Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Oceanography Volume 2014, Article ID 198686, 16 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/198686 Research Article Ocean Circulation and Water Mass Characteristics around the Galápagos Archipelago Simulated by a Multiscale Nested Ocean Circulation Model YanyunLiu,1,2,3LianXie,1JohnM.Morrison,4DanKamykowski,1andWilliamV.Sweet1,5 1DepartmentofMarine,Earth,andAtmosphericSciences,NorthCarolinaStateUniversity,Raleigh,NC27695-8208,USA 2CooperativeInstituteforMarineandAtmosphericStudies,UniversityofMiami,Miami,FL33129-1098,USA 3AtlanticOceanographicandMeteorologicalLaboratory,NOAA,4301RickenbackerCauseway,Miami,FL33129-1026,USA 4DepartmentofPhysicsandPhysicalOceanography,UniversityofNorthCarolinaatWilmington,Wilmington, NC28403-5606,USA 5NationalOceanService,NOAA,CenterforOperationalOceanographicProductsandServices,SilverSpring, MD20910-3281,USA CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoYanyunLiu;[email protected] Received29September2013;Accepted12December2013;Published11February2014 AcademicEditor:LakshmiKantha Copyright©2014YanyunLiuetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. OceancirculationandwatermasscharacteristicsaroundtheGala´pagosArchipelagoarestudiedusingafour-levelnested-domain oceansystem(HYCOM).Themodelsensitivitytoatmosphericforcingfrequencyandspatialresolutionisexamined.Resultsshow, thatwithprescribedatmosphericforcing,HYCOMcangenerallysimulatethemajorElNin˜oeventsespeciallythestrong1997- 1998events.Waterssurroundingthearchipelagoshowalargerangeoftemperatureandsalinityinassociationwithfourdifferent currentsystems.WestzonesofIsabellaandFernandinaIslandsarethelargestupwellingzones,resultingfromthecollisionofthe EquatorialUndercurrent(EUC)withtheislands,bringingrelativelycolder,saltywaterstothesurfaceandmarkingthelocation ofthehighestbiologicalproduction.Modelresults,whichagreewellwithobservations,showaseasonalcycleinthetransport oftheEUC,reachingamaximumduringthelatespring/earlysummerandminimuminthelatefall.Thefarnorthernregionis characterizedbywarmer,fresherwaterwiththegreatestmixedlayerdepthasaresultofPanamaCurrentwatersenteringfrom thenortheast.WatermassesovertheremainderoftheregionresultfrommixingofcoolPeruCurrentwatersandupwelledCold Tonguewatersenteringfromtheeast. 1.Introduction upwellingzones.Becauseofthisstrongtemporalandspatial variability, it would be extremely difficult to monitor or The Gala´pagos Archipelago (Figure1) lies in the equatorial explain the sources of the ecological variability using an easternPacificOcean,about1000kmwestfromthecoastof observing system alone. The work described here results Ecuador,SouthAmerica.Itcanreasonablyclaimtopossess fromacombinedfieldremotelysensedandmodelingeffort the most distinctive marine flora and fauna and unique to study the connectivity of the upwelling dynamics over speciesforanyareaofitssizeworldwide[1].ThusinMarch theGMR.During2006-2007,aseriesof5archipelago-wide 1998,EcuadorcreatedtheGala´pagosMarineReserve(GMR), shipbornesurveys,supportedbymooringsin5ofthemajor 2 whichisanextensivearea,over140,000km anditconsists upwellingregionstogetherwithremotelysensedobservation ofanextremelyvariableecologicalsysteminspaceandtime anddevelopmentofahigh-resolutionhydrodynamicalmodel [2]. The main reason why the GMR features such great of the GMR, were carried out by a joint program of the diversityliesinitspositioninginacomplextransitionzone University of North Carolina Wilmington, North Carolina between tropical and subtropical waters and intense local State University, Mote Marine Laboratory, Charles Darwin 2 InternationalJournalofOceanography ×103 2 0 1 −0.5 Wolf −1 0 −1.5 1.5 de −2 atitu 0.5 Santiago −2.5 L −0.5 Fernandina Santa Cruz −3 −1 Isabella San Cristobal −3.5 Floreana −1.5 −4 −2 −92.5 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −88.5 Longitude Figure1:BathymetrymapandsamplingstationsoftheGala´pagosArchipelago. Research Station, and the Gala´pagos Nation Park Service tothenorthoftheequator,thesoutheasttradewindsbecome whichwassupportedbyNASA’sBiodiversityandEcological dominant, and the major source waters for the SEC are MonitoringandBiologicalOceanographyPrograms.Thefirst the cold