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NYSUT's Teacher Practice Rubric Aligned with the New York State Teaching Standards PDF

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Preview NYSUT's Teacher Practice Rubric Aligned with the New York State Teaching Standards

William Floyd School District Annual Professional Performance Review for Teachers Education Law 3012-c And Commissioner's Regulations July 2012 (Revised 9-26-12, 11/21/12) Table of Contents A. Introduction 3 B. Teacher Evaluation (Student Achievement) 1. Student Achievement- Summary of State 20% NYS Regulation .4 2. Student Achievement- Summary of Local 20% NYS Regulation 5 3. Multiple measures- local 60% Observation 6-7 Evaluation 8 C. Teacher Improvement Plan 9-10 D. Teacher Appeal Procedure and appeal form 11-15 E. Data Collection 16 F. Evaluator Training \6- 20 G. Teacher Training 2\ H. Provisions of Current Collective Bargaining Agreement Statement. 21 I. Appendix a. Appendix A- Summary of State/Local Student Growth Measures b. Appendix B-NYSUT Rubric c. Appendix C-Observation Forms d. Appendix 0- Optional Preconference Communication Form e. Appendix E- Observation Guide Forms (TED document pages 6-20) f. Appendix F- Summative Evaluation Conference Forms- (TED documents pages 21,22,23) g. Appendix G- Fall Evaluation/Self Reflection Meeting (TED page 5, End ofyear cover sheet, Checklist TED pages 30,3 1,32) h. Appendix H- Conversion Chart for local 60 points 21Page A. Introduction The William Floyd School District is committed to supporting the New York State Board of Regents initiative to transform the preparation, support, and evaluation of teachers. The purpose of the evaluation system is to ensure that there is an effective teacher in every classroom. The evaluation system will foster a culture of continuous professional growth for educators to grow and improve their instructional practices. Consistent with New York State, Education Law 3012-c, the District's plan differentiates teacher effectiveness using four rating categories- Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, and Ineffective. Education Law 3012-c (2) (a) requires annual professional performance reviews (APPRs) to result in a single composite teacher effective score that incorporates mUltiple measures of effectiveness. The results of the evaluation will be a significant factor in employment decisions, including but not limited to promotion, retention, tenure determinations, termination, and supplemental compensation, as well as teacher professional development (including coaching, induction support, and differentiated professional development). The law specifies that student achievement will comprise 40% of teacher evaluations. The remaining 60% of teacher evaluations shall be based on multiple measures of teacher effectiveness consistent with standards prescribed by the Commissioner in regulation. This includes the extent to which the teacher demonstrates proficiency in meeting New York State's teaching standards. The District's plan includes the use of the NYSUT (New York State United Teacher) rubric for the 60%. If a teacher is rated "Developing" or "ineffective," the District is required to develop and implement a teacher improvement plan (TIP), the TIP is contained within this document. Tenured teachers with a pattern of ineffective teaching or performance - defined by law as two consecutive annual "ineffective" ratings - may be charged with incompetence and considered for termination through an expedited hearing process. The law provides further that all evaluators must be appropriately trained consistent with standards prescribed by the Commissioner and that appeals procedures must be locally developed in each school district. That appeals procedure in contained within this document. 31Page B. Teacher Evaluation 1. Summary of STATE 20 points- Student Achievement Measures ELAlMath 4-8 All Other Classroom Teachers Growth on • State-provided student scores • Additional grades/subjects covered by State comparing student growth to growth/Value-Added scores, as measures Assessments those with similar past test become available, based on existing and new (if 20 points scores and which may resources are available) State assessments: (25 points with include consideration of 0 All Math Regents approved poverty, ELL, SWD status 0 PARCC as available Value-Added • Value-Added measure with 0 If approved: 6-8 science, social additional controls when studies, 9- 10 ELA and related approved, which can be no Regents earlier than 20]2-20\3 0 If approved: progress monitoring in K­ • Policies on Teacher of 3 English Language Arts, Math Record and linked students Comparable NA For all applicable grades/subjects: State determined Measure district-wide student growth goal-setting process 20 points (Student Learning Objectives) used with: (when there is no State For core subjects: 6-8 Science and Social Studies, assessment high school English Language Arts, Math, Science with an and Social Studies courses associated in 2010-11 approved with Regents exams or, in the future, with other growthNalue- State assessments: Added • State assessment if one exists (or Regents exam measure) or Regent equivalents) Ifno State assessment or Regents exam exists: • District-determined assessment from list of State approved 3rd party assessments; or • District, regional or BOCES-developed assessments provided that the District or BOCEs verifies comparability and rigor For other grades/subjects: District-determined assessments from options below: • State assessment • List of State-approved 3rd party assessments • District, regional, or BOCES-developed assessments