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NUREG/CR-7108 ORNL/TM-2011/509 An Approach for Validating Actinide and Fission Product Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses—Isotopic Composition Predictions Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research AVAILABILITY OF REFERENCE MATERIALS IN NRC PUBLICATIONS NRC Reference Material Non-NRC Reference Material As of November 1999, you may electronically access Documents available from public and special technical NUREG-series publications and other NRC records at libraries include all open literature items, such as NRC’s Public Electronic Reading Room at books, journal articles, and transactions, Federal http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm.html. Publicly released Register notices, Federal and State legislation, and records include, to name a few, NUREG-series congressional reports. 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Washington, DC 20555-0001 E-mail: [email protected] The NUREG series comprises (1) technical and Facsimile: 301–415–2289 administrative reports and books prepared by the staff (NUREG–XXXX) or agency contractors Some publications in the NUREG series that are (NUREG/CR–XXXX), (2) proceedings of posted at NRC’s Web site address conferences (NUREG/CP–XXXX), (3) reports http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/nuregs resulting from international agreements are updated periodically and may differ from the last (NUREG/IA–XXXX), (4) brochures printed version. Although references to material found (NUREG/BR–XXXX), and (5) compilations of legal on a Web site bear the date the material was accessed, decisions and orders of the Commission and Atomic the material available on the date cited may and Safety Licensing Boards and of Directors’ subsequently be removed from the site. decisions under Section 2.206 of NRC’s regulations (NUREG–0750). DISCLAIMER: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the U.S. Government. Neither the U.S. Government nor any agency thereof, nor any employee, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party’s use, or the results of such use, of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed in this publication, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights. NUREG/CR-7108 ORNL/TM-2011/509 An Approach for Validating Actinide and Fission Product Burnup Credit Criticality Safety Analyses—Isotopic Composition Predictions Manuscript Completed: December 2011 Date Published: April 2012 Prepared by G. Radulescu I. C. Gauld G. llas J. C. Wagner Oak Ridge National Laboratory Managed by UT-Battelle, LLC Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6170 Don Algama, NRC Project Manager Prepared for Division of Systems Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 NRC Job Code V6005 Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research ABSTRACT Taking credit for the reduced reactivity of spent nuclear fuel in criticality analyses is referred to as burnup credit. Criticality safety evaluations employing burnup credit require validation of the depletion and criticality calculation methods and computer codes with available measurement data. To address the issues of burnup credit criticality validation, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission initiated a project with Oak Ridge National Laboratory to (1) develop and establish a validation approach for commercial spent nuclear fuel criticality safety evaluations based on best-available data and methods and (2) apply the approach on representative spent nuclear fuel storage and transport systems and conditions to demonstrate its usage and applicability, as well as to provide reference bias and bias uncertainty results. This report describes an approach for establishing depletion code bias and bias uncertainty in terms of a reactivity difference based on comparison of measured and calculated nuclide concentrations. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. iii  LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... vii  LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... ix  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. xi  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................. xiii  LIST OF ACRONYMS AND UNITS ............................................................................................ xv  1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1  2. OVERVIEW OF BURNUP CREDIT ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 3  3. ISOTOPIC VALIDATION DATA ............................................................................................... 7  3.1  NUCLIDES IMPORTANT TO BURNUP CREDIT ............................................................. 7  3.2  PWR ISOTOPIC VALIDATION DATA ............................................................................... 9  3.3  BWR ISOTOPIC VALIDATION DATA ............................................................................. 12  4. COMPUTER CODES AND NUCLEAR DATA ........................................................................ 15  5. SAFETY ANALYSIS MODELS ............................................................................................... 17  5.1  PWR ASSEMBLY MODEL .............................................................................................. 17  5.2  PWR SFP STORAGE RACK MODELS .......................................................................... 17  5.3  PWR SNF CASK MODEL ............................................................................................... 18  5.4  LOADING CURVES FOR PWR SNF .............................................................................. 19  5.5  BWR ASSEMBLY MODEL .............................................................................................. 20  5.6  BWR SFP STORAGE RACK MODEL............................................................................. 21  6. CALCULATION OF BIAS AND BIAS UNCERTAINTY IN k ................................................. 23  eff 6.1  MONTE CARLO UNCERTAINTY SAMPLING METHOD ............................................... 23  6.1.1 Calculation of Bias and Bias Uncertainty in Calculated Nuclide Concentrations ... 24 6.1.2 Statistical Analysis of the Measured-to-Calculated Concentration Ratio Values ... 25  Analysis of Trends .................................................................................. 26  Normality Test Results ........................................................................... 28  Correlations among Nuclide Concentration Uncertainties...................... 28  6.1.3 Isotopic Bias and Bias Uncertainty Values ............................................................ 