Peruvian Ocean current and the Peruvian Coastal results of the model development and testing are described Current (the Humboldt Current), enhancing the contribu- in this paper, with the observed ocean spatial and time tions to the SEC with the colder (18∘C–20∘C), saltier (>35) seriesdatausedtovalidatethemodelingeffort.Asmightbe productivewaters.ThedifferentsourcewatersfortheSECas expected, the biological response to physical forcing within itflowsthoughtheGMR,frombothnorthernandsouthern the Gala´pagos Marine Reserve is the ultimate goal of this hemispheres, as well as topographically induced upwelling activity. whichoccurswhentheeastwardflowingEUCrunsintothe TheGala´pagosArchipelagoecosystemismainlyaffected Gala´pagosplatformarethecauseofthetremendousdiversity by waters from three different surface and subsurface cur- aroundthearchipelago. rents. The major currents affecting the Gala´pagos are the A few studies have quantified the primary production westwardSouthEquatorialCurrent(SEC)andtheeastward around the archipelago, especially higher concentrations in Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) [3–5]. The SEC drives sur- westofIsabella[9,10]fromtheupwellingEUC.Houvenaghel facewatersovertheentireregionaroundtheGala´pagosand [8] discussed the oceanographic setting of the Gala´pagos isaffectedbywarmernorthernhemispherewatersandbythe and concluded that the EUC was the major oceanographic Panama Current and cool Humboldt Current generated in phenomenaaffectingtheGala´pagos. Hayes [11] pointedout thePeruupwellingzone,aswellascoolsouthernhemisphere thatthesealeveldifferencesacrosstheArchipelagoincrease waters.ThewarmPanamaCurrentinfluencesprimarilythe astheEUCstrengthens,measuredbyshallowmooredpres- northern islands, while the cool Humboldt (Peru) Current sure gauges. Steger et al. [7] found that the near-surface influencesprimarythesouthernandcentralportionsofthe waters to the west of the Archipelago during November archipelago.TobalancethewestwardSECasitflowstothe 1993 were predominately upwelled EUC waters, and as a westalongtheequator,theeastwardEUC(alsoknownasthe consequence were cooler, saltier and higher in nutrients CromwellCurrent)[6]developsasasubsurface(subthermo- and iron than waters found over the eastern portion of the cline)compensationagainstthewestwardSEC.Thecollision Archipelago. In addition, the extent of the plume shown of the subsurface EUC with the Gala´pagos platform results by Feldman [10] could only be maintained by upwelling of intopographicallyinducedupwellinginwesternarchipelago EUCwatersthatarecoolerandhigherinnutrientsthanthe (particularly along Isabella Island). This upwelled water is waterssurroundingtheplume.Palacios[12]alsofoundthat relativelyrichiniron,themacronutrientneededforgrowth the temporal variability of ocean color and SST around the bymostorganisms,andtheproductionishighinmanyareas Gala´pagos was dominated by the seasonal migration of the oftheGala´pagosandsurroundingwaters[7]. ITCZandassociatedstrengtheningoftheSECandEUC. The Gala´pagos are greatly affected by seasonal atmo- Another distinctive feature associated with Gala´pagos spheric and oceanographic variability [8]. During the hot coastal waters that the greatest sea temperature anomalies wet season (December to May), the Intertropical Conver- occur during El Nin˜o and La Nin˜a events [13]. Recently, genceZone(ITCZ)migratessouthwardtowardstheequator, the frequency and severity of El Nin˜o events appear to the northeast trades become more prevalent, and warmer have increased and this is a concern for the conservation (>25∘C), fresher (<34), and less-productive waters of the ofendangeredspecies.ElNin˜oeventsnowoccur2–7times PanamaCurrentflowsouthwardintothearchipelago.During morefrequentlythantheydid7000–15,000yearsago[14,15]. thedryGaru´aseason(MaytoNovember),theITCZmigrates The 1982-83 and 1997-98 El Nin˜o events, in particular, InternationalJournalofOceanography 3 appear to have been the most extreme for many centuries, 30N Domain2(0.48×0.24) and have had a devastating effect on marine life in the Gala´pagos region. During the El Nin˜o event period, the 20N Interdomain (0.04×0.02) EquatorialUndercurrentweakens,theupwellingweakensor 10N 1N e d sretodpuscaeldt,otgheethperri,mthaerysuprrfoadcuecwtiaotenrdweacrrmeass,emsaancdrofinsuhtrnieunmtsbaerres utitaL 100S 10S diminish[10,16].SotherelationshipbetweenextremeENSO Domain3(0.12×0.06) eventsandlossofmarinebiodiversityinGala´pagosneedsto 20S W W W W 2 1 0 9 9 9 9 8 be investigated as a matter of local and global importance. 