OceanographyandMarineBiology:anAnnualReview1996,34, 71-107 «) A. D. Ansell, R. N. Gibsonand MargaretBarnes, Editors VCLPress NUTRIENT FLUXES TO PLANKTONIC OSMOTROPHS IN THE PRESENCE OF FLUID MOTION L. KARP-BOSS, E. BOSS & P. A. JUMARS University ofWashington, School ofOceanography, Box357940, Seattle, WA 98195-7940, USA Abstract Wepresentsolutionsfor nutrienttransfertoosmotrophsinthe full rangeofflow regimesfor whichsolutionshavebeenpublished,andweextendsomeofthosesolutionstonewparameterdomainsand flow environments. These regimes includestagnantwater;steady, unitormflow arisingfrom swimmingor sinking; steadyshearflows; and fluctuating shearfrom dissipationofturbulence, aswell as the combined effectsofturbulence-inducedshearandswimmingorsinking.Solutionsfornutrientfluxescannotbecarried overfromoneflow regimetoanother. Inallcases, however, masstransferincreaseswithcellsizeandwith flow velocity. Cell shapebecomesparticularly importantathighflow velocities. Forsteady, uniformflow arisingfromsinkingorswimming,we find asymptoticanalyticandnumericalsolutionsfrom theengineer ingliteraturesuperiortothoseinmorecommonusewithinoceanography.Theseengineeringsolutionssug gest flow effects an order of magnitude smaller than commonly supposed. A cell radius near 20Ilm is neededbeforeswimmingorsinkingcanbeexpectedtoincreasethefluxofnutrients,suchasnitrateorphos phate, substantially (by ~50%) over the stagnant-watercase. We find sound asymptotic solutions for the caseoflinearshearandsupplementthemwithnumericalsolutionsofourowntocovertherangeofcellsizes andshearratesofinterestforphytoplankton.Weextendthemfurthertocoverviscousshearsfromdissipat ing turbulencefor cells smallerthan the Kolmogorov scale (orderof1-6mm in the ocean). Ouranalysis suggests turbulence effects an orderof magnitude greater than previously postulated, with a cell size of 60~lmneededtoexperiencesubstantialgain.Cellrotation,whetherinducedbythepropulsionmechanismin swimmingorpassivelybyshearacrossthecellperimeter,willreducetherateofnutrienttransferrelativeto a non-rotating cell unless the axis of rotation parallels the direction of flow. Although in calm water dinoflagellatesbyswimmingareableto increase nutrientuptake, instrongturbulence theymay notbeable tomaintainarotational axis parallel to the directionofswimmingorthe directionofshear, resulting ina relative reductioninflux. Conversely, largechainsofdiatomsandfilamentouscyanobacteriathatspanthe radiusofthesmallestvorticesarebestabletotake advantageofturbulence. Despitethesedeductionsfrom a diversity ofanalytic and numerical solutions, unequivocal data to test the contribution ofadvection to nutrientacquisitionbyphytoplanktonarescarce- owing, inlarge part, to the inability tovisualize, record andthusmimicfluid motions inthevicinitiesofcellsinnaturalflows. Introduction Effects of small-scale fluid motions on diffusional fluxes of nutrients to bacteria and phytoplanktonhavebeenreviewedseveraltimes(Gavis 1976,Roberts 1981, Lazier& Mann 1989, Mann & Lazier 1991, Ki0rboe 1993). It is thus worth asking why it might be worth while to visit them yet again. In the process of a review focused much more closely on bacteria, we (Jumars et al. 1993) became aware ofseveral inconsistencies in the published treatments of solute fluxes to osmotrophs. Among the accumulated problems we encoun tered, one solution (Munk& Riley 1952) is oftenusedfor sinking cells while another (Berg & Purcell 1977)isoftenusedfor swimmingcells, despite the fact that both invoke the iden tical governing equation and boundary conditions and thus can neither apply to disparate 71 L. KARP-BOSS, E. BOSS & P. A. JUMARS processes nor both be correct. Unfortunately, we perpetuated several other inconsistencies. In particular, we were not adequately aware of the diversity of field and laboratory flow regimes for which solutionshad beengivenorofthe fact thatcompetingsolutionshad been publishedfor someregimes. Theprincipalpurposeofourpresentreview, therefore, is tolay outthe diversityofflow regimes plainly and topoint outthe best oftheknown solutions