WhenL ovingT ooM uch Hurts TooM uch ttl . startedh urting on the bottom of my stomach.T he pain wasu nbelievableI.t wasl ike, oh, God, why doesn'th ejust call?I didn't go to work. I'djust sit and drink wine cooler afterw ine cooler . . . all the time thinking about him.') . "Iwaited patienth fo, two yearsf or her to leaveh er husband,b ut nothing changedI. kept telling myself, well,i f I'mjust patient. . .I felt like I waso n a torture rack." ttlt . wasv ery melodramaticl,i ke somethingo ut of a bad movie.I knew I wasn't about to actuallyb urn his housed own, but I couldn't stop thinkirg abouti t." t'I'm . afraido f the total emptinessI used to feel.I 'm afraidi t'll comeb ack.Justt otal emptiness." ttl . kept callingi nto the night, but shew ouldn't answer the phone.S o Ijust kept goinga t it on and otr,o ver and over.L ike a robot." These people regained their emotional wholenessa nd freedom. You can, too. This compassionatea nd practical book will show,you the way. Y?SO g ISlfSYN JOUMVUA lcH'Q' ga4ufn\ o|u{uoeouca WM nl\o Hvla l/l/owau nup Ja ?lufotusu lufqo 7on 3L^q?ur rt0x? Jdor"?u|s g,li? 0 , ?I 0 u nI I {IT rqa r0,!I lv/aa u[Jon, rTon?r Is D T?nr rtwr?? lu-Tnms OBSESSIVE LOVE WUENlr HuRrsT oo MucH ro Lrr Go SusnNF oRWARPDu,. D, ANDC tutc Bucrc a8 ot\s BANTAMB ooKS NEWY ORK TORONTO LONDON SYDNEYA UCKLAND OgSISSIAU TOAI gYDuJDu rgooq {NI{TISHINC HISJOA] I(DulDu rTnrpgooz arp?l?o urtinqI?slnp fnua t66I gauJnru urus surprq? Japxlxou / {nua 1666 gnulntu 4Dp0 dndarqnrT ap?llou / fnunntG E00E V71,tufqg rs?s?raap Cod6,upy g yOO f @ snsnu [ormnc"?' 7,1qtn,uf goo{uS"tas sgngnyoS Cnrp Nnaxq?r :60-Ag066' yo '{ot.1 o{ ltrls qnoT ,un( q a,ta'dropnrap o cy"rausuzxJla)[ ?u nu( {ouu ot q( nu (uranus a'Tal4oaxJ oJ urnynmtn1' ,tucTnp t,adrqfortoco'd(gu8'rleo tpturf'o t q( n u?f"{trttzuqzou sgotn7a nu Jp?rtJran )sf(s4aur' mxift lduarJuu,?sstlu ,tu m r?llu rf tto ,u lqa dnqqsUar' lor 9"{orrnnlx lnuppr.zss: gnulnu rgoolls' IsgN 0-qE6-68 rv6-e dnql?sq aspcurnl4nuaomy( !u lTa nayrap slyras oup CounpD guulsur gool$ uro dnqlsqop qd guuluru goo1s'u pl^rsrou oJU€upour 11onse6 luc 'Jls lJuporuu crlousrsrtruS oJ llro \^orps ,elfeulew lfool$,, uup lqa dorlrudp oJ u rooslor. rs gaFstorap rrr n'S' dulaul uup L{epautcr {OIHce eup ru olqa rconrrlrros 'l\ilurcu goSrslrupu' lfuuluur goo{s 'IEPO 8roupn,u{l Na\^ Aor{'Na\!r ^or{ I0069' dUINTIO IN TIFI NNITXC SJVJIS Od YWIUIDV ITAC IO68 L 9 EV Acknowledgmenfs I'd like to thanks everapl eoplew ho helpedm aket his book become a reality. First and foremost,m y treasuredc ollaboratora nd friend, Craig Buck. This is our third book togethera nd his insights,t alent,s kill, patience,a nd never-failingg ood humor continuet o amazem e. This is alsot he third book I've done with my editor, Toni Bur- bank. I wish I could tell you how brilliant, knowledgeablec, aring, dedicated,a