REVISIÓN BIBLIOGRÁFICA NUTRITION AND GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITISM IN RUMINANT PRODUCTION NUTRICIÓN Y PARASITISMO GASTROINTESTINAL EN PRODUCCIÓN DE RUMIANTES Basabe, J.1,2 *, D.F. Eiras1,2 and J.R. Romero1,3 1Cátedra de Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias. Departamento de Epizootiología y Salud Pública. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. CC 296 (B1900AVW). La Plata. Argentina. *Corresponding author: [email protected] 2Laboratorio DIAP. Inca 109 (B1836BBC) Llavallol. Buenos Aires. Argentina. 3Centro de Diagnóstico e Investigaciones Veterinarias (CEDIVE). Alvear y Salta (B7130AGC). Chascomús. Buenos Aires. Argentina. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS PALABRAS CLAVE ADICIONALES Ruminant production. Parasitism. Producción de rumiantes. Parasitismo. SUMMARY In order to increase ruminant performance, trol de los parásitos. Los parásitos producen producers have to deal with two main obstacles: alteraciones que afectan desde el consumo de health and nutrition. Resistance to traditional alimentos hasta la utilización de los nutrientes anthelmintic drugs and the increasing "organic ingeridos, interfiriendo gravemente en la produc- production" of food are demanding alternative ción. La "inmunonutrición", se considera una me- parasite control methods. When cattle parasites dida potencial y sustentable de control antipara- alter food intake and cause a lower use of the sitario. La disponibilidad de proteínas, vitaminas y absorbed nutrients, they greatly interfere with minerales es un importante factor para optimizar productivity. "Immunonutrition" is considered a la productividad y la resistencia del hospedador a potential and sustainable method of antiparasitical ciertas parasitosis. Los metabolitos secundarios control. Protein, vitamin and mineral availability are de algunas plantas pueden tener efectos important factors to optimize production and the antiparasitarios para los animales que las pasto- resistance of the host to certain parasites. rean. El objetivo del presente trabajo es, basado Secondary substances of some plants can have en revisiones de trabajos de investigaciones pre- antiparasitical effects in animals grazing on them. vias, señalar algunas de las interacciones exis- The purpose of this work is to, based on a review tentes entre nutrición y parasitismo en rumiantes of previous research studies, point out some of y mostrar cómo un manejo nutricional racional the existing interactions between nutrition and puede ser considerado un método eficiente de parasitism in ruminants, and to show how a control antiparasitario. rational nutritional management can be seen as an efficient antiparasitical control method. INTRODUCTION RESUMEN Demographic growth, particularly seen in developing countries, needs a parallel En pos de aumentar el rendimiento animal, los and compensatory growth in food produc- productores se enfrentan con dos grandes obstá- tion systems. This expansion in animal culos: sanidad y nutrición. La resistencia a las production has to be based not upon raising drogas antihelmínticas tradicionales y el incre- mento en la producción orgánica de alimentos the number of animals or on increasing the están llevando a buscar alternativas para el con- amount of forage given to them but on Recibido: 25-8-08. Aceptado: 15-9-09. Arch. Zootec. 58 (R): 131-144. 2009. BASABE, EIRAS AND ROMERO improving the efficiency of production with rotation, supplementary feeding to improve the given resources. Increasing cattle the nutritional condition or the utilization of production has generally two main obstacles: alternative forages with antiparasitical nutrition and health. Depending on the effects (Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001; Hoste environment, malnutrition or parasitic et al., 2006). diseases and sometimes both together can Apart from the nutritional value of plants, limit production efficiency (Knox and Steel, there are substances in some of them that 1996). can have beneficial or undesirable effects Parasites, especially gastrointestinal for animals feeding on them (Hoste et al., nematodes, can be considered one of the 2006). The effects of certain plants' compo- main threats for health and production of nents on parasites and on animal perfor- cattle in extensive production systems mance are being investigated (Nguyena et (Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001; Louvandini et al., 2005; Suleiman et al., 2005; Tzamaloukas al., 2002; Suleiman et al., 2005). They cause et al., 2005; Knox et al., 2006). Tannins are considerable losses in the production in the secondary metabolites associated to the whole world, mainly in young animals and defence mechanisms of plants against periparturent females (Larsson et al., 2006). insects and mammals and, though they can Economic losses are related to a decrease in have negative