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THE DEFINITIVE VISUAL GUIDE LONDON, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE, MUNICH, AND DELHI S ABOUT THIS BOOK 6 SENIOR EDITORS Peter Frances, SENIOR ART EDITOR Ina Stradins FOREWORD 8 Angeles Gavira Guerrero PROJECT ART EDITORS Peter Laws, BY FABIEN COUSTEAU PROJECT EDITOR Rob Houston Kenny Grant, Maxine Lea, Mark Lloyd T EDITORS Rebecca Warren, DESIGNERS Francis Wong, Miezan van Zyl, Ruth O’Rourke, Matt Schofield, Steve Knowlden Amber Tokeley CARTOGRAPHERS Roger Bullen, N INTRODUCTION US EDITOR Christine Heilman Paul Eames, David Roberts. INDEXERS Sue Butterworth, John Dear Iowerth Watkins OCEAN WATER 28 PROOF-READERS DTP DESIGNERS Julian Dams, E THE PROPERTIES OF WATER 30 Polly Boyd, Ben Hoare Laragh Kedwell THE CHEMISTRY OF SEAWATER 32 SCHERMULY DESIGN COMPANY T TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY 34 SENIOR EDITOR Cathy Meeus DESIGNERS Dave Ball, Lee Riches, ART EDITOR Hugh Schermuly Steve Woosnam-Savage LIGHT AND SOUND 36 N EDITORS Gill Pitts, CARTOGRAPHER Sally Geeve Paul Docherty DESIGN ASSISTANT Tom Callingham OCEAN GEOLOGY 38 THE FORMATION OF PICTURE RESEARCHER Louise Thomas O EARTH 40 ILLUSTRATORS Mick Posen (the Art Agency), John Woodcock, THE ORIGIN OF OCEANS AND John Plumer, Barry Croucher (the Art Agency), Planetary Visions CONTINENTS 42 PRODUCTION CONTROLLER Joanna Bull C THE EVOLUTION OF THE MANAGING EDITORS Sarah Larter, Liz Wheeler OCEANS 44 MANAGING ART EDITOR Philip Ormerod TECTONICS AND THE OCEAN PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Jonathan Metcalf FLOOR 48 ART DIRECTOR Bryn Walls REVISED EDITION CIRCULATION AND CLIMATE 52 DK UK OCEAN WINDS 54 SENIOR EDITOR Peter Frances PRODUCER Mary Slater SURFACE CURRENTS 58 EDITOR Lili Bryant MANAGING EDITOR UNDERWATER CIRCULATION 60 US EDITOR Jill Hamilton Angeles Gavira Guerrero THE GLOBAL WATER CYCLE 64 SENIOR ART EDITORS MANAGING ART EDITOR Anna Hall, Helen Spencer Michelle Baxter OCEANS AND CLIMATE 66 PRE-PRODUCTION PRODUCER EL NIÑO AND LA NIÑA 68 Adam Stoneham HURRICANES AND TYPHOONS 70 PUBLISHER Sarah Larter ART DIRECTOR Philip Ormerod ASSOCIATE PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Liz Wheeler WAVES AND TIDES 74 PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Jonathan Metcalf OCEAN WAVES 76 TIDES 78 DK INDIA SENIOR EDITOR Vineetha Mokkil PROJECT ART EDITOR Amit Malhotra EDITOR Himani Khatreja DTP DESIGNER Dheeraj Singh PICTURE RESEARCHER Aditya Katyal DTP MANAGER Balwant Singh MANAGING EDITOR Rohan Sinha OCEAN MANAGING ART EDITOR Sudakshina Basu ENVIRONMENTS First published in the United States in 2006 This revised edition published in 2014 by DK Publishing COASTS AND THE SEASHORE 86 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 COASTS AND SEA-LEVEL 14 15 16 17 18 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CHANGE 88 192969—001—Sep 2014 Copyright © 2006, 2014 Dorling Kindersley Limited COASTAL LANDSCAPES 92 Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be BEACHES AND DUNES 106 reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright ownder and the above publisher of this book. Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4654-1968-2 DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fundraising, or educational use. For details, contact: DK Publishing Special Markets, 345 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014 or SpecialSales@dk.com Color reproduction by Colourscan, Singapore Printed and bound in China by Leo Paper Products Discover more at www.dk.com ESTUARIES AND LAGOONS 114 BRYOZOANS 305 SALT MARSHES AND ECHINODERMS 306 OCEAN LIFE TIDAL FLATS 124 SMALL, BOTTOM-LIVING MANGROVE SWAMPS 130 PHYLA 313 INTRODUCTION TO OCEAN LIFE 204 PLANKTONIC PHYLA 317 CLASSIFICATION 206 SHALLOW SEAS 138 TUNICATES AND CONTINENTAL SHELVES 140 CYCLES OF LIFE AND ENERGY 212 LANCELETS 318 ROCKY SEABEDS 142 SWIMMING AND DRIFTING 214 JAWLESS FISHES 320 SANDY SEABEDS 144 BOTTOM LIVING 216 SHARKS, RAYS, AND CHIMAERAS 322 SEAGRASS BEDS AND KELP ZONES OF OCEAN LIFE 218 BONY FISHES 336 FORESTS 146 OCEAN MIGRATIONS 220 REPTILES 368 CORAL REEFS 152 LIVING DOWN DEEP 222 BIRDS 378 THE PELAGIC ZONE 164 BIOLUMINESCENCE 224 MAMMALS 400 THE HISTORY OF OCEAN LIFE 226 THE OPEN OCEAN AND OCEAN FLOOR 166 KINGDOMS OF OCEAN LIFE 230 ATLAS OF THE ZONES OF THE OPEN OCEAN 168 BACTERIA AND ARCHAEA 232 OCEANS SEAMOUNTS AND GUYOTS 174 CHROMISTS 234 THE CONTINENTAL SLOPE BROWN SEAWEEDS 238 OCEANS OF THE WORLD 422 AND RISE 176 PLANT LIFE 242 THE ARCTIC OCEAN 424 OCEAN-FLOOR SEDIMENTS 180 RED SEAWEEDS 244 THE ATLANTIC OCEAN 428 ABYSSAL PLAINS, TRENCHES, GREEN SEAWEEDS 246 THE INDIAN OCEAN 446 AND MID-OCEAN RIDGES 182 GREEN ALGAE 248 THE PACIFIC OCEAN 456 VENTS AND SEEPS 188 MOSSES 249 THE SOUTHERN OCEAN 482 FLOWERING PLANTS 250 THE POLAR OCEANS 190 FUNGI 254 GLOSSARY 488 ICE SHELVES 192 ANIMAL LIFE 256 INDEX 494 ICEBERGS 194 SPONGES 258 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 510 SEA ICE 198 CNIDARIANS 260 POLAR OCEAN CIRCULATION 200 FLATWORMS 271 RIBBON WORMS 273 SEGMENTED WORMS 274 MOLLUSKS 276 ARTHROPODS 290 6 About this Book Ocean Environments This chapter looks at specific parts of the oceans. It is divided into sections THIS BOOK IS DIVIDED INTO four chapters. An overview on different zones, starting with coasts and the seashore and then moving to progressively deeper waters, first with shallow seas and then of the physical and chemical features of the oceans is the open ocean and ocean floor. A final section, polar oceans, looks given in the introduction; ocean environments at the frozen waters around the North and South Poles. In each section, looks at the main zones of the oceans, and ocean life explanatory pages describe typical features and formative processes, while the succeeding pages contain profiles of actual features. The profiles are examines the life-forms that inhabit them. The atlas arranged by geographical location, starting with of the oceans contains detailed maps of the oceans. the Arctic Ocean and followed, in order, by the 160 SHALLOW SEAS 32INTRODUCTION OCTTTTpna(bumwtdsutcoamEhsohnyiasenpooPATMebtsptutstcHfhisaAhrmrhhro oad gt o aaEeeternodgemnuhtolhoreerdLdcrO avEaWTmshstitsinNniceesi uonohhcleeintoo sc hoftraiPuxecsihhsbonae Emee ehus ichA llugeelyeyail tLkuvonldsvtr Se msOaetneueya eTmWmss E lgsaehlhet cisyXnaeS vnwattltaocnionstiEtant hnhgoyoi rgh od ue nu, lsogdeCe,ogRtn tarrino (rlyicAai Aodl. g i eceuaewnrmctnd1re e sits,uifid renhfp WA g Encuasdhas rtoshrcTtmsde e7t c Nehu ninhaerS lwel ldelgtt ,heaeesAlcmhsl7ho o el ledd ltEahopit eiiexxt coeoxehe u lAt mothDa 0faprarprrnsi spNiyrhneamotaanmd icRttertks at os–ebireiooli r Scfer shlopese hhdrdbtmedn E ggaafvs 1cio enc.SrotoOiri s iio nealico ueeelcoshethSa iwnos8at mecfdL isyieRltwiasiu,rucla) ndncse tviVv ,i2oor neCo vnsas.odbtslisatecae m rertee eEt. 2elhCap Tn nt anBIea sein dt vhmrec dihTafpddNa eelOdM lei,)nlvr ioml iseyoR ytd t,neoenee2an t.dnsrcieaar. 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leante ns iIessetts attn n .egs —pEd aao nfSh t tpuuah,naAIraas R rrv dshdinea tr ncTe,rrrFnts ndpohd orehPe smeaeRaetelm tlsR e hebah:goeRedeoisht na sE ry)ssulI ngiofh fhdrNy aw asdr euE nf kdirUoretf iiobc e nlss oGFechssnaeolih oya aeis-aolt amane rTbIdrsoneoeaoCenau aflNowtdrc re rbeetgsny f sairo.ttsh,renoapGfrtg,ei rst,Ti d ymi i)niwl t irfla.fhnpgnpandada seres ape sTRvrkaUua naeca agosoeg gtldriat.atEereed wt vsole hcceehldk sTreEOaRwsfnlrf drs.aec re hhien d.e Tb Fle i, eteto tooedo yeiltR i sEsttectfsuneohaosphe rn ifeSrfh leef odScncf saesmmoa. ivsf a t samrn, e ggoano le sel,a eeaiom w oirco btongc rnereti bhle ysor goohtsfoah Ractbw auatf Hf,haftlentltt mhossauiwbparetvtl isar sheb sht ceitlfonehn r rlcioah lln oenhri laep tcrutoac iLsdreelha tan,huoacae e hairrg eptenugese ogsSdm cdirrigrtAltoaa o e—fprs srml v o oadYp r jvrsaboore lirsfiooeeawt rllmuffg ylnuua oeltoet’ealiiihhec.o tncboosecn traneggit fmhennoBaicsmr o audh ;csee ffpr h kfinnneLshac its sdvm ad t. rmoa ts ,chaselahtPe iarc vtou emee lve raeels bhoborrtsadtabeel o tfp naaxiLi ohatcard s hoeloeosw’todooartgiobcli lsPe f rehfiu olo. iuotks aoav aascn he— srcrOtAAimeoernevtnwonxst ero.eedeteTnn l lrean diaeaeoyPry ldOehs ye1r a nsl ,, fmf mso epLsatts-bd rs, mA fet eo0 Lle freslkff ohbs ifWlana a Aa tia len8 oeae alse vTsfiae vflnals et Oi l ,rlc rii a.rnaapi0 elLnmoi gletuLrnissntey0icIgmn iG otanigi 0e li gmn nfoot vbcbctwaurfoeogoey seacic anrSlc nrg lveocr arotl ereeanrrlctbosma