JOURNALOFPETROLOGY PAGE1of32 doi:10.1093/petrology/egh083 Journal of Petrology Advance Access published November 24, 2004 Occurrence and Origin of Andalusite in Peraluminous Felsic Igneous Rocks D. BARRIE CLARKE1*, MICHAEL DORAIS2, BERNARD BARBARIN3, DAN BARKER4, BERNARDO CESARE5, GEOFFREY CLARKE6, MOHAMED EL BAGHDADI7, SASKIA ERDMANN1, HANS-JU¨RGEN FO¨ RSTER8, MARIO GAETA9, BA¨RBEL GOTTESMANN8, REBECCA A. JAMIESON1, DANIEL J. KONTAK10, FRIEDRICH KOLLER11, CARLOS LEAL GOMES12, DAVID LONDON13, GEORGE B. MORGAN VI13, LUIS J. P. F. NEVES14, DAVID R. M. PATTISON15, ALCIDES J. S. C. PEREIRA14, MICHEL PICHAVANT16, CARLOS W. RAPELA17, AXEL D. RENNO18, SIMON RICHARDS19, MALCOLM ROBERTS20, ALESSANDRO ROTTURA21, JULIO SAAVEDRA22, ALCIDES NOBREGA SIAL23, ALEJANDRO J. TOSELLI24, JOSE M. UGIDOS25, PAVEL UHER26, CARLOS VILLASECA27, DARIO VISONA`5, DONNA L. WHITNEY28, BEN WILLIAMSON29 AND HENRY H. WOODARD30 1DEPARTMENTOFEARTHSCIENCES,DALHOUSIEUNIVERSITY,HALIFAX,NS,CANADAB3H3J5 2DEPARTMENTOFGEOLOGY,BRIGHAMYOUNGUNIVERSITY,PROVO,UT84602,USA 3LABORATOIREMAGMASETVOLCANS,UNIVERSITEE(cid:1) BLAISEPASCAL,5RUEKESSLER,F63038 CLERMONT-FERRANDCEDEX,FRANCE 4DEPARTMENTOFGEOLOGICALSCIENCES,UNIVERSITYOFTEXAS,AUSTIN,TX78712,USA 5DIPARTIMENTODIMINERALOGIAEPETROLOGIA,UNIVERSITA` DIPADOVA,I-35137PADOVA,ITALY 6SCHOOLOFGEOSCIENCES,UNIVERSITYOFSYDNEY,SYDNEY,N.S.W.2006,AUSTRALIA 7LABORATOIRED’EXPLORATIONETGESTIONDESRESSOURCESNATURELLES,DEE(cid:1)PARTEMENTDESSCIENCESDE LATERRE,FACULTEE(cid:1) DESSCIENCESETTECHNIQUES,BENIMELLAL,MOROCCO 8GEOFORSCHUNGSZENTRUMPOTSDAM,D-14473POTSDAM,GERMANY 9UNIVERSITA` DEGLISTUDIDIROMALASAPIENZA,DIPARTIMENTODISCIENZEDELLATERRA,PIAZZALEALDO MORO5,00185ROME,ITALY 10NOVASCOTIADEPARTMENTOFNATURALRESOURCES,POBOX698,HALIFAX,NS,CANADAB3J2T9 11DEPARTMENTOFGEOLOGICALSCIENCE,UNIVERSITYOFVIENNA,A-1090VIENNA,AUSTRIA 12DEPARTAMENTODECIEˆNCIASDATERRA,UNIVERSIDADEDOMINHO,4710-057BRAGA,PORTUGAL 13SCHOOLOFGEOLOGYANDGEOPHYSICS,UNIVERSITYOFOKLAHOMA,NORMAN,OK73019-0628,USA 14DEPARTAMENTODECIENCIASDATERRA,UNIVERSIDADEDECOIMBRA,3000-272COIMBRA,PORTUGAL 15DEPARTMENTOFGEOLOGYANDGEOPHYSICS,UNIVERSITYOFCALGARY,CALGARY,AB,CANADAT2N1N4 16INSTITUTDESSCIENCESDELATERRED’ORLEE(cid:1)ANS(ISTO,UMR6113),45071ORLEE(cid:1)ANSCEDEX2,FRANCE 17CENTRODEINVESTIGACIONESGEOLO´GICAS,644CALLENO.1,1900LAPLATA,ARGENTINA *Corresponding author. Telephone: (902) 494-2358. Fax: (902) 494- 6889.E-mail:[email protected] JournalofPetrology#OxfordUniversityPress2005;allrightsreserved JOURNALOFPETROLOGY 18INSTITUTEOFMINERALOGY,FREIBERGUNIVERSITY,D-09596FREIBERG,GERMANY 19SCHOOLOFGEOSCIENCES,UNIVERSITYOFNEWCASTLE,NEWCASTLE,N.S.W.,AUSTRALIA 20THECOUNCILFORGEOSCIENCE,POBOX5347,PORTELIZABETH6065,SOUTHAFRICA 21DIPARTIMENTODISCIENZEDELLATERRAEGEOLOGICO-AMBIENTALI,UNIVERSITA` DIBOLOGNA, 40126BOLOGNA,ITALY 22INSTITUTODERECURSOSNATURALESYAGROBIOLOGIA,CSIC,37071SALAMANCA,SPAIN 23NEG-LABISE,DEPARTMENTOFGEOLOGY,FEDERALUNIVERSITYOFPERNAMBUCO,RECIFE,PE50670-000,BRAZIL 24UNIVERSIDADNACIONALDETUCUMAN,FACULTADCIENCIASNATURALES,INSTITUTOSUPERIOR CORRELACIO´NGEOLO´GICA,4000SANMIGUELDETUCUMAN,ARGENTINA 25DEPARTAMENTODEGEOLOGIA,FACULTADDECIENCIAS,37008SALAMANCA,SPAIN 26DEPARTMENTOFMINERALDEPOSITS,FACULTYOFNATURALSCIENCES,THECOMENIUSUNIVERSITY, MLYSKADOLINAG,84215BRATISLAVA,SLOVAKIA 27DEPARTAMENTODEPETROLOGIAYGEOQUIMICA,FACULTADDECC.GEOLOGICAS,UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE,28040MADRID,SPAIN 28DEPARTMENTOFGEOLOGYANDGEOPHYSICS,UNIVERSITYOFMINNESOTA,MINNEAPOLIS,MN55455,USA 29DEPARTMENTOFMINERALOGY,THENATURALHISTORYMUSEUM,LONDONSW75BD,UK 30DEPARTMENTOFGEOLOGY,BELOITCOLLEGE,BELOIT,WI53511,USA RECEIVEDAUGUST4,2003;ACCEPTEDSEPTEMBER22,2004 Andalusite occurs as an accessory mineral in many types of per- (c)xenocrystic(derivationfromlocalcountryrocks),and(d)restitic aluminousfelsicigneousrocks,includingrhyolites,aplites,granites, (derivation from source regions);Type 2 Magmatic—(a)peritectic pegmatites, and anatectic migmatites. Some published stability (water-undersaturated, T") associated with leucosomes in migma- curvesforAnd¼Silandthewater-saturatedgranitesoliduspermit tites,(b)peritectic(water-undersaturated,T#),asreactionrimson