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IPMU16-0007 Occam’s Razor in Quark Mass Matrices 6 1 0 2 Morimitsu Tanimoto1 and Tsutomu T. Yanagida2 b e F 1 Department of Physics, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan 6 2 Kavli IPMU, TODIAS, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa 277-8583, Japan 1 ] h p - p e Abstract h [ On the standpoint of Occam’s Razor approach, we consider the minimum number of 2 parameters in the quark mass matrices needed for the successful CKM mixing and CP v violation. Weimposethreezeros inthedown-quarkmassmatrixwithtakingthediagonal 9 up-quark mass matrix to reduce the number of free parameters. The three zeros are 5 4 maximal zeros in order to have a CP violating phase in the quark mass matrix. Then, 4 thereremainsixrealparametersandoneCPviolatingphase,whichistheminimalnumber 0 to reproduce the observed data of the down-quark masses and the CKM parameters. . 1 The twenty textures with three zeros are examined. Among them, the thirteen textures 0 6 are viable for the down-quark mass matrix. As a representative of these textures, we 1 (1) discuss a texture M in details. By using the experimental data on sin2β, θ and θ : d 13 23 v together with the observed quark masses, the Cabibbo angle is predicted to be close to i X the experimental data. It is found that this surprising result remains unchanged in all r other viable textures. We also investigate the correlations among Vub/Vcb , sin2β and a | | J . For all textures, the maximal value of the ratio V /V is 0.09, which is smaller CP ub cb | | than the upper-boundof the experimental data, 0.094. We hope that this prediction will be tested in future experiments. 1 Introduction The standard model is now well established by the recent discovery of the Higgs boson. In spite of the success of the standard model, underlying physics determining the quark and lepton mass matrices is still unknown. Because of this there have been proposed a number of models based on flavor symmetries, but no convincing model has been proposed. A long times ago, Weinberg [1] considered a mass matrix for the down-quark sector in the basis of the up-quark mass matrix being diagonal. He assumed a vanishing (1,1) element in the 2 2 matrix and imposed a symmetric form of the matrix in order to reduce the × number of free parameters. Then, the number of free parameters is reduced to only two and hence he succeeded to predict the Cabibbo angle to be m /m , which is very successful d s and called as the Gatto, Sartori, Tonin relation [2]. 1 p Thesuccess oftheWeinberg approachencouragedmanyauthorstoconsidervariousflavor symmetries in the quark matrices by extending it to the three family case. In this paper, however, we point out that the Cabibbo angle is predicted successfully in the framework of “Occam’s Razor” approach proposed in the lepton sector [6]. 2 In other word, we show that the Weinberg matrix can be obtained without any symmetry. On the standpoint of Occam’s Razor approach, we consider the minimum number of parameters needed for the successful CKM mixing and CP violation without assuming the symmetric or hermitian mass matrix of down quarks. We impose three zeros in the down- quark mass matrix. We always take the up-quark mass matrix to be diagonal since we do not need any off-diagonal element to explain the observation. Therefore, the down-quark mass matrix is given with six complex parameters. Among them, five phases can be removed by the phase redefinition of the three right-handed and three left-handed down quark fields. After the field-phase rotation, there remain six real parameters and one CP violating phase, which are the