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Preview Nursing Clinics of North America 1998: Vol 33 Index

CUMULATIVE INDEX 1998 Volume 33 March SUBSTANCE ABUSE INTERVENTIONS IN GENERAL NURSING PRACTICE, pages 1-118 MENTAL HEALTH NURSING INTERVENTIONFSOR THI GENERALIST NURSE, pages 119-237 June ETHICS FOR NURSING PRACTICE, pages 239-386 September GERIATRIC NURSING, pages 387-571 December ORTHOPEDIC NURSING, pages 573 = 4 a) numbers of article titles are in boldface type Abuse, physical. See Violence, famil sports injuries in. See Acupuncture, in treatomf aeddincttion , 1 olescent Addicted clients, communication with, 5 substance abuse by. Se © Ol cultural sensitivity and competen ce with by adoles« 11.12 Advanced practice nurse in geriatrics, 485 nurse’s role in helping, 6-11 \ffective disorders, psychotropic medica pain management in, 53-58 tions in, 218-220 treatment of, referrals for, 57 \frican Americans, psychotropic drug re Addiction. See also SubsSttaarn ice abu actions in, 229 biopsychosocial model of, 4, 5 Aggression, 122 brief interventions for, nurse’s role i Aging, rethinking, 388-390 9-11 Alcohol, adolescent use of, 30 k cocaine, three-stage 1 family violence and, 204 < covery from, 24, 25 relationship with injury, 93, 94 essential concepts of, 1-13 withdrawal from, 83-87 among nurses. See also Imp. Alcohol drinkers, typeso f, 94, 95 A\lcohol-related injuries, brief intervention scope and impacto f, 106, 107 after, 93-104 pain management and, 51-53 ambivalence in, 97, 98 myths related to, 49-51 efficacy of, 98, 98 physical dependence and, 49, 5( giving advice in, 100, 101 prevention of, nurse’s role in, 7 key elements of, 96, 97 process of, 2, 3 negotiating a plan in screaend ndeitecntiogn of, nurse’s role proceduresi n, 98-100 in, 5, 9 providing feedback in, 100 theory of, 45 Alendronate, in osteoporosis, 579 treatment of, acupuncture inn, 11 0 Alkaline phosphatase, testing, 693-694 behavior-based, 10, 11 Alzheimer’s disease, 228 nurse’s role in, 9-11 Ambulatory care, musculoskeletal prob pharmacotherapeutic, 10 lems in, 649-650 relapse prevention in, 11 American College of Rheumatology crite Addddiiccttiioonn |R esearch Foundation Clinical |I n ria for fibromyalgia, 659 stitute Withdrawal Assessment \mphetamines, adolescent use of, 31 Alcohol, 77 2 83 withdrawal from, 90, 91 Adolescents, smoking cessation interven Amputation prevention in diabetics. See tion in, 68-71 Diabetic fooott, amputation prevention 72 scent use of, 31 1ant women with spinal 19 pharmacologi issessmenit of sensory 16 r¢ nde r issues in types ol theories about d undertreatment of Anger lisorders 121-13 Anxiolytic drugs, 227 ymmunity resources for Aromatherapy, for anxiety disorders, 14¢ diagnosis, 125, 126 Arthritis, rheumatoid, case study 595-602 iursing interventions for Arthroplasty, infection incidence in, 6 77> for anger directed inward, 129 Arthroscopy infection incidence in, 6 for chronically angry patient, 1212 7, 1 Sy Ashkenazi Jews, psychotropic drug reac for excess outwardly directed anger tionsi n, 229 : 120, 129 Asians, psychotropic drug reactions in, 229 for ineffective expression of anger 128 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorde 129 ADHD), 228 initial, 12 Autonomic hyperreflexia, in pregnant Animals, companion. See Companior women with spinal cord injurie 609-610 Ankles, examination, 648 Autonomy of elderly. See Elde injuries in adolescent athletes, 620 Avicenna, theory of agingo f, 559 Ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthri tis versus, 598 Anorexia nervosa osteoporosis and 576 Back pain low. See Low bac Bacon, Roger, 559, 560, 564 7 int Anterior cruciate ligament injuries, in ad« Benzodiazepines, for treatment of alcohol lescent athletes, 621 withdrawal, 84-87 Antibiotic prophylaxis, in orthopedic sur Biomedical perspectives, 715-716 gery, 675-676 on low back pain in pregnancy Antidepressants, 218-221 Bipolar disorder, 156 atypical, 219, 221 