effects for the animal that fertility, in food intake and in weight gain consumes them, ruminants can take but also to the lower milk production, to advantage of the presence of these more expensive treatments and control compounds (Athanasiadou et al., 2001). methods and to the death of severely The nutritive status of the animals can parasitised animals (Romero and Fonrouge, influence their resistance to parasitosis 1987; Knox et al., 2006). (Bricarello et al., 2005; Muturi et al., 2005). Due to the economical losses caused by An improvement in immunocompetence due parasites it is necessary to establish to an adequate diet (immunonutrition) is effective control methods. Traditionally, considered a sustainable potential control pharmacological products have been used method (Muturi et al., 2005). On the other to control parasites (Athanasiadou et al., hand, the degree of each animal's genetic 2000; Min and Hart, 2003; Muturi et al., resistance influences the effect that 2005). These methods, however, offer some supplementation may have in its response difficulties because of the growing resistan- to infections (Bricarello et al., 2005). ce to the commonly used anthelmintic drugs. Independently of their localization, all Furthermore, the high costs of the phar- parasites may have an indirect impact on the macological products and the increasing host's nutritional status; the gastrointestinal demand of the population to be provided parasites are, however, those that provoke with food without residues, mainly those more notorious consequences because of that could be toxic for the environment, their direct contact with nutrients. stimulate to look for alternative non- Ruminants acquire the infecting forms chemical strategies to control parasites of the gastrointestinal parasites while they (Coop and Kyriazakis, 1999, 2001; Kyriazakis feed, which constitutes the beginning of a and Houdijk, 2006). Non-pharmacological complex interrelation between two factors: tools are based on the use of vaccines, nutrition and parasites (Hutchings et al., breeding of resistant genotypes, biological 2001). control, (Van Hountert and Sykes, 1996), Two different approaches can be made grazing of alternative hosts, manual removal to the interaction between parasitism and of faeces, frequent and rational pasture nutrition. On the one hand, the influence of Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 132. NUTRITION AND GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITISM IN RUMINANT PRODUCTION parasites on the host's metabolism and on digestibility, nitrogen retention and the other, the effect of nutrition on parasite protein, mineral and energy metabolism populations and on the ability of the animal and utilization (Rossanigo et al., 1992; to face and get over the infection (Coop and Muturi et al., 2005) resulting in a lower Holmes, 1996; Coop and Kyriazakis, 1999). performance of animal production. In In this review, we have analyzed parasited animals the processes leading to information obtained mostly by experimen- preserve the homeostasis, such as the tal means and based on studies performed plasmatic protein synthesis, mucus produc- generally on gastrointestinal parasites of tion, reparation of the gastrointestinal tract sheep. However, the general concepts can and immunocompetence, are privileged over be applied to other animals and other parasite other functions such as skeletal growth species (Coop and Kyriazakis, 1999; (Muturi et al., 2005), soft tissue deposition Kastelic, 2006). and milk production (Coop and Kyriazakis, The aim of the present study is to 1999). establish some of the existing connections There seems to be a threshold of between nutrition and parasitism in rumi- exposition beneath which there is no nants, considering both the influence that significant reduction of appetite (Kyriazakis parasites might have on the host's nutrition et al., 1998; Nari and Fiel, 1994). In a study and the predisposition to parasitism in conducted by Rossanigo et al. (1988) a different nutritional situations and to show reduction of 15% in food intake was recorded why a rational nutritional management can in parasited calves with gastrointestinal be used as an efficient antiparasitical con- nematode burdens lower than 300 eggs per trol method. gram (epg) compared to non-parasited animals and of 18% in animals with more EFFECTS OF PARASITES ON THE than 300 epg compared to controls. A HOST reduction of food intake is believed to take place with burdens above 150 epg. In another Gastrointestinal parasitoses are wides- study from Rossanigo et al. (1992), a pread and appear in ruminants of all ages reduction of 8.36% in the dry matter intake (Rossanigo et al., 1992) although it is was proved in parasited animals compared generally accepted that adults are relatively to a control group. After 329 days the non- resistant to internal parasites. Very