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Oblique drawing : a history of anti-perspective PDF

405 Pages·2012·41.62 MB·English
by  Scolari
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I /lrii1tA1 r.c�h ll'o.olt!urrloi •!• A projoeflcttt e A1(1: .roorqw1 1i1111(•�1 1a11th1;i 1n1 1i1t1lH\4m ••o.l lt111 EartMho vesT:h eF urnshiingof T('l'rilnri,.� BernaCradc h1e9,9 5 ArchictteuraesM etaph:oL arnguagNeu,m berM,o 11cy KojKianr ata1n9i9,5 DifefrencTeosp:o graphoifCe osn tempaorryA rchtiecture IgnadseSi o la-Mor1a9l9e6s , Constructions JohRna jchm1a9n9,7 SuchP lacaessM emory John He1j9d9u8k , WelcomteoT heH oteAlr chituercet RogeCro nna1h9,9 8 Firaen dM emoryO:n .ArchitecatnudEr neer gy LuiFse rnandez-G2a0l0i0a no. A LandscaopfEe v ents PauVli rilio, 2000 Architecftruormte h eO utsidEes:s aoynsV irhiaanldR eaSlp ace ElizaGbreoths z, 2001 PubliIcn timaAcryc:h itecatnudtr heVe i sual.Arts GiuliBarnuan 2o0,0 7 StrnageD etails MichaCeald we2l0l0,7 Historoifte hseI mrne\iiPartees eInntv:e ntAirncgh itecMtoudrearln ism Anthony V2i0d0l8e r, DrawifngoA rr chitecture LeoKnr ie2r0,0 9 ArchtiecturDee'ssi rRee:a ditnhgeL atAev an-tGarde K.M ichaHealy s2,01 0 TheP ossiibtioylf a nA bsoluAtrec hitecture PieVri ttAourrieo2l 0i1,1 TheA lphabaentdt hAel gorithm MaiiCoa ip2o0,1 1 ObliqDurea wnig:A HistooryfA ntie-rPspective MassiSmcoo la2r0i1,2 OBLIQDUREA WING A HISTOOFAR NYT I-PERSPECTIVE introdbuyc tion MASSISMCOO LARI JAMESS.A CKERMAN THMEI PTR ESS CAMBRIMDAGSES,A CHUSETTS LONDOENN,G LAND © �01�M assad1IuHI1s 111s·1ll1 1 o1f'< l·h ·lt1111logy Alrli ghrtess veerdN.o p arolf1 hibso okm ayh erc produc<d'1 11 anyf ormb ya nye lectronmiecch anoirca l1 ncan(si 11cnlugd i photocopyriencgo,r dionrig n,of rmatisotno raagnedr etrieval) withopuetr missiinow nr itifnrgo tmh ep ublisher. Translaftreodm tIhtleai abnyJ ennyC ondiPea landri. Thitsr anslawtaismo and ep ossiibnlp ea rbty a g rant froGmr athhaem FoundatriooArnd vancSetdu diients h eF inAer ts. MITP resbso okmsa yb ep urchasaets dp eciqaula nitty d.iscoufnotbrsu sineosrss a lperso motiounsael. Foirn formatpiloena,es mea islp eciaLsales@mmiittp.reedsus . orw ritteoS pecial DSeaplae1si meTnhteM, I TP ress, 55H aywarSdt reeCatm,b ridMAg e,0 �14�. Thibso ok wasi nFs ielto soannadT radGeo thbiycT heM ITP ress. Printedb oaunndid n t heU niteSdt atoefAs m erica. LibraorfCy o ngreCsast aliongg--iPnublicaDtaitoan ScolaMrais,s im1o94,3 - [Digsneoo bliq.Eu onglish] Obilquder awi:n ghai stoorfay n ti-sppeetrcivIeM assimSoc ol;a ri introducbtyJi aomne Ss.A ckerman. pc m-(Writairncgth eicture) [nclubdiebsl iograrpehfiecraelna cnedis n dex. ISBN9 78o--�6�0-177-49( hardco:av el.rkp aper1.)A xonomteric project�i·Oo bnl.i qpureo ject3i.Do rna.wn ig-Techniq-uel.T. i tle. N� 71.1S336� 101� 74i0.1'8-dc�3 �01015�615 10 9 78 6 5 4 3 � CONl[NIS INTRODUCTIOBNY JAMESS .A CKERMAN vii ELEMENTSF ORA HISTOROYF AXONOMETRY 1 SPATIAILL LUSIONIISNMP OMPEIANW ALLP AINTINGS 2 25 OBLIQUDER AWING 3 47 THEI DEAO F MODEL 4 137 BRUNELLESCHIM'OSD ELF ORT HED OME OF SANTAM ARIA 5 DELF IOREA ND THEG HERARDDIR AWING 185 DEMONSTRATIOFNI GURES 6 215 7 MACHINATIONS2 47 8 SOLDIERLPYE RSPECTIV2E 87 DRAWINGI N 9 PARALLEMLO/D O 325 THEJ ESUIPTE RSPECTIIVNEC HINA 10 341 THET OWERO F BABELF:O RM AND REPRESENTATION 11 359 INDEX 375 INTRODUCTION la111os S. ilckcJ11111n haelv noga dmiMraesds Siocmloaa rsai na rttiesatc,ah newdrr ,iw theors e I origionfpa elirttcinyeo pciusop lweidta hni mprveelsyws idier-anging knoweldgoef pthhoieosl phlye,a ranniadnr got,tfs h Wees tetrrnao dni.Hti is indepefnordmet nhfceae so hnsoi ft haec adeamniidnc lt leecetsutaalb lish­ mengtu iudste dsoi svcerotihehasat vr ee maiconludeedbd yo ura cceptance ofa ppvrdeoa prpaochgeisv,hi inisgn shtiusgn ocmmonv iittaAyln.dy et Socalraism, u cahsa n pyr feosonsaislco hlaiarsm , a stofhe irs troerisceaalr ch; whatehvisesur eb cjhtep, e entratthfeeuos n dianoto fr ealteadc cumulated knwoledTghede.i scvueer nsdtineiosnt hvilosu meex patnhmdee ssagoef thtee xnttoi, na p edafnatsihcbi uobtnyd , e mnostrtahtiainton rgd tegore t tot hcero eo fa ni nviegsiantot,w em usatb rsbot hceno trtioinbsuo fo ur predercste ofsu srotohuoerwr nu nderst-aomnri dsiunngdersotfa nding- thpea .sC thatrearciosfSt ocailrcwi 'orskt ,h ensoet- eiscnno trasstta nt­o darpdrc oed-uarrieell ustwriatithme adgt ehcsao tn stainttohuleterelv o ef reefrenwcheie,cx hp aonntd hsoa ftt h tee xt. Socalrsit'usdo iribeatsr u ontdh e tohvfe imsaeun acdlno ceprteuparle sen­ tatainoadnp ,pa rctohh tahte amsem aan iftoeinos tft haiedo elgoiacanpldh lio­ spohiocreainlt oanotsdfi fi fecruletnuetrsS .oca lrcino sidiemrasng etojs u asst af romo fa rbtua ts f oar mt huoogf,h tparj oecnot afiw oayl io.Tff he iimss o st viivyda lrticiutnlh caeht aepbdte earrt ihnneag m et hboeoof k, " bOliDqruaew ing," whcihb egwiintsh e xatne nidnevdeat sintoo ifrg eprtetasineio nna ncient Egypatt -ilgiyhn ttegsrcoeaittwyei dt hw otrhledo vafic elswoea dn rdea ltively unchancglutiunirgwne h iwcrhi tsiynmgb,o ld,e painnc dtw ieirnoett wenired. Foarli ltp sr cecouipnoaw titthha etf eirfElegy,pr te prestehwneot drem ldor e turthlfltuyh aohnte crut lurtehusog,nh to w ituhtio dgeroapchnoivcei nnots foard justttoh ifenln gae tsospf aignsta inrndle i.eG frseaenked a yrR loman artwiosrtkisean md o reo pesnco ieatynrd e orptwehdat th eobsy eravwsee dl l atsh eev eonmfty sto hlgyo (whPiaclthvo i rgoouospplsoye ,do )ftewni stht riking optipcearls uasAirvawebrn ietasensard.rs t iwshptor se,vs eemdra noyft he vii Greielskrlt •luielcxclsla, 1 Hill'll 'i1 llt!l''lvd111'11w1il1l Hli 111/\ rilHl111:1•1l1l:r i1id lllC' toinr esnpdodet