The Odisha G a z e t t e EXTRAORDINARY PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 181 CUTTACK, MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 2013/MAGHA 8, 1934 HOME DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION The 9th January 2013 No. 1207—HOME-SPS-CASE-I-0006/2012-SPS—Pursuant to the order No. 9, dated the 18th October 2012 of the Hon'ble OAT in OA No. 979/2011, Shri Abhiram Pattnaik, Dy. Commandant is promoted to the rank of Commandant in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 15,600—39,100 along with Grade Pay of Rs. 6600 retrospectively from the date of promotion of his junior Shri Khetrabasi Panda, Dy. Commandant to the rank of Commandant vide Home Department Notification No. 53193/SPS., dated the 25th November 2009 for a period not exceeding one year or till his retirement or till receipt of recommendation of OPSC, whichever is eariler subject to the following conditions:— (i) His pay shall be fixed notionally in the promotional post of Commandant, w.e.f., the date of joining of his junior Shri Khetrabasi Panda, Deputy Commandant in the promotional post of Commandant, i.e., on the 23rd December 2009(F. N.) (ii) He is entitled to get the actual financial benefit in the promotional post of Commandant w.e.f., the date he actually joins. (iii) Hisinter seseniority in the rank of Commandant is fixed above his immediate junior Shri Tapan Kumar Chakrabarty, Commandant who has been allowed a retrospective promotion to the rank of Commandant, w.e.f., the date of joining of his junior Shri Khetrabasi Panda in the promotional post of Commandant, i.e., the 23rd December 2009(F. N.)vide Home Department Notification No. 41815/SPS., dated the 25th October 2012. 2. Consquent upon promotion to the rank of Commandant, Shri Abhiram Pattnaik is posted as Commandant in OSAP, 8th Bn., Chhatrapur against the existing vacancy. By order of the Governor S. DALAI Under-Secretary to Government ————— Printed and published by the Director, Printing, Stationery and Publication, Odisha, Cuttack-10 Ex. Gaz. 2067—193+20