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1 Numerically Stable Evaluation of Moments of Random Gram Matrices with Applications Khalil Elkhalil, Student Member, IEEE, Abla Kammoun, Member, IEEE, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri, Member, IEEE, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—This paper is focuses on the computation of the Motivated by these facts, we provide a more stable method positivemomentsofone-sidecorrelatedrandomGrammatrices. to compute the positive moments of W without the need to Closed-formexpressionsforthemomentscanbeobtainedeasily, invert large Vandermonde matrices. The contributions of this but numerical evaluation thereof is prone to numerical stability, letter are summarized as follows: 7 especially in high-dimensional settings. This letter provides a 1 numerically stable method that efficiently computes the positive • We provide a numerically stable method to evaluate the 0 moments in closed-form. The developed expressions are more positive moments of W. 2 accurate and can lead to higher accuracy levels when fed to • Using Laguerre polynomials and based on the calculated moment based-approaches. As an application, we show how the n positive moments, we provide a numerically stable ap- obtained moments can be used to approximate the marginal a proximation of the marginal probability density function distribution of the eigenvalues of random Gram matrices. J (PDF) of the eigenvalues of W. 8 Index Terms—Gram matrices, one sided correlation, positive The remainder of this letter is organized as follows. In moments, Laguerre polynomials. ] Section II, we provide the main steps to efficiently compute T the positive moments of W. In Section III, we propose to I I. INTRODUCTION approximatethemarginalPDFbasedonthecomputedpositive . cs GRAM random matrices with one-sided correlation nat- moments and using Laguerre polynomials. In Section IV, we [ urally arise in the context of signal processing [1] present some numerical results to validate our method and and wireless communications [2,3]. For instance, in signal finally we conclude our work in Section V. 1 v processing, inverse moments of this kind of matrices are II. ANUMERICALLYSTABLEMETHODTOCOMPUTETHE 3 used to evaluate the performance of linear estimators such as 1 the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) and optimize the MOMENTSOFRANDOMGRAMMATRICES 0 designofsomecovariancematrixestimators[1,4].Inwireless A. Problem statement 02 communications,Gramrandommatricesariseasakeyelement Let H = Λ21X ∈ Cq×nt where Λ ∈ Cq×q is a positive . in the computation of the ergodic capacity of amplify and definitematrixwithdistincteigenvalues0<β1 <β2 <···< 1 forward (AF) multiple input multiple output (MIMO) dual- β and X a standard complex Gaussian matrix. Assume that 0 q hop systems [3]. n ≤ q. The marginal PDF of an unordered eigenvalue λ of 7 t 1 Given a random matrix H ∈ Cq×nt such that H = Λ12X, W=HHH is given by [3, Lemma 1] : whereXisastandardcomplexGaussianrandommatrixandΛ 1 v f (λ)= i isaHermitianpositivedefinitematrix,theauthorsin[3]derive λ n (cid:81)q (β −β ) X a closed form expression of the marginal probability density t i<j j i ar fmruesanutcrltitix,oanWlth(Po=uDgFhH)bHoeHfingafnovreuraynroburisdtereafrureyld,dineimvigoeelnvnsevisaolntuhseeniotnfvaentrhdseioqnG. orTafhmae ×(cid:88)l=q1k=q(cid:88)−qnt+1λnt+kΓ−q(−n1te−−λq/+βlβklq)−nt−1Dl,k, (1) where D = {D} is the (l,k)th cofactor of the Vander- large Vandermonde matrix and as such might not be always l,k l,k monde q×q matrix Ψ whose (m,n)th entry is numerically stable, especially in the following situations: • The dimensions q belongs to moderate to large values. {Ψ}m,n =βmn−1. (2) • The gap between the eigenvalues of Λ is small. Expressing the inverse of Ψ as Tosolvethisproblem,anexpressionoftheexactmarginalPDF 1 hasbeenproposedin[5]whensomeeigenvaluesareidentical. Ψ−1 = DT det(Ψ) However, the problem of numerical stability remains when 1 some eigenvalues of Λ are different but close to each other. = DT, (cid:81)q (β −β ) i<j j i Copyright (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. the PDF in (1) simplifies to However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending a request to pubs-permissionsieee.org. 1 (cid:88)q (cid:88)q λnt+k−q−1e−λ/βlβq−nt−1 K.Elkhalil,A.Kammoun,T.Y.Al-NaffouriandM.