30S Such a study has direct implications to predictions of loss 120E 140E 160E 180 160W140W120W100W 80W 60W of global biodiversity associated with ocean warming and Longitude climatechange. PreviousmodelingstudiesbyBrentnall[17]andEdenand Figure 2: Model domain size: the outer domain is global ocean Timmerman [18] firstly described the response of currents (not shown here, with the resolution of 1.44∘ × 0.72∘), and the and sea surface temperature (SST) to the presence of the intermediatedomains(coveringtheeasternPacificOcean,withthe Gala´pagos. Eden and Timmerman [18] found changes in resolutionof0.48∘× 0.24∘and0.12∘× 0.06∘),andtheinterdomain theregionalpatternofSSTofwestoftheGala´pagosdueto withthehighestresolutionof0.04∘×0.02∘. island-induced changes in TIW activity to be as important as those resulting from direct interaction with the mean flow (e.g., partially deflecting the EUC). Cravatte et al. [19] shallowwateryieldofmorereliableoceancirculationmakes studied the seasonal, interannual, and decadal variability ∘ it ideal to apply to the GMR. The islands lie in the Pacific in eastern Pacific Ocean using 2 ocean general circulation Ocean about 1,000km from the south American coast and model (OGCM) and described that adding the Galapagos arestraddlingtheequator.Thereare13largeislands,6smaller Archipelagotothemodelbathymetryonlyinducesverylocal ones,and107isletsandrocks,withatotallandareaofabout changes in the equatorial Pacific. The OGCM studies by 8,000squarekilometers,togetherwithuncountedseamounts Karnauskas et al. [5] described the effect of the Gala´pagos ∘ (Stuart Banks, personnel communication). The islands are IslandsontheequatorialPacificColdTongueusingthe0.25 volcanic in origin and several volcanoes in the west of the ocean model. As suggested by Karnauskas et al. [20], the archipelagoarestillveryactive.Thesevolcanoesrisefroma EUCintheeasternPacificOceancanbeunderestimateddue depthof>3500mwiththemainplatformat∼500mdepth.As to insufficient ocean resolution. This paper focuses on the shownbyChassignetetal.[22],HYCOMwasabletogenerate oceanographicvariabilityatdifferentspatialscalesassociated amorerealisticEUCthanseveralotherpopularOGCMs[22]. with the biological productivity and biogeography of the Since understanding the dynamics of the EUC is crucial to variousmarineecosystemsacrosstheGMRassimulatedbya this study, HYCOM is an appropriate choice for simulating high-resolutionoceangeneralcirculationmodel,specifically, theoceancirculationaroundtheGMR[24]. the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) [21–23]. The details of the HYCOM equations and numerical For the first time, the ocean model is downscaled from algorithms, along with a description and validation of the the global ocean to the GMR region using the multiscale hybridcoordinategenerator,canbefoundinBleck[21]. ocean circulation model system. The rest of the paper is organizedasfollows:inSection2,wedescribetheHYCOM modelconfigurationanddosomesensitivityexperiments.In 2.2. Model Configuration and Numerical Experiments. A Section3,thesimulatedtropicaloceancirculationaroundthe suite of HYCOM simulations was carried out using a nest- GMR using QuikSCAT and NCEP forcing is demonstrated ing scheme of 4 ever increasing resolution domains (see andcomparedwiththeobservationcruiseresults.Resultsare Figure2).Thelargestdomaincoverstheentireglobalocean discussedinSection4andsummarizedinSection5. with a grid size of 1.44∘ × 0.72∘ in the zonal and merid- ionaldirections,respectively.Theseconddomainembedded within the global domain uses a grid size of 0.48∘ × 0.24∘ 2.HYCOMModelandData coveringtheequatorialPacificOcean.Thethirddomainhas a grid size of 0.12∘ × 0.06∘. Finally, the highest resolution 2.1. Model Description. HYCOM is a primitive equation domain has a grid size of 0.04∘ × 0.02∘ (about 4.45km × ∘ ∘ ocean general circulation model