29  6.1.4 Nuclide Concentrations for k Calculations........................................................... 32  eff 6.1.5 Validation of the Assumption for Data Normality ................................................... 33  v TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page 6.1.6 Convergence of the Monte Carlo k Bias Uncertainty Estimate ........................... 34  eff 6.2  DIRECT-DIFFERENCE METHOD .................................................................................. 36  7. BIAS AND BIAS UNCERTAINTY IN k RESULTS ............................................................... 43  eff 7.1  PWR SNF ANALYSIS MODELS ..................................................................................... 43  7.2  BWR SFP STORAGE RACK MODEL............................................................................. 47  7.3  PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 47  8. CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 53  9. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 55  APPENDIX A. k UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS USING CROSS-SECTION eff SENSITIVITY/UNCERTAINTY ANALYSES .................................................... A-1  A.1  Relative Importance of Individual Nuclides to Fuel Reactivity ............... A-2  A.2  Non-normal Distributions for Measured-to-Calculated Concentration Ratio ............................................................................... A-3  A.3  Analysis of k Bias and Bias Uncertainty Components ........................ A-7  eff A.4  Importance of Decay-Time Corrections for the Direct-Difference Method ..................................................................... A-11  APPENDIX B. ISOTOPIC VALIDATION DATA CORRELATIONS .......................................... B-1  APPENDIX C. REFERENCE SPENT FUEL NUCLIDE CONCENTRATIONS ........................ C-1  vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Figure 2.1 Overview of the burnup credit validation process ............................................................ 5  Figure 3.1 Atom density as a function of decay time for burnup credit nuclides exhibiting density variations after fuel discharge. .............................................................................. 9  Figure 3.2 Enrichment and burnup values of the measured PWR fuel samples compared to loading curves for a representative PWR SFP storage rack model. ...................... 11  Figure 5.1 Horizontal cross section of the representative PWR SFP storage rack cell representation ...................................................................................................................... 18  Figure 5.2 Cutaway view of the GBC-32 cask model showing bottom half with a quarter of the model removed ......................................................................................................... 19  Figure 5.3 Loading curves for PWR SNF in cask and pool storage rack configurations. ........... 20  Figure 5.4 Horizontal cross section of the BWR SFP storage rack cell representation. ............. 21  Figure 6.1 Measured-to-calculated concentration ratio versus fuel sample burnup for (a) 235U; (b) 239Pu. ................................................................................................................ 27  Figure 6.2 Illustration of the Monte Carlo estimates. ........................................................................ 35  Figure 6.3 Linear regression analysis of the ∆k results illustrating the bias and the margin eff for uncertainty represented by the one-sided tolerance limit at a 95% probability, 95% confidence level [95% tolerance limit (TL)] for the unpoisoned SFP storage rack ........................................................................................................................................ 41  Figure 7.1 k bias uncertainty for the representative PWR SFP storage rack model ................ 44  eff Figure 7.2 k bias uncertainty for the PWR SNF cask model ........................................................ 46  eff Figure 7.3 Variation of bias uncertainty in k with parameters important to criticality eff analyses for (a) 10-, (b) 25-, and (c) 40-GWd/MTU assembly average burnup ................................................................................................................................... 51  Figure A.1 Sensitivity coefficients (absolute values) shown on a logarithmic scale for burnup credit actinide and fission product nuclides in the representative PWR SFP rack model at 3-day cooling time ................................................................. A-2  Figure A.2 Sensitivity coefficients (absolute values) shown on a logarithmic scale for burnup credit actinide and fission product nuclides in the PWR SNF cask (GBC-32) model at 5-year cooling time ......................................................................... A-3  Figure A.3 Histogram of the M/C concentration ratio values for 235U within the burnup interval 15 to 40 GWd/MTU. ............................................................................................ A-4  Figure A.4 Histogram plot for k values based on actual M/C concentration ratio eff 235U values for 235U within the burnup range 15 to 40 GWd/MTU ................................. A-6 Figure A.5 Individual nuclide contributions to k bias uncertainty for the representative eff PWR SFP storage rack model and 10-GWd/MTU assembly average burnup ........ A-7  vii LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page Figure A.6 Individual nuclide contributions to k bias uncertainty for the representative eff PWR SFP storage rack model and 40-GWd/MTU assembly average burnup. ... A-8  Figure A.7 Individual nuclide contributions to k bias uncertainty for the PWR SNF cask eff model and 10-GWd/MTU assembly average burnup .......................................... A-8 Figure A.8 Individual nuclide contributions to k bias uncertainty for the PWR SNF cask eff model and 40-GWd/MTU assembly average burnup .......................................... A-8 Figure A.9 Individual nuclide contributions to k bias uncertainty for the unpoisoned eff PWR SFP storage rack model and 40-GWd/MTU assembly average burnup. .. A-9 Figure A.10 Illustration of k bias components using (a) ENDF/B-VII nuclear data; eff (b) ENDF/B-V nuclear data ........................................................................................ A-10  viii

party would not infringe privately owned rights. AVAILABILITY OF REFERENCE MATERIALS. IN NRC PUBLICATIONS. NRC Reference Material.
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