9,CA). Invenlarizacijafavne kaijih paslirjev (Odonata) Aeshna sitchensis andA. subarctica are broughton mokriSiaVProdu[in ... ]naLjubljaniciodFulin do record fromBums Bog, in Delta, BritishColumbia, Kaslja. — [Dragonfly(Odonata)surveyofthe wetlands Canada. “V Produ” andoftheLjuhljanicaR. between Fuiine andKasetj],Cent. Cartogr. Fauna Flora, Miklavz-na- (13227) KOTARAC, M„ 1999. Invenlarizacijafavne -Dravskem-polju. 17pp. (Slovene). - (First Author: kaijihpastiijev(Odonata)zaobmocjeV5 6/1 in VP6/ AntoliCiCeva 1,SI-2204 Mlklavz-na-Dravskem-polju), 2 — [Dragonfly(Odonata) inventoryoftheareaof The wetlands “V Produ” represents a part ofthe LognrLjubljana],Cent. Caitogr.FaunaFlora, Miklavil- remainingformerLjubljanica R.floodplain,S of -na-Dravskem-polju.9pp.(Slovene), — (AntoliciCeva ZgomjiKaSelj. 17spp. (incl.2redlisted as“vulnerable”) 1,SI-2204 Miklavz-na-Dravskem-polju). were evidenced at 9 localities. — 17 spp. (incl. I 7 common spp.arelisted from some (man-made) “endangered”and 1 “vulnerable”)wererecorded also wetlandhabitatsnr the villageofLog,atthenorthern at 12localitiesalongthe LjubljanicaR. stretch.The edgeoftheLjubljanaMoor, Slovenia. Brief annotations fauna isconsidered poor. — The assemblagesin both are included. areasaremainlyofinterest because oftheirvicinityto the metropolis.Therequiredprotectivemeasures are (13228) KOTARAC, M„ 1999. KaCjipastirji (Odonata) outlined. — Slovenia. — [Dragonflies (Odonata)]. In: M. Lovka et al., Invenlarizacijaflore infavnemokrotne dolinepod (13232) KOTARAC, M. &A.SALAMUN, 1999.Kafiji Golovcem priRakovniku, pp. 16-19, Nat. Inst. Biol., pastirji (Odonata) - [Dragonflies (Odonata)].In: K. Ljubljana. (Slovene). — (Antoli£i£eva 1,SI-2204 Poboljsaj,Inventarizacijafloretervegetacijeinfavne Miklavz-na-Dravskem-polju). nairtovanegaKrajinskegaparka Smarna gora, pp. 15spp. arelistedfrom apond, 2fishpondsandsome 21-25, Cent. Cartogr. Fauna Flora, Miklav2-na- forest streams in Rakovnik (Ljubljana),Slovenia. The -Dravskem-polju. (Slovene). — (First Author: pond community is poor, but the breeding of AntoliCiCeva 1,SI-2204 Miklavz-na-Dravskem-polu). CoidulegasterbidentataandC.heros inthe streamsis of 11 spp. are listedfrom5 localities in theprojected someinterest. Landscape Park “Smarna gora”, N ofLjubljana, Slovenia. Thesurveyedregionis consideredfairlyintact (13229) KOTARAC, M., 1999. KaCjipastirji (Odonata) Because of the large local Cordulegaster heros — [Dragonflies (Odonata)]. In: M. Lovka et al., population,somekind oflegalprotectionis considered Inventarizacijafloreinfavnepoplavnihlogovobreki desirable. SoripriRetecah, pp.20-23, Nat. Inst. Biol., Ljubljana. (Slovene). — (AntoliCiCeva 1,SI-2204 Miklav2-na- (13233) KOTARAC,M. & A.SALAMUN, 1999. KaCji -Dravskem-polju). pastirji (Odonata) — [Dragonflies (Odonata)].In: K. OdonatologicalAbstracts 131 Poboijsaj.Presojavplivovnaokoljezanadrtovano golf ofthe fauna isanalysed. igiSceRadenci:flora,favnain habitati, pp. 32-38, Cent. Cartogr.Fauna Flora, Miklav2-na-Dravskem- (13238) MILLER,M.N.& O.M.FINCKE, 1999. Cues -polju.(Slovene). — (Second Author: Cevljarska 28, formaterecognitionand the effectofpriorexperience SI-6000 Koper). onmaterecognitionin Enallagmadamselflies.J.Insect 31 spp. arelisted from 18localities in theareaofthe Behav. 12(6):801-814. - (SecondAuthor: DeptZool., projectedgolfplaygroundinRadenci,Slovenia. 10of Univ. Oklahoma,Norman, OK73019, USA). these areredlisted and Sympetrumdepressiusculumis Inmany coenagrionids,sexually mature 9 9 exhibit criticallyendangered.By theprojectedconstruction, colourpolymorphism,with some 9 9 resembling most odon. habitats wouldbe destroyed,thereforethe conspecific 66■Althoughit has been suggestedthat construction isrejected. thelatter functionas3mimics,this doesnotseemtobe thecaseforthosein thegenusEnallagma.TheAuthors (13234) KOTARAC,M.