young parasited animals had gained 26 kg more animals are generally more affected by than the parasited ones. The appetite coccidia, Cryptosporidium and Giardia depression can vary between 15-20% than by gastrointestinal nematodes (Lardy according to Coop and Kyriazakis (1999), and Stoltenow, 2001). Infections can present while other authors state that reductions of a variety of clinical signs, that range from no up to 30% (Van Hountert and Sykes, 1996) clinical manifestation at all to diarrhoea, or even 50% (Knox et al., 2006) can exist. anorexia and weight loss leading to an Several hypotheses have been sugges- impairment growth, decrease in productivity ted to explain the reduction in food and, in severe cases, to death. Subclinical ingestion. On the one hand, the lesions infections represent the majority of cases could produce certain pain and digestive and cause economical losses due to the discomfort, which would have a negative suboptimal performance of the animals. intake impact (Knox et al., 2006; Rossanigo As a consequence of the action of the et al., 1988). On the other hand, the damage parasites and of the immune response of the produced by the parasites could be located host, several nutritional parameters can be in areas related to the tension regulation modified, such as food intake and nutrient and feeling of plenitude which reduces the Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 133. BASABE, EIRAS AND ROMERO ingestion. The alterations in the composition suggests the presence of some inhibitors, of the food and the protein-energy relation amongst which the CRF has been mentioned in the absorbed nutrients, in the availability (Van Hountert and Sykes, 1996). of amino acids, in the intestinal pH, in the Armour et al. (1974) studied the effect of reticulo-ruminal motility and in the hormo- parasites on the stomach secretion. The nal metabolism of the digestive tube would injuries in the stomach produced by O. also favour a lower intake of food (Rossanigo circumcincta and T. axei alter the normal et al., 1988; Coop and Holmes, 1996; Knox function of the glands. This decreases the et al., 2006). production of hydrochloric acid (HCl), Amongst the gastrointestinal hormones, increasing the gastric pH and not allowing the colecistocinine (CCC) is considered one the activation of the pepsinogen, with the of the most important factors in the concomitant absence of protein digestion alimentary behaviour (Nari and Fiel, 1994). (Min and Hart, 2003). The decrease in the This hormone is produced by the cells that production of HCl can cause some delay in cover the first part of the small intestine. It the abomasal flow, as acidity is an important is released at the stimulus produced by the stimulus for the rumino-reticular contraction presence of food; it produces the contraction (Nari and Fiel, 1994). Studies performed in of the gall bladder and a plenitude feeling at cattle experimentally infected with O. the central nervous system (Rossanigo et ostertagi have shown a relation between al., 1988; Van Hountert and Sykes, 1996). the reductions in food consumption, the The cellular damages caused by parasites increase in the concentration of blood can produce a great release of CCC reducing gastrine and the decrease in the food appetite. However, this is not the only passage. The increase of gastrine reduces mechanism involved in anorexia induced by the reticular-ruminal motility producing parasites as a reduction in appetite is also stasis of food and reduction of appetite mentioned in sheep parasited by Fasciola (Coop and Holmes, 1996). hepatica and bovines with Haemonchus During infections two classes of proteins placei which are parasites not located in the are lost with the faeces: the exogenous not small intestine (Rossanigo et al., 1988). absorbed proteins and, most important, the The cytokines cascade associated to endogenous (the corporal protein) as cells the immune response can also be related to coming from the desquamation of the anorexia (Knox et al., 2006). It is known that epithelial cover or as plasmatic proteins of in laboratory animals the tumoral necrosis high biological value (specially albumins factor (TNF) and the interleukin 1 produce and globulins) that escape from the blood anorexia. The hypothalamus is an important vessels towards the gastrointestinal lumen place of integration of central and periferical through the damaged zone, because of the signals involved in the control of ingestion. lack of sealing of the intercellular bridges Several neuropeptides would be involved (Coop and Holmes, 1996; Knox and Steel, in the appetite control, such as neuropeptide 1996; Knox et al., 2006). Some parasites, Y, strong appetite stimulator, and the such as H. contortus, can produce an corticotrophin release factor (CRF) as an important loss of plasma proteins as a inhibitor (Coop and Holmes, 1996). It has consequence of their