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Objects and Objections of Ethnography PDF

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ObjeacnOtdbs j ecot巴fitohnnso 區raphy ObjeacntOdsb jections ofE thnography JamTe.Ss i egel FORDHAM UNIVERSITY PRESS NEW YORK 20II A NOTEO N THEC OVER NeiHle rttozo tkh eex traorpdhionotanotr hyce o voeftr h e paperebdaictkoi fto hnbi oso Tkh.e p ictlueratedh sve i ewfreorm onpeo itnoat n othteorr e,fl ectoindeoo nesns o etx peAcntdt. h is withaonua tt teamtsp ytn t—hewshiischho,w evmeirg,oh ctc ur anywIaw yo.u lldit koet hiinitkas pproptrowi haatfotel loawftse r itI.na ncya steh,pe h otographeirnv唧 aeraioroftsu hse esses ays asaw ritIte hra.hn ikmw armly. Copyr©ig2h0tIFIo rdhUanmi verPsrietsys Alrli grhetsse rNvoep da.ro tft hpiusb licmaatybi ero enp roduced, storienadr etriseyvsatolert m r,a nsmiinat ntfoyer dm o rb ya ny mea—neslectrmoencihca,n ical,r epchoortodorica nongpy,y , oth—eerxcefoprbt r iqeufo tatiinp ornisnr teevdi weiwtsh,to huet pripoerr misosfti hopenu blisher. FordhUanmi verPsreihstasyns o r esponsfoirtb hipele irtsyi stence ora ccuroafUc RyL sfo re xteornrat lh i-pradrItnyt erwneebts ites refetror etidhn pi usb licaantddio oennso gtu aratnhtaaetne y contoenns tu cwhe bsiisto,erw s i rlelm aaicnc,u orraa tpep ropriate. FordhUanmi versiatlysp ouP brleisisstbh soe osik nsav arioeft y electforromnaiStcos m.ce o ntent thianpt r唧iemnaatryn s obte availianeb lleec tbrooonkisc. LibroafCr oyn grCeastsa loging-inD-aPtuab lication SiegJeaelms,T .,「 93一7 Objeacntodsb jecotfie otnhsn ogrJaapmheTy.s/S iegel. p.c m. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceanlc es. ISB9N78 r-o8這3274一r(clo:ta hl pka.p )e r ISB硒N-o-8严3可5-(p8bk:a. l pka.p )e r ISBN硒o--—8主 3瑾 5(ebo)o k rE.t hnolPohgiyloso2p.Eh tyh.n ologyw一oFrike.l d 3.M aterciuallt u4r.Ee t.h nology一In5d.Io nndeosn—i eas.ia Socliiaafeln cdu stoImT.si .t le. GN3—4.55S572 011 30.85 dc22 2oroo4「「34 Prinitnte hdUe n itSetda .toeAfsm erica 13 12I I 5 4 23 l Firesdti tion CONTENTS Invitation I I. GeorSgi mmRe邙lp pea"rTsh:Aee sthSeitginci fiocfance thFea ce" 3 2. AcadeWmoirck T:h eV iefrwo mC ornell 21 3· 氐blaatntdh Mee diaJteiwc 42 4- TheC ursoeft hPeh otogrAatpj「he9:h0 1 76 5· TheH yp notist 97 6. "Touatu tersett o uatu tr,e , rr6 Notes 155 Acknow面leendtgs 「77 OrigiPnuabll ication 179 V .. of INVITATION Undan"gAc: a:tl obl e p res(Ienndto"n esian) Inv2i.Tt oei nc(Eintgel ish) "When Ib egamnyfi rswto raksa na nthropoIlw oagsli ossbttu,I t d indo t knoiwt L.i viinnSg u matIrla e,a rtnheneda tiolnaanlg uaangdte h leo cal languIae gset;a blmiyssheealdnf dm yw ifiena b eautwiofuold ehno use seotn s tiilnat s sh advyi lliantg heme i dosftr icfiee ldAlslt. h ifasra way frome verytAhtit nhgat.ti mien,1 9和t,hiwsast hbee satn thropological practIih caeda.t hestiows r itIte h.o ugIwh atsd oinwgh awta se xpected ofm e.In fa ctIw, a sm erewlayi tfoirns go methti區onpgp enI.nt hceo urse oft woy earesn,o udgihhd a ppfeonmr e t ow riatt eh e.s"Wh.ia st Il earned fromt hahto,w evwearst, h amty o wnp assiavnidbt eyw ildemrimgehntt, int heen dm,e etth eex pectaotfoi tohnesbr uspt,r eciisnse old yo inigt seemteodm et haIth adn optu rstehdae i mo fa nthropaoslI uo ngdye r­ stoiovtdi goroeunsoluygI hs h.o uhladv ter iheadr dteofir n ds omething outsoifde ex pectaatsiI on nasi,v peultiy t t om yseIlh fa.d n otm ade enouogfhb ewilderIhm