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NURSE ANESTHESIA John J. Nagelhout, PhD, CRNA, FAAN Director, School of Anesthesia Kaiser Permanente/California State University, Fullerton Southern California Permanente Medical Group Pasadena, California Karen L. Plaus, PhD, CRNA, FAAN; CEO National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA) Chicago, Illinois FIFTH EDITION i 3251 Riverport Lane St. Louis, Missouri 63043 Nurse Anesthesia ISBN: 978-1-4557-0612-9 Copyright © 2014, 2010, 2005, 2001, 1997, by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- tronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Rights Department: phone: (+1) 215 239 3804 (US) or (+44) 1865 843830 (UK); fax: (+44) 1865 853333; e-mail: [email protected]. You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier website at http://www.elsevier.com/permissions. Notice Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a profes- sional responsibility. With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liabil- ity for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nurse anesthesia / [edited by] John J. Nagelhout, Karen L. Plaus. -- 5th ed. p. ; cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4557-0612-9 (hardcover : alk. paper) I. Nagelhout, John J. II. Plaus, Karen L. [DNLM: 1. Anesthesia--Nurses’ Instruction. 2. Anesthetics--Nurses’ Instruction. 3. Nurse Anesthetists. WO 200] 617.9’6--dc23 2012043702 Executive Content Strategist: Teri Hines Burnham Senior Content Development Specialist: Laura M. Selkirk Publishing Services Manager: Deborah L. Vogel Project Manager: John W. Gabbert Designer: Margaret Reid Printed in the United States of America Last digit is the print number: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contributors Chuck Biddle, PhD, CRNA Mary Cushing, MS, CRNA Professor and Staff Nurse Anesthetist Staff Nurse Anesthetist Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center Cleveland Clinic Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Department Richmond, Virginia Cleveland, Ohio Andrew R. Biegner, MSNA, FAAPM, CRNA Matthew D’Angelo, DNP, CRNA Anesthesia Staffing Consultants Assistant Professor Hillsdale, Michigan Graduate School of Nursing Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Sandra K. Bordi, MSN, CRNA Bethesda, Maryland Clinical and Didactic Instructor Nurse Anesthetist Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia Lifebridge Anesthesia Associates, LLC Pasadena, California Northwest Hospital Center Baltimore, Maryland Gregory Bozimowski, MS, CRNA Associate Professor, Nurse Anesthesia M. Roseann Diehl, DNP, CRNA University of Detroit Mercy Associate Professor Professional Practice, School of Nurse Detroit, Michigan Anesthesia Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences Terri M. Cahoon, DNP, CRNA Texas Christian University Assistant Professor Fort Worth, Texas Department of Nurse Anesthesia Clinical CRNA Samford University Sanford Health Birmingham, Alabama Fargo, North Dakota Troy Calabrese, MS, CRNA Joanne Donnelly, DNP, CRNA Fort Collins, Colorado Associate Director of Clinical Education Nurse Anesthesia Program Gary D. Clark, EdD, CRNA Wake Forest Baptist Health Associate Professor Winston-Salem, North Carolina Nurse Anesthesia Program Department of Biological Sciences Michael P. Dosch, PhD, CRNA Webster University Associate Professor and Chair, Nurse Anesthesia St. Louis, Missouri University of Detroit Mercy Detroit, Michigan Shawn Collins, DNP, PhD, CRNA Nurse Anesthesia Program Sass Elisha, EdD, CRNA Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program Assistant Director Western Carolina University Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia Asheville, North Carolina Pasadena, California Margaret A. Contrera, MSN, CRNA Ladan Eshkevari, PhD, CRNA Academic and Clinical Faculty Associate Professor, Assistant Director School of Nurse Anesthesia Nurse Anesthesia Program Cleveland Clinic/Case Western Reserve University Georgetown University Staff Nurse Anesthetist Washington, DC Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Cleveland Clinic David N. Fort, DNP, CRNA Cleveland, Ohio Adjunct Professor Department of Nurse Anesthesia Nicholas Curdt, CRNA Samford University Lecturer Birmingham, Alabama Webster University St. Louis, Missouri iii iv t Contributors Judith A. Franco, MSN, ACNP, CRNA Kenneth M. Kirsner, MS, JD, CRNA Clinical Instructor of Anesthesia Professor of Nursing University of Southern California Director, Nurse Anesthesia Concentration Los Angeles, California Caylor School of Nursing Lincoln Memorial University Mark H. Gabot, MSN, CRNA Harrogate, Tennessee Didactic and Clinical Educator Nurse Anesthesiology Bruce Evan Koch, MSN, CRNA Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia Staff Nurse Anesthetist Pasadena, California Newport Hospital and Health Services Newport, Washington Francis Gerbasi, PhD, CRNA Executive Director Mark