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OCR Classical Civilisation AS and a Level Component 11: The World of the Hero PDF

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OCR Classical Civilisation AS AND A LEVEL COMPONENT 11 i ALSO AVAILABLE FROM BLOOMSBURY OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Route 1: Myth and Religion , Ben Greenley, Dan Menashe and James Renshaw OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Route 2: Women in the Ancient World , Robert Hancock-Jones, Dan Menashe and James Renshaw OCR Classical Civilisation AS and A Level Components 21 and 22: Greek Theatre and Imperial Image , Robert Hancock-Jones, James Renshaw and Laura Swift OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 23 and 24: Invention of the Barbarian and Greek Art , Athina Mitropoulos, Laura Snook and Alastair Thorley OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 31 and 34: Greek Religion and Democracy and the Athenians , Athina Mitropoulos, Tim Morrison, James Renshaw and Julietta Steinhauer OCR Classical Civilisation A Level Components 32 and 33: Love and Relationships and Politics of the Late Republic , Matthew Barr, Lucy Cresswell and Alastair Thorley OCR Ancient History GCSE Component 1: Greece and Persia , Sam Baddeley, Paul Fowler, Lucy Nicholas and James Renshaw OCR Ancient History GCSE Component 2: Rome , Paul Fowler, Christopher Grocock and James Melville OCR Ancient History AS and A Level Component 1: Greece , Charlie Cottam, David L. S. Hodgkinson, Steve Matthews, Lucy Nicholas and James Renshaw OCR Ancient History AS and A Level Component 2: Rome , Robert Cromarty, James Harrison and Steve Matthews Books published for the O CR specifi c a tions in G CSE and AS / A Level Latin and Classical Greek are also avail able, includ ing editions of every set text for A Level. Please see our website www.blooms bury.com/uk/educa tion/second ary/clas sics This resource is endorsed by O CR for use with specifi c a tion O CR Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary GCE Classical Civilisation (H008) and O CR Level 3 Advanced G CE Classical Civilisation (H408). In order to gain O CR endorse ment, this resource has under gone an inde pend ent quality check. Any refer ences to assess ment and/or assess ment prepar a tion are the publisher’s inter pret a tion of the specifi c a tion require ments and are not endorsed by O CR . OCR recom mends that a range of teach ing and learn ing resources are used in prepar ing learners for assess ment. O CR has not paid for the produc tion of this resource, nor does O CR receive any royal ties from its sale. For more inform a tion about the endorse ment process, please visit the O CR website, www.ocr.org.uk . ii OCR Classical Civilisation AS AND A LEVEL COMPONENT 11: The World of the Hero SALLY KNIGHTS GENERAL EDITOR: JAMES RENSHAW Bloomsbury Academic An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc LONDON • OXFORD • NEW YORK • NEW DELHI • SYDNEY Bloomsbury Academic An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 50 Bedford Square 1385 Broadway London New York WC 1B 3 DP NY 10018 UK USA www.bloomsb ury.com BLOOMSBURY and the Diana logo are tradem arks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc First published 2017 © Sally Knights, 2017 Sally Knights has assert ed her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be iden ti fi ed as Author of this work. All rights reserved. No part of this publica tion may be repro duced or trans mit ted in any form or by any means, elec tronic or mecha n ical, includi ng photoc opy ing, record ing, or any informa tion storage or retrieval system, without prior permiss ion in writing from the publishe rs. No respons ib il ity for loss caused to any indiv idual or organi z a tion acting on or refrain ing from action as a result of the materi al in this publica tion can be accep ted by Bloomsbury or the author. British Library Cataloguing-i n-Publication Data A cata logue record for this book is availa ble from the British Library. ISBN : PB : 978-1-3500-1507-4 e PDF : 978-1-3500-1509-8 ePub: 978-1-3500-1508-1 Library of Congress Cataloging-i n-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is availa ble from the Library of Congress. Cover design: by Terry Woodley and Olivia D’Cruz Cover image © Getty Images/D EA/A. DAGLI ORTI Typeset by R efi neCatch Limited Bungay, Suffolk To fi nd out more about our authors and books, visit w ww.blooms bury.com . Here you will fi nd extracts, author interv iews, details of forthc om ing events and the option to sign up for our news let ters . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank the many anonym ous review ers at univer sit ies, schools and O CR who read and commen ted on drafts of this text. All errors remain her own. iv CONTENTS Introduction | vi How to Use this Book | vii A Note on the Three Epics | xi PART 1 HOMER | 1 Composition of the Epics | 2 The Iliad | 7 1.1 Literary Techniques and Composition | 8 1.2 The Heroic World: Characterisation and Themes | 25 1.3 The Social, Cultural and Religious Context | 53 The Odyssey | 71 2.1 Literary Techniques and Composition | 72 2.2 The Heroic World: Characterisation and Themes | 92 2.3 The Social, Cultural and Religious Context | 126 PART 2 VIRGIL | 137 The Aeneid | 139 3.1 Literary Techniques and Composition | 140 3.2 The Heroic World: Characterisation and Themes | 159 3.3 The Social, Cultural and Religious Context | 176 3.4 Historical and Political Background | 193 What to Expect in the A S Exam for The World of the Hero | 207 What to Expect in the A Level Exam for The World of the Hero | 215 Glossary | 224 Sources of Illustrations | 225 Sources of Quotations | 225 Index | 226 v INTRODUCTION This book has been created to support the new O CR A Level specifi c a tion in Classical Civilisation Component 11: The World of the Hero. It aims to help students gain a sophist i cated level of know ledge and under stand ing of the content of the epics, and of the society in which they were created. While provid ing a sound basis of know ledge, it helps to develop the skills of crit ical analysis and eval u ation, and to produce coher ent and well- suppor ted argu ments. The topic head ings in the book have the same wording, and are in the same order, as in the specifi c a tion. The termin o logy used for ancient concepts follows that used in the specifi c a tion. This book is not a substi tute for reading the texts, and you will need a good grasp of the char ac ters and plot in order to appre ci ate the topics discussed here. There are support materi als on the Companion Website (www.bloomsbury.com/class- civ-as- a-level) and published commenta r ies are avail able. The topics cannot be viewed in isol a tion. For example, liter ary tech niques are used to convey themes or char ac ters, and char ac ters are needed in the discus sion of the social context. This book can be used both for general guid ance before you read the texts, and to support in- depth study when prepar ing essays. The many sub- head ings and topic sum - maries at the begin ning of each section will help you work through the subject matter. Much of the emphasis is on student involve ment in the study of the epics, and on the importa nce of real ising that there are many inter preta tions of the texts. Understanding why they have been studied for over 2,000 years, and are still a matter of lively debate among schol ars, is as importa nt as fi nding ‘the right answers’ to the mean ings of epi - sodes or portray als of char ac ters. The discus sion of liter ary compos i tion for both the I liad and the O dyssey is in one section, since the same mater ial applies to both epics. Thereafter the three epics are discussed in separ ate chapters. The present a tion of the topics varies: ● Sometimes a chart is used as the most appro pri ate way to convey inform a tion or organ ise ideas. ● In some topics the student is given a start ing point, such as a list of criteria, and is asked to fi nd examples, or to fl esh out an essay plan. ● Sometimes the mater ial for the topic may have already been touched upon under another heading. In that case, the section on the topic might take the form of leading ques tions, encour aging the student to use the resources avail able to formu late ideas. A Companion Website, avail able at www.blooms bury.com/class- civ-as- a-level , supports this text book with further inform a tion, resources and updates. If you have any sugges- tions for improve ment and addi tional resources, please get in touch by writing to contact@bloomsb ury.com. vi HOW TO USE THIS BOOK This book can be used by AS or A Level students. At AS Level, you choose one of the epics of Homer, either the O dyssey or Iliad . You do not study Virgil’s Aeneid . At A Level you pick one from the Homeric epics, and also study Virgil’s A eneid . The courses are identical except for the follow ing: SECONDARY READING A Level candid ates are required to make use of relev ant second ary reading in order to further their analysis and argu ment, and refer ence to it is assessed in the 30-mark essay ques tion. Although A S candid ates will not be assessed on specifi c refer ences, a ‘crit ical percept ive analysis’ is required. This comes from reading the same sorts of academic works as those study ing for the A Level are required to be famil iar with. ASSESSMENT OBJECTI VES The A Level assess ment is slightly more weighted towards AO 2 (analysis and eval u- ation) than