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Observing the Inverse melting of the vortex lattice in Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_8$ with point defects using Langevin simulations with vortex shaking PDF

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Preview Observing the Inverse melting of the vortex lattice in Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_8$ with point defects using Langevin simulations with vortex shaking

Observing the Inverse melting of the vortex lattice in Bi Sr CaCu O with point 2 2 2 8 defects using Langevin simulations with vortex shaking Yadin Y. Goldschmidt and Jin-Tao Liu Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 (Dated: February 2, 2008) Langevin dynamics simulations of the vortex matter in the highly-anisotropic high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 were performed. We introduced point defects as a smoothened 8 distribution of a random potential. Both the electromagnetic and Josephson interactions among 0 pancake vortices were included. A special shaking and annealing process was introduced to let the 0 system approach the equilibrium configuration. We are able to see the inverse melting transition 2 from theBragg-glass to theamorphous vortex glass state, in agreement with recent experiments. n PACSnumbers: 74.25.Dw,74.25.Qt,64.70.Q-,74.72.Hs a J 7 Recent experiments have revealed rich and in- defectsonthe phasediagramofBSCCOisgiveninRefs. 1 teresting phase diagram of the vortex matter in [7, 8, 9, 10, 11], and previous numerical investigations is ] the anisotropic high-temperature superconductor given in Refs. [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]. n o Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (BSCCO) when point impurities are Inthisworkweobservedtheinversemeltinginnumer- c present [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]. Point defects are present even ical simulations and obtained a phase diagram in quali- - in pristine crystalline samples due to oxygen vacancies. tative agreement with experiments. We also investigate r p In addition, one can increase the concentration of such the propertiesofthe differentphasesnearthe transition, u defects by bombarding the sample with electrons, the bothstaticalanddynamical,andcharacterizetheirdiffer- s energy of which is of the order of a few MeV [2]. ences. ThemethodweuseforoursimulationsisLangevin . at In this letter we concentrate on the effect of point dis- dynamics, also commonly referred to as Brownian dy- m order on the location and nature of the first order (FO) namics. InBSSCOtheflux-lines(FLs)whicharethreads - melting line of the vortex lattice with quasi long-range ofmagneticfieldpenetrating the sampleandsurrounded d order into a vortex liquid or an amorphous vortex glass, by revolving currents (vortices) are more faithfully de- n dependingonthetemperature. Athightemperatures,in scribed by stacks of pancake vortices [18], each moving o c the range of T & 0.5Tc, where Tc 90K for BSCCO, in one CuO2 plane, and interacting with each other by ≈ [ point defects have only a mild effect on the position of electromagnetic interaction as well as by the Josephson themeltinglineintheT-Bplane. Theyshiftthemelting interaction. Whensimulatingthedynamicsweusetheso 1 v line of the vortex solid into a disorderedvortex liquid to calledover-dampedlimitwherethemassofthepancakes 1 a slightly lower temperature for a given magnetic field is negligible and the velocity of each pancake is propor- 0 [2, 8, 9]. The shift becomes larger as the temperature tional to the force acting on it. This force results from 7 decreasesalongthe melting line in the T-B plane until a the interaction with other pancakes, from the effect of 2 specialpointisreachedwithT =T . Belowthistemper- the defects, from the thermal white noise, and possibly . sp 1 ature the role of the point disorder becomes much more from an applied force typically resulting from a Lorentz 0 significant and the glassy behavior becomes dominant. force when a global current passes through the sample. 