Bisphosphonates, in osteoporosis, 579 tricyclic, 218, 219 Blood urea nitrogen, testing, 694-695 in fibromyalgia syndrome, 664-665 Bonaventure, Saint, theory of aging of Antinuclear antibodies test, 596 Bone physiology, 574 Antipsychotic medications, 223 Bone scans, 698-699 Anxiety. See also Anxiety disorders Bowel function, in pregnant women w in elderly, versus delirium, 421, 422 spinal cord injuries, 607 as nursing diagnosis, 137 Brachial plexus injuries, in newborns nursing theory in assessment of, 137 589 138 ind panic, nursing management of, 135- 151 Calcaneovalgus foot, 589, 590-591 symptoms of, versus anxiety disorders Calcitonin n osteopI orosis 75 7) Yq 135, 136 Calcium, in osteoporosis, 5 Anxiety disorders, 223, 227 testing for, 692-693 assessment of, 137-142 Calgary Family Assessment Model, for community self-help groups for, 15 families and communities etiology of, 141, 142 Lu M ik ide 559 generalized, 138, 223 Caps, surgical, 678 from general medical condition Cardiovascular complications, prevention prevalence of, 136 in pregnant women with spinal cord professional bias against, 136, 137 injuries, 605—606 professional help for, 149, 150 Charcot joint deformity6,3 0 referralfso r, 149, 150 Chemical dependence, 1, 2. See also ta separation, 141 stigma of, 136, 137 Child abuse. See also Violence, family treatment of, 142-149 mental health interventions for victim of behavioral, 147, 148 211 CUMULATIVE INDEX hildren, psychotropic drug 1 recommendations and goals for treat 70 ment 25 hromosomes, 278 substance use assessment in, 20, 21 rarette smoking. See Sn three-stage model of recovery, 24, 25 ation reactive protein, 655-6059 smoking, by adolescents reatine kinase, testing, 693-694 linical ethics program, backg reatinine ratio, testing, 694-695 300 301 yclobenzaprine, in fibromyalgia syn lonidine, in treatment of opioid \ drome, 665 drawal, S5Y lubfoot, 589, 591 ocaine, crack. See Crack withdrawal from, 90, 91 ecision making, ethical. See Ethical de ode of Ethics for Nurses, 288 ion n iKinN 4 ognitive assessment, in elderly 395—405 ecubitus ulcers, in pregnant women with calculation, 402 spinal cord injuries, 608 confused behavior, 402 cura lapidis ad Cardinalem Bessarionem content, 398-400 560 domains, 399-404 Delirium, in elderly, 417-440 functional status, 399, 400 causes and contributing factors, 426 432 general appearance, 399 intellect, 402 clinical manifestations, 418-420 judgment, 404 clinical subtypes, 420, 421 level of awareness, 401 Confusion Assessment Method in assess memory, 402 ment of, 423, 426 mood and affect, 402, 403 dehydration and, 438, 439 motor behaviors, 399 jementia, depression, psychosis, and orientation, 401, 402 anxiety versus, 421, 422 perceptual patterns, 402 detection of, 424-426 skills needed for, 396-398 electrolyte and metabolic disturbances and, 439 speech patterns, 399 thought processes, 403 hypoxemia and, 438 ompanion animals, 701-711 infection and, 439, 440 as source of social support, 703 medications and, 437 in orthopedic patients, 706-708 nursing guide for evaluation of causes omplete blood count, in rheumatoid ar of, 437-440 thritis, 597, 600 nursing strategies, 431, 432 omputed tomography, 690-691 pain and, 437, 438 onduct disorder, in adolescents, as risk pharmacologic treatment, 432 factor for substance abuse, 36 physiologic aspects, 427-429 ontusions, quadriceps, in adolescent ath prediction of, 423, 424 letes, 625 psychosocial and environmental aspects rack cocaine, prenatal use of, contextual 429-432 issues, 16-18 lusional disorder, versus schizophrenia criteria for identification of, 19, 20 220, 221 dimensions of problem, 16-19 slusions, in psychotic patients, 197 family and community assessment »mentia, versus depression, 161 family and environmental issues, 18 *mentia Mood Assessment Scale, 407 gender differences and, 18, 19 410-412 high-risk behaviors and, _ pression, actions in, 158 individual issues, 17, 18 in adolescents, 35, 