the AS Level. This differ ence is not signifi c ant for the study of the texts or routine ques tions and essays, and can be addressed at the stage when exami n a tion prac- tice is being under taken. The exam in a tion over views below give more detail. EXAM OVERVIEW: AS LEVEL Your assess ment for the World of the Hero will be 50% of the A S Level 1 hr 30 mins 65 marks 32 marks will test A O 1: demons trate know ledge and under stand ing of: ● liter at ure and either visual/materi al culture or class ical thought ● how sources and ideas refl ect, and infl u ence, their cultural contexts ● possible interp ret a tions of sources, perspecti ves and ideas by differe nt audi ences and indi vidu als. 33 marks will test A O 2: criti c ally analyse, interp ret and evalu ate litera t ure and visual/materi al culture or class ical thought, using evide nce to make substant ia ted judgem ents and produce cohere nt and reasoned argum ents. vii How to use this book EXAM OVERVIEW: A LEVEL Your assess ment for the World of the Hero will be 40% of the A Level 2 hr 20 mins 100 marks 45 marks will test A O 1: demons trate know ledge and under stand ing of: ● liter at ure, visual/materi al culture and class ical thought ● how sources and ideas refl ect, and infl u ence, their cultural contexts ● possible interp ret a tions of sources, perspecti ves and ideas by differe nt audi ences and indi vidu als. 55 marks will test A O 2: criti c ally analyse, interp ret and evalu ate litera t ure, visual/materi al culture, and class ical thought, using evide nce to make substant i ated judgem ents and produce cohere nt and reasoned argum ents. The layout design and box features of this book are designed to aid learn ing. COLOUR Box features that focus on assess ment prepar a tion and exam skills are coloured in blue. Box features with Stretch and Challenge mater ial are coloured in yellow. All other box features are coloured in red. ICONS The Prescribed Source icon PS fl ags a quota tion or image that is a source prescribed in the specifi c a tion. The Stretch and Challenge icon S&C indic ates that an exer cise extends beyond the core content of the specifi c a tion. The Companion Website icon CW high lights where extra mater ial can be found on the Bloomsbury Companion Website: www.blooms bury.com/class- civ-as- a-level . BOX FEATURES In the margins you will fi nd feature boxes giving short factfi les of key events, indi vidu als and places. Other features either r ecom mend teach ing mater ial or high light p rescribed content and a ssess ment tips and inform a tion. Recommended teach ing mater ial is found in the follow ing box features: viii How to use this book ● Activities ● Further Reading ● Classical Legacy ● Study Questions ● Debates ● Topic Reviews ● Explore Further Prescribed content and assess ment- focused tips and inform a tion are found in the follow- ing box features: ● Exam Overviews ● Modern Scholarship ● Exam Tips ● Practice Questions Material that extends beyond the specifi c a tion is found in the Stretch and Challenge box features. Remember that the specifi c a tion requires students to study extra sources and mater ial not listed in the specifi c a tion, so S&C inform a tion and exer cises will provide a good place for you to start. A NOTE ON QUEST IONS Questions found in Topic Review boxes and Study Question boxes are not worded in the form you will fi nd on the exam papers. They are inten ded to encour age invest ig a tion and revi sion of the mater ial, but do not refl ect the ques tions in the exam. Practice Questions at the end of each topic, and the ques tions found in the ‘What to Expect in the Exam’ chapters do mirror the format and wording you will encounter in the exam. GLOSSARY At the back of the book you will fi nd a full gloss ary of key words. These words are also defi ned on pages in margin features. Spellings of names and texts are format ted in line with the O CR specifi c a tion. On the Companion Website you will fi nd a colour- coded gloss ary that high lights which compon ents the words come from. IMAGES The images in this book have several purposes. There are photographs of museum artefacts which refl ect the context of the epics, and ancient illustrations of the stories which will help you to visualise the characters and events in the poems. Other images, which span the last two thousand years, and range from grand master paintings to a fi gure from a New York funfair, give insights into how the ancient heroes have been received over the centuries. Looking at these images will help you to appreciate a wide range of perspectives on the world of the hero, and to develop your own interpretations and responses. ix

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