asmallstabilityfieldforandalusiteinequilibriumwithfelsicmelts. garnet or cordierite, (c) cotectic (water-undersaturated, T#) direct We examine 108 samples of andalusite-bearing felsic rocks from crystallization from a silicate melt, and (d) pegmatitic (water- morethan40localitiesworld-wide.Ourpurposeistodeterminethe saturated, T#), associated with aplite–pegmatite contacts or peg- origin of andalusite, including the T–P–X controls on andalusite matitic portion alone; Type 3 Metasomatic—(water-saturated, formation, using eight textural and chemical criteria: size— magma-absent), spatially related to structural discontinuities in compatibilitywithgrainsizesofigneousmineralsinthesamerock; host, replacement of feldspar and/or biotite, intergrowths with shape—rangingfromeuhedraltoanhedral,withnosimplecorrela- quartz. The great majority of our andalusite samples show one or tion with origin; state of aggregation—single grains or clusters of moretexturalorchemicalcriteriasuggestingamagmaticorigin.Of grains;associationwithmuscovite—withorwithoutrimsofmono- the many possible controls on the formation of andalusite (excess crystalline or polycrystalline muscovite; inclusions—rare mineral Al O ,waterconcentrationandfluidevolution,highBe–B–Li–P, 2 3 inclusions and melt inclusions; chemical composition—andalusite highF,highFe–Mn–Ti,andkineticconsiderations),thetwomost with little significant chemical variation, except in iron content important factors appear to be excess Al O and the effect of 2 3 (0(cid:2)08–1(cid:2)71 wt % FeO); compositional zoning—concentric, sec- releasing water (either to strip alkalis from the melt or to reduce tor, patchy, oscillatory zoning cryptically reflect growth conditions; alumina solubility in the melt). Of particular importance is the compositions of coexisting phases—biotites with high siderophy- evidenceformagmaticandalusiteingranitesshowingnosignificant llite–eastonite contents (Aliv (cid:3)2(cid:2)68 (cid:4) 0(cid:2)07 atoms per formula depressionofthesolidus,suggestingthattheAnd¼Silequilibrium unit), muscovites with 0(cid:2)57–4(cid:2)01 wt % FeO and 0(cid:2)02– must cross the granite solidus rather than lie below it. Magmatic 2(cid:2)85 wt % TiO , and apatites with 3(cid:2)53 (cid:4) 0(cid:2)18 wt % F. andalusite, however formed, is susceptible to supra- or sub-solidus 2 Coexistingmuscovite–biotitepairshaveawiderangeofFcontents, reaction to produce muscovite. In many cases, textural evidence and F ¼ 1(cid:2)612F þ 0(cid:2)015. Most coexisting minerals have of this reaction remains, but in other cases muscovite may Bt Ms compositions consistent with equilibration at magmatic conditions. completely replace andalusite leaving little or no evidence of its Thethreeprincipalgenetictypesofandalusiteinfelsicigneousrocks former existence. are: Type 1 Metamorphic—(a) prograde metamorphic (in ther- mally metamorphosed peraluminous granites), (b) retrograde metamorphic (inversion from sillimanite of unspecified origin), KEYWORDS:andalusite; granite; magmatic; origin; xenocrystic 2 CLARKEetal. ANDALUSITEINPERALUMINOUSFELSICIGNEOUSROCKS INTRODUCTION Purpose Andalusiteoccursasanaccessorymineralinawiderange of felsic peraluminous {A/CNK ¼ molar [(Al O )/ 2 3 (CaO þ Na O þ K O)] > 1} extrusive and intrusive 2 2 igneousrocks.Thepurposesofthiscontributionare: (1) topresenttexturalobservationsandchemicaldata from a wide range of andalusite-bearing felsic igneous rocks, including fine-grained glassy volcanics, anatectic leucosomes, fine-grained aplites, medium- to coarse- grained granitoids, and very coarse-grained granite pegmatites; (2) to discover the criteria (mineral assemblages, textures, chemical partitioning, and phase equilibrium constraints) for distinguishing between magmatic, meta- morphic, and metasomatic andalusite; (3) to evaluate the conditions and controls that promote the formation of andalusite in naturally occurring felsic igneous rocks. If andalusite can have a primary magmatic origin, its occurrence places important constraints on the T–P–X conditionsofmagmacrystallization. Petrological framework Fig. 1. Relationship between the granite solidus and the andalusite– The positions of the water-saturated granite solidus and sillimanitestabilityfieldboundary.