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Ref. p. 3151 1 Introduction 1 Introduction 1. l Effect of the Coulomb field The main object of experiments in the field of b-decay is to obtain information about form factors. Form factors can be expressed in terms of matrix elements if it is assumed that the weak interaction causes the nucleons inside the nucleus to decay like free particles. Precise values for the above quantities, however, can be extracted only if all effects due to the electromagnetic interaction between the p-particles and the nucleus are properly taken into account. Of major importance is the distortion of the wave function of the emitted p-particle by the electrostatic Coulomb field of the nucleus. The most obvious effect of this distortion of the wave function is that it strongly affects the shape of all l-decay spectra and makes it necessary to introduce the so-called Fermi-function. To obtain the distortions of the wave functions, one has to solve the Dirac equation for an unbound electron in the field of a nucleus. For the exact solution of this problem one has to consider the finite size of the nucleus as well as the screen- ing of the nuclear electrostatic field by the orbital electrons. Such a solution can only be obtained numerically. I.2 Previous tabulations for P-decay There are a number of published tables of the Fermi-function and of electron radial wave functions along with the phase shifts. However, in most cases screening corrections were not considered or were applied only in an approximate way. The Fermi-function of a point nucleus without screening corrections is tabulated in the NBS-tables [I]. ROSE, PERRY and DISMUKE [Z] introduced a finite de Broglie wave length correction by including higher terms in the confluent hypergeometric function. These authors [2] give tables of Coulomb functions for allowed and forbidden p-transitions. DZHELEPOV and ZYRIANOVA [3] published tables for the Fermi-function, for the integrated Fermi-function, and for forbidden B-decay Coulomb functions which included corrections for finite size and for screening. These tables, however, were not obtained from an exact solution of the problem of a nucleus of finite size screened by orbital electrons but by adding corrections to the functions which were obtained for a point nucleus. Exact solutions of the Dirac equation for a nucleus with finite size but without screening were calculated by SLIV and VOLCHOK [4] and more extensively by BHALLA and ROSE [5]. The former tabulated Coulomb phase shifts and amplitudes. The latter tabulated Coulomb phase shifts and radial wave functions evaluated at the nuclear radius. It has been pointed out [6, 71 that the tables of BHAL~A and ROSE [5] are not entirely correct for positrons of higher momentum. Until recently it was difficult to treat the screening effect of the orbital electrons properly because the numerical integration of the Dirac equation is particularly complicated and lengthy for this case. ROSE [8] showed that for higher electron momenta, the calculation of screening corrections for the Fermi-function is simplnied by using the WKB method (see also ref. [9]). A compilation of the para- meters needed for the WKB screening correction, i.e., the potential at the nuclear radius caused by the orbital electrons, is given by GARRET and BHALLA [IO]. A certain discrepancy exists between the values given by these authors [ 101 and the values given by MATESE and JOHNSON [I I]. The first detailed calculations of screening corrections to the Fermi-function were carried out by REITZ [ 121 who numerically integrated the Dirac equation. These corrections have been used in the above mentioned tables of DZHELEPOV and ZYRIANOVA [3]. Several authors [I I, 13, 141 have noted that the corrections of Reita are not quite correct for higher values of the electron momentum. An exact numerical integration of the Dirac equation which takes into consideration the finite size of the nucleus as well as screening was carried out by B~HRING [Iii]. For several values of Z, his tables give certain combinations of the radial wave functions and phase shifts for allowed and first forbidden B-transitions. These are needed in the formulation of the /?