aednm te;r elleyit tr esoiltvse.e. l f Then extti mIeh adac hanIcr ee,t urtnoe·dI ndobnuettsoJ i aavr,aa ther thaSnu matIrh aa.nd o thitnolg o saett, h apto inbtyr, e mainbienwgi ldered. Iw antteodb ecomaec ticvoenlfuys readt htehrap na ssisvo(e sloym ething easiteodr ot haonn em ighitm agiinnoe r)d teorw andaewra fryo mw haIt hadb eetna ugThot l.e aJranv anIeh saedt os tospp eakIinndgo netshiea n, nationlaaln guoargI ew ,o ulmda kneo p rogrTehsisms.a dme em oroer lesmsu teB.u ti tl emfte o petno l ooTkh.e riesm ucht os eien J avaan,di t seemteodb eo fferteodm e.It hougIsh hto utladka ed vantoafig tTe.h ere seemteodm et ob en umeroiunsv itaMtoisootnf ts h.e wme rien,fa ctb,e ­ yonmdy e xpectaItid oinndos kt.n owwh erteh emyi ghtta kmee .Id ecided Invitation nevteorr efusaeni nvitaetviewonhn e,in tl emde t op lacIde isnd o lti ke. Infa ctI,t hougthomt y seIls fh,o ulleda tronl ikweh aItd islIic koeu.li df, notd ecompmoyssee altfl ,e aisntt hawta yp ut" mysealsfi"dH ee.r eI, thougwhatst, h wea yt ofi ndb ewilderAlmlte hnmeto .r seo s inicnei tially, atl eaisettv ,a dtehdne e etdos peaIck o.u bledp resefunltfit,lh lie n vitation, buwti thmooubti li"zmiynsge Wlhfo.,e" x acwtalsiy n,v ibtyes udc ihn vita­ tiownasns e vcelre ar. Likiwnhga Itd isliokrwe hda,at tl eaIsd ti ndo lti kmei,g hbtea s imple revearnsdta hlu nso tta kmee a sfa ra wafryo mm ysealsIfh adho peTdh.i s wayo ft hinl(coinrno gtt hinksienegm)te odh avree achietldsi maiftte r somyee aorfps r actIwi acnseo .st o s urheo,w evwehre,ni ,n2 00I7r ,e turned tot hIen donepsrioavni wnhceerI eh adw orkiendt h1e 960Istw. a sh ere thattht es unasmtir uhcakr deOsnat w .a lilnt hcei toyfM eulabmoyht ,w o companiaonndIs c amaec roasm su raIlts. h owaenda rcohn w hicwha s writ"tWeeneC lo met oT sunaAmrie ai,na" s orotfE ngliIstph i.c tuariedd arriivnip nlga naensdh elicoapnttder ruscL kisn.eu dpo nt hseh owraets h e welcomcionmgm itwtaevei,tn owg h omevmeirg hstet eh meu raAlm.o ngst themf,uc lolm mitmteemeb eirtss ,e emewde,rh eo llfiowr esm,e roeu t­ gu lin唧easr,e ntrleypres中eentviincgtoifmt sh dei sasTtheedr e.a wde re amongtshto wsheo w elcomuesId.t houg"hStu,ca hni nvitgaoteifsou nr ­ thetrh aIni maginWeedl.c"o mbeytd h dee aIdc ,o ulfidn,a l(liIyfc auns e thawto rdb)eb, e yomnyds elf. Thee ssatyhsafo tl loswh otwh ree suolftt hsie sn terpIhr aivsueen der­ takefonrs omtei mneo wT.h e" objeocfta sn"t hrophoalvorege yv ealed themsetlhvreosut ghfohel lowoifni gn vitartaitohtnehsrao nu otf t haei ms andm ethoodfms y d isciapslt ihneheya vbee ecno difiBeudtt.h eosbej ects remawiint htihnoe r igianiamolsfa nthropowlhoigcdyhe, v eloipnEe ud­ ropoeu otf s elf-dboruobutgo hnbt y i nteirnet shtoe t heTrh.eo bjections arneo att a ltloe thnograassp uhcbyhu tto t hree formuloaftt ihnoeon t ion ofd iffereonncw ehsi ceht hnogrdaeppheyn Ids se.tt h eosueti nt hlea st pieeOet.h eers sadyess crpilbaecw ehse rIefo undm yseblufwt a sw ithout _ speckinaolw leodftg hepe l acFoel.l owtihnegas rete w oe ssacyosn cerning Aceht,hfi er sotft hIen donepsliaacInhe asv set uditehdo,ut ghhe dye rive fromr ecewnotr tkh erNee.i thtehrle a sets snaoyro neo ft hpei ecoens Acehha bse epnr eviopuusbhlleyi.d sT heo theesrs acyosme ei thfreormt he jourInnadlo noerfrs oimaD iacrFiotrdi ectsa.si el"esO ,r igPiunballi cation" att heen do ft hibso ok.

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