haematophagic habits. been observed that in laboratory mice an The infiltration and inflammation of the increase in the expression of the gene of the mucosa produced by some nematodes alters neuropeptide Y occurred in a parasitic the continuity of the desmosomic unions infection. The fact that no concomitant between the epithelial cells with the increase in the food intake occurred concurrent passage of proteins towards the Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 134. NUTRITION AND GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITISM IN RUMINANT PRODUCTION lumen of the organ and, eventually, the places of the lesions so there will not pepsinogen to the plasma (Romero and necessarily be an altered nitrogen faecal Boero, 2001). The absence of pepsin activity excretion. Moreover, the enteric protein due to a pepsinogen loss or to a decrease in losses are balanced by an early increase the secretion of the HCl necessary to in the hepatic synthesis of albumin. activate pepsinogen into pepsin occurs not Afterwards, however, this synthesis decli- in all nematodes but mainly in Ostertagia, nes and the protein losses produce hypo- Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus. Another proteinemia (Nari and Fiel, 1994). source of endogenous protein loss is the The hypoproteinemia and the nitrogen increase in the production of mucopro- loss affect the protein deposition in the teins (Rossanigo et al., 1988; Coop and growing animal, retarding the body deve- Kyriazakis, 2001; Knox et al., 2006). These lopment (Rossanigo et al., 1988). The losses can range from 20 to 125 g of protein reduction in the ingestion, incomplete per day in infections by T. colubriformis absorption in the intestine and increase in sheep (Coop and Kyriazakis, 1999). In protein turn-over, decrease the raw materials this way, there is a net movement of proteins for the productive processes (Nari and Fiel, from the productive processes such as 1994; Knox and Steel, 1996). The intestinal production of meat, bone, milk and wool protein synthesis is increased as well as the towards the synthesis of plasmatic proteins, plasmatic and structural protein synthesis, reparation of the gastrointestinal tract and while muscle, milk and wool protein mucus production (Coop and Holmes, 1996; synthesis are reduced (Knox and Steel, Knox and Steel, 1996; Knox et al., 2006). The 1996). protein recycling has an energetic cost (Van The average of exogenous proteins that Hountert and Sykes, 1996; Coop and are absorbed is not much less than in non- Kyriazakis, 1999, 2001), which goes in parasited animals as the intestine region not detriment of the productive performance of affected is more active and compensates for the animals. The increase in the mucus the lack of absorption of the affected part production, rich in treonine, serine and (Rossanigo et al., 1988; Knox et al., 2006). proline, can result in a deficiency of these Rossanigo et al. (1988) state that the poor amino acids for other processes. On the absorption and the protein losses would other hand, the mucus is resistant to not be enough to explain the low performan- digestion and reabsorption; therefore, once ce. This increases the importance given to its components are formed, they will not be anorexia in the parasitosis as the main cause available for the synthesis of other proteins. of the lower productive performance. The immune response that takes place It is estimated that to make up for the against the infection requires certain amino protein losses of the infection 17 g/day of acids, especially the sulphured ones and, metabolizable protein above the main- therefore these will not be available for tenance requirements are needed, therefore other processes if they are used for immune the effects of the parasitosis will be purposes. The availability of amino acids worsened in times of protein shortage in the for the body tissues can be reduced up to pastures, during pregnancy and lactation 30% because of the protein loss (Coop and (Knox et al., 2006). Kyriazakis, 1999). Gastroenteritis caused by helmints can Although the infections can cause local have severe consequences in the bone changes that alter the gastrointestinal growth. The absorption and retention of digestion and absorption functions, there phosphorus is severely reduced. There exists are compensatory increases in the distal an endogen loss of calcium and a reduction Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 135. BASABE, EIRAS AND ROMERO in the absorption of this mineral due to a parturent females. Nutrition has the "power" lower demand as the growth of the bones is to regulate the rate of acquisition and reduced (Van Hountert and Sykes, 1996; expression of immunity. This way, immuno- Knox et al., 2006). nutrition plays an important role in control Van Hountert and Sykes (1996) state strategies, alone or associated with other that the absorption of magnesium is not non-chemical strategies. Many studies that altered, while Knox et al. (2006) mentions a relate the effects of nutrition to the immunity decrease in the absorption of this mineral in are based on the metabolizable protein, as gastrointestinal parasitoses. many of the immune system components In the abomasal infections there is a are proteins in nature (Kyriazakis and reduction in the copper absorption (Coop Houdijk, 2006), for instance the immunoglo- and Holmes, 1996; Van Hountert and Sykes, bulins, mucoproteins and the interleukins. 