-decay theory as discussed below. For a few values of Z, MATESE and JOHNSON [ 111 calculated Fermi-function screening corrections by integrating the Dirac equation numerically with a self-consistent atomic potential. These numerical values agree with the values given by B~~HRING [Iii]. Fermi-function screening corrections can also be obtained by solving the Klein-Gordon equation analytically using a HulthCn model for the atomic field [13]. This procedure was applied by EMAN [l5]. His screening corrections, given for several values of Z, are also in satisfactory agreement with the results of B~HRING [IG]. Behrensl JPnecke 1 1 Land&-BBmsteiNne, w SerieI/ 4 1 Einleitung [Lit. S. 315 1.3 The present tables for P-decay The following /?-decay tables represent a tabulation of certain combinations of the electron radial wave functions and phase shifts for the cases with and without screening. These combinations are needed for the formulation of the /?-decayt heory as given by BBHRING, STECH and SCH~LKE [ 17-e.211. In a recent book by SCHOPPER [22], this formulation is discussed in detail for allowed and forbidden p-transitions. The tabulated solutions of the Dirac equation including the finite size of the nucleus were obtained numerically, but otherwise exactly. For the calculation of unscreened and screened /?-decayf unctions, a uniform charge distribution potential was taken inside the nucleus. For the screened functions, Hartree-Fock potentials (for parent nuclei with 2 5 36) or Thomas-Fermi-Dirac potentials (for Z > 36) were used outside the nucleus. The functions without screening are tabulated for all values of Z, and over a wide range of electron momenta. The functions with screening are not given directly. Instead, ratios of the function with screening to the function without screening are listed. These ratios 17a re tabulated for all values of Z, but for a more limited number of electron momenta for which 11 - 7 1 2 0.02. These restrictions became necessary because of the computer time required to calculate the screened functions. The text (chapter 2) for the present tables (chapter 4) includes a compilation of the formulae relevant to the various measurable quantities in /?-decay and electron capture [17***22]. In addition to the tables, a graphical representation of the integrated Fermi-function as a function of the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons or positrons is included for several values of Z. I.4 Previous tabulations for electron capture For the case of electron capture, the electron radial wave functions of the bound orbital electrons at the nuclear radius are needed for theoretical calculations as well as for the analysis of experimental data. Nomograms for these functions and for the Fermi-function were first obtained by using hydrogen like Coulomb functions with screening constants according to SLATER [23,241. Alternatively, one may obtain the electron radial wave function by numerically integrating the Dirac equation for the Thomas-Fermi- Dirac atom [I21 or by employing the Hartree-Fock self-consistent field method [25]. A compilation of all previous calculations and nomograms is given by DZHELEPOV and ZYRIANOVA [3]. BRYSK and ROSE [21;1w ere the first to derive detailed graphical representations of the K and L shell electron radial wave functions at the nuclear radius which tookinto account both screening and finite size of the nucleus (see also ref. [24J). Extensive tables of functions needed for determining the probability of allowed and forbidden K and L capture were published by BAND et al. [27,28] for a large number of Z-values. The electron radial wave functions were obtained by integrating the Dirac