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Preview October/November/December 2011

PERPETUAL CALENDAR 2011 April 27-29 South Central Section Spring Meeting, deCeMber Choctaw Casino Resort, Durant, Okla- 99 News 1 due date for 99 News submissions for the homa. Hosted by Wildflower Chapter and January/February/March 2012 issue. South Central Section. Contact Cathy Wap- pler, [email protected]. 16-17 international Conference of Women in Civil Aviation, Mumbai, India. Organized MAy by the India Section to celebrate 100 To list your 99s events years of civil aviation in India. Contact 4-6 Southwest Section Spring Meeting, Studio on this calendar page, [email protected]. City, California. send information to: 20 deadline for AeMSF application submittal The 99 News to Section AE Chairmen. july 4300 Amelia Earhart Dr Suite A 31 deadline to submit bylaws and Standing 11-15 Ninety-Nines in- Oklahoma City, OK rules proposed amendments (see below). ternational Con- 73159-1140 ference, Provi- dence, Rhode Email: 2012 Island, Marri- [email protected] ott Providence Online Form: jANuAry Downtown. For ninety-nines.org/ Conference infor- 99newsreports.html 17 deadline for Award Nomination submis- mation and regis- sions for The Ninety-Nines, Inc. annual Please indicate the tration, visit wom- Awards of Inspiration, Award of Merit and name and location enpilotsneweng- George Palmer Putnam Award (see page 6). of the event, the land.org. contact name and the phone/fax/email. 31 professional pilot leadership initiative 2013 Application deadline. The link to the ap- plication form is on The 99s Website or july Ninety-Nines international Conference, email [email protected]. On the Cover Bozeman, Montana. Patricia Mawuli Nyekodzi, Governor of the newly chartered Ghanaian Sec- COrreCTiON tion, gives a thumbs up I recently noted an article in the April/ after a flight in her Rotax May issue of the 99 News listing websites for 912UL-powered Zenith iMpOrTANT deAdliNe women’s organizations. Here Women in Cor- CH701 aircraft that she Proposed Bylaw and Standing Rule porate Aviation (WCA) was incorrectly listed. built, flies, maintains and amendments may be made by the International Please correct your records to reflect the teaches in. She flies mis- Bylaws/Standing Rules Committee, Chapter, web address as www.wca-intl.org. sions with Medicine on Section, Council of Governors or Interna- Elizabeth A. Clark the Move and also survey, tional Board of Directors. To present proposed Executive Director search and rescue and amendments to the membership for the Annual Women in Corporate Aviation (WCA) related support flights. Meeting in 2012 in Providence, Rhode Island, She started her journey to such proposed amendments must be submitted becoming a pilot in 2007 by December 31, 2011. when she asked for work Submit to: It’s time to think about holiday gift giving. If with WAASPS, a social Pat Prentiss you have a 99 on your list, entrepreneurship project International Bylaws/Standing Rules be sure to check out the in West Africa. For more Chairman 99s estore for that special about Patricia, please see 225 Opal Avenue monogrammed something the article on page 8. Balboa Island, California 92662 for her at: estoresbyzome. [email protected] Photo by Lydia Wetsi com/ninety-nines.php 2 99 News – October/November/December – 2011 Ninety-Nine News October/November/ Volume 38, Number 4 December 2011 The Official Magazine of The International Organization of Women Pilots Copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved OFFiCerS ANd direCTOrS Susan Larson Patricia Theberge Frances Luckhart Martha Phillips Corbi Bulluck Joan Kerwin Jan McKenzie Marjy Leggett President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director Director Director Director 99 News published by THE NINETY-NINES INC. ® THE NINETy-NINES MISSION STATEMENT International Organization of Women Pilots A Delaware Nonprofit Corporation The Ninety-Nines is the International Organization of Women Pilots that pro- Organized November 2, 1929 motes advancement of aviation through education, scholarships, and mutual (ISSN 1548-565X) support while honoring our unique history and sharing our passion for flight. