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Lo aT _ CAMBRIDGE . .:. . UNJVER ITY PRESS CAMBRIDG E UNI VERSITY PR ESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, M ad rid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780S2180S780 © Cambridge University Press 2003 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2003 7th printing 200S Printed in Duba i by Oriental Press A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN-13 978-0-S21-80S78-0 Student's Book ISBN-lO 0-S21-80S78-3 Student's Book ISBN-13 978-0-S21-80S79-7 Teacher's Book ISBN-10 0-521-80579-1 Teacher's Book ISBN-13 978-0-521-80580-3 Workbook ISBN-lO 0-521-80580-5 Workbook ISBN-13 978-0-521-01017-7 Workbook with Answers ISBN -10 0-521-01017-9 Workbook w ith Answers ISBN-13 978-0-521-80581-0 Class Cassette Set ISBN-10 0-521 -80581-3 Class Cassette Set Cover design by Dale Tomlinson/Joanne Barker Produced by Kamae Design, Oxford. Acknowledgements The authors and publishers would like to thank the teachers and students who trialled and commented on the material: Argentina: Liliana Luna, Claudia Cecilia Muniz, Marite Stringa, Sylvia Trigub; Australia: Jacque Byrne; Brazil: Angela Cristina Antelo Dupont; Cyprus: Peter lucantoni; Fr.nee: Virginie Petit, Robert Wright; Italy: James Douglas, Sarah Ellis, Monica Flood; Malta: Matthew Bonnici; Mexico: Jan Isaksen, Universidad Latino­ Americana; Spain: Elizabeth Bridges, Samantha Lewis, Nick Shaw; Switzerland: Nancy Hersche, Julia Muller, Jean Rudiger-Harper, Fiona Schmid; United Arab Emirates: Christine Coombe, Philip Lodge, Anne Scullion; UK: Jenny Cooper, Lynda Edwards, Joe Gillespie, Jane Hann, Roger Scott, Tony Triggs; USA: Gregory Manin. Picture research by Hilary Fletcher and Val Mulcahy. The publishers are grateful to Annette Capel and Wendy Sharp for permission to reproduce their origi nal course book concept in Objective PET and in all other Objective examination course books. The authors would like to thank Sue Ashcroft and Niki Browne at CUP for their unfailing support and effiCiency. They would also like to thank the following people for all kinds of assistance: Rowland, Rhiannon and Rebecca Thomas, Abbas Hashem i, Lorely Britton, Laurie McGeoghegan, Kai and Zoe Tabacek, Grace and Clemmie Newton and Haydn Turoa. The authors and publishers are grateful to the authors, publishers and others who have given permission for the use of copyright material identified in the text. It has not been possible to identify the sources of all the material used and in such cases the publishers would welcome information from copyright owners. Apologies are expressed for any omissions. Eikon design illustration on P 79 by Sam Thompson . Recording on P '74 Somewhere the Sun is Shining by John Toms, recorded by Topic Records Ltd. All rights of the producer and of the owner of the works reproduced reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, publiC performance and broadcasting of this record prohibited. Text on P 79 from The Double Bass Mystery by Jeremy Harmer, published in 1999 by Cambridge University Press; activity on p 145 (BR) adapted from an idea in Activity Box by Jean Greenwood, published in 1997 by Cambridge University Press; text on P '5' from The Friendship Page at hltJ:>:ljwwwfriend, shiQ.com.au/; text on p ,6z, extracts from Shout Magazine ©DC Thomson & Co. Ltd What's Your Shopping Style; text on P '93, extracts from Sho ut Magazine ©DC Thomson & Co. Ltd Mind Reader. The publi shers are grateful to the foll owi ng for permission to include photo­ graphs, logos and other illustrative material: Action Plus pp 50 (A), 60 (bottom), 6',98, I©Matthew Clarke p '9z (bottom left, top left); Advertising Archive Ltd p ,68 (Persil, Kleenex), '7'; Alamy p 50 (H), I©Bill Bachmann p 55 (B right), I©Cha riotte p 22 (D), I©Michael Crockett p 86 (H), I©FCL Photography p 35 (taxi), I ©Robert Harding Picture Library Ltd p 22 (B), I Stefan Hunziker p" (C), I ©David Noton p 175 (bottom), I ©Jim Pickerell p 175 (top right); AllsportiM. 