minimal number to reproduce the seven observed data, that is the three down- quark masses and the four CKM parameters. It is emphasized that the three-zero texture keeps one CP violating phase in the down-quark mass matrix. In the present Occam’s Razor approach with three families, we show that the successful prediction of the Cabibbo angle is obtained. It is surprising that the Weinberg’s anzatz, that is (1,2) and (2,1) elements to be symmetric, is derived in our Occam’s Razor approach. In order to reproduce the bottom-quark mass and the CKM mixing angles, V and V , us cb we take the elements (3,3), (2,3), (1,2) of the 3 3 down-quark mass matrix to be non- × vanishing. Then, we have C = 20 textures with three zeros. For our convenience, we 6 3 classify them in two categories; (A) where a (2,2) element is non-vanishing and (B) where a (2,2) element is vanishing. In the category (A), the six textures with three zeros are 1 Fritzsch extended the above approach to the three family case [3, 4]. He set four zeros in each down- quark and up-quark mass matrices, which are both symmetric. Then, there were eight parameters against the ten observeddata. However,it was ruled out by the observedCKM element Vcb. Ramond, Roberts and Ross also presented the systematic work with four or five zeros for the symmetric or hermitian quark mass matrix [5]. Their textures are also not viable under the precise experimental data at present, because four or five zeros is too tight to reproduce the ten observed data. 2 The Occam’s Razor approach predicts the CP-violating phase δ = π/2 in the neutrino oscillation. It ± isverymuchinterestingthatoneofthe predictions, δ π/2,is favoredinaglobalanalysisofthe neutrino ≃− oscillation data [7]. 1 viable for the down-quark mass matrix. In the category (B), there are seven viable textures with three zeros. Finally, we have found that those thirteen textures are all consistent with the present experimental data on quark masses and the CKM parameters. However, we should note that some textures are equivalent each other due to the freedom of the unitary transformation of the right-handed down quarks. In section 2, we show viable down-quark mass matrices with three zeros in the categories (A) and (B), and explain how to obtain the CKM mixing angles and the CP violating phase. In section 3, we show numerical results for those mass matrices. The discussion and summary is devoted in section 4. In Appendices A and B, we show unfavored down-quark mass matrices and the above redundancy of our textures, respectively. 2 Quark mass matrix in the Occam’s Razor approach 2.1 Three texture zeros for down-quarks Let us discuss the down-quark mass matrix. We always take the basis where the up-quark mass matrix is diagonal. The number of free parameters in the down-quark mass matrix is reduced by putting zero at several elements in the matrix. We consider the three texture zeros, which provide the minimum number of parameters needed for the successful CKM mixing and CP violation. We never assume any flavor symmetry. We call this as “Occam’s Razor “ approach. Before investigating the quark mass matrix, we present our setup in more details. The Lagrangian for the quark Yukawa sector is given by = yu Q¯ u h˜ +yd Q¯ d h , (1) LY αβ Lα Rβ αβ Lα Rβ whereQ , u ,d andhdenotetheleft-handedquarkdoublets, theright-handedup-quark Lα Rβ Rβ singlet, the right-handed down-quark singlet, and the Higgs doublet, respectively. The quark mass matrices are given as m = y v with v = 174.104 GeV. In order to reproduce the αβ αβ H H observed quark masses and the CKM matrix with the minimal number of parameters, we take the diagonal basis in the