equation with a uniform charge distribution potential inside the nucleus and with a Thomas-Fermi-Dirac potential outside the nucleus. Using the same potential, BREFJER, HARMER and HAY [29] calculated, for several values of Z, the Mshell electron radial wave functions at the nuclear radius. Electron capture ratios LI/K for the region 3 5 Z s 42 were calculated by WINTER [30] using analytical Hartree-Fock wave functions. His results agree with ours and those of BAND et al. [27,28] as well as with other new calculations [31] but are not in as good agreement with those of BRYSK and ROSE[ 26]. ODIOT and DAUDEL [32] showed that for the exact treatment of electron capture one has to take into consideration not only the radial wave function at the nuclear radius of the captured electron, but also the corrections due to an exchange interaction between this particular electron and the elec- trons in the other shells. There are cases where the latter effect changes the transition probability by almost 20%. BAHCALL [33] calculated such exchange corrections, and also corrections for imperfect atomic overlap, for a variety of Z-values. Recently VATAI [3dJ has pointed out, that these corrections may be not entirely correct. I.5 The present tables for electron capture The present tables for electron capture give the amplitudes and the values of the electron radial wave function at the nuclear radius for the K, L and M shell for all values of Z (L and M shell ex- cluded for the very light nuclei). These tabulated quantities were calculated by integrating the Dirac equation with the same potentials as were used for the p-decay functions, but modified to include exchange terms in the potential. As before, a brief compilation of all relevant formulae is given. The notation follows closely the one introduced by STECH, SCH~~LKE and B~~HRING for /?-decay[ 17-e-211. As in p-decay, only the amplitudes of the bound electron radial wave functions are needed and not 2 BehrenslJ Inecke Ref. p. 3151 2 Formulae for B-decay and electron capture the electron radial wave functions at the nuclear radius. Nevertheless, both quantities are listed in the present tables to facilitate the discussion and the comparison with other representations [26,35] and existing electron capture tables. Possibly both functions will be useful in connection with other applications. The exchange corrections given in chapter 2.5 were taken from BAHCALL [33]. 1.6 Recent reviews of P-decay and electron capture To close this introduction, we refer the reader to several recent reviews of B-decay and electron capture. Books by KONOPINSKI [36], WV and MOSZKOWSKI [37], PRESTON [38] and DE BENEDETTI [39] treat both topics as does the previously mentioned monograph by SCHOPPER [22]. Review articles have been written by KONOPINSKI and ROSE [40], WEIDENM~LLER [41], TOLHOEK [42], and BLIN STOYLE and NAIR [43]. For electron capture, the most detailed reviews are the articles of BRYSK and ROSE [26], BOUCHEZ and DEPOMMIER [35] and BERBNYI [Ml. A description of more special aspects of /I-decay is also given in a number of articles in ref. [45]. Arrangement, Acknowledgments, In chapter 2, a brief compilation of all the relevant formulae used in the treatment of p-decay and electron capture is given. In chapter 3, we explain the details of the computations and describe the tables presented in chapter 4. The references are listed in chapter 5. Sincere thanks are due to Professor H. SCHOPPER for initiating this work and for his continued interest. The authors are particularly grateful to Dr. W. B~~HRING for making available to them his com- puter programms which provided the starting point for our calculations, for numerous valuable dis- cussions, and for the careful reading of the manuscript. Furthermore, we are indebted to Dr. H. APPEL for constructive comments and for reading the manuscript. The close and excellent cooperation with the editors and the Springer-Verlag is greatly appreciated. 