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The following photographs were taken on commission: Paul Mulcahy for p 27; Gareth Boden for pp 82, 111, ,69; Olivia Brown for p 125 (top left); Anna Vaughan for p 125 (top right); Barbara Thomas for p 125 (bottom right); Trevor Clifford for pp 86 (D, E), 93 (B). ,62, reproduced with kind permission of Argos; Abbas Hashemi for p 186. Special tha nks to Jo-Ann Wheatley, Occasio Cafe for permission to use her premises for the photograph on p 111. We are grateful to the following publishers for their permission to reproduce the following book front covers: Now Wait for Last Year by Philip K. Dick 2000, Millennium, a divi sion ofThe Orion Publishing Group Ltd ; Dracula by Bram Stoker, Oxford University Press 1998. We have not been able to reclear the cover photograph and would be grateful for any information to enable us to do so; River Phoenix: A short life by Brian J. Robb, '994, Plexus Publishing Ltd; Front cover from Echoe, by Maeve Binchy published by Arrow Used by permission of The Ra ndom House Group Limited; Cat', Eye by Margaret Atwood, '990, Virago, a division ofTime Warner Books. We are grateful to the following companies for permission to use copyright logos: 'Coca-Cola' and 'Coke' are registered trade marks of The Coca·Cola Company and are reproduced with kind permission from The Coca-Cola Compa ny p 168 (top); 'Used with kind permission from Internationa l Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies' p 168 (top); 'Used with permission from McDonald's Corporation' p 168 (top); 'Used with permission from Mercedes-Benz UK' p 168 (top); 'Used with permission of Switch' p 168 (bottom); 'Used with permission from Virgin Atlantic' p 168 (top). Asa Anderson p 130{t); Kathryn Baker p 118; Kathy Baxendale pp 32(m), 32(br), 65(b), 70(tl). 70(mr), 89,134(m); Debbie Boon pp 26, 187; Chris Brown p 124; Yane Christensen p "3; Tim Davies pp 65(t), 164(b); Karen Donnelly pp '5, 20, 32(t)(bll, 38, 44, 70(tr)(ml)(b), 90, 134(t) (b), '53, 178, 203; Nick Duffy pp 31, 42,54,68, 138(m); Alice Englander p 78; Tony Forbes pp 80, 130{b); DTP Gecko pp 10, 11, 29, 35,49,66, 72,88, 138(t), '54, 156, 202; Peter Greenwood pp 36, 37. 48,'1O(b), 18; David Cuzik p 110(t); Ben Hasler pp 24, lOS, "7; Joanna Kerr pp 112,171; Julian Mosedale pp 61, 8,; Lisa Smith pp 51, 56, 57,104, 164(t); David Tazzyman pp 92, '76; Andy Ward pp 23,25; Jonathan Williams pp 74, 75, 138(b); Sam Thompson pp 97,173 Map of Objective PET Student's Book TOPIC Unit' 10-13 Sports and hobbies Exam folder 1 14-15 Reading Part I Speaki.ng Part 1 Unit 2 The meeting place )6-19 People Exam folder 2 20-21 Li.>tening Part 3 Writing Parts 1, 2 and 3 22-25 Work Exam folder 3 26-27 Speaking Part 3 Reading Pa rt 5 u.,' ,,~'s go ,ut 28-31 Fntcrtainment Exam folder 4 32-33 Listening Pari I Writing Pilrt 2 w 34-37 lrJnSflllrt , 'older 5 38-39 !~•.1"1I1~ ) at! 2 l:!lu...IlI!ln ,IIIU history er 6 44-45 ) j',l< ning Part 2 u,,? . 'art 3 Units 1-6 Revision 46-47 48- 51 r(\\m~ and buildings folder 7 52- 53 Ik:ld,ng ParI. 3 GRAMMAR Present simple/to be + freque ncy adverbs like/enjoy + -ing; W(lIIt/ would like + 10; 10 Iw + a(n) sllIden( Present simple vs. present continuou, (for present actions); slate verbs; short answers Present continuous for future plans; prepositions of time need; countable/uncountable nouns; sOn/c/any; a IOI/several; a few/a little; a collple of Past simple; short answers; adjectives ending in -ed and -ins Prepositions of place and direction; comparative adjectives; commands FU NCTIONS AND VOCABULARY Detinitions and explanations; a kind of+ -illg/noun; sport; altitude People, personality, interests, invitations, descriptive adjectives Saying what