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NUREG/CR-1344, Embrittlement Criteria for Zircaloy Fuel Cladding Applicable to Accident PDF

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Preview NUREG/CR-1344, Embrittlement Criteria for Zircaloy Fuel Cladding Applicable to Accident

NUREG/CR-1 344 NUREG/CR-1 344 ANL-79-48 ANL-79-48 EMBRITTLEMENT CRITERIA FOR ZIRCALOY FUEL CLADDING APPLICABLE TO ACCIDENT SITUATIONS IN LIGHT-WATER REACTORS: SUMMARY REPORT by H. M. Chung and T. F. Kassner ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, ARGONNE, ILLINOIS Prepared for the U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION under Interagency Agreement DOE 40-550-75 The facilities of Argonne National Laboratory are owned by the United States Government. Under the terms of a contract (W-31-109-Eng-38) among the U. S. Department of Energy, Argonne Universities Association and The University of Chicago, the University employs the staff and operates the Laboratory in accordance with policies and programs formulated, approved and reviewed by the Association. MEMBERS OF ARGONNE UNIVERSITIES ASSOCIATION The University of Arizona The University of Kansas The Ohio State University Carnegie-Mellon University Kansas State University Ohio University Case Western Reserve University Loyola University of Chicago The Pennsylvania State University The University of Chicago Marquette University Purdue University University of Cincinnati The University of Michigan Saint Louis University Illinois Institute of Technology Michigan State University Southern Illinois University University of Illinois University of Minnesota The University of Texas at Austin Indiana University University of Missouri Washington University The University of Iowa Northwestern University Wayne State University Iowa State University University of Notre Dame The University of Wisconsin-Madison NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights. Available from GPO Sales Program Division of Technical Information and Document Control U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 and National Technical Information Service Springfield, Virginia 22161 NUREG/CR-1 344 ANL-79 -48 Distribution Code: R3 ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60439 EMBRITTLEMENT CRITERIA FOR ZIRCALOY FUEL CLADDING APPLICABLE TO ACCIDENT SITUATIONS IN LIGHT-WATER REACTORS: SUMMARY REPORT by H. M. Chung and T. F. Kassner Materials Science Division January 19 8 0 Prepared for the Division of Reactor Safety Research Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Under Interagency Agreement DOE 40-550-75 NRC FIN No. A2017 EMBRITTLEMENT CRITERIA FOR ZIRCALOY FUEL CLADDING APPLICABLE TO ACCIDENT SITUATIONS IN LIGHT-WATER REACTORS: SUMMARY REPORT by H. M. Chung and T. F. Kassner ABSTRACT The capability of Zircaloy cladding to withstand thermal- shock loads during the reflood stage of a loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA) transient as well as anticipated loads during handling and transport of heavily oxidizedfuel assemblies has been evalu- ated. Although the type and magnitude of the forces on the clad- ding under the latter situations have not been quantified, the critical fracture loads under conditions of impact, tension, and diametral compression have been determined as functions of the degree of oxidation of the material and microstructure pro- duced by cooling through the temperature range of the P - ' phase transformation at different rates. The effects of balloon- ing and rupture (i.e., wall thinning) and hydrogen uptake by the cladding during oxidation in steam on the deformation charac- teristics at room temperature have also been evaluated. The best correlation of the thermal-shock failure characteristics, the failure-impact energy, and the diametral-compression prop- erties with an oxidation-related parameter was obtained rela- tive to the thickness of the transformed P-phase layer, with a maximum oxygen content, for cladding that was oxidized at tem- peratures between 1200 and 1700 K for various times. Em- brittlement criteria, which encompass the mechanical response of the cladding under different loading modes, have beenformu- lated relative to the thermal-shockand 0.3-J impact resistance of the material. NRC FIN No. Title A2017 Mechanical Properties of Zircaloy ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............. .. 1............... I. INTRODUCTION ................................ . 4 II. BACKGROUND INFORMATION RELATIVE TO ZIRCALOY- EMBRITTLEMENT CRITERIA AND EMERGENCY CORE- COOLING SYSTEMS ............................... 4 III. DATA BASE FOR ZIRCALOY EMBRITTLEMENT RELATIVE TO THE 1973 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FOR ECCS's ... ........ 7 IV. ZIRCALOY-4 CLADDING MATERIAL ... ............ 9 A. Specimen Geometry and Chemical Composition ........... 9 B. Texture ...................................... 9 C. Zircaloy-Oxygen Phase Diagram .................... 9 D. Zirconium-Hydrogen Phase Diagram ................. 