NUTRITIONAL, PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF Nigella sativa LINNAEUS DDEEEEPPTTII GGIIRRII PAL 0191 DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES GKVK, BENGALURU-560065 2012 NUTRITIONAL, PHYTOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF Nigella sativa LINNAEUS DEEPTI GIRI PAL 0191 Thesis submitted to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Agriculture) in FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION BENGALURU JULY, 2012 Affectionately Dedicated to My loving Grandparents, Parents, Chairperson, teachers, Brothers, sisters and Ankii DEPARTMENT OF FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES BENGALURU CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “NUTRITIONAL, PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF Nigella sativa LINNAEUS” submitted by Ms. DEEPTI GIRI, ID No. PAL 0191, for the award of degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (Agriculture) in FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION of the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, is a record of the research work carried out by her during the period of her study in this University, under my guidance and supervision and no part of the thesis has been submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other similar titles. Bengaluru Dr. SUNANDA SHARAN July, 2012 Professor and Major Advisor Approved by: Chairman : ______________________________ (SUNANDA SHARAN) Members : 1. ______________________________ (KAMAL G. NATH) 2. ______________________________ (NEENA JOSHI) 3. ______________________________ (BASAVARAJ P.K.) 4. ______________________________ (SUVARNA V. CHAVANNAVAR) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With regardfull memories…….. In every one’s life, the day arises when one has to shape the feelings in words. Sometimes, the words become unable to express the feelings of the mind, because, the feelings of heart are beyond the reach of the words. When, I come to complete this manuscript, so many memories have rushed through my mind which is full of gratitudes to those who encouraged and helped me at various stages of this research. It gives me immerse pleasure to record my feelings at this place. I wish to express my sincere gratitude and respect to Dr. Sunanda Sharan, Professor, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, UAS, GKVK. Bengaluru Chairman of my advisory committee, for her inspiring, enlightening guidance and constant encouragement. I am deeply grateful for her generous help and for having shown keen interest during the course of my research work, without which, I would not reached to this milestone in my life. With a sense of pride and dignity, I sincerely thank the members of my advisory committee Dr. Kamal G. Nath Professor, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dr. Neena Joshi, Professor, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Dr. Basavaraj.P.K. Professor, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Dr. Suvarna V. Chavannavar, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Microbiology, for their constructive criticism, valuable guidance, providing facilities in carrying out my research work and timely correction of my thesis manuscript. I am extremely thankful to Dr. Neena Joshi, Professor and Head, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, GKVK, UAS, Bengaluru, for her encouragement throughout my PG programme. With immense pleasure I record my sincere thanks to my teachers Dr. H.B. Shivleela, Dr.Umadevi Hiremath, Dr. Vijaylakshmi , Dr. Jamuna KV., Dr. M.L. Revanna and Dr. Usha Ravindra, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, for their generous help, co-operation and inspiration during the course of study I am sincerely thankful to staff of National Research Center on Seed Spices (Ajmer). Who provided me Nigella sativa seeds for my research work. The thesis must surely bear the imprint of the love and affection showered on me by my family members. I want to extend my appreciation to my grandparents and parents for their boundless love, needy inspirations like showers to a drying crop and for their unshakable confidence in me. My diction does not seem to be rich enough to provide suitable words to articulate my love to them. I am greatly beholden of vocabulary and owe deep sense of honor to my beloved grandparents Dr. Surendra Kumar Giri and Smt. Sunayana Giri and my beloved parents Shri Ravindra Kumar Giri and Smt. Rama Giri for their love and dedicated efforts in shaping my career since