using density, pressure, 2.21km) that is centered on the GMR (92.16 W–88.96 W, ∘ ∘ and sigma coordinates in the vertical coordinate. It has 1.68 S–1.68 N).Alldomainshaveaverticalresolutionof26 evolvedfromtheMiamiIsopycnicCoordinateOceanModel layers that stretch or shrink vertically as a function of total (MICOM) andisisopycnalintheopenstratifiedoceanbut depth according to the hybrid coordinate frame discussed reverts to a terrain-following coordinate in shallow coastal above. regions, and to 𝑧-level coordinates near the surface in the Themodelwasinitializedwithtemperatureandsalinity mixed layer. This generalized vertical coordinate approach from the Levitus monthly climatology [25, 26] and run is dynamic in space and time via the layered continuity for 12 years. It was driven by daily surface wind stress, equationandpermitstheexistenceofzerothicknesslayers. surfaceairtemperature,surfaceatmosphericspecifichumid- HYCOM’s ability to seamless transition between deep and ity, net shortwave radiation, net long-wave radiation, and 4 InternationalJournalofOceanography 0.5 1N 0.7 1N 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.5N 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5N 00..6 0.6 0.35 0.6 0.50S 0.550.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.50S 0.07.765 0.6 0.60.5 0.5 0.7 1S 0.6 0.4 1S 0.7 0.4 1.5S 0.3 1.5S 0.65 0.3 92W 91W 90W 89W 92W 91W 90W 89W (a) Reso=0.04 (b) Reso=0.12 0.7 0.51NN 0.6 0.06.55 0.5 0.5 00..67 0.15NN 0.8 0.06.8 00..67 0 0.7 0 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5S 0.5S 0.65 0.8 0.9 1S 0. 0.4 1S 0.4 65 0.6 0.65 0.6 0.7 1.5S 0.65 1.5S 0.3 0.3 92W 91W 90W 89W 92W 91W 90W 89W (c) Reso=0.48 (d) Reso=1.44 Figure3:Simulationswithdifferentwindsforcing,fromthe6-hourlywind(a),dailymeanwind(b),weeklymeanwind(c),tothemonthly windforcing(d). 0.5 0.6 0.55 1N 0.5 1N 0.65 0.6 0.65 0.5N 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5N 0.55 0 0.65 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.6 0 0.55 0.6 0.6 0.5S 0.7 0.6 0.55 0.5S 0.65 0.55 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.75 0.7 0.5 1S 0.7 0.6 0.45 1S 0.6 0.65 0.45 1.5S 0.6 1.5S 0.6 0.4 0.4 92W 91W 90W 89W 92W 91W 90W 89W (a) Reso=0.04 (b) Reso=0.12 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 1N 0.580.6 0.62 0.65 1N 0.65 0.5N 0.62 00..6646 0.6 0.5N0 0.65 0.65 0.6 0 0.55 0.55 0.5S −−10−..155SSS 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.6 6 0.68 00..455 1.521SSS 000..56.55 0.65 00..455 0.4 0.4 92W 91W 90W 89W 92W 91W 90W 89W (c) Reso=0.48 (d) Reso=1.44 ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ Figure4:Simulationswithdifferenthorizontalresolutions(0.04,0.12,0.48,and1.44). InternationalJournalofOceanography 5 Zonal velocity at EQ(reso=0.04) Zonal velocity at EQ(reso=0.12) 0 0 − 0.4 −0.3 −0.4 −0.6 −0.4 0.30. −0.3 −0.1 0.2 −0.2 0.2 1 0 0 0 50 0 0.1 0.1 50 0.1 0 0 0 epth 100 0. 1 0 0.10.2 −0.1 epth 100 0.20 0.2 −0.1 D D −0.2 −0.2 150 0.1 −0.1 −0.3 150 0 0 −0.3 0 −0.32.0− −0.4 −0.4 −0.2 −0.4 200 −0.5 200 −0.5 92W 91W 90W 89W 92W 91W 90W 89W Longitude Longitude (a) (b) Zonal velocity at EQ(reso=0.48) Zonal velocity at EQ(reso=1.44) 0 0 −0.6 −0.4 0.2 −0.25 −0.15 0.2 −0.2 0 0 50 0.1 50 0.15 0.1 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.15 epth 100 0.4 −0.1 epth 100 00.0.15 −0.1 D D 0 6 −0.2 −0.2 0. −0.05 150 −0.3 150 −0.3 0.4 −0.4 −0.4 0.1 200 −0.5 200 −0.5 92W 91W 90W 89W 92W 91W 90W 89W Longitude Longitude (c) (d) Figure5:Verticalsectionsofzonalcurrent(m/s)alongtheequatorfortheupper200maroundtheGMRwithdifferenthorizontalresolutions ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ (a)0.04,(b)0.12,(c)0.48,and(d)1.44. precipitationfieldsobtainedfromNCEPreanalysis[27].The University(http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/vents/staff/chadwick/ latentandsensibleheatfluxeswerecalculatedduringmodel galapagos.html). The wind field used to drive the ocean runs using the model sea surface temperature and the bulk circulation in this subregion was derived from the 25km formulation[28,29].Boundaryconditionswereprovidedby resolutionQuikSCATwindfieldinsteadoftheNCEP/NCAR bufferzonesthataretengridpointswidewithinwhichtem- reanalysisfromyear2000toyear2006.Themodelwasrun