-S.Alouiniarewiththe fλ(λ)= n Γ(n −q+kl) Ψ−k,1l. Electrical Engineering Program, King Abdullah University of Science and t t Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia; e-mails: {khalil.elkhalil, abla.kammoun, l=1k=q−nt+1 (3) tareq.alnaffouri,slim.alouini}@kaust.edu.sa. 2 The cumulative density function (CDF) can thus be easily k ∈ 1,q and τ ∈ p+q−n ,p+q−1 , define α as t k,τ derived as (cid:74) (cid:75) (cid:74) (cid:75) q (cid:88) F (λ)= 1 (cid:88)q (cid:88)q βlk−1γ(nt−q+k,λ/βl)Ψ−1, αk,τ = Ψ−k,1lβlτ. λ n Γ(n −q+k) k,l l=1 t t l=1k=q−nt+1 (4) The basic idea is based on the observation that α (cid:44) τ where Γ(.) and γ(.,.) are respectively the standard Gamma [α ,··· ,α ]T is solution to the following linear system 1,τ q,τ and the lower incomplete Gamma functions. Ψα =β . (7) Knowing the marginal PDF, it is possible to compute the τ τ expected value of any functional g of the eigenvalues of W. where β = (cid:2)βτ,··· ,βτ(cid:3)T. If 0 ≤ τ ≤ q, then a straight- Indeed, we have τ 1 q forward solution to (7) is given by α =(cid:2)0T ,1,0T (cid:3)T. E[g(W)](cid:44) 1 (cid:88)nt g(λ (W)) From now on, we assume that τ >qτ. τ×1 q−τ×1 nt i Writing (7) in the following equivalent way i=1 (cid:90) ∞ q = g(λ)f (λ)dλ, (5) (cid:88) λ βτ = βlα , k =1,··· ,q 0 k k l,τ where {λ (W)}nt are the eigenvalues of W. Equation (5) l=1 is very usieful ini=p1ractice as it can be leveraged to compute we can easily see that {βi}qi=1 are roots of the following performance metrics of many wireless communication and polynomial: signal processing schemes. Examples include the ergodic q (cid:88) capacity,theSINRattheoutputoftheMMSEreceiverandthe P (X)= α Xk−1−Xτ. (8) k,τ MSEoftheBLUEestimatorwhichcorrespondrespectivelyto k=1 selecting g(x) as g(x) = log (x+σ2), g(x) = 1 where 2 x+σ2 Hence,thereexistsQ(X)apolynomialwithdegreeτ−q such σ2 is the noise variance and g(x)=x−1. that: When it comes to numerically compute E[g(W)], it is q (cid:89) easy to see that, when the eigenvalues {β } are very close P (X)=Q(X) (X−β ), (9) i i causing the matrix Ψ to be ill-conditioned, some numerical i=1 stability issues might occur. In this work, we show that for NotethatexactknowledgeofP(X)leadstothedetermination some functionals g, namely polynomials, it is possible to of the unknown coefficients α , since they are by construc- evaluate E[g(W)] in a stable way. This allows us, using k,τ tion among the coefficients of P(X). To fully characterize moment approximation techniques, to obtain a numerically P(X), we first observe that stable approximation of the marginal PDF. We believe that the same approximation method can also be extended to • the coefficients of P associated with exponents approximate E[g(W)] for any functional g of interest. Xq,Xq+1,··· ,Xτ−1 are all zero. • the coefficient associated with Xτ =−1. Let {a }q+1 be the coefficients of (cid:81)q (X−β ) (i.e, B. A Numerically stable method to compute positive moments (cid:81)q (Xi i−=1β ) = (cid:80)q+1a Xi−1), whii=c1h can bie ex- i=1 i i=1 i In this section, we propose a numerically stable technique actly obtained using the Newton-Girard algorithm [6]. Let to compute the positive moments of W. Let p ∈ N, the p-th {b }τ−q+1 be the coefficients of Q(X) so that: Q(X) = i i=1 moment of matrix W is given by (cid:80)τ−q+1b Xk−1. From the available information about the k=1 k µW(p)=E[λp] coefficients of P, we can show that {bk}τk=−1q+1 satisfy the following set of equations 1 = E tr[Wp] =(cid:90)nt∞λpfλ(λ)  aaqq++11bb12++aaqqbb23++······aa22qq++12−−ττbbττ−−qq++11 ==00 0 .. (10) = n1 (cid:88)q Γ(Γn(tn+−p+q+k−k)q)(cid:88)q Ψk−,1lβlp+k−1.  