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Preview Observations on the Anatomy of the Scaphopod Mantle and the Description of a New Family, the Fustiariidae

Observations on the anatomy of the scaphopod mantle and the description of a new family, the Fustiariidae Gerhard Steiner Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna, A-1090, Vienna, Austria Abstract. The mantle offive generaofthe order Dentaliida andten generaofthe orderGadilida are investigated using histological and ultrastructural methods. Theanteriormantleedgeisdividedintothree functionalunits: 1)afrontal epithelium; 2)acentralfold; 3)an innergland region. Inthe Dentaliida thefrontalepitheliumisdifferentiatedasanouterglandregionandthecentral foldcarriesanannularciliaryorgan. Rhabdusrectius(Carpenter)(Dentaliida) hasapairofciliatedslitsinsteadoftheannularorgan. NeitherfeatureisfoundintheGadilida, wherethefrontalepitheliumformssensorypapillae. Different types ofciliary receptors in the anterior mantle edgeofboth orders are present. The innergland region in the Dentaliida consists ofepithelial gland cells only; in the Gadilida both epithelial and subepithelial gland cells are present. The epidermis ofthe pallial cavity is low cuboidal but features ciliary rings in the anal region. Theposteriorpallial edgeorpavilionofthegadilidshasapowerful ciliary organtoproducewatercurrentsandciliated ridgesonthedorsal mantle process; both structures are lacking in the dentaliids. Fustiaria differs from other genera ofthe Dentaliida by lacking a ventral bolster ofconnective tissue at the posterior mantle margin. Abundance and distribution ofsubepithelial gland cells vary between genera. The validity ofthe family Rhabdidae is supported and a new family, the Fustiariidae, is proposed. The anatomy ofthe Scaphopodahas receivedthe least Boissevain (1904) described the posterior mantle edge, the attention of all of the classes of the molluscan subphylum so-calledpavilion, and reportedasmall ciliatedareaandscat- Conchifera. Early accounts, e.g. Deshayes, 1825; Lacaze- tered gland cells. Reynolds (1988) investigated sensory cells Duthiers, 1856-7; Fol, 1889; Plate, 1892; and Simroth, 1894, fo the pavilion ofRhabdus rectius (Carpenter) (Dentaliida). however, contained excellent studies of scaphopod This paperpresents acomparativeanatomyofthe man- morphology andhistology that remain valid in manyaspects. tle in selected membersoftheorders DentaliidaandGadilida Although almost all investigations were made on a single (= Siphonodentaliida) todemonstrate the anatomical divers- genus, Dentalium (=Antalis) (order Dentaliida), the results ity in Scaphopodaand toprovide new information for a bet- have been generalized subsequently for all Scaphopoda. ter founded classification. Lacaze-Duthiers(1856-7), Plate (1892), andBoissevain (1904) described the histological structure of the mantle in MATERIALS AND METHODS Antalis enlalis (L.). They noted an outer glandular region at the anterior mantle edge, including two to three types of ThespeciesstudiedarelistedinTable 1. Mediterranean gland cells, a ring ofconnective tissue supporting the man- species were collected by means ofSCUBA or by a triangle tle opening, and an inner glandular region consisting of dredgefrom 8-20m in Rovinj and Piran (PeninsulaofIstria, mucus-producing cells. Plate (1892) found that the genus Yugoslavia). In Norway, animals were gathered by a "Mini- Cadulus lacked the outer gland region, and later Odhner Sanders" epibenthic sledge and box-core sampler from (1931) confirmed. Boissevain (1904) reportedaringofciliated 120-590 m in the fjords near Blomsterdalen, Bergen. The cells between the gland regions that she considered to be a animals from Puget Sound, Washington, U.S.A., were col- sensory organ. Gabeand Prenant (1950) includedtheanterior lected with a triangle dredge from 75-100 m near Waldrun mantle edge ofA. entalis in their histological studies