aeagsntocoEaw rllf uBipo ae b rrcrgall arnleAsaEir nw rrimili letreoseRs nai hcflrniauwegRgsano e ursbo n Id,finoirefsE teAoSmleodfolrtehRolsn i oeenacfne .r d odRpemruIegtrenEe ai e.sEnlSd Fg ri CIgoa nrvnO oe dtRauhr aao piAsdstssi Lh vso eeeDfrra IssrlsV eehbcEne eoasRfap p SloeeinrI ctogTgtifeaYo fssnc ea iosa yFfmw, igcjsiooa.vt lrnda ilipe,s sslia phaneoodnov,ge eero s , nnsis . do s ef Scotiuotnhse. Trnh eO icnetaRToTioOOAalawemrnrtPrfhao hh ttgoideEnuprchheepsNnaeheo ee dent eipbnocP rrntifuei Ohotfnas-oindaeomlgnL bDSaaatowPawoatldtn rYyi,r ehvgFrncts iutvftgaotnrPs otapu ho eheth tdci liast iopctSrihoeeesudrcmlic nseinof semdo ci rafi aafounmreneacy inrhogirrts l scaaclanenad -olotac mmser rrlcec.leu lwe o o.tls go humg 6Afod tirtttdas. ashru erhrrptbai4an rcf n,te se sabao tzt.osaels˚wd oid ehlletiileuTomudlFyi srnmce tfhsmrrhapCd tomses ahi eeiti toatceu (ciirtax hlHCBrwztpeccpaIbr soaiphme1sltyeitsarh aeebnlsn oloaxialU toora h,,csslso 8ee ndeho eeent eOnndoti rttMseflloscounerrrafff˚brfdteiylo aoau tx eon-stnsuero recChdg fAcllonoecpb h,Rc obucoa, t’m hpttaotls Nroachtt crsnaoneeidaue )h mnounhtihv iooto eidwA, nenathyctooIl ni -newsendieMlaelinhplaem naet gee woradoircganc L o ntca,eiflr P es lrdiwireha cnlb t twealiooSoa Atnnd raos ,eashslifen st vekl,e ctaBnceCreRkanreg c wn se hdicf.eetef eae pateed(sTtayVir e alaerReearhnr,,sdeacoolL a yh. e rWRTtcwIoioae celadrae estnntsuphtwsooentrieoehccra r mhfIEs,ht rish e di.efiEseee areeA i ttestepe cfncrri e TeEi siaiihh hsenttdaioaatre tIca agiowghnRneshrje F, clesoh Aeipeesinn lnin elarnr e hrac noau Mrrraff gcs a csod mass A.c3S,ceawen tcinsrn dogaov dptrce1w.,sCh,sr stivPpe —lae ba Rrm-ts6de toeaeoi.eTwomoe ropdrioaWr7ef enetnssimeiElhrsanoshe tphgoatncGbioteqwaHtgflmedehy-i 8rnitap A d ero neeii ro Aoslciwtaeciraevxl mrfico Pcru rfft aresg v)otS ie p n ,(Trrrlirsrarsarf gecf7ooIgh e iooop.misenulsesetair ees htaa. iEu,ltsmNadetnwaiuaeseech l o7ea e rhnccue dcdmnu zafapmRntoeernntnkaeeaafoctsntha(fnmc– nraitieereirg is hse nsGh sessueplt loefiirre nnitoedrue miitttnelsl s8m s. p m anateno er l eeds e ioo a rd cdosw g acgroffAsiI.rdsc tg4cmir-c a id e gnrr e6tsuhatb n w np e o ctacsutoifo ol..h odm,˚to tr le la osh7 f c sctv noa ceTfaeshs Frle ccMe esn tvtfh anntn)ee eteaturohnhiuhr,,goheiie .pheh cths t lendd erile(irr eatet ioysorrc oefllee 2,ser ryos po lay yne pberspl d albs5p slnpu otf eetl ooiksu –tfr rs ,nwr ,ftrrh ee lrbaki2 chteoywgliisotlsCTowne oid9neneeiemp wnhfOuolahornf i˚ tcngiestdsnetsLpoCnsh a.ilfde tc DauseceT gsootdnor itegt,)np -ehf d trohlor.snWah e.e roiryd T gewtcorAoe e seai Apn)i ndawm fn ewnhr m -Tiilesns oesfpatn g ’tEseapoh, ahtin h otoatRrtndynLshs eohm iodeome olvlg adusnC rlycpig aiumnemrO tta hsttscpnsorrgoatr ashuen Ruo hstitkanieawn1lceAeh beidtwrgo,laetsodid6trLsr sei r oe y5epooa mfatsoc ,p .c 0replnb ntn oswttaoo rioOCEAN ENVIRONMENTSece eSTbca1cIsgihefahotdsCnntlnttuootlr6htrmfohrs ylThrs edcoeea o y (ars l it aaatsOh5efosann Osnwin iara si pt etlp ei0tnhlycucdnmcNt , w g sst ne(t s gd0seheeu5hefiroc shRranulY s ir sioerpp pooenfs aihnmropo m ii su adto wboer daCgaeAfiw nithgcoacpe)egfr)on.nw ae.uutOs r l h ior loo reimIysosuosmL.iaatrnl aR tstuneffe . twafdsig codn f threerl faAA an vdaesyceeieifeertr,rgtRvbne t nhno L.eyw oda hn rinogiba e aldbi nd mu E uf etusp ty o euts hga p swE slt . . FSSLSone1NLswOOox2hofeuCCRTna csha0uitAAtthu thErmihsTT imwtcaEIItOCEAN ENVIRONMENTSissosPPeOOahep eFpre 1NNAAs Tr s oeraJfil5hiaF itoCCmea cnese3 aSSLup Rhro IIilooAh onsFFler,Tatuuo T hIIfesieisttnwnCCso hh expOeaeb oeeet tie rfr hnFarOOs ifenecn,1eoes F mRiee CCt oc9eI de nPafgiacostffaEE8 disoAyear nsvroo0AAt a crgtoNa nIeefsNsheNNf elsta rT s Jhasuiao s,taApdbfiTACTACb((aiWWf soifs42iafnYYalsaOOp RRtRgar eene ,,IhPPymras0EE sENENad aayfarl iqaEE,Thn0AAIrniDDaSSn ac t kSeo ueie0c wu hgII3ggg TT rmFFaTTs noLi15i aresorro0II enprrl0,girAi iiOOqkdee0InLann grut, 0giau NNa e ss0No ghgg limIcriaaltncqf 0 msiin caasR Ds nnfirt riua Dlh peilsstbananegg1acemiiasoaa qona.d p9ermsdhrrmrunekdse9s)m eeteia ,o,s l8aeelid k aren fn a,pgffmbeeg tis sat2ety noa o) ,kbht0d rhmlge 0 ebte 7e ; y skwRdtatrndrN5IvilbwBDvavisoopeenaen o0eeemiioLlnohrreesldaei udsUecl0itowdccs effencripcaesoangaEc homlgswaiatidswi cdvradt n e satenet nReflooTesse’ eho s rereas uIisploa inrsegCt Dccnisanstttcl,mailrrksi ran ehlot arGeeoatvldey oiu et on-prgenn..evsiEenn or lrgc aft.Tigo srMyoy s y aro vcTmfCrtea ioeahr ilclsp ehseisOre ntlerte tarhrtaalet(eponehht aoo ,xRing nHs fe flmg ewtc ttea o cAynehiny fhhrbfdvoi seora- drraLmrean oa abeeeloe,rvl oot aii imvor,Icuere exobn aireo mfsbeotsgwnnpfcd t ppuwhlnhlm l hteeyohaoy a olathiht nedebioart nu gbl aannar.oherscisnoru lrildatlo uI nss ionfeeeto fckaiasorsei s coo l dfv n t edu ict, ri bitoeeais bf.nt s.ealcvth npo rhe ruo rlAufrbHcuf eeaaii lre nwsretisonniaslrnnarq i lo f etl ooepdrnh scctstuo tadBaploetooshoedwuroni aai)lsqn oirlrndue iiuv .nt naouese eetuoahgpd senFgtelhdsffvmfec r ahu e o ,. dotee,e ooer t hert sa r aherc frna r, eis atenln . l s imatiabiaCIraLTLTaa(ttsso(oRawtftnennnrouhhOhohmsontrmn rOuffoe eehosCueodn cd ate reepeadiRiaAhf cs atma gtorelrylne nlvnIli ethTf l liulrlvAsedblficiino ossfe sanl5lIn TgdsnulP eOssens i rlad L1ioms dintp0nugi ttlu .nNmAu bserbtt, h pneew,ahoB hDetyhe H0 gg lffe2 gabeCob a etloa celsC rR e seilEnah,t0 iecb,nt–atnulaI arfedo)e hfcOi rsorF edetree0ns,nnaaenr sBease wioeuogteee,IsPahe ge tagt ff odn aC gvrurtfdb acariasinrne-frraeealmreooce enn)fipnahsOset ca allxsvsp drOt eei srcrplyc ohet Sh,marrahFvhehei. teo ht neRo el r nuClcc eFrtf mh enrCue. n1tRdaolthteaaesnao,ir ue E ir rtac fde9ptsr Efifmde sowcos e len byS A euaeiso i9oi ossus c unrm nred ieys cmNdehpaohR0tuefosdeaa,rrierhfeg rletaea a,fsi ngrsmoiiafsMye e arbTAC(rWtn ,vsn. brafc1lceea hYmti alOen pR l.Tufi ketee3s g couhcniigoaoPhEbENsphaeatyae0oeel ss EelofAwh hnabeil DnSilnnsc va,shp e s y tm sne gsoni he Ionalaceew. hTM Aq tTt r 3Saof Tsairohuera y3oa FeI nu(taidte3arfhOdolunsensrnoamuf gad ts5c0gmol ataeNg o Ris ldei ui rslt eitb 54 CIRCULATION AND CLIMATE tohtclOoheAetoe Cahsosk na Ecraiswzi otnAg efl amesdig oNntahl eo lpt n ta oohrGaoh,dpfle sseoEt eits ih grOdt hph iiiiectseorLca,ohs n aOpsotcca leerGco ernat ciefsoigbYc tmastviiii nhnonne▶eeggengssr. INTRODUCTION gababsTaECTtramraamEttcatcOTltwbtodr(irporatshithhyhoovhhlooclnnhgooCh AvaaeritnehfrpuieieeectceaEoaddteulmffe dcoencrim eleRnk,k eAcs evM rt hi wMscpule kpdeo eaundruas ahipssNei.lTEct rhroeidn,esrT,p nhtatblohn ker snc o-aaruigwoorhp yihitmyatcaemohFHpt eidvyoallno dhneedoh s csennLss htoiMPfsobohaaeev)ca n tr eu rnaoa,cpO ieoh.eenot’iatetrfesst dab. rrxrblhllbtathh tuho alATSirO sisntrrTeeeyittnpr uefo c anineehotineueioshthpsdem NrcpeiRe dte a tnfhftdr d drg eadpeehtp heav fltboihsel O torT e b hngleo S m gn ahe ,nganiantiae,eetohteon Lbaetn mf fwinfotTsas t sNtnw eetceuEo uC rstMt eit oopee Rubaremmtegficttmossoan est ihmdhsa R bnUa mer fmrspotfEnco lll i odawteir eglotitais rreOehtumngchhasCsefm hh hnsroio s An fd eayfi h o rfse .emoCtn ito.reTlntto fl)et eswtfg a hacur racf .thr snSTaaahaK mUN uooaartOarrpcoeagmeCmiTsnt l eeeoo cnmllventoStrnChnsui Runo eattche nouee uiimmdadat dar ecS tlcihs refˇEokeaidi hqloointf ech rolb(ost as cce esect tcanrna´dcuithnivm ceyeahu ri t,hsficlrrcofrnFcdsoaooiuee eiguitom cspetuotek oieci pmetdak soiclmunt naaraOnfae scws sfc on mr iup ,nrhuctp a ph eesaelwclgct e aosrdbsua,noophvtcCtmpn o a wonos)cpoddne nrR(irsitlpnne lzrh seoprabfnatrty fiternciitiiueo nrvipltefoehioe, mcusenieayceieetcct h tr tnmMn an dtern zetdsiiarceotawset rotaiasnmiionggie tcat,r oei esgatdcnoidrdtmtkec fpciu ,nlnnyu onaetokr.rl aEi,gahlno t ass i cgttd eoatdTi nealitevod ,saihnircnpcftr rveeDi om ykcnyd gtmytosroae onliai . f fh rstre tpe dees rim nno lc oyr ut ve etude lrd.ssemfegM heo wc esf e o fls oficei gkmenttliarltatrasdts osoO tsur rhso toms,tsouiloccc,ne. osbmii etshn a irwerttcfRrofmws hhuryIfncin ea eigneuraecponqsrnn nhaodoc Ed ,aconts vos sotn u ,aegiotc cipit ooetinc cnsb rmnta kho ftT lekdshlritry ewlteesfcsooiattiet aH rir. dnngaah zwemllytnlWnopoauini eehh,tleA’ nnttsyseesnrmbaiOTcouiotclihiome oeta e.aoicgtnt,hr l Ne iiroxltn r npfocfis aee nhet,wmar u i iagytm tncc tpgt deccnc lt sol nerhh fst ouf tskaf re4-nuertmte rhieiiitet wrulr.omonrneanvnt hliedc brs tioIsgaaiTTrlSccmw4ce catbe rrei emeeiiicottveoooh estHuehbmn nerles oh bnsrc deinnicel hsi scnceE ama esimaikoelagggetlttmt sclr .Otoibtet soa nianlnl lnnoca oOeeh hc ni idaa iiniauL