aq+1bτ−q+1 =−.1. t t k=q−nt+1 l=1 (6) whereweusetheconventionthataj =0ifj ≤0orj >q+1. The system of equation in (10) can be also expressed in the In many practical scenarios, numerical instability might orig- following matrix form: inate from the computation of the following quantity   q  b  0 (cid:88)Ψ−1βp+k−1, 1  0  k,l l  b2   .  l=1 Φ .. = .. , (11)  .    asΨisill-conditioned.Toovercomethisissue,weproposean  0  b alternative way that avoids computing the inverse of Ψ. For τ−q+1 −1 3 Table I: Positive moments evaluation of the Gram matrix W where Φ is the upper triangular matrix given by withΛasin(14)withξ =0.85.Bothsettingsareconsidered: aq+1 aq ··· ···a2q+1−τ config1 : nt = 3,q = 5 and config2 : nt = 3,q = 20 for  0 aq+1 aq ··· ···a2q+2−τ different moment order values, p. Φ= ... ... ... ... . (12) Formulain[3] Empirical(106 realizations) Proposed  ... ... ... aq  cccooonnnfififiggg12,,,ppp===151 -2.011..151750762e39+06 001...591560613331 001...591560613222 0 ··· 0 a 1 q+1 config ,p=5 7.7212e+03 4.7575 4.7562 2 config ,p=8 5.3799 5.4332 5.3989 1 Vector b = [b1,··· ,bτ−q+1]T can be thus determined by config2,p=8 5.4568e+04 37.3178 37.47 taking the inverse of matrix Φ as    0  III. MOMENT-BASEDAPPROACHFORDENSITY b1  0  APPROXIMATION  b2   .  In this section, we show that the knowledge of all positive  ... =Φ\ .. . (13) moments µW(k), k = 1,2,··· can be leveraged to approxi- bτ−q+1 −01 mate the PDF fλ. In general, retrieving a positive PDF from the knowledge of all its moments is known as the Stieltjes moment [7,8] problem. We say that a PDF is called M- From a numerical standpoint, this operation, involving inver- determinate if it can be uniquely determined by its moments. sion of an upper triangular matrix, can be solved in a stable A sufficient condition for a PDF to be M-determinate is given fashion using back-substitution algorithm and is, as such, by the Krein and the Lin conditions summarized below much more stable than the inversion of matrix Ψ required in the evaluation of (6). Once coefficients {b }τ−q+1 are Theorem 1. [8] Let f be a distribution defined in the real i i=1 obtained, {α } can be evaluated as 1 half-line (0,∞). If the following conditions are satisfied: k,τ 1) The Krein condition: τ−(cid:88)q+1 (cid:90) ∞ −logf(cid:0)λ2(cid:1) α = b a . j,τ k j+2−k dλ=∞ (15) 1+λ2 k=1 0 2) The Lin condition: f is differentiable and To validate our procedure, we compute the positive mo- mentsoftheGrammatrixWinthecasewherethecorrelation −λ∂f(λ) lim ∂λ =∞ (16) matrix Λ follows the following model [1] λ→∞ f(λ) Then, f is M-determinate. Λ=(1−ξ)diag(cid:0)1,ξ,ξ2,··· ,ξq−1(cid:1), 0≤ξ ≤1, (14) λ Proposition 1. The PDF in (3) is M-determinate. where the coefficient ξ indicates the forgetting factor. This Proof: See Appendix for a proof. kind of matrices arise in covariance matrix estimation and Nowthatweprovethatf isM-determinate,anapproxima- λ more precisely in exponentially weighted sample covariance tion of the marginal density, involving laguerre polynomials, matrix (more details can be found in [1], section III-B) . can be derived as [9]: Note that for moderate to large values of q, the eigenvalues of Λ given by (1−ξ),(1−ξ)ξ,··· ,(1−ξ)ξq−1 are very λνe−λ/c (cid:88)∞ f (λ)= δ L (ν,λ/c), (17) close to each other, which might cause singularity issues λ cν+1 i i i=0 when using the formula in (1). We consider two different configurations config and config corresponding respectively where c= µW(2)−µW(1)2, ν = µW(1) −1, 1 2 µW(1) c to (n = 3,q = 5) and (n = 3,q = 20). For both configturations, we evaluate thetmoments using (1) and the L (ν,λ)=(cid:88)i (−1)k Γ(ν+i+1)λi−k , (18) proposed method. We compare the obtained moments with i k!(i−k)!Γ(ν+i−k+1) k=0 the empirical ones evaluated over 106 realizations. is the Laguerre polynomial of order i in λ and parameter ν TheresultsaresummarizedinTableI.Asafirstobservation, and we notice that our method provides very close results to the empirical moments while the evaluation of the moments (cid:88)i (−1)k i! δ = µ (i−k). using (1) becomes totally inaccurate in configuration config i ci−k k!(i−k)!