ofthe Island. scaphopod connective tissue. In the midregion of the animal, ciliated ridges were HISTOLOGICAL PREPARATION foundjust anterior tothe anal opening inAntalis entalis and Living animals were narcotized with isotonic MgCL A. dentalis (L.) by Lacaze-Duthiers (1856-7) and Fol (1889). solution (1:2 to 1:1 with sea-water) or MS 222 added to the Distaso(1906) described them in moredetail and alsoclaimed sea-water(1:4000 - 1:2000). Tissues were fixed in2-4% for- the presence ofan osphradial sense organ. Leon (1895) and malin or 4% glutaraldehyde buffered in sea-water. Helly's American Malacological Bulletin, Vol. 9(1) (1991):l-20 1 2 AMER. MALAC. BULL. 9(1) (1991) Table1. Systematiclistofthespeciesexamined (USNM, UnitedStatesNa- fixative producedgood fixationofcytoplasmatic components tional MuseumofNatural History, SmithsonianInstitution; NMNZ, National in small specimens and pieces oftissue. Bouin's fluid (aq.) Museum ofNew Zealand; 'Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; penetratestissues rapidly, decalcifies, butoftendamagedcilia- 2GarethDavies, UniversityofEdinburgh; 'ZoologiskMuseum,Kopenhagen; *prepared for TEM methods) tion. This fluid was used also for decalcification after one oftheother fixatives. Fixation times ranged from2-24h. The Order DENTALIIDA specimens were washed in 70% ethanol + NH4 (3 Family Source drops/lOOml) to remove thepicricacid. Afterdehydration in Dentaliidae ethanol, tissues were transferred to methyl benzoate as an Dentalium laqueatwn Verrill, 1885 USNM 765278 antemedium, benzol, 40% paraffinand embedded in58-60°C D. neohexagonum Sharp and Pilsbry, 1897 Monterey Bay Graptacme calamus (DalI. 1889) USNM 801250 Paraplast. Sections of 5-7 [an were taken and stained with Antalis dentalis (L., 1767) Rovinj* Azocarmine and Anilineblue-Orange G after Heidenhain A. entalis (L., 1758) MB12 (AZAN), Haematoxilin and Eosin after Mayer (HE) or A. inaequicostatum (Dautzenberg. 1891) Piran* A. occidentalis (Stimpson, 1851) Bergen, Norway* Kernechtrot + Picroindigocarmine (KP). Recipes for A. vulgaris (Dacosta, 1778) Rovinj fixation and staining were modified after Adam and Czihac AA.. sspp.. BPS926760II NNMMNNZZ BP9S26760II (1964). Museum samples, usually kept in alcohol, were A. sp. 930 NMNZ P930 treated in the same way starting with decalcification or A. sp. Q 719 NMNZ 0719 dehydration. Fissidentalium candidum (Jeffreys, 1877) AT 1862 F. majorinum (Mabille and Rochebrune, 1889) USNM 709081 SEM PREPARATION F. megathyris (Dall, 1899) Galathea Sf7163 F. zelandicum (Sowerby, 1860) NMNZ BS496 The same fixatives were used as for histological pur- FFusstpi.aria rubescens (Deshayes, 1825) PNiMraNnZ sand lagoon ppoosienst.dTriisesdueswiwtehrelidqeuhiyddrCat0ed ianngdrasdpeusttoefracceotaotneed, cwriittihcala RhabRdhiadbadeus rectius (Carpenter, 1864) San Juan Islands 200 A gold-layer. The samples2 wereexamined inaJeolJMS USNM 678797 09 scanning electron microscope. Laevidentaliidae Laevidentalium callipaplum (Dall, 1889) USNM 765451 TEM PREPARATION Entalinidae Two methods were applied as follows: 1) 4 hr in 3% Entalina quinquangularis (Forbes. 1843) Thalassa Y 378' glutaraldehyde in phosphate buffer 0.1M pH 7.2-7.4 (after Bergen, Norway* Bathoxiphus ensiculus (Jeffreys, 1877) Incal WS 01' Sorensen) or cacodylate buffer 0.1M pH 7.2; postfix for 2 B. sp. S 153 NMNZ S153 hr in 2% Os04 0.1M in the corresponding buffer. To 100ml Heteroschismoides subterfissum (Jeffreys, 1877) Nordatlante 85 0.1M buffer, lOg sucrose were added to adjust the osmolar- ES 2182 ity for sea-water. 