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Author Index’ Adra M (see Makarem et al). 2001;49 Allen M (see Oberle and Allen). 200 48-53 American Academy of Nursing. Living legends. 2001;49:56-8 Anderson CA. A culture of excellence and achievement. 200 Anderson CA. Do we practice what we teach? 2001;49:( Anderson CA. Hanging tough. 2001;49:113-4 (Editorial Anderson CA. Health promotion-fact or fiction. 2001;4° Anderson CA. Revolution 6 (Editcrial Bakauskas WH é Kalnins et al). 2001;49:142-7 Benner P. Expert panei on ethics. 2001;49:107 Bennett C (see Bolton et al). 2001;49:258-62 Bolton LB, Bennett C, Richards H, Gary-Harris E, Harris L, Millon-l Williams BS. Nursing research priorities of the National Black Nurses 2001:49:258-62 Bowman CC, Gardner D. Building health services r trom members of nursing’s leadership. 2001 Brecht ML (see Sarna et al). 2001:49:166-72 Brewer ( Kovner Cl 2001:49:20-6 Brown JK (see Sarnae t al). 2001:49:166 > Buerhaus PI. Follow-up conversatior with | ucian Leape or in health care. 2001;49:73-7 Buerhaus PI, Norman L. It’s time to require theory and methods of qualit me1enNtn in b} asic: anndd og raduja tet er nursin—g edujc ation. 20000 1;499:-7766 .9 Bull J (see Maddox et al). 2001;49:8 Cc Calvillo ER (see Portilloe t al). 2001;49:263-9 Cho SH. Nurse staffing and adverse patient outcomes 2001;49:78-85 ox R (see Nelson et al). 2001;49:37-42 raft-Rosenberg M, Krajicek M. Identification of nursing care quality and outcon indicators for children for use by parents selecting health care services for their ch dren. 2001;49:24 D de Leon Siantz ML (see Portillo et al). 2001;49:263-9 Deatrick J (see Mohr et al). 2001;49:30-6 Dulaff JE. To the editor. 2001;49:286 (Letter Dumit NY (see Makarem et al). 2001;49:43-9 E Engebretson J, Littleton LY. Cultural negotiation: a constructivist-based model nursing practice. 2001;49:223-2 30 Eribes CM (see Portillo et al). 2001;49:263-9 Evans K (see Nelson er al). 2001 349:37-42 F Freda MC. To the editor. 2001;49:286-7 (Letter Lettelmar Lewis D Pesut D] *January/February, 1-64; March/April, 65-112; May/June, 113-160; July/August Lewis JA 161-208; September/October, 209-250; November/December, 251-296 NURSING OUTLOOK NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2001 Index to Volume 49, 2001 Author index Lindquist M (see Sole and Lindquist). 2001 Littleton LY (see Engebretson and Littleton Louie KB. White paper on the health st and recommendations for research. 2001 Lynn J (see Murphy et al). 2001;49:2 Maddox PJ, Wakefield M, Bull educational change. 2001;49:8 MahonMM (see Mohert al). 2001 30-6 Makarem S, Dumit NY, Adra M, Kassak K outcomes of baccalaureate nursi experience. 2001;49:43-9 Marion L. The nursing Mastrian KG. Diftering percept 2001;49:23 1-7 McClure M (see Hinshaw McClure M. President's message Millon-Underwood S (see Bolton et a Mohr WK. A commentary on commen Mohr WK, Deatrick J, Richmond lent times. 2001;49:30-6 Mohr WK (see Horton-Deutsch and Moody LE. Opportunities and account. 2001;49:108-9 Murphy PA, Price DM, St tionso f the SUPPORT nurs Nativio DG. Professionalisn ited. 2001;4 Nativio DG. Service-learning, the holarship of servic Neale JE. Patient outcom f perspect lson M \ model college 2001:49:21 Nelson R, Parkman the bedside. 2001; Newell-Withrow (¢ 2001:49:270-] Norman I Oberle K, Allen M O'Grady TP. Profour PergalloN (see Portilloe t Perry SE. To the editor. 200 Pesut DJ. Appreci Pesut DJ Pesut D] Pesut D] Pesut D] I Pesut DJ. Wild cards. 2( VOLUME 49 * NUMBER6 NURSING OUTLOOK Subject Index’ Community health services Achievement Consultants Activities of daily Consumer participation Cooperative behavior Aged Ditf=)i orrections AHCPR; see United States Agency for Health Care Policy and Research orrespondence; see Lettetros t he Editor Alternative medicine reativeness Altruism | ’ ulturai dir ersity American Academy of Nursing ulture Asian Americans \ Decision maki1 ng Baltic states Discrimination (Psychological Dissertations, academic Benoliel, Jeanne Quint Blacks . Editorials; see From the Editor Education, distance areer mability ' Education, nursing idy (Fre L) hange; see Social change hater, Shirley $ | - legoeneds . 