12 E. Effect of Cooling Rate and Oxygen Content on the Morphology of Transformed -phase Zircaloy .................... 13 V. EXPERIMENTAL AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES .......... 14 A. Fuel-rod Simulation ............................. 14 B. Cladding Deformation and Rupture ................... 14 C. Time-Temperature Transient ...................... 15 D. Effect of Maximum Temperature at Flooding on Wetting Temperature .................................. 18 E. Analysis of Local Oxygen Content and Distribution in Oxidized Cladding .............................. 18 F. Determination of Hydrogen Uptake by Zircaloy Cladding during Transient Heating and Rupture in Steam ........... 20 VI. THERMAL-SHOCK-FAILURE PROPERTIES OF RUPTURED ZIRCALOY-4 CLADDING .............................. 21 A. Oxidation Time-Temperature Limit for Survival of Thermal Shock ......................................... 21 B. Thermal-shock Failure Mode ....................... 22 C. Correlation of Thermal-shock Failure Data with Oxidation Parameters ................................... 23 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page D. Effect of Cooling Rate through the aa ' Phase- transformation Range on the Thermal-shock Failure Characteristics ............................... 25 E. Influence of Cooling Rate through the ca ' Phase- - transformation Range on the Microstructure and Oxygen Distribution of Transformed Layer ............... . 29 F. Tabulation of Thermal-shock Data with Various Oxidation- related Parameters for Zircaloy-4 Cladding .... . . . . . . . 38 VII. IMPACT AND DIAMETRAL-RING-COMPRESSION PROPERTIES OF UNDEFORMED ZIRCALOY-4 CLADDING AFTER OXIDA- TION IN STEAM ................................ . 44 A. Experimental Methods for Impact and Diametral Ring- compression Tests on Undeformed Cladding after Oxidation in Steam ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 B. Impact Properties of Zircaloy Cladding at Room Tempera- ture after Oxidation in Steam and Cooling through the 0 - a' Phase Transformation at 5 K/s ............... 45 C. Diametral Ring-compression Properties of Oxidized Cladding at Room Temperature .................... 47 D. Correlation of Impact and Diametral Ring-compression Properties of Undeformed Zircaloy Cladding after Oxidation in Steam ............................. 50 E. Effect of Wall Thickness on the Capability of Zircaloy Cladding to Withstand Thermal Shock and Impact Loads after Oxidation in Steam ......................... 51 F. Effect of Cooling Rate through the - a' Phase Trans- formation on the Impact and Diametral Compression Properties of Oxidized Zircaloy Cladding ............. 55 G. Tabulation of Impact and Diametral Ring-compression Data for Undeformed Zircaloy-4 Cladding ................. 59 VIII. IMPACT, DIAMETRAL TUBE-COMPRESSION, AND AXIAL TENSILE PROPERTIES OF DEFORMED AND RUPTURED ZIRCALOY-4 CLADDING AFTER OXIDATION IN STEAM.. 63 A. Impact Properties of Ruptured Zircaloy-4 Cladding That Survived Thermal Shock ......................... 63 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page B. Metallurgical Interpretation of the Impact-failure Characteristics ...... . 67 '7 . . . . .. . . C. Diametral Tube-compression Properties of Ruptured Zircaloy-4 Cladding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 D. Tensile Properties of Zircaloy-4 Cladding after Rupture and Oxidation in Steam ............................ . 77 IX. OXIDATION AND HYDROGEN UPTAKE CHARACTERISTICS OF DEFORMED AND RUPTURED ZIRCALOY-4 CLADDING ...... . 83 A. Effect of Alumina-pellet Eccentricity on Normal Inner- surface Oxidation .............................. 83 B. Morphology of Anomalous Oxide Layers at the Inner and Outer Surfaces of Zircaloy-4 Cladding ................. 84 C. Factors That Influence Porous-oxide Formation .......... 89 D. Correlation of Hydrogen Uptake and Inner-surface Oxidation of Cladding from Integral Tube-burst/Thermal-shock Tests. 94 X. RECOMMENDED ZIRCALOY EMBRITTLEMENT CRITERIA BASED UPON THE RESULTS OF THIS INVESTIGATION ....... 101 XI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ....................... 10Z APPENDIXES A. Computation of Oxidation Parameters for Zircaloy Cladding. . 105 1. Oxidation Model for Zircaloy ........ ............ 105 2. Computer Programs .......................... 110 B. Analysis of Uncertainties in the Experimental Data........ 129 1. Random Error in Measured Quantities ............. 129 2. Estimated Uncertainty Limits Associated with the Thermal-shock and Impact Results Used to Formulate the Embrittlement Criteria ........................ 133 C. Correlation of Circumferential Strain due to Ballooning Deformation with Average Wall-thickness Ratio Determined from Cladding Cross Sections ...................... 135 v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page D. Experimental Test Method for Zircaloy Embrittlement .... . 