36, 626 interventions, 15-27 anger in, 125 major indicators of, 19, 20 assessment, 160-167 medical and contextual consequences of body sensations and processes in, 159 15, 16 160 nursing assessment approaches, 20 comorbid conditions in, 166 physical assessment, 21-23 crack cocaine use and, 20 potential cardiovascular complications, danger in, 163 22, 23 definition of, 155-157 psychological assessment, 20, 21 dementia versus, 161 elderly, assessment of, current stan dard of, 409, 41 Dementia Mood A sessment Scale in, 410-412 lifferentiated nursing, 407-416 Hamilton Rating r Scale for Depres sioni n, 410-412 importance of issessing symptoms 4108 409 lelirium versus, 4 . 422 ray absorptiometry ic, cultural gender and social fa der, 156 tors in, 166 feelingsi n, 158 functional impairment in, 166 Eating disorders, osteoporosis and grief versus, 161, 162 Eating problems, in elderly, new 1s health problem, 156 interpersonal relations in, 158, 159 Ecchymoses, 649 l66 Economics, of infection nterventions for, exampleso f, 169 6 7 orientation phase of Education, patient, in diabetic resolution in, 170 634-63 theory-guided, 160 in fibromyalgia syndrome working phase of, 167-170 Elbows, examination, 647 nurse-client relationship and, theo injuries in adolescent athl frameworko f, 154, 155 Elder autonomy, 267 psychiatric disorder, 156 cultural differences and, 272 referralfso r, 167, 168 definition of, 266—268 risk factors for, 161, 163 depressioannd , 271, 272 self dimensions in, 163 issues for nurses, 265-274 sles pin y and eating disturbances in, 159 limitationso n, 268-270 160 nurse as patient advocate and, 27 spiritual health and, 166 perceived meaning of life and, 265 266 symptoms, 163-165 research in, 270-272 thinking processes in, 15 traditional versus care ethic in is transient feeling, 155, 156 Elderly, abuse and neglect in, 457 treatment of, through therapeutic nurs¢ also \ Negly] r in elderly client relationship, 153-172 re-specific evaluation of }), nectute conservanda,. 558 emotional, 526 letoxification, 75, 76 physiological outpatient, 85, 86 psychosocial Developmental dysplasia of hip, 585-587 safety issues DEXA, 576-577 teaching issues, 527 Diabetic foot amputation prevention, 629- ute care for, patient-centered model of 641 515-521 epidemiology, 629 environmental design in, 516, 517 guidelines 633 634 functional assessment in, 517 pathophysiology and, glucose control interdisc iplinary team assessment in 632 518—52( modifiable risk factors, 6 interdisciplinary team rounds in, 520 neuropathy, 629-631 521 peripheral vascular disease, 631 nursing protocols in, 517, 518 wound healing, 631-632 nitive assessment in. See ( patient education, 634-637 risk factor reduction, 637 ive impairment in, new ap ulcer treatment, 637-639 proac hes to, 392, 393 Diagnostic procedures in orthopedic nurs ymmunity-dwelling, depressive symp ing. See Testing, in orthopedic 1 nursing toms in, differentiated nursing as Domestic violence. See Violence, family sessment of, 407-416 Drug withdrawal, alcohol, 83-87 ympliance issues with, 467-480 thical environment of health care services ability to engage in ethics delibera tions in, 366, 36 idministrative support in, 36 rspective on backgroundo f, 363-366 563 lefinition of, 364, 365 environment, 96! 4l5 iscussionof , 3 7 257 7 1 Ethics Environment Questionnair¢ EQ) in assessment of, 365. 