(a)Thecombinationofthehaplo- the andalusite–sillimanite stability field boundary in T– granite solidus (Tuttle & Bowen, 1958)and the And ¼ Sil boundary P–Xspacearecriticaltotheoriginofandalusiteinfelsic ofHoldaway(1971;H71)permitsno overlapofthe stabilityfieldsof andalusiteandsilicatemelt,andprecludesthestablecrystallizationof igneous rocks. At one extreme, simple synthetic systems primarymagmaticandalusite,whereasthecombinationofthehaplo- involvingthewater-saturatedhaplogranite(Na2O–K2O– granite solidus and the And ¼ Sil boundary of Pattison (1992; P92) Al O –SiO –H O) solidus (Tuttle & Bowen, 1958; permitstheformationofprimarymagmaticandalusite.(b)Thecom- 2 3 2 2 binationoftheperaluminousgranitesolidus(Johannes&Holtz,1996) Holland&Powell,2001)andthealuminosilicatestability andtheAnd¼SilboundaryofRichardsonetal.(1969;R69)expands fields (Holdaway, 1971; Holdaway & Mukhopadhyay, the stability field for andalusite þ silicate melt (shaded area labelled 1993) show no overlap between the stability fields of ‘ANDMAX’). silicate melt and andalusite, precluding a primary mag- matic origin for andalusite (Fig. 1a). Accordingly, anda- lusite in felsic igneous rocks must be xenocrystic, curve depending on their concentrations (Chorlton & metasomatic, or the product of growth from a strongly Martin, 1978; London & Burt, 1982; Pichavant & undercooledmelt.Attheotherextreme,simplesynthetic Manning, 1984). Natural Ca-bearing plagioclase raises systems involving the water-saturated peraluminous thehaplogranitesoliduscurveby10–20(cid:8)C,dependingon granite solidus (Abbott & Clarke, 1979; Holtz et al., theamountofCainthesystem( Johannes,1978). 1992; Joyce & Voigt, 1994) and the aluminosilicate sta- Thepositionoftheandalusite–sillimanitefieldbound- bility fields of Richardson et al. (1969) show substantial ary in P–T space has been investigated many times, but overlap, thereby permitting a primary magmatic origin itspreciselocationremainscontroversial(Kerrick,1990; forandalusite(Fig.1b). Pattison, 1992, 2001; Holdaway & Mukhopadhyay, The position of the water-saturated granite solidus 1993; Tinkham et al., 2001; Pattison et al., 2002; Cesare curve is sensitive to the presence of other components. etal.,2003).UncertaintiesinthepositionoftheAnd¼Sil In particular, excess Al O lowers the solidus curve by fieldboundaryarise,inpart,fromthestrongdependence 2 3 c.30(cid:8)C(Fig.1b),andcreatesamorefavourablecomposi- of the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions on the tional environment in which to grow Al SiO poly- structural state of the material under investigation 2 5 morphs (Abbott & Clarke, 1979; Clemens & Wall, (Salje, 1986). Considerable discrepancy exists between 1981; Holtz et al., 1992; Joyce & Voigt, 1994). Fluorine, the experimental studies of Richardson et al. (1969), lithium,andboronareothercomponentsthatmayhave who used fibrolitic sillimanite, and those of Holdaway important roles in lowering the haplogranite solidus (1971) who used prismatic sillimanite. According to 3 JOURNALOFPETROLOGY Salje(1986),a‘transitionfield’betweenthepolymorphsis request on the granite-research network for further more appropriate than a ‘transition line’. Grambling & contributions to expand the coverage. The result is a Williams(1985)andKerrick(1990)suggestedaneffectof database of 111 felsic igneous rock samples, 108 of impurities (mainlyFe3þand Mn3þ) on the stabilityrela- them containing andalusite, contributed by the authors tionsoftheAl SiO polymorphs.IncorporationofFeand of this paper. All authors have participated in the pro- 2 5 Mn enlarges the stability field of andalusite relative to ductionofthispaperthroughanexchangeoftext,tables, that of sillimanite; however, Pattison (2001) argued that andfiguresontheInternet. this effect is generally modest for natural Fe and Mn Mostofthesamplesweresubmittedashandspecimens contents. and prepared as thin sections by Gordon Brown at Owing