up-quark sector, m 0 0 u M =  0 m 0  . (2) u c 0 0 m  tLR Forthedown-quark mass matrix, we impose thethreetexture zeros. Then, thetexture ofthe down-quark mass matrix M is given with six complex parameters. The five phases can be d removed by the phase rotation of the three right-handed and three left-handed down-quark fields. Therefore, there remains six real parameters and one CP violating phase, which are the minimal number to reproduce the observed data of masses and the CKM parameters. Now, we can discuss textures for the down-quark mass matrix. Let us start with taking (3,3), (2,3), (1,2) elements of M to be non-vanishing values to reproduce the observed d 2 bottom quark mass and the CKM mixing angles, V and V . 3 Then, we have C = 20 us cb 6 3 textures with three zeros for the down-quark mass matrix. For our convenience, we classify them in two categories, (A) and (B), as explained in the introduction. In (A), we have C = 10 textures with a non-vanishing (2,2) element and in (B) we have also ten textures 5 2 with a vanishing (2,2) element. We first discuss textures in the category (A). The ten textures are written as follows: 0 A 0 A A 0 0 A 0 0 A C A A C ′ ′ ′ ′ A B C, 0 B C, 0 B C, A B C, 0 B C, ′ ′ 0 C D 0 C D A C D 0 0 D 0 0 D ′ ′ ′ ′           0 A C 0 A 0 A A 0 0 A C A A 0 ′ ′ ′ ′ 0 B C, A′ B C, C′ B C, 0 B C,  0 B C, A 0 D C 0 D 0 0 D 0 A D C 0 D ′ ′ ′ ′           (3) where A,A,B,C,C and D are complex parameters. We will show that the first six textures ′ ′ are consistent with the present experimental data. Those six down-quark mass matrices are parametrized after removing five phases by the phase rotation of quark fields as follows: 0 a 0 a a 0 0 a 0 ′ Md(1) = a′ b e−iφ c , Md(2) = 0 b e−iφ c , Md(3) = 0 b e−iφ c , 0 c d 0 c d a c d ′ ′ ′ ′  LR  LR  LR 0 a c a a c 0 a c ′ ′ ′ ′ Md(4) = a′ b e−iφ c , Md(5) = 0 b e−iφ c , Md(6) = 0 b e−iφ c , 0 0 d 0 0 d a 0 d ′  LR  LR  LR (4) where a,a,b,c,c and d are real parameters, and φ is the CP violating phase. It should be ′ ′ stressed that our matrices are not symmetric at all. The CP violating phase φ is put in the (2,2) entry. 4 In the next section, we examine those seven parameters numerically to reproduce the three down quark masses, three CKM mixing angles and one CP violating phase. We discuss briefly why the last four textures (seventh-tenth ones) in Eq.(3) are excluded by the experimental data. The seventh and eighth textures in Eq.(3) give a vanishing CKM mixing angle. The ninth one gives us one massless quark because the first column is a zero vector in the flavor space. The last one cannot reproduce the magnitude of the CP violation. The details are shown in Appendix A. 3By the unitary transformation of the right-handed quarks, we can move to textures with other non- vanishing entries. 4OnecanputφinotherplaceswithoutchangingthepredictedmasseigenvaluesandCKMelementssince the rephasing is possible in these mass matrices. 3 Now, we discuss textures in the category (B), in which the (2,2) element is zero. We can write the ten textures as follows: A A B 0 A B 0 A B A A C A A B ′ ′ ′ ′ 0 0 C, A′ 0 C, 0 0 C, B 0 C,  0 0 C, 0 C D 0 C D A C D 0 0 D C 0 D ′ ′ ′ ′ ′           0 A B A A 0 A A 0 0 A 0 A A 0 ′ ′ ′ A′ 0 C, B 0 C, 0 0 C, A′ 0 C, B 0 C. C 0 D C 0 D B C D B C D 0 C D ′ ′ ′ ′ ′           (5) The first seven textures are also consistent with the present experimental data. After remov- ing five phases by the phase rotation of quark fields, those seven down-quark mass matrices are parametrized as: a a e iφ b 0 a e iφ b 0 a e iφ b ′ − − − (11) (12) (13) Md = 0 0 c , Md = a′ 0 c , Md = 0 0 c , 0 c d 0 c d a c d ′ ′ ′ ′  LR  LR  LR a eiφ a c a e iφ a b ′ ′ − ′ (14) (15) M =  b 0 c , M =  0 0 c , d d 0 0 d c 0 d ′  LR  LR 0 a b a a 0 ′ Md(16) = a′ 0 c e−iφ , Md(17) = b 0 c eiφ . (6) c 0 d c 0 d ′ ′  LR  LR Thelastthreetextures(eighth-tenthones)inEq.