200] Child health services Clinical competence End-ot-lite Clinical nursing research News trom NINR (Grad I 2001:49:11 4 Collaboration; see Cooperative behavior Education, nursing, associate Communication NINR Education, nursing, baccalaureate ? 4 Community health nursing Ro} ' Dalancing freedom W nity-based 1re siaclte nt rriculum to i v ! I I if I iW ldet , ’ Education, nursing, graduate “January/February, | March/April l v/June, 11 July/August 161-208; September/October, 209-250; November (URSING OUTLOOK NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2001 Index to Volume 49, 2001 Subject index Research Spring Science Work Group (Sigmon and Grady). 2001;49:179-81 he nursing leadership pipeline (Marion). 2001;49:244-5 It’s time to require theory and methods of quality improvement in basic and graduate President's me wursing workforce concerns: gett o the er pol ssues nursing education (Buerhaus and Norman). 2001;49:76-9 Hinshaw and McClure). 2001;49:106-10 News from NINR (Grady). 2001;49:114 Health promotion The nursing leadership pipeline (Marion). 2001;49:244-5 Health promotion-fact or fiction (Anderson). 2001;49:161-2 (Ed Revolution and reform or immutability and invariability (Anderson). 2001;49:65-6 Health services research (Editorial) Building health services res pac nursin fr , ) ) Employee performance appraisal ursing’s leadership (Bowman and Gard 2001;49:187-92 Assessing the credibility of a clinical ladder review process: an interrater re Herbs study (Froman RD). 2001;49:27-9 lo the editor (Leftelman). 2001;49:287-8 (Letter End-of-life care; see Terminal care Hispanic Americans Ethics, nursing Research agenda for Hispanics it United States: a nurs perspective (Portillo ¢ [o the editor (Scarborough). 2001;49:288 (Letter al). 2001;49:263-9 Ethics development for clinical faculty (Hamric). 2001;49:115-7 History of nursing Expert panel on ethics (Benner). 2001;49:107 Living legends. 2001;49:56-8 Reflections on being in the middle (Hamric). 2001;49:254-7 Holistic nursing Ethnic groups Cultural ation: a constructivist-based model f oT ce (Engebretso Research agenda for Hispanics in the United States: a nur ctive (Portillo « Littleton). 2001;49:223-3 al). 2001;49:263-9 Homosexuality, female White paper on the health status of Asian Americans and Pac ecom Do we practice w teach (Anderson CA). 2001;49:6 (Edit mendations for research (Louie). 2001;49:173-8 Stories of lesbiar sibili ’ sing (Giddings and Smith). 2001;49:14-9 Evidence-based medicine To the editor (Stetler). 2001;49:286 (Letter I News from NINR: congressional testimony for fiscal year 2002 (Grady). 2001 Identification (Psychology) +9:165 Storieso f lesbian in/visibility in nursing (Giddings and Sm 2001;49:14-9 Updating the Stetler model of research utilization to facilitate evidence-based practice Infants, low birth weight Stetler). 2001;49:272-9 News from NINR: con ) estin for fisc ear 2092 (Grady). 200 F amIGD Information services Faculty, nursing Emergence of consumer health care informatics (Lewis and Pesut). 2001;49 Ethics development for clinical faculty (Hamric). 2001;49:115 Information systems \ model for scholarship in nursing: a private liberal arts college (Nelson Emer e of consumer health care informat \ id Pesut). 2001;4 2001;49:217-22 International Congress of Nurses Revolution and reformo r immutability and invariability (Anderson). 2001;49:65-6 President's message: global collegiality and collaboration (Hinsha 2001;49:202 (Editorial) Internet Teaching effectiveness and learning outcomes of baccalaureate nursing na Enhancing tr ul, televised 1 videotaped courses with Web-based technolo critical care practicum: a Lebanese experience (Makarem et al). 