people are doing; jobs; feelings and opinions I'uture plans; entertainment; time, day and date; Cedings and opinions Transport; compound nOLlns Past events and dates; feelings and opinions; school life; school subjects; descriptive adjectives Directions; replying to thanks; towns a.nd buildings PRONUNCIATION fail as in like 1i :1 as in steep /1/ as in big /0/ as in pop IN as infim Iju:/ as in I.IlIiversity lrel as in cat /0:1 as in cart //1./ as in cut Saying days and months Unst ressed a, oj; 10 and SOI11<, hnal sound of regular verbs in past tense: /tl ldl and Ild/ REVISION Ihere is/are; present simple; the alphabet; like + -ing Grct'l ings; have gO I Present simple (Unit I ) wcndel like + 10' (Unit 2); present continuous for prese nt actions (Unit 3) Frequency adverbs and present simple (Unit 1); (()lnpulIIIJ IlQUII :-; fronl Units 1-4 PC()l'le (Unit 2); feelings and opinions (Units 3 and 4) /au/ as in oul Adjectives from earlier units; /':):1as in or spelling rules TOPIC nit 8 _ t's celebrate 54-57 per'ial da),!; Exam folder 8 58-59 peaking Parts 3 and 4 riting Part 2 60-63 Jlth and fitness am folder 9 64--65 .!ding Part 4 '.!king Part 2 o ook for r to e 109 ou 66-69 ters .um folder 10 70-71 tening Part 1 riting Part 3 11 j 72-75 graph)', nationality numbers am folder 11 76-77 di ng Part 5 12 od read 78--81 ks m folder 12 82-83 ~dk ing Part 1 riting Part 3 GRAMMAR Present perfect simple; alrendy and yet Short answers Present perfect and past simpit-; lor, sillce, (/go, il" ever; VCCII and gone; short answers Superlative adjectives; present simple passive Past continuous; past continuous vs. past simple: while + past continuous FUNCTIONS AND VOCABULARY Experiences and recent activities; u:kbrations, festivals and parties; giving good wishes Advice; parts of the bod)'; illnesses; expressions with at Letters; UK addresses; making arrangemt'nts Hesitating and saying you don't know; countries, nationali ties, languages; large numbers and measurement · Telling a story; saying what happened and what was happening; kinds of books; book rcviews PRON UNCIATION Dates lerl as in say lei as in tell Final sound of plural nouns Is/Izl and liz! Itfl as in cheese I f l as in shoe lu:1 as in two lui as in took REVISION Dates ( nit 4); talking about pi c ture ~ (tn; present tenses 'ICnses already learnt Present perfect simI'\.­ (Unit 8) CompJrativc adjectives (Unit 7): descriptiVe' adjectives (Units 2 and 6) Saying what you like and why: opin ions (Unit 6) its 7-12 Revision 84-85 1 86- 89 Jm iture and homes ~ am folder 13 90-91 ding Part 2 :'lit '4 at 's in fashion? 92-95 lt hes m folder 14 96-97 tming Part 4 riting Parts 2 and 3 98-101 ..I, en tu re:, Exam folder 15 102-103 eading Part I it wlIldlmightllllllst!call't be (probability and possibility): prepositions of place IIsed to; too/el1oLlgh; adjective order; it looks ... call and mn't (permission); have to and dO/l't have to; /'llLlSI and 1/I1/5tll't; had 10 and didll 't have to; adverbs Describing st yles and what you prefer; price; rooms; furniture Guessing unknown words: clothes: colours: centuries and dccades Pe rson~1 experiences; rules; adject ives and adverbs; phrasal verbs with get 131. s in televisiol1 Id31 as in joke Pronunciation of gh and ph Pronunciation of OLI Present and past tenses; advice (Unit 9) Superlative adjectives (Unit II); furniture (Unit 13) Adjectives from earlier units; past simple (Unit 6) TOPIC GRAMMAR FUNCTIONS AND PRONU NCIATION REVISION VOCABULARY Unit 16 going to future; Invitations; the time; Time Invitation, (Unit 2); t< time 104-107 present tense after IVhclJ , after planning leisure activities present continllous for future Making plans and I<lItil in future time plans (Unit 4) Exam folder 16 108-109 Listening Part 2 Writing Part 1 will future; Opinions and feelings; /0:/ as in an lIeed (Unit 5); 110- 113 will vs. going to; to have