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ISOI"'l\TI()N, PIJRIFICATION AND IMMlfNO HIOCHtJMICAL CHARACTERIZA'rION OF IMMITN()(.L()HULIN G ()F.JAMUNAPARI (.()AT ( IlbetallS) C~/JJlen )f. lJ1iesis Su6mittetf to tlie of 'West {}3etlfJaf Vniversity )f.nimaf anti Pis!iery Sciences of of in partia{j ufJiifment tli£ requirement for tli£ degree of Master o/eterinary Science In VETERINARY BIOCHEMISTRY By NUREE NAJAT FARUQUEE B.V.Sc. & A.H. DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY BIOCHEMIS1RY FACULTY OF VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES WEST BENGAL UNIVERSITY OF ANIMAL AND FISHERY SCIENCES 37 &' 68 K. B. SARANI, BELGACliIA, KOLKATA-700037. WEST BENGAL. INDIA 2013 DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY BIOCHEMISTRY WEST BENGAllJNMRSITY OF ANIMAl AND FISHERY S£IEN£ES FACULTY OF VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES 37 & 68 KSHUDIRAM BOSE SARANI, KOLKATA-700 037 WEST BENGAL "//1;4 13> Dr. S. Batabyal. No: ••• M.V.Sc (IVRI), PhD (IVRI) Head, Date:·.r"·I·9;!·~ Department of Veterinary Biochemistry (]ElR!J1PIC }lfJ!E This is to certify that the thesis entitled "Isolation, Purification and Immuno-biochemical Characterization of Immunoglobulin G of Jamunapari Goat (Capra hircus)" submitted by Dr. Nuree Najat Faruquee, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the 'Degree of Master of Veterinary Science in Veterinary Biochemistry' of the West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, is the faithful and bonafide research work carried out under my personal supervision and guidance. The results of the investigation reported in the thesis have not so far been submitted for any other Degree or Diploma. The assistance and help received during the course of investigation have been duly acknowledged. Jodi ~ '~/3 f)alpd;- Kolkata (Dr. S. Batabyal) Chainnan, Advisory Committee APPROV AL OF EXAMINERS FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF VETERINARY SCIENCE IN VETERINARY BIOCHEMISTRY We, the undersigned, having been satisfied with the performance of Nuree Najat Faruquee, in the Viva-Voce the.!l:$M.a~ Examination, conducted today, 2013, recommend that the thesis be accepted for the award of the Degree of Master of Veterinary Science in Veterinary Biochemistry. NAME SIGNATURE 1. Dr. S. Batabyal Chairman, M.V.Se., Ph.D. Advisory Committee to :-:.~., 3. Dr. S.Chattopadhyay Member, M.V.Se., Ph.D. Advisory Committee ~ ...... 4. Dr. P.K. Das Member, fr> M.V.Se., Ph.D. Advisory Committee \ 5. Dr. Kunal Batabyal Member, M.V.Se., Ph.D. Advisory Committee ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In tliis auspicious Gut (onn ana turilulent journey I WO?-L{c[ [ike to convey my tlianks to a[[ tliat liave contribute a to my work, liefpea ana supportea me auring my time workinn on tliis tliesis. I appraise my d"eey sense of gratitude ana inaeGted"ness to my cogent, perspicacious ana reverend major atfvisor of tlie present stuay, Dr. S. 'BataGya[, J-{eaa & 'Reader, Department of 'Veterinary 'Biocliemistry, :facu[ty ofYeterinary ana 5\nima( Sciences, . West 'Be11f:Ja( 'University of ytnima[ ana :fisliery Sciences, 68, Xsliudiram 'Bose Sarani, Xo{kata - 700037, for unequivoca{ motivation, benevo[ent gUiaance, affectionate encouragement, va[ua6[e cfiscussion ana constant supervision cfuri11fJ tlie entire periocfo f investigations. I am extreme{y grateful to the mEmber of tlie acfvisory committee, Dr. S. Cliattopatfliyay ,'Reatfe"Y , Department of 'Veterinary 'Biochemistry, :f/O-Y5\S, W'B'U.Jl:fS, Xorkata- 700037, West 'Benga{ for liis benevol£nt guiaance, va{uaGfe acfvice, constructive criticism, avera[ attituae ana whore fieartea encouragement. Wont's fairs to express my c£eep sense of gratituc£e ana sincere tfianks to tlie mEm6er of tfie acfvisory committee, 'Dr. Xuna[ 'Bata6ya{, 'Department of 'Veterinary Jv1.icrovio[ony for his affectionate encouragement ana constant supervision auring the entire perioao f investinations. Acknowledgement I'm afso grateful to 'Dr. P.X. 