perature,salinity,andinterfacedeptharerelaxedtoLevitus for twelve years from 1995 to 2006, and fields from the climatological values that have been vertically remapped to last two years of the simulation (years 2005 and 2006) are hybridverticalcoordinates.TheKPPverticalmixingmodel analyzedhere. of Large et al. [30] was used, which has been shown to perform well in open ocean settings. For the experiments withtheresolutionof1.44∘,0.48∘,and0.12∘,thebathymetry 2.3. Sensitivity Experiments. Two types of sensitivity exper- was derived from ETOPO2, which is a digital data base of iments were conducted to test the ocean variability around seafloorandlandelevationsona2-minutelatitude/longitude theGMR.Oneexperimentwastotesthowmarinemesoscale grid and is interpolated onto the various model grids. The variabilitydependsontemporalandspatialscalesofthewind ∘ bathymetry for the simulation of the resolution of 0.04 forcing (Expt.1); the other is to test how marine variability (near the Gala´pagos Islands) domain is derived from the dependsondifferentmodelhorizontalresolutions(Expt.2). ∘ 0.01 bathymetry of William Chadwick at Oregon State TheENSOvariabilitywasalsosimulatedusingthemodelto 6 InternationalJournalofOceanography quantifytheabilityofthemodeltogiverealisticsimulations 30 ofENSOeventsaroundtheislands. 29 28 2.3.1.WindForcingExperiments. Inthewindforcingexperi- 27 ments(Expt.1),theHYCOMmodelwasrunwithfourdiffer- entwindsforcing:monthlymeanforcing,weeklymeanforc- 26 ing,dailymeanforcing,and6-hourlywindforcing.Thehigh )C ∘( 25 frequencydailymeanforcingand6-hourlywindforcingwere T S downloaded from http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/cdc/reanalysis/, S 24 while the monthly mean forcing and weekly mean forcing 23 werecomputedbyusingthedailymeanforcingdata.Figure3 22 shows the standard deviation of sea surface temperature (SST)withthefourdifferentwindforcing.Fromthisfigure, 21 thesimulationwiththemonthlywindforcinghasthelargest 20 ∘ standard deviation (0.7 C) over most of the GMR, while 2005 2006 2007 the standard deviations from the simulations with the high Year frequency wind forcing are similar but much smaller than Reso=0.04 Reso=1.44 thosewiththelowfrequencyforcing.Theresultshowsthat Reso=0.12 Obs monthly wind forcing is not adequate to resolve the ocean Reso=0.48 variabilityaroundthearchipelago;therefore,especiallyinour ∘ ∘ regionofinterest,itisessentialtousehighfrequencywind Figure 6: The region-averaged around GMR (92.16W–88.96W, ∘ ∘ 1.68S–1.68N) simulated SST under four different horizontal res- forcing. ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ olutions (0.04, 0.12, 0.48, and 1.44) and the region-averaged observedSST. 2.3.2. Model Resolution Experiments. In the horizontal res- olution experiments (Expt.2), the model was run centered ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ Table1:Correlationcoefficientsbetweentheobservedandsimu- on the GMR (92.16 W–88.96 W, 1.68 S–1.68 N) with four ∘ ∘ ∘ different horizontal resolutions—0.04∘ (0.04∘ × 0.02∘), 0.12∘ latedSSTusingthedifferentresolutionof0.12,0.48,and1.44 in (0.12∘×0.06∘),0.48∘(0.48∘×0.24∘),and1.44∘(1.44∘×0.72∘). thefourdifferentregions(showninFigure7). Figure4displaystheSSTstandarddeviationatthesedifferent Resolution Region1 Region2 Region3 Region4 resolutions.AsshownbyFigure4,thesimulationsaroundthe 0.12∘ 0.69 0.59 0.55 0.89 ∘ GMRshowthata0.04 resolutionismoresuitabletostudy ∘ 0.48 0.67 0.53 0.48 0.83 thevariabilityinandaroundtheGala´pagos. ∘ 1.44 0.56 0.46 0.36 0.72 In the equatorial Pacific Ocean, the zonal transport is mainly dominated by the eastward EUC and the westward SEC. The changes to the EUC are also found ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ 2.16 S–2.16 N;region2:90 W–85.68 W,2.16 S–2.16 N;region with different resolutions (Figure5). Figure5 presented the ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ 3: 90 W–85.68 W, 6.5 S–2.16 S; region 4: 90 W–85.68 W, vertical sections of zonal current along the equator for the ∘ ∘ 2.16 N–6.5 N)simulatedSSTusingthreedifferenthorizontal upper 200m around the GMR with different horizontal ∘ ∘ ∘ resolutions. The core of the EUC is located at 50−100m. resolutions (0.12 , 0.48 , and 1.44 ) and the corresponding region-averagedobservedSST.Table1showsthecorrelation With increasing model resolution, the EUC speed is coefficients between the observed and simulated SST. The decreased and elevated to the surface with the inclusion ∘ resultshowsthatthesimulationusinghigherresolutionhas of the Gala´pagos Islands under the fine 0.04 resolution. thehighercorrelationwithobserveddata.Allaboveresults Figure6showstheregion-averaged(withinthewholeGMR show that the simulated SST using higher resolution (i.e., domain) SST simulated using four different horizontal ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ 0.04 resolution) is more suitable to study the variability in resolutions (0.04 , 0.12 , 0.48 , and 1.44 ) and the region- andaroundtheGala´pagos. averaged observed SST. The observational datasets used for comparisonwithmodeloutputcamefromthe0.25∘ ×0.25∘ microwave (MW) + infrared (IR) optimally interpolated 2.3.3.ENSOSimulations. Asafinaltestoftheconfigurations (OI) microwave SST product from 2002 to present tobeusedinthisstudy,ElNin˜o/SouthernOscillation(ENSO) (http://www.remss.com/sst/microwave oi sst browse.html). variability was simulated using HYCOM driven by NCEP ∘ These figures show that the simulated SST with a res- windforcing.TheSSTanomaliesintheNino3.4region(5 S– ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ olution of 0.04 is the closest to the observed SST. The 5 N,150 W–90 W)areoftenusedtoindexENSOvariability correlation coefficient between the two reaches 0.72 (𝑃 < [31].Figure8showstheobserved(blue)andHYCOMsimu- 0.05), while the correlation coefficients between the simu- latedSSTanomalies(red)inNino3.4region.Thecorrelation ∘ latedandobservedSSTusingthedifferentresolutionsof0.12 , coefficient between the simulate SSTA and observed SSTA ∘ ∘ 0.48 ,and1.44 are0.67,0.61,and0.32,respectively.Figure7 is 0.883. This result shows that, with prescribe atmospheric depicts the region-averaged (see Figure7(e): four differ- surfaceforcing,HYCOMcangenerallysimulatethemajorEl ∘ ∘ ent regions in eastern Pacific—region 1: 97.2 W–92.88 W, Nin˜oeventsespeciallythestrong1997-1998events.Therefore, InternationalJournalofOceanography 7 30 31 29 30 28 29 27 28 )C 26 )C 27 ∘( 25 ∘( 26 T T S 24 S 25 S S 23 24 22 23 21 22 20 21 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 Year Year Reso=0.12 Reso=1.44 Reso=0.12 Reso=1.44 Reso=0.48 Obs Reso=0.48 Obs (a) SSTinregion1 (b) SSTinregion2 30 31 30 28 29 28 26 ∘()TC 2267 ∘()TC 24 SS 25 SS 22 24 20 23 22 18 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 Year Year Reso=0.12 Reso=1.44 Reso=0.12 Reso=1.44 Reso=0.48 Obs Reso=0.48 Obs (c) SSTinregion3 (d) SSTinregion4 15N 10N e 5N Region 3 d Latitu 50S Region 1 RReeggiioonn 24 10S 15S 100W 95W 90W 85W 80W 75W Longitude (e) Regionmap ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ Figure7:Theregion-averaged(fourdifferentregionsineasternPacific,seeFigure7(e),region1:97.2W–92.88W,2.16S–2.16N;region2: ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ ∘ 90W–85.68W,2.16S–2.16N;region3:90W–85.68W,6.5S–2.16S;region4:90W–85.68W,2.16N–6.5N)simulatedSSTunderthree ∘ ∘ ∘ differenthorizontalresolutions(0.12,0.48,and1.44)andtheregion-averagedobservedSST. we feel confident that the HYCOM should give realistic observational cruise results, focusing on the surface water simulationsofthelarge-scalecirculationaroundtheislands masscharacteristicsandflowpatterns.Itshouldbenotedthat duringENSOeventsaswellasnormalyears. it is not expected that the modeled fields (which represent greater than 10,000 grid points over the water regions of the GMR) accurately portray the observed fields (which 3.ModelSimulationsComparedto representgriddeddatafromapproximately60–70datapoints Observations depending on the cruise) but should portray the major featuresofthewatermassesandcurrents(fromourvalidation 3.1.SimulationofT-SandOceanCurrentsaroundGMR. Here experimentsusingSST,themodeldatamayactuallyportray we compare the simulated circulation around the GMR to thefeaturesbetterthantheobserveddata). 