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 4300 Amelia Earhart Dr, Suite A Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140 USA 405-685-7969 or 800-994-1929 FAX: 405-685-7985 ediTOriAl ANd phOTO GuideliNeS Email: [email protected] Website: www.ninety-nines.org We encourage submissions for publication in the 99 News. Furnish author’s name, email address and phone information. We reserve the right to edit for space and/or clarity. We ac- PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE cept both original photographs and high-resolution digital photos (at least 4X6 at 300 dpi). Donna Crane-Bailey, Chairman We cannot use photos from the following sources: camera phone, newspaper, home printer, Marie Fasano, Lu Hollander, Marion Nauman, Pamela O’Brien, Janice Pelletti photocopies or copied from the Internet. Include caption information with all photos and Bobbi Roe: Editor-in-Chief your contact information. Please email photos as separate attachments. Danielle Clarneaux: Associate Editor, Graphics For additional submission guidelines, log on to ninety-nines.org and click on 99 News Jacque Boyd, Diane Pirman: Staff Writers magazine. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected]. Deadlines for sub- AVIATRIX PUBLISHING, INC. missions are listed in our calendar on page 2. If you have any questions, please email us at Lake Forest, IL 60045-0911 [email protected]. THE 99 NEWS 4300 Amelia Earhart Dr, Suite A Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140 ediTOriAl pOliCy Fax: (405) 685-7985 The opinions expressed in the articles presented in this magazine are those of the authors Email: [email protected] and shall not be construed to represent the policies or opinions of The Ninety-Nines Inc.® COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Arabian: Alia Al Twal 99 News is published quarterly by The Ninety-Nines Inc.®, the International Organization of Australian: Jennifer Graham Women Pilots, at 4300 Amelia Earhart Drive, Suite A, Oklahoma City, OK 73159-1140. Austrian: Monika Stahl British: Dorothy Pooley The $12 price of a yearly subscription is included in the annual Ninety-Nines membership East Canada: Kathy Fox dues. Periodicals postage paid at Oklahoma City, OK and other additional mailing offices. Far East: Kyung O. Kim Neither The Ninety-Nines, Inc. nor the Publisher can accept any responsibility for the cor- Finnish: Paivi Ilves French: Isabelle Bazin rectness or accuracy of the matters printed herein. German: Waltraut Moog The Ninety-Nines, Inc. does not warrant, guarantee or endorse any specific product or service Ghanaian: Patricia Nyekodzi India: Nivedita Bhasin that is advertised in its printed or online catalogue or magazine. Israeli: Avigail Barbara Colorni The Publications Committee and the Publisher reserve the right to reject any material sub- Nepal: Sabina Shrestha New Zealand: Susan Campbell mitted for publication. Copy submitted for publication shall become the property of The Norwegian: B. Heggedal Ninety-Nines and shall not be returned. Russian: Khalide Makagonova West Canada: Betty Moore Annual Dues: Add a one-time $10 initiation fee for new United States: members in all categories of memberships. U.S. – $65 Mid-Atlantic: Linda Mathias Canada and the Caribbean – $57 New England: Georgia Pappas Overseas – $44 (U.S. dollars) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: New York-New Jersey: Willie Mattocks Associate Member – $35 ($65 after first two years) International Organization of Women Pilots North Central: Shelley Ventura The Ninety-Nines, Inc.® Non-member subscription rates: Northwest: Kimberly Rayburn 4300 Amelia Earhart Dr, Suite A U.S. – $20 South Central: Jody McCarrell Canada and other countries – $30 (U.S. dollars) Oklahoma City, OK 73159 USA Southeast: Judy Bowser Southwest: Penny Nagy 99 News –October/November/December – 2011 3 99 News 8 October/November/December 2011 8 Patricia Mawuli Nyekodzi: She Walked out of the African Bush and Discovered the Sky by Karlene Petitt 10 Air Race Classic 2011 by Denise Waters Patricia Nyekodzi, right, Governor of the new Ghanaian Section, teaches students about aviation. 12 Flying Adventures with Ninety-Nines by Marie A. Fasano 10 15 Fly It Forward by Peggy Loeffler 16 WASP Homecoming 2011 by Marie Spear 18 Spotlight on the PPLI: Emily Biss by Julia Reiners 20 Oshkosh 2011 by Rita Adams and Madeleine Monaco Ninety-Nine Sarah Morris, left, and teammate Leah Hetzel, representing Jacksonville University and flying a Cirrus SR-20, 21 Member Profile: Bernice Barris took top honors in this year’s Air Race Classic. by Evelyn Moore 99s AEMSF Wins Lightspeed Aviation 22 Foundation Grant by Susan Liebler and Peggy Doyle 20 IN EACH ISSUE 5 President’s Page 7 Careers/Pro 99s 19 New Members 23 Training Milestones 23 Book Review 23 Sharing our Passion Enjoying Oshkosh are, in back, WASP F.G. Shutsy-Reynolds 24 Letters and Jan Goodrum. Center, WASP Dorothy Swain Lewis and Dawn Seymour. Front is driver Albert "Chig" Lewis and 24 Touch & Go WASP Jean T. McCreery. 