mono aaaaonl iu enttaoefL.qnonedsatc nnnc htcrnll ostn tDs Thcseara rce t 1tbedpsi n tcuctnemi yhhiydoiB Eetiro dc a,a ste5neti e oeoheeCtioruSaaa dtClcnriemsaf g nna e –olta sfnmnrorT tusswyfsoentertfih eto reenrbsh th4ts hitehcmra rnrsRrouciae,cndsai, aislphona re t3sfmoa fneny,rnobtOdeiru Impn t cattslolala .eltsadl gaiduth. gtda Cksduehyesaerml rr ihI ush’n sa.yusnssr Ka7s nhanlemgd tisi, eni tep dkSnims rtae idnq hl dtnti l emf ypa ia se aorueatcnig t wnle g ste,chcroiiar ogrh rtldeemo e(i ieyeflt u fist2lb e emia hgsa ,hemtbta.c 5s nta louht a( meahsrtrBaeil–ic1a evde usentcr flc7mogaab1reso o sdtearslso0 macntl letuead yi,ek c ra,el bntal nkgfecia s suimttaeutnrtinun ino.hmaelns shnolaToycte )ats tm id g,nt)iynvhsnmie nhf lvatrth gc e oiaiarfeyf odtsss,reoeaee oo nancroa wlid.s w nscninsosnlotumrets ds a em gh. l r aormt inimedm o ofctgtBoahflpairlhuchcrwncno c pciaooo eoesefewfl saw e rkr estaaos t ctmteaera“sestohs trhtur o ndbai s,de p sv t pucesfodac tadh teileorot wcvryeaknutcoyp adeeurnsewp c rdetttisut,tkn tthed siu hslahihscti rdsan toloa r”e i vl. ec ateo n naa nhwt,i site t sairh nl eg pocrrczacmuieimomsraacntinototteiiinncvnrgi eeac nrtlsrZshyoteaIescRdlt k iCaecmslaOrsure,Nl sniett satr y pctsflminhiorontaiinewcmknktri,itnfei nletwengierv s ienmet nhta aacoblenu octtvrl eue s5t 5 DMflobcgroofeiE rossnwlmVetoidtnsesEiali nigfi nLfbcimndwenoc sOota mnautaitlalnsnPreiottnsnqauaati nMn diobtundldlnelet naeitee Etsurd l sobl hesNooa cad oe ifoyuffleTla lrutetrtslo oy,hdsOtemd l wemry e.a Faerb a t bs cyC cnturo oOhtutllvhtreseNiecbmeet nrh Ty gaucoe Io bcsNtaiinontoorE t nvtpntiN envhuo iueTeflrnl oAci ee sgtumdLaiirsnv e cCa agehiennpR nmttaUslreruatStosn Tnitoleen WDmbhlnoloSwtoioyoyqifcausta edumttrhttpavr hoaereiatiorodnergernovtoe l g i eecg aevmaawewsenna rliapwhntsdrnla,aedr h yaat ticlt iwti cea nieecedhttaaeoenhrhr eoag re,rpa, ct dpbr ne r v haciloereatoi poemaonthatean hefdicapenee rncd vaa evppeoassxo aern .ila iadrvcahiutlmipsrAcnM emeytinyucsi go4ne ol.odg w tl p msosTto ltEeidnotex ,lrb onl homaie fo eewtar,ihnci -3 gdaudaue rmld wseo ulsi st.it et lsiinc5o t pwhofdmaooy,cffsflhr op bu ior anounb1aegte siehpmnlrnhtstrtmrl e5ihevcaho dehylepdem ete- lvetreesa n hieocr e2te i qaoEtwa ehtssttfaxsoin0ma uiro.ioin tar ctyzaruoaw s neIlirrr ogepr itotgctgn yt inaieia antvehekrsoevh,gwhrsg spernd’laea n teosc yehadvar l e ls,.e ifi i ssa eTEaacabom,n nhsf v n opannbefHrersiaiis otangr docenutnssoE egeetv tat veul nh c aaidoar rEemoernr rn.hiafhti A. el afief t oiltySab inh sRlc on adc srete oseeLctaa s ta Y odrmesa fl rltmabgen te oougrnctEynaorovaiaechrtereemar Asdf omnukcc pae,tadm i sRe esled s pn wcccobuw tsa oT agaoeaw ccaa insraHc do.mnteorlai te httltddfTiawamysree ca eeehmenvn r atte.ede aeaosdh tert r rleie a foocunnlrryrsafcgpo ti fen en mtrdigaooo nem n ss rfmrifaotgsv moe ceacnputarsr wtofh cernu st ATfcooohcNremimsDa penrEoadiAcsd fiNaatriron o VmidnmO ciaaLsong CnidenAte itBKfcfosnNseooohfneAirrr OtnomomenmveawaeNtwEwtaotrd aeeaaalmDuSrsaldrtiddnlttlcnrpi Eyvei io rvvaaoagasa taDoroesonni nst as,coilv per c si,rc sIkwtcns aaoe Rhphaetsb sp nahheeoeOn.sbe o noirr o rtaNosoaeotsswre nx xn e ldsstiiayded oedn egyee dec ee ndarsinr em-n ei tadrchdeoso a nnenrtot dt ec.nk t INTRODUCTION coooIgsaennorrfcc o gvdteetuaeh aiaenorpencnsin h s pidt lms hbls cia ffeesaowne gDsa.elteO iilT rc,Motnae hoahwnAs IclidNtgwoeslh a edgaiiesEnsty nsu hb ei cadifiaya mrnirtna eyvhipaladdmi erldo . o haekvIsfilmtidei s nlkr iteaisovgins lnidrlf teeoogyoowsldf tm l o odoa ffow soom s,mf mre ef.mtludahearr cisetbin th noyiosoee f ro ar ngll rii dalf foaenkeirvf, ii g aisntidemhnngreeddd sd si obvett hhimcaindcteatisutt oo e waamn rlnsai ,m aaysdkpk ,aa tieeinhnlnc leuadgi etrt pd hasm go.r etTcrhm aohchersuaai e nsepo eaesf ,. OTArElasbiinuennrHats ertrmkutEfiethace lhztcePydoes’Aec sc ssc .faTl rraorapNoToperntEhmeaeaeaeRs ceatsc iiNr)osroot ,o yif camnw clO ola.oo mhrTaFCfw s i hhntocAses eehinI,a slaRa na l. tcpsTd adi oMnand hnthgdiWOtett ei iisVoglorneahfEnn un Ma t aadpohrllEe r feltNeo y i ocwsa nnTas mtauis umnhobrosdveoseovdo esdres( errpc i b bsohyta yhvmcenhs eelrdedoore a oi n doffttache.iff nefiesdEersd aiaer ehareno tdcnnh ot’scsi cdo rbesneep yaois nnf prasilob’t ilbtauor-dnfer oo afn tst ttjoswreoopti nun sogtdtfhr ewfwraioemnnsd—tt earntl ypah roirgloahwr e asterlypolar cell aslauitrbi trpuisodeleass rin Feailnarirrt eis tdluu ecbdesteclrHclsoe eaaapnltidlrid ce lsraeqi slyu e ast o r LWsotortOcfirtpieeeNnsannd,Gng stb.-t h cehHCea oAua nsnsnU asbedmLeld o dq eSwfiu roAbee rwaInc LdsttiIailitoNychy,n sGsoa aoo n civn lole osneren snltgaidts-ri.htngeagenus at l c rseaaanis li nogf ◀Th iCs IsReCcUtioLnA TdIeOsNcr iAbeNsD t hCeL IMATE KIPNHGYDLOUMM AMnoimlluaslciaa 276 ANMIMAL LoIFEllusks INTRODUCTION ionntSccwasbatbstfrrhuioo iomtiayaayotaanrmaiurErdfelbdaicc ito ollrrtateahae alreklt hitv omrm saiee adriirIwrtedew unrlsoaht s i atmoirti ihd asp’ibooesnpesndnvaatire nrtehcdretewdtiiotgeenetrcrrmrasmseirosocl tuo waltaycartpyreinpri onleeri enoin cd ossi, sdlnnta gcita wpalu en t ds tCntherhc,inglhi ostideaneaed utneeurnn s gvadt d erdoieisseedgl cr qieuereafll eag l eTssutsoestbcref chct nea(bptthadttte3chhetoelheoieenlordn0 eesfl r ee l dZr.ii˚ a e g n.oapmNH irce hnFni t oAItadtttqCtreehtlnhhhho aegela trhldI ullsaeeeeatRdievfl hera t oahi y onnrvateirCSr sttile ieueD toicvreea tne doio u tt neraoteEENimylru hTaCa uEeg ionei n FtddttiorSioeid aocs hdrhiLrq,r hrcooladae i tver)eitet Ett effeclssoheeu.ooetashr mr t Cl td Tlenmh o m slietwle teattebTpnes(ilrosi ahofhrr’Heorntsou6ad shIooofsysehleeaotloe One aeie sfvHlilrc0mirea efratcanvtistrrlmNr fftm fseseehderitn˚ irnweht ggaio teEmSe fireo-Nmmmct ns ght nlcTooiaff te.rippiwtsta.eT s gpeheufv hehbp sooueipoIrsnesa t nnreeenfeeinohfvehcsa-etqno tn r se tepo este utdtr tetp gdrtd.aos loa,ah wsle-uhr oA.Ta ocit u ,-utrioTter fctSeoIoaocelohcsr airnteep rt)h mt pha-ees utriud,flHtomEwcsddttcsst eahrsdh e.rhwectpe o odfo t, qtaoa sDhe P teoeboosutilepevdvefeEmbsuhtlt n evtoys t seoeCuseEe) eehyaenat n cia .e ll aseera ldwvtncir a aWoetoeri n n oraseta heaenrmreiglT,cctshrn i rtq urls eeo gtttitohdhoc ( ’eaahostrhCTpamst uhssaptsi sheir w delpcienhrhIaevneie learsts,aoEcRolyinioefl npe p i n eslt dtadtd Cnonoa st o, aonm( rr,iyiayid bihuN cfUitnenfiwt oewfogptt ral r hco sm CmoeoLeosr.mdfrsr) rfsraoentor Aahvewdv,t tae.th i o (o doswoupiT–dn Tytprheolbie absotarMhld chuomwiIstcSe iapavi–yiyiOorhchpieccrherneranswrrahae eotn saNisEsei hhtc,h surng etrg co ete aerw )adnn het–tigroheahdtrCsst turhnhisalilio ne nict reteeyE wsffooeodhrnettee aid Lescgs uroh’tinyeols telL nl .tei. ygtr Shle f dl . ss s esjeuAt seuPTCb sstupshtDSObsactsAitbaorrursthhcaoosnabyIeowre r teSapelAcealaad saatei tlt Caitie comwrehrnc tlsn TrMvm-Ooaladeadcsrf la isrntViwilritipaE dato tsnNfEnAroeE rnesm ilnaeiw RdsumLeTcdornS irt(ctYobmo m sffusrlreiCjdtO Ledne, niutimi ao fle pgheottseetAnedsIm PecwoheharvnpneTaasTrotost-cttiee gete.itscua c)Arena stsEtds ,ea np r. o oreeror dtaaas r(dcuoDeeteu AmudeindeWalrrrh Ircteselpc mllhMy ceHltcp rhmew eeo–daoraindOrie lAis onnn mldltcsAbmtnedhsvieetGyt) sddrete eoil m e tcy sm prhIhtspe weINhrielhendbgeleaeWK TsnneG cslhtdtns EotshhrtdptoheYeho use.wee erflr rToe,rre t fl tet e asoRplhvhpwpcllhfsSeaeoo ncrwoosoderroaedeacctceo eeotoodiialaraa sivvtaalltumemafftll ersaaius rotsnswcorttii tdelloo.edho iiiae gaunnuTrnw or turerr Aegget tnhllmefvseglw hshhtrieny de,eh n C eseekt Fci tst rteot snwh anle oHreeneaaa tddsaeovaqrrsoet n ede ta eiestswasu dtsshe.itrwrmet enVuwueg,aPYmwnhwwer I nsiaedasspleoadnAtnr sf eohiiyso. noanrsskfid sT ressi att an rccdImpouhtsTttra n-tssthenc e hrw e Ehdho rdmctmo om riterotoa ZeaichaRelunneheurirpwi eo eoeedNdnf s etayprw aIcene otEcsnedhneeHi dan4n rstt.i Oae,dfi l im,s ionoossNAeaoa 0ast iFn t aohateraotngpanu ri e˚ hnednoWdwnn sdoIr S ocitrne e raetvlcscwO clrxptI eehli lrmitbtseNA(ces cctaiinrieoseiyghomeSun rheeeay nSrDwwtansdrd paa eideel arveCs . Scowneaswoitnwstetset. FtirrA eereebo—ph.scoskondoat neiT ,eT hoaunlivid foenn csli ny se r ttnurieast,ia hhthn odrs hrnetwn g nle wriet wee afareowsstathi rraeher lns ryidlolis eneett.nadinn ae ehe t) edmn n ae r- ▶dsralady.l s ysti . snddsy. lao7tw aaap6cBOdbtyrriINTRODUCTIONre rrrnRoeppeoen saiusErpewtceps Ee znaoiasueirnZdlrfsr lr a Y bmytuelcole l srreo Cmwcee nwOov p taeWsArea srriSstlna seAT t,osu OWWAhsbihwwflemPApwlpabetaosaawt fViirniauhaeat fyAuctpnsenegnnraeidnt o nmeartrtoh ttelrEc IRveeatwtwhtAgichepfhtwrerovliinddeagrhwecpoeT decc eostoretaiSt fecVae t tellIehh b slo s mireeveiesl hotaawCur,e aflbisvreperu eseertyd nssed istcaEgiu iLt eeivbrac osanrrvoreAs m f lnel w hnprEmo eceei leaeyoteppmn S foyflta-tatveoc rperfi tslrlaeewngmNowtsdMeet oeseo fe aeir e wc vw .i.:yyvo sodeccssotnfwwanr s arAefn tTO ePuehtryeDaat, hsptgO fwi dssh barr sah eohicny tlVewa o iscsnR.,oo en eaoenrl swafneed nubs rEenaoItavco c drn snTrthesloso b se tsMenvypoEocs modaed easaeawes tau rvoheroset ew ai—Itoh e svrfny v Eedtacleh.tu aDa s pef f saerhn wetc N enhDaaUg le- iercr ezva.oaewesovaondrsssoee nTeaEerrre oebssm Tes utila,sIee sdreen gfa e c ltls—mtmSns qur eSaemri afrh—tshsw h dor esurwr hlrfittToteeeetti vlfwelo.aiadeersflnthasheva aytexo a cir ea aeUacem itbanrdesa iegewcutvg edlt e pvieshsisofnsrrcyenidg,aosyse oaRt siu d eorrer,tstteitkhll ,wharves l sa ph esl miiwrp0latc .CLbscTqrlslCacastnepnwneB.