8 For T < T it is expected that the melting transition Some of the advantages of using Langevin simulations 0 sp : is from a dislocation free Bragg glass (BrG) into a dis- arethatonecancontrolalltheinteractionsprecisely,and v location rich amorphous vortex glass (VG) phase which one can take microscopic pictures and measure physical i X replacesthe vortexliquid phase (VL) athigh fields. The quantities that are difficult to measure in experiments, r meltinglineceasestobeamonotonicallydecreasingfunc- like the magnitude of the transverse fluctuations of FLs a tion of T in the T-B plane, and at least near and below or the amount of their entanglement. In addition it is T it is a monotonically increasing function of tempera- possible to measure dynamical properties relating to the sp ture [5, 6]. Thus as the temperature is lowered for mag- pinning and the critical current. It is possible to char- netic fields slightly belowB , the field correspondingto acterize the differences between the various thermody- sp T , one expects to see first a transition from a VL to namic phases of the vortex matter and check in a con- sp a BrG, which is a solid with quasi-long range order [7], trolled way how they result from the applied ingredients andthenasecondtransitionintoadisorderedVGphase. and parameters of the model. A main disadvantage of The latter transition, which is quite a rare phenomenon thesimulationsisthatthesystemsimulatedissmalland in physical systems, since usually lowering the tempera- hence phase transitions are always broadened and are ture results in more order, is referred to as the inverse not as sharp as those observed in real experiments. In melting transition [4] or sometimes as reentrant behav- our current simulations we use 1296 pancake vortices, ior [8]. Previous theoretical work on the effects of point 36 in each of 36 planes. The system is a box of size 2 6a 3√3a 36d where d is the CuO plane separa- 0 × 0 × 2 600 tion, a = (2φ /√3B)1/2, B is the magnetic field in- 0 0 duction and φ0 is the flux quantum. Pairwise interac- 500 Glass tions among all pancakes are implemented as discussed Liquid in detail in Ref. 19, 20, 21. Both electromagnetic and 400 Josephsoninteractionsareincluded. Theformerbetween any pair of pancakes, the latter only between nearest B (G)300 neighbor pancakes belonging to the same stack. Peri- 200 Bragg odic boundary conditions are used in all directions, in- Glass Solid cluding z-direction. We also implement flux cutting and 100 recombination. ThecriticaltemperatureforBSCCOwas assumed to be T = 90 K. Other parameters used were 0 c 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 λ(0)= 1700 ˚A (penetration depth), ξ(0)= 30 ˚A (coher- T (K) ence length), d = 15 ˚A, γ = 375 (anisotropy). We as- FIG.1: (coloronline)Phasediagram. Thetransitiontemper- sumed that λ and ξ have temperature dependence that is proportional to (1 T/T )−1/2. atures for vortices with point disorder at various fields were − c obtainedfrom simulations with simulatedannealing andvor- We now describe in more detail the implementationof texshaking(•,red),andasmoothline(green)isdrawntofit thedistributionofpointdefectsthroughthesample. Fol- thedata. Themeltingtransition ofthepuresystem(dashed, lowing Blatter et al. [22], we generate a random pinning blue)isplottedforcomparison,aswellasthetransitionlineof energy distribution per pancake given by thesystemwithpointdisorderwithoutannealingandshaking (dashed-dot,red). Up(~u,z)=d d2R U (R~,z) p(R~ ~u), Z Z pin − p(R~)=2ξ2/(R2+2ξ2), (1) for small fields B < 300G by observing a small step in U (R~,z)U (R~′,z′) =γ δ(2)(R~ R~′)δ(z z′). the total energy. For higher fields, since the system is pin pin U h i − − small we cannot resolve the difference between a weak Here γ gives the variance of the gaussian distributed first order and a second order transition. U random variable U . R~ and ~u are two dimensional Next, we give the details of the simulated annealing pin vectors in the layer labeled by z. Because of the con- andvortexshakingprocedure. Foragivenmagneticfield, volution of the uncorrelated random variable with the the system is first simulated at a temperature above the single pin form factor p(R~) we obtain a distribution of melting transition for 180 time units (time is measured random numbers with a power law correlation in each [19, 21] inunits of ηa2/ǫ (T)where η is the viscousdrag 0 0 layer, uncorrelated among different layers. The equa- coefficient per unit length and ǫ (T) = (φ /4πλ(T))2). 