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Observation of a two-dimensional spin-lattice in non-magnetic semiconductor heterostructures PDF

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Preview Observation of a two-dimensional spin-lattice in non-magnetic semiconductor heterostructures

Observation of a two-dimensional spin-lattice in non-magnetic semiconductor heterostructures Christoph Siegert,1 Arindam Ghosh,1,2,∗ Michael Pepper,1 Ian Farrer,1 and David A. Ritchie1 1Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, 7 J.J. Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, United Kingdom. 0 2Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India. 0 (Dated: February 6, 2008) 2 n a Tunable magnetic interactions in high-mobility in differential conductance (dI/dV) of mesoscopic de- J nonmagnetic semiconductor heterostructures are vices close to zero source-to-drain electric potential 2 centrally important to spin-based quantum tech- (V ) were interpreted to be a consequence of spin- SD 2 nologies. Conventionally, this requires incor- spin or spin-conduction electron exchange interaction. ] poration of “magnetic impurities” within the Here, we have augmented the nonequilibrium trans- ll two-dimensional (2D) electron layer of the het- port spectroscopy with perpendicular-field magnetore- a erostructures, which is achieved either by dop- sistance measurements, which not only confirm the ex- h ing with ferromagnetic atoms [1], or by electro- istence of multiple localized spins within high-mobility - s statically printing artificial atoms or quantum GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures,but also reveals a strik- e m dots [2, 3, 4, 5]. Here we report experimen- ing order in the spatial distribution of these spins that tal evidence of a third, and intrinsic, source of becomes visible over a narrow range of n . . 2D t localized spins in high-mobility GaAs/AlGaAs Mesoscopic devices fabricated from Si monolayer- a m heterostructures, which are clearly observed in doped GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures were used, where the limit of large setback distance ( 80 nm) in the 2D electron layer was formed 300 nm below the sur- - ≈ d modulation doping. Local nonequilibrium trans- face. Athick( 80nm)spacerlayerofundopedAlGaAs n port spectroscopy in these systems reveal exis- betweenthedo≈pantsandtheelectronsprovidedaheavily o tence of multiple spins, which are located in a compensated dopant layer with a filling factor f 0.9. c ≈ [ quasiregular manner in the 2D Fermi sea, and Theresultinghighelectronmobility( 1 3 106cm2/V- mutually interact at temperatures below 100 mil- s)providesalongas-grownelasticme∼anf−ree×path 6 8 1 ∼ − liKelvin via the Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida µm, which acts as an upper limit to the device dimen- v (RKKY)indirect exchange. The presence of such sions, ensuring quasi-ballistic transport. (Micrograph of 9 1 a spin-array, whose microscopic origin appears to a typical device is shown in Fig. 1a.) 5 be disorder-bound, simulates a 2D lattice-Kondo At low electron temperatures (T < 100 mK) and 1 system with gate-tunable energy scales. zeromagneticfield,bothequilibriuman∼dnonequilibrium 0 Unintentional magnetic impurities are expected to transport display rich structures well up to linear con- 7 0 be absent in high-quality nonmagnetic semiconductors, ductance G 10 15 (e2/h), as the voltage VG on ∼ − × / such as molecular beam epitaxy-grown GaAs/AlGaAs the gate is increased. For most devices the structures t a heterostructures. Contrary to this general belief, re- are strongest at carrier density n 1 3 1010cm−2 2D m cent observation of a Kondo-like resonance in low- (Fig. 1b), and consist of a repetitiv∼e se−que×nce of two- - energy density-of-states of one dimensional (1D) quan- types of resonances at the Fermi energy (EF). This is d tum wires indicated existence of localized spin in meso- illustrated in the surface plot of dI/dV in Figs. 1c for n scopic GaAs/AlGaAs-based devices [6]. Subsequently, device1ofFig.1a. Wedenotethestrongsingle-peakres- o c evidence of localized spins was also reported in un- onance at VSD =0 as ZBA-I, which splits intermittently : confined quasi-ballistic 2D systems [7, 8], instigating to form a double-peaked ZBA with a gap at E , hence- v F i the question whether localized spins are intrinsic to forth referred to as ZBA-II. The illustrations of ZBA- X GaAs/AlGaAs-based nonmagnetic semiconductors, and I and ZBA-II in the inset of Fig. 1c were recorded at r if so, what is the microscopic origin of these spins. A points I and II in Fig 1b, respectively. We define ∆ a fascinating