&A. SALAMUN, 1999. KaCji found that sexually dimorphiccoloration ofthe 9 pastiiji(Odonata) — [Dragonflies (Odonata)].In:K. abdomen and thorax are importantcuesfor sexual PoboljSaj,Presoja vplivov na okolje za ureditev recognitionby 33.Itis demonstrated forthefirsttime gramozniceHrastje-Mota:favna.florain habitati,pp- in theOdon. that 33team torecognizeandromorphs 25-31, Cent. Cartogr. Fauna Flora, Miklavz-na- aspotentialmates.After2 daysinanenclosure,sexually -Dravskem-polju. (Slovene). - (First Author: mature 33exposedtoonlyandromorphic99 initiated Antoliciceva 1,SI-2204 Miklavz-na-Dravskem-polju). moresexual interactions with tethered andromorphs 18spp. were evidenced (June-SepL 1999)in thegravel than with heteromorphs,the majority morphinthe pitarea, N ofHrastje-Mola,Slovenia; 3 oftheseare naturalpopulation.Exposuretoonly heteromorphic9 redlisted. Generalprotectivemeasures areindicated. 9 tended to decrease 3 3 sexual responses to andromorphs,but notsignificantly so. Because the (13235) LANGE,L., 1999.DieLibellen derWilstermarsch frequencyof9morphsoften varies withinapopulation, (Kreis Steinburg, Schleswig-Holstein). Bombus learned materecognitionwould beadvantageous for 3(42/44): 172-176. - (Deichreihe21, D-25599 33 thatsearch formates.The results leadtoanovel, Wewelsfleth). frequency-dependenthypothesisfortheoccurrenceand Acommentedlistof33 spp., evidenced during 1996- maintenance of9-limitedcolourpolymorphisms. -1999; Wilstermarsch, Steinburg distr.,Schleswig Holstein,Germany. (13239) MULLER,!., 1999.ZurNaturschutz-Bedeutung derElbe und HirerRetentionsflachen aufderGrundlage (13236) LETSCHE, B„ 1999. Further records of stenoker lebensraumtypischerLibellenarten (Insecta, MigrantHawker Aeshna mixta Latreille (Odonata: Odonata). Abh. Ber. Nalurk., Magdeburg21: 3-24. Aeshnidae)northoftheMersey.J.Lancashire Cheshire (With Engl. s,). — (Frankefelde 3, D-39116 ent.Soc. 121/123: 86-87. - (46 Rossett Rd,Crosby, Magdeburg). Liverpool, Merseyside, L23 3AW,UK). The importanceoftheElbeR.anditsflood plainis A. mixta is recorded from Kirkby (27-VIII-1998) addressed withreference to the occurrenceofthe 52 and SpikeIsland (3-DC-1998). Itsnorth- andwestward indigenousodon. spp., 9 ofwhich are particularly expansion in the United Kingdom isbrieflyoutlined, emphasized. andtheearlierLancashire (Merseyside),Cheshire and theIsleofManrecords arementioned. (13240) NONVEILLER,G„ 1999.Thepioneersofthe researchofthe insectsofDalmatia. CroatianNat.Hist (13237) MARTIN, R., 1999. La odonatofauna(Insecta; Mus.,Zagreb,x+390 pp. ISBN953-6645-04-1. — Odonata) delParqueNaturaldelMontseny(Cataluna, (Publishers:Demetrova 1,CRO-IOOOOZagreb). NE Peninsula Iberica). BolnAsoc. esp. Ent.23(1/2): Engl,edn ofthework described in OA 8474. 171-193. (WithEngl.s.). — (AvdaMarti Pujol250, 3’4a,ES-08911 Badalona). (13241) REINHARDT,K., 1999,Thereproductiveactivity Basedon literature and onthe 1993-1998 unpublished oftwoPseudagrionspeciesinthesamehabitat(Odonala; records, 42spp. arelisted forthePark (Catalonia,Spain). Coenagrionidae).Afr Ent. 7(2): 225-232. - (Inst. Collection data,field notes andregionalbibliographic Okol.,Univ. Jena, DomburgerStr. 159,D-07743 Jena). references areprovidedforeachsp.,andthe composition P.massaicum andP.salisburyensewere studiedatthe 132 OdonatologicalAbstracts BotGardens ofPretoria, South Africa.The abundance andaspp. listarenotprovided. ofthe 2 spp. waspositivelycorrelated, suggestinga weak interspecific competition.Cloudcoverwasthe (13246) SMITH, G.R., J.E. RETTIG, G.G. most importantabiotic factorinfluencingtheiractivity. MITTELBACH, J.L.VALIULIS&S.R. SCHAACK, 63 ofthe 2 spp.show apronouncedspatialseparation 1999.The effectsoffishonassemblagesofamphibians asto theperchingposition. Theproportion of<J6 inponds: afieldexperiment. Freshw. Biol. 41; 829- engagedin