'Das, 'Reader, 'Department of 'Veterinary PFiysio{ogy for fiis proper guidance, va{ua6fe sU[Jgestions arui Co-operation tfirougFiout the study. c.s. I fee{p {easure to exterui my sincere thanks to Prof Chakraborty, 3fon'6{e 'Vice-Chance{{or; Prof ('Dr.) 'i. x. :Monda(, 'Dean, :facu{ty of 'Veterinary and Anima{ Sciences; Prof ('Dr.) S. 1Jiswas, Contro[{er of 'Examinations, West 'Benga[ l1niversity of Anima{ & :fishery Sciences for providing me tFie faci{ities for carrying out my research work. :No appropriate words couUf 6e tracea in tfie present{y avai{a6{e {exicon to express my deepest gratitude aruf inde6tness to 'Dr. Sftyamsunaar Xesft, .Jtssistant Professor ('Vety. 1Jiocnemistry), 'Deptt. of '.TYee I Jee[ great p{easure to convey my thanks to my seniors 3farka da, Sanju eli, Souvik da ,'De6jani di, :Aryana cfi, :A6fiijit da ,1Jat{a da ,Prasun da, Cfianaana cfi. It eives me immense joy and satisfaction wfien I reco«ect tfie fiery aruf contribution of my co{{eaeues andf riends Sourav, Partfia, 'Rahamat, Sonaa, 'Piyusfi, Saikat, 'Piya{i, Joytfeey, Tarani, Nirmalya, 'Bit Iii, :Nazia, I aCso express my sincere tfianlis to my juniors Xeya, 'Ratan, Swarnava, Saba for tfiei:r co-operation and se(f{ess suyport. era, I'm thankful to 'Diyak d'a , 'Biswanatft Xur6an d'a, era, Tanmoy d"a, Soumya aa, .Jtyurba Tayan cfa and a[[ otfter staff members for tlieirkimf co-oyeration a[[ a[ong tlie course of tfie present stuay. Acknowledgement I am rea[[y grateful ana would Cike to express my syeciaf thanks to my he fovea parents, eWer hrotliers, eWer sister, Jiju ana in-raws for tfieir unfai{ing support ana encouragement wfiich have ena6fea me to reacFi this stage of success so far. I express my extreme rove ana gratitude to my hushana Zia for Fiis constant ana cFieerfuI suyyort, infinite comyassion ana encouragement ana enafess fiefp tfiroughout tlie whofe yeriod. J'inaf{y to any ana a{[ tFiat I might fiave missea to mention Fiere, I have not forgotten you ana1 never wife _-Xwr.IA __ Vatec£:- J.rlf1h __ ~LTrJ b ~iJ._-L£=.vqt.LU £A Xo{kata (Nuree Najat J'aruquee) NO (~DJlI)'rlnl I)JlR'rJ(~(JIARS iI. INTRODUCTION 1-3 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 4-23 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 24-35 4 RESULTS 36-38 5 DISCUSSION 39-42 6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 43-45 7 FUTURE SCOPE OF RESEARCH 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY I-XID APPENDIX I-IV (,IlJll'I1 SlJn.JEer ~(). 1. Purification of crude Immunoglobulin G of Jamunapari Goat serum by gel nItration chromatography on 8ephacryl 8-200. 1~J(JunE NO. SlID.JEC'r 1. SDS PAGE (10% gel) showing the crude JgG fraction along with protein molecular weight marker (Range 14.3- 97.4 kDa) (Coomassie Brilliant blue stain). 2. SDS PAGE (10%) showing the purified JgG fractions along with protein molecular weight marker (Range 14.3- 97.4 kDa) (Coomassie Brilliant blue stain). 3. Double Immunodiffusion Test showing the precipitin line of purified Immunoglobulin G with the hyperlmmune serum. 4. Western Blot analysis of purified JgG (OD gel filtration chromatography) of Jamunapari Goat.

bonafide research work carried out under my personal supervision and guidance Jtyurba era, Tayan cfa and a[[ otfter . serum. Nowadays, it is of interest to develop good method for River, east of New Dehli and not far from the famous Taj Mahal at. Agra. Metal Ion affmity chromatography.
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