(nn s e uheueai dmouWaa.bnlraooacg.ctruks deeoee oo grd5ehenAveodir eAel nAyneoo dnfnogeredih olcw asgn e se di toercn ethgn itvN ls ieetl palsas. edrhosoyaanzaaiks erltdsl eene y tl tehe On ee c rte,t ee dscqirC tlve r ndo iw(W e pthwosyrdmesoe issea oehcsaiseuanos ortc e,aas Em e f.ns.r slraarad. r cnatdiatietr wvme Taiw iata7 a einnaAgiihS.chmhnpatinrtead ctl rhatrnT tlffo nahihalhbcd8 eaeenraidpuao nctisshabnchcdwntuahdeetca telienie ,sn trsaechenualy,eotip) ihttetif gtiep, a,e ngsrirsydrs erntuyfw gci duvRIw“Ahp hictb ihaltee.fl geevdn cweeehteBcdeette lr steeihms euua caOetpoc ns eocuhctaeoehreOhis nw nahl acnrrzisr)oe mtapenwtastltnngvg tG acaodrttatb o i vauteu mldieier llr ol t sorenehtatdhhutdedvooldefn e n daoUvneyrncwe eb eoe ao s setepsntet reseoe ilewe ursoiiffdussf ,E —gcd ard a snrhsiroelg”ca dodbfo aeet escmnseealoioo h siotan upig .w,tnsf, htb.eWwceserewarOlu obn ny arp r ahfr shshwret bWae Tcbeot5ol ypdrdvenadco r s nfecvmmsu,o aeaatpiossAeesnred e6f ssaeodosiez tter sonCavego pnsat srrhhnrfune otuV u chlcaeah dfe pweu ibr o stabmbovklsd adsestootoneanEvahagia.e —appsraeee q shin htir ca ermnene( bievnSeb Tmsteirftoeitt ei 1i,r natt ssraolr hwn,loras egceeuhbnuoe e,olr a7sw aet odaeoie ml l a t faiarea lrm(airti ne1 mwoirlrrtessurymrhmmes ettatpnsat lne ue9hetenp tfs oib ihr i hhiaoycrp ffe act)n8s hp dkphaksezdlaisge.cfnaeaymhdnae to e 6eet osroeis eepnItze peeuera eyie mtdhn t,e sewssrueiaht .s nti ac, sescrtb resd ,lhcr )ib eth,t ydobs—ePIhotcCAAhoCp r roveasrrtbe.etwlmal. stahoriss eh neosrifath o o iTiY oiiet N st ifwadgao too edcrrt sa ronesw(urolsg ,e kt roa uiCib h efsordot ,ciTusbtsm ltsaercshaetd hs o t ch wig orffLruwaow tmeiIgugautebhnpsai hnentdlfee oeCsiefieOcaoecoi m biwler rhmm sshreoss cl eavq eihytavepegY su ateNsahnpik es aaaomdrewnhtesekba,serastu Cceeiw o ciget r esoEedtteo .mrsansnfnp c kiiuee i s sii aLn asnfs Tlu Sl rtompcshntt fcr aaerlhO.r ablsbps hartoariri uer r s eBWtcowobmt oteiyidrrcoeugaeuAoo.Aym havrehNnhh o mgcs fteaim saat Um t r 4oae ss e h a sbpeu ominN 2erttcmeelwes Ee dematpstwrvoe erIryel al fo0 hohd,seneou L9rDSaa e yu w ara ..h o mk˚iiensi ob.e Debc rn lcfnsvi.p svrrn d et a )auOa enee eewhtieo erI isoeiano t rtdN,ggmi-nfiu dre ss,hdd rsgaio m ntuietcu —ine hGe io chtostsr colssrldatohet rapseif atfpuew ne, dtiWs wdta ta rf uoyidelpnaeh.rhe pslnbccaailOnpfidiyr te A ie nrfte unv alstlapes atcfeNWIgbagbsspWWpgFtwtcfdchhiow elh beVad,dreeuttcneiewwohl,rin (oa eoaistys-e ySrrrreecief iEorf tr strswegtasisstgs eel ir oooeena clnHvS e c usnioeeincnhl wureihaabvueaanrtsoaaghwdns enpytnsudf. ienoaOnelhehlt brdt resdenfruseo ,uetblhed effuef,cev dI le, gu p emurhsgmR .ae,r oiaecvv uo oa ilr n epsrlrei atwthtHaaStcr ,ae la vdalEldaOscfzr thoe ,wtau-—lhailceitdpa .t trr lel yfoeh yteteeo eetlegoupl3ashth lemaalBniiteoonoepaihhnhi e oytee“,eaoo, c yrtucnqalrihe tutin np1rdRieadohetemeeuurnid nfmg Wi t. ud denu lunlc2rc p dacmo d u ecgttdhoaaEW e) l s rtcdsnhfwiadewaPG sh nnraoraw.enahed u tetp5ilhaa.h ” hrn vnE seooqerin aetpe ngeetariugooasssaefirtcodd-mi ispsin uoeedeZ coh,nai hapstvdnairiiunnw ryrev peT rh etmtvhs nuahrpcf isErrmoeteniedsmmi lnvfe ehneehi cr saas kg eid.aohce, st eensouosta ngsn bhwoincd ee glrm en s nylhipu,r :Co usnr, ns nmeoil a aanotarcdar k sdrg.eey—ai pfle n catpH ahyroa diraiwnvim ill gezypiataryhle pl r nngfl l renmwolntamep il y senoweoeayyxcitnpaec icaeeny,era(ouritddosv,g dsidso tzlscvr e ein4,dalat rmott ucpuoe adsi fetmldlo ,foaie heneevl gtsfs gat aia0e edhttsvavc.ia aanbetlsn . nticdnhs s rreehpi”sraer,serfle yeibeffurhrle oieosryra eewal lgd o onktselerdeseg rtpasesifowy cyonreywmtaele .e eesesia . cdunnp uwe leve.alTlt h i sh it ra sta h aoAot dernfhaeAspvdacmwarihass clp“insem vfe tt iirnirahhore,sdtbsinatai ned ler ln Onezser)rse or n,sidiatr ayo scorw adoo ifn l,oo o(edabze de ioaeFd rgutavsefto ato n sfftscv , thdl.e apn gaeaFud oowsah tsor oei e.hsebchpg pof caediaeLSoo g gsnetu uTturc wtvtse ralldltethanosnuerra rveaHdh o terwh.yn ao vrceee t .aeoss y8shtee b wvn eetedfro OFw reW c iwi )ernict”ssni .ad hupd nrcgafitris ez ed tcpkioRa Tdadfaaesdvohse g atigi-eewepe trtbby cE l eiwvlwvh“rnh lile csm t rshnsincptnd i yedoaass b caceccase(hphoenfoeBgepaosedae p a cdoifitpler hid2nulo yahsa eosrvoe arsoR sr ohgfiioeualox fvlswfeeps,iw oe. eieadsi lnet lug e armErfucafv edcn5tatcnllg edcw r esc aan egs o wSAsostancaysEnas hrtowwuOltbnawe miruesemh stwwaiv ehgpeipauot.fordheioteWd rnZcciimote gfumdhdyin ntednpse rnaa ADLtWatcrirlnis hmeov aaanhEcanfdsne en hhesfwa l tpagnek oaowtoyc frn.sgEe t ,vAt edtvc aeuns re aev icsh wrrv )aee daiT.nogsidtti llael evdL an nnsrnweiYeccsde.n eoerey ilmdrwrhsdlcd e cIsslLe ntseownesep mrdrtsk l ssea a lshhs , ntw es ewsh asAt eewehh.do eapars tym toiwdmncr atnewa aiah ausw in he mahyns NdIc aedewaeacovsat stha.i we cwtndo—rain gehattsitee r i vsrnirehrDyrkAv edeerideftoen e rag i i fsateayeooi e a nsntsr vCI4wCTmwaaorert ossFWcwcreugw hg nmyadnhpmiv slieNv e eepg itp–hain rs avoueUHAiudnq tdnlona ,a aierntdnruanerf e abae.aen eal ta.e in ie2Id N puiuilr h irn vvlLoOP emtngwsvGhf sgs tzfocWeTlstr s ir,osaol 0rrp.laoe r ineehk Lcmf ia dge ueeaIers fhoca aP eeee,ihs otiomH ytwsYfffo Lcolhlpanpiocrtt esaitkcpepagitilve ehs eeacrnse Pf n stn fldoLvhtoh Tnsg,oci c nal nv,t avarnm tennn etd brhpmDitey rtt ha offenYAt efipe tghsnden(enrouowh,aeu .eaeieggohtrtser ehnc1wrgle l,Eoapea l oy hr Rlrghe atie ttrruaseSoemeioe e lse0prassrtwtdb s—y Vntr h.hde ah a caYe oatf w rh d psn–eeee Er shta uwssf.t a lgoEohctvuoswreff:t- ef asoodar.tg sef5iAuarr daWe et,geiaoLoerio teT o fffgan s rtwtcgtfr0h vnovivelo, a Omar hrha l iv aah tesyd nu1h eaeenmAevnlabneerc, fcsee.clv hunpnP t,on 0 ieern seola v gVnmc tadsts yyindxhterdy– Er hentat ewc o tan a1 Ere u, he)eha crlDe4hdt 4csna,t rdon0aeoS eadrnhcrrs 0etpurndg0uln oe t g wumytf e Roieshnaf1 naw esh (g heiedfejd rmtgstn aR ½aumOdartptffl rhpgs hree(r ilnve efvsrapnIffm3t(t tUse eesr eetetP3eaedt iihsedvhtpo ee—nh h,Gdewemn– dnn sPreea ma deal s(eets ode1dc Ha( o6yL utr)a so4fl la a e 2 s .n 0Eet ilhr.ro h, fe v S re e secd w Si aINTRODUCTIONwmtkpge m eE rdv ),p hi ) , Asest) . h .. h )a loaowaactctra mP“thmHRWseSfstrbslbibheBtoahhemLieexuUmrrei dvafseUraeeaisIchtMhegtr os ekttpDa.aNoare n ie e lboAckkl bHenflaGalolnoecyloNIt” id rrdleIu vnhgos N ueoefiNr horn apeIirrgblaf maattnrMG wmcy tei hkGa se“tl gle eo, wwP h lmh sBateiaaei. auaneuA rnc s nseRoiae bF ngsuC“gTtrdhuv sgEleu hofe wTutlt rneA,q-e ih Hfru ef frntbnnrur rifeoKepas rbietfoierg rtvtrnE-es lEowmeaeuermu cts eRrf .c cao,”ab iasH n enkho vrmwt nWetngegldwetieenaehs t -e”ehdshiiurwps sarf drprne eebs petAgrivsri.yai e lgra s tcdyoetaeets r a . itV i o iscrahapdi ciimcbTonoue—egk h arhuSSssgtErcnnrerg xooiohihpneae,hHnicit irost,pae od iggtoSsaa g gise.nO ho let fasebkehe rlhsl ou hsAdontiela r ael lktieht hwreynLbtsa-bel reo es saIg e o s prN iwd etg o,bih G haci ttte dc A.ecrue WrmuNr.c tsrrTDllh esahea sofeBans nw eRwer td,hEa a bebAvvau reetKcetwohse r Ialte taafNeeahkfslnsntesfG tehg t .h tgwertoh herhcmrea tcea vs wo ne tttod aio vdieneeel iepeontcnhcg udrtohrfs wcwtwbs . olaseoaai cutdiwtvhflonse e ate rteed nh dbmrode eabwI ogcs uytntei int aouchsta n ee l eenpaaAAttTeasthohhnnshe eoTrde ie warnrr hscwabn eeghtipdranuesvaey tlevvod:terve r s eietreradenanthes i scecadssot a, enirchl tcauirecdrd i onphee aawr rioa s pl toswraotacleesciasrnywfnetn sariottoo dshpi sevsootieobn an ese s habii rncnott r tStehrehsmie a fhiegshele n ieaheanpbi iwhnsnangkcegae r hsigsshio e .aew gno e esttedt vifhha hosa s net k tr lw oc byeeastflc reoro