140 1. Evaluation of Cladding Embrittlement by Metallographic Measurements ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 2. Evaluation of Cladding Embrittlement by Impact Measure- ments at Temperatures of 400 K ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 REFERENCES ..................................... . 142 vi LIST OF FIGURES No. Title Page 1. Microstructure of As-received Stress-relieved Zircaloy-4 Cladding. ...... ...... ................ . .. ... . .. . . . 11 2. Schematic Illustration of Preferred Crystallographic Orientation of Textured Zircaloy Tubing Used in Present Investigation .... . 11 3. Basal Pole Figure for Lot 7FD12 Zircaloy-4 Tube .......... . 11 4. Pseudobinary Zircaloy-Oxygen Phase Diagram Determined from Metallographic Measurements on Oil-quenched Specimens .... . 12 5. Zirconium-Hydrogen Phase Diagram . 12 6. Schematic Diagram of Cladding Tube Used in the Embrittlement Study .. 14 7. Temperature-vs-Time Curves from a Tube-burst/Thermal-shock Test That Show an Abrupt Change in Cooling Rate at Tempera- tures between 650 and 790 K ........................ . 15 8. Temperature-vs-Time Curves from a Tube-burst/Thermal-shock Test That Show an Abrupt Change in the Cooling Rate at Tempera- tures between -750 and.840 K ........................ . 15 9. Zircaloy-4 Cladding after Thermal-shock Failure Showing Loca- tion of Thermocouples That Produced the Temperature-vs- Time Curves in Fig. 7.. ................. 16 10. Zircaloy-4 Cladding after Thermal-shock Failure Showing Loca- tion of Thermocouples That Produced the Temperature-vs- Time Curves in Fig. 8 ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 11. Temperature-vs-Time Curves from a Tube-burst/Thermal- shock Test in Which the Tube Was Quenched from 1273 K by Bottom-flooding with Water at a Rise Rate of 50 mm/s ....... . 17 12. Wetting Temperature of Heavily Oxidized Zircaloy-4 Cladding as a Function of Temperature at Which Flooding of the Tube Was Initiated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 13. Schematic for Sectioning of Oxidized Zircaloy Cladding for Metallographic and Chemical Analyses ....... . . . . . . . . . . . 19 14. Microstructures of Cross Section of Oxidized Zircaloy-4 Cladding from Integral Tube-burst/Thermal-shock/ Impact Tests .......... 19 15. Schematic of Oxygen Distribution in Tube Wall and Definitions of Oxygen Concentrations in Oxide, , and Phases at the Layer Interfaces ..................................... . 20 vii LIST OF FIGURES No. Title Page 16. Capability of Zircaloy-4 Cladding to Withstand Thermal Shock by Bottom-flooding with Water after Rupture, Isothermal Oxidation in Steam for Various Times at Temperatures between 1140 and 1770 K, and Slow Cooling through the P - att Trans- formation at a Rate of 5 K/s ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 17. Representation of Thermal-shock Fracture Relative to the Time and Temperature of Isothermal Oxidation after Rupture in Steam under Transient-heating Conditions .................... . 22 18. Failure Map for Zircaloy-4 Cladding by Thermal Shock or Normal Handling Relative to the Equivalent-cladding-reacted Parameter and Maximum Isothermal Oxidation Temperature after Rupture in Steam .Z..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 19. Failure Map for Zircaloy-4 Cladding by Thermal Shock Relative to the Fractional Thickness of Previous P-phase Layer and Oxidation Temperature after Rupture in Steam .... . . . . . . . . . 24 20. Failure Map for Zircaloy-4 Cladding by Thermal Shock Relative to Fractional Saturation of Phase and Oxidation Temperature after Rupture in Steam ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 21. Failure Map for Zircaloy-4 Cladding by Thermal Shock Relative to Wall Thickness with 1.0 wt % Oxygen after Isothermal Oxidation ..................................... . 25 22. Capability of Zircaloy-4 Cladding Tubes to Withstand Thermal Shock after Rupture, Isothermal Oxidation, and Bottom-flooding from Isothermal Oxidation Temperature ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 23. Thermal-shock Failure Map for Zircaloy-4 Cladding Relative to the Equivalent-cladding-reacted Parameter and Maximum Oxidation Temperature after Rupture in Steam .... . . . . . . . . . 26 24. Failure Map for Zircaloy-4 Cladding by Thermal Shock Relative to Fractional Thickness of Previous P-phase Layer and Oxidation Temperature after Rupture in Steam and Flooding with Water at Oxidation Temperature ............................ . 27 25. Failure Map for Zircaloy-4 Cladding by Thermal Shock Relative to Fractional Saturation of Phase and Oxidation Temperature after Rupture in Steam and Flooding with Water at Oxidation Temperature ................................... . 27 26. Failure Map for Zircaloy-4 Cladding by Thermal Shock Relative to the Wall Thickness with 0.9 wt % Oxygen after Isothermal Oxidation and Flooding with Water at the Oxidation Temperature . 28 viii

maintained at constant temperature by re-. CONSTRAINT. IMPACr sistance heating. The heating and cooling lozrnrn/' rates of the tubes were similar to
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