1996). The infection by O. circumcincta in Once the requirements for growth are sheep affects the metabolism of copper, satisfied, the immune response becomes especially because of the increase of the more effective with the addition of abomasal pH. The reduction of the abomasal supplementary protein. This would explain acidity reduces the copper solubility and the relative immaturity in the parasited therefore the captivity of the mineral by the young animals that have greater demands liver (Coop and Holmes, 1996). (Coop and Holmes, 1996). There is abundant evidence concerning EFFECTS OF THE NUTRITION ON the importance of increasing the protein PARASITES level more than the energetic one (Coop and Kyriazakis, 1999, 2001), even though in The effect of nutrition over the parasite- animals severely affected by famine the host relationship is an alternative to increase in the energetic level will certainly chemoprophylaxis. Nutrition can influence help to overcome the infection. In an the development and consequences of experience done in sheep, it was observed parasitism in three different ways: it can that given two isoenergetic foods, the two increase the ability of the host to overcome sheep infected with T. colubriformis chose the adverse consequences of parasitism; it can increase the ability of the host to contain the one with the greater protein content, and overcome the parasitism limiting the while the control animals did not do such establishment, growth rate, fecundity and/ selection (Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001). or persistence of the parasites population; The expression of the resistance to last of all, it can directly affect the parasites gastrointestinal nematodes competes with population through the ingestion of natural other functions when there is scarceness of antiparasitical compounds (Coop and nutrients. It is expected that the animals will Kyriazakis, 2001). privilege the maintenance of the corporal It is known that the raise in the dietary protein in moments of shortage of food, as protein enhances the resistance to the it ensures the survival in the short term. infections through an increase in the This includes reparation and replacement immunity to parasites, not allowing them of damaged tissues. Although the immune to establish, reproduce and survive or at system was earlier considered as part of the least reducing the consequences of the "maintenance" there are studies that subclinical parasitosis. In times of protein demonstrate that there are aspects of the shortage, the supplement in the diet can immunity that are sensitive to dietary reduce the number of gastrointestinal changes. Once the maintenance necessities nematodes in growing animals and peri- are covered, growth, reproduction and Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 136. NUTRITION AND GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITISM IN RUMINANT PRODUCTION immunity to parasites will be privileged. In lambs in twin-sheep the count of epg and young animals infected for the first time, the the parasite burden was reduced in one acquisition of immunity will be privileged week and in more than 50%, reaching the over growth; otherwise they would die from lowest levels of the supplemented sheep the parasitosis before they can reach (Houdijk et al., 2006). maturity age. Once immunity is acquired, The degree of genetic resistance of the growth and reproduction are privileged over host can influence the response to food immunity, as these functions will guarantee supplementation (Coop and Holmes, 1996; the preservation of the genetic material Kahna et al., 2000). The benefits of a supe- (Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001; Houdijk et al., rior genotype are not lost in a diet poor in 2003; Kyriazakis and Houdijk, 2006). The proteins while a diet rich in proteins can initial establishment of nematodes and the help a sensitive genotype to overcome the acquisition of immunity in young animals infection (Coop and Holmes, 1996). In a are not influenced by supplementation, as study of Bricarello et al. (2005) it was they already have more priority than growth. demonstrated that breeds of sheep that were On the other hand, the expression of genetically more resistant reacted better immunity is very much affected by the protein than the sensitive