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OCR Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications 2015/16 PDF

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ADMIN GUIDE VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2015/16 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Overview This document is structured in chronological order of activity. Each box in the flow chart below corresponds to a section in this Guide. Section 3 Centre Approval and Compliance Section 4 Entries Section 5 Access Arrangements and Special Consideration Section 6 Section 8 Section 10 Remote Assessment Visiting Moderation e-Test Assessment Arrangements Arrangements Arrangements Section 7 Section 9 Verified Assessment Examination Arrangements Arrangements Section 11 Results and Certification Section 12 Post-Results Services © OCR 2015 v1.2 Version control This page lists all changes to this Admin Guide since publication on the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk/admin-guides). See Section 1.2 for details of how we communicate any changes to centres. Version Section Details of change Date number changed 1.2 14.1 Last certification date added for PTLLS,CTLLS and DTLLS 10318,10319,10320,10321 and 10322 February 14.1 Last entry and certification dates added for Level 2016 3 CLAiT 04638 2, 10.5, 10.8, Updated details regarding the withdrawal of 11.1, 14.1 Business Banking 1.1 1.5 Details of Twitter handle and blog web page December updated 2015 14 The following expired qualifications have been removed from the guide: 01793, 04313–04318, 06510, 06511, 06515, 06525, 06528–06530, 06534, 06755, 09885, 09886, 10186–10193, 10263, 10264, 10270, 10280, 10311, 10312 14 Last certification dates added for: 09622–09626, 04694, 10214, 07713–27, 07736–39, 07764–68, 10150–59 14.4 Details of Young Enterprise (QCF) qualifications removed 14.9 Details of Level 3 Certificate in ICT Systems and Principles for Professionals (PROCOM) (08734) removed 14.9 Last entry date added for Digital Literacy (01779) 14.12 Correction to barred combinations for Personal Life Skills suite 14.12 Details of Digital Employability suite added 14.15 Last entry dates added for Policing qualifications Version 1 published online September 2015 Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose and scope of the Admin Guide 1 1.2 Changes to this Admin Guide 1 1.3 Apprenticeships 2 1.4 Forms of assessment 2 1.5 Obtaining further support and information 3 1.6 Contacting OCR 4 2 Key Dates 6 3 Centre Approval and Compliance 8 3.1 What is centre approval? 8 3.2 Applying for centre approval 8 3.3 Credit checking 8 3.4 Compliance 9 3.5 Reporting suspected malpractice 9 4 Entries 10 4.1 What are candidate entries? 10 4.2 Entry routes 10 4.3 Qualification entry summary 11 4.4 Qualification entry deadlines 11 4.5 Entry fees 12 4.6 Information required to make named entries 13 4.7 Information required to make unnamed entries 14 4.8 Making qualification entries 14 4.9 Viewing entries 15 4.10 Making test entries for Certificates in Management Consulting 16 4.11 Amending or withdrawing entries 17 5 Access Arrangements and Special Consideration 18 5.1 Access arrangements and reasonable adjustments 18 5.2 Special consideration 19 6 Remote Assessment Arrangements 20 6.1 Assessment 20 6.2 Certification claims 20 6.3 Making online claims via Interchange: using a web-based form 21 6.4 Making online claims via Interchange: uploading a spreadsheet 24 6.5 Checking the progress of a claim 24 6.6 Submitting an online claim via MAPS e-portfolio 25 6.7 Submitting candidate work following an online claim 26 6.8 Processing an online claim 28 6.9 Making a paper-based claim for Using ICT Entry 3 28 6.10 Feedback reports 29 7 Verified Assessment Arrangements 30 7.1 External verifier allocation and visits 30 7.2 Centre assessment 30 7.3 Evidence 31 7.4 Making claims 32 7.5 External verification 32 7.6 External verifier reports 33 7.7 Direct claim status (DCS) 33 OCR Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications 2015/16 v1.2 8 Visiting Moderation Arrangements 34 8.1 Visiting moderator allocation and visits 34 8.2 Centre assessment 34 8.3 Making an online claim 35 8.4 Sampling 36 8.5 Preparing for the moderation visit 36 8.6 The moderation visit 36 8.7 After the moderation visit 37 9 Examination Arrangements 38 9.1 Timetabled and window-based test dates 38 9.2 Centre responsibilities 40 9.3 Assessment materials 40 9.4 Material security 41 9.5 Examination equipment 41 9.6 Identity of candidates 42 9.7 Invigilator arrangements 42 9.8 Printing arrangements 43 9.9 Submitting tests for marking 43 10 e-Test Assessment Arrangements 46 10.1 About e-tests 46 10.2 Signing up for e-testing 47 10.3 Practice e-tests 48 10.4 Entering for e-tests 48 10.5 Scheduling e-tests 50 10.6 e-Test fees 51 10.7 Preparing candidates for e-tests 51 10.8 Conducting e-tests 51 10.9 Security 53 10.10 Claiming units from other awarding bodies 53 11 Results and Certification 54 11.1 When will results and/or certificates be issued? 54 11.2 What will centres receive? 