Observation of hysteretic phase switching in silicon by piezoresponse force microscopy Jagmeet S. Sekhon, Leena Aggarwal, and Goutam Sheet∗ Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali Punjab, India, PIN: 140306 We report the observation of 180o phase switching on silicon wafers by piezo-response force mi- croscopy (PFM). The switching is hysteretic and shows remarkable similarities with polarization switching in ferroelectrics. This is always accompanied by a hysteretic amplitude vs. voltage curve which resembles the “butterfly loops” for piezoelectric materials. From a detailed analysis of the data obtained under different environmental and experimental conditions, we show that the hys- teresiseffectsinphaseandamplitudedonotoriginatefromferro-electricityorpiezoelectricity. This further indicates that mere observation of hysteresis effects in PFM does not confirm the existence 4 of ferroelectric and/or piezoelectric ordering in materials. We also show that when samples are 1 mounted on silicon for PFM measurements, the switching properties of silicon may appear on the 0 sample even if the sample thickness is large. 2 n a Owing to its semiconducting behaviour, resilience materials mounted on silicon remained unknown. J against high temperature and high electrical power, sil- In this Letter, we report PFM measurements on sili- 1 icon has become one of the most popular substrates for con wafers in air. The silicon wafers exhibit clear and 1 wide variety of systems ranging from thin solid films to strong hysteresis as well as “butterfly loops”. Nano- bio-materials.[1–3] Such systems grown/mounted on sil- structures of silicon oxide grow under the PFM tip dur- ] l icon are studied by diverse characterization and mea- ingthehysteresismeasurementsduetotheelectrochemi- l a surement probes. One of the important measurement calreactioninitiatedbytheappliedmeasurementpoten- h techniques where silicon is ubiquitously used as a sub- tial. From the measurements on thick non-ferroelectric - strate in piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM).[2–4] In samples mounted on silicon, we show that the observed s e PFM spectroscopy, a conducting AFM (atomic force mi- hysteresis on silicon in air may contribute significantly m croscope) cantilever is brought in touch with a sample to the response from the sample mounted on it. This . and the electro-mechanical interaction between the can- might give rise to misleading results about the ferroelec- t a tilever and the sample is studied to determine how the tric/piezoelectric properties of samples mounted on sili- m sample responds to a sweeping dc electric field applied con. - on the cantilever. An ac signal rides on the sweeping dc For the PFM spectroscopic measurements, a conduct- d fieldfortrackingthesamplecharacteristicsasthedcfield ing cantilever was brought in contact with the surface of n sweeps.[4, 5] In PFM spectroscopy 180o phase switching a5mmx5mmpieceofsilicon. AnACexcitationvoltage o with voltage and a hysteresis in the phase vs. dc voltage (V ) of 10V was applied to the cantilever. The ampli- c ac [ plot is traditionally considered to be a signature of po- tuderesponseofthecantileverasafunctionoffrequency larization switching thereby confirming the material un- was recorded in order to characterize the in-contact res- 1 der study to be ferroelectric. Furthermore, a hysteretic onance of the cantilever. As shown in Figure 1(a), the v amplitude vs. dc voltage curve (traditionaly known as in-contactresonancefrequencyvariedbetween280to300 2 a “butterfly loop”) is considered to be the hallmark kHz. The measurements were carried out at the res- 1 5 of piezoelectricity.[5] Silicon has been used in the past onance frequency in order to achieve higher sensitivity 2 as a very popular substrate for searching potential fer- and for simultaneously obtaining spectroscopic informa- . roelectrics/piezoelectrics by PFM in solid semiconduct- tion regarding strain and dissipation. The entire work 1 0 ing films[6], ferroelectric films,[7] soft materials[3], bio- was done in dual AC resonance tracking (DART) mode 4 materials[8, 9] etc. Silicon is widely used as a substrate of PFM.