2 Formulae for P-decay and electron capture 2. I Classification of P-decays The various types of p-transitions are defined by the following selection rules: L = 0,l Z$* Zf = + 1 allowed transitions L=O,l nt*7Q=-l first non unique forbidden transitions L>l 3zg* 7cf = (- l)L Lth non unique forbidden transitions na- rcf = (- l)L-l (L - l)th unique forbidden transitions with L = A]= 1J -71. Here (J, nl) and (/‘, ax,) denote the spins and parities of the initial and final nuclear states, respectively. 2.2 General formulae for P-decay 2.2.1 Shapeso f beta spectra The number of /?-particles with momentum p in the interval between p and p + dp emitted per unit time is : We) dpe = &&W, Kl-C(~e,dpe, (1) where g = weak interaction coupling constant, pe = electron momentum in units of msc, We = vpm = total electron energy in units of rns~s, Ws = maximum value* of We, p,, = Ws - We = energy or momentum of the neutrino in units of msca or mat, respectively, 2 = atomic number of the daughter nucleus. * For O--decay the maximumk inetic energy W,--- 1 is equalt o the differenceo f the atomic massesf,o r B+-decay 2msca must be substracted from this difference in order to obtain IV,- 1. BehrensfJ lnecke 3 Ref. p. 3151 2 Formulae for B-decay and electron capture the electron radial wave functions at the nuclear radius. Nevertheless, both quantities are listed in the present tables to facilitate the discussion and the comparison with other representations [26,35] and existing electron capture tables. Possibly both functions will be useful in connection with other applications. The exchange corrections given in chapter 2.5 were taken from BAHCALL [33]. 1.6 Recent reviews of P-decay and electron capture To close this introduction, we refer the reader to several recent reviews of B-decay and electron capture. Books by KONOPINSKI [36], WV and MOSZKOWSKI [37], PRESTON [38] and DE BENEDETTI [39] treat both topics as does the previously mentioned monograph by SCHOPPER [22]. Review articles have been written by KONOPINSKI and ROSE [40], WEIDENM~LLER [41], TOLHOEK [42], and BLIN STOYLE and NAIR [43]. For electron capture, the most detailed reviews are the articles of BRYSK and ROSE [26], BOUCHEZ and DEPOMMIER [35] and BERBNYI [Ml. A description of more special aspects of /I-decay is also given in a number of articles in ref. [45]. Arrangement, Acknowledgments, In chapter 2, a brief compilation of all the relevant formulae used in the treatment of p-decay and electron capture is given. In chapter 3, we explain the details of the computations and describe the tables presented in chapter 4. The references are listed in chapter 5. Sincere thanks are due to Professor H. SCHOPPER for initiating this work and for his continued interest. The authors are particularly grateful to Dr. W. B~~HRING for making available to them his com- puter programms which provided the starting point for our calculations, for numerous valuable dis- cussions, and for the careful reading of the manuscript. Furthermore, we are indebted to Dr. H. APPEL for constructive comments and for reading the manuscript. The close and excellent cooperation with the editors and the Springer-Verlag is greatly appreciated. 2 Formulae for P-decay and electron capture 2. I Classification of P-decays The various types of p-transitions are defined by the following selection rules: L = 0,l Z$* Zf = + 1 allowed transitions L=O,l nt*7Q=-l first non unique forbidden transitions L>l 3zg* 7cf = (- l)L Lth non unique forbidden transitions na- rcf = (- l)L-l (L - l)th unique forbidden transitions with L = A]= 1J -71. Here (J, nl) and (/‘, ax,) denote the spins and parities of the initial and final nuclear states, respectively. 2.2 General formulae for P-decay 2.2.1 Shapeso f beta spectra The number of /?