EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 171, CUTTACK, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2013/ MAGHA 4, 1934 LAW DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION The 19th January, 2013 S.R.O. No.43/2013— In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3, sub-section (1) of Section 9 read with Section 10 of the Odisha Civil Courts Act, 1984 (Odisha Act 18 of 1984) the State Government on the recommendation of and in consultation with the High Court of Odisha, do hereby establish a Court of Civil Judge (Junior Division) at Basta in addition to the existing number of such Courts in the Judgeship of Balasore with effect from the date the said Court functions with the local limits of jurisdiction co-extensive with the local limits of jurisdiction of the Revenue Tahasil of Basta and fix the place of sitting of the said Court at Basta. [No. 897-IJ-91/2012/L.] By Order of the Governor D. RAUT Principal Secretary to Government Printed and published by the Director, Printing, Stationery and Publication, Odisha, Cuttack-10 Ex. Gaz. 2062-193+10