breeds to an increase in content of the diet (Coop and Kyriazakis, the dietary protein when they were experi- 2001). Once the growth rate begins to decli- mentally infected with H. contortus. ne, the immune function can be fulfilled in Although both breeds resisted better the an efficient manner (Coop and Holmes, 1996). infection when increasing the protein in the The increase in the metabolizable protein in diet, the resistant breed was the only one sheep infected with O. circumcincta that showed a reduction in the parasite increased the milk production at the burden. beginning while the reduction in the parasite The nutritional levels that are poor in burden took place only at the end (Houdijk energy and proteins affect the immune et al., 2000; Kyriazakis and Houdijk, 2006). response mediated by cells. Both the number The immune break down in the peri- and the morphology of the effector cells are parturent females and during the beginning severely affected. In the nutritional levels of lactation is explained by the priority that abruptly reduced as in those kept reproduction has over immunity and in permanently low, a reduction in the moments of insufficiency of food the former phagocytosis, in the complement system is privileged. These females have great and in the opsonisation can be observed. protein demands and the supplementation The alteration of the humoral immunity in in these stages reduces the epg (Coop and malnutrition cases is the indirect result of Kyriazakis, 2001). That is to say, the immune the depression in the cellular response (Nari break down is caused by the greater and Fiel, 1994). In parasite infections, the importance that reproduction has over im- role of the T helper lymphocytes seems to munity. Therefore, if immunity is "penalized" be important in the immune response (Koski in moments of deficiency, these functions and Scott, 2001). will be benefited when supplemented with In an experimental work conducted by proteins, reducing the epg, burden and Gennari et al. (1995), the group of calves fecundity of parasites. The protein supple- that consumed a diet with high protein mentation in these cases is clearly remarked content showed a lower parasite burden, as a good antiparasitical non-chemical con- less clinical signs and less biochemical and trol method. In an experimental study it was hematological alterations than the group of observed that when removing one of the animals maintained with a low protein level. Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 137. BASABE, EIRAS AND ROMERO Similar observations were made by Knox acquisition of the infection with T. and Steel (1996) and by Coop and Kyriazakis colubriformis (Kahna et al., 2000). Besides, (2001). The first authors observed, however, the establishment of the abomasal and in- that more than the protein content in the testinal larvae seems to be independent diet what seemed to have more influence from the protein offer (Coop and Holmes, would be the immunity level previously 1996; Kahna et al., 2000). Chronical acquired. Despite this, the level of proteins haemonchosis during periods of poor in the diet would indeed be important in alimentation would indicate that there exists sheep parasited by F. hepatica and H. an association between nutrition and the contortus. already established infections. Animals to The reduction of immunity around which the protein level of the diet was parturition has nutritional bases. As the improved showed a clinical improvement; immune functions are expected to use they reduced the epg count and were more metabolizable protein, a breakdown of resistant to re-infection than those that were immunity is produced in shortage moments. kept on a basal diet (Coop and Holmes, Females around parturition privilege milk 1996). production to the expression in immunity The emergence of the "arrested" larvae (Houdijk et al., 2003, 2005). In a work in the abomasum could have nutritional conducted by Houdijk et al. (2003), it was basis, as it occurs in a moment when the observed that increasing the protein value forage offer is poorer, which leads to a lower from 190 to 330 g/day in lactating ewes expression of immunity (Coop and infected with O. circumcinta the count of Kyriazakis, 2001). epg declined but not the total parasite The protein supplementation affects burden, while in 2005 the same author various effectors of the immune response. performed an experiment in which an In parasited animals that are supplemented increase in the supplementation with with proteins, the number of eosinophils metabolizable protein in sheep in the period and other leukocytes, mast cells and next to parturition reduced the count of epg proteases from the mast cells increase in the in the faeces and the parasite burden. A 5% mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Some difference in the dry matter intake was components of the immune