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Observing the strong gravity regime of accreting black holes with Simbol-X PDF

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Mem.S.A.It.Vol.75,282 (cid:13)c SAIt 2004 Memoriedella Observing the strong gravity regime of a reting bla k holes with Simbol-X R.W.Goosmann1,2,M.Dovcˇiak1,andV.Karas1 8 1 AstronomicalInstitute,AcademyofSciences,Bocˇn´ıII1401a,CZ–14131Praha4, 0 0 CzechRepublic,e-mail:[email protected] 2 2 ObservatoiredeParis,SectiondeMeudon,5pl.JulesJanssen,F–92190Meudon,France n a J Abstract. The X-ray reflection features of irradiated accretion disks around black holes enableustoprobetheeffectsofstronggravity.Weinvestigatetowhichprecisionthereflec- 7 tionsigns,i.e.theironK-lineandtheComptonizedhump,canbeobservedwithSimbol-X 1 fornearbySeyfertgalaxies.Thesimulationspresentedincludeaccuratecomputationsofthe localreprocessedspectraandmodificationsduetogeneralrelativisticeffectsinthevicinity ] h oftheblackhole.Wediscusstheimpactofglobalblackholeparametersandoftheirradi- p ationpatternofthediskontheresultingspectraastheywillbedetectedbytheSimbol-X - mission. o r Keywords.Blackholephysics–X-rays:galaxies–Spacevehicles:instruments t s a [ TheX-rayspectraofmanyaccretingblack and Noar (Dumont,Abrassart,&Collin 2000; 2 holesareknowntorevealrelativisticallymod- Dumontetal. 2003) and the relativistic ef- v ified reflection features, notably a fluores- fectsareaddedapplyingtheray-tracingmodel 0 cent iron K-line complex (for a review see KY (Dovcˇiaketal. 2004) inside XSPEC. Our 5 4 Reynolds&Nowak2003)andaComptonized modeling procedure is described in detail in 2 hump(e.g.Lightman&White 1988).Withits Goosmannetal. (2007). We assume a black 1. broad photon energy coverage the Simbol-X hole with M = 3×107M⊙ that is maximally satellite is particularly suited to observe such spinningandthatcarriesanaccretiondiskbe- 0 X-ray reflection spectra. In this proceedings inginhydrostaticbalance(beforetheflaregoes 8 0 note, we show that Simbol-X will be able to off).Weconsiderorbitingspotsatthediskradii v: distinguishX-raysbeingre-emittedatdifferent R = 4Rg and R = 21Rg (Rg = GM/c2). radiioftheinnermostaccretiondisk. Simulateddataareobtainedforthe“observed” i X We assume that the X-rays are produced spot emission at both radii using a modified r by magnetic flares co-orbiting with the disk versionofthekyl1crmodelinXSPECandthe a so that the reflection features originate in currently available response matrices for the underlying orbiting spots. Detailed reflec- MPDandCZDdetectorsofSimbol-X.Theob- tion spectra of such spots are modeled us- servation time is set to one Keplerian orbit in ing the coupled radiative transfer codes Titan both cases and the flux rates are adjusted to an XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert galaxyNGC3516(Iwasawaetal.2004). Sendoffprintrequeststo:R.W.Goosmann Goosmann,Dovcˇiak,&Karas:Stronggravityregimeofaccretingblackholes 283 -4 10 MPD CZT V e k s 2 -5 m10 c s / n o ot h P R = 21 R g R = 4 R g -6 10 1 3 5 10 30 50 Photon energy [keV] Fig.1.SimulatedMPDandCZDspectraofanorbitingflarespotatR=4R (top)andR=21R (bottom). g g TheunderlyingXSPECmodelsareshownassolidlines.Thedatasetscontainaverticaloffsetforclarity. In Fig. 1 the time-integrated spectra for Simbol-Xobservesbothreflectionfeaturessi- both orbiting flares are plotted over the spec- multaneouslyputsimportantconstraintsonthe tralrangecoveredbythetwodetectors.While emissionradiusandalsoontheappliedrepro- theoverallspectralshapeissimilarforspotsat cessingmodels. both disk radii, the position and the shape of Acknowledgements. Wethanktheorganizersofthe thereflectionfeaturesdiffersignificantly. Simbol-Xworkshopforaninterestingconference. At R = 4R the impact of the gravi- g tational redshift pushes the maximum of the References Comptonized hump below 15 keV and the strongprojectedvelocitygradientalongtheor- Dovcˇiak M., Karas V., & Yaqoob T. 2004a, bit almost entirely flattens the profile of the ApJS,153,205 iron line complex. At R = 21Rg, on the Dumont A.-M., Abrassart A., & Collin S. otherhand,the Comptonhumpiscenteredon 2000,A&A,357,823 20keV andtheironlineprofileisclearlyvis- DumontA.-M.,CollinS.,PaletouF.,Coupe´S., ible showing a double horn. The data further GodetO.,&PelatD.2003,A&A,407,13 suggeststheappearanceofseparatesoftX-ray Goosmann R. W., Mouchet M., Czerny B., emissionlinesbelow3keV. Dovcˇiak M., Karas V., Ro´z˙an´ska A., & For rapidly spinning black holes, it might DumontA.-M.2007,A&A,475,155 thusbeimpossibletodetectreprocessedemis- IwasawaK.,MiniuttiG.,&FabianA.C.2004, sionfromtheinnermostaccretiondisk(below MNRAS,355,1073 R = 6R ) in the iron line band, but the po- Lightman, A. P., & White, T. R. 1988, ApJ, g sition of the Comptonized hump can give an 335,57 alternativehandleonthelocationoftherepro- Reynolds, C. S., & Nowak, M. A. 2003, cessing site. Forlargerdiskradii,the factthat Phys.Rep.,377,389

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