oa na trnuisncpo 'llp lliooisp1l·11atll(l/'goill1o1 ·1'l<11t'i1·H11i1ly, whidcihs rutphcteoe hden rcoeeft objec1dt1l ·1dl< oI iid< gra i:c i he a llltl latl lg'W(' thdasitr egeadtr hvdei erw.e iTcnhociec haacrtoefBr yz a1i1 tin ameg erya los frusttrheaefft oerodtfo s bs evretrpso l atchee msienrl evleastt toiho ienoc n orn arr.a tive Threa ditchaeologoy lft hFer ainscciantn hsTe er cepnrtmooot eadn ew egnagemoeftn htae r twiistvthi seuxaple creiG:ei noatnthdosi c notem­po rarmiaedtseh p eit cuirneat s ot aagnted h vei eawm eerm boetfrh aeu dience. Ac entltuaerytr hh eu manLiesoBtna ttAilsbtebarut tti hilfe uo ndianoot af rtists' percstpioevnte hc eno ceoptfth p eci tuarsteh i en teecrntso ifao" pymriado"f visruaaoylrsg iinaittnih noegbe jcatn cdno verognit nhvgei eweeyre'.s Ast hseu beto iftt hblioosk s ugsgttesh,me a ojriotyft hceh apters examine alter-nnaotenirpvesecpvta-itlechnioqfpu reests ienongbe jctsse eonr imagbiynd erda ftasnmpdea ni nftoeerxr psr easnsidin vset nrauplcu tripooses. Viewienmr os deWresnt esrconi eutsiueyasr l elaadnie cnatn mde ideval exalmeposfo blqiuder awisntge pgap-si snntetoswo arpdes rpecrteipvrael­ sentnaa ntmdio doerenx amapsal rebsi gteormaerctyard lii rsttioons. One-ipnopte rspebcutiiltvthe pe,or ni necsoi fap nlciaennmdte i deval geometarnoidptc iatclea xlbt esc,ap maer adifgommrao tdievcri ne wIetr s. plyass uaib mlirnoaillne many sotfu dbtieahecuesssS eecl oariin'tsen n tio itsoi l lunmaiattelre nattiov oeibfstu ss cdaotmiinngda unrctiehn lega fisvet cenetsuTr.hoi ugfha miolni-eaopri,pn etsr pcetidviers ttTsoar.d intaailro tists' percstpireveeq utihvreie estw roee rm aiianftn xe dp sotiinos,e ewiintognhl y oneey weh,e anc tyuo auplrel creponto ifd epiteshn tyid reeplenodnte hnet differpesonitnt o ifto wcono stlaymn ovtinegy. eW sea rseoa ttutnote hde artpisetr'stspit evhceoa htte try poefps rj ocetiaopnp teadori srttt hoesiurb ­ jcet;bs doioerss t rucptruerseeisnna t xeodn omperjtoetrociinsc e etmo the vierwaeiros npe edr speicmtaigvegsarw lol t aora gsteh rre cyee etd toh ree ar. Ineddei,it ns to a lwpasyossb ilteoe stlaiabsr he oarraf roinnst u cihm eags: whewnel ooskt eaadti tltryha en spcaurbieen"ns Dt e nmsortaotnFi giures," fore xaemwp,hl awtef isresatets h ree faar(c iefn i gu6r.e6s-s 6ih.f9tt)tos h e frownhtli,te hien nfearc esl taoefrs aitldhb eees mc eoo utfecare s. Thmee tdhsoo fd rawdiinsgc uhsesrheead vm eu cihnc o mmno,b ueta ch oSf cloarsit'usdh iaaseu sn iqaupepa rcowhh,i Ics hh aclhlac rtiaeezhr ere. "EelmenftoasHr isryt oAofx onometprrvyoi"d afe osu antdilor'tn oh oeht er esyssral eatteoodb l qiuder awAicnrcgdo.i tnTogh T eh esaoujr'auAnsrd tAi r­ch tecotftu hrGeeey tR tescehCa erntaexroom,ne yt" 1refteaolr lf sro mos'lp ar aeUl viii INlOllDUCflON

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