366 findings on, 366—370 policies and 1 proceduresi n, 368, 369 thics committees, institutional, changing psychotherapy, 564 juest for eternayolut h in med times, 566, 56 s Environment Questionnaire 365, 366 it Le uses, 560, 561 program, clinical, data analysis nonnaturals 303, 304 data collection in > Tae! mistreatment of, 457-46 discussionin , 306—310 457-466 exploratory analyses in al responsibility findings of, 304-306 544 hypothesized outcom psychotropic drug reactior methods in, 302-304 smoking cessation interventi for nurses, 299-311 syndromes of 5} 393 purpose and desi gn of, 301 lectrolytes, testing, 687, 690-693 thnic and cultural factors in delivery of ngagement model of neonatal nursing care interventions 353-361 with uncertain prognosis xamination Det ysicai examinat Enzymes, testing, 687, 693-694 xercise, in fibromyalgia syndrome, 66 picondyle injuries, in adolesce in osteoporosis, 5/5 65 > rb-Duchenne-Klumpke injury rb’s palsy, 587 ace masks surgicé il, 678 ills, preventiono f, 578 rgogenic aids, in adolescent athlete 0620 itigue, in fibromyalgia syndrome, 657 rythrocyte sedimentation rate 6355—H5Y eeding probl} ems,, in3 91e,l de2r9l9y , new ap in rheumatoid arthritis, 596-597, 600 proaches to 92 Estrogen, in osteoporosis, 574-575 eet abnormalities in newborns, 589-591 Estrogen replacement therapy, in os tt eopo diabetic per Diabetic foot rosis, 577 r examination, 648 Ethical decision making, determinants of emale athlete triad, 625 546-549 eminist perspectives, 716-717 educational variables, 547 548 on low back pain in pregnancy, 718-723 environmental variables, 548 emur injuries, in adolescent athletes, 624 personal variables, 548, 549 etus, in maternal spinal cord injury, 60¢ in health care, changing health care 607 structures and, 380-382 Fibromyalgia syndrome, 653-669 future of, 373-384 American College of Rheumatology crite interprofessional cooperation and ria, 659 378-380 as diagnosis of exclusion, 654-656 nature of, 288 etiology ‘ 662 664 principilism in, 375 376 evolution into accepted diagnosis, 660 relevance to clinical problems, 374 662 problems related to, 545, 546 negative findings, 656 promotion of, 549-553 objective findings, 655, 658-660 educational strategies for, 550 551 subjective findings, 655, 656-658 professional empowerment in, 551-553 treatment, 664-666 supporting nurses in, 543-555 Ficino, Marsilio, 558 730 Fluoxetine, in fibromyalgia syndrome, 665 discharge planning and home Foot. See fF of, 497-513 I ractures, scaphoid, in adolescent athletes emotional status assessment, 500 6 >> 6 evaluating plan of care, 510 facilitators of plan of care, 510 Gait, unstable, in elderly functional status assessment, 501, 502 Galen, theory of aging of home environment assessment, 502 Garcia Carrero, Pedro interventions, 504—509 Gateway drugs, 30 knowledge needs, 503, 504 Genes, 277 physical status assessment Genetics, in osteoporosis, 575 prov iding direct care scientific baseso f, 277, 278 teaching for, 507, 508 Genetic testing, 278-283 Heroin, adolescent use of, 31 ind allocation of health care resources withdrawal from, 87-90 280 Hips, developmental dysplasia, 585-587 for carriers examination, 648-649 efr OtTh icaaiil s eaisem,p lic22 7a tions o Hohinejnuhrieeism ,i n Tadhoeloepshcreants tuasth leBtoesm,b as62t4u s Pat prenatal, 282, 283 acelsus von, 567 purpose and meaning of, 283-285 Hornecke, Burchard, 558, 560, 567 seriatric nursing, care goalsi n, 389, 390 Horner's syndrome, brachial plexus injury interdisciplinary mandate in, 388, 389 and, 587, 588 rethinking, 387-394 Hostility, 122 seriatric resource nurse, 483-485 Human Genome Project seriatric resource nurse model of care Huntington's disease, 276, 2 481-496 Hyperactivity, in adolescents, as risk factor in California, 486-488 for substance abuse, 35, 36 evolution of, 493, 494 Hypercalcemia, testing for, 693 factors influencing successo f, 492, 493 Hyperkalemia, testing for, 691-692 in lowa, 488-490 Hypernatremia, testing for, 690-691 Hypertension, in diabetic foot disease, 633 overview of, 483 potential challengeso f, 493 Hypocalcemia, testing for, 693 roles of team members in, 483-486 Hypokalemia, testing for, 692 in Virginia, 490-492 Hyponatremia, testing for, 691 ontocomia, scili | Hypoxia, prevention in pregnant women with spinal cord injuries, 605 sloves, 679 slucose control, in diabetic foot disease 632 Imaging, 696-699 ,ordon, Bernard de, 561 Immunoglobulins, testing, 689-690 out, rheumatoid arthritis versus, 599 Impaired nursing practice, definition of testing for, 695 105, 