saying what will happen; /:J:/ as in sore telling a story; Pred ict ions something done; everYOl1c, climate; soap operas 13:/ as in third present continuous for 110 one, someone, anyollc present actions (Unit 3) Exam folder17 11 4-115 Reading Part 4 Unit 18 Past perfect Talking about the order of / ~/ at thc end of words Past simplc (Unit 6); Shooting a film 116-119 past events; cinema and films saying what you like and Films dislike (Unit 2) Exam folden8 120-121 L.istening Part 3 Writing Part 2 Units 13- 18 Revision 122-123 Verbs followed by to and -ing; Agreeing and disagreeing; /0/ as in th eir Advice (Un it 9); 124-127 make and leI opinions; advice; families 19/ ,1S in thirsty like and lVould like (Unit 2) Family life Exam folder19 128-129 Reading Part 5 Unit 20 omparison of adverbs; Saying what you like and prefer; Homophones omparative adjectivcs So you want to be a pop o and such; allhough and congratulating; music, (Unit 7); superlative adjectives star? 130-133 becausc musical il1$trllments; (Unit II ); M usic jobs jobs (Unit 3) Exam folder 20 134-135 Listening Part I Writing Part 3 Reported commands and Telephoning; m oney Telephone numbers Commands (Unit 7); 136-139 requests; making plans (Unit 16); IUII<:), possessivc adjectives and past perfect (Unit 18) pronouns m fnld", 21 140-1 41 RC;lding. I'art 3 Indirect speech Reporting what people said; Silent consonants il collid/might/mllst! , 142-145 saying what you (don't) can't be (Unit 13); present Jnd believe; describing objects, past tenses; opinions, agreeing places and events and disagreeing den2 146-147 148-151 fnclu l, hip 152-153 which/who/that/whosc/wllere cia uses; more adjectives and prepositions followed by -il1g Introductions Linking words ending in a consonant Clothes (Unit 14); people (Units 2 and 6); h.lrnjture (Unit 13) I OPIC GRAMMAR FUNCTIONS AND PRONUNCIATION REVISION VOCABULARY h4 Past simple passive; Describing objects; Linking words ending in it CO ltld/might/m U5t/CO II "1), got an idea 154- 157 future passive talking about things you don't rand rc (Unit (3 ); a kind af( l nil know the name of; present simple passiH' guessing vocab ulary; (Unit 11); centuries ,In.1 dates (years) decades (Unit 14) aam folder 24 158-159 -tening Part 3 riting Part 3 nits '9-24 Revision \60-161 Y J dr p 162-165 opping am folder 25 166--167 ~ad i ng Pa rt 3 l 1.6 -suading people 68-171 ,-ertising and persuasion fum folder 26 172-173 "?Caking Parts 1 and 2 riting Part 3 174-177 - ravel experiences am folder 27 178-179 di ng Part 2 28 would you do? 0-183 ~t.kbrities txam folder 28 184- 185 1 "tening Part 2 riting Part 1 h m nu' 186--189 Food and restaurants Exam folder "9 190-191 R ding Part 4 peaking Parts 3 and 4 Unit 30 Blue for a boy, pink for girl? 192-195 Boys and girls Exam folder 30 196--197 Listening Part 4 Speaking Parts 3 and 4 Indirect questions; verbs with two objects; too much/too many/ell ough + noun first conditional; ifand when; unless Adverbs at beginning of sentences; preposition phrases; myself, YOLlrself, etc. each, every, all Second conditional So do /, Neither/Nor do /; polite question forms hardly; before/afte r ,. - ing Asking for things; trying on clothes; places to shop Understanding writer or speaker purposc Saying why people do things; word building Jobs; preposition phrases Asking politely; restaurants; apologising; food Saying goodbye Stress: correcting what people say Stress in common short phrases le~1 as in chair II;:,I as in here Auxiliaries Unstressed words Revision of 1/\1, lre/, In/, lu:/, lau/, i:J:/, lei, lell, III, 1i:/, 10/, lu:/, 13:1, lall, le~1 Indirect speech (Unit 22); cloth · ( 'Oil 14) Making plans ( nit 16); agreeing and disagreeill ' (Unit 19) Guessing unknown words; present and past simple passive (Units II and 24); advice (Units 9 and 19) ifand when and first conditional (Unit 26); if could/mighf/mllsticnll'l be (Units 13 and 24); agreeing and disagrceing, opinions (Unit 19) a kind o!