OCCULT SPELLS OcculStp ells A NineteenCtehn turGyr imoire compilbeyd FrederiHcokc kley Editeadn dw itha nI ntroduction by SileMnasn us TheT eitParne ss 2009 CONTENTS Introduction Vll Transcripotfit ohneM anuscript 1 Facsimiolfte h eM anuscript MS 1 two colodrr awintghsa t ""Crystaliomancoyr,t he 'crl thatm anuscriaplto,n g ,Hamill's The Rosicrucian " rse anyo ft her ecipes crl some oft hep ractices, ··· be illegaanldc, o uld is publishpeudr elays Dlracn·cal use. of ofP aper) INTRODUCTION THEw orke ntit"lOecdc ulStp ellissp" a rotf a riclhe gacoyfc arefulwlryi tten andd rawnm anuscripltesftt, o t hew orlbdy t hen ineteecnetnht uroyc cult scholFarre deriHcokc kley. Thanksi nl argpea rtto t her esearcohfeJ so hnH amilaln dR .A .G ilbert, we knowt haHto cklewya sb orni nh umblec ircumstanscoemse,w herien 1 Londoni n1 808a ndt hahte d ieda,ft erap rotracitleldn eisn1s 8,8 5.He lived modestalnyd i nconspicuohuesm layr:r ieadn dw asw idowedw,o rkefdo ra bookselalnedtr h eans a na ccountabnetc,a mae Freemasjooni,n etdh eS ocietas RosicruciianAn nag liaan,d i nvolvheidm seilnfa numbero fS piritualist and otheers otergirco upAs .f riendyleytu, n assumimnagn ,h en evesro ughtth e limeligahntdi, n stedaedv otehdi mseqlufi ettloyh iss tudies. Int hec oursoefh isl ifetHiomcek leayc quirae pdr odigikonuosw ledogfe theH ermetiacr twsh ichhe w asn otu ngeneroiunss harinagn,dh ec amet o ber egardweidt hw armtha ndr espebcyta lwlh ok newh im.I tw ast husn o accidetnhtaK te nnetMha cKenziceh osHeo ckleayst hefi rspte rsotnow hom hew ouldr ecountth ed etaiolfsh ism eetinwgi tEhl iphLaesv ii nD ecember 2 1861M.acKenziael ssoo ughtto e nliHsotc kleiyn t hes elegcrto upd evoted tot hes tudoyf a lchemayn dm agicca lltehde S ocieotfyE ighatn,d w ouldl ater writteh aHto cklewya s" them ostp rofounOdc culstt udeinntt hicso untr3y ." 1.J ohnH amillTh,e R osicrSueceMiraa:gn i Wcrailt oifnF grse deHroicckkWl eelyli,n gborough: AquariaPnr ess1,9 86A. reviseeddi tioofnT hReo sicrSuecewiriat,nha na dditioensasla y byR .A .G ilberwti,l slh ortbleyp ublishbeydT he TeitaPnr essI. a m deepliyn debtteod MessrGsi.l bearntd H amilflo ra llowimneg a ccesst htero e visveedr sioofnt heitre xbte fore publication. 2.K ennetMha cKenzi(e1 833-8F6r)e,e masoann da uthowrh,o h ada stronign terines tth e occulMta.c Kenziwea sf ora timee ffectivHeolcyk leys'tsu denatn,d w asl ongs uspected ofb eintgh es ource-info tt he originator-foafm outsGh oel denD awn ciphemra nu scripts. 3.I na ddititooMn a cKenziteh,ep rospectmievmeb ershoifpt heS ocieotfyE ighitn cludJeodh n Yarke(r1 833-191t3h)eE nglisFhr eemasoann da uthoMra;j orF. G.I rwin( 1828-1892) FreemasoCnh,i eAfd epto ft heB ristCooll legoeft heS ocietRaoss icruciIannA an glia, andm embero ft heH ermanoubTiesm plien B rist(osla itdo b ea precursooftr h eG olden Dawn)W;i lliaAml exandAeyrt on( 1816-190a9n)A ngliccalne rgymwaint ha ni nteriens t alchemwyh ow ouldgo o nt oj oitnh eH ermetiOcr deorf t heG oldeDna wn;a ndF rederick Hollanad F,r eemasowni tha ni nterienst th eo cculwth,o i ss