for each specific case. We focus on those physical characteristics ofthe cell and its flow envi ronment that affect nutrient flux. Asecondary purpose is to specify, as accurately as can be done from the existing litera ture, the size of organism for which relative fluid motion begins to become important in nutrient flux. It has been firmly established that, for diffusion coefficients typical ofsmall molecules in water (of order 1O-5cm2s-I), 1-~lm long, freely-suspended bacteria cannot experience any substantial flux enhancement from the fluid shear about them (Berg & Purcell 1977, Lazier& Mann 1989, Logan& Dettmer 1989). Utilizationofslowlydiffusing molecules, larger "cell" sizeorattachmenttolargerparticles, however, canresultinsignifi cant benefit from relative fluid motion (Roberts 1981, Logan& Hunt 1987, 1988, Lazier& Mann 1989, Logan& Dettmer 1989, Confer& Logan 1991). The rangesofsizes and diffu sion coefficients for which such enhancements can become important have been given implicitly or explicitly in several treatments (Logan & Hunt 1987, 1988, Lazier & Mann 1989), but have sometimes been based on equations from inappropriate flow regimes. As with many other real-world biological-physical interactions of interest, these substantial enhancements of fluxes begin in an uncomfonable middle range of parameters for which analytic solutions typically are not available. Our systematic exploration identifies flow regimes and parametervalues for whichfurther numerical modellingand laboratory experi mentationwould beprofitable. The role offluid motioninthe nutritionofplanktonicautotrophsandosmotrophs is simi lar to its role inproblems ofheatand mass transfer long studiedbycivil and chemical engi neers. Since the governing equations andboundary conditions for the heat-transferproblem andthe dilute-solutionmass-transferproblemare identical, heat-transfertheory isapplicable directly to the study ofnutrient fluxes to planktonic osmotrophs. Most ofthe solutions we presentthus comefrom theengineering literature; we use, however, oceanographic(Appen dix I) rather than engineering convention for notation. In keeping with practice in physics and engineering, we use square brackets to denote primary dimensions oflength [L], mass [M] and time lTl. Toavoidconfusion, we avoidthe term "convection" andlabel any organ ized fluid motion as "advection". In this review diffusion and moleculardiffusion are syn onymous. Several inconsistencies have occurred because some authors used radii while others used diameters as characteristic dimensions; for consistency, we give characteristic cell sizes as radii. We work from stagnant fluids, through simple, steady shear flows to the three-dimensional, rotational shear flows characteristic ofdissipating turbulence. We warn fluid dynamicists that we use the word "particle" exlusively for a solid object of finite di mensions suspendedin the flow and notsynonymously witha small parcel ofwater. We focus on phytoplankton, because it spans the full size range ofinterest (from a few micrometresto afewmillimetres) and comprisesawidediversityofbody, chainandcolony shapes. Our analysis also applies, however, to metazoan larvae and otherfree-living plank tonic osmotrophs. To save space we refer to the individual as a cell and leave implicit the applicability to multicellularorganisms ofcomparable sizes. Wealsoleave implicitthe con verse problem ofsolute leakage from a cell, although it is plain (Jumars et al. 1993, their Fig. 1)thatour results applyequally well there. The principal differenceis asignchange in theconcentrationgradientandhenceinthefluxdirection; magnitudesoffloweffectsonsuch 72 NUTRIENT FLUXES TO PLANKTONIC OSMOTROPHS fluxes are identical. Wealsocautionthatsolutionsfrequently givenfor apointsourceorsink cannot adequatelydescribe theproblemofsolute leakagefrom oruptake byacell; animpor tant aspectoffluid motion is the divergence ofstreamlines around cells. Mass transfer to cells in stagnant water Non-motile cells:pure diffusion Rate of nutrient delivery into a planktonic cell