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Preview Numerology the Complete Guide, Volume 2: Advanced Personality Analysis and Reading the Past

MATTHEW OLIVER GOODWIN NUMEROLOGY THE COMPLETE GUIDE | RON Dixon NUMEROLOGY The Complete Guide VOLUME TWO NUMEROLOGY The Complete Guide VOLUME TWO ADVANCED PERSONALITY ANALYSIS AND READING THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE H : Hi Matthew Oliver Goodwin NEWCASTLE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC: » NOIETH HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA © 18 TO ARLENE ACKNOWLEDGMEN | winnld Tike to acknowledge Uke many penple vcbo helped “Thanks— to the spenial friend (who peefers to remain anunyzuoust she first intraduced me to aumerctogy, to Naomi Weisman, whu shared her insights, to Diana Holliday, who eoatelbuted her unin lo Kelley Jenne. Younger, for helping to make this project fa realty and (or consulting on the hank, to Anne Brenden Monta fur her gacions special help, ‘ty Pain Cisneros, who typed so much of the mountain uf maniseripl. ty Judy Yerman, whore cuntributlon when needed was au noportant, to Macy, Lefpriger, who cuatributed the hask-crveor plu ‘ograph {aud the pasteles to help my ocoasionally taguiny. spirit). ‘Thanks to those whoce encouragement for my special project ar vo nwaningtal du Goodselo, Jean Beil, Miriam Miller. Harvey Yerman ltiet Brill, Susan Bell, Til) Brill, Holen Buill, Antonino Bruno, Leuure Goldman, Bernio Weiwan, Andrey Sim- mons, Neil Perlmutter, Boris Marks, Julian Hanberg, Genta Farber, And, of marge, thanks to Josh Gondwin for his support, to [Lisa Gondsrin for ber eaxouragement from around the world, to Adaen Chess for bis eonvera—and especially to Arlene Goodwin who wan always there to Histon, discuss and lend Towing eustenance. So Angeles, 1981 ; CONTENTS VOLUME 2 PART IV; CHARACTER DELINEATION— ADVANCED TECHNIQUES Introduction to advanced delineation 383 = CHAPTER 22° ADVANCED SYMBOLISM OF NUMBERS Al the types of potential energy avalible: the vontinuums 385 Atypleal continuum 385 ‘look at the Leontionum | 356 ‘Adivcumion of crane (3: as cusnens— ADVANCED SYMBOLISM 38T 385 «CHAPTER 53: ADVANCED ANALYSIS OF CHARACTERISTICS 289 How each chaructestatie fs derived 299 “The probability of each characteristic 81 How a characterstle is modified 392 ‘When a characteristic appears several times in the elements and modiflers 395 sa subjeut’s lif, i @ synthesis of the subject's progressed eycles for that particular time period Deffutiou: Buch progressed eyele describes the scquunce of probable Influences. events, ‘opportunities andlor desirable approaches foe growth during w sequence of specified tne periods 472 The time spans of the different progeessed cela $72 Our plan of study for progressed eveles 473 ‘Tow an individual responds to the tnfluences of the progrsned cycles 473 ‘Tho progrased eyeles derive from the birthdate ‘and hitthname 474 Progecsed chart 474 When do changes ooene im th abject’ Life? 470 Special care: Birthday on January 1 479 Special care: Birthday im the Fit half of Tanvary 480 Special case: Birthday on December SL_ 480 Special case: Birthday inthe last half uf Desemnber 481 Reginning a progressed chatt for Hal Allen 481 Preview af the suaceeding chapters in Part V 482 Hullsive progressed chart form 483 fnfluunecs ta & © CHAPTER 28: LONG TEEM CYCLES, PANT 1 ‘THE LIFE PATH PERIODS 45 Definition: The three Life Path Periods ip each eraou' Life desertbe the probable general influunces in the three phases of the Ie as aspects vf the Life Path dizotion 485, ‘The Fist ox Developmental Ferled 486 ‘Tho Sceond or Productivy Period 496 ‘The Thitd nr Integrative Period 488 Caleulation af the Periods. 