(Unit 1); indirect questions (Unit 25) lenses and vocabulary from previous units Writing Parts 1, 2 and 3 Units "5-30 Revision 198--199 Content of the Preliminary English Test Examination The PET c>.:aminatioil consists of th ree pa pers - Pa per I Reading and VVriting, Paper 2 Listening and Paper 3 Speaking. There are four grJdes: Pass wi th Merit (about 85% of the total marks); Pass (about 70% of the total marks); Narrow Fail (about 5% belo,,, the pass mark); rail. For a Pass with Merit and Pass, the results sli p shows the papers in which you did particularly well; for a Narrow Fail and Fail, the results slip shows the papers in which you were weak. Paper 1 Reading and Writing 1 hour 30 minutes (50% of th e total marks: 25% for Reading and 25% for Writing) There arc eight parts in this paper and they are always in the same order. You write your ilIlswers on the answer sheet. Task Type • Reading Part 1 Multiple choice (A, B or C) 5 Readi ng Pa rt 2 Matching 5 Reading Part 3 True/false 10 Reading Part 4 Multiple choice (A, B, C or D) 5 Reading Part 5 Multiple choice (A, B, C or D) 10 Writing Part 1 Rewriting sentences 5 Writing Part 2 A short message Writing Part 3 Either a letter or a story Task Format You answer multiple-choice questions about five short texts (notices, postcards, labels, messages, emails, etc.). You match five descriptions of people to eight short texts. You answer ten true/false questions about a longer text. You answer five multiple-choice questions testing opinion, detail and general meaning in a text. You choose the correct words to fill ten spaces in a short text. You write one to three words in a gapped sentence so it means the same as the sentence given above it. You write a short message (35-45 words) which includes three pieces of information. You write either a letter or a story (about 100 words) in response to a short text or instruction. 1,15,23 5,13,27 7,21,25 9,17,29 3,11,19 2, 16, 22, 28, 30 2,4, 8, 14, 18, 30 2, 6,10, 12, 14, 20, 24, 26, 30 Paper 2 Listening about 30 minutes (plus 6 minutes to copy answers onto the answer sheet) (25% of the total marks) There are four pa rts in this paper and they are always in the sa me order. YOLI listen to some recordings. YO LI hea r each recording I I ice. You write your answers on the answer sheet. Objective Exam folder listening Multiple choice 7 You answer seven multiple-choice picture questions about 4 , 10, 20 Part 1 (A, B or c) seven short recordings. listening Multiple choice 6 You answer six multiple-choice questions about a recording with 6, 16, 28 Part 2 (A, B or c) one speaker or one main speaker and an interviewer. Listening Gap fill 6 You complete six gaps in a text by listening to a recording with 2,18, 24 Part 3 one main speaker. Listening True/false 6 You answer six true/false questions about a conversation between 14,22,30 Part 4 two speakers. Paper 3 Speaking 10-12 minutes for a pair of students (25% ofthe total marks) There are fo ur parts in the speaking tc,t and they are always in the sa me order. There are two studen ts taking the examinatio n and two examiners. Objective Exam folder Speaking Part 1 The examiner asks both students some questions. 2-3 minutes You are asked to give information about yourself. 1, 12,26 Speaking Part 2 The students have a discussion together. 2-3 minutes You are given some pictures about a situation and you discuss it with the other student. 9, 23, 26 Speaking Part 3 Each student talks in turn to the examiner. 3 minutes You are each given a different colour photograph which you talk about for up to a minute. 3,8,29, 30 Speaking Part 4 The students have a discussion together. 3 minutes You have a discussion with the other student about a topic connected with the photographs in Part 3. 