25 Grass Roots 31 New Horizons 4 99 News – October/November/December – 2011 President’s Page By SUSAN LARSON, International President Occasionally, those of us in the United States work so closely with our local Chapters that we fail to remember the meaning of the word ‘International’ in our organization’s name, The Ninety-Nines, Inc., International Organi- zation of Women Pilots. Nearly 5,000 women around the world are joined together with a common goal: promoting aviation with all the joy and passion that we share for our love of the skies. Did you know...that of the 24 women who received Amelia Earhart Memorial Schol- arships this year, five were from outside the United States? An East Canada Section 99 received an Academic scholarship to pursue her work at the International Space Univer- Of the 196 countries on sity in Strasbourg, France. A West Canadian Section 99 will work toward her instrument rating. And then there are the women in the Nepal, Brazil and Russian Sections who the planet, we have mem- are pursuing a type-rating, multi-engine rating and helicopter retraining respectively. Did you know...that in this calendar year alone, The Ninety-Nines has acquired 17 bers in 42 of them. For you percent of its new members from countries outside the United States? And did you know that, currently, our overall membership has nine percent of its members in countries numbers buffs, that leaves outside the United States? There is no question that our future growth will continue this trend and be even more international in scope. Since January 1, 2011, we’ve acquired new 79 percent of the countries members from the following countries: Australia–2; Austria–1; Bahrain–3; Belgium–2; Canada–12; China–1; Egypt–1; England–1; France–1; Germany–1; Ghana–5; India–2; without a 99. We’ve come Jordan–4; Latvia–1; New Zealand–1; Russia–1; Saudi Arabia–1; South Africa–2; Swit- zerland–1; UAE–1. Along with 99s everywhere, I welcome each one of these women to a long way from our roots a remarkable organization, and I hope each will learn how appreciated she is and that she has a place in the worldwide array of women pilots. solely within the United Did you know...that a delegation of five 99s leaders attended the China International General Aviation Convention held October 15-16 in Xi'an, China? Ying Gao (Laura), States, but we definitely Florida Suncoast Chapter, born in China and now living in Florida, was the impetus behind this visit, encouraging The Ninety-Nines have a way to go to fully to have a presence at this annual event. This was an opportunity beyond measure represent the world. to expose a country with little knowledge of general aviation to its advantages and our unique organization of women pilots. I made two presentations to the delegates and was honored to represent The 99s. Did you know...that wherever you travel on this planet, you will be welcomed by 99s? An international trip should al- ways be preceded by a query of our online database for a nearby member. We all enjoy meeting our fellow 99s, and there’s nothing quite as special as meeting them in another country. Of the 196 countries on the planet, we have members in 42 of them. For you numbers buffs, that leaves 79 percent of the countries without a 99. We’ve come a long way from our roots solely within Kyung O. Kim, Far East Section Governor, the United States, but we definitely have at Headquarters during her recent visit. See a way to go to fully represent the world. page 25 for more about Kyung. 99 News –October/November/December – 2011 5 Nominees invited to Apply for 2011 international Awards The International Awards Committee is accepting nominations for three prestigious awards to be presented by The Ninety-Nines, Inc. at the 2012 International Conference in Providence, Rhode Island. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 17, 2012. Award description of Award Who May be Nominated Award of Achievement Three separate Awards of Achievement An individual member of The Ninety- (for Ninety-Nines) may be presented for Contributions to Nines (living or deceased); a group The Ninety-Nines; for Contributions to of 99s; or an organization within The Aviation; for Humanitarian Efforts. Ninety-Nines, such as a Chapter, Sec- tion, Committee or Trust. An individual recipient must be a current member or have been a current member at the time of her death. Award of Merit Recognizes a significant contribution An individual (male or female, living (for non-Ninety-Nines) to any facet of aviation, such as avia- or deceased) or an organization. The tion or aerospace education, aviation recipient may not be a current or science, aviation history, aviation former member of The Ninety-Nines or commerce, aviation legislation, etc. of a group within The Ninety-Nines. George palmer putnam Recognizes support provided to The An individual (male or female, living Award Ninety-Nines by an individual (male or deceased), or an organization. The (for non-Ninety-Nines) or female, living or deceased) or an or- recipient may not be a current or for- ganization. The contribution may have mer member of The Ninety-Nines or occurred in the past or present, of a group within The Ninety-Nines. as a single action or a series of events. Who may submit nominations? A Ninety-Nines Chapter, Section, or Trust. How to nominate: Submit a one-page letter, signed by two of- Emily Howell ficers or trustees (as appropriate). The nomination must include Warner, this the name, address and telephone number of the nominee, or the year's recipient nominee’s next-of-kin, if the nominee is deceased. Up to three of the Award of Achievement for additional pages of substantiating material may be attached to Contributions to the letter. Send your nomination to International Headquarters in Aviation. Oklahoma City to the attention of the Awards Committee. Nomi- nations should be received by the deadline of January 17, 2012. Note: Previous nominees may be resubmitted. Questions? Contact Cathy Wappler, International Awards Chair- man, at [email protected], or 713-376-2961. 6 99 News – October/November/December – 2011 P C : ilot areers And what do you have to show for it? One of A pilot – twenty years a pilot – a senior pilot. But what of it – just a pilot. Then the voice of the stewardess breaks in on your reverie. The trip is running full – eighty-four passengers the Trusted Can she begin to serve dinner to the passengers? The passengers – oh yes, the passengers. You noticed the line of them coming aboard – the businessmen, the young mothers By DONNA MILLER with the children in tow, the old couple, International Careers Committee the two priests, the four dogfaces. A thousand times you have watched them file aboard and a thousand times disembark. I love my flying job. I am grateful to be living my passion every They always seem a little gayer after the landing day. However, I talk to pilots who have been beaten up by than before the take-off. Beyond doubt the industry and the uncertainty of the future of it all. Every they are always somewhat apprehensive aloft. life decision is based on their contingency plan if this job should But why do they continuously come up here suddenly end. They are tired of the scheduling, the union-company in the dark sky despite their apprehension? relations and the day-to-day grind. You have often wondered about that. You look down at your hands again I was thinking about this when I pulled out one of my favorite and suddenly it comes to you. aviation books, The Airman’s World by Gill Robb Wilson. The poem "One of the Trusted" was written over 50 years ago. As much They come because they trust you – as times and technology have changed (not to mention vernacular), you the pilot. They turn over their lives and their loved ones and their hopes and dreams I realize it still applies today. It makes me feel honored to be One to you for safekeeping. of the Trusted. I hope it comes to mind next time you fly. To be a pilot means to be one of the trusted. You are at cruising altitude. They pray in the storm The westering sun is pink on the disc. that you are skillful and strong and wise. Your eye flicks the gauges. The engines are contented. To be a pilot is to hold life in your hands – Another day – another dollar. to be worthy of faith. You look down at your hands on the wheel. No, you have not been