2) 2 hr fixation in glutaraldehyde- PulsePlullisdeaellum lofotense (M. Sars, 1865) Bergen, Norway* paraformaldehyde (1% formalin + 2.5% glutaraldehyde in P. salishorum Marshall, 1980 San Juan Islands 0.1M cacodylate buffer pH 7.2) and postfix for 2 hr in 2% APP..nnssuppl..ipPBuSl9s39e74l0lIum euzkadii Scarabino, 1986 BNNIMMONNGZZASBP9SIV39,740DIS631 OEtsh0yl4einn dthieamsianmeetbeutfrfaera.ceAtlilcfaixcaitdive(sEDwTerAe)cwoaosledusteod4°fCo.r Striopulsellum sandersi Scarabino, in lit. Nordatlante P19' decalcification. Afterdehydration inethanol the samples were Siphonodentaliidae embedded either in Epon-Araldite (Mollenhauer, 1964) or in Siphonodentalium grandis (Verill, 1884) Incal WS 02' Spurr's medium (Spurr, 1969). Semi-thin sections (0.5-1 /mi) SSS... slvpoietbcratetaubumimlMi(s.SoVweSreairrlsbl,y,,118815881650) GIEnrSce1ae6ln4lD.2SEx0p9.' 423 7w0e-r8e0sntaminweedrweimthad0e.1o%ntaolRueiidcihneertblOuMeUso-l3utimoinc.rSoetcotmieonwsitohf Wemersoniellidae glass or diamond knives, and treated for 45 min with a Wemersoniella tumerae Scarabino, 1986 Incal WS 07' saturated uranyl-acetate solution (Watson, 1958) and for5 to Gadilidae 8 min with a0.4% solutionoflead-citrate (VenableandCog- Gadilafraseri Nickles. 1979 Galathea St. 1013 geshall, 1965). Sections were studiedunderaZeiss EM9/S2 G. metivieri Scarabino, in lit. BIOGAS V, DS66' G. sp. NMNZ P939 transmission electron microscope. Cadulus aberrans Whiteaves, 1887 Monterey Bay C. arctatus Jeffreys in Locard, 1898 Thalassa Z 407' RESULTS C. cylindratus Jeffreys, 1877 ES 272 CC.. jdeeflfirceaystiul(uMsoSnutteerro,sa1t9o1,3 1875) BNIMONGZASBSV,54D4S66' ANTERIOR MANTLE EDGE C. propinquus Sars, 1878 BIOGAS VI, DS82' GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS C. subfusiformis (M. Sars, 1865) Bergen, Norway* C. sp. 68 USNM 803468 The anterior pallial opening is supported by a ring of C. sp. P927 I NMNZ P927 I cartilage-like connective tissue as well as by muscles. It can STEINER: SCAPHOPOD MANTLE ANATOMY 3 per Fig. 1. A. Scaphopodinaschematiclongitudinal section; B. AnteriormantleedgeintheorderDentaliida(e.g. Antalis, semischematic longitudinal section; C. Anterior mantleedge in the orderGadilida (e.g. Pulsellum), semischematic longitudinal section; D. Posterior mantle edge in the order Dentaliida (e.g. Antalis), semischematiclongitudinalsection, insert(nottoscale)showingcross-sectionofthepavilionproper;E. PosteriormantleedgeintheorderGadilida (e.g. Entalina), semischematic longitudinal section, inserts (notto scale) showingcross-sectionsofthe pavilionproperandthe valveciliary organ (ciliation drawnon leftsideonly); a, anus; ae, attachmentepithelium; as, annular sinus; be, buccal cavity; ca, ciliated area; cf, central fold; clc, ciliated ledge cells; co, ciliaryorgan; ctr, connectivetissue ringwithperiostracal groove; drm, dorsal retractor muscle; e, esophagus; f, foot; fe, frontal epithelium; go, gonad; i, intestine; ig, inner gland region; 1, lacunae; lc, ledge cells; lm, longitudinal muscles; mc, mantle cavity; mo, mouth opening; n, nerve; nm, neuropil; og,outerglandregion; per, preanalciliaryridges;pp, pavilionproper; rm, radial muscles; s, socketofconnectivetissue;sm, sphinctermuscle; smg, supramarginal groove; st, stomach; vb, ventralbolster; vco,valveciliaryorgan;vm, valvemuscle; x, identifiesaxisofcross-sectioninlowerinsertofE;scalebars = 100fim. 4 AMER. MALAC. BULL. 9(1) (1991) exhibitdifferentglandregions. The wholecomplex (see Figs. Towards the anterior aperture, collagen and muscle 1A-C, 2) can be divided into: 1) a frontal epithelium; 2) a fibers become more abundant, replacing the extracellular central fold; 3) an inner gland region. matrix. Thus, thecartilage-likeappearance islost (Figs. 2,4). In all scaphopods the central fold consists of a ring This ring provides an attachment site for the pallial ofconnective tissue and the muscle apparatus. The former muscles on both proximal and distal sides. The periostracal is a wedge-shaped mass ofextracellular matrix in which col- grooveofthe outer mantleepitheliumhasthe shapeofacon- lagen and scaffolding fibers (fibers grillage'es) are embedded centric ring. Thus, constant shape and diameter are main- (Gabe and Prenant, 1950) (Fig. 3). The orientation of the tained by connective tissue for the shell-forming epithelia. fibers is predominantly radial. The term "cartilage-like" in- In fixed animals the anterior mantle margin is always dicates the histological and functional resemblance of this retracted, so the groove opens to the anterior (Figs. 1, 4). tissue to vertebrate cartilage; it does not indicate homology. Towards the anterior aperture the central fold includes a ome #4 «<* 3 pg A i/ y V . »C- 1-.'