8, 29,30 2 1.1 The words below are all names of the sports round the 4 Make a vocabulary tree of words for a sport that you enjoy. page but the letters in the words are in the wrong order. Write the "port and the number of the picture that goes wIth it. LA J I< ALL T ~ G N A 0 A I J e T J T H , L C 0 L M T y ABBe ' C' TC B L a ~~ .~ . } . b c d e u 0 I< e R N, R G L N N U H e , 0 1'01 G I R G 1 C y Hr B y A I ~ I f ...... g -..... h -t lIT J ... o L LA OFu R I N N e e c B L 1 I I< e LB NN T .... ,yL WIG N G k I m .... n .. _.... ........... o ... 2 Which sports do you like playing or doing? Which sports do you like watching? Does anyone in the class not like sport? What does he/she do or watch instead? Work with a partner. Look below at the names of equipment used in sport. Match the equipment to the sports in Exercise 1 and write the name of the sport(s) next to the equipment. Some equipment matches more than one sport. Usc your English- English dictionary if necessary. basket .. PtJ.§J;efo..a..4.... bat ... ............... .. bike .. board boat .. ..... .............. helmet . Word trees are a useful way to learn net .... IJLhel .. _ 'ail .... and remember word families. skis slick ..... . ocabulary spot --- 2 ;'rl Listen to four people talking about these sports. Whi hone i each person talking about? \\'rite J, 2, 3 or 4 next to each sport. 3 ~ Listen to some more information about these ports. Write the answers to these question . Mountainboarding Karting a What sometimes happens? They sometimes faLL . e Ilow fast can you g b What do they always wear? f What is a kart? Street hockey Snowfering c What do they use? g What do they use? d \I\fhen do they usually play this? h Where do they do this? 4 n Listeu again. he speaker~ say how they feel about these sports. Which words do they use? Can you suggest any more words like these? -~ - ~- Language focus 1.3 Answer these questions. Use It's a kind of and the words in the list below. a What's a helmet? It's a. ktJ'ld of hal; b What's a racket? c What's windsurfing? d What's table tennis? e What's rugby? f What's a kart? g What's snowfering? tennis hat team game car windsurfing on the snow bat surfing on water 1.4 never sometimes often usually always 1 Rewrite each sentence below, adding one of the words in the box in the correct place. Do other people agree with your answers? a Basketball players are tall. 8cleibaLt flA.yers are. often taL/, . b Cyclists go very fast. e Footballers are very rich. d Surfers get wet. c Gymnasts wear helmets. f There are two people in a tennis match. g Good athletes smoke. 2 Work with a partner. Use the words in the box. Ask and answer questions like these: Do you often finish your homework? Yes, always! Does your dad sometimes play tennis? Yes, often. A re you always tidy? '0, never! 3 Complete these sentences about yourself and other people. se the words in the box. Use IlOt in some sentences. a ....J ..4.qYl .L~ .~ ....... cheese for breakfast. b MJJ.b.!J?¢h.~ . ~~?!.~!J..fYYj.~ ... football after class. c ....... . ........... very tired in the morning. d .' a sleep in the afternoon. e in the spring. f quiet in English lessons. g ......... sport on television. 4 Now write three true sentences using the words in the box with your own ideas. 1.5 '44'14'440;(.), 1 Think about the words like and bIg. Do they have the same sound as wheel and please? 2 Say these words aloud and put them into the correl"t column. steep quite hill field like knee kind people ice little stick line big street ride rich wheel bike team 3 n Listen to the recording and check your answers. 