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Observations of Supersonic Downflows Near the Umbra-Penumbra Boundary of Sunspots as Revealed by Hinode PDF

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Preview Observations of Supersonic Downflows Near the Umbra-Penumbra Boundary of Sunspots as Revealed by Hinode

4thHinodeScienceMeeting:UnsolvedProblemsandRecentInsights ASPConferenceSeries,Vol.455 L.R.BellotRubio,F.Reale,andM.Carlsson,eds. (cid:13)c2012AstronomicalSocietyofthePacific ObservationsofSupersonic Downflows nearthe Umbra-Penumbra Boundary ofSunspots as Revealedby Hinode 2 1 0 RohanE.Louis,1 LuisR.BellotRubio,2 ShibuK.Mathew,1 and 2 P.Venkatakrishnan1 n 1UdaipurSolarObservatory, PhysicalResearchLaboratoryDewali,Badi a Road,Udaipur, Rajasthan-313004, India J 6 2Instituto deAstrof´ısica deAndaluc´ıa (CSIC),Apartado deCorreos3004, 2 18080Granada,Spain ] R Abstract. HighresolutionspectropolarimetricobservationsbyHinodehaverevealed S theexistenceofsupersonicdownflowsattheumbra-penumbraboundaryof3sunspots . (Louisetal.2011). Thesedownflowsareobservedtobeco-spatialwithbrightpenum- h bral filaments and occupy an area greater than 1.6 arcsec2. They are located at the p - center-side penumbra and have the same polarity as the sunspot which suggests that o they are not associated with the Evershed flow. In this paper we describe the super- r sonicvelocitiesobservedinNOAAAR10923anddiscussthephotosphericaswellas t s chromosphericbrighteningsthatlieclosetothedownflowingareas. Ourobservations a suggest that this phenomenonis driven by dynamic and energetic physical processes [ in the inner penumbra which affect the chromosphere, providing new constraints to 4 numericalmodelsofsunspots. v 1 5 7 0 1. Introduction . 1 0 The Evershed flow (EF; Evershed 1909) is a distinct property of sunspot penumbrae 1 1 whichexemplifiestheirfilamentarystructure(Solanki2003,andreferencestherein). In : theinnerpenumbratheEFstartsasupflows(BellotRubioetal.2006;Rimmele&Marino v i 2006; Franz&Schlichenmaier 2009) that turns into downflows in the mid and outer X penumbra(Westendorp Plazaetal.1997;Schlichenmaier &Schmidt1999;Mathewetal. r 2003;BellotRubioetal.2004). a In addition to the EF, other types of mass motions exist in the penumbra, as re- ported recently by Katsukawa&Jurcˇa´k (2010) using Hinode observations. They de- tected small-scale downflowing patches with velocities of ∼1 km s−1 which have the same polarity as the parent sunspot. Some of them also appear to be co-spatial with chromospheric brightenings. Based on their physical properties, Katsukawa&Jurcˇa´k (2010)inferredthattheseweakdownflowsaredifferentfromtheEvershedflowreturn- ingtothephotosphere,whichsometimeshappenswellwithinthepenumbra(BellotRubioetal. 2004,2007;SainzDalda&BellotRubio2008). Louisetal. (2011) observed a new type of downflows which are supersonic and occuratorneartheumbra-penumbraboundaryofsunspots. Thesedownflowingpatches are conspicuously large in size with areas ranging from 1.6–6 arcsec2. They have the same polarity as the sunspot and occur along bright penumbral filaments. Their prop- 75 76 Louisetal. Figure1. Continuumimage of NOAA AR 10923at 630nm. The white dashed squarerepresentsthe smallregionchosenforanalysisandwhose magnifiedimage isshownintheinset. Thewhitearrowpointstodiskcenter. erties are different from those of the Evershed flow and the downflows reported by Katsukawa&Jurcˇa´k (2010), which indicates a different physical origin. The strong downflows possibly represent energetic and dynamic processes occurring in the inner penumbra whichalso affectthe chromosphere. Inthispaper werestrict ourdiscussion to the supersonic downflows observed in NOAA AR 10923 and briefly describe the photospheric andchromospheric activities associated withthem. 