at steady state proceeds at the rate of the slower oftwo processes in the series, nutrient delivery to the cell membrane and transport across the membrane. If the former is much faster, no nutrient-depleted layer develops around the cell. If the latter is faster, however, nutrient concentration at the cell surface drops below its far-field level, thereby driving a faster delivery rate by diffusion. The concentrationdistribution ofanutrient aboutaplanktonic cell ineither case is given by the diffusionequation (Crank 1975), ac =V(DVC) (Equ. 1) at ' where D is the diffusion coefficient [L2 T-1l and C is the concentration of the nutrient of interest. The del operator (V) indicates partial derivatives in all three spatial dimensions (e.g. in Cartesian co-ordinates alox+ol8y+olaz). In a heterogeneous environment like the ocean, Dvaries in time andspace (due to temperature and salinity). Since we are interested in processes at the microscale, D for a given nutrient is assumed to be constant. Thus, V(DVC) = DV2C. At steady state (aClat =0) the solution ofEquation 1for a sphere becomes: (Equ. 2) where '0 is the cell radius, , is the radial distance from the centre ofthe cell, C= is the far field concentrationand Cois concentrationatthe cell surface. Whenuptakecapacityinto the cell exceedsdiffusional supplyrate, Equation2indicatesthatthereexists anutrient-depleted region in the vicinity ofthe cell (Koch 1971, Jumars 1993). For convenience, hereafter we refer to this depleted regionas the diffusional boundarylayer and define it morespecifically as the region in which C::;90% ofthe ambientconcentration. By this definition it extends to about nine cell radii away from the cell surface (Fig. 1herein; Koch 1971, Jumars 1993). The outer limit is arbitrary, since approach tobackground concentration is asymptotic. The rate at which nutrients will betransported across this diffusional boundary layercan beesti mated from the characteristic diffusion timescale (tD)' (Equ.3) where L is a characteristic length scale (e.g. the thickness ofthe layer). For a cell with a c radius of 10/lm and adiffusional shell 90/lm thick, it will take c. 8s for a molecule such as nitrate or phosphate (D ofthe order 1O-5cm2s-l) to cross this layer. 73 L. KARP-BOSS, E. BOSS& P. A. JUMARS goo Concentration Fields Around Spherical Cells, C]] --0.9 ..---- 0.5 .............. 0.1 PureDiffusion (noflow) Pe=O Sh=1 UniformFlow (swimmingor sinkingin o stagnantwater; flowfrom -Xto +X) ·1 Pe=1 Sh=1.21 ·2 ·2 ·1 .~.~ ShearFlow (purestrain; toward originin YandZ; away from origin in X) Pe=1 Sh=1.44 -2 ~::::~::::~:::..<::::: -2 ·1 0 2 )(fro Figure 1 Concentration distributions ofa given nutrient around cells (black circles) in three different flow regimes: stagnant water (pure diffusion), uniform flow (i.e. cell swimming or sinking instagnantwater; the cell is movingfrom right to leftsoflow is from left toright) and shearflow (uniaxialextensional flow whereE = (2,0,0; 0, -1, 0; 0,0, -1). The thirddimen sion can be visualized by rotation about thex axis. The left panel illustrates the concentration field atdistancesupto 10cellradii fromthecentreofthecell.Therightpanelisa "blow-up"of theconcentrationfield nearthecellsurface, uptoadistanceof2 radiifromthecentreofthecell. Concentration values for the case of pure diffusion were obtained by solving Equation 1 at steady stateanalytically. Values for the two other caseswere obtained by solving Equation 11 numerically for Pe= 1tosteady state (Appendix 11). In theabsenceoffluid motiona diffusive boundarylayer(C;:5;0.9CJextendstoabout9cellradiifromthecellsurface. Uniformandshear flows distorttheboundarylayerandsteepentheconcentrationgradientincertainregions. Since transportisdominatedbythethinnestregionsofthediffusionalboundarylayer,cellsinuniform orshear flow willexperienceenhancedfluxes comparedto non-motilecells instagnantwater. The diffusional flux ofnutrients to a spherical cell (QD) depends on the diffusion coeffi cient, the cell radius ('0) and the concentration gradient between the cell surface and the ambient water, (Equ.4) There are onlytwomeans bywhichthe cell canincrease theflux to itselfwithoutrelative fluid motion: increasing,oandlowering Co(Jumarsetal. 