[16] V was kept constant at 10V during all the ac 1 for PFM because it is thought that silicon is not ferro- measurements. : electric and therefore it does not contribute to phase- In Figure 1(b), we show the hysteresis in phase (φ) vs. v i switching. dcbias(Vdc)plotsfordifferentrangesofVdc. Atarelative X In the past the effect of the application of a large elec- humidity of 27%, we clearly observe hysteresis loops for ar tricfieldbyanAFMtiponthesurfaceofsiliconinairwas allrangesofVdc,wherethephaseswitchesbynearly180o studied. In such studies, it was observed that the silicon with a coercive voltage of 18−20V. A phase switching surface undergoes an electrochemical reaction resulting of 180o is generally believed to originate from polariza- in nano-scale structures of silicon oxide on the surface tion switching in ferro-electrics. The coercive voltage in under the AFM tip.[10–15] However, the electrical re- this case depends on the maximum Vdc applied. Coer- sponse of silicon was not studied by PFM spectroscopy civevoltageincreasesbyapproximately10%asthemax- and the role of the substrate in PFM measurements on imum applied Vdc increases from 40V to 60V. The over- all shape of the hysteresis loop significantly depends on the ambient relative humidity. At higher humidity levels (typically for R > 40%), we also observe a dip near H ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] the switching bias in the hysteresis loop. Figure 1(c) 2 FIG. 1: “Piezo-response”-like signal observed on silicon: (a) FIG. 2: (a) Topographic image of nano-structures grown Tuning of the conducting AFM cantilever in the PFM mode onsiliconduringspectroscopicmeasurementswithmaximum prior to spectroscopic measurements, (b) Phase vs. dc-Bias bias of 80V, 90V, 100V, 110V, (b) height variation of the data (at relative humidity R =27%) showing hysteresis for nano-structures grown during measurements at 80V (ma- H themaximumdc- voltage of40V (red), 50V (blue), and 60V genta),90V (orange),100V (purple),110V (red)correspond- (magenta), (c) Phase vs. dc-Bias data (at relative humidity ing to the line-cuts shown in (a),(c) Topographic image of R = 48%) showing hysteresis for maximum dc- voltages of nanowireslithographicallywrittenonsiliconbytheAFMtip H 40V (red), 50V (blue), and 60V (magenta), (d) Amplitude at10V,20V,30V,and40V,(d)heightvariationsofnanowires vs. dc-Biasdatashowing“hysteresisloops”formaximumdc- corresponding to the line-cut in (c). voltages of 40V (red), 50V (blue) and 60V (magenta). In order to understand the possible role of applied shows the hysteresis data obtained at RH =48%, where bias on the growth of nano-structures during spectro- the dip is very large. The amplitude (A) vs. Vdc curve scopic measurements, we have attempted to grow nano- (showninFigure1(d))isalsohystereticandtheshapeof structures on the silicon surface by usual lithographic theloopstronglyresemblestheso-called“butterflyloop” technique. In this technique simply a dc-voltage is ap- normally observed in piezoelectrics. The amplitude (A) pliedtothetipandthetipisscannedalongadesignedge- is directly related to the local strain experienced by the ometrical shape on the sample surface.[19] If the sample cantilever. Incaseofpiezo-electricmaterialsthehystere- material is electrochemically active, the applied voltage sis in strain vs. voltage originate from the dynamics of willwriteanano-structureonthesampleasthetipscans the piezoelectric domains in the material under an ap- over it. In contrast, during the spectroscopic measure- plied electric field[17]. ments, the tip remains in contact with the sample at a After every spectroscopic measurement we imaged particularpointandthevoltageisscannedbetween−V dc the topography in non-contact mode and observed that and +V . In Figure 2(c), we show four parallel nano- dc nanometersizestructuresweregrownonthepointswhere wireslithographicallygrownonthesamesiliconwaferby the measurements were carried out. The overall size of