aspect of this problem is the possibility of a as the half-width at half-depth of ZBA-II. While simi- layer of mutually interacting spins: a system of consid- lar nonequilibrium characteristics was observed in over erable importance in studying various forms of magnetic 50 mesoscopic devices from 5 different wafers, reducing ordering, quantum phase transitions and non-Fermi liq- the setback distance below 60 80 nm was generally ∼ − uid effects (see Ref. [9] for a review). foundto havedetrimentaleffectonthe clarityoftheres- In the past experiments with ballistic 1D or 2D sys- onance structures (for both ZBA-I and ZBA-II), often tems[6,7,8],localizedspinsweredetectedwithnonequi- leading to broadening or complete suppression. librium transport spectroscopy. Pronounced struc- The nature of suppression of such low-energy reso- tures, commonly known as zero-bias anomaly (ZBA), nances with increasing T and at finite in-plane magnetic 2 field(B )indicateKondo-likeexchange(Figs.1d-1g)[8], which is consistent with the estimate from commensura- || and hence presence of localized moments. A complete bility effect. Satellite peaks often appears in the power description can be obtained with the so-called “two im- spectra, for example those at f∆B ∼= 190 T−1 (orbit c) purity” Kondomodel, whichembodies the interactionof and50T−1 (orbita),whichcanbe associatedto specific an ensemble of localized spins within the sea of conduc- stable orbits as indicated in the inset of Fig. 2a. R was tion electrons [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. (See Ref. [8] and found to be weakly device-dependent, varying between Supplementary Information for arguments against alter- 600 800 nm, but insensitive to the lithographic dimen- − native explanation of the ZBA.) In the presence of anti- sions of the devices. ferromagnetic coupling of individual spins to surround- Collectively, the observed nonequilibrium character- ing conduction electrons, the zero-field splitting of the istics and low-field MR results indicate formation of a Kondo-resonance(ZBA-II)arisesduetoaV -dependent, quasi-regular2Dspin-latticeembeddedwithinthe Fermi G oscillatory inter-impurity exchange J , leading to the sea, where apart from the Kondo-coupling, the conduc- 12 gap ∆ J at E . At certain intermediate values of tion electrons would also undergo potential scattering at 12 F ∼ | | V one obtains ZBA-I when J k T. For ZBA- the lattice sites. The nature of such potential scatter- G 12 B | | ≪ II, nonzero J results in a nonmonotonic suppressionof ing can be cotunneling [12], or scattering off the tun- 12 dI/dV atlowbias(V <∆, asindeedobservedexper- nel barrier at the localized sites [19]. In this framework, SD imentally(Figs.1ea|nd1|g∼),whileforZBA-Ithisdecrease the RKKY exchange between the spins naturally leads is monotonic, and reflects suppression of single-impurity to an oscillatory behavior of J , where range function 12 Kondo-resonance at individual noninteracting spins (see Ψ(2k R) in the interaction magnitude reverses its sign F Figs. 1d and 1f) [8]. with a periodicity of π in 2k R, k =√2πn being the F F 2D Mesoscopic devices showing clear resonances in the Fermi wave vector. Analytically [20], nonequilibrium transport also display a characteristic linear magnetoresistance (MR) over the same range ∆ J E (Jρ )2 Ψ(2k R) (1) of n2D, when a small magnetic field (B⊥) is applied ∼| |∼ F 2D | F | perpendicular to the plane of 2D electron layer. As where ρ is the 2D density of states and J is the ex- 2D shownforadifferentdevice,athighT(=1.4K),theMR changecouplingbetweenanimpurityspinandlocalcon- ∼ consistsof smallpeak-like structuresatspecific valuesof duction electron. Fig. 3a shows the direct confirmation B⊥ superposedonaparabolicallyincreasingbackground of this, where we have plotted ∆ as a function of 2kFR (Fig. 2d), while at low T (=30 mK), the magnetotrans- for the device in Fig. 1c. The clear periodicity of π ∼ ≈ port breaks into quasi-periodic oscillations irrespective (within 5%)in2k R canbe immediately recognizedas F ± of the structure of the ZBA (Fig. 2a and 2b). We note the so-called “2k R-oscillations” in the RKKY interac- F that both these evidences indicate electron transport in tion, establishing the spin-lattice picture. a mesoscopic, quasi-regular array of antidots, which has The absolute magnitude of J , and hence ∆, for a 12 beenstudiedextensivelyinartificiallyfabricatedantidot- 2D distribution of spins may differ widely from the sim- lattices [16, 17, 18]. In the classicalregime (high T), the ple two-impurity RKKY interaction, and would be af- peaksinMRcorrespondtocommensurablecyclotronor- fectedbyfrustratedmagneticorderingorspinglassfreez- bits