1993). There are, however, limits 74 NUTRIENT FLUXES TO PLANKTONIC OSMOTROPHS on the increase achievable. As cell size increases, demand for nutrients increases more rapidly (proportional approximately to r 2 cf. Roberts 1981) than does the diffusive flux. 0 In addition, for a given cell size, it is impossible to enhance the flux beyond its value for Co = 0, when every molecule that reaches the cell surface is absorbed immediately. Assuming delivery to a spherical cell by molecular diffusion and active uptake of Michaelis-Mentenform acrossthe cell membrane, Pasciak& Gavis (1974) introducedacri terion for recognizing transport limitation. They defined the parameter P to be the ratio betweendiffusional delivery and maximal uptake rates, = p 14.47rroDKm (Equ.5) V. ' max where V is the maximal uptake rate [mol ceU-' T-'] andK is the concentrationat which lnlU m the uptake rate equals IhV ' WhenPis small, the cellhas the capacity to absorb nutrients max muchfaster thanthe rate atwhichnutrientscandiffuse towards the cell, and transport to the cell membrane becomes limiting. When Pis large, the maximal uptake rate is much slower than diffusion, and for such an organism uptake rate will not be controlled by its physical environment. Pasciak& Gavis (1974) applied this criterionto phytoplankton, for which val ues ofKin and V were known from laboratory experiments, and thereby established that mat forsomephytoplankton(mostlylargecells)transportlimitationcanbe significant. Ithas also beensuggestedthat undercertainconditionsuptake ofcarbondioxide (Riebesell etal. 1993) and iron (Morel et al. 1991) by phytoplankton and uptake of phosphate by cyanobacteria (Mierle 1985) may become transport limited. Determining whether uptake plays a role in limitation is clearly important but is outside the scope ofour review. For all subsequent analyses, we assume that the cell is a perfect absorber, i.e. thatcell-surfacenutrientconcentration(Co)equalszero. Wedosofor two rea sons. One istoprovideanupperboundonthe importanceoffluid dynamiceffects: ifthere is no significanteffectoffluid motiononuptake for aperfectabsorber, then therecanbe none for an imperfectone. The moreobvious reason is for compactness. Ifkinetics ofuptake are known and suspected to be important, they can be included in the problem in the manner shown by Pasciak & Gavis (1974, 1975). Motile cells: swimming and sinking Theory Swimming and sinking are two mechanisms by which a phytoplankter can induce relative fluid motion, steepenits surrounding solute gradientsandhence increasethe fluxes ofnutri ents to itself. The nature of the flow in the vicinity of the cell is determined by its body Reynolds number (Re). This Reynolds number describes the relative importance ofinertial forces comparedto viscous forces, = Re ULe (Equ.6) v ' where Uis thecharacteristicvelocity, v isthe kinematicviscosity [L2T-'] andL isthechar- c acteristic length scale, inour case the cell radius (r )' Since typical values ofRe for plank- o 75 L. KARP-BOSS, E. BOSS& P. A. JUMARS Table1 ReynoldsandPeeletnumbersforswimmingandsinkingphytoplankton. Swimming Sinking Cellradius speed speed __ Organism (~lm) (I-lms-I) (I-lms·l) Re _. Pe .S_our-ce_. Prorocelltrummarial-Iabouriae 6 171 0 Ix10-3 1 Kamykowsk•_iet_al._(19••9•M•2••_). Gyrodinium(Iorsum 16.5 330 0 5.4xlO-3 5.4 Kamykowskietal. (1992) Dillophysisllcuta 33 500 0 1.6x102 16.5 Sommer(1988) CoccolithushlLrleyi 5to6.5 0 3to 15 1.5x10-5to 1.5xlO·2to Smayda(1970) 9.7x10-5 1J.7xlO2 Coscinodiscus wailesii 70 0 81 to 347 5.7xlO,3to 5.7to24 Smayda(l1J70) 2.4xlO,2 tonic micro-organisms are well below unity (Table I), theirenvironments are dominated by viscous forces, and inertial forces can be neglected. In the presence offluid motion the concentration distribution of the nutrient of interest around an organism is givenby (Equ.7) where U is the three-dimensional velocity field. As a first approximation, we