488 Earaples of the Parind calculation 487 ‘Fime span of the Periods 487 ‘Hime span chavt of the Periods 488 “Transition between Periods 489 Example: Hal Allen's Period calculation 486 ‘Addlog the Period data to Hal Allen's progresosd chart 488 } i } Definition: ‘he Lmniversal Year is 2 medinm term ‘owe deserthing the general yeariy rend of svorld inflnences 319 Galealatlon of the Universal Year 590 ‘Time span aad teansitions uf the Cale sl Yen 5241 A disussion of the Lniversd Yosr on eran 16 ‘UIE PERSOKAT. WRAR!THHH UNISTESAT. FAR 520 Commentary on the Universal Your 521 Defiatiou: ‘The Personal Yeur desuzibes the yearly ‘uppronch la events likely to produce guovth and evelopment 321 Caleulutiou of the Personal Year 521 ‘Time spun and (sansitinns of the Possonat Your 522 ‘A dikcusion uf the Personal Year ou onaxT If “HE PEISONAL YEAR‘THE LOAVLUGAL YEAR 523 Comimentary on the Paramal Year 523 Definition: The Kpieyele is the vital eonrection Thotwoen the Jeag term ane medium tet cycles 524 Epieyelus aud Pesiods 524 Rpieyeles aad Finuacles 52 Epicyeles with Life Path I, 2, 11:8 and 3 324 Epieyeles with Life Path 4 and 22:4 505, Epieyeles with Life Path 5 through 9 S25, Commentary un the Hoicyele 525 ‘What iv faclused ia the delineation uf a Personal Your BS” ‘Adding the Persoaal Year and Univenel Year Lo Hal Allen's progressed chart 589 Hal Allen's Bezeoul Yeat delineations 591 CHAPTER 32: MEDIUM TERM CYCLES, PANT 2: THE IRANSITS, THE ESSHRCE Definition: The Transits and the Kssrce ave Tiediuin term evel davribiay, eveats or (he prubable trend af events 537 Calvulation of the Transits 587 Calvulation of the Kawmce 542 Tivo span of the Teansits and Esonce 542 ‘Truustions of the Transits and Eswace 543 Acdicussion of examr IT: rawissines S44 Commmantary on the Hssence S44 Acdieusson of cnanr 18: ak Teams 545 A alicnsnion uf the Pessonal Month ou carant 9 [THE pERGOnAL MONTEITH PHODNAL DAY SEZ Cantmentary 582 ‘The Universal Month 38 The monthiy epieyele 584 4 disenesiom of cuss SU Te Prec: 586 ‘What [s included fu the delineation af the Persanal Months 357 Example: Hal Allea's Personal Month calgolation 585 Hal Allen's Personal Month delineation 588 * CHAPTER 35 SHORT THKM CYCLES, PART 2: THEPERSONALDAY <——————585 Definition; ‘The Persona Duy desoribes the ‘approach lo events for « uiven day Waly to pouduve growth and develuproeat 505 Culeulaton af the Fervimal Day 585 ‘Tue span and Wansitions of the Personal Day Si A-dscussion of the Hersonal Day on cwarr If: TUL HENSONA), MONTHTINCRAGUNAL DAY SA Gommectary | 597 The Cnivensa! Day $97 The daily epleyele 508 ‘What is iueluder| in the dalincatioa of the Personal Day 58 Example: Hal Allen's Personal Day clculation 588) Tal Alles’ Personal Day delineation 599 + CHAPTER 36: ADVANCED PROGRESSED DELINEATION ANEXAMPLE 9. Acdlien\ with some questions 05 ‘The procedure te answer the client's quertians 08 Hope Hythe Lynch, « fictitious elient: calculation sheet, organization sheet und progressed chart O16 Hoye Exythe Lynch: The Penoual Mom calculation 607 Acuuplete step-by-step progresed deliteation oF our fletious client, Cope Edythe Lyuch | ty Discusion of Hope Fayihe Lynch's yuestlons 618 :

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