-particles with momentum p in the interval between p and p + dp emitted per unit time is : We) dpe = &&W, Kl-C(~e,dpe, (1) where g = weak interaction coupling constant, pe = electron momentum in units of msc, We = vpm = total electron energy in units of rns~s, Ws = maximum value* of We, p,, = Ws - We = energy or momentum of the neutrino in units of msca or mat, respectively, 2 = atomic number of the daughter nucleus. * For O--decay the maximumk inetic energy W,--- 1 is equalt o the differenceo f the atomic massesf,o r B+-decay 2msca must be substracted from this difference in order to obtain IV,- 1. BehrensfJ lnecke 3 2 Formeln fiir den /KZerfall und Elektronen-Einfang [Lit. S. 315 The Fermi-function F(Z, We)t akes into account the distortion of the electron wave function by the nuclear charge. It has the following form [22]: FV, KJ =FoLo, with F. = 4. (2~~R )--2(1--~d. (2) where y=clZ.E Yk. = VW, Pe CC= l/137.0388 (fine structure constant), R = nuclear radius in units of R = R/(m,c), and (3) This definition of L+ differs from the usual one (see footnote on p. 10 and 16). The quantities Qp, are the so-called Coulomb amplitudes, which must be calculated numerically. The spectrum shape factor C(We) of the allowed, (L-l)th unique forbidden and Lth non unique forbidden transitions has the following form [77, l&21,22] (c orrection terms are included) : L=AJ if A]>0 nt-nf = (-l)L or (-1)&-i. L=l if AJ=O ME(ke,kv) + mi(ke, b)- 2pp M~(ke,b)nlt(ke, b) i- e e k.tk,=Ltl (41 ME(ke,k,)-~M~(ke,kr)~~ (ke,kv) + ME+, (ke 9 kv) e e 2pko ?ko - ~ M.L+I (ke, kg) mL+l (ke, kv) + ke We + &,J,o M; (1,l) + $, (1,l) - %;= MO(V) ~10( 1A }, e with (5) A ko - we 2a-k,akaCOS(Ake-A-kc) -. cI> Pe at-k. + ai. (see footnote on p. lo), X=1 for j=l--$, k=IxI x=-(I+l) for j=l+*. Here j and I denote the total angular momentum and orbital angular momentum, respectively, of the emitted electron or neutrino. The quantity dk, is the Coulomb phase [16, 17, 211 which must be com- puted numerically. The quantities ML depend on the form factor coefficients and on the energy dependent functions Hse and Dze+l [21,22]. If we restrict ourselves to the leading terms [ 17, 78,221 we obtain the following expressions* : * In eqs. (8), (9), and (10) only the first three terms No, Nl, and IV2 of the neutrino wave function have been kept (PY W since the remaining terms are smaller by at least a factor - and therefore negligible. 30 BehrenslJinecke Ref. p. 3151 2 Formulae for p-decay and electron capture if ke+kv=L+l, L=AJ, n{nf= (-1)“: 1 ML(k,, kv) = K (PeR )ke-1 (pyR )kv-1 VF&~,~(H2n + 2L+1 N1D2n-1f -t 372 Hzn-2) -nfovF~~o (Dzn+1+ Nl H2n + Nz &z-l) - (8) X 2 AF$‘ll (ha+1 -NI H2n + NZ &n-l) + 2 n=O if k,+k,=L+2, L=AJ, w~~=(-l)~: M&,kJ =K(~eR)~~-~(pv Rlkv-l (2k,-jJ;21k,-l) x L+l O” x nzovF$$o( Hzn - Nl D2n-1+ N2 Hsn-2) -A;+ -L 2 AF$$ x v- n=O X (H2n + Nl &-I + NZ H~n-2>- (9) X [2(&----)(D2n-1+ N2 D2n-3) +2(k,- l>NlH2n-21- X x n2 =OVF ~~+l,I[(2ke--)(D2n+1+ and ML+l(ke,kv)= KS (PeR )ke-l (pyR )kv-l - 2 AFi'$l,~,1(H2n + n=O 1 + 2L+3 NDzn-1+NzHzn-2)- (10) X (%+I + Nl H2n + NZ Dzn-1) - x VF%,~+l,l (D2n+1--NH2n +N2D2n-1)+ +2f(L+1)(L+2) FAFFil >L +2I 1NlD2n+l , 2L+3 n=O 1 with (2k,-1)!!(2k,-l)!!(k,-l)!(k,.-l)!’ If zicznf= (-l)L-1, VFL~~in eqs. (8, 9), and (10) must be replaced by AFL~~a nd AFL~~b y VFhls. The formulae for rn~ (Ice,k v) are the same as for ML (ke, kv) except that Hse and D2@+m1 ust be re- Table 1. The coefficients Hz@, I&+1, hse and dse+l Pe= Ve&3a1Z1/(2R) y:= F-1 H2@ = D2e+l = 0 for Q < 0 H2@+1’= DQ = 0 for all Q Ho&) = 1 hovk) = 0 CPeR I2 Hz&) = - h2&$ = 0 2(2fk + 1) rtalZl*R h4 W = 4(2~,+1)(2~,+~~ VeR R Dl &I = ~ 4 (ke) = ___( 2ke+l 2ke+l 4Zl R6 RI2 DsW = - ii% R (Fe RI2 - d3(ke)=- 2(2ke + 1) (2ke + 3) ’ 2(2ke + 3) 2We + 1) (2ke + 3) No@,) = 1, Nl (kv) = -z!?R N2 (i&) = - (& R)2 2kb+l’ 2W + 1) Z is the atomic number of the daughter nucleus for /?