..- ' - ctr Fig. 2. inaequicostatum, anterior mantle edge in longitudinal section (formalin. AZAN, 7 jon); note the well developed fibrous connective tissue (asterisk); ctr, connectivetissue ring; f, foot; og, outergland region; pg. periostracal groove; rm, radial muscles; sm, sphincter muscle; innerglandregion (arrow); scale bar = 100 nm. Fig. 3. Fustiaria rubescens, cross-section ofthe connective tissue ring in the anterior mantle edge (Bouin, AZAN, 7 /xm); note the homogeneous intercellular matrix, where radially arranged collagen fibres (arrows) are embedded; ome, outer mantle epithelium; scale bar = 10jtm. Fig. 4. Antalisdentalis, longitudinal sectionofthe outer gland region showing the different types and sizes ofsubepithelial gland cells (Bouin, AZAN, 7tan); ctr, connectivetissue ring; pg, periostracal groove; scalebar = 25urn. Fig. 5.Antalisdentalis, TEM micrographoftheoutergland region in longitudinal section(glutaraldehyde-Os04, Epon-Araldite); thesubepithelialglandcellcontainsgranulesofvariousdensityandwithsubstructures; scale bar = 1 /an. STEINER: SCAPHOPOD MANTLE ANATOMY 5 sphincter muscle that can regulate the width ofthe opening cell, electron density of the vesicles can vary. (Fig. IB). Radially arranged dilator muscles function as In longitudinal section the anterior mantle margin is antagonists and longitudinal fibers beneath the inner somewhat triangular. In the Dentaliida the tip representing epithelium pull the fold back into the mantle cavity (Figs. the pallial orifice carries the section of an annular ciliary 1B-C, 2). Other muscle fibers from the mantle are attached organ (Figs. IB, 6). A ringof5-6 (Fustiaria) or6-8 (Antalis) tothebase ofthe supporting ring to retract the entire organ. rows ofprismatic, multiciliary cells (Fig. 7) lines the lumen The dorsal regionofthe organ is innervated by a pair oftheopening, especially ifthelatter iscontractedorclosed. of cerebral nerves, the ventral portion by a pair of pleural The nuclei are found in the proximal half of the cell, and nerves. Presenceanddifferentiationofglandcellsandsensory frequently a large nucleolus is present. The cytoplasm is receptors differ within and between the orders. packed with mitochondria. Kinocilia of 15 length show the common 9x2+2 pattern and a basal plate. A striated DENTALIIDA rootlet (banding 56nm) is attached to the basal body at an In the order Dentaliida all three components of the angle of25° totheciliary axes. Themembranes ofneighbor- anterior mantle margin are developed. A detailed descrip- ingcellsare strongly interdigitatedandareconnectedtoeach tion representative for most dentaliid genera is given for other by desmosomes at or close to the apex. Antalis, the genus with three species available for TEM Theciliaryorgan wasfound inall Dentaliidaexamined studies (Table 1). Fustiaria (= Pseudantalis) rubescens except for Rhabdus rectius (Carpenter). Here, instead, two (Deshayes); for nomenclatural considerations (see Emerson, dorsolateral slits are formed by the epithelium ofthe distal 1951, 1952) is the only species for comparison on the outergland region (Figs. 8, 9, 10A). The floorofthese more ultrastructural level. Light microscopical differencesbetween or less tubular invaginations is covered by cells resembling the other genera are listed in Table 2. epithelial cells, whereasthe epitheliumofthe walls contains at least two types of specialized cells (Fig. 10B): FRONTAL EPITHELIUM 1) Highly columnar cells of 50 /im height with long The frontal epithelium