0 0 tions above are discretized on a fine grid and the in- We then decrease the temperature by steps of 0.5K and tegrals are implemented as summations. Typically we start each subsequent simulation from the last configu- used a grid size of 3a /800. The value of γ used in ration of the previous run. For each step the simulation 0 U most of our simulations is γ (T) = γ (0)(1 T/T )2, time of 180 units is divided as follows: During time in- U U c with γ (0)=1.72 10−9erg2cm−3=0.09(k K−)2˚A−3. tervals0-40,80-90and130-140vortexshakingis applied U B × Wenowdiscusstheresultsofthesimulations. InFig.1 as will be discussed below. After each period of shaking weshowthe phasediagramofthe systemwithpointdis- 20 units of time is spent for equilibration and then 20 orderusingourtechniqueofsimulatedannealingandvor- units of time for measurements. The vortex shaking is tex shaking. For comparisonwe showthe melting line of implemented by applying alternating forces on all pan- the same system without shaking and starting from an cakesin adjacentlayers. Within the samelayerthe force ordered configuration of FLs for each temperature and is the same on all pancakes then in the next layer it is field. Only when using annealing and shaking we are opposite,andsincewehaveanevennumberoflayersthe able to see the inverse melting for fields in the range totalforceiszero.Inadditiontheshakingforceisvarying 350 < B < 450G. The BrG phase, VG phase and VL with time as follows: For 0.5 units of time the force in phase are indicated on the figure. Recent experiments the +x direction, in the next 0.5 units of time it is in also show more subtle second order (SO) transitions be- the x direction,and then similarly in the y direction. − ± tween the VG and VL phases and between the BrG and This complete a shaking cycle of 2 time units that can Solid phases. In the present simulations we did not ex- berepeated. Thestrengthoftheshakingforcewastaken ploretheseSOtransitions,butweindicatedtheirapprox- to be F = πdγ /2. Thus it is proportionalto the shake U imate location on the figure as a dotted line as expected average pinningpforce. The annealing and shaking pro- fromtheexperimentalresults. Hereweonlymeasurethe cedure helps the system to reach a configuration closer FO transition line. Actually the order of the transition totruethermodynamicequilibriumandpreventsittobe canonlyberesolvedinthe simulationtobe offirstorder stuck in a metastable state. 3 in that reference) using the cage model together with a transfermatrixcomputationofthe rootmeansquarede- (a) 350G (b) or 425G or B = 425G viation. ThecorrespondingT∗ inourcaseisabout10K. e fact0.4 500G e fact0.4 Thereasonthatthemeansquaredeviationfirstdecreases uctur0.2 uctur0.2 as one raises the temperature from zero is that thermal str str fluctuationswillinitiallyacttoblurthepinningsitesand 0 0 prevent the pancakes to best accommodate the random 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 T (K) T (K) potential. Thus the pinning energy will be less negative and the Josephson energy will decrease as the FLs be- 0.5 0.6 (c) (d) come straighter. As the temperature further increases it 0.4 B = 425G 2a)00.3 2a)00.4 willmaketheFLswigglemorebecauseofthermalmotion d ( d ( and the mean square deviation increases. msq 0.2 msq 0.2 0.1 B (G) 555500 550000 445500 440000 335500 330000 0 0 −−00..1100 00..0044 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 T (K) T (K) −−00..1111 00..0033 FIG.2: (coloronline)Structurefactor(SF)andmeansquare deviation(msqd). (a)SFat350G(top,blue),425G(middle, d ) (rebd))S,Fanadt452050GG((tbhioctktormed,lginreee,na)v,earavgeeraogveerov8edris8orredaelrizraetailoiznas-. εPE ( (0)0−−00..1122 00..00220JE ( (0ε tions),theresultsforeachindividualrealization areshownin PE vs. T )d ) thebackground(thinbluelines). (c)msqdat350G(bottom, −−00..1133 JE vs. T 00..0011 PE vs. B blue), 425 G (middle red), and 500 G (top, green), average JE vs. B over8 realizations. (d) msqd at 425 G, similar to (b). −−00..1144 00 00 55 1100 1155 2200 2255 T (K) Nextwediscusstheresultsofthemeasurementsofthe FIG. 3: (color online) Pinning energy (PE) and Josephson structure factor and the mean square deviation of the energy (JE). The PE (thin, cyan) and JE (thin, magenta) FLs. These measurements are depicted in Fig. 2. In versus T curves were simulations with B = 400 G. The PE Fig. 2(a) we show the normalized structure factor as a (thick, blue) and JE (thick, red) versus B curves correspond function of temperature for three different fields. The to T = 15 K. structure factor is calculatedat the firstBraggpeak and is normalized to 1 for perfect crystalline order. This fig- This argument can be further supported by observing ure shows the average results for 8 different realizations thepinning