robbed. They are veined and hard and brown. You aren't "just a pilot." There is no such thing Tonight you notice they look a little old. as "just a pilot." Your job is a trust. And, by George, they are old. But how can this be? The years have been a trust. Only yesterday you were in flying school. You have been one of the trusted. Time is a thief. You have been robbed. Who could be more? Tami ueda P 99 P : ro s rofile By BETSy DONOvAN, International Careers Committee First Officer Tami Ueda got her start in aviation with encouragement from Margaret Lynch, a Southwest captain and Check Airman. Currently furloughed and based in Cincinnati, Ohio, Tami has been a CRJ 700 and 900 first officer for Comair since 2007. She progressed via instruct- ing and flying as a Part 135 pilot in a Cessna 402 out of Opa Locka, Florida. Tami paid for her initial training by working years, and though not currently affiliated with a local Chapter, as an insurance claim representative and childcare provider. she did serve as newsletter editor for the Florida Goldcoast She also slept on the floor of an office to save funds for her Chapter when she lived there. aviation career. Tami’s advice to others: “Look at all avenues of aviation, Tami holds a commercial certificate with a multi-engine not just airlines. Go to your local FBO and hang out. Get to rating, CFI and CFII. Her ATP written completed, Tami will know everyone, and soon they will think of you when they need begin ATP training soon. She has been a Ninety-Nine for 10 a pilot. A lot of this business is about connections.” 99 News –October/November/December – 2011 7 Patricia Mawuli Nyekdozi She Walked out of the African bush and discovered the Sky Patricia instructs a student in the WAASPS program. By KARLENE PETITT W hat appeared to be any other turned up on days she was not working to watch Greater Seattle Chapter day in Ghana turned out to the planes. For this young lady, the concept of be anything but normal when learning to fly, becoming a pilot and becoming Patricia Mawuli Nyekodzi an engineer was an impossible, 'unallowable' walked out of the bush in 2007 looking for work dream. It was never envisioned that she would with the WAASPS — a social entrepreneurship be a long-term part of the operations because the project in West Africa. The WAASPS, based at focus was on the wrong set of people.” Kpong Airfield, provide pilot training, build Patricia accepted her shrub-clearing task aircraft, do maintenance, provide expertise with focus, enthusiasm and determination, as she for aerial survey, agricultural surveillance and does with everything she’s involved with. One plantation selection work and more. day, when the engineering assistant was caught Chief Flight Instructor and Chief Engineer stealing and taken to the police station, Patricia Captain Yaw (aka Jonathan Porter) did put was asked to hold a wing. This task not only Patricia to work. He stuck a machete into one opened the door for her but was an eye-opener hand and a mattock in the other and told her to for Captain Yaw. remove stumps. Little did he know the impact When Patricia asked more questions than all Patricia would have upon the world when given the staff combined, he knew she was someone an opportunity. special. On a ferry flight she was given control Captain Yaw says, “Patricia took to the task and took to the sky like she’d been born there. like a beaver, practically chewing the trees out of Captain Yaw said, “Her efforts and determination the ground. She arrived early to work, walking changed the face of the whole operation.” several miles from the mud and thatch home, Because of Patricia, young women were Patricia preflights a Rotax- without power and where water was fetched given new opportunities. Captain Yaw said, powered airplane, one of the six aircraft she built and maintains. from a standpipe, stayed late when needed and “They did better, tried harder and were demon- 8 99 News – October/November/December – 2011 strably better investments of time, energy and 20 nations and five continents. finances.” Because of Patricia, the focus changed She is now teaching, engineering, flying, for WAASPS and Medicine On the Move toward doing photo-video missions, training, conver- educating and working with women. sion flights and check rides. What she loves In early 2010, they started a small school, about flying? “Everything. Especially the