A. Kossick, DNSc, APN, CRNA Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Professor Programs Anesthesia Simulation Education Coordinator Park Ridge, Illinois School of Nursing College of Health and Human Services Valdor L. Haglund Jr., MS, CRNA Western Carolina University Assistant Professor Cullowhee, North Carolina Nurse Anesthesia Wayne State University Russell R. Lynn, MSN, APN, CRNA Director Program Director Perioperative Services Nurse Anesthesia Program Detroit Receiving Hospital University of Pennsylvania Detroit, Michigan Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Randolf R. Harvey, BS, CRNA Rex A. Marley, MS, RRT, CRNA Chief of Anesthesia Northern Colorado Anesthesia Professional Consultants Florida Eye Clinic/ASC Fort Collins, Colorado Altamonte Springs, Florida Mason McDowell, DNAP, CRNA Jeremy S. Heiner, EdD, CRNA Assistant Director, Assistant Professor Instructor Nurse Anesthesia Program Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia Western Carolina University School of Nursing Pasadena, California Asheville, North Carolina Bernadette T. Higgins Roche, EdD, APN, CRNA Nancy A. Moriber, PhD, APRN, CRNA Administrative Director Assistant Professor, Program Director NorthShore University HealthSystem, School of Nurse Anesthesia School of Nursing Evanston, Illinois Fairfield University Visiting Assistant Professor Fairfield, Connecticut DePaul University, School of Nursing Chicago, Illinois Beth Ann Movinsky, MS, MA, CRNA CDR, NC, USN Betty J. Horton, PhD, FAAN, CRNA Assistant Department Head/Chief CRNA Education Consultant Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton Tower Hill, Illinois Camp Pendleton, California Donna M. Jasinski, PhD, CRNA Jan Odom-Forren, RN, PhD, FAAN, CPAN Nurse Anesthesia Program Director Assistant Professor Georgetown University College of Nursing Washington, DC University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky Mary C. Karlet, PhD, CRNA Birmingham, Alabama Michael P. O’Donnell, PhD Didactic Director Brian J. Kasson, MHS, CRNA Minneapolis School of Anesthesia Adjunct Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing St. Louis Park, Minnesota Nurse Anesthesia Major Professor University of Cincinnati College of Nursing St. Mary’s University of Minnesota Staff Nurse Anesthetist Winona, Minnesota The Christ Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio Contributors t v R. Lee Olson, MS, CRNA Henry C. Talley V, PhD, MSN, APN, CRNA CAPT, NC, USN Director and Associate Professor Chief CRNA Michigan State University, College of Nursing Newal Medical Center San Diego East Lansing, Michigan San Diego, California Greg Taylor, MSN, CRNA Sandra Maree Ouellette, MEd, FAAN, CRNA Staff Nurse Anesthetist Past President, International Federation of Nurse Anesthetists Anesthesia Group Practice Inc. President, R&S Ouellette, Inc. Cincinnati Pain Management Consultants, Ltd. Winston-Salem, North Carolina Cincinnati, Ohio Melissa Patterson, MSN, CRNA Lisa J. Thiemann, PhD, CRNA Staff CRNA Chief Credentialing Officer Department of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia National Board on Certification and Recertification for Nurse Cleveland Clinic Anesthetists (NBCRNA) Cleveland, Ohio Park Ridge, Illinois Joseph E. Pellegrini, PhD, CRNA Jennifer Lynn Thompson, MSN, CRNA Director Academic and Clinical Instructor Nurse Anesthesia Program Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia University of Maryland Pasadena, California Baltimore, Maryland Kimberly J. Thompson, MS, CRNA Carla M. Percy, MSN, CRNA Fort Collins, Colorado Staff Nurse Anesthetist Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Patricia Tuttle, MSN, CRNA Fontana, California Clinical Coordinator CRNA Education Anesthesia John C. Preston, DNSc, CRNA Beaumont Health System Senior Director of Education and Professional Development Royal Oak, Michigan American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Park Ridge, Illinois Charles A. Vacchiano, PhD, CRNA Professor Lee J. Ranalli, MSN, CRNA Nurse Anesthesia Program Staff Nurse Anesthetist Duke University School of Nursing Gateway Anesthesia Associates Durham, North Carolina Gilbert, Arizona Mark D. Welliver, DNP, ARNP, CRNA Michael Rieker, DNP, CRNA Associate Professor of Professional Practice Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program School of Nurse Anesthesia Wake Forest Baptist Health Harris College of Nursing and Health Sciences Winston-Salem, North Carolina Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas Kay K. Sanders, DNP, CRNA Director and Professor of Professional Practice Adree N. Williams, MSN, CRNA School of Nurse Anesthesia Piedmont Triad Anesthesia Staff CRNA Texas Christian University Wake Forest Baptist Health, Nurse Anesthesia Program, Fort Worth, Texas Associate Faculty University of North Carolina at Greensboro Julie A. Stone, EdD, CRNA Winston Salem, North Carolina Physician’s Ambulatory Anesthesia Services St. Louis, Missouri Lori