covers the vertical surface of microvilli, a nucleusclose tothebasal lamina, andcytoplasm the anterior mantle margin facing the environment. In the that stains faint-blue with AZAN. These cells are arranged Dentaliida it is identified as a glandular structure by the in two rows, one on each lateral wall, close to the bottom presence ofsubepithelial gland cells. It is referred to as the of the slit. outer gland region. Two types of epithelial cells can be 2) Columnar, sometimes very slender, multiciliary distinguished: 1) "normal" epithelial cells of6-10/mi height cells 20-30 iim high forming similar rows right above type withrelativelyelectron-densecytoplasmandabasallylocated 1. Their nuclei also lie basally, but take the red stain better nucleus; 2) cells with less densecytoplasm anda lowerden- than those ofthe first type. The cytoplasm is less dense and sity oforganelles. Thesecellsare most clearlydistinguished contains many evenly distributeddarkgranules. Apically, the from type 1 by foldings of the basal membrance which basal bodies ofthe cilia appear as a line parallel to the cell sometimesreachtheupperquarterofthecell body. Numerous membrane. These can be accompanied by gland cells that small vesicles can be seen on either side ofthe membrane. could represent athird cell type. Histologically, theouterand All cells arecovered with2-2.3 nm long microvilli andcon- inner gland regions are comparable to those in the other nectedtoeachotherby desmosomes andtothe basal lamina members of the order. by hemidesmosomes. The subepithelial gland cells characterize the ap- RECEPTOR CELLS pearance ofthe entire dentaliid anterior mantle margin and Theoutergland region andtheepitheliumofthe cen- occur in two forms (Fig. 4): barrel-shaped gland cells of tral foldare markedby thepresenceofciliary sensory recep- 70-110 itm length can be distinguished from bottle- or flask- tors. InthethreespeciesofAntalisultrastructurallyexamined, shapedcellsthatreachasfaras500itmdown intothe mesen- two types can be distinguished. chyme ofthe pallia! edge. The latter communicate with the Type 1 (Figs. 11A, 12, 13), very abundant in Antalis surfaceonlyby long, thinducts. Bothcell types havebasally spp., represents a swollen process ofa nerve cell. This sen- located nuclei with large nucleoli. Inhistological sectionsthe sorycell is moreorlesscylindrical witha maximumdiameter mucus stains from red to violet with AZAN and greenish between 2.4 (tm and 3.8 /xm. No nucleus was found. It is, orange with KP. Frequently the cell contents are continuous therefore, thought to lie in the perikaryon ofthe nerve cells withthe mucus layercoveringthe frontal pallial epithelium. in the underlying mesenchyme. Thedendritic processes were In TEM sections the cell contents consist of spherical, traced only for short distances beneath the epidermis. The membrane-bound vesiclesofabout 1 /xmdiameter. InAntalis cytoplasm appears electron lucent except for scattered spp. they show asub-structureofstraightorcurved lines (Fig. neurotubules. Close to the epithelial surface several large, 5), which is absent inFustiaria rubescens. Within the same elongated mitochondria can be found. They adjoin the 6 AMER. MALAC. BULL. 9(1) (1991) Fig. 6. Fustiaria albescens, SEM micrograph ofthe anterior mantle edge showing the ciliary organ; cfe, central fold epithelium; kc, kino-cilia; og, outer gnoltaendthreegaibonu;ndsacnalceeboafrd=ark5/girma.nuFliegs.c7.loAsnetatloisthoeccciedllenatpailcise,s;TcEo,Mcemlilcsroofgrtahephciolfiatrhyeocrilgiaanr;ysocraglaenbianrcr=oss5-s^emc.tioFnig(.gl8.utRarhaalbddeuhysdere-ctOiuss0,4S,EEpMon-mAircarlodgirtaep);h ofthe anterior mantle edge in dorso-frontal view; note the slit-like invaginations; pg, periostracal groove; scale bar = 300 ^m. Fig. 9. Rhabdus rectius, cross-section ofthe anterior mantle edge with the dorso-lateral slits (formalin, AZAN, 7 /mi); f, foot; sm, sphincter muscle; scale bar = 250 