fresh taking four girls per year, training them to build air that takes away all of your worries and the aircraft, perform maintenance, flight instruct, ability to view the world in a different way.” work with airfield operations, robotics engineer- Last year, for the Centennial of Women ing and computers. STEM (Science, Technology, Pilots event, Patricia, with the help of three male Education, Mathematics) education is alive and pilots, flew 97 women in one day. This year, on Patrica flies Emmanuel Bedzrah, a Ghananian Member of well in Ghana. March 5, Patricia and Captain Yaw invited 100 Parliament. Patricia came to Captain Yaw because she children from rural communities to have an air wanted to fly. And fly she has! With experience experience. Last year it was girls only. This in the workshop and flying some ferry flights, year they are targeting a 60:40 girl:boy ratio. Patricia soon noticed that few women were learn- They’re searching for talent to bring four girls ing to fly. She really wanted to be an instructor to go on their four-year training program at Av The only thing and worked diligently to become one. The best Tech academy. part of instructing? She loves meeting new people When asked what motivates her, Patricia that will abso- with different ways of learning and the challenge says, “Being in the air.” Captain Yaw says, “The of teaching them new things. only thing that will absolutely bring her down lutely bring her This amazing woman is setting a new level is fuel, or rather the lack of — she is like an for firsts, including the first woman to obtain eagle, just wants to be up there, loving every down is fuel, or Ghana’s National Pilots License and the first minute of it.” woman and first black African to obtain the Patricia has shown that hard work, dedica- rather the lack coveted Rotax Aircraft Engines certification after tion, commitment and perseverance opened the training and assessment in Austria with Rotax door to her dreams. She is an inspiration to all. of — she is like Aircraft Engines at the Regional Innovation I cannot wait to return to Ghana and meet her. Centre. The first female engineer to undertake Keep flying strong, Patricia! You are mak- an eagle, just the course, she was among 33 participants from ing a difference in the world. Enjoy the journey. wants to be up there, loving every minute. Captain Yaw introduces Patricia Nyekodzi, Ghanaian Section Governor, and Melissa Pemberton, Vice Governor, at the 99s tent during Oshkosh 2011. Photo by Clay Hollenback, Medicine on the Move 99 News –October/November/December – 2011 9 2011 Air Race Classic participants. Air race Classic 2011 By DENISE WATERS Ninety-Nine Sarah Morris University for winning the all-women Central New york Chapter and teammate Leah Hetzel, transcontinental air race that dates back to representing Jacksonville the era of Amelia Earhart. University (JU) and flying a Each year, the ARC continues a Jacksonville University Cirrus SR-20, took top honors in this year’s women’s air racing tradition that began as prestigious Air Race Classic (ARC). the first Women’s Air Derby in 1929. Since students Sarah Morris, The 2,365 nautical-mile race started 1977, the ARC has flown unique routes in Iowa City, Iowa. Racers flew the fin- annually across the United States and parts virginia Chapter, and ish line in Mobile, Alabama on June 24. of Canada. This year veteran racers with Sarah and Leah were one of 11 collegiate more than 25 Classic years were saluted by Leah Hetzel were top teams competing for the ARC Collegiate the ARC. The honorees included both cur- Trophy. Fifty teams overall were entered rent and past Ninety-Nine members Dottie winners of the 2011 in the 2011 ARC. As first place collegiate Anderson, Lorrie Blech, Pauline Glasson, and overall winners, Sarah and Leah were Margaret Ringenberg, Elaine Roehrig, Air Race Classic. recognized by the Jacksonville Florida City Esther Lowry Safford, Ruby Sheldon, Jean Council. On September 13, the Council Sloan, Joyce Wells, Marolyn Wilson and passed a resolution and held a ceremony Janet Yoder. to honor them and commend Jacksonville The 50 teams entered for 2011 rep- 10 99 News – October/November/December – 2011

27-29 South Central Section Spring Meeting,. Choctaw . Southwest: Penny Nagy .. aviation books, The Airman's World by Gill Robb Wilson. The.
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