Ann Winner, MSN, CRNA Associate Program Director Costellia H. Talley, PhD, ACNS-BC Nurse Anesthesia Program Assistant Professor University of Pennsylvania Michigan State University College of Nursing Philadelphia, Pennsylvania East Lansing, Michigan This page intentionally left blank Reviewers Nathaniel M. Apatov, BSN, MHS, MSN, PhD Amber Essman, MSN, CFRN Assistant Professor Instructor University of North Florida Chamberlain College of Nursing Jacksonville, Florida Columbus, Ohio Laura L. Ardizzone, DNP, DCC, CRNA Jennifer Ferguson, MSN, CRNA Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing Staff CRNA Columbia University School of Nursing Carolina Anesthesiology, PA New York, New York High Point, North Carolina Valerie Bell, DNP, MSN, MACP, CRNA Emily McClanahan Funk, MSN, CRNA Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing Staff CRNA and Adjunct Faculty Associate Program Director Duke University Medical Center Nurse Anesthesia Program Durham, North Carolina University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies Coral Gables, Florida Marjorie A. Geisz-Everson, PhD, CRNA Instructor and Staff Anesthetist Courtney Brown, MSN, CRNA Nurse Anesthesia Program Assistant Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Wake Forest University, Baptist Medical Center New Orleans, Louisiana Winston-Salem, North Carolina Brooks B. Goettle, MHS, CRNA Shari M. Burns, EdD, CRNA CRNA, Captain USAF NC Associate Professor Uniformed Services University Nurse Anesthesia Program Bethesda, Maryland Midwestern University Glendale, Arizona Mario P. Grasso II, MSNA, CRNA Affiliate Faculty, Staff Anesthetist Kevin Buss, MS, CRNA Virginia Commonwealth University Adjunct Assistant Profesor Richmond, Virginia Nurse Anesthesia Program Uniformed Services University Thomas Healey, MA, CRNA Portsmouth, Virginia Midwestern University Glendale, Arizona Martha L. Clark, MS, RN, CPAN Staff Nurse Lisa J. Hogan, DNP, CRNA UC Health Surgical Hospital Assistant Program Director, Assistant Professor West Chester, Ohio School of Nurse Anesthesia University of New England S. Nicole Damico, MSN, CRNA Portland, Maine Assistant Professor Virginia Commonwealth University Joseph A. Joyce, BS, CRNA Richmond, Virginia Staff Nurse Anesthetist Professor, Moses Cone Health System Janet A. Dewan, MS, CRNA Wesley Long Community Hospital Associate Coordinator Greensboro, North Carolina Nurse Anesthesia Northeastern University Phillip Kendrick, PhD, CRNA Boston, Massachusetts Assistant Professor, Program Director Nurse Anesthesia Program William Enlow, DNP, ACNP, CRNA University of Alabama at Birmingham Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing Birmingham, Alabama Columbia University School of Nursing New York, New York vii viii t Reviewers Rickey King, MSNA, CRNA Tatjana Bevans Provost, MSN, CRNA Associate Director Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Nurse Anesthesia Program University of Utah The Medical Center of Central Georgia, Mercer University Salt Lake City, Utah School of Medicine Macon, Georgia Pamela Schwartz, DNP, CRNA Assistant Program Director Russell R. Lynn, MSN, APN, CRNA School of Nurse Anesthesia Program Director Northshore University Health System Nurse Anesthesia Program Evanston, Illinois University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Twilla Shrout, BSN, MBA, CPAN, CAPA Staff Nurse, Same Day Surgery Debra Pecka Malina, DNSc, MBA, CRNA Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology Program Assistant, Director Columbia, Missouri for Clinical Education Barry University Vickie L. Stuart, DNP, MS, BA, CRNA Malina Anesthesia and Consulting Services Director, Nurse Anesthesia Program Hollywood, Florida University of Southern Mississippi Academic and Clinical Anesthesia Elena N. Meadows, MSN, CRNA Hattiesburg, Mississippi Wake Forest Baptist Health Winston-Salem, North Carolina Lori Ann Winner, MSN, CRNA Associate Program Director Katherine Meuti, MSN, CRNA Nurse Anesthesia Program Assistant Program Director University of Pennsylvania Clinical Nurse Anesthesia Program Philadelphia, Pennsylvania College of Nursing University of Cincinnati Sheree Wolfden, JD, CRNA Cincinnati, Ohio Program Director, Clinical Assistant Professor, Mercer University School of Medicine Nancy A. Moriber, PhD, APRN, CRNA Medical Center of Central Georgia Nurse Anesthesia Program Program Director, Assistant Professor Macon, Georgia Nurse Anesthesia Program Fairfield University, Bridgeport Hospital Kathleen Wren, PhD, CRNA Bridgeport, Connecticut Department Chair, Professor Adventist University Angela Mund, DNP, CRNA Orlando, Florida Assistant Professor Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, South Carolina Foreword Since the publication of the last edition of this textbook, we lost and Orthopedics; Anesthesia for Ear, Nose, Throat, and Maxil- our mentor and dear friend John F. Garde. Without his encourage- lofacial Surgery; Anesthesia and Laser