2001;49:43-9 1 comparison of student satisfaction (Sole and Lindquist). 2001;49:132 Family Under the radar: contributions of the SUPPORT nurses (Murphy et al L 2001;49:238-42 Leadership Fellowships and scholarships Appreciative inquiry (Pesut). 2001;49:163 Opportunities and challenges for senior scholars in residence: a personal account Assumptions ee hold us (Pesut). 2001:49:210 Moody). 2001;49:108-9 he fading of nursing leadership (Horton-Deutsch and Mohr). 2001;49:121-6 Felton, Geraldene lhe nursing leadership pipeline (Marion). 2001;49:244-5 Living legends. 2001;49:56-8 Profound change: 21st century nursing (O'Grady). 2001;49:182¢ Financial management Spiral Pu leader nsights “<a 2001-49-70 President's message: an opportunity for growth (Hinshaw). 2001;49:55 Learning Forecasting Assumptions that hold us (Pesut). 2001;49:210 Profound change: 21st century nursing (O'Grady). 2001;49:182-6 Service-learningt,h e scholarshipo f service (Nativio DG). 2001:49:164 Wild cards (Pesut). 2001;49:253 Teaching effectiveness and learning outcomes of baccalaureate nursing students in a From the Editor critical care practicum: a Lebanese experience (Makarem et al). 2001;49 p 9 \ culture of excellence and achievement (Anderson). 2001;49:209 (Editorial Legislation Do we p1 ractice . what t we te» ach (Andnedresrosno n 4 CA). 22000011:; 49:6 (Edliitt orial | B2a lancing freedom with risks: th| e experience of nursit z task delegation in commu |T he e» conomics of a nursingQ o deg~~r ee (Andere son). 2? 001;4] 9: ) 22 51-2(? Edito! rialia l nity-based residential care settings (Si1 kma and Young). 2001:49:1,9 3 > Hangimninge tou-g h (Anderson). } 20012;04091:-4191-31-143 (Edliittoorriiaall Legis. lati: on, nursi: ng Hea“ lth pr' omotion-cifala ct or =.f iction (Andej rson). ») 22 001;1-4499:-11661]-_2? (Edito‘ rial ] Cha1 llenges and opportunities for nurse-midwj ives (Roberts). 2001;49:213-2 6 Rdee voluti+ on and . reform or immyumtuatbabiilliitny anvdd iitn variaibabiilliirttyy ((AAnnddeerrs on). 2200001 :491::469:565- 6 Lesbiaatni sm; see Hr omosexuality4 , female (Editorial) Letters to the Editor Fund raising lo the editor (Dulaff JE). 2001;49:286 (Letter President's message: an opportunity for growth (Hinshaw). 2001;49:55 To the editor (Feda). 2001:49:286-7 (Letter H To the editor (Friedman). 2001;49:287 (Letter To the editor (Haller). 2001;49:248 (Letter Health manpower To the editor (Leftelman). 2001:49:287-8 (Letter Diversity: an answer to the nursing shortage (Newell-Withrow and Slusher). 2001; To the editor (Masson). 2001;49:248 (Letter) 49:270-1 (Commentary To the editor (Perry). 2001;49:248 (Letter) The economics of a nursing degree (Anderson). 2001;49: 251-2(Editorial) To the editor (Scarborough). 2001;49:288 (Letter) Hanging tough (Anderson). 2001;49:1 13-4 (Editorial) To the editor (Stetler). 2001;49:286 (Letter Is there another nursing shortage: what the data tell us (Brewer and Kovner Long-term care 2001;49:20-6 Balancing freedom with risks: the experience of nursing task delegation in commu- 294 VOLUME 49 * NUMBER6G NURSING OUTLOOK Subject index Index to Volume 49, 2001 nity-based residenti ,D iftering perception 2001: 231 Medical errors Follow 2001:49:8 Medicine, herbal To the editor (Leftelr Minority groups News trom NINR , : W)) 4%) ( Grady). 2001;49:2 Nursing staff, hospital Models, theoretical Ly ; ' 10 the editor Organizational culture National Black Nurses Association Nursing research priorities of the National Organizational innovation 2001-49:258-G6? New York 2001;4° Nurse midwives Outcomes, patient; see Treatment outcomes c t P Nurse-patient relations Reflections on bein Pacific Islands Nurse practitioners To the editor (Fric Palliative care Nurses Barriers oncology ) Io the editor (Haller Parents Hanging tough (Ander oil Is there another 21.40. 