response such observed, with the associated reduction in as mucoproteins, leukotrienes, cytokines the ingestion of metabolizable energy when and immunoglobulins have a dispropor- comparing animals fed with food with high tionate demand of certain amino acids. The and low protein value. The milk production intestinal mucus is rich in serine, threonine improved with the first increase of metaboli- and proline, while leukotrienes are rich in zable proteins (from 184 to 273 g/day) but cysteine. Sheep that were parasited with T. not with the last ones (from 273 to 376 g/ colubriformis, when fed with methionine day). The epg count declined as the protein protected of ruminal degradation, showed supplementation increased (Houdijk et al., an increase in the immune response by the 2003). The resistance to H. contortus can be increase in the mast cells and leukocytes altered if the proteins offer is less than 30 (Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001). g/kg of dry matter, which produces weight There is enough evidence to consider loss at the beginning and later an im- that the macro-minerals and the trace munological break down (Coop and Holmes, elements influence the parasite-host 1996). relationship. As it was previously men- The increase in the offer of proteins tioned, the intestinal infections with seems to affect the expulsion of already nematodes reduce the absorption of established adults rather than to avoid the phosphorus, the retention of phosphorus Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 138. NUTRITION AND GASTROINTESTINAL PARASITISM IN RUMINANT PRODUCTION and the mineralization of the skeleton. The and offers greater amounts of protein to increase of this mineral in the diet of lambs digest and absorb in the intestine. The that received L3 of T. vitrinus raised the inefficient ruminal function produces an weight gain. The burden of T. vitrinus and increase in the heat production, which redu- the epg count was greater in the animals that ces the intake of food. The supplementation received the low phosphorus diet (Coop of low quality food with urea as a non- and Holmes, 1996). The administration of proteinaceous nitrogen source can reduce phosphorous to T. vitrinus-parasited sheep the level of infection and the effects of the reduced the epg count in 55% and the total nematodes. This response is somehow due parasite burden in 89% (Coop and to the urea stimulation effect over appetite. Kyriazakis, 2001). Other studies have shown Urea also increases the microbial protein that the administration of copper before the production and the degradation of organic infection with H. contortus and O. circum- matter by the ruminal micro-organisms cincta reduced the establishment of the (Coop and Holmes, 1996; Knox et al., 2006). nematodes in 96 and 56%, respectively, The pathogenicity of H. contortus can be although no effect was observed in the reduced by adding urea (60 g/kg of dry establishment of T. colubriformis (Coop matter) to the basal ration. Coop and and Holmes, 1996; Coop and Kyriazakis, Kyriazakis (2001) observed that parasited 1999). According to Dimander (2003), the animals whose diets were supplemented administration of copper capsules to sheep with urea showed less parasite burdens and reduced the establishment and development less biochemical and hematological altera- of parasites in the abomasum. The ionic tions. Although the response is lower than copper released by the acid of the mucosa that obtained with high quality protein, it is would be the responsible of the anthelmintic to be considered in places where obtaining effect. However, no increase in the parasite such proteins is impossible. burden was observed in hypocupremic Plants used to feed animals can affect animals (Coop and Kyriazakis, 1999). The their health not only as an alimentary source addition of molybdenum to the diet of sheep but also as a source of certain antiparasitic infected with T. vitrinus or H. contortus substances. It is well known that tannins reduced the populations of these parasites can produce this effect; however, similar in 23 and 78%, respectively. Molybdenum is results can be obtained with a variety of an oligoelement that affects the parasite other substances. Xylopia aethiopica, a populations disturbing the metabolism of tree found in Nigeria, is an example of this. the parasites or indirectly increasing the An extract of its seeds is used as a vermifuge immune response of the mucosa (Coop and of round worms. Doses of 0.8 g/kg, 1.0 g/kg, Holmes, 1996; Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001). 