Surgery; and the list goes ment and guidance, our anesthesia career paths would have been on. The continuum for practice in the twenty-first century is that much different and no doubt much less rewarding. John encour- of professionals learning anew how to ensure the best possible care aged the publication of the first edition of this text, two decades for their patients. ago, as an important milestone in the evolution of the specialty When Agatha Hodgins and other nurse anesthetist pioneers of nurse anesthesia. He felt it showcased the breadth and depth gathered in a classroom in the anesthesia department of the Uni- of nurse anesthetists’ contributions to research and clinical care. versity Hospital of Cleveland on June 17, 1931, they established John transmitted his enthusiasm for the unique role of nurse anes- what was to become the American Association of Nurse Anesthe- thetists to everyone he encountered. He believed that anesthesia tists (AANA). This group sought to place better qualified people excellence was manifest when a clinician made a difference in the in the field, to keep those already in nurse anesthesia abreast of everyday lives of patients. He was without question the most con- modern developments, and to give protection and recognition to sequential nurse anesthesia leader of his time. We reprint the fore- this group of professionals. word he wrote for the first edition of this textbook in his honor. When the AANA values statement was adopted in 1995, it John J. Nagelhout was not surprising that it reflected this earlier philosophy. The Karen L. Plaus AANA values the following: • I ts members and the advancement of the profession of nurse FOREWORD FOR NURSE ANESTHESIA, anesthesia FIRST EDITION • Q uality service to the public through diverse practice settings As a new century dawns, nurse anesthetists continue to provide based on collaboration and personal choice the highest quality anesthesia services to their patients. To put • I ntegrity, accountability, competence, and professional this into perspective, consider that nurse anesthetists safely and commitment compassionately administered anesthesia throughout the entire • S cientific inquiry and contributions to the fields of anesthesiol- last century and even prior to that. The writings of Alice Magaw, ogy, nursing, and related disciplines published between 1899 and 1906, provide a noteworthy bench- • P articipation in the formation of healthcare policy. mark. Magaw detailed the use of chloroform and other anesthesia These value statements are supported by knowledgeable practi- with the open-drop technique in more than 14,000 surgical cases tioners ever in pursuit of their craft without a single fatality attributable to anesthesia. She was the Nurse Anesthesia is a textbook that builds on a formidable first nurse anesthetist to publish articles on the practice of anes- knowledge base and draws on the expertise of CRNAs and other thesia and was considered “the mother of anesthesia” during a professionals practicing in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing envi- time when surgeons selected nurses to specialize in anesthesia to ronment. I look upon this volume as a means to demonstrate the provide greater safety for patients requiring anesthesia. profession’s growth and encourage CRNAs and student nurse Many pharmacologic and technologic changes in anesthe- anesthetists to read it and reflect upon the dynamic field they have sia have occurred, however, since those noble beginnings. The chosen. chapter titles of this textbook serve as an atlas to this expanded I would like to close with one of my favorite quotations from knowledge base: “Clinical Monitoring in Anesthesia,” “Anesthe- Ralph Waldo Emerson, which I believe reflects all professionals on sia Equipment,” “Pharmacokinetics,” “Inhalation Anesthetics,” their prospective journeys: “Intravenous Induction Agents,” “Local Anesthetics,” “Opioid To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent Agonists and Antagonists,” and “Neuromuscular Blocking Agents, people . . . ; Reversal Agents, and Their Monitoring,” to name a few. Look at to earn the appreciation of honest critics . . . ; to find the best in the specialty components of anesthesia contained in this book: others . . . ; to leave the world a bit better. . . . Cardiac Anesthesia; Respiratory Anesthesia; Thermal Injury and Bon voyage. Anesthesia; Trauma Anesthesia; Outpatient Anesthesia; Regional Anesthesia; Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Procedures; Anesthesia John F. Garde, CRNA, MS, FAAN ix

Written specifically for nurse anesthetists, Nurse Anesthesia, 5th Edition provides comprehensive coverage of both scientific principles and evidence-based practice. It offers a complete overview of anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and pathophysiology, and offers practical coverage of equipment an
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