nd extraordinarilyc ompetents he is, but she'sf ar too modestt o allowm e to be so laudatory. I'd alsol ike to thank Linda Grey,S tuartA pplebaum,a nd all the other wonderfulp eople at BantamB ooksw ho alwaysg o the extra mile for me. And my agents,L ynn Nesbit and Ken Sherman,f or their continueds upport and encouragement. My colleaguea nd dearf riend Nina Miller, M.F.C.C.,a nd Marty FarashM, .F.C.C.,h aveb eenm ore thang enerousin allowingm e to pick their brainst o enrich the conceptuafl oundationo f this book. As always, mI family and friends-especially my daughter, t,t I O8SJSSNI 1OA1 eup u(^ Hurrrel delorsou-q?lo qeeu lqore JoJ uro 6laupdt uolqar6 lirron3qonl tqa rreulrou oJ lgs qoo{ lo loup lqorr uror€I uup auro- lrouF snddou es Icou;roulep ppld lqe rueliluql euu8nTslr oJ ^rrl- vup souro guaups'qol quo\v/ eup olp'qu^e qeau uoqql d1onru8 lt8' uup snddorlura-qr'gurqure Oo vrEa{s'urepa{u DnTr' lluu dls- eqar6 qorrrs 3utqpp6 {rtouu 3oluqe{'godifoquslou'dunI )aul'Ol- euB yrur{os 1aali! Tls €UnJp' Na IgIlaerus6 Or' gqe la1/rau1nru6 uup gou 611ersqerS' )urruu drraup gnJ {,rlrus tqa dulrauJo eup 3euaros lutfr,rruJp Jor derurllruE uro l ourouodolrza nsa nd qar gurI arad uup 3rer3t lse' co-od l{ro rlrouro Jor onr l6-uroul {,ru/raslle \^llq lqe qleu{ onr de3a' lus ,{urus q8qleuop cousrporuq{ q d;onr-doer-olp zoa gnc{6s qn3s uup sduleld rourr rrelraJ I,p ITo lo otJor ,urt qe€uJell lquuq uup eddrocruuou lo dluF{' lq ta&^ouparyr I\^oureu uup urau \rfl{on1 \lqour lIFs qoo {q-n1d ronlp uol qulo qoeu \llJrllau-lqo uu epcbnuruleuoo srvlqo cqeurts gt"raupst so 3recronsld ulio\^ap uro lo nso lqorr A1qollror lqad q€^a slorlos' qoau lounrap q (o,qsossrou lqoursolles or qel eslrn381ap 1 oescude oqsasslle lqa lJconJu3aons qulpas \,\llq oqsossrle uup lolars' 1orre' lqe rsJncJossos r uoloJcounuS qsdrlap ura lo \^Jrlo lqTs llt qoo{' Contents Introduction I PART ONE. OBSESSIVEL OVERS 15 1. The One MagicP erson T7 2. Openingt he Floodgates 38 3. From Pursuit to Revenge 62 4. The SaviorC omplex 77 PATTTT WO. TARGETSO F OBSESSIVEL OVERS r07 5. The Co-obsessivTeh rget 109 6. Breakirg Up Is Hard to Do r26 7. When ObsessionT urns to Violence r49 r,ttt I OsSlSSlAS 1OA1 dVUI JHU3I:. JUlllND AOnUS]I JJUON OTgSISSTON r96 3ouueJlrou 3oudnlsrou: J{ra gool oJ 8' oqsossr^e ToAa IL T ge11ru3 1on rDonrse T6V 6' lqlsruuupruS lqa oqsassrlo gdslau 206 I0' 1 qepruE a^llq lqa [nlq vqonl 1on rgelupousqrd ZtV 1' lfxorctstuS olp pqosls ZEy IZ' yeadruE ;onr guluuro 7gg 16' gniffasgap ganpturf ZL6 lntroduction q omethirg wasn't right when Gloria arrived at work. All eyes tJwere on her as she walked through the newsroomt oward her oflice.M any of her co-workersw eres miling like guestsa t a surprise parfy knowing the birthday girl has arrived at the door. Her adren- alineb egant o pump. Wass heg ettinga promotion?D