8 InternationalJournalofOceanography Theobservationdatausedinthestudywerecollecteddur- 4 ingfoursurveys(seestationpositionsinFigure1)conducted 3 from17to28March,2005(Mar2005),fromNovember22to )C 2 December3,2005,(Nov/Dec2005),fromJune26toJuly4, ∘(A 1 2006(Jun/Jul2006),andfrom14to23November,2006(Nov ST 0 S −1 2006), onboard the Gala´pagos National Park Service’s M/N −2 SierraNegra.Eachcruisewas8to12dayslongandoccupied 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 ∼70hydrographicstationsaroundtheGMR[32].Surfacedata Time (year) included underway measurements of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and fluorescence data using a Seabird Figure8:Theobserved(blue,dashed)andHYCOMsimulatedSST Electronics SBE 19+ system (CTD) that was averaged into anomalies (red, solid) in Nino3.4 region. The grey shaded areas 30mintimeintervals. indicatethefourcruiseperiods. (a) March 2005. The March 2005 cruise occurred during the hot, wet season, a period characterized by warm SST depth (MLD) to compare with the observed chlorophyll associatedwiththesouthwardadvectionofwarmer,northern (Figure14(a)) during November/December 2005. During waters from the Panama Current and a weakening of the ∘ this period, the modeled coldest (20 C, see Figure9(b)) southeast trade winds. Figures 9(a) and 10(a) display the and saltiest (34.7, see Figure11(b)) waters were found in simulated and observed SST. Figures 11(a) and 12(a) dis- the west of Isabella Island and north of Fernandina Island play the simulated and observed sea surface salinity (SSS). andcorrespondedwiththelargestupwellingzonesfoundin Figure13(a)displaythesimulatedmixedlayerdepth(MLD) late spring/early summer as the EUC strengthened. These to compares with the observed chlorophyll (Figure14(a)) features were consistent with the in situ T-S characteris- duringMarch2005.FromFigures9(a)and11(a),thewarmest tics observed during this cruise period (see Figures 10(b) and the last salty waters are located within the north and and 12(b)). Figure13(b) shows that the MLD was slightly south regions of the GMR and the coolest and the saltiest shallower in the west near the cooler, upwelling region. waters are found in the west of Isabella and Fernandina, ∘ The warmest (25.0 C) and the freshest (33.7) waters were indicativeoftopographicallyinducedupwellingoftheEUC found in north of the Archipelago. The far northernregion [10].Theseresultsareconsistentwiththeobservationcruise was characterized with warmer, fresher water and had the T-S characteristics (see Figures 10(a) and 12(a)). Also the deepest MLD, and the other regions fell between the range MLD(Figure13(a))wastheshallowest(∼10m)inthewestof ofupwellingregionandfarnorthregion.BoththeSSTand IsabellaandFernandinaduringtheMarch2005cruise.The SSSdistributionsshowedaneast-to-westgradientassociated coldestandthesaltiestwaterhadthehighestchlorophyllcon- with higher values of chlorophyll concentrations indicative centration(seeFigure14(a)).Thehighestsurfacechlorophyll of higher phytoplankton biomass. The maximum values of 𝑎concentrationsobservedof3.25mgm−3 werefoundinthe chlorophyll𝑎werefoundinwestofIsabellaIsland,andthe west of Isabella Island and the north of Fernandina Island. minimumchlorophyll𝑎concentrationswereobservedalong The minimum chlorophyll 𝑎 concentration observed was theequatorintheGMR(Figure14(b)).Also,theshallowest −3 0.05mgm locateddirectlyinsoutheastofIsabellaIsland. MLD was simulated over cooler waters at depth (Figures The simulated surface layer flow (Figure15(a)) showed 13(b)and9(b)),anotherindicationofstrongupwelling.The thatthewestwardflowoftheSECcollidedwiththeeastward modeled surface layer flow (Figure15(b)) was completely flowoftheEUCinbothnorthandsouthofIsabellaIsland. dominated by the westward flow of the SEC throughout NeartheArchipelago,theSECsplintersintonorthwardand the GMR during this period. The EUC (Figure16(b)) had southwardlobesthatcontinuetothewestwithafewdegrees weakenedconsiderably. off the equator [33]. The mixed layer flow (Figure16(a)) is mainlydominatedbytheeastwardflowofEUCaroundthe (c) June 2006. The June/July 2006 cruise occurred during Gala´pagos. The EUC is quite strong (150cm/s), has its core a transition period, leaving the wet season and entering below the thermocline, and drives an eastward flow near theGaru´aseason,withthestrengtheningofsoutheasttrade