4 Write four ways we can spell the sound Ii:! in English: 1.6 ACTlYITV Work with a partner. Choose a sport or hobby (it's better if it's unusual!). Write down some information about it. Wrlle sentences like these: Yo« fIA.y tn a. team . I You ca.n do this alone. Y~ fi.ay in a. field . / y~ L<S«a1Ly do th~ iJ1 a. sNimming pod. 2 Now talk to another pair of students. Don't tell them the name of your sport Of hobby. Try to guess their sport or hobby and let them try to guess yours. Ask questions like these: Do you usually do this in summer? Do you use a kind of board? Do you alvvays play with friends? Do you often fall over? How many people are there in the team? Is it sometimes dangerous? You can answer: Yes, No or We don't know. I/you/we/they He/she/it I/you/we/they He/she/it Do Does You/we/they He/she/it I'm Yo u're/we're/they' re He's/she's/it's Am Are Is doesn't ~t I/you/we/they he/she/it am are is not (aren't) (isn't) you/we/they he/she/it a Iways/usua lIy /often/ play football. sometimes/never plays always/usua lIy /often play football. always/usually/often/ play football? sometimes/never always/usua Ily/often/ happy. sometimes/never always/usua Ily/often happy. I1 always/usually/often/ happy? sometimes/never 1.7 ACTIVITY Make a poster about a sport man or sport woman you admire. Put their picture on it if YOLI can. Write thi kind of Information on it: What sport does he/she play? What does he/she usually wear? What equipment does he/she use? What does he/she often/sometime / never do? How do you feel about this sport? athletics basket basketball bat bike board boots champion clothes cycling cyclist elbow engine equipment field footballer goalkeeper gymnastics helmet hobby hockey horse riding ice kart knee kph match net racket rollerblades rugby sail skates skiing skis space spring stick surfing table tennis team tennis volleyball wheel windsurfing to admire to cover to fall over to jump to smoke to wear dangerous fun great quiet quite racing real steep strong tidy tired unusual wet windy wonderful alone indoors It's a kind afhat. Exam folder 1 adin art 1 Look at these texts. Before you read them, gucss which is: • an email • a postcard. • a post-it nOle. • a telephone messagc. • a notIce III ,-ra ntlC ~~Cl I 0.. phl')rled.. ';;';h c'~ 3()trl.~ :WIr)"IILIIIJ a;t 7.,~(;tOI1 /9kt . . 0 ~a{) '.r'/(u rr -tc jO he!';:' PhoYl e. nD ,pk a.se. Dad Nrth befu/ e 1 !he .H:xxJ 1.5 'Teat bert ~ h,:--,tpl r OO/'o1 i.5 Ver?' .5~qll q('(j dqrk t he. ,Seq ;5 d/rt;Y 50 I 5lui~ In the. hotel pool Morio - The sports centre closes at 9.3 0 pm except Sundays when it closes at 6 pm. '''­ 2 Now read the texts. Were you right? Exam Advice Look at the texts and decide what they are, t:.g. a postcard, an ernail, etc. It will help you 10 answer the questions. Read text 1 again. Look at these three ntences about it. Which one says the same as the postcard? A Maria likes swimming in the sea. S Maria likes the food. e Maria likes her room. B is correct. Underline the words in text 1 which tell you about the food. Why are A and C wrong? Underline the word in text I which tell you about the sea and the room. 0 218 I I' ", II ~ •,II I Ce •.• II ~ I SubJtct : I - Dear Elena There's no gymnastics class tonight because the college is closed , See you next week as usual. Mrs Collins ~ IT) -Paolo f.\ue. 's the infor,,",otiOt1 about the. sports centre.. 1 alwa'js ~D On I Llesda'j even in~S , -i h me. Rin'\ ",e If ':lOU can Came ne><-\. Illestia':}. Mar-co 4 Now choose the correct answers for the other texts. 2 A The gymnastics class is cancelled tonight. B The gymnastics class is at a different time tonight. e The gymnastics class is in a different place tonight. 3 A Dad wants Jamie to phone him. B Kara wants to meet Jamie at 7. -e Kara wants to go swimming with Jamie. 4 A The sports centre shuts at 6 pm every day. . B The sports centre shuts early on Sundays, e The sports centre shuts at 9.30 pm on Sundays. 5 A Marco goes to the sports centre every week. B Paolo and Marco often go to the sports centre together. e Paolo sometimes goes to the sports centre on Tuesdays. I

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