urn. centrioles of the sensory cilia. The number of cilia varies tures have been observed for one sensory cell. One 5-6 /xm from 5 to25, but the higher number is morecommon. With longciliumis surroundedby 8 modified microvilli, so-called a length of 2-4 fim, the cilia are shorter than those of the stereomicrovilli (Haszprunar, 1985; Salvini-Plawen, 1988), ciliated epithelial cells ofthe central fold. The bases ofthe which arebasally connectedby a membrane. Many filaments receptorsare slightly sunken in, although thecell apicescan canbeobserved withinthe stereomicrovilli, especially inthe protrudeover the otherepithelial cells. Some scanning elec- region adjacent to the cilium. tron microscographs reveal tapering cilia, suggesting reduc- In Fustiaria rubescens, type 1 is rare and pre- tionofpairs ofmicrotubules towards the tip. Connections to dominantly found in the outer gland region. Type 2, the neighboring cells are effected by desmosomes and septate collar-receptor, is more common and found mainly in the junctions. epitheliumofthe central fold. Both receptortypes aresimilar Type 2 representsacollar-receptor(Figs. 11C, 14, 15), in all aspects to the respective types inAntalis spp. Another which is much lessabundant inAntalis spp. than inFustiaria kind of receptor cell, here termed type la (Figs. 11B, 16), rubescens. The dendritic process is more slender than that appears inboth epithelial regions. It has adiameterofabout oftype 1, measuring 1-2 /xmacross. One ortwocollarstruc- 1.5 to 2 fim and the cytoplasm is packed with ellipsoidal STEINER: SCAPHOPOD MANTLE ANATOMY zExnr alargerbasal portionandathinprocesspassingbetweenthe othercells to reach the surface (Fig. 2). Their contents vary from violet to bright red with AZAN and greenish orange in KR At present, it is not clear whether these cells are epithelial or subepithelial. Apart from these, no subepithelial gland cells were recognized in the inner gland region of Dentaliida. The surface ofthe gland cells is partly covered by ciliated epithelial cells with apically located nuclei (Fig. 17). These cells are attached to the basal lamina by very Fig. 10.Rhabdusrectius. A. semischematiccross-sectionoftheanteriorman- slender processes only. tle edge; scale bar = 300 jim; B. detail from A. showing the epithelium ofthe dorso-lateral slit; scale bar = 200 /im. GADILIDA mitochondria (0.4 x 0.6 ^im). Apically, 4-5 cilia of normal Theanteriorpallial edge inGadilidahasthe samebasic structure can be seen. A tiny rudiment of a rootlet inserts structureas indentaliids, buttheentireorgan has undergone at the single centriole. differentelaboration(Fig. 1C). Theringofcartilage-likecon- nectivetissue isgenerally notasextensiveas inthe Dentaliida. INNER GLAND REGION In some species only a narrow band at the base of the The inner gland region, a differentiation ofthe inner periostracalgroove isdifferentiated. Plate (1892) andOdhner pallial epithelium, terminates the complex of the anterior (1931) notedtheabsenceoftheoutergland region inmembers mantle edge proximal to the central fold. It forms a tube of ofthis order. The ciliary organ ofthe central fold is absent. epithelial, mucus-secreting cells ofvariable extent, probably dependingonthe stateofcontractionofthe underlying man- FRONTAL EPITHELIUM tie muscles. Thebarrel-shapedepithelial glandcells (Fig. 17), Characteristic forthe gadilid frontal epithelium is the measuring approximately 40-90x20x20 jim, are filled with elaboration of papillae. Their number is high in the repre- densely packed vesicles of light- and electron lucent ap- sentatives examined ofthe families Entalinidae, Pulsellidae pearance, which have the tendency to coalesce to a single and Wemersoniellidae. InSiphonodentaliidaeand Gadilidae, droplet ofmucus. The nucleus is generally located close to however, papillae are more scattered. In Entalina quin- thethinbasal lamina. Anothertypeofglandcells, restricted