2. Observations High resolution spectro-polarimetric observations of NOAA AR 10923 were carried out using the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT; Tsunetaetal. 2008) on board Hinode (Kosugietal. 2007) on November 10, 2006 when the sunspot was located at a helio- centricangleof50◦(Figure1). TheARwasmappedbytheHinodespectro-polarimeter (SP;Litesetal.2001;Ichimotoetal.2008)from16:01to17:25UTinthenormalmap modewithanexposure timeof4.8sandapixelsizeof0′.′16. ThefourStokesprofiles oftheneutralironlinesat630nmwererecordedwithaspectralsamplingof21.55mÅ at each slit position. In addition to the Stokes spectra, G-band and Ca ii H filtergrams SupersonicDownflowsneartheUmbra-PenumbraBoundary 77 Figure 2. Left: LOS velocity derived from SIR combining one- and two- component inversions. Right: The fill fraction of the fast component. The black contour depicts the umbra-penumbraboundary. Both images have been scaled as shown in their respective color bars. The black cross correspondsto the pixel ex- hibitingsupersonicvelocity.TheStokesprofilesemergingfromthispixelareshown inFigure3. acquired by he Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) close to the SP scans were also em- ployed. The filtergrams had a sampling of 0′.′055 with a cadence of 30 s. These data wererecorded from13:00to14:00UT. 3. Results 3.1. SupersonicDownflowsfromSIRInversions The detection of supersonic downflows was carried out by constructing red and blue wingmagnetograms at±34.4pmfromthelinecenteroftheFei630.25nmlineasde- scribed by Louisetal. (2011). The far wing magnetograms are useful to detect pixels withstrongdownflowsbutdonotyieldthemagnitudeofthevelocities presentinthose locations. In order to determine the velocities, the observed Stokes profiles were sub- jecttoaninversionusingtheSIRcode(StokesInversionbasedonResponseFunctions; RuizCobo&delToroIniesta 1992). Two sets of inversions were carried out. In the firstrun,asinglemagneticcomponentwasassumedineachpixelwiththevectormag- neticfield(fieldstrength,inclinationandazimuth)andLOSvelocityremainingconstant withheight. Theresulting LOSvelocity map isshown inFig. 2of Louisetal. (2011). Pixels exhibiting velocities greater than 2 km s−1 were then selected and subject to a second set of inversions in which two magnetic components were assumed to co-exist in a single resolution element, both of which having height-independent physical pa- rameters. TheoneandtwocomponentSIRinversionsalsoretrievedheight-independent micro-andmacro-turbulentvelocitiesaswellasthefractionofstraylightineachpixel. TheleftpanelofFig.2showstheLOSvelocitycombiningthetwoinversionsets,while thefillfractionofthefastcomponent isdepictedontheright. 78 Louisetal. Figure3. Firstandsecondrows: Observed(black)andbest-fit(red)Stokespro- filesofthepixelmarkedinFig.2usingatwo-componentmodel. Thirdandfourth rows: Height-independentstratifications of the physical parameters corresponding tothetwocomponents(solidanddashedlines,respectively). Figure 2 reveals the existence of supersonic downflows of up to ∼8 km s−1 in AR 10923 located nearly 3′′ from the umbra-penumbra boundary. To the best of our knowledge,thesearethelargestdownflowseverdetectedintheinnerpenumbracloseto theumbralboundary. Theright panelofthefigureindicates thatalarge fraction ofthe resolution elementisdominated bythestrongerdownflowingcomponent. Weestimate thetypicalsizeofthedownflowingpatchestobe∼1.6arcsec2. Thestrongdownflowing zones are surrounded byupflowsmeasuring 2km s−1 whichcan beidentified withthe Evershedflow. The Stokes V profiles emerging from the downflowing regions exhibit a satellite intheredlobewhiletheStokes I profileshavehighly inclinedredwings,asillustrated inFig.3forthe pixelmarked withacross inFigure2. Theabovespectral characteris- tics