use Stokes' solution for uniform, creeping flow past a stationary, rigid sphere (Leal 1992, Ch. 4) to describe the flow field around cells swimmingorsinking instagnant water. Topermit ana lytic determinationofthe velocity field and concentrationdistributionin the neighbourhood ofthe cell, we assumesphericalshapeandsufficientspacingbetweencellstopreclude inter actions among them. The boundary conditions applied to Equation7are: c =0at'0' and (Equ. 8) C = Coo for, ~oo. (Equ.9) These boundaryconditions setan upperboundfor the calculatedflux. Theflux ofagiven nutrient (Q) to the cell is determined by the integrated concentration gradient normal to the cell surface: Q = -DfnV'CdA (Equ. 10) A where A is the cell surface and n is an inward unit vectornormal to it. Much ofthe information and insight about key parameters that determine the concentra tion distribution in the presence offluid motion can be obtained via nondimensionalization, = = without theneedtosolvethe differentialequation. Defining U* UIU; C* C/CooandX*, y*, Z* =x/'O' ylro' z/ro' the nondimensional form ofEquation7 atsteady state becomes (Equ. 11) where each asteriskdenotes anondimensional variable. Correspondingboundaryconditions are: 76 NUTRIENT FLUXES TO PLANKTONIC OSMOTROPHS C* =0 at r*= 1 (Equ. 12) C* = 1as r*~ (Equ. 13) 00, for r* the nondimensional radial distance from the centre ofthe cell (r*= rlro)and Pe, the dimensionless Peelet number. The Peclet number indicates the effectiveness of advective transportcompared withdiffusive transport throughthe fluid overthe specified length scale: Pe == Uro , (Equ. 14) D where Uis the characteristicvelocity (swimmingandsinkingvelocities inthe caseofmotile cells). Diffusion dominates transportwhen Pe < 1, and advection dominates when Pe > 1. Note that while Reynolds numbers for swimming and sinking planktonic micro-organisms are alwayssmallerthanunity, Peeletnumbers for large cellscanbe larger(Table 1). Again, the body Reynolds number ofan organism will determine the flow field in its vicinity while the Peelet number will determine the concentration field ofnutrients and hence the fluxes. Since Pe is the only nondimensional parameter arising from the steady-state form of Equation 7, any desired nondimensional quantity determined by the concentration field, namely the nondimensional flux, will be dependent solely on Pe. A measure ofthis flux is the Sherwood number, Sh (its heat-transfer analogue being the Nusselt number, Nu), which is the ratio between the total flux ofnutrients arriving to the cell surface in the presence of fluid motion (Q) and the purely diffusional flux (QD): -. -DfnVCdA JL Sh == = _---'-'A:--_---:- (Equ. 15) QD 41C1iP(Coo - Co) Shthus indicatesrelativeenhancementofflux duetoadvection. Inthe caseofasphericalcell in stagnant water Q=Q and Sh= Sho=I D In the engineering literature the Sherwood number is commonly defined alternatively in terms ofthe mass-transfer coefficient, k, [LT-1] as Sh==2kroiD. In this case, Sho=2. The mass-transfer coefficient is the ratio between the mass flux per unit ofarea and the concen tration gradient between the boundary of interest and the environment (Cussler 1984, Rohsenow & Choi 1961). Itcanbe determinedempiricallyand varies with flow regime and shape ofthe body. This definitionhas beenadopted inoceanographic applications but in the form Sh==kroiD (Sho=1, e.g. Logan& Hunt 1987, 1988). Thedifferencearises from selec tionofthediameterversus theradius asthe characteristiclengthscale. Forthesamereason, and hence by the same factor, definition ofthe Peclet number in the engineering literature oftendiffers from the oceanographic convention, i.e. in the engineering literature it is often Pe==2UroID. To reduce confusionamongoceanographicreaders, we haveconvertedall for mulas extracted from the engineering literature to the oceanographic convention of Equa tions 14 and 15 (Appendix I). We makethispointand ourparameterizations explicitbecause factors oftwobasedonchoiceofdiameterversus radiusas the characteristicdimensionhave caused some