riapraoeotd egnilvaoecem,oo kyeadnsto re ls ghp .og sctTrte hn nfraoenn ahsbms odcosbirmeastuoefu ddsacatnle ilkh doiloc eneyawdh n.wbrn tko. rI aos aguetnwS v hatetpae pkhn,ea a —sifies by lnhpslt uhihawagWWb(wwottwtWtcoablonntbtluhhhhynnaeoleenceaa rgyaAh aneeeeth anvt ntdanc vetv Vehfeeeeyvt n ngocbunr ee)rcecfEa-ff he re s o h fria rraserwd ,rr hrcyn Roshees aenonshle ena aadod a E (dntgcanedcsatnonagnvotseFp toltkti aesactrd eflRadr abenelf wsaeadsnhccaeoeiiyAnos ,rs ptrnzewelt rua ct seC etnaefs tnapohaoshls t rd Tnahswusnltde luhoe .eto lneee wtsIkap1coenhsesyadot ewOerom dpcnwt toea tp0ywseapsaeNaaiaae cs radhng ra 6t r errlnrtsehe,bu( vd.tho ah es shh )scs a rddw otcerdrhzrtr.f eao ytoe elooyra ib aa snri v ef fsohlfenaerlanwhiaurtp eeltaanic antoeclnenisahpeoseg nl iccecw dtlweenne. tl.stnr i.s hco efl9 Ts hnare cgsdiheao og3saesnees. hva ,fv ydt), ge r it e s e rr erINTRODUCTION.7 7 Pfaoglleodswei nscsg(wcfietiuohlnrnrdahcooloi dgsonhibduwtisrg CryeucSaop-iL sa ficcPpusf Ao tbuotcE hppSieutrCeaodyshoStdtGInits ehelEEsnio hiisoedSSRw nicfgao tr n acOeibnoi pootdi l)U87rien hha ntncge3 isfan iPn,ht aso e6 otaes a c8nrsrtIifhml3rarhNi,n as ior aebamTcacwn tethnRisedndoy O ra in cihncDs le ocatgUironsceeCsu s nbind,Tfiee teuIcrh OsosaaaculfNtv. ria toii Ahbol▶nlleeryl., OCEAN LIFE aFaMAMTmbsubtom(aabBBwhtfTcmbhoishkolahosnisnIuioorsrpiuhveodshVi ledtvpeooect ns sodevay thtetipdleA yisiaaeg elcetsetvsl suitrlcf r msevi einlKoelLdclaeshpt h apnsnneaeteCeevtieVDPIt f Sdlrsel na hNupaanLs.h(b asoonHmstOdsecP Etr mrselyAnol,Gas ty iaa lniMubYyEM sbhpi avanso- SgcnaD lgnAyt CLicoi sh etaereoSsn(uoAshsaUlObr.teIfhet(feNmelg b elEEs Iot elea MMreAeclsdee olNa amleSS))e ilseAphmlrlbt tx pll nsrs fyul l,i ea,oslatTlor her,rv eo deci fu reludios u EAM87soffOmdeondg bga oanq 3toduomkymsnsm lp toehohM,rhvcdinuue6iwklnuielmnsrsdt tuva8lpeeecdwuur)n Yrdt sm3or oasei.ndtts ehyaao l a ildc o hhc aid-.lmashnganadd uamarlrei et, s kdec u t lvat dus ,hdaahc yeoee viesamsr nell annaks dm yerao fr ptdeafarsgcsa , as o.oow boe dl l lewntrahhacgeMudmyrditeoltchiuae llB hvl ilaes lmkv viiaa Iutodb hiVnentcctedet cylhAaleaa s j t lshoe,aivoy e uLa flke)hsgwfipaliVs o r t m t.sihih ymsncEloslhunskTsslor,he mofoaAaaowo easSunaw hmrlsl) snlrfHtyllfoM noo en miu,te tte o aflEss sfdrtstwwidretebm lbrioLaelcfhqauOtpsilhe u Ln crordsoorelohhbuehai,at ulcrumdstsNeol d ruoir eeaeeedrl hh htln m iany r s snsedtetwaspchGaybaattyuekh , ,sa ayo ursvl mdloaom veascv a es sp leia sruirllndfnsTeyemtsctey c al ooyuosacys oydsbh lsCCoTiaali uHshs nebhross afh emerEitjti flcf ,a rlsesioae r mplwPmfaaamsEmseacv a aaldsogi elthkwyiHecspustlhp lyvasniaiuo onaatp.yigurecaeiAi sl elsppstlcMsdTsldlseiaheleevtiokr n cmhLnthkaise ,gr,tssa podmeuime rO o hsm hakyettaltnOooad lao.snsi ePahoh laev r edep bd p , dCprvemljiOr feh nas ritlnrSag uetylree s onel aeDt ateh aowhenmahhlhTeu de tttir d svnacrpagncpisehaAoreeswensmcextlsv ne. a sron ncihNadlo gnltehe toaimSt rap lta vu(nae h aAia mnl .i—Silaw nu sUs dste eoiagfnsls lnT Sl N o losan rra hnorueiwOsfoieciggflCad SArpttneugs t,-lpe mcg M ehe ht s rir lmPiIee mrlof iLtt rpCsseoat;. eIedeavYol hovb R to odlfiySsilrfo ie hE onnAoe eoeopr dHso vrtpugsr iLtt gS erErmuoho, .ev ota a uSLfsi,mst rn s eLditii F mos ehw ntfc nenU,asry so tgovystaspRTlmwaapne aLhonh.c;tEsa taoer e GToslassbstwte d lle gEat oheeriMnhohl sshf ea nA gleehrsoFae estaefeamle otggcrhp srsi-wtS. iilldtdr loo aaeo mD tflill hbehuvbTomsre dinpols u fqbWlot aasfo R)vdstsuuoieth oa mc idclncrdeagf eOssvn r,cduaoozEefleay s ey r loaretatc o3 rPvptp L ahls vlaoaoia4lcpo, na arp ri rnoLOvi et egfrtmw4olvpanslatuletIeygd omna llinDle0Nt mmnlhaarrpes n is(n etemart d1 d(n,o tsGd slA eoceicl (snieb ( dteanas ynytmdifu oNcd .skeGi fallact(c soatrulat t2) bo.sTllAr Om)u unsagnhth .aa2iiay rtlTh atr,Lm tseeea enI0c ehe kreOn lnhe Io afyrl a eAy stykgoriMemd ean)i sd me Tgs ,e r dv e )HYbshtey. h as se aaclesa. ,ensne rhiluvdO yan yir eeemrerwc al tisllshtna.suhh y.leg .dsee re, r elsl e s 7 Atlas of the Oceans PACIFIC OCEAN SOUTHWEST compass direction The final chapter of the book is an atlas of the world’s oceans. It nwahmiceh ofef aotcueraen is i n Great Barrier Reef iwnidthiciant eosc epaonsition includes maps of the five major oceans. The pages that immediately found follow each whole-ocean map contain more detailed maps of selected TYPE Barrier reef regions of that ocean. All the maps have been produced using data map shows AREA 14,300 square table of collected from a combination of satellite- and ship-borne instruments. location and, in miles (37,000 square km) summary most profiles, information They are labeled to show the names of the seas, undersea features (such goef ofegartauprhei cal extent CCOroNwDnIT-IoOfN-t h Doranms aSgteadrfi bsyh ; (vcaartye gboertwiees e n as ridges, trenches, and seamounts), and prominent coastal features. coral bleaching sections) They also show ocean depths and LOCATION Parallel to Queensland coast, the boundaries between tectonic ▼ REGIONAL MAP northeastern Australia 161 As well as maps, these pages also include plates. Features identified on the mmRdeu1eitcbi0crvneepmlniushrf snmdofbivi onnee 9ba qh erebG c vt eam io r2erprsupten aad 8Srmieoy aafecaPmapt0eiatnxg ifsegaolls 0trhelilshr1nnreR-y e td asraeleaoee,ics0atss lwaae c;c mhm ociishd ) rhkpagnt h iratameop)yaay eeei.dpns, i lnc s s n r d ldo , ee e s f , Hs(iffidbIiNiHTdsb(Awa2ntnruvpsng,luae usoe eh0ti euehac hrnssesaebNm1aotr0hecteima rirbtci9fotinu0stso vtiu uoeboh ala8npaln nneuasssactasra gi8ghl n aadqatng nct soabe,ht hUeilo e uksTgdc h ootfo)eaapdMS h ar e-.eSnbadn oo aar,rinbeer M t toe ffef ccdaeasN enbtaPgt eh crPtqee eh.smayfga omainuTifecacouhnenj barspv rtodl br aihureracaei(rhrluyco rrtal 2ir heesedsaie pUaPsi titood1 etmousi enm sfipcahntsuf, nuNrsmg oro5,miisir ciesfin nrkhn aden0nmeolcEnt u e,snue,aa h t0gd eJnhtmaSsrtsceamadd esi ws aninoCnsoh tg,fi en doqriadntaundfr oeo esgOoe guioerp uheav mmene.s, imtvar orpeidifnt ah CaWirnnayshpeoreln iengo erl abcngarroeifu g2 iodvon es f rmoor rt trut0aa rar ev bhai)vaur1nlel21rnoee.eldn eueees9e d0o3fdncner ossf9 1h ,ft fs ay 3 0s s .). HAL TtmfoGLAs Oefre1bccsbiw5sMLnwnothOOOaptneovoodu50ifehrhCCCucrheor coeefaesretrgnra50tAAAytetmhetfslk acaarlutteTTT eecuest eeteo e clicleIIImsar wrwnnPPP aHmaOOOe xeedngrarpho,raiash rNNNaAAAt dsflpnnaiotPliiaeendassnsa a neiclCCC na yo hasnodicwasreiNPMdrtedosaac ngn hfilgIIIsai’iapd fsasioesvs 2d lFFF iesefia i s r)creA c mrsb at sfierBmc III,’istdtdirGkah4rsbssueiCCClah0ifoho rlals a irissa-oen,,ny va1lfohvbp rceuota.0lntlnaelOOOr rt fee lgeTee0n eef altostmoll0r a nyPo arrAei CCCl nrira adgksitavm0h ca3tt .asa rlQkoI ss,eEEE grmoi ranTgioi e5ct eapu Bssctnsslms AAAohfai g rioeys v0t3,phhP ogfi roae aeue NNNfeel(se ah 0eetee citrn l,1oicfs ac hp mrh oe scsas ormpotaegoaTACTACTAC(((rfiCSS2 ,iafw3412 fiaterleermfYYYiiPuncoftOOO2srRRRtaorheoOOnl54,0ci E o e eo ,olePPPl gtdo 4ENENEN canpal5hi0,l0maablclciRs sNs sEEErl d30oAAAUUlmdmasiaiDDDlaa girsg2scny ht0d i u0;os00rn eto nIII Tn ,ropTTeas aRcoraFBAhqoTTTos0 5e136 daa0ge ger tslslolRrenHHsIIIiouflameu f te,7, sa4uk .iOOOrqua 0ss asser12sb oe nmaerenHmsm,AcscTnkWWtqubmo.NNNiolshmr5800lnlek gr b os eeni.ilfaeouamiterLu000 I es d tifl ra e,etahe mowEE narfI s me 0 t sdCDG rhssnoeealmefn pssc,,ag rpsstssa,SSv eyp aopsrrae e qqhisioso sstl t dan idewmg)inrvieeir mn,sTTl luquioeri oro(isa tceemeen,nrumt,st,e1peiauacsu i1so cleeaefsldfgeuhnte doi rirare iadrsdi ,dd)dgsfil 8acseenhelmeercesr5tssisyneeu i le l e etscu)ee e,sofl.kk ass id0 s yu eedta t)tmmth, a.krav fio a f0oslbomr o s e s eyn e f , HrtTircoonmaasnssFMiiorhmbdrRIardTctttoTa(Etbnesnnhohhhuue1eeeart rtoovuEvieooafcro dnei hhhoevilesp caot, ocmapeeovvieEiettrerasetrrtehf0lteaegdfneeeellnhhw o waa aere hruFtrhtteasiulapsUwwi0rsmoeaysi wahhtllt fi d e rpnn esgvlaefM C eelid eoteah 0loa fste wwv,baean ees leler S hai ei dsHvvesettn wi wahm2 fflt.eCctnast l yefrlo nbsnAaoew teed os AelOyooSat Ctmt0niqotw fcef p oaruiereOssho rnlArna khlr t NhoMAosoprbpaeah o1aa,lvcttsum1tooltloo raoir otgcafeouhergnff ,r shoexeoshnoseartfaiaeN 3ltholnr9 aawora hoAh slsam m roes dlefMso ,t ddcrvsdwa ea-dlaaa r,w ohhore t.Pra E4ylv e mut suuuJnisea g5a,cemellaleoenctn lnP a Tlt nat ,oaLolocsuae ll6rsaiuUr nt atotanpt i50aeda ou ) t rucrhsl di)-wjvmataarerogccib uthK mI s.nnepulueplmtlR edmnoh e0-deoeo vrdcteanlsareeT lssaie a,gn rle,enanld e Os a6m,fierfi sealtl rn o ,ineown rly frendir to tpliia s,esftptiyfit luhdgceet-w ns lfs0o ieo nnvhrnsac ,dndh l hd,hAn deAaesstno ohberag at erc(e w cepcyvM n teu ho2 giol t hegiedisaosamthTe dliujamh rupaafr.1tomsevyK 1rapu oo)u a- a5rn errnnme,t haOamTer ornnntiosl s p,eusnec,ntlvetelosn9apo yPibnccr strsf l0imk0 aheoaoLrpren a’i uprte2i e ,ffcu luludcharsec.t6lhhuicgl tncu e Ll0helanihcswnoeiulTahion gngrcoaiohl,ao ois nebreeagi2lhs sctn doca50od eiesoahpsdtnksgetenatpeg wdhoilone firc irs hs,l. yiaei dlga sfeo r0 uassndf sete ha asifdSsc .