enclosing fixed number of antidots [16], while at ing [21], as well as deviation from perfect periodicity in low T, quantum interference leads to the phase coherent the spin arrangements [22]. Nevertheless, a framework oscillations in magnetoconductance, arising from trans- for relative comparison of ∆ in different samples can be port along multiple connected Aharonov-Bohm rings as obtainedfromEq.1bynormalizing∆withE . Asshown F theinelasticscatteringlengthexceedssampledimensions in Fig. 3b, adjusting for the experimental uncertainty [17]. in k and R, ∆/E for four different devices with vari- F F The magnetotransportdata shown in Fig. 2 allows an ous lithographic dimensions can be made to collapse on estimationoftheinter-antidotdistanceR. InFig.2d,on thesolidlineproportionaltomodulusofpairwiseRKKY subtractingthebackground,signatureofcommensurable range function over a wide range of 2k R [20]. F orbits at B 0.08, 0.05 and 0.03 T corresponding to With known inter-spin distance, we shall now discuss ⊥ ≈ cyclotron radius of the electron encircling one, two and twooutstandingissuesofthis paper: (1)the microscopic four antidots respectively (see inset). While this gives originoftheuniformarrayofantidots,andsubsequently, R 500nm (using the n 1.31 1010 cm−2), a more (2) emergence of the localized spins. A structurally in- 2D ∼ ≈ × accurate estimate of R was obtained by Fourier trans- trinsic origin of antidots in 2D Fermi sea of modulation- forming the low-T phase-coherent oscillations of Fig. 2a dopedhigh-mobilityGaAs/AlGaAsheterostructurescan and2b. InFig.2c,thepowerspectracalculatedoverthe arise from long-range potential fluctuations in the con- range 0 to 0.065 T at both values of V show a strong duction band. Direct experimental imaging of disorder G peak at the frequency f eR2/h 105 10 T−1, insimilarsystemsreportedtypicaldistancebetweenfluc- ∆B ≈ ≈ ± corresponding to one flux quantum through unit cell of tuation to be 0.5 1 µm, in excellent agreement to ∼ − theantidotlattice(orbitb). ThisgivesR 670 30nm, the magnitude of R in our devices [23]. In presence of ≈ ± 3 strong correlation in the dopant layer at large f, theo- magnetic. 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The single-impurity Kondo-behavior dominates above B|| ∼ ∆/g∗µB (the horizontal line), where ∆ is thehalf-gapdefinedintext. f,Monotonictemperature(T)suppressionofZBA-I.g,T-dependenceofdI/dV atZBA-II.dI/dV is nonmonotonic in T for |VSD|<∼∆. Siegert et al. a b d ZBA-II 30 mK 1.4 K G G 12 ) ZBA-I 30 mK k 0.0 0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.1 ( R4 4 nit) B (T) R B (Tb) c R 8 u rb. a b c c B (T) a a ( r 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 e w o p 4 0 210/D0B 400 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 ^ -1 f (T ) B (T) B FIG. 2: Quantum and classical magnetotransport in perpendicular magnetic field (B ). Typical linear magnetoconduc- ⊥ tance oscillation at a, a single-peak resonance (ZBA-I), and b, a double-peak resonance (ZBA-II). c, Power spectra of the magnetoconductance oscillations. The filled markers (blue: ZBA-I and red: ZBA-II) represent spectra obtained from the range |B | ≤ 0.065 T, while the empty (blue) marker represents the spectrum (vertically scaled for clarity) from 0.065 T ⊥ <B <0.15 T.Theorbitscorresponding tothepeaksareindicatedin theschematic. d,Four-probelinearmagnetoresistance ⊥ at 1.4 K for five electron densities from 1.22 (topmost trace) to 1.39×1010 cm−2 (bottom trace), where well-defined ZBA’s appear at low temperatures. Inset: Magnetoresistance after subtracting the parabolic background. The dashed lines, which denote variouscommensurate orbits, are computed using the average density of 1.31×1010 cm−2, and R≈500 nm. 6 et al. Siegert p p p a 0.)08 V m ( 2 0.00 2k R 40 F b 0.F1 E / 2 0.0 40 60 2k R F FIG.3: RKKYindirectexchangeand“2kFR-oscillations”: a,2∆from Fig.1casafunction2kFR,wherekF istheFermiwave vector, and R is the inter-spin distance obtained from magnetoconductance oscillations. b, 2∆/EF as a function of 2kFR for four different devices. Solid line is proportional to the pairwise RKKY range function (see text). Local disorder governs the experimentally attainable range of 2kFR within a given mesoscopic device. 7 FIG.4: Schematicofbackgrounddisorderandlocalmomentformation. Whiletherapidfluctuationsarisefromdopantdensity fluctuations,theslowquasi-regularfluctuationsindicateseffectofstrongcorrelation inthedonorlayeratlargefilling. a,large, b, intermediate, and c, low, carrier density regimes are shown. Ourexperimental results conform tothe island-in-sea scenario of Fig. 4b.

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