to these difficulties in deciding between the Dalhousie University. Petrographic observations of all different experimental calibrations, many investigators samplesweremadebyBarrieClarkeandMichaelDorais, turned to natural parageneses to constrain the equilib- andverifiedbythepersonsubmittingthesamples.Inthis rium (e.g. Greenwood, 1976; Vernon, 1982; Holland & way, we have applied a uniform nomenclature to all Powell, 1985; Pattison, 1992; Pattison etal., 2002). Most samples. Bernardo Cesare examined all samples for of these studies placed the And ¼ Sil equilibrium in melt inclusions. Dan Kontak examined all samples for positions intermediate between the Holdaway (1971) fluidinclusions.Whereapplicable,mineralabbreviations andRichardsonetal.(1969)curves.Ofparticularsignifi- usedinthispaperarethoseofKretz(1983). cancetothisinvestigationisthatseveralstudiesofmeta- peliticAnd¼Silphaseequilibriainlow-pressuresettings (i.e. those most relevant to the issue of andalusite þ PETROGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS silicate melt stability) rejected the Holdaway (1971) And¼Silcurvebecauseitcreatedtoosmallanandalusite AND DISCUSSION stability field to reconcile with a number of other phase Inafieldandpetrographicstudy,Hills(1938)notedthat equilibriumconstraints(e.g.Vernon,1982;Vernonetal., ‘it is chiefly from those uncontaminated ... granites, 1990;Pattison&Tracy,1991;Pattison,1992;Johnson& pegmatites, and aplites...that what appears to be pri- Vernon,1995).Pattison(1992)providedanevaluationof mary pyrogenetic andalusite has been recorded’. Hills’ theAnd¼Silequilibriumagainstanumberofkeyphase evidence included modal abundance, uniform distribu- equilibrium constraints that supported his calculated tion, large size and euhedral habit of andalusite, lack of position about midway between the Holdaway (1971) orientedcarbonaceousinclusions(chiastolite),absenceof and Richardson et al. (1969) positions. This position metasedimentary xenoliths, association with topaz and allows for an andalusite þ haplogranite melt stability tourmalineintwo-micagranites,and,forsome,apparent field below (cid:9)3kbar, even without the need to invoke lack of opportunity for the magmas to assimilate pera- F-, B-, Li- or excess Al-bearing components in the melt luminouswall-rock.Toestablishtheigneousoriginfora (Fig.1a),andithasfoundsupportinanumberofrecent particularmineralrequires matchinganumberofthese, papers (Spear et al., 1999; Tinkham et al., 2001; Cesare andother,inherentlyequivocaltexturalcriteria,detailed etal.,2003;Johnsonetal.,2003;Larson&Sharp,2003). below. If andalusite in a felsic igneous rock satisfies at Inaddition,thepresenceofmeltinclusionsinandalusite least some of these criteria, an igneous origin for that from volcanic rocks (Cesare etal., 2003), the presence of andalusiteistenable. euhedralcrystalsofandalusiteinsomeglassyfelsicvolca- Electronic Appendix Table A1 contains informa- nic rocks (Pichavant et al., 1988), and the occurrence of tion about the samples, including source, location, euhedralandalusitecrystalsingraniticrocksandanatec- environmentofcrystallization,andaliteraturereference tic leucosomes (Clarke et al., 1976; Clemens & Wall, (if any); electronic appendices may be downloaded from 1981; Vernon et al., 1990; Pattison, 1992) suggest an the Journal of Petrology website at http://petrology. overlap of the stability fields of andalusite and silicate meltandamagmaticoriginfortheandalusite. Grain size Methods Dimensional compatibility ofa mineral of unknown ori- This project began as the result of an exchange of ideas gin with other magmatic rock-forming minerals in the about andalusite in granites on the Granite-Research same sample could be used to argue a co-magmatic Internet discussion group ([email protected], origin. The grain sizes of primary magmatic minerals in now [email protected]). Subsequent to that an igneous rock can, however, vary by orders of magni- discussion, Barrie Clarke and Michael Dorais tested tude; therefore, any grain-size test is not particularly some ideas with their own andalusite-bearing and