Γ(ν+i−k+1) W 2 k=0 associated with a higher q. This clearly demonstrates the (19) efficiency and the accuracy of our method in calculating the Truncating the series in (17) at order K yields the following positive moments. approximation for the marginal PDF λνe−λ/c (cid:88)K 1This can be seen by using the fact that P(X) = f (λ)= δ L (ν,λ/c). (20) (cid:80)qi=+11(cid:80)τk=−1q+1aibkXi+k−2. λ,K cν+1 i=0 i i 4 The CDF can thus be approximated as follows 1.2 nt=3,q=20andξ=0.85 Fλ,K(λ)=(cid:88)K δi(cid:88)i (−1)k γ(i+kν!(−i−k+k)1!,λ/c). (21) 1 EPPPPmrrrroooopppppioooorissssceeeeaddddl ((((KKKK====4325500)))) i=0 k=0 IV. SELECTEDNUMERICALRESULTS 0.8 In this section, we investigate the accuracy of the proposed PDFandCDFmoment-basedapproachapproximation.Tothis end, we compare them with their empirical counterparts and fλ()λ0.6 those evaluated using the results in [3]. 0.4 2 nt=3,q=5andξ=0.85 Empirical 0.2 Proposed (K=45) 1.8 Proposed (K=30) Proposed (K=20) Proposed (K=5) 1.6 Formula in [3] 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 λ 1.4 Figure 3: PDF of an unordered eigenvalue of W with n =3, 2 t 1.2 1.5 EFomrpmiruiclaa lin [3] q =20 and ξ =0.85. The plot for the exact formula provided in [3] is omitted due to singularity issues. fλ()λ 1 1 0.5 0.8 0 0 1 2 0.6 100 nt=3,q=20,ξ=0.85 Empirical 0.4 Proposed (K=45) Proposed (K=30) 10-1 Proposed (K=20) 0.2 Proposed (K=5) 0 10-2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 λ Figure 1: PDF of an unordered eigenvalue of W with nt =3, 10-3 100 q =5 and ξ =0.85. λ) F(λ10-4 10-5 100 nt=3,q=5,ξ=0.85 10-5 Empirical 0.2 0.4 0.6 Formula in [3] Proposed (K=45) 10-6 10-1 PPrrooppoosseedd ((KK==3200)) Proposed (K=5) 10-7 10-2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 λ 10-3 10-1 Figure4:CDFofanunorderedeigenvalueofW withnt =3, Fλ()λ q =20 and ξ =0.85. The plot for the exact formula provided 10-4 10-2 in [3] is omitted due to singularity issues. 10-5 0 0.05 0.1 10-6 our approximation becomes more accurate by increasing the truncation order K. As evidenced from Figures 1 and 2, a good approximation can be achieved starting from K = 30 10-7 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 λ for both PDF and CDF. Figure2:CDFofanunorderedeigenvalueofW withnt =3, InFigures3and4,weincreasethevalueofq toq =20.In q =5 and ξ =0.85. thiscase,theformulaprovidedin[3]presentsseverenumerical instability and thus could not be plotted in this case. On the In Figure 1, we assume that Λ follows the same model as other hand, our moment-based approach achieves a very good in (14) with ξ = 0.85, n = 3 and q = 5. We compare the approximation starting from K = 30. For K = 45, we can t accuracy of our approach with the corresponding empirical see that we have a perfect match with the empirical PDF and density and the formula provided in [3]. It can be noticed that CDF. 5 V. CONCLUSION Integrating the first term of the right-hand side term provides In this paper, we propose a numerically stable method infinity while integrating the second term results in a finite that efficiently compute the positive moments of one-side value. Thus, the integral diverges to infinity which fulfills the correlated Gram matrices. From a practical standpoint, these Krein condition. momentscanbeusedtoapproximatethemarginaldistribution and CDF of the eigenvalues of Large Gram random matrices Lin condition and thus constitute an efficient alternative to conventional Using the modified expression in (22), we have methods which become highly inaccurate in high dimensional q q (cid:34) settings. ∂f∂λλ(λ) =(cid:88) (cid:88) γk,l (nt+k−q−1)λnt+k−q−2e−λ/βl REFERENCES l=1k=q−nt+1 (cid:35) [1] K.Elkhalil,A.Kammoun,T.Y.AlNaffouri,andM.-S.Alouini,“Analyt- icalDerivationofTheInverseMomentsofOne-SidedCorrelatedGram −1/βlλnt+k−q−1e−λ/βl . MatriceswithApplications,”IEEETrans.onSignalProcessing,vol.64, no.10,pp.2624–2635,2016. (26) [2] G.Alfano,A.M.Tulino,A.Lozano,andS.Verdu,“CapacityofMIMO ChannelswithOne-sidedCorrelation,”ISSSTA,August2004. Then, [3] S. Jin, M. R. McKay, C. Zhong, and K. K. 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