provided that the District or BOCES verifies comparability and rigor • School- or BOCES-wide, group or team results based on State assessments *SEE ATTACHED APPR CHART FOR DISTRICT SPECIFIC MEASURES APPENDIX A 41Page 2 Summary of LOCAL 20 points- Student Acbievement Measures Locally- Locally comparable means: selected The same locally-selected measures of student achievement or growth across all classrooms Measures of in Student same grade/subject in District or BOCES. Districts may use more than one type of locally- Achievement selected measure for different groups of teachers within a grade/subject if districts/BOCES 20 points (15 prove comparability based on standards of Educational and Psychological Testing. points with approved Growth or achievement measure(s) from these options. Value-Added Locally-selected andpoints assigned to teachers in manner determined locally, through measure) collective bargaining, using regulatory standards and scoring bands. Measures based on: • State assessments, Regents examination and/or Regent-equivalent assessments provided that they are different tban the measure used for the Growth subcomponent above. These include: 0 Teacher-specific change in percentage of students who achieve a specified level of performance on State assessments (e.g. 3% point increase in number ofstudents earning the proficient level 3 or better on the 7th grade State Math test compared to those same students' performance on the 6th grade State Math test) 0 Teacher-specific growth computed by the State based on percentage of students who achieve a State-determined level of growth (e.g. percentage of students whose growth is at least average for similar students). 0 Other teacher-specific growth or achievement measure using State assessments, Regents examinations and/or department approved alternative examinations computed in a manner determined locally • State-approved list of 3rd party assessments • District, regional or BOCES-developed assessments provided that the District or BOCES verifies comparability and rigor vs. Testing Standards to the extent practicable. • School-wide growth or achievement results based on: 0 State-provided school-wide growth score for all students in a school taking the State ELA or Math assessment in grades 4-8Locally-computed measure based on State assessment, State approved 3rd party assessment or a District, regional or BOCES-developed assessment for which the district or BOCES verifies comparability and rigor. • Student Learning Objectives (ifteachers do not have State-provided growth or Value-Added measures for Growth subcomponent): 0 Used with any State, State-approved 3rd party, or District, regional, or BOCES developed assessment, provided that the District or BOCES verifies comparability and rigor. 0 These measures must be different tban the measures used with Student Learning Objectives as a Comoarable Growth measure in the Growth Subcomponent. *SEE ATTACHED APPR CHART FOR DISTRICT SPECIFIC MEASURES APPENDIX A SIPage 3. Summary of OTHER 60 points- Multiple Measures Observations: The District will be using the NYSUT rubric, (attached as Appendix B), which will be used to assess teacher perfonnance based on the NYS teaching standards. Videotaping of observations will not be used as a method to collect evidence. Evidence will be collected through multiple classroom observations as follows: 1) Observation forms- The observation forms currently in the collective bargaining agreement will be utilized, except the check boxes on the form for non-tenured teachers will be removed, (See Forms attached as Appendix C). 2) Focus of the observation: The observer will focus on the seven (7) teaching standards and the rubric when writing about the strengths or growth areas of the lesson. 3) Timing of observations: a) A building administrator will meet with each teacher in the fall for an evaluation/self-reflection meeting, this meeting must precede the 1 sl observation b) Observations will not occur before/after a holiday/break, unless the teacher agrees to have them at this time. c) All observations will conclude by June unless there are extraordinary lSI, circumstances preventing them from occurring e.g. teacher on a leave). 4) Pre-Conference Meeting/communication: a) Optional pre-conference communication- for scheduled observations all teachers will have the option of emailing the administrator, in advance of the observation, a summary of relevant class information, (ex: nature of the class, range of student abilities, strategies to differentiate instruction, plan for activities/changing activities based on student needs) or a modified page 8 from TED document, (Attached as Appendix D). b) Required pre-conference meeting- Administrators will determine if a preconference meeting is necessary, for teachers on TIPs (Teacher Improvement Plan) and 1 year teachers. However, any teacher on an SI Appendix J will be required to attend one pre-conference meeting before their first formal observation. 5) Formal Observations a) Tenured Teachers i) Each teacher will have two (2) formal observations completed each year and committed to writing and placed in the official personnel file. ii) One (1) observation will be scheduled and one (I) unscheduled. The first observation will be scheduled, unless the teacher requests it to be unscheduled. 