(5)arealsoexcludedbytheexperimental data. The eighth and ninth textures in Eq.(5) give a vanishing CKM mixing angle. The tenth ones cannot reproduce the magnitudes of the CP violation. The details are discussed in Appendix A. Finally, we comment on the freedoms of the unitary transformation of the right-handed quarks. Since the CKM matrix is the flavor mixing among the left-handed quarks, some textures in Eqs.(4) and (6) are equivalent each other due to the freedom of the unitary transformation of the right-handed quarks. We show the redundancy among them in Ap- pendix B. (1) 2.2 CKM parameters for M d Let us show how to predict the CKM mixing angles and the CP violation taking the case (1) of M in Eq.(4) as a representative. Since the up-type quark mass matrix is diagonal, the d 4 (1) CKM matrix is obtained by diagonalizing the down-quark mass matrix M . In order to d (1) (1) determine the left-handed quark mixing angles, we study M M †; d d a2 ab eiφ ac ′ Md(1)Md(1)† = ab e−iφ a′2 +b2 +c2 bc′ e−iφ +cd . (7) ac bc eiφ +cd c2 +d2 ′ ′ ′  LL (1) (1) By solving the eigenvalue equation of M M †, we obtain d d m2 +m2 +m2 = a2 +a2 +b2 +c2 +c2 +d2 , d s b ′ ′ m2m2 +m2m2 +m2m2 = a2a2 +a2(c2 +d2)+a2(c2 +d2)+c2c2 +b2d2 2bccdcosφ , d s s b b d ′ ′ ′ ′ − ′ m2m2m2 = a2a2d2 . (8) d s b ′ On the other hand, the eigenvectors lead to the CKM elements V and the CKM phase ij δ , which is given in the PDG parametrization [8]. Those are given in the leading order as CP follows: ab φ c φ ac 1 V sin , V √2 cos , V ′ , δ (π φ) , (9) | us| ≃ m2 (cid:12) 2(cid:12) | cb| ≃ m (cid:12) 2(cid:12) | ub| ≃ m2 CP ≃ 2 − s (cid:12) (cid:12) b (cid:12) (cid:12) b (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where we adopt(cid:12)the a(cid:12)pproximate relation(cid:12)s b (cid:12)c and c d, which will be justified in our ′ ∼ ∼ numerical results. Although the source of the CP violation is only one, we have various measurements of the CP violating phase. We can also define the other CP violating quantity, β (or φ ), which 1 is the one angle of the unitarity triangle: V V β (φ ) = arg cd c∗b . (10) 1 (cid:18)−V V (cid:19) td t∗b Actually, sin2β has been measured precisely in the B-factory [8]. It is given concisely in the leading order by sin2β sinφ . (11) ≃ There is another CP violating observable, the Jarlskog invariant J [9], which is derived CP from the following relation: iC ≡ [MuMu†,MdMd†] , detC = 2J (m2 m2)(m2 m2)(m2 m2)(m2 m2)(m2 m2)(m2 m2) . (12) − CP t − c c − u u − t b − s s − d d − b Thepredictedoneisexactlyexpressedintermsoftheparametersofthemassmatrixelements as: 1 J = − j , (13) CP (m2 m2)(m2 m2)(m2 m2) CP b − s s − d d − b where j = a2bccdsinφ . (14) CP ′ (k) (k) For M (k = 1 6) and M (k = 11 17), we summarize three CKM elements V , d − d − ij the CP violating phase δ and j in Table 1. CP CP 5 V V V δ j us cb ub CP CP | | | | | | M(1), M(2), M(3), M(16), M(17) ab sin φ √2c cos φ ac′ 1(π φ) a2bccdsinφ d d d d d m2s 2 mb 2 m2b 2 − ′ (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) M(4), M(5), M(6), M(14) ab c c′ φ abccd2sinφ d d d d m2s mb mb ′ M(11),M(12), M(13), M(15) ac c′ c b π φ abc2cdsinφ d d d d m2s mb mb mb − ′ Table 1: The predicted CKM elements, the CP phase and the CP violating measure j , CP where V and δ are given in the leading order, and j is the exact one. ij CP CP | | 3 Numerical studies of Textures (1) 3.1 Derivation of Weinberg’s mass matrix for M d (1) Since the texture of M is the most familiar one among the thirteen textures in Eqs.