-decay and of the parent nucleus for electron capture.The upper sign applies for B--decay and electron capture, the lower sign for ,8+-decay. In some cases (expecially for ke=kr=l) we have omitttd the indices k, and kv in the quantities HQ, Dse+l and A’@. BehrenslJ fnecke 5 2 Formeln fiir den /3-Zerfall und Elektronen-Einfang [Lit. S. 315 placed by hze and d~ ,+1, respectively. These functions can be computed with the help of recursion relations [ 17,211. Since in all practical cases only the first few functions are needed, we give these functions explicitly in table 1. The so-called form factor coefficients F&i contain all the relevant information about the nuclear structure. The form factor coefficients F$ are the only quantities which can be determined from a /?-decay experiment. If the usual assumption that the nucleons inside the nucleus decay like free nucleons is made, the form factor coefficients can be related to the ordinary nuclear matrix elements [19,20,22] as given in table 2. Table 2. Connection between form factor coefficients and reduced nuclear matrix elements, neglecting induced inter- actions (according to [ 18, 19,20,22]) Form factor Matrix element Selection rules coefficient in Cartesian notation Al 1 ni Zf 1 forbidden tTraynpeslptflo n VF&) CV$l 0 +1 - Allowed. AF(O1)0 1 rtCA$U O,l I +1 I o-o VFk\ CV 0 +1 - . VFbo:, cv iy 0 +1 - s AF&\ 031 +1 o-o VFi;; O,l +1 o-o Main correc- AF(O1)1 0 OJ +1 o-o teiodn stb ntos i-a llow- tions. AF’O1’2 1 031 +1 o-o VF$o,b 0, 1,2 $1 o-o; O-l; i-3 AFL;; 0,1,2 $1 o-o;o-1; 4-t VF$, -& 3 0, 132 +1 o-o; O-l; 2 s R2 a-4 AFg\ rGJr5 0 -1 - AFL;; FCA iy 0 -1 - s VF;od, -CvJa OS1 -1 o-o First non VFi;b cvp i; O,l -1 o-o unique for- s bidden. AF(O1)1 1 &CA OS1 -1 o-o AFit\ *c,f !A$ 0,122 -1 o-o;o-1; s +-I! AF&; AF$\ Main correc- VF$ VF$\ 3 (a*r)*r-+a*r2 VFf$ -cvp 0, 1 -1 o-o s R2 6 BehrensIJinecke Ref. p. 3151 2 Formulae for ;B-decaya nd electron capture Table 2 (continued) Form factor Matrix element Selection rules Type of coefficient in Cartesian notation forbidden transition AF$ &CAfipy($)2 0: Y o-o Maincorrec- AF$ *cAy+q$-) 0, 1,2 -1 O-O;O-1; tionstofirst non unique &-9 forbidden AFi;L f CA 2 75%R I5 0,1,2 -1 0-O; O- 1; transitions. V-J a-, (cont.) VFi;; -cy- v3 Y53i3 T- $5 0, 1,2 -1 ,o-yhl; s VF& cvpyYTJ~~~;-~L O,l,...L (-1)-c J+/‘< L k-F(O) -&f~~iL-~~;t~ 0, l,... L (-l)L J+J’< L L, L-l, 1 AF(O) LLl =&y(2LL:1)!’ gTx o,l,,**L 6 w J+/‘< L Lth non i=+’ Til...ir. unique for- -- bidden. s AF(O) L+l,L,l ic*~&Fx o,l, . . . . L+l (-1)L J+J’<L+l iL Bil..*gL+l X -- s RL *cA$L ii% 0,1,2 -1 0-O;O-1; Firstunique s R t-4 forbidden. I I AF(O) 1 (2~-~)II i‘-‘Bil.*.ir. 0, l,...L (- l)L--l J+J’<L (L-11th L,L -1,l *CALI 1/ (L-l)1 s RL--1 unique for- bidden. 0 1 2 R~5=r~r5-y3~5r2 Ai5=air5+a5ri---&5(eL*r) Bt5= cqr5+ o5r~--~&5(a*r) Tsj=(cr Xr)irj+ (aXr)jri. The upper sign applies for p--decay and electron capture, the lower sign for p+-decay. FU is obtained from the matrix elements associated with F(& by multiplying the expression under the integral by (r/R) sn. All matrix elements have been expressed as real quantities, thus i’s appear in several of our terms. Usually j 1 is d enoted as the Fermi-matrix element MF and ju as the Gamow-Teller matrix element MGT. 2.2.2. Electron polarization The longitudinal polarization P of the electrons emitted in/&decay for allowed, Lth nonunique forbidden and (L- l)th unique forbidden transitions is 1 Ake3 ’k[@e (k!, b) - dk (ke, b)l + p=T~*c(w,, kFk i k.+h=i+l (11) + kFk f&&[~;(ke, h') + M;+,(ke, b')] + dAJ,OAl[M;(l, 1) -@i(l, I)] ke+kv=i+Z (upper sign for /3--, lower sign for p+-decay). The quantities used in this formula have been defined in subsection 2.2.1. Behrensl JPnecke 7 2 Formeln fiir den /?