discriminating. Conversely, dimensional incompatibility andalusite-free granitoid samples, and then put out a maysuggest,butdoesnotnecessarilydemandadifferent 4 CLARKEetal. ANDALUSITEINPERALUMINOUSFELSICIGNEOUSROCKS aplites, e.g. WIL-01 (Fig. 3b), pass the grain-shape test as potentially primary magmatic phases. The andalusite inCLA-12isskeletal(Fig.3c),suggestingformationdur- ing a temperature or pressure quench. Many subhedral or anhedral andalusites in felsic igneous rocks have pink cores that are euhedral to subhedral (VIS-01, Fig. 3d), suggestingthatthosecores,atleast,mightbeigneous. Anhedralandalusitegrainshapesmayreflectlate-stage graininterferenceduringprimarymagmaticgrowth,the result of a reaction relationship of an andalusite of any originwiththesilicatemeltphase,anoriginallyanhedral xenocrysticmorphology,oranoriginallyeuhedralxeno- crystic morphology out of equilibrium with the melt. Distinctly anhedral andalusite grains, apparently out of equilibriumwiththefelsicmagma,includevolcanicsam- ple BAR-01 (Fig. 3e) and plutonic sample ROT-05 (Fig.3f ). State of aggregation Andalusite in felsic igneous rocks may occur as single grains(Figs3a,b,d–f;4a–d),isolatedfromotherandalu- site grains by more common rock-forming minerals. It may also occur as clusters of small grains. In some clus- ters,theindividualandalusitegrainshaverandomorien- tationsrelativetooneanother(Fig.5a–d).Whyshoulda modally scarce mineral cluster? Either the individual andalusites crystallized elsewhere and were brought to thatlocationby some physical process such as synneusis orsettling,or theyrepresent thesites ofadvanced diges- tion of pelitic xenoliths, or they nucleated and grew at that position in the sample. These common clusters of Fig.2.Andalusitegrainsizes.Photomicrographsillustratingandalusite randomlyorientedgrainsofandalusitemayhavegenetic grains that are significantly larger than the average grain size of the significance. rock,suggestingthattheymaynothavethesameoriginastheother Inotherclusters,theindividualandalusitegrainsarein minerals in these felsic igneous rocks. (a) Sample BBR-01 (granite; Oulad Ouslam Pluton, Morocco). (b) Sample CES-01 (dacite, optical and crystallographic continuity (e.g. Figs 3c and Mazarr(cid:1)oon,Spain).Scalebarsrepresent1mm.A,andalusite. 4b).Ifincrystallographicalignment,theandalusitegrains either grew as a spray of quench crystals (Figs 3c and origin. Any andalusite grains that are significantly smal- 5b), or the clustering may only be apparent, as in the ler, or significantly larger, than the main rock-forming cases of many optically continuous andalusite grains silicate minerals are potentially non-igneous. Figure 2 embedded in muscovite (Fig. 4b). In cases such as the illustrates two samples (BBR-01 and CES-01) in which latter,asinglegrainofandalusitewasirregularlyreplaced andalusitefailsthegrain-sizetestbecausethecrystalsare bymuscovite,yieldinganapparent‘cluster’ofanhedral, much larger than the other minerals in the rock. Many butcrystallographicallyaligned,andalusiteinmuscovite. other samples contain andalusite grains that are consid- erably smaller than the main rock-forming minerals; although they also fail the grain-size test, they may still Textural relationship with muscovite haveanigneousorigin. Manyandalusitegrainsinfelsicigneousrockshaveman- tlesofmuscovite,andthesemuscoviterimsmayconsistof Grain shape a single crystal or a polycrystalline aggregate. Figure 6 Euhedralandalusiteinafelsicigneousrockmayindicate combines the state of aggregation of andalusite grains aformercotecticorperitecticrelationshipwithasilicate (above), and the common association of andalusite with meltphase;however,euhedralandalusiteoccursbothin muscovite, to establish a six-fold textural classification igneous and metamorphic rocks, and thus idiomorphic of andalusite. In some cases, more than one class of grainshapesalonearenotdiagnostic.Someoftheanda- andalusitecanoccurinthesamerock(e.g.sampleGOT- lusites in volcanic samples, e.g. LON-01 (Fig. 3a), or 02containsandalusitetexturaltypesS1,C1,andC2). 5 JOURNALOFPETROLOGY Fig.3.Andalusitegrainshapes.