andJosephsonenergiesatlowtemperatures, oftherandompotential. InFigure2(b)weshowtheindi- thelatterreflectingthedeviationoftheFLsfromstraight vidualrealizationsforone field (425G)that makeup the stacks. In Fig. 3 we observe the behavior of the pinning average. Weseethatforthelowerfields,asthetempera- energyandJosephsonenergyasthetemperatureincrease tureisdecreased,thestructurefactorstartstorisebelow forafixedfieldof400G.Superimposedarethe sameen- 40 K and reaches a maximum at about 20 K and then ergies as a function of decreasing field at fixed tempera- decreasesagain. Ifwesetthethresholdatabout0.2-0.25 ture of 15 K. In both cases the system changes from the then we can say that for B = 425G there is a freezing VLphaseintotheBrGphase. Weseethedecreaseofthe transition at about T = 30 K and an inverse melting effective pinning (pinning energy becomes less negative, transition at about T = 10K. For B = 350G there is so it rises) and this is compensated by a decrease of the onlyafreezingtransitionataboutT =35Kandnoreen- Josephsonenergy,i.e. theFLsbecomestraighter. Thisis trant behavior. For B = 500G there is no transition at adisorderdriventransitionsothepinningenergyplaysa all. similar role to the entropy in a temperature driven tran- InFig.2(c)weseetheaveragedmeansquaredeviation sition, but here the more ordered phase occurs at higher oftheFLsfromstraightlines. Infig.2(d)weseetheeight temperature or lower magnetic field as is evident from realizations that make up the average for B = 425G. If Fig. 1. For temperatures above 25K the Josephson en- we take the value of 0.15 as the borderline case we see ergy starts to increase again due to increased thermal again that for B = 350 there is a melting transition at fluctuations. Fig. 3 shows that decreasing the field at around T=35 K, for B = 425 G there is both a freez- fixed temperature makes the pinning less effective and ing and an inverse melting and for B = 500 K there helps increase the amount of order in the system simi- is no transition at all. Figures 2(c) and 2(d) obtained larly to increasing the temperature. from our actual simulations are very similar to results To probe further the difference between the BrG and obtained by Ertas and Nelson [8] (see Figures 3 and 4 VG phases we measured the fraction of topological de- 4 20 x 10−3 0.5 4 ) al defects0.4 (ǫ/ηa0015 2 n of toplogic00..23 B/100p10 00 0.2 0.4 fractio0.1 345520050 GGG vxhi×5 234500000000GGGG 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 20 T (K) fd× B/100(ǫ0d/a0) p FIG. 4: (color online) Fraction of topological defects. Three FIG.5: (coloronline)Driftingvelocityversusdrivingforceat differentfieldsareshown: 350G(bottom,blue),425G(mid- 15K.Theresultsforeachfieldareaveragesover8realizations. dle, red), and 500 G (top, green). The curve for each field is For theaxes units are chosen such that a0 =a0(100G), ǫ0 = averaged over 8 disorder realizations. ǫ0(15K). Theinsertshowsamagnificationofthelowdriving force region. fects (TD). For a given configurationof pancakes we use Delaunaytriangulationtomeasurethenumberofnearest To summarize, in this work we reproduced the inverse neighbors for each lattice point. Every deviation from 6 melting of the vortex matter from BrG phase into the is a topological defect. The fraction of sites with TDs VG phase using numerical simulations and we discussed to the total number of sites, averagedover many config- some of the features characterizing each phase based on urations is depicted in Fig. 4. We see this fraction for quantities measured in the simulations. three different fields as a function of temperature. If we Acknowledgments - This work is supported by the US impose a borderline value of 0.3 we see that for B =350 Department of Energy (DOE), Grant No. DE-FG02- G the transition to BrG at 35 K is associatedwith a de- 98ER45686. We also thank the DOE NERSC program crease in the number of TDs. For B =425 G there is an and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center for time al- inversemeltingfromBrGtoVLwhichisassociatedwith locations. an increase in the number of TDs. For B = 500 G the fraction of TDs never falls significantly. The abundance of TDs is also present in the liquid so it does not dis- tinguish the VG from a liquid. We can think of the VG as kind of a frozen liquid where the pancakes’ positions [1] B. Khaykovichet al.,Phys. Rev.Lett. 76, 2555 (1996). are frozennear strongpinning sites. We also verifiedthe [2] B. Khaykovichet al.,Phys. 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