upposetdoh aveb eeno neo f S.L .M acGregoMra therm'asg icamle ntors. vii Vlll As isn ow welkln ownH,o cklewya sh eldi ns uchh ighr egarbdy o neo ft he founderosft heG oldenD awn,W . Wynn Westcotthta,th e posthumously claimehdi ma so neo ft heO rderm'oss to utstandAidnegp t4s . Littilsek nowno ft heo rigionfsH ockleyi'nst erienst th eo cculatl,t hough hel aterre cordtehda hte c ommenceadt tempttoss crwyi tchr ystaanldm agic mirroirn 1 824w, henh ew asb arely siIxttw eaesnp .ro babaltya round that age-ifn ote arlietrh-ahte t ooakj obw itJho hnD enletyh,e o ccubloto kseller whoses hopw asi nC atheriSnter eebte,t weeCno venGta rdena ndA ldwych inL ondonI.n l atelri fHeo cklewyo uldl ookb acko n hist imea tD enley's shopw ithc onsideraabffleec tiobno,t hf ort heo pportuniitta yff ordehdi m toe ducathei mseilnft hem anyb ywayosf o ccultiasnmd,f ort hea ccestsos o manyr arbeo okasn dm anuscriiptpt rso vided. Oner egulvairs ittootr h es hopt,h ew ell-knoawunt hoSri rE dwardB ulwer Lyttodne,s cribDeedn leayn dh isb usinetshsu s Therew eret ob ef ounndo p opultarr eatinsoee sn,t ertairnoimnagn ces, noh istornioe tsr,a venlos" ,L ibrafroyrt heP eoplen,o"" Amusement fort heM illionB.u"t therep,e rhaptsh,r oughoaultlE uropet,h e curiomuisg htd iscovtehrem ostn otablceo llecteivoenar,m assebdy ane nthusioafst th,ew orkosf A lchemist, CaabnadAl sitsrto,l oTgheer . ownerh adl avishae fdo rtuinnet hep urchaosfeu nsaleatbrleea sures. Buto ldD [enledyi]d n otd esitreos elIlt.a bsolutweelnytt oh ish eart whena customeern terheids s hoph;e w atchetdh em ovementosft he presumptuionust ruder awv iitnhd ictiveh egfl luatrtee,ra erdo unhdi m withu neasvyi gilanhceef ;r ownehde,g roanewdh,e np rofanhea nds dislodgheidsi dolfrso m theinri che5 s. The CatheriSnter eesth opm usth aves eemeda veritatbrleea sutrreo ve tot hey oungH ockleIyn.a ddititooni temgsl eanefdr oms alreo omsa nd 4.A s ofteno bserveidts, e emsu nliketlhyaW te stcotdte'csl aratwiaosmn e antt ob et akelni t erallgyi,v etnh atH ocklehya dd iedt hreyee arbse fore Otrhdee rw asf oundeidn 1 888. Westcomtatd et hes tatemeinn tt he" OfficiaHli storLye ctureo,ft" h eO rderw,h ichh as beenp ublishaesAd p pendiGx o fF rancKiisn g'Rsi,t uMaalg ici nE nglanLdo,n donN,e ville Spearma1n9,7 0p,p .2 12-17. 5.T hisfi ctionalaicsceodu nwta sg iveinn t he" IntroducttiooL ny"t tonn'osv eZla noniS.e e: EdwardB ulweLry ttoZna,n onPih,i ladelpLhiipap:i nco1t8t7,4p ,. x . ix regarbdy o neo ft he estataerso untdh eH ome CountieDse,n lehya dn otl onge arliaecrq uired ; that h posthumously thee xtraordicnoalrlye ctoifob no oksa ndm anuscritphtasth adb elonged Adepts. toE benezeSri bl(y1 751-179t9h)e,p hysiciaannd ,a strolowgheor w rote in theo cculatl,t hough voluminouosnl yo ccultiasnmd fringem edici6n eA.l thougbhy Lytton's with crystaaln dm agic accounDte nleyw asl oathteo s elhli st reasurhees c,o ulbde generouisn probablya ta round that allowipnego plteo b orrotwh em,a ndi tw ash e thath adl oaneFdr ancis ,th e occubloto kseller Barretthteb ookasn dm anuscritphtasft o rmetdh