The Odisha G a z e t t e EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 122 CUTTACK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2015/MAGHA 1, 1936 UTKAL UNIVERSITY VANI VIHAR, BHUBANESWAR-4 NOTIFICATION The 6th January 2015 No. 217—A-ST-C-5/2015—It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that the 46th Convocation of Utkal University for the academic year 2013-2014 will be held at 10-30A.M. on Saturday, the 21st February 2015 for conferring Doctoral Degrees, Medals, Awards & Honoris Causa etc. in the University Campus, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar. His Excellency Chancellor, Utkal University and Hon’ble Governor of Odisha has accorded his kind consent to preside over the Convocation. S. K. DAS Registrar Printed and published by the Director, Directorate of Printing, Stationery and Publication, Odisha, Cuttack-10 Ex. Gaz. 1786(cid:151)173+5