(e tsw iiesfsst rlHae s clhpadpn Beieatssiasni0ll inaruc e plrihet sttat ito daalno usu. ln aaoashocrcy mehs thhc rmact e iti akdi elTnetuttemahr usrrineetgbtl yscchtkacoesrefomynede awicdlese h whtqio tmfias ehnio ,siancplsgma aiaal atru o ucsdi l eed ei ran1eguee tcFirasoe rlnt lmlhd shf.eo nlttr flhss osiat resea, t ishrh2ee9iidsaralrshcb v ,ae i sihEnBt2fghg en asfst nan esrg rotn l08a, opaae,ahdoer p yneelw 9 egi eteca nintihheaegrn1er 5omsna ao g fkn ss r eo oeee;onacs b alorsatl2 .. dekn tnrfiyd ,fi,lt i trr fhkva ih dys n .l f mamo eas y ss.ees s’ l i lshs r . FSLToSbw(aTmo1fi3ZRMBsaOsewRt el60oaffsutuChhoaiiTOG7sWIwtsm7 ohEearoli0 tuAlSveimnnclmeelasrfm–bNhdte,Tl soort H hopononl fislIccfit8 he 1hPetCeaOeeSrad asrlem ubrruesoer(mclNaA,, e nHl raeioreE ichlc0s padhotPstoet ra nseeCo t u eohci, or tea 0FmFu’naftr (fiaedrTt sBe eruiifrscI helR1enso 0 dnac eWSeisF t’ts e⁄a sBhs 4a cahcdIt snclcih tinsIpb(mifGh.yofh-psfiur c stseCl yinoslcra utaaehcapinretAif eeneOwc ipo )a mtdt n i(siocAIseOnnPTc ce, iletpes li Ilsstitold,)avcllnEMeriuigo rec lCspeoriRsey,leflnsaiae gitn yi rchigssS aseanylc haEsbnRns nrc da litbhL,rLPfiniis,eHoe,oge tAae lducnag eo aeyss8h uvaeddnOsr,eofNcaiDansd h pco tla 0eaeedi a nf nAlstgfa ,Ifil, iialcod r1 f0 h nsbTAC(raSinwc fih n andL6’⁄S,mRttnoiY3eaOteiRuc r dgoondO0SoSnedia siiParsteENsgrmlinrn0v 2nnrldb uoa pEoaaAilttUotBidDaim bhslede fi h)0 sydi ireg uIslinanTp je ra F’mcqSTarl1sae 0 u tcalnh arauHtIurndrleos,tsriotoiOnhe5 satni4nnsaihnpei eMsrsWsdINeeret0tttn nsgrtmaeci, idn ee yef b 0 oessa ailvierss gnPd,Ento M cGf n ffi) nmep,soher gAoocra fiiSsaae,aNiosqa asf ee i erneffn rpoaTltiuhttrrra eclbweee ceocsL hhsde oard,wsdututryeslle hfi,r-tfielhaaeee) imfo tees sppLa ebstma nhf e bessu f,hknsri i h N. afEdatt ym n i f T ign.nsr ) eeSa o. hi w dgasT l,t fii Gag rghMssMAsMsbVheeehuuo oowoOvwtrc,oiEro lloueonOoyaiiaordddrutnree RRgee r,dnaaa dE eelydbfe,.yTA ,a rs pudi ,a dn aatE.tnagh erff TntiesdsnB eo othdg sicfsm hn e RretwBoe eaderrehtodAeei ifimlr r coeiabeTanhfnle-eyse miE’ B sfn iooshc svt fos?lo aeitamsrr rnanicauooblos dtnuluthmehrsn-n a upitoonivadlcse ffief t ntt hgt Tei.ohbioelsuayeen nsh ve e,ibi entrwuia , sl.lyy OCEAN ENVIRONMENTS ◀IppFsrwipnleoharlhaaao uooe romgoF cs rlfiffwwetells Etco lodlsxre mooAnrsgf.a as irat mcTrMttmhoa taeraocUeemepppdapoftnrR ish asls feaowea o Esetnd ca,r ndl.si pietolrtPtee ou,rhsehu dRsowae cen ccfi lxOr dbe roipplfipF edyelbrltoIast oh aeLbi r nfieot a Eyucal nr eSorte esor as ry.l mi4n58ATLAS OF THE OCEANSda1234TpHeEhieTATATstAPtstnFLMR1E5hhhousAAoiaa6Ni0lhH T reeeubeXlcgEGr0d˚rPeeNI eud tiTtM˚tOE.hNPvhfio hE shHAnhuTPtxFBUoa ui lceA mCMocab2qyclhCCe6 LrcnCt, rPiyO0t0lDre uiefiaItyiO S˚ So0dPiEpI Tli NFhnnnUta0P caFKteanIehrlrRrT tiLC gkamiAaetceHoe EsI ena rznD t nimK ie COhn S m lodkd e a3oi2eAAA(cCscse o1pr6s,e u6 cB1dni uh e hEc nil,9aGTKh ap,5(aO6penref 3,0rSAN o ,c (0av0ali9ou,8 iibc rm 8o2uNT0Sfstcl˚lt tCtO7o fot0cE8 m ehyihshnfao stimO5ab0cevtePmvniahakineae E gBrfsM p()oknhsnkett8 tairktue l R umpiay)Ti ak,uPaPA ,na ti1eynganh r)tncIni-sn0rasMchrlngsssusi Nau0dkegkcyovsluld hvea tea iliiUb sKZaewmibYeeyneafinfiptnwis, fs en).r dasrns dvtcd dcKtp onlhIhrkPct eoi sesaStuhtn’tvieoReee .- o sm TroUlKsairotce Oinegres -ehmttieca i trtsttnhB phtrtsheknimihtonh oag aoK nhiePtrt csey ifhsck ea ee (nsoOgtaa(mhu2e1 s76 sfl c5K ,a ,Set ,Lh8 8azO0,a,ta Aan865Zt Asob9km04rr7eak3tuanbR2mim ccflhcitefdehvet) Swcvttbedvlh)a,ahh Srao EReotBaBE hnimuapeersersAEoslr uSfieekatca mt enosugnLAthAsernitaOrseySo dKerqendshlaS yuaas OBIru ianr eNt eescsp1.tMrehaakdsdoh7 or rytktgTeekai yir0 yrin feceooHvnp sac˚e .nKgvc oEs e nEOKa taaSsOM oGaPannhr nska inAasnutorvme1sBttey tre tuLee irda6antcf orMSoonaEc ag onZlc0aoAhKOivhMfsiNevUsfceynnh˚ln e’oi aEelAasytnioyTatsssdaolun omkhtmuioIstipntnvrtvA iasgiueodklyartayoc rolaNv honbnia nyhtu 2acc leidetAhdRIno(0crn aS t2 uoiKut(6 rletwOFas Ll,1r3IhPca1e30evslsAna0s3geAtyelk5 89leatuy8. Nacme,o eEiZimm3n1Tt unfcpyetn Dttftuet2Rdateit)oinShhaiA oSn)lIfi.hstoiwDi toaiserTvn he grulscc1 oaasaUekCnCa lAhrenht9 annartitoydaaiEvytru f6 I rs tRdTnugisrN uw4edSlgTSee le ar. aaRe asBe nRfMecat ksado e roSmnyswemAsf B oecOaBTDN1abatSAscihaifiAMITTttBINurhhnsohtIKRnnthiHhyt7sAas TrFlserlnrhr aEapriwaeyohLloX(ddsaAe Ei4icsc AaattnO1vsse ttuCI 4uui ne t MunAk1dihsnsWeB3t i tyihg,Nlirt8tIr Pda,onaeu0BisUl.ce,, ero.PmuhS mE 9R ain 2rhAtiNf M2iT Isp wes k 0oeRlereto IsOU0AtwcnhktkC a4Pca ,isoslhth oKDrI10e rnh3lfoaihlhe,tmttIhNlleiil yiE0at7a used FmchthfgitaieAednhnthPo 0I ni ettkeiG0IaBvtSihfiratb)eusTeN C ge d.a nh ss˚Beleu c Hei Ateit EBeTyeraS tlmq Yl gdo g.rd ByOaSobOpi Sn ue x iTiTm2asauah nw rt 1acCwasediaesop0ReatnkAathg(eng rk8ueesnhtE1th,oa3eea moAnaleeua0 r we10csg oAcoS k ee6 nIre2 rhmrmrI tt iiam˚sfl oBsta;tnN1 siTf re elshniA rhikitlAciBYdoe m louaanx a )eafnAeo aaweunaDtndRl’iwtniPseirnna tsewkrat , na(hnard 3 ce .os6stAnrrds(DD tsaRgytrims2 hin,tor nkdimegvhe1rosn in.fion,3si’ewTc r0 ascreceIeAfado tucgiae2 bhaAsm e rvo dnRuda liO lc,ds ng amae aioBneitfSch nlyoawrnshhrdlsta) uccilBocege drweyhtod ldaf (ba’komdh rse1aanrtrt3ne’eseaeo h 2 aAwi ui9 rsi (lad int crinmauqt2sinvfne6no Mh isatogune0 Aeansr ,) to aril1 ue , snydrf 0 s0e etsi 2eI2 h a ksrN1dmuim I lAfsa at)lna)ttovkiAnGadnaidrsPCinunan1eaa8lrfaattscifluaesffnfndasvrooohh0opAnrnox yp osee˚oyrrreeeuvddtottnk g m n me kcs etrtfatn t tideoehniMasghIroicb ee hnetyA wdreedposs3sdyeea e ,easrus se9y patfilnilo yidhalAsgaACt n0 mfi.rutk dtSt a.waaEEo rPTeaa1ssl scephcChstlauft,lc7Plohlr thuet ahnhnouciwe0n stch klroai(iwdhtfa˚dNcSe io sm1Wluidl hCnohP a eeUvtiauo.2 brskneiotilsl deaerMkoofmnsacf0b rcnog lr . isasatSI((uthfitylw2 iatt, 29estned l hunm7Lsahhslt.sr9soae35 a,aakiegaeioUoec 3aH mulnnn,ffIuAkt)tal eivhw 9t1 sItoh edmmwyt) t lt sB94al mraoPIbMlrhawldeoenoers7amenasakrnetl eubwanv.rffFesdaiaainn centbk i dnoerntIerl)ntsoeiisot enidlliChceghr,xaHgUrons cras Dee aBd t if hstCacgtaIwstsowC,-Shevs hae hu oi rlN(ft aoa2raa twbv6e rsathmahnfiihrnl0ntBecnu6ernoknies1eehIrteymnesehiedn tufri 7sorrna hsts aegofl a g ita b0)a tovf Sfgk hltnrUs rn˚oar aoia tWeteo kdcI( rnt2 Ntsy6tU aeoa hlo0PI6Ea dl ofsnman tfli l oCtisarad ml)ktinFFniSHBaNoa nadSpDtakeKnoorFeaPPya oiamuaNtaSvBeNplsGSsiskneeaeBdeeowsoow(niosBra2on6kekoyuraa0dn2wsyntnrh3humodioafdlmtpmna)e PCBpftooB1r1rYnuC6ti6koa ssSn0eh0 MtatyRa˚hIi˚poAWvrWnselureolltaamilsnnleakoaedegarsGG iAnPKuenGAAMIaGotTbasCAtCcTpsutrNlsNhhhptekunRcsoUorefApfit oFi klhhe mauEut eeooeerwiLcXaucatnm tu ArnoOeRe eclIr shovtshrsio MAufemgWrsrvo kru ats it uil6eouPelemgxeNsen UshuoddrS alt0aufOyanuA sMsanufitS i0s f.llinta in eeAhtnCfsr nS hT ,ttl vocAeeDg0 okofn dlfh uIogeagaielEI0remrlarfFhae’srasl eFkcaPosn 0r r e c Iiactfis to fietTnfln styCioehifTsotdeCssnooweHe gs suekq soarln Ser ucceAO thia (.ss,wauiaa1earrsT1t rrn ki1 5dacctamCsCirpht.d5n,rtE6otnsrrh Ah7w,lalaaeioscEh,iPf02r,aije nf4l tp nat2e raenAueew wK˚6 Sia0 eoaetCpsgWtsds8ocP nooND0ehlt7ce hk ee r nfrseauI M1est KIn( aian rtcm 1lsi ef agisbesenStK sfdntItt crfisrc v r.eeIlikt t m3o5ah uroiyPeaih(a soo)uiwvet Kcaa5ho n dntlHfira b uaoi eemnsad,ron,nhe atvesi0hu KrEleydrup n.sdcsSPhiaoseemtoi uAS0e . kelaae asin ;dlo th rkicneo0aem iowenktrM nnltSoaosioklia dlumso cGae h y rme tainnRgecn ,ewsGcheEms PPcTso rf epuAhaA)bados1 obu oop urherait aeqnftxlTrglt5imlo nlAaelheonrsmrrt.oeirbaS oiIBfHyHyt0n gtosiAauefcconkdam erec ool aetsork˚e nmnoh senpdC AW eft inoknCruntpfmAwro poa u) fottl urhresiif nw IueoeenTcif ht itarlcaseS amStx tttt otnaiardnl aSGahtieriynAah(eat rscMn2gendniStd9 tedendek enyv aeiEeP9iaeC6 a,e nGan ouo aem rd5a8mcaaidmns,ternrim sosftm .rbcosWS .t t G a oPoSlmG)dsuoeoyourouinnuiuinliCunnnlnntlTAbwATaStttAin lntGfioachhhtnhyer tLbdmeshleor ceeeeidAaSagdehr1e fsmlev SeAeiuCsoa 4 rkGpQCSaApva eKc0veraollbaSoimul raaAil˚alSel eitaWltuaeoapensbiibrfNyurnxoskgaess ntarseb e ro nduinakSm SpEdFt v rhao tsinaJtuH.eetenlnP w,eoTi MeW rtO adpdyassibaegfSuASonSomes Rtophainfoh ngieetlaej DfcreleAos ioimtyetamleaamtPtepnrh r hauemrmdtflemrnosaueo