55 11.3 Certificates 55 11.4 Replacement certificates 56 12 Post-Results Services 57 12.1 Missing or incomplete results 57 12.2 Enquiries about results 57 12.3 Access to scripts 59 13 Reference 61 13.1 Glossary 61 13.2 Documents referred to in the text 62 13.3 Useful websites 63 14 Entry Codes 64 14.1 Advice and Guidance 65 14.2 Bookkeeping and Accounting 71 14.3 Business and Administration 72 14.4 Business Enterprise and Support 93 14.5 Contact Centres 96 14.6 Customer Service 103 14.7 Health and Safety 112 14.8 Health and Social Care 113 14.9 ICT 199 OCR Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications 2015/16 v1.2 14.10 Languages 228 14.11 Learning and Development 249 14.12 Life and Living Skills 252 14.13 Logistics 261 14.14 Management 269 14.15 Police 279 14.16 Product Design and Development 282 14.17 Retail 282 14.18 Skills for life 290 14.19 Teacher/Trainer 297 OCR Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications 2015/16 v1.2 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and scope of the Admin Guide The purpose of this Admin Guide is to assist exams officers and teachers within registered OCR centres with the administration of many of OCR’s vocational qualifications. This document should be read in conjunction with JCQ guidance and the OCR centre handbooks for each qualification. See Section 1.2 for details of how we will communicate any additions or changes to this Admin Guide. The following qualifications have their own administrative guides, which can be downloaded from the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk/i-want-to/admin-guides). • 14–19 qualifications • Cambridge Nationals (including GCE AS/A Level, GCSE, • Cambridge Technicals Entry Level Certificate, FSMQ, Level 2 Award, Level 1/2 Certificate, Level 3 • Cambridge Technicals for Engineering Certificate, Principal Learning and Project) • Essential Skills Wales • Apprenticeships • Functional Skills • Cambridge Progression in Maths and . English 1.2 Changes to this Admin Guide All qualifications within this Guide have an accreditation period assigned to them, which means that they have a start date and an end date. We publish a monthly guide to our vocational qualifications which are approaching last entry or last certification date within the next six months. It is important that centres check this document regularly for updates. The guide can be downloaded from the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk/ocr-for/exams-officers/key-dates-and- timetables). When new qualifications are introduced during 2015/16, and if there are any subsequent changes or additions to this Admin Guide, we will update the online version, available to download from the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk/admin-guides). Any changes will be clearly identified on the version control page in the Admin Guide (the page before the contents page) and the version number will be updated accordingly in the footer. We will also notify centres of any amendments to this Admin Guide in our monthly Subject Information Update email. OCR Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications 2015/16 v1.2 1 1.3 Apprenticeships Apprenticeships are open to anyone aged 16 or over, and provide candidates with a combination of study and work experience to prepare them for their career. Apprenticeships are currently made up of the following components: • Competence – Details of these components are available within this Admin Guide. • Knowledge – Details of these components are available within this Admin Guide. • Transferable skills (Functional Skills) – Functional Skills is the mandatory component of all Apprenticeship frameworks in England. Visit the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk/admin- guides) to download the OCR Admin Guide: Functional Skills. • Employee Rights and Responsibilities (ERR) – Formally assessed, depending on the level. • Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) – In England, PLTS are part of the framework at Levels 2 and 3 and must be formally assessed. They may also be included in Higher Apprenticeship frameworks (Levels 4–7) if they are considered necessary. They are normally mapped to the knowledge and competence components of the framework. Apprenticeships are in the process of being reformed so that the frameworks will gradually be replaced with standards written by employers. For the latest information on OCR’s Apprenticeships, please see the OCR website (www.ocr.org.uk/apprenticeships) where you can also download our Admin Guide: Apprenticeships. For more information on Apprenticeship Frameworks, please see Apprenticeship Frameworks Online (www.afo.sscalliance.org). 1.4 Forms of assessment Qualifications are referred to as being unitised, which means that the assessment has been split into separately assessed units, often taken at different stages of the learning. Some qualifications consist of a mixture of assessment. The form of assessment for each unit is provided in the Entry Codes section of this Admin Guide. Assessments have been split into the following groups as they have similar arrangements: • Remote assessments (Section 6) – These are usually on-demand, portfolio-based qualifications, which can take place any time at a centre’s request. The candidate work is then sent to be moderated or examined remotely by an OCR examiner-moderator. • Verified assessments (Section 7) – These are centre-assessed qualifications which are externally verified by an OCR external verifier during a centre visit. • Visiting moderation assessments (Section 8) – These are centre-assessed qualifications which are externally moderated by an OCR visiting moderator during a centre visit. • Paper-based examinations (Section 9) – These are exams or tests which take place on timetabled OCR-set dates, on dates scheduled by the centre within an OCR-set testing window or on demand within the centre. • e-Tests (Section 10) – These are on-screen exams or tests which take place on demand or on dates scheduled by the centre within an OCR-set testing window. Please note that OCR assessors are not available to conduct any assessment from 18 to 31 August 2016. OCR Admin Guide: Vocational Qualifications 2015/16 v1.2 2

centres with the administration of many of OCR's vocational qualifications. Issue of certificates for May Business Banking Qualification no longer
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