are reproduced satisfactorily by the two-component inversions. Thetwo magnetic components could either reside side-by-side in the same resolution element or could SupersonicDownflowsneartheUmbra-PenumbraBoundary 79 be stacked one on top of the other. While the exact configuration remains uncertain, supersonic velocities exist in the presence of very strong magnetic fields as indicated by the third row of Figure 3. In addition, the polarity of the strong downflowing com- ponentisthesameasthatoftheparentsunspot,whichrulesoutthepossibility ofthem being Evershed flows returning to the solar surface. The strong fields exceeding 2 kG shouldalsoinhibitconvection, suggestingthatthedownflowsarelikelytobecausedby analternativemechanism. 3.2. PhotosphericandChromosphericBrightenings Wenowturnourattention tothephotospheric andchromospheric brightenings associ- ated with the supersonic downflows. These brightness enhancements are observed to liein close proximity to thedownflowing patches and can have intensities comparable to the quiet Sun. The penumbral filament near one of the downflowing regions has an intensity of0.9I inthecontinuum at630nm(seeinsetofFigure1). Higherupinthe QS chromosphere,thesebrighteningsare∼77%moreintensethanthepenumbralmicrojets (MJs),whichappeartobeinthedecayphase(Ryutovaetal.2008b). Whilethebright- ness enhancements observed near the supersonic downflows appear as isolated blobs on the filaments, MJs are oriented nearly perpendicular to the filament (see Fig. 4 of Ryutovaetal.2008b). Todetermineiftheproximityoftheenhancements tothedownflowsendureswith time, event maps were constructed in the photosphere as well as the chromosphere using the G-band and Cafiltergram time sequence. The procedure has been described in Louisetal. (2011) with threshold values of 0.85 and 0.9 being employed for the photosphere and chromosphere respectively. The resulting event maps are shown in Figure4. Atbothheightswefindalargenumberofeventsconcentratednearthedownflows resembling blobs that were seen in the individual filtergrams. While the brightenings in the photosphere persist for the entire 1 hour sequence, in the chromosphere they last for only about one third of the time. More importantly, the enhancements appear very similar in shape and are nearly co-spatial. The use of a large threshold in the chromospheric eventmapremovesallsignatures oftherelatively weaker andtransient MJs. 4. Discussion ThedownflowsthatareassociatedwiththeEFcansometimesbesupersonicintheouter penumbra (delToroIniestaetal. 2001; BellotRubioetal. 2004) or even beyond the sunspot boundary (Mart´ınezPilletetal. 2009). Such a configuration represents mass fluxreturningtothephotosphere andhasapolarityoppositetothatofthesunspot. The supersonic downflows we have observed have the same polarity as the parent sunspot andsotheycannotberelatedtotheEversheddownflows. Onecouldassumethatthese strong downflows are the photospheric counterpart of some kind of inverse Evershed flowseeninthechromosphere. However,itisnotclearhowsuchachromosphericphe- nomenoncouldproducesupersonic downflowsclosetotheumbra-penumbra boundary inthephotosphere. Theorientation ofthefilamentsP1and P2,bifurcating atthestrong downflowing patch (Fig. 5), resembles the post-reconnection configuration illustrated in Fig. 5c of 80 Louisetal. Figure4. G-band(bottom)andCa (top)eventmapsdepictinglocationswith in- tensity close to the quiet Sun photosphere. Blue contoursof LOS velocity greater than2kms−1 havebeenoverlaidonthefiltergrams. Theblackcontourcorresponds tothecontinuumintensityat630nm. Theimageshavebeenscaledasshownbythe horizontalcolorbar. Ryutovaetal. (2008a), suggesting that the origin of the downflows is the slingshot ef- fect associated with the reconnection of the filaments. The bisecting