(a)SampleLON-01(rhyoliteobsidianclast,Macusani,Peru;USNationalMuseumcatalogno.2143)showstwo small euhedral to subhedral andalusite crystals in a predominantly glassy matrix. (b) Sample WIL-01 (aplitic granite; Velay Massif, France) containseuhedralandalusite.(c)SampleCLA-12(aplite–pegmatite;SouthMountainBatholith,NovaScotia,Canada;sectionisslightlytoothick) haselongate–skeletalandalusitegrainshapessuggestingcrystallizationbyquenching.(d)SampleVIS-01(granite;Makalunorthside,Tibet)has andalusitewithanoverallanhedralgrainshape,butwithamoreeuhedralpinkcore.(e)SampleBAR-01(rhyolite;Lipari,Italy)isavolcanicrock withanhedralandalusite.(f)SampleROT-05(granite;Telve,Cimad’Astapluton,southernAlps,Italy)containsanhedralandalusitethatexhibits deformationtwinningincrossedpolars(notshown).Scalebarsrepresent1mm.A,andalusite. In the Macusani rhyolites, muscovite and andalusite andalusite and muscovite are negatively correlated, sug- coexist throughout the entire volcanic field (Pichavant gesting that, during the main crystallization stage of the et al., 1988). No textural evidence exists for replacement Macusanimagmas,thereactionMsþQtz¼AndþSan of one phase by the other, but the modal proportions of (in presence of melt) controls the modal proportions of 6 CLARKEetal. ANDALUSITEINPERALUMINOUSFELSICIGNEOUSROCKS Fig.4.Singlegrainsofandalusite.(a)SampleCLR-01(migmatite;Mt.Stafford,AruntaBlock,Australia)withsubhedralandalusiteinamigmatite leucosome(texturaltypeS1).(b)SampleTOS-05(pegmatite;VelascoBatholith,Argentina)showsasingleopticallycontinuousandalusitegrain enclosedinsinglegrainofmuscovite(texturaltypeS2).(c)SampleROT-02(granite;Cotronei,SilaBatholith,Calabria,southernItaly)showinga subhedral andalusite enclosed in a single crystal of muscovite (textural type S2). (d) Sample UGI-04 (granite; Plasencia granite, west Central IberianMassif,Spain)showingananhedralandalusitewithapolycrystallinerimofmuscovite(texturaltypeS3).ClassificationoftexturaltypesS1, S2,andS3isgiveninFig.6.Scalebarsrepresent1mm.A,andalusite. andalusiteandmuscovite.ThisreactiondependsonP,T, (ROT-02,Fig.4c),andtherebycomplicateanydetermi- and a , implying thatthe mineral assemblage charac- nationoftheoriginoftheandalusite.Becausemuscovite HO 2 teristic of the main crystallization stage of the Macusani can haveprimary magmatic or secondary hydrothermal magmas (Qtz, San, Plag, Ms, And, (cid:4) Bt) could have origins, with much the same texture (Miller et al., 1981; crystallized over a range of P, T and f conditions. Zen, 1988), interpretation of this textural relationship HO 2 However,theFcontentofmuscoviteisalsoanimportant betweenandalusiteandmuscoviteisdifficult.Onereason controlling factor in this reaction. For a given a , for little or no bulk chemical compositional difference HO 2 elevatedf woulddrivethereactiontotheleft(consum- between some andalusite-bearing two-mica granitoids HF ing andalusite, producing muscovite). Muscovite crystal- andandalusite-freetwo-micagranitoidsisjustaquestion lization attheexpenseofandalusite doesnotnecessarily of how completely the andalusite is replaced (effectively implyhigha (itcouldbelowerT,higherP,orhigher under magmatic conditions by primary muscovite, less HO 2 f ).Theinversecorrelationbetweenthemodalpropor- effectivelyundersubsolidusconditionsbysecondarymus- HF tions of Ms and And in the Macusani volcanics also covite).Whetherandalusiteispreservedinplutonicrocks occurs in peraluminous granites from the Bohemian dependsonitssurvivalunderconditionsofslowcooling, Massif (samples ROT-03,04; D’Amico et al., 1982– allowingmagmaticperitecticrelationsofthetype 1983a,1982–1983b). LþAndþOther Phases Muscovite overgrowths on andalusite in plutonic rocks may obscure a possible original euhedral shape ! LþMsþOther Phases 7 JOURNALOFPETROLOGY Fig.5.Clustersofandalusitegrains.(a)SampleROT-04(granite;Rasnaquarry,Telc,southwesternMoravia,CzechRepublic)showingasmall clusterofanhedralandalusitecrystalsinquartz(texturaltypeC1).