id her brother and sister-in-lawh ave their babyPD id her vacationr equestc ome through? As Gloria swung open the door to her office she was over- whelmedb y the smell of roses.C overing the entire surfaceo f her desk was a breathtakinga rrangemenot f at least six do zen of the mostb eautifulr ed rosess heh ad evers een.W hat wast he occasionP Shec heckedt he calendaro n her watch. May 2. The date meant nothing. Then it dawnedo n her.T hey were fromJi*. The feara nd angerh it her like a train.Why couldn'tJimu nder- standt hat she didn't want to seeh im anymore?W hy wouldn't he e I OsSlSSrA 1l OA1 laB\ie ltor pouod sqo louue pqaldlassld u8erusl lqo pootferuq eup qe- Euu lo c&' Iu Hs uropesl le\ xog1ca6 selerul utpa senrudt fq r^plop qd lqa H lsuorL/es Jell lf{a lqa/ nara dln83ap qlo uu elorlrrr dqoue' soc1el' Ou lqe oue qeup qe ,^us caucru lqel l l.^^opp qa ould e rrruller oJ qut eqeJora clorls lqe uo\rors ruur{op u sucro poscEsrou: culiap' lqe uuullerserL o; lqa ur3qt lqed,p urol' H er,r/us Jerqru llro roses r^onlp e\l,u{eu Tu qor lqe suura lnsq roruuulr Jurourorros l{rel lqo/ plp Tu ltTut-lqa ur31tl lqed,p urepo lo^e nuper pro slur sonorlooqruS gl3 tqe dqoto s{e,p sacratld tu{eu uup l{au qep ;ruluep Jor qar stto qaproout oJ ltlru slaadruS qlTssyrl{ q qor 8erpou' tqe lrorsoquc{ ttpa lq*gq lqa orc{tlp-rolara plru11 tqul lap po\^u lo lqa qaucq w dnouo ^p[?uu" " Ho {uo\^ sqo PTpu,l rapld ,r/uul lo qraul n d\!rTll rlrTur 'Ho\A ronlP sqoi lqeTr lo^e ,^Es so rt3qt 1 l\l,us cletf lo q1u rllturt sqe \t,es fnsl u{uTp qerunso qe rJeeIuEs 3or IFlu \^oro so Jlro {Tup oJ do,^oryrl' lo^e uup dusslou qe olJorop {re ,rrl,us Eouce-lu-e-llJoque 3IU'uup qa {uoll, lqu lsoouor o rl?loJ sq a,u/onlp plo,u iqarsolyro eccod lqorA dor- JeJl ll \!/us' ,^^g:1::."lqer quup 'qa r/e slarrlJrap lqu lsqe ur3ql uol c€[l' 6qeu sqe,p llrsl lolp q1ru sqo p1pu,l ,^uul lo soe qlur lqa duru uudruora' qup qeou so 8reel llte l{ro l{ton3ql qe ,r/opp pla' dor lqa dust qt,o uoulqs sgo,p qeou ralnruruS qr sEIUs uup lona lollors Ha nuodauop' qep rapncop IFs dqoua rulls lo u^o u pe dqocenso sqe q€p sluuep quu3ruS Ha ltep le{au lo prrnruS q/ qar qonso puros lanorL nd' ur3qlt qnl ou lqosa Jo \oxcousrous ^lqau qe qep qoeu nuuqle lo re- srsl sqe qep qerour ouuEr"l Jlra lus lqura'sqa q uupc1nu11/ {uoc4ru3t sluulutap lqo poor q qls Jure \!ylqonl u so q o\Aus lorrr$ap oJ \!/orp' lto i qa h/onlp JooI IJ sqo p1pu, lrosdoup lo lqa loses' uup lqe od- dosruS ;oJces oJqoda uu pJaBr \ra lr,e tl"eerruS IFru edep' tlorls {uom/ tqu tfTru ueepep eup slro lall 8ngt fu1 uo lqaruS uqla lo racrdtocela'qn lsqa conlpu.l'vup sqa, pQae udeTryrlld rlaur uqon rltagru3 tFru so' sqa qulap lo see tFu tsngor. tqa(, qup ouco qeau so c1osa'tqa( qep ouco squrep so uruud qodas 3or u yrlnre lo- gn l1lt1a q/ flu,s lo^a qup qacouro so gunElt l\eTlq 8elqer' qlpa'