o (nasmdIIulMroi2ts ooto ut7tleYnoueoa ,la,tou u6xw5aaaknfr un ssu trnc6s.n 1rkittt e nonaTitsh hmtDSs3tuknaointu,hecPiftfah esuht nf et aa Sitia AtaP) aPr vnentgthGpsaestg(mWelerhies1ed 3gaero lid:la1aexe nel,oa em awta6v a,tmor B.cJlhu9bohGu4nkiioriaa4nSsne eede0oleainyyui3u1r tecgno emrnuP n4KfrleniesaftK efnc0atnrA) d ao mot˚oto tWSletdsiemShdo00fC.s ocx i C 1nihaeaSuIh ia3 kAnso Deinkl0dc aLpaheetfi˚nEsprWmsaPn d1gAeeas0Boo rtFThtsscSmtr(I0ofRceDSuhhaph1seoohonulirAhrhnlSeaac1reeiiidaase1uctcppenreatJnn 4d0isIsSg keaattniadsRps t0mpouml itkeasels adnf2cmdiiaeBioPonJeJnagaidm0onnisar d oao0etfomnalkgwuidrg am lwelAaeeogCrt tnlt oyO aiuhiera.violteo euse aQb rSePn EuodwnKnsoCtuSoWrIi3wkvrnh tex ns uO0inAeeunaeillnat20teaxnicroagaphs0s.sctoto nx lt0eeo e mhhecCIees wrd3nrn snioorDa t1htoE0lp mfish ewVNfeaan9)x1u otr4r w sVamoa lre7ne9K0nooteorlan0na e7t8dtteffni3tcns tseleu,9Hctr oc l0at AzcceeoieoI, clr n oasohb atP3iumn elrda elna0tiySu5a rkdt 0enir 0h itanvisaondedih0glshnatDael e ns fkP aisceasro aoatm(l rte2g nel6bflCSibnihsI1Qo 1lnrr9Woosto.2e eoas3n.dlec9Ayvuu,0JSeaop m usafeEeewiewn˚entte rmlWn) heax.l daS 4Rtoihnredp0 hamo.KKssur 0Ce1e,lmr ,eu so 3pnot hnr0C eu Sead˚enrrWractlotportCTopbNoSaSeaEattottatEtAMIetNtohhhhhRr n xtettlfAfcxaFGpheEae a. oeeeerLXadep ervAstph et OrteHI rnt5har aM eloeolJaGWel a h0otssean6uolP, ,eCrUl0vh tde sSia6qescseAotis i aMroe clt,iuV llhncamomk eau0ae6AnmoC elrP nDr0c msa r0ecd risnbaaaIa nC˚sclfuE0msa ntFoicdol ekahoesNPPe gua lFiarIscsas efi oedTsleeiBCaorodeJtqijeliP dtnacHus so a ssnn fu.p rw ir raF aSaOki c Ola ite Smaiicrvu an9alaat1pennapcauc Csniat she,lilntaprigne6 Be p9l p al trEaeceintaSdflias0oeO de tad .n tii8tiseiAs a iaIern0M erte1Tanarsn tgaBsa2 t ;s (eNis.arodsitsi f1oFl7Ph ian CrttuhTnealt,h rs 7ni o P f K uys0tLeoeao(lsnns g0kibte q2 oa lEchu4o nrl0 wfh,udtoV, i is0aod tauYa9 noss1menclCGu. oee0ntt i3lr ufhaaTci h5e0tbimo,btlss tbe0 e e aiPla bankV cseeo nhoait, ana9eoascach adnStnmosoaau eteacgaqwnxmre te,rL,d ac2Lam niue ot)gceur . tdign nFo ddta am.damni.siii o5k emchrilx(((((( aaaetpsvs813691oaclTpidua251235Hn afimupuWhcttS 7e0,,,,6srpit50,,,,sseo6358instmrel0000Aehtny t.0,c)acs00thhetp. T00004i tt0000hltUde1r udu S ytMhprof00000a odlMlmm0000hdAoe1iRt al eo.or 0v srNnes effffee uei0rmmmmta)) eTi vbptttth ehEpefnvcueaonoeara˚ftaI gm))))5E etehWiTetRnrladlthmgnutnsp0rhyenS ot iassE˚,Id hn gcngllrC i N en ieaDen O t aesttaAr ,i o ng cte Fhn t 1234 ATLAS OF THE OCEANS459 284 ANIMAL LIFE MOLLUSKS 285 Sense Organs OCEAN LIFE CCPDAtllplbsaZPDTaneswaoattiTpsnopsstiiinoohioehtmIIitnncxvumefrrneecdrSSouahhb pietce oaeemetoddaTTncrrittff eotalriu.iettnpvaRRdh Uephmm ii vuh- asi,l elAe ttIIhbe r encmslga eaheBBew tCCegteeretsaet motnlbnipyoythUUhd m t sletaes itcr LLroraahcd h uaPTTlomilsl tteeta,ied riaaieoAAs tIIat ooi nrmca aiuosiOOs nno iyfl naycao grsvnstw mrudSSelhnttNNotbrr t etoskl ag uyhrh u dssfgc,e SSaaei ubiysb p g t r.raen opicNoNC ehnl l prsratlw tmae oepTngawluglfGGrotahauegi nnotnlyeedoe xcr aecmltirhnlsarr ahua eAAoieops ale a o tr itnstcarbt tlrhf ie sptyeliteSSetntswrssbhbe lo neaomaihel htei ah, rFer epserysTT rd nllasewooLrsacreeem i aiy.sa d esllsRRiei eat zwdrmkpTfnmoafl indtg adlmto e cliv OO,egead,ansl ses r svtedaahrsa hemfgB tebol aphad,mhPPnrike eeas sei tyf a edserau tstU2RsRDHLHoruttmaereOObre,xmsAtmwhtkh Etmuhornt o1aIAAooapkp otlrrnac/ wAtleNpomhDDbplaccl,2 BBa ole setimam ta, eMhtnal lcGi kktoim snopepeIIniAAiote od thfoplnTTnnsyhtwnmaaTohE iwe fe certoeAAsdod t 1Hcf saTleoeoftott,e(ait/etmtTTtser o ec6,ic h2Et h sdro nshhn dmhsr t w t d dta s hFt Rl f si.ir fo hcselkees h aoconhdlloeeie orsoi hmo ,L ,a ottaiuyr irzf e tp oa ss e i (grrsetho msbeat ea)1lpvhio,iairs t s heh szm dsehfnn m rrhbze o lelet eapbe cr.iae eeAlwae.led soleegaqo myee l ogoscuehmgbcr pLi tirrcb mh.c cum)ovgkiwm rschkgtaerftetadrr oe oisiieialwies e-ctsta inrae e voa m e nnse ie tldrge r rosd r ,e t. e , RLaathinntrLccgrtADNDOghTedvbhriMTfrEmereteaeaacdIhooxtoaToreaaeisSmglhlhpUeddut emnaa smrUvslpTpnhaoraeoeptet ne uzuSRnacveeecbRorehrtn rtbtrpIre dbcCol sllrogi raaByCenNs psces aaetol e aeim,iUUccshruepgpi oyo dLlnelIchrketoTfsl l(tsoorLmNereoas eAnn IshutagoaiWsewttOnAebt tl inGsdo do S lt aashoNl oo o R,elr’launrlu fbs t irsaad SontefsannpHhnoaf l o,a hp phNo n Fl gospu teo vcitrls rOatewG hmpOmll ohraddl ecxhreayrwly idteMeroeesellAelOa tdeip olitaels io goph n eemut f asSkepdTc raE asers wolfwitsvdotHgtdi2ltsetTttr ou rrtnt.k’uo cee. soh weo,h. fio4 R dUicskDs pAwc nssftnrremmoht ,gOkatsoimhga oee sMiitrtetomlca lun,irt rProheree mlyuw“nnhlptsg y rfLHUMsu i sO sdA i s abcec oEoha(ge.w Aiocopitcdhim uNii6 DonwnteroenuBN d fcOdadsntuluoerdG do 0hddsItaA o rpketgoisT htTl”tt,lhr rtn nersu i Anehekti2sHlhseI e ni cenooaerreTipf e1lM tnc arna)ro/e ra mnumk lg fih2tw e oo,neitkrrog th fl wlw dso idoc nPoe hasrw etanguis) imls akh,tg niesn a lxt lcdvro eAhathi(so,onha usihsra6ehe tektpegpt aaswteeetecsregiw sdCsseflli er. cni sy eoeohe ill ecio .esnamtrTr ral cetnTpn rnn ne hsih . ol n s lt)fost urslgiihryo hhii olhsscf. elcd hr ec oehiaoo.ey otkkeraytl syrer. ,, ns e RHDTtorVMDTaslrnsttttblsTTDOPsoihhhhopeiooaiIIIsreoffapSSSduehho cdant eeeoee uureTTTtditgc htpgfieehci s RRRhglruighoripmyrsceoterotIIIen tond,eBBBehCCCoegesue ltra s,wnanUUUt r i tsde h vVlx,fcLLLUuschs orpTTT iybt P,nSes uw t AAASgIIIuec A ipa aitOOOrp rsnt nn slonaneaSSSctmotbNNNiuhia rhooitnecl scvtibuefi SSSuradlb lis tokBb a ocEEEaa cstclps Clfeabssho aaaaGGGl llo- aiehettth ii.n mjcssske rrennasiecrsAAAfT tttslcooeed e a h eelsc aeeCPSSSnlouetclodsrrt,uhom roe ahalnn sneTTTimcvna. mneic le tls ne iRRRIIcosTeaalinbnhkfnn ofiin . otoil OOOvlddees dceTnahoilruinbshiio eol nxn naabrPPPc oonefsm hiva nno aruLHLHLH6U6RmT6Istar haOOOwrnwfcorg aEEEorsuosee– 5,cAAAopOOoleeoait n e NNNsaeDDDb0onM 8ce2rBBBr tuhompracc nt tritllGGG k a a ker3ysIIIAAAoeeaionfi(ltli tseiTTTfsfc d1TTT,n t rr e isaautpr c f AAAuf xa3dHHHena6ac oif t(rebinnsesd(TTTih2l rsna sor l ln t1cb nhi i ,(t oc l1 ou o0wonla 7 mssano 5 ooim wrma oc0ba 0 p na riq–n tota(m kot0en n tti)d8nesvt ee2emrhlut l iawghot ds)imfof eg0 hocl cwccsnh)t tui aewiki am se ,afatcicsvtente(w rge thotr3hein r mtuu)ksctaneh eo ay 0oea eistooi o) densdi,lse rt,ae ntd lfmonen e.efdowra nf id n r c wfln I)ftdr.so oatnea atstrn o sl EgsoopndheaIattfraapohhpessbrrlavurrunoals eepHTstHVTcstmtstmaprireeesaaeFeswoem rhhhuit eh tnAo tldnilrairp awrbor harecsotltIeuaeLeaer Ieledtamohyldbekhy hcFEengrfn eot snD ssveihts ntapes seone Bespieocaopre ttd beoes,hineargciWeUd rceoleuolnpuhtni nirIr lfi nge rseegfRo hro . e,i,sdrsNenb cfil ee, h ca wIa“nl u tdo s,aDftflE ban teslcl euoriravr tt hP tr,Dacl o imn beoe eiGe aatisin oaebr nfwelfotrrotohnfphgvstge foo fsih eoh ymt stotttnletfegceuhtniaudivth wno ahyieh u ettihosl sac. emFtlen pssriaeyhg encrTe ”o agh ssnhe iaett n pielVer ak uhas t eRo.hfeettwse diethewte sdaemwrd lcehs sIceodHhspen l inrylt iedei n yd wctycudeOuecind.a a ae ofwwlss trto sdMohoe.s. o o f be e h h ivoh vhssaf Tfltsswcownno.baMrh raroajae usihn ioiea auotoh-zilt lfsndcreemmmiaebreodcellutaiOPetsvo mhuln eedtbhvs brassuit n.rleeaeie rc n m m t le l’lepucSl swfia,eflysi chrebt nl haLram nstiho sb’edi a,eooPloeesnrshintf afihiltunare bnn s oisti lnvxeothLbaoimis tohhCc oi legnr iVdenreypogtps oise ,dwfe l rr l t.lsg i ahogUes eie,laaftestvio i tanaIe itp uhoiflvn cssfne aosasnnitdeecoe lta peletvnc iteoduokinhrbSai dueshlhfnr hei n w sl w s nedsn ecssae is go. i tte Kis esrlt sn , y de s g, s S 277 tFCDTtcloeoIo ShoyBlnTmrepapRgaI azpBuChoimrlUle;Lodffe TG AI-t-mcOueiswSNolplfnay S w oohW fgGthi rgMettiiAeesieodebt dSe xsdibir T hcsneeTRo o enxAu,O losCtt lsle bPauauonrnLH1C5nyOaimEt–0fbAos liN D bc1rBgltiftaGy,eoh1tIAh /l TfTa2 (neurAr1eH naoeiT5 n s lme St m fle mfw( oe 3sNaa) –ofaoom 4tsri tttacflhi smbn eCo)gsauhort o y li, na btcwiawcrpibcAscsfstrhoielooaooirs nemfhilofrepa tlrmetdetgesoepdiaahs oah-cylaucrlcrpmaedsssshet ’aotewlts tmaerelito we u rrlvaniodesc iageroawne mfexiouhlsntogotn i,dicsmt hecbt tnnmr teil,tlom qo rahuey ghrpihaiilmusnu es, latnirn co.ia . c tiattov Aigpacbcflwh aEttetcws hkesollealeipleea o t nly m uscdihcvC ylafmol agttenehelno ooiin fa,dmfnrodi htdun er,kncoi sgdna gsinba ia tgrdbagotte.laohpo s sce pTebogmn e tn sdh tppdoetsrrusdhoiyh agatoeai cl tiirnsn adeoenenaos stipng l isterpian t astcalnersuyort snesriro et e c a ev .athctap tehpnantWhss ahioieaf c ault v.e ie irrsacorntlef heta isome w e ntl eeoesrog sn .rafd g il asase , PiGCDCLDTtsjbfFctnueowlaIIaaetiiSShcrhrtvg