angles shown by thesolidgreenlineswereestimatedtobe51◦ and46◦. According to Ryutovaetal. (2008a), the unwinding of filaments in a cork screw fashion can lead to reconnection, transient brightenings and twists in the penumbral filaments. Thismodelwasproposedasapossiblemechanismforproducingpenumbral MJs. Magara (2010) investigated the above scenario using numerical simulations and concluded that MJs occur in the intermediate region between nearly horizontal flux tubes andthe relatively vertical background fieldofthepenumbra. Inthis model, only partsandnottheentirepenumbralfilamentparticipate inthereconnection process. Slingshotreconnectionmaybeapossiblemechanismforproducingthesupersonic downflowsandthephotospheric aswellaschromospheric brightenings, althoughthere isnostrictone-to-onecorrespondence betweenthetwophenomena. Theaboveprocess has tobedifferent from the one producing MJssince their intensities and lifetimes are muchsmallerthantheeventsdescribed inthiswork. SupersonicDownflowsneartheUmbra-PenumbraBoundary 81 Figure 5. Continuum image that has been unsharp masked using a 3 × 3 pixel boxcar. TheredarrowindicatesthelocationwherethefilamentsP1andP2appear to intersecteach other. The solid green lines refer to the bisecting angles between thefilamentsP1andP2.ThebluecontourhasbeendrawnforLOSvelocitiesgreater than2kms−1. 5. Summary Highresolutionspectro-polarimetric observationsofNOAAAR10923takenwithHin- oderevealssupersonicdownflowsneartheumbra-penumbraboundary. Thedownflows are observed in large patches having an area of 1.6 arcsec2. Using a two-component modelatmosphere theSIRcoderetrieves supersonic valuesof8kms−1. Thesearethe largestvelocities everdetected atthoselocations inasunspot. Frequentoccurrences of strong downflows at the border of umbrae without penumbrae have been reported by Shimizuetal.(2008). Thestrongvelocitiesareassociatedwith2kGmagneticfieldswhichhavethesame polarity asthesunspot. ThiswouldimplythatthedownflowsarenotrelatedtotheEv- ershed flow, although thelatter could be separately present at those locations. Wefind intense andlonglivedchromospheric brightenings nearthestrongphotospheric down- flows extending over an area of 1–2 arcsec2. Furthermore, photospheric brightenings nearly as intense as the quiet Sunare also present inthe downflowing regions orclose to them. These downflows may have lifetimes of up to 14 hours (or more) as found fromseveralconsecutive Hinode/SPscans(Louisetal.2011). The penumbral filaments in the vicinity of the strong downflows appear to be twisted in the manner described by Ryutovaetal. (2008b) that would arise from a re- connection process. Such a process could produce the transient penumbral microjets. These events are ubiquitous in the penumbra and the photospheric downflows associ- atedwiththemaretypically1kms−1,asreportedbyKatsukawa&Jurcˇa´k(2010). The chromospheric brightenings described in Sect. 3.2 however, are stronger, bigger, and longer-lived than the microjets. The supersonic downflows that we have observed are anentirely newphenomenon. Theyarepossibly drivenbydynamic andveryenergetic processesoccurringintheinnerpenumbrawhichproducehighlyintenseandlongdura- tionbrightenings inthephotosphere aswellasinthechromosphere. Asuitable theory 82 Louisetal. is yet to be formulated for explaining these events and will be a challenge for future numericalmodelsofsunspots. Acknowledgments. We sincerely thank the Hinode team for providing the high resolutiondata. HinodeisaJapanesemissiondevelopedandlaunchedbyISAS/JAXA, withNAOJasdomesticpartnerandNASAandSTFC(UK)asinternationalpartners. It isoperated bythese agencies inco-operation withESAandNSC(Norway). Wethank theorganizers forawonderfulmeetingandfortheirwarmhospitality. 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