61Page iii) The TED documents will be used as a guide (pages 6-20, attached as Appendix E). iv) Each observation will last one (1) class period, a minimum of 30 minutes -maximum of 45 minutes. v) Report of observation- is due within 4 days (same as in current collective bargaining agreement). vi) Teachers have the right to prepare a rebuttal to the observation. The rebuttal must be submitted to the administrator no later than 30 days from receiving the written observation. vii) When there is more than one teacher in a classroom (i.e. co teaching model), the administrator will announce who they are there to observe. b) Non- Tenured i) A Total of 3- 5 formal observations, as per the current collective bargaining agreement will be conducted and committed to writing and placed in the official personnel file. ii) At least one (1) observation will be scheduled and one (1) unscheduled. The first observation will be scheduled, unless the teacher requests it to be unscheduled. iii) The TED documents will be used as a guide (pages 6-20, attached as Appendix E). ° iv) Each observation will last one (1) class period, a minimum of 3 minutes -maximum of 45 minutes. v) Report of observation- is due within 4 days (same as in current collective bargaining agreement). vi) Teachers have the right to prepare a rebuttal to the observation. The rebuttal must be submitted to the administrator no later than 30 days from receiving the written observation. vii) When there is more than one teacher in a classroom (i.e. co teaching model), the administrator will announce who they are there to observe. 6) Informal Observations- Informal observations will be conducted in accordance with the existing contract language. However, there is an addition that an Administrator can take notes and address, in writing, when they observe a concerning behavior or observe something positive. These written summaries will not be placed in the personnel file, but will be given to the teacher. 7) Post Observation Conference-a post conference meeting will occur no longer than 3 working days after the observation. 8) The district will develop a process to ensure observations are appropriately spaced out. All other terms and conditions in the current collective bargaining agreement pertaining to observations will apply, unless modified above. 71Page Evaluation Process 1) Spring- Summative Evaluation Conferences: During the month ofJune all teachers will have a summative evaluation conference with a building administrator. The focus of the meeting will be a discussion of the results for the local 20 points (if available) and 60 points from the rubric results (TED documents, pages 21, 22, 23 attached as Appendix F). 2) Summer - Rankings will be sent to teachers as per NYS regulation, grades 4-8. 3) Fall -Evaluation/self-reflection Meeting: Beginning in September all teachers will have an evaluation meeting with a building administrator. Discussions will focus on: a) Self- Reflection (TED form page 5-Appendix G) and their overall composite score 100 points (state student achievement measure 20 points, local student achievement measure 20 points and other multiple measures 60 points); b) Conversation regarding what forms will be used during observations (Standard 2,3,4,5 of the rubric and TED pages 6-20); c) For teachers required to complete SLO's there will be a conversation regarding student targets. d) Evaluation forms will include: End of Year cover sheet only (appendix H or I) from the existing contract and TED checklist 30, 31, 32, (All forms attached as appendix G) e) For Social Workers, Guidance Counselors, Psychologists, Librarians and Speech Teachers the existing evaluation forms will be used. 4). The 60 points will be obtained through a combination of observations and other sources of evidence as identified in the NYSUT Rubric. The 60 points will be assigned based on a conversion chart, attached as Appendix H 81Page C. Teacher Improvement Plan: An improvement plan defines specific standards-based goals that a teacher must make progress toward attaining within a specific period of time, and shall include the identification of areas that need improvement, a timeline for achieving improvement, the manner in which improvement will be assessed, and, where appropriate, differentiated activities to support improvement in these areas. The plan will clearly describe the professionalleaming activities that the educator must complete. These activities should be connected directly to the areas needing improvement. The artifacts that the teacher must produce that can serve as benchmarks of improvement and as evidence for the final stage of the improvement plan should be described, and could include items such as lesson plans and supporting materials, including student work. The supervisor will clearly state in the plan the additional support and assistance that the educator will receive. In the final stage of the improvement plan, the teacher should meet with his or her supervisor to review the plan, alongside any artifacts and evidence from evaluations, in order to determine if adequate improvement has been made in the required areas outlined within the plan for the teacher.. A teacher is entitled to bring a union representative or other colleague to participate in all TIP meetings. In accordance with regulations the implementation of the TIP must begin no later than 10 school days from the opening of classes in the school year following the school year for which such teacher's performance is being measured. 9!Page William Floyd School District Teacher Improvement Plan (TIP) Areas That Need Improvement: Timeline: Assessment of Improvement: Activities to Support Improvement: Comments: Teacher: Date Principal: Date Superintendent or Designee : Date 10 I P age

existing contract and TED checklist 30, 31, 32, (All forms attached as appendix G) Non-tenured teachers will have the right to add a response to the annual.
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