aconductingtipwithappliedvoltagesof10V,20V,30V, the nano-structures varied as the maximum range of V and 40V, respectively. From the line profile correspond- dc varied. In Figure 2(a), we show the topographic image ing to the line-cut shown in the image (Figure 2(d)), it of an area where a number of measurements were done is clear that height and the width of the lithographically with different ranges of V . The nano-structures grown writtennano-wiresaredependentonthevoltagebetween dc during the spectroscopic measurements for different V the tip and Silicon. The height of the nano-wires are dc are clearly visible in the figure.[18] In Figure 2(b) we 0.40nm,0.47nm,1.12nm,1.45nm at 10V,20V,30V, and show the height and width of the nano-structures grown 40V, respectively. The growth of such nano-wires on corresponding to the line-cuts drawn in Figure 2(a). In silicon surfaces was investigated[10, 11, 13, 20, 21], and the insets of figure 2(b) and 2(d) we also show how the wasattributedtoelectro-chemicalreactionsonthesilicon heights vary with the maximum V range applied. It is surface in presence of moisture. From various analytical dc seen that the height of the nano-structures grown dur- tools it was inferred that the chemical composition of ing spectroscopy are 90nm, 190nm, 210nm, 470nm for these structures were primarily silicon oxide[22]. There- the maximum V ranges of 80V, 90V, 100V, and 110V fore, it is rational to conclude that the nano-structures dc respectively. grown during the spectroscopic measurements that we 3 havecarriedoutarealsoprimarilymadeupofsiliconox- ideformedduetotheapplicationofahighmeasurement voltage in the presence of moisture. In the context of electrochemical strain microscopy (ESM), it has been demonstrated that the growth of nano-structures underneath a conducting cantilever mightgiverisetoadeflectionofthecantileverduetothe electrochemical strain developed during the reaction.[23] Thismightalsoleadtoahysteresisinthephaseandam- plitude as we observe in the case of silicon. In case of silicon, since the shape of the hysteresis loop depends on the relative humidity of the ambience during the mea- surements, it can be inferred that the electrochemical processes are indeed playing prominent role in generat- ing the hysteresis effects. From the AFM imaging and PFM spectroscopy alone it is impossible to comment on thereaction dynamicsunderthe tip. Fromthe visualin- spectionofthehysteresisdataitisclearthatthereaction dynamics is different at different humidity levels. While thehysteresisitselfmayoriginatefromsomeelectrochem- FIG. 3: Phase vs. dc-Bias voltage in “on” (blue) and icalreactionthatleadstothenano-structuregrowth,the “off” (red) states measured on a piece of 1.36mm thick PCB mounted on silicon at relative humidity of (a) R = 33.3%, dipinthephasevs. voltagecurveathighhumiditymight H (b) R = 41.8%. Amplitude vs. dc-Bias voltage measure- arisefromasecondarychemicalreactionfavouredbyhigh H mentshowingthetypical“butterflyloops”onPCBmounted level of moisture. This is somewhat similar to what is on silicon at relative humidity of (c) R = 33.3%, (d) H observed in the current(I) vs. voltage (V) response in R = 41.8%. (e) Triangular pulsed signal used for biasing H cyclic voltametry of electrochemical processes with liq- thetipduringspectroscopicmeasurements,(f)typicalphase- uid electrolytes.[24] It should be noted that even in the switching behaviour in time domain case of typical cyclic voltametry, the current vs. voltage curvesoftenshowhysteresisandwhenmorethanonere- actions are involved, corresponding multiple features are non-ferroelectric insulator) on silicon and observed clear observed in the hystertic I−V curves. hysteresisand“butterflyloops”(Figure3(a), 3(c)). Fur- It is usually believed if the thickness of a given sam- thermore, for R > 40% a dip near the switching bias H ple is large enough, the contribution from the substrate appeared, which is similar to the characteristic dip ob- in the PFM results obtained on the samples (mounted servedonsilicon(Figure3(b))forR >40%. Whenthe H on the substrate) is not significant. This idea has been measurementisdoneonthepieceofPCBalone(mounted quantitatively explored in the modified effective charge on a metal disk), some hysteretic behaviour is observed model developed by Morozovska et.al.