(4) and d (1) Eq.(6), weshowhowtoobtainthenumericalresultbytakingM asatypical representative. d In order to reduce the number of the free parameters, we use the three observed down-quark masses as inputs. We adopt the data of the down-quark Yukawa couplings at the M scale Z [10] as y = (1.58+0.23) 10 5, y = (3.12+0.17) 10 4, y = (1.639 0.015) 10 2, (15) d −0.10 × − s −0.16 × − b ± × − (1) which give quark masses as m = y v with v = 174.104 GeV. For M , it is convenient q q H H d to eliminate the parameters a, d and φ by using Eq.(8), where the three quark masses in ′ Eq.(15) are put at the 90% C.L, respectively. Then, there remain four parameters a, b, c and c. We calculate the CKM parameters by scanning these parameters randomly in the ′ region of a,b,c,c,d = 0,m with a,b,c,c d. ′ b ′ { } { } ≤ In fig.1, we show the frequency distribution of the predicted value of V . The large us | | angle is allowed as well as the small angle with almost same weight. In fig.2, we show the V versus a/a. Since we do not assume any relation among the parameters a,b,c and us ′ | | c, the larger values than 1/√2 are allowed. The observed Cabibbo angle favors around ′ a/a = 1, which was assumed in the Weinberg’s approach. Since we do not assume a/a = 1, ′ ′ the allowed V leis in 0 1 at this stage. We will show that the desired relation a/a 1 us ′ | | − ≃ is finally derived without using the observed Cabibbo angle in our approach. In figs.3 and 4, we show the frequency distributions of the predicted value of V and cb | | V , respectively. The V is allowed up to the maximal mixing 1/√2. On the other hand, ub cb | | | | the V is predicted to be smaller than 0.02 because of the quark mass hierarchy as seen in ub | | Eqs.(8) and (9). However, it is still much larger than the observed value. Here, we show the present experimental data on the CKM mixing angles and the CP 6 200 1.0 0.8 y 150 c n È 0.6 ue 100 us V q 0.4 e È r 50 f 0.2 0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ÈVusȉ102 a(cid:144)a’ Figure 1: The frequency distribution of Figure 2: The prediction of V ver- us | | the predicted |Vus| in arbitrary unit with- sus a/a′ without the CKM constraints for out the CKM constraints for M(1). The M(1). The red dashed line denotes the d d red line denotes the experimental value. experimental value. 200 2000 y 150 y 1500 c c n n e 100 e 1000 u u q q e e r 50 r 500 f f 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 ÈVcbȉ102 ÈVubȉ103 Figure 3: The frequency distribution of Figure 4: The frequency distribution of tohuet pthreediCctKeMd |Vcocbn|sitnraairnbtistrfaorryMun(1i)t.wTithhe- tohuetpthreediCctKeMd |Vcuobn|sitnraairnbtsitrfaorryMun(1i)t.wTithhe- d d red line denotes the experimental value. red line denotes the experimental value. violating phase at the M scale [10], Z θ = 0.22735 0.00072 , θ = (4.208 0.064) 10 2, 12 23 − ± ± × θ = (3.64 0.13) 10 3, δ = 1.208 0.054 [rad] , (16) 13 − CP ± × ± where θ is defined in the PDG parametrization [8]. We can also use the other CP violating ij measure, sin2β, as an input parameter. The experimental data on sin2β is given by [8]: sin2β = 0.682 0.019 . (17) ± We will discuss the predicted J comparing with the experimental data, CP J = (3.06+0.21) 10 5 , (18) CP 0.20 × − − 7 200 4000 y 150 y 3000 c c n n e 100 e 2000 u u q q e e r 50 r 1000 f f 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 ÈVusȉ102 ÈVcbȉ102 Figure 5: The frequency distribution of Figure 6: The frequency distribution of o|Vfussi|nin2βarfboirtrMary(1)u.niTthweitrhedthleinceondsetnroatinets o|Vfcbs|inin2βarfboirtrMary(1)u.niTthweitrhedthleinceondsetnroatinets d d the experimental value. the experimental value. which is obtained by the global fit of the CKM parameters [8]. Let us, first, use the CP violating phase 2000 in addition to the three quark masses. We adopt the observed data on sin2β in Eq.