quangularis (Forbes), papillae are 15 and 20 /tm high. to few specimens ofAntalis species only, is flask-like with Dependingonthe stateofcontractiontheconical protrusions Fig. 11. Reconstruction ofciliary sensory cells ofthe anterior mantle edges. A. Type 1 ofAntalis; B. Type laofFustiaria; C. Type 2 (collar receptor) of Antalis; kc, kinocilium; mv, microvilli; nt, neurotubules; sj, septatejunction; za, zonula adherens; scale bars = 0.5 /im. 8 AMER. MALAC. BULL. 9(1) (1991) Fig. 12. Antalis occidentalis, SEM micrograph ofa ciliary sensory cell oftype 1 in the frontal epithelium ofthe anteriormantleedge; kc, kinocilia; scale bar = 0.5 /im. Fig. 13. Antalis occidentalis, TEM micrograph ofa type 1 receptor in a longitudinal section (glutar-paraformaldehyde - Os04, Spurr); bb, basalbody; bp. basal plate; m, mitochondrion; septatejunctions(arrows), zonulaeadherentes(arrow-heads); scalebar = 0.5nm. Fig. 14.Antalisoccidentalis, SEM micrograph ofatype 2 receptor (collar receptor) ofthe frontal epithelium; scalebar = 0.5 /im. Fig. 15. Antalis dentalis, TEM micrograph ofatype 2micrreocfeipltaomrenitnsainloangsitteurdeioncaillisuemct(iaornrow(-ghleutaadr)a;ldsechayledeba-rO=s00.45, ^Empo.n-FAirga.ld1i6.teF)u:stnioatreiatrhuebetswcoensco,llTarEMstrmuictcurroegsr;apsch,osftaeretoycpielilaa(r=escteeprteoormiccerlloviinlltih)e;frdoenntsael epithelium (glutaraldehyde - Os04, Epon-Araldite); bp, basal plate; m, mitochondrion; septatejunction (arrows); zonula adherens (arrow-head); scale bar = 0.5 pm. areeitherapproximately 30/xm apart, so theyareelaborated The frontal epithelium cells are rather flat - 3 jtm in on a flat base of tissue close to each other (Figs. 18, 19). Cadulussubfusifonnis (M. Sars), 5fim inbothEntalinaquin- Generally, papilladensity is highestclose to the mantle open- quangularis (Forbes)andPulseHum lofotense(M. Sars). The ing and decreases towards the periphery. latter also possess vesicle containing cells which appear to The transition from the frontal epithelium to the outer be epithelial gland cells. mantlesurface is markedby acrestofconnectivetissue (Figs. An unsual tissue is located beneath the frontal epi- 18, 19). Theperiostracalgroove isvisiblesomedistancebelow thelium of Entalina quinquangularis. Being only about 15 the crest on the outside of the mantle. In fixed specimens ^im thick, this layer is poorly visible in histological sections the frontal epithelium is sunken in, givingthe mantle margin (Fig. 19, x). The tissueconsistsofspherical, vacuolizedcells the appearance ofa crater rimmed by the above-mentioned thatprovedtobe problematic in TEM preparations, because crest. their contents, perhaps ofmucoid nature, were washed out. STEINER: SCAPHOPOD MANTLE ANATOMY 9 Fig. 17. Fustiaria rubescens, cross-section ofthe inner gland region (Bouin, AZAN. 7 /an) showing epithelial gland cells; note the position ofthe nuclei ofthe ciliatedepithelial cells (arrows); c, captaculum; n, pallial nerve; scale bar = 25 /im. Fig. 18. Entalina quinquangularis, frontal viewofthe anterior mantleedgeinaSEM micrograph(glutaraldehyde-Os04, Spurr); notethe numerouspapillae; mc,openingofthemantlecavity; periostracal groove(arrow- heads); rim ofthe "crater" (arrow); scale bar = 100/*m. Fig. 19. Entalina quinquangularis, anterior mantle edge in longitudinal section (Bouin, AZAN, 7/xm); notethelessvoluminousringofturgidconnectivetissue(ctr); f, foot; ig, innerglandregion; x, mucoidtissuelayer;papillae(arrow-heads); periostracal groove (arrow); rim ofthe "crater" (asterisk); scale bar = 100 /im. Fig. 20. Entalina quinquangularis, TEM micrograph ofa frontal epithelial papilla in longitudinal section(glutaraldehyde- Os04, Spurr); cp, sensory cell process; ciliumoftheapical sensorycell (arrow); scalebar = 1 //m. Fig. 21. Entalina quinquangularis, ciliary sensorycell at thetipofapapilla (glutaraldehyde - Os04. Spurr); bb, basal body; m, mitochondria; scalebar = 0.5^m. Fig. 