surface(∼20m).Themixedlayerdepthshoalsto15minthe winds and SST significantly (+1.2∘C) above climatology westofIsabellaandFernandinaIslands,whichindicatesthe (Figure8). Figures 9(c) and 10(c) display the simulated and upperreachofaweakened,centrallylocatedEUC. observed SST. Figures 11(c) and 12(c) display the simulated andobservedseasurfacesalinity(SSS).Figure13(c)displays (b) November/December 2005. The November/December the simulated mixed layer depth (MLD) to compare with 2005 cruise occurred during a transition from the Garu´a the observed chlorophyll (Figure14(c)) during June 2006. to the wet season with lessening of the southeast trades. The model mean temperature was 24.4 ± 1.7∘C throughout ∘ The simulated mean SST was cooler than climatology by the GMR (Figure9(c)) with the warmest waters, 26.0 C, approximately −0.5∘C during the transition, as seen from found in north of the archipelago and the coldest waters, ∘ the ENSO anomaly (Figure8, grey area). Figures 9(b) and 24.2 C,foundinthewestofIsabellaandFernandinaIslands ∘ 10(b) display the simulated and observed SST. Figures 11(b) (Figure9(c)). The simulated SST was the warmest (26.0 C) and 12(b) display the simulated and observed sea surface and SSS was the freshest in northeast of the Archipelago, salinity(SSS).Figure13(b)displaysthesimulatedmixedlayer forminganincreasinggradienttothewestwiththehighest InternationalJournalofOceanography 9 1.15 25.225 2 5 2 5 222667.5 1.15 24 242.45 222667.5 0.5 24.8 25 24.8 2255.5 0.5 23 23.5 2255.5 23 0 24.5 0 24.5 22 −0.5 25.2 2243.5 −0.5 22 2243.5 .5 −1−.51 25.4 25 25 25.2 2232.5 −1−.15 23 2 3 2232.5 22 22 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 (a) Mar2005 (b) Nov/Dec2005 1.5 27 1.5 27 26 24 26.5 27 27 26.5 1 26 1 26 26 0.5 255 25.5 2255.5 0.5 25.5 26.5 2255.5 −0.05 24.3.5 24.5 4 2244.5 −0.50 24.5 2 5.5 26 2244.5 242 2 23.5 25 23.5 −1 23 −1 5 23 22.5 5. 22.5 −1.5 24 −1.5 2 22 22 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 (c) Jun/Jul2006 (d) Nov2006 Figure 9: HYCOM simulated sea surface temperature for (a) March 2005, (b) November/December 2005, (c) June/July 2006, and (d) November2006. 27 27 1.5 1.5 5 1 26 25 26 1 24. 24 26 0.5 2 4 5 0.5 23 24 2 24 25 22 25 0 0 −0.5 2 3 25 24 −0.5 2210 23 24 2 4 −1−.51 25 25 25 23 −1−.51 2021 22 22.5 22.5 22 2222.5 23 22 22 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 (a) Mar2005 (b) Nov/Dec2005 27 27 1.15 2323.5 242.55 25.5 26 1.51 26 26 26 0.5 2212 24 25 0.5 2525.5 25 0 0 24 −0.5 21.5 24 24.5 24 24 −0.5 23 25.5 24 25 −1−.51 22.5 23.5 23.5 23 −1−.51 2 4 24.5 24.5 23 22 22 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 (c) Jun/Jul2006 (d) Nov2006 Figure10:Theobservedseasurfacetemperaturefor(a)March2005,(b)November/December2005,(c)June/July2006,and(d)November 2006cruises. 10 InternationalJournalofOceanography 34.6 34.6 1.5 1.5 33.6 33.8 34.4 33.8 34.4 1 1 34.1 33.9 34.2 34 34.2 0.5 3 0.5 0 3.433 34 0 3 4.4 34.1 34 .8 33.8 33.8 −0.5 33.8 33.6 −0.5 34.5 3 4.6 33.6 3 −1−.51 33.6 4 34 33.8 33.8 3 4 3333..42 −1−.51 34.3 34.2 3333..42 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 (a) Mar2005 (b) Nov/Dec2005 34.6 34.6 1.5 33.8 34.2 34.4 1.5 33.8 33.6 34.4 1 34 1 3 4 −00..505 34.6434 34.2 34.4 333443..28 −00..505 3344.3.244.5 34 333.38.7 333443..28 34.4.8 33.6 33.6 −1 3 −1 −1.5 34.6 34.4 34.6 3333..42 −1.5 34.2 34.1 34 3333..42 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 (c) Jun/Jul2006 (d) Nov2006 Figure11:HYCOMsimulatedseasurfacesalinityfor(a)March2005,(b)November/December2005,(c)June/July2006,and(d)November 2006. 1.15 33 33.5 34 34.5 3 5 34.5 1.15 33.8 33.6 3 3.4 33.2 33 32.8 32.6 34.5 0.5 34 34 0.5 34.2 34 0 34.5 34 33.5 0 34.6 33.5 −0.5 −0.5 −1−.15 3 4 33.5 34.5 35 33 −1−.51 34.4 34 33.433.2 33 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 (a) Mar2005 (b) Nov/Dec2005 1.5 34.5 34.5 34 34.5 1.5 33.6 34.5 0.51 35 3 3.5 34 0.51 34.2 33.8 33.6 34 0 35 5 0 −0.5 34. 33.5 −0.5 34.6 33.5 −1 3 −1 34.6 33.8 −1.5 5 34.5 33 −1.5 34.2 33.8 34 34 33 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 −92 −91.5 −91 −90.5 −90 −89.5 −89 (c) Jun/Jul2006 (d) Nov2006 Figure12:Theobservedseasurfacesalinityfor(a)March2005,(b)November/December2005,(c)June/July2006,and(d)November2006 cruises.