mischiefinpastcomparisons. In order to examine the effect offluid motion on nutrient flux a functional relationship betweenSh and Pe issought. Firstit is necessary to find asolutionto Equation 11 thatsatis fies theboundaryconditions 12and 13. Unfortunately, thisproblem is toocomplextopermit exact solution over the full range of Pe. One way to approach it analytically is to derive 77 L. KARP-BOSS, E. BOSS & P. A. JUMARS asymptotic solutionsfor limitingvaluesofPeeletnumbers. Asymptotic relationsbetweenSh and Pe have been derived for the two extreme cases, Pe« 1, when advective effects are relativelyminorcomparedtopurediffusionandPe» 1, whentheeffectofmoleculardiffu sionmaybeneglectedeverywhereexceptforathinboundarylayeratthe fluid-cell interface. The major difference between the two is the nature ofthe dependence ofthe concentration distributionon flow geometry and hence the nature ofthe dependence ofSh on Pe. Forlow Peelet number, the concentrationdistribution near the body is governed by moleculardiffu sion and is therefore relatively insensitive to flow geometry within that region. Cell surface reliefsmaller thanO.lroin dimension can have no great effect in this regime. Atlarge dis tance from the body, however, the form of the velocity field determines the concentration field, sooverallbodyshapeandorientationcanbeinfluential. AtlargePecletnumber, onthe other hand, the effectofmolecular diffusion is limited to a very thin layer around the cell, and therefore the concentration distribution will be very sensitive to the flow field in the vicinity of the cell (Leal 1992). Here, small-scale reliefon the cell surface can have pro found effect. For this reason, flux will be much more sensitive to fine-scale details ofcell shape at high Pe than at low. 20 Steady, Uniform Flow 10' (sinking orsteadyswimming) ~/_/pY' 5 Sh 3 ~\\'\....... .' 2 ~u~c~.....·· ._.- ee{g.~..······· _--' _ _-- - Eq. 16 ,,~.":':'::'~'~'~ ~ \i'~.'\'0 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Pe Figure2 Sherwoodnumber(Sh)asafunctionofPeeletnumber(Pe) forcellsmovingatacon stant velocity in stagnant water or cells fixed in a uniform flow (Re« 1). Equation 16 was derived by Acrivos& Taylor(1962) for Pe« 1and Equation 17 wasderived for Pe» 1by Acrivos& Goddard(1965). Cliftetal. (1978)suggestedEquation 18asafit to theirnumerical results; weuse itfortheregionofintermediatePeforwhichanalyticsolutionsarenotavailable. Berg & Purcell (1977) obtained their relation numerically, but provided no explicit equation. Forreasonsdetailed inthetextand inAppendix II, we believeBerg& Purcell's(1977) relation (theirFig. 4) to be inaccurate. Asymptoticsolutionsfor Equation 11 inthe caseofsteady, uniform, laminarflow andthe corresponding boundary conditions (12, 13)yield two relations betweenSh and Pe (Fig. 2). For Pe« 1(Acrivos & Taylor 1962) (Equ. 16) » For Pe 1(Acrivos & Goddard 1965) 78 NUTRIENT FLUXES TO PLANKTONIC OSMOTROPHS Sh = 0.624SPeJI +0.461 +0(1) , (Equ. 17) where O(x) is read as "oforderx", meaning~O.Sx but :$;Sx, the precise coefficient varying with the details of the situation, and o(x) indicates a term much smaller than the term in brackets. Equations 16 and 17 were derived for the case of heat transfer from a spherical particle and were given inthe form ofthe Nusselt number (Nu). Fordetailedconsiderations of the use ofasymptotic techniques in the analysis ofheat-and-mass transfer problems and for lucid derivations ofthe above solutions we refer the reader to Leal (1992). Pecletnumbers for many ifnot mostphytoplanktonfall outsidethe regionfor which ana lyticsolutions are available (Table 1). Numerical solutionsthat include the region ofour in terest were published by Clift et a1. (1978) and Masliyah & Epstein (1972). The former suggestedthe following relationship for Sh, valid for all Pe in creeping(Re<0.1), uniform flow: (Equ. 18) So long as very low Re is maintained, the above formula agrees within 0.7% in the region O.001:$;Pe:$;O.1 (Equation 16) and within 2% of the analytic solution (Equation 17) in the region 100:$;Pe:$;SOOO. Applicationofthe