106 Gowns, surgical, 678-679 peer responses to, effective, 105-118 Grief, versus depression, 161, 162 ineffective, 112, 113 as intervention, 113, 114 Hair removal, in orthopedic surgery, 680 progress, trends, and challenges in Hallucinations, in psychotic patients, 197 115, 116 Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, 407 recognition of, 107-109 410-412 recovery from, return to practice after Hand and wrist examination, 647-648 114, 115 Hand injuries, in adolescent athletes, 622 treatment for, 114 623 workplac e indicators of, 109-112 Hand scrub, surgical, 679-680 behavioral changes, 110 Heart failure in elderly, advocacy for, 502 changes in appearance, 111, 112 503, 508, 509 decreased clinical judgment, 110 assessing patient needs, 498-504 drug diversion, 110, 111 care needs, 498-502 job performance, 109, 110 barriers to meeting, 510, 511 overuse of health care services, 11 counseling for, 507 work attendance, 109 CUMULATIVE INDEX 731 Impingement syndrome, shoulder I ipids, diabetic foot disease and, 633, 63 lescent athletes, 623-624 + I ittt hium, 219, 220, 222 ontinence, urinary, in elderly, 441-455 Lorenz of Wurzburg, Archbishop, 558 behavioral treatment, 449, 45( II ow back pain, in pregnancy, 713-724 epidemiology, 441-445 biomedical and feminist perspectives incidence, 444 715-723 quality of life and, 445-447 etiology, 714, 718-719 severity of, 443, 444 implications for nurses treatment, incontinence aids, 451, 45 measurement, 71 new approaches, 391 prevalence, 714 options, 448-451 treatment, 714-715, 719-72 pharmacologic, 448 Lower extremity examination, 648-649 seeking, 447, 448 Lupus erythematosus, systemic, rheuma surgical, 448, 449 toid arthritis versus, 598 Infections, in orthopedic su health care economic host factors influencing Magnetic resonance imaging, 69 incidence of. 672 Magnus, Albertus, 563 room ventilation svstet Managed care organizations rating ind. 677 Marijuana, adolescent use of, 30 operation-related events influencing Meniscal injuries, in adolescent athletes 674 676 621 pathogenesis of, 67 Meperidine, withdrawal from, 87-90 preventiono f, 677-680 Metatarsus adductus, 589-590 responsible organisms, 67 Methadone, in treatment of opioid with testinfgo r, 686, 687-690 drawal, 89 irinary tract, in pregnant women witl withdrawal from, 87-90 spinal cord injuries, 608-609 Methoirexate, in rheumatoid arthritis, 60( Inflammation, testing for, 686, 688-689 Methylprednisolone, in pregnant women Inhalants, adolescent use of, 30, 31 with spinal cord injuries, 606 Injuries. See Alcohol-related inju Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 218 90) y, in women wit} . 4f ood stabilizing drugs 2719 990 999 Sports injuries in adol Morphine, withdrawal from, 87-90 Innocentius VIII, Pope, 558 Multicultural issues, in delivery of nursing Intensive care, neonatal. See New! care interventions, 353-361 tensive care yf case study of 35 359 Intravenous drug use, crack « implications of, 359, 360 and, 17, 18 Musculoskeletal examination, 643-653 in ambulatory care, 649-650 brief screening, 646-649 Joint assessment, 644, 645 history taking, 643-646 Joint fluid analysis, 699 resources, 650--651 Joint +t motion, of ne-w born ns 585 Music therapy, for anxiety disorders, .1 46 Klumpke injury, 587 Neck examination, 647 Knees, examination, 648 injuries in adolescent athletes, 62 Neglect, in elderly, 457-466 behavioral strategies, 475 conceptual models, 463, 464 Labor, in women with spinal cord injuries definitions, 467-469 610-611 determinants and dynamics Laboratory tests, in orthopedic nursing. See 470-473 Testing, in orthopedic nursing educational strategies, 474 in rheumatoid arthritis, 596-598, 601 Hudson taxonomy and, 459, 461 Laminar air flow, 677 interventions, 473-477 Leukocyte esterase, testing, 695-696 maintaining treatment compliance and Libellus de retardandis senectutis accidentil 476 559, 560 patient-related factors, 470-472 Liber de vita producenda sive