22. pCraodcuelsusswsiutbhfunseiufroortmuibsu,lip;ittsecd, csitleiraeroycsileinusmor(y=scteellre(otmyipcero2v,ilcloulsl)a;r-rseccaelpetobra)rat=t0h.e5ti/pimo.fa papilla (glutarparaformaldehyde - Os04, Spurr); cp, sensory cell AMER. MALAC. BULL. 10 9(1) (1991) Delicate fibers of connective and muscle tissue fill the in- fromthe secretoryduct, arelocatedbeneaththebasal lamina. tercellular spaces. Forother members ofthe family Entalini- Like other areas ofthe mantle cavity the inner gland region dae, available from museum samples only, this tissue could is covered by a cuboidal epithelium. The form ofthe gland not conclusively be found. cells, influencedby thepackingbetweenthebasal laminaand thepallia! muscles, iscuboidaltohoneycomb-like. Frequently, RECEPTOR CELLS they over- and underlay each other (Figs. 23, 24). Although some type 1 receptorcells were found in the Staining with AZAN revealstwotypesofsubepithelial frontal epithelium of Cadulus subfusiformis, the sensory secretory cells: one staining violet to red, the other taking elements ofthe gadilid anterior mantle margin are found in no stain (Fig. 23). In TEM-sectionsboth typescontainsmall the papillae. Each papilla carries one or more sensory vesicles that show tendencies to coalesce to larger secretion processes of neurons (Fig. 20), whose perikarya lie in the vacuoles. A cell can be completely filled with a single, connective tissue beneath. A connection betweena receptive membrane-bound droplet (Fig. 24). Electron density seems process and such a perikaryon was not found. Nor was it to parallel the histological staining properties. The nucleus possible to trace the process ofthe sensory cell beneath the with a large nucleolus usually lies near the base ofthe cell. base ofthe papilla. The cytoplasm appears optically empty The cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus is rich in golgi and only neurotubles can be seen orientated mainly in the complexes. direction ofthecell axis. Two or more cilia (9x2+2 pattern) The proximal borderofthe gland region is formed by protrude from the apex (Fig. 21). A basal plate and a single a few rows of epithelial gland cells. They are prismatic in centriole form the anchoring apparatus. No rootlet is shape and stain in a faint blue or remain unstained with developed, but small bundles offibers spread from the cen- AZAN. Unfortunately, this tissue is easily damaged by im- triole to the surrounding mitochondria (Fig. 21). The mito- proper fixation, processing, or long storage; therefore, it is chondria are elongted and measure about 1x0.4 ixm. Some usually not preserved in museum material. Table 2 lists the similarity to the type 1 receptors of dentaliids is evident. characters of the anterior mantle margin for the examined Papillae withcollar-receptorsappear in Cadulussubfusiformis genera. (Fig. 22). EPITHELIUM OF THE INNER GLAND REGION MANTLE CAVITY The inner gland region in Gadilida is mainly formed by subepithelial glandcells. Accordingly, thecell bodies, apart Mostofthepallial cavity is linedby flatepithelial cells. Table 2. Characters ofthe anterior mantle margin: (++) abundant; (+) present: (±) scarce, few; (—) absent: (?) no information. Frontal Epithelium Ciliary Organ Receptor Cell Types Inner Gland Region subepith. epith. papillae "mucoid" cell slits 1 la 2 papil- subepith. mucoid dark gland cells gland cells tissue rows lae gland epith. epith. cells gland cells gland cells Antalis ++ 6-8 +- t + + Dentalium ++ 6-8 9 ? 7 + Fissidentalium ++ 6-8 ? 9 ? + Graptacme ++ 9 ? 9 7 + Fustiaria ++ 5-6 ± + + + Laevidentalium ++ + ? ? 7 + Rhabdus + ( + ? 7 7 + Entalina ± ++ + + + + Bathoxiphus 7 ++ 7 7 9 7 ? + + Heteroschismoides 7 ++ 7 7 9 7 7 + + Pulsellum + ++ + t + Annulipulsellum 7 ++ 7 7 7 7 + + Striopulsellum 7 ++ 7 7 + Siphonodentalium ? + 7 7 + + Wemersoniella 7 ++ ? 7 + + Gadila 9 + 7 7 + + Cadulus + + + + +

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