eb asiosfh isp asticThhee, Gardena ndA ldwych Magus.T herei sn o doubtt haHto ckletyo oka dvantaogfeh ise mployment on histi me atD enley's witDhe nletyo d evelaonpd e xpanhdi so wno cculitn tereasntdsm ,a dea mple -._.,,. .,,t· yi ta ffordehdi m useo ft hem ateriaathl a nd. and fort hea ccestsos o The exacnta turoef H ockleyp'oss itiwoint hD enlerye mainusn known, althoumgohs tl ikeiltwy a st haotf a g eneraasls istcalneta:n isnegr,v ing behind �; orS irE dwardB ulwer thec ountesro,r tisntgo cakn,d d oinwgh atevoetrh etra skDse nlesye tf orh im. ' In thec oursoefh isd utiHeosc klemyi ghhta ved iscovear feadc ilfiotrby o ok keepinagsl, a teirnl ifhee g aveh isp rofessaiso" nP ublAiccc ountanbtu,th" e gromances, iso fc oursbee srte memberefdo rt hem anuscritphtasht e p roduceddu ring ,"n o "Amusement hise mploymewnitt Dhe nley. all Europet,h e Whilswte know thHaotc kledyi de ventualcrleya tseo me of these ,e vearm assebdy manuscri"pttoso rderf"o rD enleayn dh isc lientthse,b ulko ft hosteh ahte and AstrologTehre. madew eref orh iso wnu se-asa ttestbeytd h ef actth atth ewye res tiilnlh is 7 libraartty h et imeo fhisd eathT.hem anuscriepntt it"lOecdc ulStp ellwsa"s � wentt oh ish eart oneo ft hesIet.w asp robabtlhye t hirodr f ourtohc culmta nuscritpoth ave 1he movementosft he beens tartbeydH ockleayn,d i fo ner eckonist asg efr om thet imet hahte flutteraerdo unhdi m 'wh en profanhea nds 6.S ibleeyd iteadn dw rotae n umbero fw orkst,h eb esktn owno fw hichw ereh isA New and CompleItlel ustraotfti hoenO ccuSlcti encLeosn,d onC,. S talke1r7,8 4& A New andC omplete I,�c,c � Illustraotfti hoeCn e lestSicaile nocfAe s troloLgoyn,d onW., Nicol1l7,8 4. �eritabtlree asutrreo ve 7.M osto ft hem anuscripprtesp arbeydH ocklefyo rr esaalpep eatro h aveb eend ireccotp r from salreo omsa nd ieso fe xistiwnogr ksh,o weveDri etriBcehr gmant,h ee ditoorft heT eitaPnr esesd itioofn HockleyA' Cso mpleBtoeo ko fM agicS ciencien,f ormmse thaitt n ow appeartsh atth iwsa s � actuallcyo mpao siwtoer kc reatbeydH ocklehyi mselIfnt. h ec oursoef p reparitnhget ext, I Dietrihcahd c ommenteodn t hes imilarbiettiweese tnh eB ooko fM agicS cienacned e arlier was meantt ob et akelni t occulwto rksb,u th ada ssumetdh aitf a,s s eemedl ikeliytw, a sa compositteex tt,h eni t Order w-as foundeidn 1 888. hadb eenc reatbeyd a ne arlier awuhtohsoerw ,o rkH ocklehya d copied. However, it has ,"'oft heO rderw,h ichh as sincceo met oh isa ttenttihoanit n a lettteorh isfr iendH erberItr wiHno, cklesyp ecifically m EngU1ndL,on donN,e ville · mentiontehda hte h ad" madeu pt heM S [otfh eB ooko fM agicS cienfrcoem] othesro urces" att heb ookselDleenrl eys'usg gestiLoent.t eFrr,e deriHcokc kletyoH erberItr win1,8J une, , to Lytton'nso veZla nonSie.e : 1874r,e producienJd o hnH amillT,h eR osicruSceiea(rnR evisEeddi tion:TePirteasnfs o,r th 4,p.x. comingp).,3 9. X startwerdi tiint(g a Hso ckledyi d)t,h eni ti se ithtehre s econodr t hireda rliest examploefh isw orkk nownt oh aves urviv8e d. In hisd etailseudr veoyf theH ocklemya nuscrip"tSse,c