kH o 6 o o o q o ooo 0 KFG30 1981 .A24 Georgia Official code of Georgia annotated 2018 v * 45 c. 4 SUGGESTIONS FOR FAST, EFFECTIVE USE OF THE INDEX 1. PLEASE READ THE FOREWORD TO THE INDEX WHICH APPEARS IN THIS VOLUME. 2. STOP AND THINK ABOUT YOUR SUBJECT; TAKE A MOMENT TO SELECT THE TERMS MOST DESCRIPTIVE OF YOUR RESEARCH SUBJECT. IT HELPS TO SELECT THE PRINCIPAL SUBJECT RATHER THAN THE SECONDARY SUBJECT AND TO LOOK FOR NOUNS RATHER THAN ADJECTIVES. 3. IF YOU KNOW THE SHORT TITLE OF A STATUTE, YOU MAY CONSULT THE SHORT TITLE INDEX, WHICH APPEARS IN THE FIRST INDEX VOLUME. 4. IF YOUR SEARCH DOES NOT LEAD YOU TO THE CODE SECTION SOUGHT, OR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT OR SUGGESTIONS FOR THE INDEX, PLEASE FEEL WELCOME TO CONTACT THE INDEXERS. THE INDEXERS MAY BE REACHED DIRECTLY BY INTERNET E-MAIL ADDRESSED TO [email protected]. mercer university AUG o 8 2018 FURMAN SMITH LAW LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Public.Resource.Org OFFICIAL CODE OF GEORGIA ANNOTATED Prepared by The Code Revision Commission The Office of Legislative Counsel and The Editorial Staff of LexisNexis® Published Under Authority of the State of Georgia Volume 45 GENERAL INDEX N to Z 2018 LexisNexis® Charlottesville, Virginia mercer university m o 82o« FURMAN SMITH i mm i 'brary 3cora \a KfCi 30 \Q$\, aiM p. o\d V • 4 'o cA Copyright © 1992-2018 BY The State of Georgia All rights reserved. ISBN 978-1-5221-5147-0 (SET) Foreword to the Index This replacement index, contained in Volumes 43, 44 and 45, has been revised, expanded, and updated to include index treatment of legislation enacted during the 2018 Regular Session of the General Assembly. In order to provide a more effective guide to the statutory law, each section of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, as well as each entry in the 2017 General Index, was reexamined in light of sub¬ sequent amendments, enactments, and repeals. Also contained in this publication, at the beginning of Volume 43, is an updated Short Title index. The general index contains treatment of the provisions of the Official Code of Geor¬ gia Annotated, the Constitution of Georgia and the Constitution of the United States. Statutory provisions are referred to in the index by section number (e.g., §16-6-1), and the constitutions are identified by abbreviations (e.g., GA Const Art III §11 Par II; US Const Amd 21). The general index is a combination of two approaches to indexing, topical and de¬ scriptive word. LexisNexis® undertook this dual approach in order to provide index users with the advantages of each approach; thus, thousands of descriptive main headings have been added to a topical framework, blending the access that the descrip¬ tive word approach provides with the organization and consistency of terminology that the topical approach provides. The result, we believe, is an especially user-friendly and manageable index. Users often inquire as to the necessity of cross references (“see” lines) in indexes. Cross references are used to keep indexes to a manageable size by reducing the amount of repetition of treatment under different headings. To make cross refer¬ ences even more useful and efficient, LexisNexis® has taken the following steps. “Double jump” cross references, which are cross references to other cross references, have been avoided. Also, cross references have been used only to direct users to index entries covering three or more sections. Finally, group section references, which cite the user to the principal statutory treatment of the subject, have been attached to many of our cross references; this provides the user with the option to ignore the cross reference altogether by going to the Code for the cited material. Main headings were derived from the language of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, from the phraseology commonly used in the courts of Georgia and from terminology commonly used in the legal profession. In addition, an effort was made to employ phrases commonly applied to Official Code of Georgia Annotated sections, such as frequently used nonlegal terms. We solicit your help in keeping this index as usable as possible and ask that you inform us of any popular names that may have eluded us as well as any errors we have made or improvements you think we should make. You may reach the Indexers by E-mail to ([email protected]). All suggestions, questions or comments receive serious consideration. For non-index questions and comments, or to place orders, Customer Service may be reached by toll-free telephone number (1-800- 833-9844). The general index does not attempt to cover each topic in the vast field of law but refers only to those materials contained in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated. A thorough knowledge of the format and terminology of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated is essential to the use of this index as a guide to subject matter. A few basic rules for using this index are: (1) Gain familiarity with the contents of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated and the index. Knowledge of the arrangement, terminology, topical treatment, analy¬ ses and reference system of both the Official Code of Georgia Annotated and the v FOREWORD TO THE INDEX VI index is essential and must be acquired through examination and study. (2) Consult the principal subject and not the secondary subject. Thus, for drivers’ licenses, look under DRIVERS’ LICENSES and not under MOTOR VEHICLES; for attorneys’ fees, look under ATTORNEYS’ FEES and not under FEES. (3) Search under commonly used phrases or terms of art. Thus, for wrongful death, look under WRONGFUL DEATH and not under DEATH; for declaratory judg¬ ments, look under DECLARATORY JUDGMENTS and not under JUDGMENTS. (4) Look under specific areas of law and not under broad areas of law. Thus, for life insurance, look under LIFE INSURANCE and not under INSURANCE; for nonprofit corporations, look under NONPROFIT CORPORATIONS and not under CORPORATIONS; for home solicitation sales, look under HOME SOLICITATION SALES and not under COMMERCE AND TRADE. (5) Consult the most pertinent subject. Thus, for depositions, look under DEPO¬ SITIONS and not under EVIDENCE or WITNESSES; for appointment of execu¬ tors, look under EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS and not under WILLS or DESCENT AND DISTRIBUTION. (6) Consult allied headings. If your search under one heading is to no avail, try another allied heading. Thus, if a search under the heading SHERIFFS is fruitless, try POLICE or LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS or other related headings. Each section has itemized entries, but perhaps they appear under headings that may not have initially occurred to you. (7) Use descriptive words or phrases to aid in your search. If you have trouble expressing your search topically, use descriptive words or phrases. Thus, if it does not occur to you to search under offenses against public order for the misdemean¬ or of using opprobrious or abusive words in the presence of another, look under FIGHTING WORDS; if you want the source of the judge’s discretion to allow for a sentence to be served on weekends, you have the option of looking under WEEK¬ END SENTENCES. (8) Begin your search with “starting point” headings. “Starting point” headings are collections of entries or cross references that can provide assistance in getting a search started by exposing the index user to a diverse sampling of statutory ter¬ minology, which could suggest to the user other headings to consult. Although there is no formal list of “starting point” headings, the following have proven to be use¬ ful for that purpose: DEFINED TERMS (entries for all defined terms); PRISON TERMS (entries for each offense that carries a prison term); CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE (direction to all criminal offenses); MISDEMEANORS (all misdemeanor offenses); FELONIES (all felony offenses); FINES (all offenses carry¬ ing a fine); BOARDS (all boards); COMMISSIONS (all commissions); COUNCILS (all councils). (9) U$p short titles. If you remember the short title of a statutory enactment, you can find the Code Section quickly by either consulting the Short Title Index found at the beginning of Volume 43 or by consulting the main heading in the general index for that short title. Each and every statutory short title contained in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated is listed both in the Short Title Index and as a main heading in the general index. (10) Use cross references. Pay close attention to and make full use of the index cross references. An index cross reference is a direction, using the word “See,” to the index user to go to another part of the index to find treatment. There are two types of cross references, external and internal. External cross references direct index 1 users to another main heading. Thus, “LAWYERS. See ATTORNEYS” directs the index user from the main heading LAWYERS to the main heading ATTORNEYS. Internal cross references direct index users from one subheading within a main heading to another subheading within that same main heading. Thus, under the 1 FOREWORD TO THE INDEX Vll main heading AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES PROMOTION, “Seasonal marketing regulations. See within this heading, ‘Marketing orders.’” directs the index user from the subheading Seasonal marketing regulations to the subhead¬ ing Marketing orders. LexisNexis® gratefully acknowledges the contributions, advice, and constructive suggestions communicated during the preparation of this index by the Code Revi¬ sion Commission, the Office of Legislative Counsel, and the bench and bar of Georgia. \ ■ . 1 • - •