[25] According to that shows identical shape at all humidity levels i.e., the this model, the electric field induced by a charged PFM dip does not appear at high humidity levels. Hence, it is tip on the surface is given by E ∝ Q , where Q is clear that the dip observed in PCB mounted on silicon 3 (x3+d)2 theeffectivechargeonthetipwhichisproportionaltothe athigherhumiditylevelsappearsduetothecontribution appliedvoltageV ,disthedistancebetweenthetipand fromthesiliconsubstrate. Therefore,itcanbeconcluded dc the equipotential surface underneath the sample and x thatwhenPFMmeasurementsareperformedonsamples 3 is the distance of the measured surface from the equipo- mounted on silicon, fake ferroelectric-like signal may be tentialsurfaceunderthesample,whichisusuallyequalto obtained. thesamplethickness. Itisarguedthatwhenthesampleis ItshouldbenotedthatinPFMmeasurementsthehys- thicki.e.,dislarge,theeffectiveelectricfieldexperienced teresis effects could also arise due to the capacitive cou- by the underlying substrate is small and hence, the volt- pling between the conducting tip and the sample.[14] In age induced dynamics of the substrate should not con- order to mitigate this effect all the spectroscopic data tribute in the spectroscopic measurements on the sam- reported here were measured by employing a switching ple. Eventhoughthismodeliswidelyusedforanalysing spectroscopyPFM(SSPFM)protocolpioneeredbyJesse PFMdataonnewmaterials,itshouldbenotedthatthis et.al., where a sequence of dc voltages in triangular saw modelhasbeendevelopedforferroelectricdomainnucle- tooth form is applied between the conducting cantilever ation and switching. When the hysteresis appears from andthesiliconwafer.[26,27]Aprofileofthetypicalwave- phenomena not related to ferro-electricity, applying this form applied during such measurements is shown in Fig- model to rule out the role of the substrate for thick sam- ure 3(e) and the corresponding 1800 phase switching in ples may not be appropriate. In order to investigate the time domain is shown in Figure 3(f). Bias dependent influenceofthesiliconsubstrateonPFMmeasurements, responses of phase and amplitude were recorded in the wemounteda1.36mmthickPCBplasticboard(aknown “off” state to minimize the contribution of electrostatic 4 interaction.[3] As it is seen in Figure 3(b) and 3(d), the derthecantilever. Whenathicknon-ferroelectricsample “off” state φ vs. V and A vs. V curves saturate material is mounted on silicon for PFM measurements, dc dc at higher voltages than the curves recorded in the “on” thehysteresisisobservedonthesamplewhichshowssim- state. In addition, the “coercive voltage” in the “off” ilar humidity dependence as silicon confirming that the state is also seen to be higher than that in the “on” observedhysteresisinsuchcaseresultsfromsilicon. This state. This difference indicates that the role of electro- makessiliconabadchoiceassubstrateforPFMmeasure- staticinteractionintheobservedresultsinthe“off”state ments. wealsoarguethatobservationofhysteresisloops is insignificant. alone in PFM is not a proof of ferroelectricity and/or In conclusion, we have performed PFM measurements piezoelectricityin materialsas strikinglysimilarhystere- on silicon wafers and observed ferroelectric like hystere- sis may also arise from phenomena other than ferroelec- sis in phase vs. voltage and piezo-electric like “butterfly tricity and/or piezoelectricity. loops”inamplitudevs. voltagecurves. Theoverallshape ofthehysteresisloopsdependsonthelevelofrelativehu- We thank A. Arora and J. Bhagwathi for their help. midity in the ambience during measurements. We also WeacknowledgefruitfuldiscussionswithR.Proksch. GS observe growth of nano-structures under the cantilever acknowledges the research grant of Ramanujan Fellow- during hysteresis measurements. 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