theory to swimming andsinking cells Mostclassesofmarinephytoplanktonaremotile(Sournia1982).Themostthoroughlystudied motile phytoplankters are the dinoflagellates; their swimming speeds range from SO to 500llms-1(Throndsen1973,Sournia1982).Anon-motilephytoplanktercansinkorrisedueto densitydifferencesbetweenitselfandthesurroundingfluidandthus alsoexperienceavelocity relative to its environment. For cells of a given size, measured sinking speeds are usually slowerthanswimmingspeedsandrangefrom0to34711ms-1 (Smayda 1970,hisTableVII). Toillustratetheeffectofswimmingorsinkingontheconcentrationdistributionofagiven nutrientwesolvedEquation11 withthecorrespondingboundaryconditions (12, 13)numeri = callyforPe 1(Fig. 1;AppendixII). ForbothhighandlowPe, adisproportionateamountof thetotalfluxtakesthepathofleastresistance. AscanbeseenbyinspectionofEquation10,nu trient transport will be dominated by the thinnest regions ofthe diffusional boundary layer, where diffusion can proceed by far the fastest; characteristic diffusion time varies with the squareofthisthickness(Equation3). Hence, totalfluxarrivingto thecellwillbelargercom paredwiththepurelydiffusionalfluxdespitethethickeningofthediffusionalboundarylayerat the"rear"ofthecell.Again,someswimmingmodesmayhelpto"shed"thisthickenedbound ary layerorto thinthe thinnestregions evenfurther comparedwithsteady, uniform, Stokes' flow pastasphere. Interestinglyenough, ithasbeenreportedthatchemoreceptorsonthecell surfaceofthemotilebacteriumEscherichiacoliareclusteredatthepoleofthecellratherthan being evenly or randomly distributed (Maddock & Shapiro 1993). Such clustering may in creasetheefficiencyofdetection, especiallyifthereceptor-richpatchislocatedat the "lead ing" poleofthecell(Parkinson& Blair1993)orwhereaflagellum locallythinstheboundary layer.Theadvantageisgreatlydecreaseddetectiontime. Berg&Turner(1995)observedthat tumbles tendto randomize cell orientationofE. coli andthatruns ofeach orientation are of similarduration. They thereforeconcludedthatpatchesofchemoreceptors atonepole ofthe 79 L. KARP-BOSS, E. BOSS & P. A. JUMARS celldonotserveasthebacteriu.n's"nose".Clusteringofchemoreceptorsoruptakesitesatthe polesoratothersitesoflocalboundary-layerthinning,however,maystillbeaneffectivestrat egyforotherorganismswithdifferentmodesofswimming. In order to quantify the enhancement offlux due to swimming and sinking, for the full range of Pe values and cell sizes, we use the solutions for mass transfer in steady, uniform flow - namely Equations 16-18. The only differences inour proposed solutions for sinking versus swimming (Fig. 3) arise from differences in the'dependenceofsettling versus swim mingspeedsoncell sizeandhence the dependenceofPeandShoncell size. Webase swim ming speeds on the relationship, (Equ. 19) Swimming or Sinking in Stagnant Water Sh10 1 10 100 1000 Cell radius"o (l.l.m) Figure 3 Sherwood number (Sh) as a function ofcell radius ('0) for swimming and sinking cells.Bothswimmingandsinkingvelocitiesarefunctionsofcellsize;Stokes'equationwasused a,J tocalculate sinking velocitiesand the relation U= was used tocalculateswimming veloci ties. Wecautionthatsomecorrelationsbetweencellsizeandswimmingvelocityareveryweak; we use them onlyfor illustration. Dashed lines representsinking cellsand solid lines represent swimming cells where: a, sinking cells ~p=0.01; b, swimming cells U=0.16(2'0)0.46 (Kamykowski et al. 1992, R2= 0.32, based on 5 species, ranging in size ('0) from c. 13 to = ,= 30/lm);c,swimmingcellsU 93(2'0)°·26(Sommer1988, 0.38, basedon19species,ranging in size ('0) from c. 1 to 40/lm); d, sinking cells ~p=O.I; and, e, swimming cells U=30.66(2,o>I.I6(Kamykowskietal. 1992,R2=0.79, basedon9species, ranging insize('0) from c. 8 to 25/lm). To calculate Sh we used equation 16 for Pe<0.01, Equation 18 for 0.01 <Pe<100andEquation 17for Pe> 100. Thediffusioncoefficientforthecalculationsof Pe was taken to be 1x1O-5cm-2s-l. Thegray segments ofcurvesa, d, and emark regions for whichswimmingandsinkingvelocitiesextrapolatedfromthegivenrelationsbecomeunrealistic. 80