reproductionactivities dependsonthetime -837. — (FirstAuthorDeptBiol., WilliamJewellColl., ofthedayrather thanontheirdensity.o6 ofthe 2spp. 500 CollegeHill. Liberti,MO 64068-1896,USA). arenon-territorial, which isexceptionalinthe genus. As shownexperimentally,thepresenceofBluegillsunfish Thephenomenonisdiscussed interms ofhighterritory (Lepomismacrochirus)has adirectsignificantlynegative retention costs athighdamselfly densities. effect on the Aeshnidae and Libelulidae larval population. (13242) REYNOLDS,J„H.TUSHABE&P.KASOMA, 1999.ANational BiodiversityData BankforUganda. (13247) SOVINC, A., 1999.Obnovitvena ekologija: Bull£.Afr.not.Hist. Soc. 29(3):6-9. - (FirstAuthor: primerinadomestnih habitatovv ljubljanskiokolid — Univ. Cambridge Programme for Industry, I Restoration ecology: examplesofhabitatrehabilitation TrumpingtonSt,Cambridge,CB2 1QA.UK; — other in the surroundingsofLjubljana.Proteus. Ljubljana Authors:Inst. Envir. & Nat Resour., Makerere Univ., 62(4): 152-160, 191.(Slovene,with Engl.s.). — (Pod P.O.Box7298, Kampala, Uganda). kostanji44,SI-1000 Ljubljana). TheNBDBwas setup in 1993 attheMakerere Univ.. Variousterms intherestorationprocesses, suchashabitat Kampala. Its history,organisation,data collection and rehabilitation,reconstruction, enhancement, recreation, coverage aredescribed. Thelatterincludes theodon. transplantation and creation, mitigation etc., are discussed, and aset ofbasic considerations inplanning (13243) ROSKE, W., 1999.Grdben,einLebensraum der and implementationofrestoration measuresisprovided. Helm-Azurjungfer.SchutzgemeinschaftLibellen in Examplesoftheimplementedwetland restoration Baden-Wurttemberg,Freiburg/Main.12pp. [Fold, projectsin the surroundingsofLjubljana, Slovenia are pamphlet], — (Kandelstr,26,D-79106 Freiburg/Main). described.Areference ismadetoOrthetrum brunneum AnoutlineofCoenagrionmercurialebiologyin Baden- in gravelpits and totherich odon.fauna oftheZbilje -Wiiittemberg.Germany,directed at generalreadership. Reservoir. - A portrait and a note onAuthor’s For atechnical paper seeCM 10310. professionalwork areappended. (13244) SCHRACK, M. & S, HEISE, 1999. (13248) [SPURIS, ZJ MELECIS,V., 1999. Inmemoriam Zoogeographische und okologische Analyse der [Dr hab. biol. ZandisSpurts],Latv. Era. 37:4-5.(Engl.). Libellenfauna derWaldmoore in derRadeburger und — (Author’saddress notstated). Laussnitzer Heide bei Grossdittmannsdorf und Abriefbiographyand appreciationofwork ofthis Medingen.Veroff.Mus. Westlausitz Kamenz (TagBd): notable Latvian aquaticentomologistandodonatologist 5-113. — (First Author: Hauptstr. 48a, D-01471 (bom 25 Jan. 1923, Riga;deceased 15 Nov. 1998), Radeburg). withaportrait.In 1971,healsostoodatthecradleofthe 33spp. arelisted for the Radeburgand Laussnitz heaths SIOand Odonatologica. — For another biography (see also OA 12082),Saxony, EGermany,and the andacompletebibliographyseeOA 9743. biogeographicalandecologicalcompositionofthefauna isanalysed. (13249) STOKS,R., 1999. Autotomyshapesthe trade- -offbetween seeking coverand foragingin larval (13245) SIMIC,V. &S. SIMIC, 1999. Useoftheriver damselflies.Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 47(1/2):70-75. - macrozoobenthos ofSerbiato formulate abiotic index. (Evol.Biol. Group, Univ.Antwerpen,Groenenborger- Hydrobiologia 416: 51-64. — (Fac. Sci., Univ. laan 171, B-2020 Antwerpen). Kragujevac,Domanovica 12,P.O. Box 60. YU-34000 Theinfluenceof aulotomy on theway Lestes sponsa Kragujevac,Serbia). larvaedeal with thetrade-offbetweenforagingcm-seeking During 1989-1996, 65 southernDanube tributaries coverwas studied.Survival oflarvae, whenconfronted werestudied, 6odon.generawere identified,andthe withtheodon.predatorAeshnacyanea,washigherina respectivelevelsoftheirdominancearestated.Alocality complexthanin asimplemicrohabitat, indicatingthat