longa, 55 patterns of, with prescribed drug regi- Lilium medicinae, 561 mens, 469 provideran d health care setting factors on ? remediating compliance problems, 47¢ and vulnerability model, 463, 464 social support interventions, 475, 476 trategies for changing, 474-476 treatment-related factors, 472, 473 Neonates. See N 4 Neuropathy, diabetic, foot disease and ssessment of wel ontinuity of sion making in ement mo episoate1 f assessment and, 289-293 holistic care, 5 outcomeso f, 293, 294 promoting self-care lefining futility in, 339-352 titrating provision and background, 341, 342 iS proces issessment in, 538 aveats, 339-341 implementation and monit criteria for, 347, 348 ethical arguments, 34¢ 538, 539 need for clear criteria, 344-346 eassessment and evé substantive and values criteria, 348 540 substantive issues, 347 screening and re prognostic uncertainty in, assessment for psychogeriatric pz ’ “i in, 289-293 families, clinical model of, 528-542 1s role, 536-537 decision-making in, 287-298 orthopedic problemso f, 583-594 is System, 3559-5950 brachial plexus injuries, 587-589 as technology, 540 classification, 583-584 developmental dysplasia of hip, 585 she! Obesity, diabetic foot disease and examination for, 584—585 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, 2 foot abnormalities, 589-591 Opioids, withdrawal from, 87-90 Nicotine gum, 63 Organ donation approaching families fo » by adolescents, 70, 71 241, 242 Nicotine patch, 62, 63 criteria, 242-244 Nitrites, testing, 695-696 ethical issues, 244-246 Noncompliance, by elderly, 467-480 factors in family’s consent for, 242 Nurse-physician working relationships, as identifying potential donors, 241 umptions underlying, 314, 315 nurse’s role in, 246-249 collaboration in, 333, 334 in acute care hospital setting 239-251 ommunicationi n, 328, 335 organ procurement office’s role versus conflictsi n, 326-331 248, 249 in critical care, 325-337 physician's role versus, 248 in early twentieth century procurement of donor or ge uns, 241, 242 educational approaches in scarcity of donor organs, 240 241 ethical, and policy issues, 33 irthopedic examination, of newborns, 584 re, a32 3 5R5 historical perspectives on, 31 rthopedic surgery, infections in. See /nf lack of understanding of each other's re eal ; urreoeperryi sponsibilities in, 329, 330 Ortolani maneuver, 586 in late twentieth 5 rood-Schlatter disease, in adolescent athletes, 622 mode ls of nature « )steoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis versus in 1960s 598 it 1 g Isteomyelitis, testingi n, 6858 ( steoporosis in womer! limit settingi n lefinitions ’ ition, 573-574 patient defense mechanism 178 plitting in support Irsing cé loskeletal. See orthopedic problems in newborns 584-585 ; chur for sports injuries in adolescents, 617-618 elenf initio1o ns ¢ ms in, 47 >]h ysician-nurse relationshi, p. See \ mahgn5 ant phy 1 wkin lj ati ! TT ; elbow 62 3 testing, 686-687 atic stress disorder ’otassium, testing for, 691-692 regnancy, crack cocaine use il smoking cessation intervention in, 66, 67 spinal cord in jury in, 603-613 : ? icute injury during pregnancy, 604 onopiold, 5 Al hr . ares complications preventiot! 605 -aillppaattiioonn,. iin n spsoportrs ts injiunjruvry e«¢ xa epide7 miolog" y, 60 , rPaanniic ddi sord er I 24 70 14}0 nk99 23 L9é9 7 < I] < management, anemia, 60 ” vutonomic hyperreflexia, 609-6 nm ; . rot nte 10 iranoia, in psychotic patien bowel function, 61 nnffiluueennccees s < on aado]o lle ] ( I I decubitus ul]c ers, 608 iohss tanc)e aD+u1 se > - preconcepticoanre , 60 ~ o women with spinal cord it pulmonary function, 608 jury, 611 spasticity, 605 ‘arsons, Sara, 315 thrombophlebitis, 609 itellar dislocation, in adoles« th] unattended delivery, 610-611 7 urinary tract infection, 608-609 itellofemoral syndrome, in ac cent parenting, ¢ athhileettees , 6*2y2] possible fetal eff s, 606-60 a -avlik harness, 587 prevention of additional neurologic in eer group influenocne