2001:49:20-6 Kraiicel 00 |L iving12 |l egends. is. 22000 011:;4499::5566- 8 Patient advocacy \ , The nature of advanced practice nursing (Oberle lit S President's message: nursing workforce concerns R A Hinshaw and McClure). 2001;49:106-10 Patient care Nursing I A culture of excellence and achievement (Anderson Nursing assessment vealth a Acute care functional assessment begins at the bedside (Nelsor Patient discharge Nursing care ‘ - Telehealth advancing nursing practice (Jenkins and White Peer review Nursing process Cultural negotiation: a constructivist-based model for nursit and Littleton). 2001;49:223-30 Nursing research Building health services research capacity in nursing: views from members of nursing’s leadership (Bowman and Gardner). 2001;49:187-92 Increasing nursing postdoctoral opportunities: National Institute of Nursing Research Spring Science Work Group (Sigmon and Grady). 2001;49:179-81 News from NINR: congressional testimony for fiscal year 2002 (Grady). 2001 Wakefield). 2001 549:165 Personnel staffing and scheduling News from NINR (Grady). 2001;49:114 Nurse staftting and adverse patient outcomes News from NINR (Grady). 2001;49:42 Photography News from NINR: Happy birthday, NINR (Grady). 2001;49:66 Understand News from NINR: making a difference (Grady). 2001:49:25 49-50-4 News from NINR: research partnership program to address health disparities Physician-nurse relations (Gr. ady)., >2 001:4499-:9233 7 To ; the editor (Masson). 200 NURSING OUTLOOK NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2001 Index to Volume 49, 2001 Subject index Preventive health services Smoking cessation Health promotion-fact or fiction (Anderson). 2001;49:161-2 (Editorial Professional practice A culture of excellence and achievement (Anderson). 2001;49:20° To the editor (Haller). 2001;49:248 (Letter The fading of nursing leadership (Horton-Deutsch und Mohr Professionalism revisited (Nativio). 2001;49:71 Prognosis Under the radar: contributions of the SUPPORT 49:238-42 Public policy Linking health policy to nur wie ri | OO 19-/Q Wakefield). 2001;49:204 Societies, nursing. see also American Academy of Nursing Publications A commentary on comments (Mohr). 2001;49 lo the editor Fedaj1a) . 21)0 011:. 49AC :2>8 6 ] Linking health policy to Wakefield). 2001;49:204 News from NINR: making a difference Quality assurance, health care It’s time to require theory and methods of qi leaching nursing education (Buerhaus and Norn | Quality of health care A culture of excellence and a Tele medic ine Identification of nursing ca parents selecting health Terminal care Krajicek). 2001;49:24 Patient safety and the need for prot 2001;49:8-13 Quality of life News from NINR (Grady). 2001 Reimbursement mechanisms Challenges and opportunities for « d Religion I ranscultural nursing Wild cards (Pesut). 2001;49:253 Research, nursing; see Nursing research Ooo 49-50 Research personnel Treatment outcomes News from NINR: research partner Grady). 2001;49:23 Research support News from NINR: Happy birthday Visiting scholar at stranger in a strang 2001:49:206 00 PPORT Residential care facilities Balancing freedom with risks nity-based residential care setti Restraints, physical Expert panel on ethi United States Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Visiting eclisler ar the Aawncy for Meals Care Pa Safety Follow up conversation with Buerhaus). 2001;49:73-7 Patient satety and the need for professional an lucation ange (Maddox Values; see Social values 2001:49:8-13 Salaries and fringe benefits The econemics of i nursing Women Schools, nursing Che Society tor Women’s Health Resear To the editor (Perry). 2001 Workforce; see Health manpower Schorr, Thelma M. World Wide W eb; see Internet Living legends. 2001;49:56-8 Writing Self care 4 Acute care functional assessm \ NUMBER 6 NURSING OUTLOOK " ae

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