pnoiTTmooittdfieeRRhasdaiod caIIlu numatBBoCCricirrclznllinUUoirykoeeeLLlnaTT edgn ss mAAIIttmt aflOOgs ,.iht iSSr oNNo Tacr amaer T SSlaNnote lilhoICtytst enooe nreGGtoo,redor ao naittnnis i AAetshacashsh troee gtnSSeicpAea aa nod ngxTTuOmleerPva iRRswecigrpreentns,ess eiOOragel gai w ytcnca inPPe an or,rtrLHLHUUCs UsmiOOc saenwEEuutnAAopppi ouNNecDDbbo rBB pkeswdsttatlfGGnlresIIpAAioo i elelTTtfldTTnntr e itAAirep 11sHHaaoocseca TT,ri6 t lrrah haien sltua nnzw ohlrif ,l olan a sy o r wa(enre ,n3ss.hk( ot suee h d4 mettccaiss 0ousmkecoc l t ayea scblheb)Er ltnmnsiul l letyhaa)raidrs ooancinc n rp lk ek des ; , aaipetipTCDOtdaidsfpsatIfciiatTasdtpsivptpennnnttrrrhhhhoetpttItplrndogaTiloailaerrssoSeaa gih ecatayrti ttrroeeneent trerufgiTmsnrrmetbrmeoeeahimsnn otemgiiecapyti R filtgreso nlsenis-ilrrceetrli, Ieelen,ockktntmme g aBu eniCro syllsdnhgut gcauessgdcoag oaetmwttpatrh Uchyfldpyuezgclu oLhais ioeccoayptoaao rrsecaTfsnketads,tecti elidol erec lA vaoincIlus el hbnn strinsivrns lraOa ,mct imouitrtic,ackadmih wuyoute ahw wc S atmcdshntfsereNnhn rv g behoocrn.ogalisuecehdoetfw t alsoo Cprle S ouaameegee tadrooeroon aoFhrae rt ,yvufc sr,sn Iesirl oerifpo f s ait g ci nlrvrasisu .niew ltrwae nued si oGgoi eplfl g p ioierc cn d maa iTo kwcmccoe itaras hnelsnbrm wsbnvt ’lflhiirtnurAsdtt arniaiiasrehhtrorhaws y dtiwhfai ivt ia nndhawgeiy eonpgn .pasgzi aaanS guvpo dstoaac ite arim sveezaf sr auhg t esIertthg mocis e,ieuia Trak or Olvl nloln tca i uho itlnnNfisr laec et llafeheere sclnihRilndnhwaecmhaat rmoeeo.e oome hal;tnr r kato sr sve d hor no TyrisregOaeg aata esognea vraethoiyvnei autsatl enaciheif ee enot st ttres tc . edh ,enageocProaoo ahtp,ofi u llnfe oleoiirud ur x sei ,eire gtotteaLHULowroueetamsxlepOo mcuoicre)nfocrfwstnfwh wh fiEaoshphn n tirAld a pss nenouelo rczr1 trsNuihtgnoDswtyhc s(u thct. tt B eewh,efeik uoncoeoey earal Aut rdhg i9chGrah miTabras aosgfIaA oeoyyst, .oatnetls ortwTdntivrtg aTlm ekt,tuettseio tr aesnioie x eAmi nl ahew pt6nHhnadssnhh nptctei st aoaoutb.nmtyepT hrr x b re n d -leyhtib idheroT tihnesec ay a rhdstefwiektonh nesnhsa rr gofl eetscelg-e ue,erohptn l tsesc xekoon o P exy elorroosh d geio ( rge ho rjo eiedesyeni1laemdrgc.tco wrsixvtmtgns ettt no llmdrmf1 neyriocn5ceaofo, mwtaaAaheecteydsr,h yi eca cat0sw- iahtl eh satt re nitfftafiuwti rnccr.e beie0 acor’nst co.btl enuhwfo oes,hnimmc eaoTenairelieit nth yetdig idtuou Ift s teotosrawget o trrnnsedet )tonxdcstc i ho, tci tuyt r.g aafrt etnt rf( r g hghteofl to ause, 3 hhstlhe uhrt rta.oiesa olse s un 0aatedh nhnertwey es,s ,t dh nrs eefsirpdmse,egears e re e,r y ess ) ,. OCEAN LIFE ◀PAcdmpdoehiRlsol nso StOsstctrtPaopiFr biicgeIEpnuLarcCt taEsaiiiIeopoeS Etsnhns eS , pax am artnno adcdfip,o l.ielnos r CRCJKTRDoOoiiOahmcapSathPTbNvNehhtnrnrie i i TSBeoddaorddt rRShe U drftrt eABe divayeIpaLsDsBs iau mtTalspBsaAsiUlonrAenr,nr,ene kTmr doNwFdar iasO fIaieTu eeetc inctWR tSdnird sauyt siCsSdgrnAi c ortaoa iia aoinv,r GeMdont c leioM auunu ml sMtourcmO ,r ow asstatiCisehulnbltco alaoueeuLsi ornsaetrm ay siha Rupfkn Uitsee nomrst o,i ,seW n c D tfRO pAahi hovNaniaareefcvrettd r peeeiaNhrdD satdstrtri iiun,ohao Glet ewryt CpnepLuasi a, oliliiriS dot nrrfaBdhHetecef lms a ,iNur,I trHis BshnldeRGhaetiensvoatows,rei cett rroah Modtyr eodeYnet r.,eurfCyl a oipSbamaI arna rchrt aokenaahmdabntf dlt eS ClahCdMM o clay ZiswhlAnt aoiiyomgo r rl.arSookcodaahe gllttjo aiauyeaogse, tn, ny a c, t Touch, smell, taste, and vision are well developed in many mollusks. GRAFTING OYSTERS Polar Oceans, Ocean Yacht Racing, Shutting Down the T(issCniigPmpheafIGohpnepMro hglnmenElaieN lsaaeor,T) tyvp,tEi eooosDoso un d Stm(s hsKo s esIueacNy c res soeCholt lEfe pia Lam)wlhL sssS oi hels hiH teigcaicEnchashLa pPtas t ao eleiCobnvpdUlnete TeerigrT manaoL ltstE faheipF tgr IeyaStae. ih Hpe-rPee fdiTohd dgOfrlo oe ymbCtso Hou citoArnnh, efNadga cGntnl eheeEdgpsey C i te inoOomnsgfL rt Ooa sent nRfrhre ptacrelnrveeiergop t oehu csr oase f olrlntoooinssprmo s.obur diyetvhs a.e lv e Potgfaoaohrnrefpe rea aes miiiracnrnrlnr usie sin wdldhtftgao ueionj trlruahrlmtes s p.doit a Tn e ti eanhtsahnorur eetool bri. t fy usTohiitscgryoeatrihesn daitmr tclaetslayeyor anw n: c cmtitt onhahllaloeatelenr etnd ocsydsg adh at evphnu esigeealc tlriay ce na.rir isl e ns , Aantdla nSteiac- Clevoenlv Reyioser,, CHouarsrtiacla nDee fKenatsreisn,a T, Ghelo Tbiatla nWica rDmisinasgt er ST“pshiEeeEeceD ebdI eNionsGfgt -m”As Nhaoany OptslYteeeSd rtT siasE rwsRtuiifiethc fi araol tmpine aya nrploest aharerle rb mperaoodldl uausncked d .a b y CLASS GASTROPODA ntoa mwhei cohf gsrpoeucpie s Frances Dipper Introduction to Ocean Life, Sponges, Flamingo Tongue belongs Cnidarians, Segmented Worms, Flatworms, Ribbon 1Theto g siakinnt p ccaeulletlts lw ecafiha sesllhnme’ sdap licclgo hamlrrooeerman c taoh itMfaso ne pcOaghoLceoDnhL rfiii Uesscns Spede.allC udlaI .tAes y tih ioNsnme g lBal -frElaienAb2scceuUsoh ls TlroWaepooYu xermdhsaeca eamdiwrent kppsoa e tliproehgrnh f emb ioogn afecrag ceunts kshtcttgt,sero lor ae ltomopnhfiuordrsasndoh n,dtsu yhtp, gh( esaithit hlss oaudo sungniuestisusms p deaa eoaiannbrvlcdds rehd asesr a ns ono r cfakfth hieil tesniss) s . . MMsssmbdsweouiovaomrowi faovmblalelenvcuuv mmweehtsestskaieae nvsburnrm geduflsmt .i s ryfinb So,reb gynoowvy swnemtm hh co itielubennca iys hp brcmt pihpumvhiaerlanaaonu lsgrsvyb ci aeda uit dnschems, itg-seffsi l ouo ouwetdcnwfbr hiei.rt tfion Chhiace te hsae dt iwhatprs elfc ehavobdaiyaeoro lsllsf ootd.o f ooMppiwoefoost si,o.tt d t haEhsaslte n sx afiiogdcrr na ee ssstl wphthierkteffieioiemlonpl c ne o,ti pxosepd utgnirsenloe tlng ictdsnhsllwuiiugedocd irentmi.e nh sOa mgetcfhm otrjeheoerrse rses skr;l vye s Cyphoma gibbosuLEmNGTH cofoof lmslopmweceoidne sbn yias m e WPFihsoyhrleams,, sPC, lBaanrrtkyilotaozgnoiniacno Psu,hs E yFcliahs,hi nTeosu,d nBeirocmantyse, s F Saimnshdae lsLl Banoctetolemts-, lJiavwinlge ss that let thceamwn aahtceocrv eeolreu ritan tt eht hrroeau pwgidhalt yet hrb,e yai nrs dqsi uptihhretoiynn sg. 1–11/2 in (3–4 cm) scientific name Philip Eales Ocean Geology, Atlas of the Oceans, HABITAT Oceanography from Space, The Indian Ocean Tsunami, Coral reefs at about Ice-shelf Breakup RSffinrowEo rtDm ihjmeUi sttmCh pHeIirNnu otgmGep nub bDtlaosaRclicdkoAltwneG s,sa q.ir sudT ic hdrleee. dasuriplcyhe vosi nsd,ir bualsgee d siphon AMtmliuth IabrtuDoorrsiiEu cncmDguaeho lt Basi vntrneYh gac e oMiom lnfln. Uu etIrtrcoCs aushuUcseygtS c ihtforho ensaotustet r rhsfoia epfac lpt pehlssei .s 50 ft (15 m) tsaubmlem oafr y Monty Halls Diving Tourism Respiration information Sue Scott Shallow Seas, Red and Brown Seaweeds, Plant Mwwexhicotihhsct ah anm nag roeee.lx lIsutnietsn uksspasi tveoeecdb ice tiaasn iptn hit lhlaoaetxr ayymr genae neanttl wwlferoa ocyrmaksv s iauwtnyb.ad mTt eaher e lraugsreesgi dnea,r gesw u gdaritfeleallscri,c e cca ataaenrlle escatdo rf unoccttrite nugnuariesdaesli loa yu, bs e tDoI SBTrRaIzBilU; TGIOuNlf oWf Mesetexircno A, Ctlaarnitbibc,e farno mSe Naorth Carolina (cvaaterigeosr bieest)ween Life, Green Seaweeds, Green Algae, Mosses, Flowering dtor atwhen ainir afonrd sohvoerrt tpheer igoidllss . aTnhdo mseu lsitv iknege pin t htheeir ignitlelsr tmidoali szt.o Ante laorwe etixdpeo, sed Plants, Fishing bivalves clamp shut and some gastropods close their shell with a “door” (called an operculum) to retain moisture. Pulmonate snails have a simple lttuehrneriger s stfkroiiarnlm wbeudht e fonrot himmer mtsh leeivr seme doa.nnTt lthehe ec rasevesiaptsyihr oaintrosetr eayan dpd i ogcfma ncet enanbt isidonir abm aoonxsdty magreeon lm ltuhosrcsoatlunyg h all distribution maps Michael Scott The Open Ocean and Ocean Floor, bahbslle oomeooffioddcg iailse o bnabl tuic naeo t pa ctnpoadeklor ig nrc.igov emusp pm ooouxlnylugdse kcnsa ’l alse d hemocyanin. e(cIxttte enirsin dnaialo )g til ls awrreit atecnc osmumpamnaierdy obfy tah e EBxiopdloivreatrisoitny wHiothts pSoutbsm, Werhsiabllee sM, Cigoraldti oWn,a tWer iRnde eFfas,r ming CNsetbcsbhlopxorOuueitledgdgoLe cirhiOsreriebatn)esR a rtasho.air l oarCT n iaognnvhOcfnei che loDglt ls uffshweI e d Ne(t tsaagheioGertriisw lhsna l etsi anh.rrgyed OCEAN LIFE ssrahhnaogdwees do k fan sroepwae ncoi efn sma t aupra l range of the species Thien rtehvei sBeda letidci t ion was prepared with the help of David Burnie (Ocean Life), Robert Dinwiddie (Introduction and Ocean Environments), Frances Dipper (Ocean Life), and Philip Eales (Atlas of the Oceans)

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