s adolescet nd ” fee: cones risk of substance abuse, 36 reproductive sequelae, 603-604 Peripheral vascular disease i 3, OS testing in rheumatoid arthritis, 597, 600 Personality disorders, 174-1 Prematurity, extreme. See also Newbor? intisocial, 180-185 ntensive care in ageression in, 183 collaboration between parents and medi de-escalating aggression in , 5 cal professionals in, 346, 347 diagnostic criteria, 181 ethical arguimn deefinningt fustil ity in interventions, 183-185 346 manipulation in, 182, 183 need for clear criteria for determining fu self-assessment by nurses, 183, 1 tility in, 344-346 substance abuse in, 182 treatment responses to, 344-346 useful strategies, 184 treatment until prognosis is certain, 344 borderline, 176—180 triof athelrap y for, 344, 348-350 diagnostic criteria, 177 withholding therapy based on birth impulsivity in, 179 weight or gestation limits, 343> f ethical analy arthritis versus irthritis, rhe itoid arthritivse r sus. 599 ogeriatric patients, nursing case man i ) for, clinical model of, 528- staff perspective o1 542 Status of pecial relationshiy Psychosis, acute, nursing management of supporting an ‘warding 187-200 De umphetamine, 91 Renal function tes 687 issessment, 189-191 Reproduction, spinal corc de-escalation of agitation in, 194, 195 604 definitiono f, 188 Rheumatoid arthritis case sft differential diagnosis of, 188, 189 Rheumatoid factor analysis in elderly, delirium versus, 421, 422 RICEM, 619-62 — age establishing rapport in, 191 Robb, Isabel H external management of, 195, 196 hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia St. Bonaventure, theory of aging in, 197 Santa Cruz, Ponce interv1e9n1t-i1o9n6s, three-stage ipproac h to Scaphoi d fractures, in adol] escent }l etes 62=i e2) -623 in major mental illness, 188 Schizophrenia, 220, 221, 223 mental status examination in, 189, 190 Scintigraphy, 698-699 preventing crises in, 192, 193 Selective estrogen receptor modulators, in referrals and community resources for osteoporosis, 579 198, 199 Semmes-Weinstein monofilament, in dia related to general medical condition, 189 betic foot disease, 634 safety issuesi n, 190, 191 Senegalese woman, prenatal care for, case suicide assessment in, 196, 197 study, 354-359 Psychotropic drug reactions, in children Separation anxiety disorder, 141 and adolescents, 228 Septic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis versus cultural, ethnic, and age factors in, 229 599 in elderly, 228 SERMs, in osteoporosis 579 nursing management of, 217-231 Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 218, 221 for affective disorders, 218—220 in fibromyalgia syndrome, 664-665 for schizophrenia, 220, 221, 223 Sex, unprotected, crack cocaine use and, Pulmonary function, im pregnant women 17, 18 with spinal corc. injuries, 608 Sexually transmitted diseases, crack co- 1 angelica, 560 1iunsee an d, 17, 18 Sexual orientation of adolescents, and risk Quadriceps injuries, in adolescent ath' letes of : subs.t ance abuse, 3 24-625 SHADESS 626 Shoecovers, 679 Shoulders, examination, 647 Radiographs, in rheumatoid arthritis, 597 injuries in adolescent athletes, 623-624 5909 4) Skier’s thumb, 623 skeletal, 690-691 Skin, preoperative preparation of, 680 Radiology, 696-699 Sleep problems of elderly, new approaches Radionuclide imaging, 698-694 to, 393 Rafozilene, in osteoporosis, 579 Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, in ado Range of motion, in rheumatoid arthritis lescent athletes, 624 596 Smoking, by adolescents, 68-70 in sports injury examination 618 in the United States, 61, 62 Rehabilitation, caring in, administrative in diabetic foot disease, 633, 637 perspectiveo n, 260-262 Smoking cessation, by adolescents, 68-71 conflicting administrative duties and Agency for Health Care Policy and Re 260, 261 search clinical practice guideline for consequences of a relationship, 256, 257 62-64

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