reWtr iting: ......... ,s theM agicaMla nuscripotfsF rederiHcokc kleyR,."A . Gilbecrotu lfidn d llisa.niii!M • referentcoeo sn lyt wos eemingelayr limearn uscripbtysH ockle"yH:a bai, ,.. Mird 11111S ContainitnhNge aturaen dO fficeso fS piriMtyss,t iIcn cantat.i.oe.nx st racted 6.:is0111f! from scarcaen dv aluabwloer ks"( 1825)a,n d" Magiad e Profundisse u . ... .,.. - 9 ClavicSuollao monRiesg iest TheurgGioae tia("1 828)A. thirmda nuscript, "Journoafla RosicrucPihainl osopfhreormA pri3l0 tht oJ une1 5th1 79,7" isd ate1d8 29t,h es amey eaars " OcculStp ell"sH.a"b aii"so nlkyn ownfr om a referetnoci eti na n1 884l ettferro mt hem anuscriptth'esno wnero,n eE . D.E wen,t oF. G.I rwibnu,t h ass incvea nishweidt houttr acTeh.e " Clavicula Solomonis",J"o urnoafla RosicrucPihainl osophaenrd"" OcculStp ells" 1° werea lkle pbty H ockleayn ds olodff att het imeo fh isd eath.Fromt here the" ClavicSuollao moniesv,e"n tuafloluyn di twsa yi nttoh el ibraorfyt he WellcomIen stitauntdet ,h el atttewro i nttoh ep rivactoel lectwihoenrste hey currenrtelsyi de. Iti sn otd ifficultto e nvisatghee c ircumstanicnwe hsi chH ocklecyo m mencedw ritihnigs m anuscripAt yso.u ngm an,s tiilnlh ist eensa,n dw ith a fascinatfioornt heo cculhte,s uddenfloyu ndh imseilnft hem idsotf w hat musts urehlayv eb eeno neo ft hefi nescto llectoifob noso kasn dm anuscripts ont hes ubjeicntp rivahtaen dsi nE nglanIdn. thopsree -electdraoynsit,ch e onlwy ayH ocklecyo ulgda thearn ds torteh ei nformattihoantt h ecyo ntained wast oe ithbeury t heo riginals-moafnw yh ichw eree vent hene xpensive raritiest-oom ra keh iso wnh andwritctoepni eosft hem. 8. Int hei nstanwcheesr eH ockledyi dd ateh ism anuscriphtess ,e emst oh avei ndicattehde yeairn w hichh ec ommencewdo rko n themr,a thetrh aitn w hicht heyw erec ompleted. Thusi nterneavli denicne" OcculStp ellssu"g gestthsa hte w ass tialdld intgo t het exatt leasat d ecadaeft ers tartiitni gn1 829. 9. FromR .A .G ilbenrott efso rt her evisveedr sioofnt hiwsh icih st ob ep ublishientd h en ew editioofn] ohHna millTh'es RosicrucSieaeYnro ,r kB eachT:ei taPnr esfso,r thcoming. 10.M osto fH ockleyl'isb rawrays a cquiraendd d ispersbeydt heo cculbto okselalnedrp ub lisheGre,or gRee dwayT.h e mains alcea talwoags R edway'"sL isotf B ooksC hieflfyr om theL ibraroyft heL ateF rederiHcokc kleEys,q ,.C onsistoifnI gm portaWnotr ksR elating tot heO cculStc iencBeost,h i nP rinatn dM anuscripGte,o"r gRee dwayL,o ndon1,8 87. Allt hremea nuscrimpetnst ionheedr wee rel istiendt hacta talog"uCel,a vicSuollao monis" beinigt em1 02," Journoafla RosicrucPihainl osophietre"m1 03,a nd" OcculStp ells" item1 12. Xl From theo utseHto cklesyp enwth ath e couldo n books-eventually amassians gi gnificcaonltl ectiinocnl udimnagn yr aritibeust-h isw ageass a booksellaesrs'iss twaonutl dh aveb eenn ugatorayn,ds oh ea lsboe gamna king hiso wnm anuscricpotp ieAss.m entionaebdo veo,n eo ft hefi rstte xttsh ahte byH ockle"yH:a bai, copied twhaesC lavicSuollao monRiesgi (sTh eK eyo fS olomotnh eKi nga)w ork ,_._u.tations ..e.x tracted thaits o neo ft hec orner-stoofnWeess temrang icaplr actibcuetw, a st heno f 11 de Profundisse u considerarbalrei tyS.ensibelnyo ught,h eo thetrw ot exthse startweedr e _9 A thirmda nuscript, compilatiWoen ksn.o wn othinogft hefi rsotf t hes"eH,a biao,t"h etrh anw hat S toJ une1 5th1 797," canb eg leanefdr omi tesx tendteidt lteh:ai ts t haitt c omprismeadt erioanl " is onlkyn ownfr om "thNea turaen dO fficeso fS pirits, MIynsctainct ati[oentsc .t]h"aH to ckley s then ownero,n eE . had" extracfrtoemd s carcaen dv aluabwloer ks." � trace.T he" Clavicula No suchd ifficulptrye senwtist rhe gartdot hen aturoeft he" OcculStp ells" � and "OcculStp ells" manuscriIptit s.a pparefrnotm botht het italned t hec ontenotfts h ivso lume, iEJ1is deat1h°.F romt here thaHto ckleyi'nst entwiaosnt or ecoridni ta ltlh em aterioanld ifferesnpte lls, I. intot hel ibraorfyt he talismacnhsa,r msa nds uch-litkhea cta ughhti se yed urintgh ec oursoef � collectiownhse rteh ey hisr esearchIenss o.d oinHgo ckleyp'rsi marcyo ncerwna sc learwliyt ht he informatiitosner laft hetrh ani tpsr ovenanfcoerh, i si dentificaotfis oonu rces which Hocklecyo m isa tb esmti nimaSlt.i lilnt, h ec oursoeft ranscriabnidnp gr eparitnhget ext ·- in his teensa,n dw ith forp ublicatIi hoanv eb eena blet oi dentiafy c onsideranbulmeb ero ft he in them idsotf w hat worksfr om whichH ockledyr ewa,n dt hev arietthya tth eyd emonstraitse quitree markable. As mightb ee xpectmeadn yo fH ockleys'osu rcweesr ew orkst haatt t he time werec onsidetroeb de " occucllta ssibcoso,k"ss u cha sR icharSda unders' PhysiognoamnidCe h,i romancie,Meto(1p 6o7 s1c),o JpoihHene ydon'Tsh,e omagia, � ort heT emploef Wisdo(m1e6 63W)i;l liaRma mesey'Ass,t rologRieas tauroart a AstrolRoegsyt o.r.e(.d1. 6 53H)e;n ryC orneliAugsr ippaT'hsr ee BooofOk csc ult ! Philoso(p1h6y5 1W)i,l liaLmi llCyh'rsi stian As(t1r6o4l7ao)ng dys oo n.O ther seems toh avei nidcatetdh e well-knobwunt,n ots pecific"aolclcyu lwto"r ktsh ahte m adeu seo fi ncluded which thewye rec ompleted. JohnA ubreyM'iss cella(n1i6e9s6 T)h,o masL ewisO'r iginHeesb raeaTeh;e was stilla ddintgo t het exatt Antiquiotfit ehseH ebreRwe publ(i1c7 24-25a)n,d L eonard HowaTrhde' s RoyalB ibl(e1 761w)h,i las fte wu nlikealnydg enuineolbys curtee xtssu,c ha s is tobe publishientd h en ew PTess,forthcoming. occu ltbo oksellaenrd p ub 11In. hise ssay, "Clavicula AS Haelbormeown isM:a nuscNreiwpltyD iscoveraendd n ow -us£ ofB ooksC hieflfryo m Describe(d1" 90H3er)m annG ollanclzi,s tseodm eh alf-a-dopzreinn tveedr sioonfst he ' ofImpo rtant WorksR elating ClavicuSlaal omontihsa hta da ppearbeedf or1e8 2a8sw, e lals a varieotfmy a nuscriBptys . Redway, London1,8 87. the eanrilnye teecnetnht ury alall rweearodefyc onsiderraabrlieat nyd,a nE ngliesdhi tion illlllol� "ClavicSuollao monis" oft hew orkd idn otb egitno c irculuantteiS l.M acGregoMra theresd'i tioofn1 88S9e.e 103,an d "OcculStp ells" further" ClavicSuallao moniisn"H ermann GollaSnecpzh,eM ra phteahS helomYoohr,k BeachT:e itaPnr es2s,0 0p8.x, i x.