(17), y 1500 c which is more sensitive to constrain the pa- n e 1000 u rameters compared with the data on δ . In CP q figs.5 and 6, we show the frequency distribu- re 500 f tions of the predicted values of V and V , us cb | | | | 0 respectively. The predicted V is still broad | us| 0 20 40 60 80 100 as 0 1. However, the frequency distribu- − ÈVubȉ103 tion of V is impressive because the peak is cb | | very sharp around the observed value. Thank Figure 7: The frequency distribution of V to the constraint of the experimental data of ub | | in arbitraryunit with the constraint of sin2β sin2β, the predicted V is restricted to be | cb| for M(1). The red line denotes the experi- in the narrow region at one push. In fig.7, we d mental value. show the frequency distribution of the pre- dicted value of V . This distribution is not ub | | much changed compared with the case in fig.4. In the next step, we add the constraint of the experimental data θ in Eq.(16) . In 13 fig.8, we show the frequency distribution for the predicted value of V . The peak of this us | | distribution is around the experimental value although the large mixing is still allowed. The frequency distribution of the predicted value of V is presented in fig.9. This distribution cb | | is not much changed compared with the case in fig.6. At the last step, we impose the constraint of the experimental data θ in Eq.(16). Then, 23 we obtain the predicted Cabibbo angle with a good accuracy. In fig.10, the frequency distribution of the predicted value of V is shown. The predicted V is shown versus the us us | | | | parameter a/a in fig.11. The prediction is completely consistent with theexperimental data, ′ 8 400 2000 y 300 y 1500 c c n n e 200 e 1000 u u q q e e r 100 r 500 f f 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 ÈVusȉ102 ÈVcbȉ102 Figure 8: The frequency of |Vus| in arbi- Figure 9: The frequency of |Vcb| in arbi- trary unit with the constraints of sin2β trary unit with the constraints of sin2β and |Vub| for Md(1). The red line denotes and |Vub| for Md(1). The red line denotes the experimental value. the experimental value. and the ratio a/a = 0.7 1.9 is given. Thus, the Weinberg’s anzatz a/a = 1 is obtained ′ ′ − by using the experimental data sin2β, θ and θ without assuming any flavor symmetry. 13 23 Now, we can determine the parameter a (or a/a) precisely by using the experimental data ′ θ in Eq.(16). 12 1.0 4000 0.8 y 3000 c n È 0.6 ue 2000 us V q 0.4 e È r 1000 f 0.2 0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ÈVusȉ102 a(cid:144)a’ Figure 10: The frequency of V in arbi- us Figure 11: The prediction of V versus | | us trary unit with the constraints of sin2β, | | a/a with the constraints of sin2β, V ′ ub |nVoutbe|satnhde |eVxcpb|erfiomreMntd(a1l).vaTluhee.red line de- and |Vcb| for Md(1). The red dashed|line| denotes the experimental value. (1) The seven parameters ofM aredetermined completely by theexperimental data. How- d ever, we can add further investigations since there is still large error-bars in the experimental data V . We show the predicted ratio V /V versus sin2β in fig.12. The upper bound of ub ub cb | | | | the predicted ratio is 0.09 while the experimental data allows up to 0.094. Thus, the precise measurements of the ratio V /V and sin2β are a crucial test of our textures. ub cb | | There is another CP violating parameter J in addition to sin2β and δ . We also show CP CP 9

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