(b)SampleELB-01(aplite;BeniBousera,Morocco)showingasub-parallel cluster of andalusite grains in an aplite (textural type C1). (c) Sample ROB-02 (granite; South Bohemian Pluton, Austria) shows a cluster of randomlyorientedandalusitesinasinglecrystalofmuscovite(texturaltypeC2).(d)SampleVIL-02(granite;Penn~a-HombrePluton,Spain)showsa clusterofanhedralandalusitegrainsinapolycrystallineaggregateofmuscovite(texturaltypeC3).ClassificationoftexturaltypesC1,C2,andC3 isgiveninFig.6.Scalebarsrepresent1mm. (whereLismelt),orsubsolidusreactionssuchas And þ Kfs þ ðH OÞ ! Ms þ Qtz 2 v to eliminate the early formed andalusite. Addition of water to the left sides of these equations converts ‘dry’ andalusite-bearinggranitoidsto‘wet’muscovite-bearing, and normally two-mica, granitoids; in other words, they are compositional equivalents except for the amount of water (Zen, 1989). Kinetically, a high-temperature, Fig. 6. Textural classification of andalusite in felsic igneous rocks. melt þ fluid, condition may favour the formation of Threetexturalparameters(theoccurrenceofandalusiteeitherassingle coarse-grained single muscovite crystals, whereas a grains or as clusters of grains, the occurrence of andalusite with or subsolidus low-temperature, fluid-only, condition may without muscovite, and if with muscovite, whether that muscovite consists of a single grain or an aggregate of grains) produce the favourtheformationofsomefine-grainedpolycrystalline followingsixtexturalcategories:S1,singleandalusitegrains,nomus- muscovite aggregates. covite; S2, single andalusite grains, monocrystalline muscovite over- Figure 7 illustrates four of the many types of growth or reaction rim; S3, single andalusite grains, polycrystalline muscoviteovergrowthorreactionrim;C1,clusteredandalusitegrains, textural relations between andalusite and muscovite. nomuscovite;C2,clusteredandalusitegrains,monocrystallinemusco- Theoriginalandalusitemaybeasinglegrainoracluster, viteovergrowthorreactionrim;C3,clusteredandalusitegrains,poly- themuscoviterimmaybemagmaticorsubsolidushydro- crystalline muscovite overgrowth or reaction rim. Textural types S1 thermal,andtheAnd!Msreactionmaybeincomplete and C1 can occur as discrete grains, or as inclusions in other grains suchasplagioclaseorquartz. orcomplete.Inthelastcase,theandalusiteiscompletely 8 CLARKEetal. ANDALUSITEINPERALUMINOUSFELSICIGNEOUSROCKS Fig.7.Developmentofseveralpossibletexturalrelationshipsbetweenandalusiteandmuscovite(arrowsrepresentthecrystallographicc-axisof andalusite). Different processes can have similar end-points. (a) Single grain of magmatic muscovite overgrows a single grain of magmatic andalusite.Suprasolidusorsubsolidusmuscovitecontinuestogrowtotheultimateeliminationofandalusite.Notexturalevidencefortheformer existenceofandalusiteremains.(b)Subsolidusreplacementofasinglegrainofandalusitetoproduceapolycrystallinemuscovitepseudomorph. (c)Quenchedskeletalandalusiteovergrownbymagmaticmuscoviteresultinginanapparentcluster,butthe‘grains’areinopticalcontinuity. (d)Opticallydiscontinuousclusterovergrownbymagmaticmuscovite. consumedinthereaction,leavinglittleornoevidenceof those inclusions may help to determine the origin of the itsformerexistence. host andalusite. If an andalusite contains carbonaceous material defining the chiastolite cross (e.g. BBR-01, Fig. 2a), a metamorphic origin is probable. Some chias- Inclusion relationships tolite-likeandalusite may alsoform by peritectic melting Mineral inclusions reactions in graphitic schists where inclusion of graphite Ifandalusiteoccursasinclusionsinigneousmineralssuch particles may take place behind advancing crystal faces, as feldspar and quartz (e.g. REN-03, UGI-06), little can butatthesametimetheandalusiteshouldalsotrapmelt be deduced about its origin; however, andalusite rarely inclusions(Cesare&G(cid:1)oomez-Pugnaire,2001).Fewofthe occursasinclusionsinanyphaseotherthanmuscovite.If andalusitesthatwebelieveareigneousonothergrounds andalusite itself contains inclusions of magmatic miner- contain any mineral inclusions, and thus the mineral als, the sizes, shapes, abundances, and compositions of inclusioncriterionisnotparticularlyuseful. 