1.2 g/kg, 1.4 g/kg, 1.7 g/kg and 2.0 g/kg of The selenium deficiency does not seem such extract produce deparasitization of to affect the resistance to parasites while 21%, 47%, 51%, 50%, 63% and 76% the deficiency of cobalt induces greater epg respectively in treated rats, compared to counts and increased levels of pepsinogen controls (Suleiman et al., 2005). in lambs infected with O. circumcincta (Coop Tannins are found in many of the plants and Holmes, 1996). Zinc is known to be an that are part of the diet of herbivores and essential element that affects the develop- their concentration can affect the parasite ment and integrity of the immune system population (Athanasiadou et al., 2005; Coop (Brãzao et al., 2008; Coop and Kyriazakis, and Kyriazakis, 200; Nguyena et al., 2005; 2001). Tzamaloukas et al., 2005). Their concentra- The optimization of the ruminal function tion ranges from 5% in some tropical increases the microbial protein production leguminous to 50% of the dry matter in some Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 139. BASABE, EIRAS AND ROMERO other tropical plants (Coop and Kyriazakis, and Kyriazakis, 2001; Min and Hart, 2003). 2001). These substances are related to the The tannins in the plants have both plants' defences against insects and direct and indirect effects over the gastro- herbivores, and can cause either beneficial intestinal parasites (Coop and Kyriazakis, or undesirable effects on those animals that 2001; Min and Hart, 2003; Hoste et al., 2006). feed on them (Athanasiadou et al., 2000; The direct effects could be caused by the Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001). The major benefit tannin-parasite interaction, affecting the of the tannins of the plants is the protection parasite's physiology. The tannins extracted of proteins against the ruminal degradation, from several forages reduce the total enabling the digestion and absorption in nematode burden, the migration, the viability the abomasum and intestine (Coop and of the larvae and the epg count. They can Kyriazakis, 2001; Nguyena et al., 2005). They also interfere with the hatching of the eggs are usually divided into hydrolysable and and the development of infective larval condensed tannins (CT), although there are stages (Athanasiadou et al., 2001, 2005; other types. The CT are relatively stable in Nguyena et al., 2005). The CT of quebracho the digestive tract of the animals and they had a direct anthelmintic effect when they rarely have toxic effects and are, therefore, were given to sheep parasited by T. used to control parasite populations (Coop colubriformis. A reduction in the adult and Kyriazakis, 2001). The CT are the most parasite burden, in the epg count and in the frequent type of tannin found in leguminous parasite females' fecundity per capita was and trees (Min et al., 2003). The tannins observed (Athanasiadou et al., 2000). bind themselves to proteins and other Indirectly, tannins act improving the compounds in a reversible way in relation to protein nutrition by binding themselves to the pH (Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001; Muturi the proteins of the plants in the rumen and et al., 2005). They can form complexes with preventing the microbial degradation, thus proteins, polysaccharides, nuclear acids and increasing the offer of amino acids to the minerals. Although they interact with duodenum (Athanasiadou et al., 2000; carbohydrates, particularly with starch, their Coop and Kyriazakis, 2001; Nguyena et al., affinity for carbohydrates is lower than for 2005). The administration of quebracho proteins. The complexes with proteins are extract during three days (8% of the intake) influenced by the pH and the molecular reduced the epg count, the adult burden weight of both. They bind to proteins in a and the fecundity of T. colubriformis pH close to neutrality, which is the case of (Athanasiadou et al., 2001). The ideal tannin the rumen, dissociating themselves in the concentration would be somewhere around acid pH of the abomasum to be digested 20-40g/kg of dry matter, level in which they (Muturi et al., 2005). The complexes also bind themselves to the diet proteins during dissociate in the intestine due to the bile chewing. A tannin concentration higher than acids that act as surfactants (Athanasiadou 50g/kg of dry matter can transform them into et al., 2000). This reaction can be used to anti-nutritional factors with adverse effects reduce the protein degradation in the rumen both on food ingestion and on ruminal without reducing the microbial protein syn- function (Nguyena et al., 2005). Lambs thesized. The tannins in Lotus corniculatus infected with T. colubriformis had higher and Hedysarum coronarium can be used to daily live weight gains, lower epg counts increase the absorption of essential amino and lower parasite burdens when they acids in the intestine. Yet, not all of the pastured the Mediterranean leguminous H. tannins found in plants produce such coronarium (12% CT) than when they increase. This would be related to the pastured leguminous without CT. Similarly, structure of the tannins themselves (Coop lambs naturally exposed to nematodes had Archivos de zootecnia vol. 58(R), p. 140.