-Zerfall und Elektronen-Einfang [Lit. S. 315 2.2.3 p-y directional and circular polarization correlation For the spin sequenceJ <J’$J”, the correlation between the p-particle and the y-rays emitted subsequently has the form 1 2 B(m)* A,(y) Pm( cos0 ) - rnc&B(m) . A, (7) P,,, (cos0 ) . (12) 0(w,5 Q = LO’C(W,) me”en 1 1 Here, 8 is the angle between p-particle and y-quantum. The P, (cos 0) are the Legendre polynomials. The quantity t, which determines the sign of the circular polarization of the y quantum, is equal to f 1. If only the directional correlation is observed, the terms with odd m in eq. (12) must be omitted. The coefficients B(m) are defined by [22] B(m)= 2 l$,,, TLLt (m,J , J? . (13) LSL’ The indices L, L’ and m in eq. (13) must satisfy the following relations: j/-J’1 IL,L’gJ+J’, IL-L’1 smsmin(2J’,L+L’). The functions @, called the particle parameters *, contain all the information about the p-transition. The general expressions for these parameters are given by SCHOPPER [22]. For the special cases of the allowed and first forbidden decays, explicit expressions will be given in section 2.3. For the I’LL* (m, J, J’), we have the relation** TLL’ (m,J ,J’) = (-l)J’- J . W(J’J’ LL’, mJ>. I-. (14) Here, Wis a Racah coefficient. The I’LL* (m, J,J’) are tabulated by APPEL in the New Series of Landolt- Bornstein [&I. The A,,,(y), which contain all the information about the y-transition, have the form Am (y) = & Fm W’J”J’) * 6~ - 6x, w with F~(11’J”J’)=(-l)J’-J”-l.~(2J’+1)(2jZ+1)(2~’+1)C(IA’m; l-l)W(J’J’U’; my’). C is a Clebsch-Gordon coefficient. The F-coefficients needed in the theory of y--y-correlations are (apart from many other tabulations) tabulated extensively by APPEL in the New Series of Landolt- Bornstein [46]. The dAa re reduced matrix elements (usual notaiton, see [46]) for the 2”-pole y-transi- tion and are normalized according to 2 s”, = 1. The sum in eq. (12) runs from 0 to min(2J’, ;Z + A’). For practical applications, however, we have m 5 2 in the case of allowed and tfl 5 4 for first forbidden transitions, since the terms with larger values of L and L’ are neglegible. 2.2.4 Electron emission from oriented nuclei For the distribution of the emitted electrons from oriented nuclei 1221, one has the correlation function 0 (W,, 0) = m $h) Gn (1) p, (COS e), w C(K)*Lo n which corresponds to eq. (12). The main difference is that the coefficients Am(y) must be replaced by the parameters G,,(J). Here, 0 is the angle between the axis of orientation and the direction of the * The shapef actor can be expressedi n terms of the particle parametersi n the following way: C( We) = L;’ 2 (- l)L (2 L + 1)-1/2@2. L ** Between the I’LL* (m, J, /3 as defined in the text and the I’ LL’ (m, J, ]I, /‘3 as defined by SCHOPPER1 221,w e have the relation ILL, (q/J, ‘/‘3 = Am (y) * FLY,,( q/J). 8 Behrens/JZnecke Ref. p. 3151 2 Formulae for p-decay and electron capture emitted p-rays. The quantity g(n) is defined by (17) This corresponds essentially to eq. (13), but the spins J and J’ in the ~LLC( n, J, J’) coefficient must be interchanged. The Gm( j) are special cases of statistical tensors introduced by FANO [47]: Gn(J) = 2 (-l)J-m*C(JJn; m-m)*a,. (18) C is again a Clebsch-Gordon coeffici:t. The a, are the relative populations of the initial magnetic substates. They are normalized such that Cam=l. 112 For the first four terms of G,(J), one has 1 Goc.n= pJ+ 1]1/2 GlU >= p -Cma,, (19) vu+ 1)( 2-l + 1Y2 m 3*1/5 3 m2h---QJU+ 111 [ Gz(J)=- UC/ + 1) (2-I + 3) PI+ 1) (2J-- w2 ’ 1 5.v; m3am-*(3J2+3J-l)Cma, 1 (J>= G3 [J(J + 1) (2-I+ 3) PI+ 1) PJ- 1) u-;, (I+ 2)11'2' The orientation parametersf, m which are usually used and the parameters Gm( J) are related by [48] (20) 2.3 Special formulae for allowed, first forbidden, Lth non unique forbidden, and (L-l)th unique forbidden p-decays 2.3.1 Particle parameters For allowed and first forbidden transitions, the particle parameters @,,t have the form shown in table 3 (according to B~HRING [77,22]). Table 3. Particle parameters $2, for allowed and hrst forbidden decays bg& = M$(l, 1) + mg(l, 1)-2p1y1~Mo(l, l)mo(l, 1) e b:o1’/L,, =-p{M:(l, 1) + m:(l, l)--2/nyl+-/W, l>m(L 1) + Mt(L2) - -2~lyl~Ml(1,2)m1(1,2)+lz[Mf(2, l)--payz~M1(2,1)tn1(2,1)1} @/Lo = lT{M;(1,2) --ply1 $-M2(1,2)ma(‘,2) + &[M;(2,1) - e - p2 y2&42W72 WI) b~~/L,-=, f (2 & h[Mo (1,l) MI (1,l) - mo( 1,l) ml (1, l)] - W} - 2 112 [y12 MO (1,l) Ml (%I> - 612 & (M1(2,1> mo (1, 1) + MO (1, 1) m (2, BehrenslJ Hnecke 9

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