9 JOURNALOFPETROLOGY inavolcanicrockisalmostcertainlymagmatic,whereasa large anhedral andalusite with a chiastolite cross and a reaction rim is probably xenocrystic. Also, we note that thereisnoaprioritexturalreasonwhyafelsicigneousrock cannotcontainmorethanonegenetictypeofandalusite (e.g.magmaticandxenocrystic). CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ANDALUSITE IN FELSIC IGNEOUS ROCKS In this section,we examinethe chemical compositionof andalusite, the nature of any chemical zoning, and the chemicalcompositionsofcoexistingmicasandapatiteto search for criteria that might provide information about Fig.8.Meltinclusionsinandalusite.VolcanicsamplePIC-01(rhyolite; theoriginofandalusiteinfelsicigneousrocks.Electronic Macusani,Peru)showingconspicuousmeltinclusions.Alsotobenoted Appendix Tables A2–A5 contain compositional data is the sharp straight contact between the pleochroic core and the colourlessrimoftheandalusite.Scalebarrepresents0(cid:2)1mm. for average biotite, muscovite, andalusite, and apatite, respectively, in the samples we have studied. Not all samples contain all four minerals, and even if they do, Melt inclusions wedonotnecessarilyhaveanalysesforallfourphasesin eachrock. Melt inclusions in andalusite attest to its growth in the presenceofmelt(Cesareetal.,2003).Glassinclusionsare easytorecognizeinandalusitefromfelsicvolcanicrocks, Chemical composition such as those from Lipari (BAR-01), Mazarr(cid:1)oon (CES- If a mineral exhibits a wide range of chemical substitu- 01,02) (Cesare & G(cid:1)oomez-Pugnaire, 2001; Cesare et al., tions that reflect its conditions of formation [e.g. Ti in 2002,2003),andMacusani(Pichavantetal.,1988;Fig.8). muscovite (Miller et al., 1981)], then the origin of that In slowly cooled plutonic rocks or migmatites, any melt mineral may be determined from its chemical composi- inclusions trapped in andalusite will have crystallized as tion alone. In stoichiometric andalusite (Al SiO ), half 2 5 polyphase aggregates of quartz, feldspars, and micas, a the Al cations reside in octahedral sites, and the other useful criterion to infer an igneous origin for andalusite. halfresideinfive-coordinatedpolyhedra,whereasallthe Polyphase inclusions in andalusite crystals of samples Sicationsoccupytetrahedralsites.Suchsimplechemistry CLA-01,05,11,12,13, CLR-02, GOM-03, RIC-03, and and relatively simple structure provide limited opportu- TOS-06provideadditionalsupportfortheircoexistence nityforchemicalsubstitution(Deeretal.,1982).Electro- withafelsicsilicatemelt. nic Appendix Table A4 shows that the studied andalusites from felsic igneous rocks have transition- element compositions with the following ranges: FeO Fluid inclusions T (measured as Fe, reported as FeO) 0(cid:2)03–1(cid:2)70%, MnO Examinationofallourandalusitesamplesforfluidinclu- 0(cid:2)00–0(cid:2)09%,andTiO 0(cid:2)00–0(cid:2)36%.Withoutacompar- 2 sionsyieldednegativeresults.Eithertherewasnofluidin able database of andalusite compositions from meta- equilibriumwiththeandalusiteasitgrew(unlikelyinthe morphic rocks, little can be said about the existence of cases ofpegmatites),or the surface properties ofandalu- chemical discriminants to determine the origin of the sitearesuchthatitisnotreadily‘wetted’byfluids. andalusite.Traceelementsmightprovetobemoreuseful thanmajorelements. Summary of textural observations Of the several possible textural tests for the origin of Chemical zoning andalusite in felsic igneous rocks, no single criterion Optically zoned andalusite is common in metamorphic, (grain size, grain shape, clustering, textural relations hydrothermal, and magmatic environments [e.g. review withmuscovite,inclusionrelations)isnecessarilydiagnos- by Kerrick (1990)]. Andalusites from the studied felsic tic of the origin of andalusite. The agreement of two or igneousrocksshowfourtypesofzoning,asfollows. moreofthesetexturalandchemicalcriteriaconstitutesa (1) Concentric zoning. Concentric zoning consists of a stronger collective case. For example, a euhedral, grain- sharp to gradational variation in the mole fraction of sizecompatible,andalusitewithmeltinclusionsoccurring transition-element content (hereafter referred to 10