childhood. It is time to express my gratitude to my beloved brothers Amrendra, Animesh, Sumit, Manish, Amit, Shekhar, Shashwat, Ishu, Kshitij and Saatvik, Avinash, Dhananjay and beloved sisters Aparna, di, Priyanka di, Soni, Shanoo, Anjali, Sudha, Aditi Giri. and Shelly. My heartfelt thanks to all my uncles and aunts. Fruitful results would not have hastened without the moral support of my frienz., Ashu, Jaya, Geeta, Elnaz, Sindhu, Veena, Anusha, Tapasya, Deepa. My seniour friends Geeta di, Savi di, shreya di, Deepa di, Jyoti di, Maya di, Baphi di, Sheweta di, Gopika di, Choti di. My heartfelt thanks to my bosom juniors Ambreen, Charis, Jayshree, Richa, Netra, Ranjita, Harish. I feel it is time to recall my childhood and college friends Ankit, Pranjal, Priya, Swati, Ragini, Ankita, Sushila, Kiran, Preeti, Rashmi, Beena, Kiran I wish to acknowledge the help and cooperation rendered by the library UAS, Bengaluru. ……………any omission in this brief acknowledgement does not mean lack of gratitude. Bengaluru JULY, 2012 (Deepti Giri) Nutritional, phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Nigella sativa L. THESIS ABSTRACT Nigella sativa is an important seed spice. To investigate the nutritional, phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Nigella sativa L., two samples, market and NRCSS (Ajmer) samples were investigated. Two products, chutney and tea powder were developed by substituting in standard recipe and shelf life was studied. Protein content ranged from 16.31 to 16.52, fat 34.12 to 37.04, crude fiber 6.25 to 7.11 and ash 4.15 to 4.18 g /100g. Minerals such as calcium, iron, sodium and potassium content ranged from 358 to 366, 10 to 11, 309 to 319 and 493 to 507 mg/100g respectively. Polyphenols, antioxidant activity, phytic, tannic and oxalic acid content ranged from 53 to 57, 75 to 78, 63.18 to 63.34, 38 to 40 and 77.61 to 78.67 mg respectively. Saturated fatty acids percentage for palmitic of 8 per cent and unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic 79 per cent was found. Thymoquinone a volatile oil component was found to be 37 per cent. Nigella sativa oil possessed antimicrobial activity on both against Gram positive as well as Gram negative bacteria. Chutney powder was best accepted at 50 per cent level of substitution and 0.5g/2 g of tea bag level of substitution was best accepted for tea powder. Chutney powder stored in steel box showed good shelf life. Peroxide and per cent free fatty acid content of stored products were within safe value. Thus, results of the study indicate that Nigella sativa is a good source of nutrients, phytochemicals and possessed antimicrobial activity. July, 2012 Department of Food Science and Nutrition UAS, GKVK, Banglore-65 (Sunanda Sharan) Major Advisor , . , , , NRCSS ( ) . , . . . , . . , . . . . / 100 . , , , , / . , , , , , . . , . . . . . 0. / . U¼À À°è GavÀ PÀAqÀħA¢ª.É F ¢Az À , ªÀÅzÀ£ÄÀ ß . DºÁgÀ «eÁÕ£À ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¥ÉÇõÀuÉ PÀȶ «±Àé«zÁ央AiÀÄ, ( ) UÁA. PÀÈ. «. PÉÃ., ¨ÉAUÀ¼ÀÆgÀÄ-65 CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE No. I INTRODUCTION 1 – 6 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 7 – 39 III MATERIAL AND METHODS 40 – 48 IV EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 49 – 73 V DISCUSSION 74 – 92 VI SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 93 – 98 VII REFERENCES 99 – 114 ANNEXURE 115 – 140 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE TITLE No. No. 1. Volatile oil composition of Nigella sativa seed 2 2. Fixed oil composition of Nigella sativa seed 3 3. Physical properties of Nigella sativa seeds 11 4. Nutritive value of seed spices 13 Macro nutrient composition of three different samples of 5. 14 Nigella sativa seeds Mineral composition of three different samples of Nigella 6. 14 sativa seeds 7. Nutrient composition of Nigella sativa seed 17 Nutrient compostion of Nigella sativa L. and Trigonella 8. 16 foenum-graecum (T.F) 9. Mineral content of Nigella sativa and T.F 16 Physical and chemical characteristics of Nigella sativa oil 10. 26 and Trigonella foenum graecum seed 11. Evaluation of seed oil of Nigella sativa L. 27 12. Components of volatile oil 28 13. Fatty acid composition of Nigella sativa 29 14. Physical prperties of Nigella seeds 51 15. Physical and chemical properties of N. sativa seed oil 51 16. Macro-nutrient composition of Nigella sativa 53 17. Micro-nutrient composition of Nigella sativa 56 18. Phytochemical composition of Nigella sativa seed 58 19. Fatty Acid profile (fixed oil) of Nigella sativa seed 60